World System Theory Wrote by Wallenstein

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World system theory wrote by Wallenstein ,2021.

He believed and described world is divided into

three categories which are ,peripheral countries ,semi peripheral country and core country
.According to Wallenstein the core countries are more developed compared to semi peripheral and
peripheral . The core countries exploit the peripheral and semi countries. Most of the African
countries are peripheral and semi peripheral countries ,he said this countries have peasant
economy ,they depend on the core countries and also they are undemocratic , but now the world is
changing this makes Africa still have a room for development despite many factors of the world
system theory ,and the following are the factors which make Africa still having a room for
development :



According to Hyden,2003. The modern ways of production or method of production makes the
whole process of productive easier. Example of modern ways of production in agriculture are
indoor vertical farming ,automation and robotic ,livestock technology ,modern greenhouse
practice ,precision agriculture and artificial intelligence and also the general ways of reducing
wastes ,reduce the amount of materials ,capacity and manpower wasted in production .If at all this
ways are used effectively, Africa will have a very developed continent .


According to Marx, 1967.Productive forces are union of human labour and means of labour.
Productive force include body and brain ,tool and machine ,mean of transportation, material,
resource and equipment .so in order to develop we need to improve the productive force in term
of labour ,mean of transport and others .for example Africa now days is improving every day in
terms of means of production this can be revealed due to the increases in number of industries this
shows that we have high technology which can help us to produce quality and more product which
qualifies in the international market this make African countries to become more developed as life
goes on, and not to decline in development as how the statement suggest.


Since we allow investment, we still have a room for development. Having large number of
investors is one of the factors for economic development as it provides employment, increase the
government income finally stimulate the growth domestic product (GPD) of the individual citizen
and a country in general. According to Cramer, sender, Oqubay, 2020.Goverment should promote
a high investment ratio as an argent priority. Stimulating sustained high investment to gross
domestic product (GPD) ratio is a fundamental to prospects for rapid and lasting growth and
structural change. Example in Africa we have a lot of investor so we expect development.


Development can be improved due to improvement of infrastructure and transport facilities.

According to Farde, 2011.He explained about local and market size matter. The survey result who
clearly that the investment climate inside the zone specifically, infrastructure and trade facilitation
is linked to program outcome. The data shows a strong correlation between infrastructure quality
and level of investment, export and employment in zone. Trade facilitation show a similarly strong
positive relationship with outcome. On the other hand, factor related to business licensing and
regulation in the zone. Obvious if we come back to our Africa, we have modern infrastructure
compare to those of old days and also good transport facilities this make external and internal trade
easier thus leading us to development.


For a country to develop one of the important aspects is , her people should be thirst of
development this will make the people of that country to have willingness toward development of
their country .According to Lao ,2011.In research and development involvement of the people
,customer focus, development of core competencies , and establishment of collaborative .This
desire generates action tendencies in individuals towards satisfying the desire .This can be easily
noticed to African people most of them have a desire to make change for their country ,for example

upon we did not have fly overs but now we have them this reveals that African countries are willing
to make change not to doom where it is in the national development .


One of the indicator of developing country is high number of educated people .During this era
most of African country have large number of educated people .According to Majgaard,
Mingaat,2012 .They said higher education in Africa has grown since 1990’s .Many African people
have understood the importance of education in the development of their country, so people study
in various course which may give output in developing their country .Because now in Africa
education provision is high from primary ,secondary to higher education level this leads to many
professionals in industries with high technology, so it leads to the development our countries.

Therefore, the statement which says that “African has no room for development and thus it is
doomed to end where it is now in terms of development “it is not true, so African still has a room
for development with evidence from the above explained points. Even though there are many
factors which slows down African struggling toward development some of this challenge are
;exploitation ,corruption ,conflict as well as competition in global market and global power .In a
nutshell African should initiate strategies so as to take into account this categories os as to develop
our countries and continent at large some of this categories are ;creation of zonal economic
integrations which help themselves in borrowing and lending money and initiating different project
some of these zonal integrations are AU,ECOWAS,SADCC,COMESA as well as EAC. Also unity
among member state which could help them to fight against any enemies that need to slow our


Cramer, C., Sender, J., Oqubay, A, 2020.African economic development.

Farde, T, 2011.Special economic zones in Africa.(snippet view)

Majgaard, K., Mingaat, A, 2012.Education in sub-Saharan Africa.

Rao, K. R, 2011.Service marketing. (Pearson Education India)

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