Medical Office Procedure

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VPAA 1-09/22-02

Republic of the Philippines

Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs
Tiwi, Barotac Nuevo, Iloilo
5007 Philippines
Contact No.: (+63)919-990-9635
Website: email: [email protected]

COLLEGE: College of Management


Date Revised/ Enhanced: September 2022

I. Course Number: Elec. 11
II. Descriptive Title: Medical Office Procedure
III. Credit: 3
IV. Prerequisite: Advanced Shorthand and Office Administration Internship
V. Course Description: The course are designed to prepare students who desire to pursue a career in a medical office or hospital. Students will
learn the duties of a medical office specialist/assistant. Topics to be covered through the course include: medical terminology, medical
records, insurance ethics, human relations, and billing procedures.
VI. Mandate/Vision/Mission/Core Values/ Quality Policy Statement/Goals/Objectives

A. Mandate
The Iloilo State College of Fisheries provides professional, vocational, technological and advanced studies in fisheries, agriculture,
maritime transportation, education, entrepreneurship and science and technology, and promote research, extension and production in
these areas.

B. Vision
A premiere academic institution in Southeast Asia

C. Mission
To upgrade quality education, generate jobs and alleviate through excellent academic programs.

D. Core Values
Fortitude, Integrity, Scholarship, Humanity, Excellence, Service

E. Quality Policy Statement:

The Iloilo State College of Fisheries is committed to provide advanced education, higher technological, professional instruction
and trainings relevant to Regional and National development by satisfying the applicable statutory and regulatory requirements. It shall
undertake research, extension and production services in support of the development of the Province of Iloilo and of the country in
general and provide progressive leadership in all areas of specialization.
The management shall ensure continuous improvement and customer satisfaction through compliance and maintenance of its
quality management system.

F. Goals
1. Quality Instruction
2. Relevance and responsiveness
3. Access and equity
4. Human resource development
5. Linkages and infrastructure

G. Institutional Objectives

1. Produce quality graduates who will contribute to the advancement of their chosen field.
2. Conduct viable researches, develop and disseminate technologies, and provide technical assistance to the community for
increased production.
3. Offer courses that are responsive to the needs of the community and industries for national development.
4. Promote self-employment and entrepreneurship.
5. Strengthen opportunities for student scholarships and access to quality education.
6. Promote faculty and staff development.
7. Strengthen and develop linkages with other agencies or institutions to achieve both in the national and international levels.
8. Improve facilities and structures that will efficiently and effectively carry out quality instruction, research and development,

extension, and production.
VII. Program Goals of College of Management
To produce competent graduates who are imbued with positive values and rich ideas of Filipino life a culture that are responsive to a sound
educational technology that could help hasten the social, economic, ecological development of the nation especially Western Visayas.

VIII. Program Educational Objectives:

IX. Program Educational Objectives:
The programs aim to prepare the graduates to qualify for a career in office administration specifically in various general and specialized
administrative support, supervisory, and managerial positions. It also aims to acquire the competences, skills, and knowledge, and work
values necessary for self-employment.

X. Program Outcomes of Bachelor of Science in Office Administration Program (PO):

Based on CHED Memo No. 19 Series of 2017 on Policies, Standards and Guidelines for (Program) Curriculum. At the end of the
course, the students should able to:

A. Provide general administrative and clerical support to high - level executives guided by the good of Ethics for Office
B. Coordinate office management activities
C. Manage office communications.
D. Organize files, information, and office supplies effectively’
E. Exhibit acceptable human relations skills in a diverse environment.
F. Engage in lifelong learning to keep abreast of the development in the international employment market.
XI. Course Outcomes (CO):
At the end of the semester, the students should able to:
1. Acquire skills in encoding, taking down dictation, and transcribing medical papers/materials containing medical terms in
proper format.
2. Possess mastery of medical vocabulary and terminology.

XII. Course Mapping:


CO 1 PO A / PO B/ PO C/ PO D/ PO E

XIII. Course Design:

At the end of the Unit 1. The

unit, students Administrative
should be able to: Assistant

Describe the task CO 1 1.Tasks, Skills Brainstormin Brainstorming for an Handout/Module R, 1 Week 1-3
s and skills and Personal g Interview.
required of an Attributes Imagine that you
administrative a. have an opportunity Books R, 2 9 hours
medical assistant Administrative to interview a
Medical number of
Assisting Skills administrative R, 3
CO 1 medical assistant
List three personal 2. Employment Library about their jobs. Laptop
attributes essential Opportunities Research What information
for administrative would you like to
medical assistant learn from them?
With a partner, Mobile Phone
brainstorm a lists of
questions to ask,
the medical
assistants. Divide
your questions
about tasks, skills,
and personal
attributes. Be

prepared to discuss
your findings in
Describe the CO 1 3.Work Ethics Brain
employee and storming
opportunities in Professionalism Medical Specialists:
various medical Match the terms for
settings and the medical
specialties. specialists to their
definitions on
working paper. Be
CO 1 prepared to discuss
Lists three 4.Certification Library work yours answers in
advantages of and Affiliation or Virtual class
professional Trip
affiliation and Using the Internet,
certification research the website
of the AAMA, AMT,
Write down the
student membership
CO2 requirements of
Define five of the 5.Professional each and the
positive work Image Role Play advantages of
attributes that belonging to each.
make up the work
ethics of an Using your Critical
administrative Thinking Skill, play
medical assistant the role of an
assistant as you
answer the

1.What qualities
project a personal
image in an

At the end of the Unit2. Medical

unit the student Ethics, Law and
should be able to: Compliance

Define medical ethics Virtual Trip Using the Internet, Handout/Module R, 1 Week 4 – 6
ethics, bioethics, CO 1 research the
and etiquette location of articles Books 9 hours
on two different bio-
ethical issues of
interest to you. Laptop
Read two articles on R, 2
an issue. Be
prepared to Mobile Phone
contribute the
results of your
reading in class.
State three CO 2 Library
functions of 2.Medical Law Research This activity
medical practice contains statements
acts that refer to the R3
Discuss the legal CO 1 3.Medical physician’s and
responsibilities of Liability and Medical Law. Mark it
a physicians. Communication statement with
either ”T” for true

“F” for False. Be
prepared to share
CO 1 Brainstormin your answers in
State the purpose 4.Medical g class.
of a medical Compliance
compliance plan Plans and In a dispute
and three ways Safeguard between a patient
the assistant can against and a doctor, both
help the practice parties have agreed
be compliant. to an alternative to
trial. What happens
in an arbitration?
What advantages
CO 1 may arbitration have
List the safeguard 5.Litigation Paper and over a court trial?
against litigation. Pencil Test
What are the
aspects of an
medical assistant’s
behavior and
attention to
procedure that help
the practice avoid

At the end of Unit 3.

the unit the Computer
student should Usage in the
be able to: Medical Office

List five key areas CO 1 1.Computer Library Using Internet, Handout/Module R, 1

in which computer Usage Research research the 8-9
are used in the features of email
medical office. service. For Books R, 2 6 hours
example, the service
may offer Send to,
Copy To, Blind Copy
To, Address Book,
and attachment. Be Laptop
prepared to discuss
your findings in
Compare the CO 2 2.Hardware Question and class.
major categories and Software Mobile Phone R, 3
of computer and QUIZ
describe four
major computer
3. Computer
Discuss issues of CO 1 Security and
patient Patient Using your critical
confidentiality and Confidentiality thinking skills, play a
computer security. role

At the end of the Unit 4.
unit the student Telephone Week 11-12
should be able to: Procedures and
Describe the CO 1 Lecture- Essay Examination Module/Hand out R, 1 6 hours
telephone skills 1.Telephone Discussion
that an Skills with Audio- LAPTOP
administrative Visual R, 2
medical assistant Presentation Power Point

should have to Presentation
properly handle
incoming calls. Books R, 3


CO1 Role Play With a partner, role

Discuss the play a scenario in Laptop
importance of 2.Outgoing Calla which a patient calls
planning outgoing the medical office to
calls and the Brainstormin report that he or Internet
procedure for g she is experiencing Connectivity
making them chest pain. you can
CO 1 review procedure in Module or
Explain the various order to Handout
ways an demonstrate how to
administrative handle this Whiteboard
medical assistant emergency
follows through on
CO 1
Discuss the method Virtual Trip Using the internet,
of scheduling 3.Appointment telephone etiquette
appointments and Schedule and ways to handle
the guidelines for difficult callers. Then
determining in write a summary of
what order patients one of the most
should be seen by helpful articles you
the physician. read, describing
what you learned
print the articles to

share you in the
CO 1 class.
Discuss the types Demonstrati
of appointments 4.Out of office on Your doctor
that maybe Appointment schedule is full for
scheduled out of today, and you have
the office and the and you have been
patient information told not to schedule
any other patients.
Demonstrate how
you would handle
the following caller.
The patients state
that she is sick with
a cough and
congestion. She
insists that she
needs to be seen

At the end of the Unit 5. Records

unit the student Management
should be able to:

Discuss the Week 13-15

importance of CO 1 1.Filling Case Study Review the case Laptop R, 1
maintaining Equipment and study in the
accurate medical Supply beginning of the Books
records chapter and answer 12 hours
the following Whiteboard
List the steps in CO 2 2. Steps in Filing 1.What security Whiteboard Pen R, 2

filing a document measures might be
use to protect
patients files?
2. Make a diagram
of an office supply
cabinet, indicating R, 3
how you would label
and store items for
maximum efficiency.
Try to use several of
the inventory

CO2 3.Filing System Brainstormin Using the class list,

Compared and g develop a numeric
describe the filing system and a
alphabetic, subject, master list to a
and numeric filing specific person.
system and its Then set up an
advantages and dis alphabetic filing
advantages. system based on
student last names.
Discuss with your
classmates which
system is most
useful in an
educational setting
and why?

CO2 4.Retention of Research the laws in

Discuss the Records Virtual Field Retention of the
purpose of Trip medical records.
retention plan Compare the laws to
the two states
nearest your
location. Determine
which state/country
has better laws,
explaining your
response. What
guidelines for record
Unit 6. Written retention would you
Communication recommend for
At the end of the medical practice in
unit the student your place or
should be able to: CO1 1.Nature and country.
importance of
State the written Week 16-17
importance of good Communication Critical Thinking:
written 6 hours
communication You have been
skills to the CO2 2.Composing Brainstormin asked to mail a
administrative Business g letter to a patient,
medical assistant Correspondence withdrawing the
services of the
Compose written practice. What type
communication of mail service
applying correct CO2 3.Preparing would you use and
letter formatting Professional Experiential why?
and letter styles. Reports strategy
Prepare a 10
Prepare a CO1 business envelope
professional report using USPS

guidelines for
Describe envelope. Include
techniques for the following
proof reading and information:
editing. Return Address:
Dr. Angelo
Way, Suite 2,
Rockland, NJ 09676

Mailing Address:
ABC Insurance, 987
Hill Street,
CO 1 4.Preparing Marrakesh, CA
Incoming Mail 01234
and Outgoing
Mail Attention:
Susan Jones, Claims
List procedures for Department
opening and
sorting mail Virtual Field
Describe mail Special Instructions:
classification Certified Mail

Use the
Medical Assistant
and other websites
related to effective
writing. Prepare an
oral presentation

about one of the
following topic:
1. The parts of the
business letter and
why its part is
2.Techniques for
becoming an
effective writer
3.Tools for editing
and proof reading
4. The process of
preparing an
envelope and
At the end of the Unit 7. Patient Role Play in Groups
unit the student Medical Records of three students. Week 18
should be able to: One students should
be the patient, one 3 hours
List the 1.The medical Role Playing is the medical
components that records assistant, and one is
make up medical observer. Role play
records and discuss the scenario in
their importance to which the patient
the practice, request to have her
including their role medical records
as legal released to another
documents. 2.The SOAP physicians. The
Medical Record process of the
Describe the keeping and the release of her
components of the POMR Format medical records.
SOAP format-the The observer should
most common speak but should

format used for observe and take
recording medical notes of the
information about scenario as acted
patients. out by the other two
students. The
Identify the three observer should
parts of the compare the
problem-oriented scenario to the
medical steps provided in
record(POMR) the text for the
format. release of records.
Note what is done
well and what needs

3.Transcription Virtual Field

Transcribe medical Guidelines Trip
data dictated by a
physician, while Go Online and look
applying guidelines up the Medical
for punctuation, Transcriptions Bill of
capitalization, and Rights for discussion
the use of standard in class.
numbers and
Describe the Retention,
preservation of Ownership, and
Medical Records Quality

Expatriate who
owns a patient’s
medical records
This syllabus is flexible and may include topics and activities deemed necessary by the faculty.
1. At the end of the module, students should answer the various case situations that are close adaptation of actual office problems and issues.
2. Fieldtrip to different hospital both private and public, if possible and finances warrant.

XV. Grading System: Students’ performance will be graded on the basis of the following:

Lecture Courses/Subjects

Midterm/Final Examination 40%

Quizzes/Activities/Worksheets/Tasks 30%
Outputs/Projects 20%
Oral Participation/Oral Presentation 10%

Final Grade = Midterm Grade + Tentative Final Grade


 Other Course Requirements:

Midterm and Final Examination

Written/Oral Reports/Actiivty
Journal for Key Terms/Vocabulary
Portfolio - :Library Research or Cases Situation

 Classroom Policies
 After 15 minutes you are late please do not enter the room anymore because you can disturb the momentous of lively

XVI. References:
1. Becklin, Karonne J.(2006). Medical Office Procedures; 6 th Edition; Mc Graw Hill Companies, Inc. 1221 Avenue of America, New York.
2. San Luis, Rosemarie. Worktext in Specialized Legal, Medical, & Technical Office Procedure
3. Pasewark, William R.(1985) Procedures for the Modern Office; 7 th Edition; South Western Publishing Co. Cincinnati,Ohio.
4. Alegre, Lilia et al.(2005). The Administrative Professionals in the Global Office. Booklore Publishing Corporation, Sta. Cruz, Manila.

XVII. Suggested Readings:

1. De Vera, Nimfa.(2006) Legal Office Procedures. C.M. Recto Avenue, Manila Phlippines. Conanan Bookstore

Prepared by:

________NANCY P. NIELES, MBM____________


Reviewed by:

Curriculum Committee (area of specialization)

Approved by:

____________PIA P. PAZ___________
Dean, College of Management


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