Participant V2.2 Change Management Guide

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Participant V2.

2 Change Management Guide

V2.2 Change Management Guide

Interoperable Digital Transaction
Platform (IDTP)

September 23, 2021

House #32, Road #7,

Dhanmondi, Dhaka – 1205

On behalf of Consultant JV

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Participant V2.2 Change Management Guide

Document Change History

Version Date Modifications Author

1.0 Sept 23, 2021 Initial Version Orion Informatics Ltd

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INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................................................... 4
Key Modifications ................................................................................................................................................ 4
New Features/Functionality/APIs/Request or Response Message Added ................................ 4
Features/Functionality/APIs/Request or Response Message Modified ..................................... 4
Bug Fixes ................................................................................................................................................................. 5
Configuration Examples .................................................................................................................................... 5
Known Issues ......................................................................................................................................................... 5
Appendix ................................................................................................................................................................. 6

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Thank you for choosing Interoperable Digital Transaction Platform (IDTP).

The following list outlines the five main sections of this document. Each section
contains important information about the Interoperable Digital Transaction
Platform (IDTP) Version 2.2.

● Key Modifications
● Bug Fixes
● Configuration Examples
● Known Issues
● Appendix

Key Modifications

New Features/Functionality/APIs/Request or Response Message Added

Following are the new additions in V2.2.

● Request Header Added for All API Requests

● Alias Management

● TransferFundsFItoFI()

● TransferFundsFItoFIISO()

● GetRTPsbyFI()

● GetTransactionVAT()

● ProcessFIToFIFundTransferRequest()

Features/Functionality/APIs/Request or Response Message Modified

Following are the modifications in V2.2.

● RegisterIDTPUser()

● ResetIDTPPIN()

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● GetIDTPClockTime()

● SetDefaultAccount()

● GetTransactionsbyFI()

● GetTransactionsbyUser()

● RegisterDevice()

● ProcessFundTransferRequest() Req/Resp Modifications

● TransferFunds() Req/Resp Modifications

● CreateRTPISO Request Modifications

Please follow APPENDIX section for details of each of the additions/modifications

made in V2.2.

Bug Fixes

Configuration Examples

Known Issues

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i. Request Header Added for All API Requests

For all API calls to ICP, a request header needs to be passed from FI PIM named
REQUEST_SOURCE where the value will be FIAPP. This is mandatory to be passed in
Request Header.

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ii. Alias Management

For Alias Management there are two important things to focus on such as
Registration and Transaction.

1. Registration:

During Registration in the RegisterIDTPUser API Alias of the account need to

be passed in the request body under the tag <Alias>. This tag is under
<AccountInfo> tag of the RegisterIDTPUser API’s request body xml.

2. Transaction:

During transaction Receiver Account’s Alias need to be passed with the

Receiver’s VirtualId separated by forward slash (/). For Example:
[email protected]/abc. Here, Alias (abc) is the Alias of the Receiver’s Account
which will be credited during this transaction.

For Sender, transaction amount will be debited from the default debit account of the

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iii. TransferFundsFItoFI()

This API is newly added in V2.2. This API will be used to Transfer Fund from
Financial Institution to Financial Institution (Inter FI Fund Transfer).

Method Name: TransferFundsFItoFI

Uri: https://$root/TransferFundsFItoFI

Method Type: POST

Description: Invoked by core banking system to transfer fund to another FI.

Parameters: The Request body element contains the below input parameters. A
sample XML is provided below for transfer funds from FI to FI and a sample table
provided for the XML response which defines the success and failure response.

Request Flow

1. The FI will call this TransferFundsFItoFI API when it needs to transfer

fund to any other FI.

API Request:

Input Parameters List:

Serial Parameter Name

1 Sender Info
2 Receiver Info
3 Transaction Info
4 Creds

Note: you can provide only vid or all the other information for sender and receiver

Sample API Request:

<Head ver="1.0" ts="2021-10-11 11:31:21" orgId="SBL1BDDH"
msgId="1" />
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<Req id="6816f1b9-370d-4965-bd0c-7532e8c521e5"
note="FIToFIFundTransfer" ts="10/11/21 5:31:21 PM"
type="TransferFundsFItoFI" />
<FundTransferInfo addr="" type="">
<SenderChannelType value="0"/>
<Sender name = "" nid = "" bin = "" mobileno = ""
dob = "" doi = "" accountNo="" vid="[email protected]"
amount="500" ></Sender>
<Receiver ReceiverType = "FinancialInstitution"
name = "" nid = "" bin = "" mobileno = "" dob = "" doi =
"" fiswiftcode = "" accountNo = "" vid =
"[email protected]" amount = "500" ></Receiver>
<TxnInfo addrType="">
<ReferenceNo value="20211011173121487"/>
<TxnAmount value="500" />
<Purpose value="test" />
</TxnInfo >
<Cred type="IDTP_PIN" subtype="">

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API Response:

Type Success Fai

Message <FIToFIFundTransferResponse> <FIToFIFundTransferResponse>
<Code>200</Code> <Code>90606</Code>
<Message>Success</Message> <Message>Inactive Receiver
<Amount_Debited>300</Amount_D <Amount>500</Amount>
<Amount_Credited>300</Amount_ C44D4A84E2A105007DE804</RefN
Credited> o_SendingBank>

<Amount_Charged_Fees>0.00</Am <RefNo_SendingPSP></RefNo_Se
ount_Charged_Fees> ndingPSP>

<Amount_Charged_VAT>0.00</Amo <RefNo_ReceivingBank></RefNo
unt_Charged_VAT> _ReceivingBank>

<RefNo_SendingBank>E61BE48CF8 <RefNo_ReceivingPSP></RefNo_
C44D4A84E2A105007DE804</RefNo ReceivingPSP>
_SendingBank> <RefNo_IDTP></RefNo_IDTP>
<RefNo_SendingPSP></RefNo_Sen >




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iv. TransferFundsFItoFIISO()

This API is newly added in V2.2. This API will be used to Transfer Fund from
Financial Institution to Financial Institution (Inter FI Fund Transfer).

Method Name: TransferFundsFItoFIISO

Uri: https://$root/TransferFundsFItoFI

Method Type: POST

Description: Invoked by core banking system to transfer fund to another FI.

Parameters: The Request body element contains the below input parameters. A
sample request XML and a sample response XML is provided below for transfer funds
from FI to FI.

Request Flow

1. The FI will call this TransferFundsFItoFIISO API when it needs to transfer

fund to any other FI.

API Request:

Input Parameters List:

Serial Parameter Name Tag
1 From DataPDU
+++++ FinInstnId
++++++ BICFI
2 To DataPDU
+++++ FinInstnId
++++++ BICFI
3 Message ID DataPDU
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4 Time DataPDU
5 End to End ID DataPDU
6 Transaction ID DataPDU
7 Amount DataPDU
+++++ IntrBkSttlmAmt
8 Instructing Agent DataPDU
9 Instructed Agent DataPDU
10 Sender VID DataPDU

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11 Sender Account No. DataPDU

12 Sender SwiftCode DataPDU
13 Receiver VID DataPDU
14 Receiver Account No. DataPDU
15 Receiver SwiftCode DataPDU
16 Purpose DataPDU

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17 Sender IDTP PIN DataPDU

18 Channel ID DataPDU
19 Sending Bank Reference No. DataPDU

Sample API Request:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<DataPDU xmlns="urn:swift:saa:xsd:saa.2.0">
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<IntrBkSttlmAmt Ccy="BDT">100</IntrBkSttlmAmt>
<Nm>[email protected]</Nm>
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<Nm>[email protected]</Nm>
<Cred type="IDTP_PIN" subtype="">


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Sample API Response:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<DataPDU xmlns="urn:swift:saa:xsd:saa.2.0">


<OrgnlCreDtTm>10/21/21 7:50:28
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<Amt Ccy="BDT">0.0</Amt>
<Nm>[email protected]</Nm>
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v. GetRTPsbyFI()

This API is newly added in V2.2. This API will be used to get the RTPs initiated
from or received by this FI.

Method Name: GetRTPsbyFI

Uri: https://$root/GetRTPsbyFI

Method Type: POST

Description: Invoked by core banking system to get the list of RTP.

Parameters: The Request body element contains the below input parameters. A
sample XML is provided below for getting list of RTP and a sample table provided for
the XML response which defines the success and failure response.

Request Flow

1. The FI will call this GetRTPsbyFI API when it needs to know the list of

API Request:

Input Parameters List:

Serial Parameter Name

1 Channel Info
2 User Info
3 Date Range
4 RTP Info
5 Page Size

Sample API Request:

<Head ver="1.0" ts="2020-05-16T14:15:43+05:30"
orgId="SAMPLESWIFTCODE" msgId="1"/>

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<Req id="8ENSVVR4QOS7X1UGPY7JGUV444PL9T2C3QM" note="Get

RTPs by FI" ts="2020-05-16T14:15:42+05:30"
<UserVID value="[email protected]"/>


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API Response:

Type Success Failed

Message < GetRTPsbyFIResponse> <GetRTPsbyFIResponse >
<Code>200</Code> <Code>90825</Code>
<Message>Success</Message> Invalid Financial Institution
<RTP seqNum="1"> </Message>
<ReqID> </GetRTPsbyFIResponse>


[email protected]

[email protected]

19 21:41:55


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vi. GetTransactionVAT()

This API is newly added in V2.2. This API will be used to get the VAT for the

Method Name: GetTransactionVAT

Uri: https://$root/GetTransactionVAT

Method Type: POST

Description: Invoked by core banking system to get the VAT of the transaction.

Parameters: The Request body element contains the below input parameters. A
sample XML is provided below for getting the VAT and a sample table provided for
the XML response which defines the success and failure response.

Request Flow

1. The FI will call this GetTransactionVAT API when it needs to know the
VAT of the Transaction.

API Request:

Input Parameters List:

Serial Parameter Name

1 Channel Info
2 User Info
3 Transaction Info

Sample API Request:

<Head ver="1.0" ts="10/4/2021 5:35:56 AM" orgId=""
msgId="1" />
<Req id="8ENSVVR4QOS7X1UGPY7JGUV444PL9T2C3QM" note="Get
Transaction VAT" ts="2020-05-16T14:15:42+05:30"
type="GetTransactionVAT" />
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<UserVID value="[email protected]" />
<Amount value="100.20" />
<OtherInfo />
<Cred type="IDTP_PIN" subtype="">

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API Response:

Type Success Failed

Message <GetTransactionVATRespon <GetTransactionVATResponse>
se> <Code>90106</Code>
<Code>200</Code> <Message>
Invalid Transaction Amount
<Message>Success</Messag format
e> </Message>
<VATInfo> </GetTransactionVATResponse>


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vii. ProcessFIToFIFundTransferRequest()

This API is newly added in V2.2. This API will be used to Process Transfer Fund
Request in Receiver FI from FI to FI (Inter FI Fund Transfer).

Method Name: ProcessFIToFIFundTransferRequest

Uri: https://$root/ProcessFIToFIFundTransferRequest

Method Type: POST

Description: Invoked by IDTP to process FI to FI transfer fund request in receiver FI.

Parameters: A sample request XML and a sample response XML is provided below
for ProcessFIToFIFundTransferRequest.

Request Flow

1. IDTP will call ProcessFIToFIFundTransferRequest to process FI to FI fund

transfer request in receiver FI.

API Request:

Input Parameters List:

Serial Parameter Name Tag
1 From DataPDU
+++++ FinInstnId
++++++ BICFI
2 To DataPDU
+++++ FinInstnId
++++++ BICFI
3 Message ID DataPDU

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4 Time DataPDU
5 End to End ID DataPDU
6 Transaction ID DataPDU
7 Amount DataPDU
+++++ IntrBkSttlmAmt
8 Instructing Agent DataPDU
9 Instructed Agent DataPDU

10 Sender Account No. DataPDU

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11 Receiver Account No. DataPDU
12 Purpose DataPDU
13 IDTP Reference No. DataPDU
14 Sending Bank Reference No. DataPDU

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Sample API Request:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<DataPDU xmlns="urn:swift:saa:xsd:saa.2.0">
<CreDt>10/21/21 12:22:47 PM</CreDt>


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<Nm>Sample Bank 1</Nm>
<Nm>Sample Bank 2</Nm>

<Prtry>TEST ISO</Prtry>
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Sample API Response:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<DataPDU xmlns="urn:swift:saa:xsd:saa.2.0">

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viii. RegisterIDTPUser()

The following xml tag parameters are added in the API’s request body (Marked in the
sample request body):

Serial Parameter Name Data Type Validation

1 AccountInfo Node FI Accounts Related Info
2 Is Global Default Credit bool Possible Values-
Account 0,1
3 Is Global Default RTP bool Possible Values-
Account 0,1
4 Is FI Default Debit bool Possible Values-
Account 0,1

The following xml tag parameters are removed from the API’s request body:

Serial Parameter Name Data Type Validation

1 Financial Institution Info Node FI Accounts Related Info
2 Financial Institution string Possible Values -
Financial Institution Name
3 Branch Name string Possible Values-
Branch Name

Note: If the user initiates the request using the Android SDK, the value passed in the
<Creds> section will be encrypted. If the SDK is not used this tag needs to be passed
the following way.

Please also note that Channel Info tag has been taken outside of Entity Tag.

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Sample API Request - Individual:

<RegisterUser xmlns:idtp="">
<Head ver="1.0" ts="2020-05-16T14:15:43+05:30"
orgId="SAMPLESWIFTCODE" msgId="1" />
note="Register User"
ts="2020-05-16T14:15:42+05:30" type="RegisterUser"/>
<Entity seqNum="1">
<Name> Sample User </Name>
<AddressLine1> Dhaka </AddressLine1>
<AddressLine2> Bangladesh </AddressLine2>
<District> Dhaka </District>
<Email> [email protected] </Email>

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<Cred type="IDTP_PIN" subtype="">
<Cred type="APP_PASS" subtype="">
<RequestedVirtualID value="[email protected]" />

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API Response:
The following xml tag parameters are added in the API’s response body (Marked in the
sample response body):

Type Success Failed

Message < RegisterUserResponse> <RegisterUserResponse>
<Code>200</Code> <Code>90805</Code>
<Message>Registration <Message>Registration failed
Successful for one or more
</Message> user(s)</Message>
<NewlyRegisteredUserList />
<NewlyRegisteredUserList> <AlreadyRegisteredUserList />
<NewlyRegisteredUserInfo <NotRegisteredUserInfo
seqNum="1"> seqNum="1">
.idtp <VirtualID>[email protected]
</VirtualID> @user.idtp</VirtualID>
<Status>1</Status> <Status>0</Status>
<Code>200</Code> <Code>90116</Code>
<Reason>Registration <Reason>Invalid
Successful for Accounts: VID</Reason>
00000000000011,00000000000 </NotRegisteredUserInfo>
00012, Existing Accounts: </NotRegisteredUserList>
N/A, FI Non-Certified </RegisterUserResponse>
Accounts: N/A




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ix. ResetIDTPPIN()

The following xml tag parameters are modified in the API’s request body (Marked
in the sample request body):

Note: As the request will be initiated using the Android SDK, the value passed in the
<Device_ID> tag will be encrypted by the Android SDK only. FI needs to make sure
that the value return from Android SDK is correctly passed into <Device_ID> Tag.

API Request:

Input Parameters List:

Serial Parameter Name Data Type Validation

1 Device Info string The Value returned by Android
2 PIN Info string Any random value

Sample API Request

<Head ver="1.0" ts="11/2/2020 4:20:34 PM"
orgId="SAMPLESWIFTCODE" msgId="1" />
<Req id="68677b3f-0858-4aba-8ca7-6ce27624936a"
note="Reset IDTP PIN" ts="11/2/2020 4:20:34 PM"
/2020 4:20:34 PM||
<VID>[email protected]</VID>

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API Response:

Type Success Failed

Message <ResetIDTPPINResponse> <ResetIDTPPINResponse>
<Code>200</Code> <Code>90054</Code>
<Message>Success</Message> <Message>Invalid User IDTP
<VID>[email protected]< PIN</Message>
/VID> <VID>[email protected]</VID>
</ResetIDTPPINResponse> </ResetIDTPPINResponse>

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x. GetIDTPClockTime()

SeqNum is added in in the API’s response body for ICP, however FI will use
ClockTime Tag (Now, the clock time is returned in user readable format, No ‘T/Z’ in
time) like earlier to sync time with IDTP (Marked in the sample response body):

API Response:

Type Success Failed

Message <GetIDTPClockTimeResponse> <GetIDTPClockTimeResponse>
<Code>200</Code> <Message>
<Message>Success</Messag Invalid Request
e> </Message>
<ClockTime> <ClockTime/>
2020-12-30 18:24:48.933 </GetIDTPClockTimeResponse>

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xi. SetDefaultAccount()

The following xml tag parameter is added in the API’s request body (Marked in the
sample request body):

Serial Parameter Name Data Type Validation

1 ChangeType Int 1/2/3

ChangeType = 1 is for setting the requested account as Default Credit Account
ChangeType = 2 is for setting the requested account as Default RTP Receiving
ChangeType = 3 is for setting the requested account as Default Debit Account
ChangeType = 4 is for setting the requested account as Default Debit Account,
Default Credit Account, and Default RTP Receiving Account – all Defaults at one go
for a single account.

So, When SetDefaultAccount API is invoked, the IDTP Server will have to read the tag
<ChangeType> and Based on the value of the Tag it will reset the account.

Sample API Request

<Head ver="1.0" ts="2020-05-16T14:15:43+05:30"
orgId="SAMPLESWIFTCODE" msgId="1"></Head>
<Req id="8ENSVVR4QOS7X1UGPY7JGUV444PL9T2C3QM" note="Set
Default Account" ts="2020-05-16T14:15:42+05:30"
<IDTPUserInfo vid="[email protected]">
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<FIName value="[email protected]"></FIName>
<RoutingNo value="972556622"></RoutingNo>
<AccountNo value="14355323432343234"></AccountNo>

API Response:

Type Success Failed

Message <SetDefaultAccountResponse>
<SetDefaultAccountResponse <Code>90127</Code>
> <Message>Invalid Routing No
<Code>200</Code> </Message>


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xii. GetTransactionsbyFI()

FeeAmount & VatAmount Tags are added in the API’s response body along with the
Transaction Amount (Marked in the sample response body):

API Response:

Type Success Failed

Message <GetTransactionsByFIRespon <GetTransactionsByFIResponse>
se> <Code>90127</Code>
<Code>200</Code> <Message>Invalid Routing No
<Message>Success</Message> </GetTransactionsByFIResponse>



[email protected]
Bank 2

[email protected]
Sample Bank 1
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<ReceivingPSPReference />


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xiii. GetTransactionsbyUser()

FeeAmount & VatAmount Tags are added in the API’s response body along with the
Transaction Amount (Marked in the sample response body):

API Response:

Type Success Failed

Message <GetTransactionsbyUserResp <GetTransactionsByFIResponse>
onse> <Code>90820</Code>
<Code>200</Code> <Message>Invalid Virtual ID
<Message>Success</Message> </GetTransactionsByFIResponse>



[email protected]

[email protected]
Sample Bank 1

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xiv. RegisterDevice()

The following xml tag parameters are modified in the API’s request body (Marked
in the sample request body):

Note: As the request will be initiated using the Android SDK, the value passed in
the <Device_ID> tag will be encrypted by the Android SDK only. Fi needs to
make sure that the value return from Android SDK is correctly passed into
<Device_ID> Tag.

API Request:

Input Parameters List:

Serial Parameter Name Data Type Validation

1 Device Info string The Value returned by Android
2 Device ID Info string Any random value

Sample API Request

< RegisterDevice
<Head ver="1.0" ts="2021-08-19 17:45:31.263"
orgId="SAMPLESWIFTCODE" msgId= "1"/>
<Req id= "22c9e813-423d-47ed-bc94-cf6167574b3e"
note="Register Device" ts="4/20/2021 1:57:44 PM"
/2020 4:20:34 PM||
<VID>[email protected]</VID>

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API Response:

Type Success Failed

Message <RegisterDeviceResponse> <RegisterDeviceResponse>
<Code>200</Code> <Code>90147</Code>
<Message>Success</Message> <Message>Invalid Device ID
</RegisterDeviceResponse> </Message>

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xv. ProcessFundTransferRequest() Req/Resp Modifications

There are some segments added to define the instructing agent and instructed
agent (Marked below)

Sample API Request:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<DataPDU xmlns="urn:swift:saa:xsd:saa.2.0">
<CreDt>10/21/21 7:50:28 AM</CreDt>


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<Nm>Test User 01</Nm>

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<Nm>Sample User Direct 2</Nm>

<Prtry>TEST ISO</Prtry>
<Cred type="IDTP_PIN"


<AccountNo>2220011(IF IT IS A
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Sample API Response:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<DataPDU xmlns="urn:swift:saa:xsd:saa.2.0">



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xvi. TransferFunds() Req/Resp Modifications

The sending FI need to provide the following two request body for
TransferFunds() and TransferFundsISO()

Sample API Request (For TransferFunds()):

<TransferFunds xmlns:idtp="">
<Head ver="1.0" ts="10/25/21 7:44:10 AM" orgId="SBL1BDDH"
note="Transfer Funds" ts="2020-05-16T14:15:42+05:30"
<TransactionInfo addr="" type="">
<SenderVID value="[email protected]"/>
<ReceiverVID value="[email protected]"/>
<TxnAmount value="100.10"/>

0/25/21 7:44:10
<Cred type="IDTP_PIN" subtype="">

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Sample API Request (For TransferFundsISO()):

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<DataPDU xmlns="urn:swift:saa:xsd:saa.2.0">

<CreDt>10/25/21 7:43:58 AM</CreDt>

<CreDtTm>10/25/21 7:43:58


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<Nm>[email protected]</Nm>
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<Nm>[email protected]</Nm>
<Prtry>TEST ISO</Prtry>
<Cred type="IDTP_PIN"





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0/25/21 7:43:58


The sending FI will receive the following two responses for TransferFunds() and

Sample API Response (For TransferFunds()):



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Sample API Response (For TransferFundsISO()):

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<DataPDU xmlns="urn:swift:saa:xsd:saa.2.0">


<OrgnlCreDtTm>10/21/21 7:50:28
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<Amt Ccy="BDT">1.96</Amt>
<Nm>[email protected]</Nm>
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<Amt Ccy="BDT">2.00</Amt>
<Nm>[email protected]</Nm>










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xvii. CreateRTPISO Request Modifications

The sending FI need to provide the following request body for CreateRTPISO()

Note: MobileNo must be passed in the <Mobile_No> tag

Sample API Request (For CreateRTPISO()):

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<CreDt>10/21/2021 12:07:19 PM</CreDt>
<Document xmlns:xsi="
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<Id>[email protected]</Id>

<Nm>[email protected]</Nm>

<Id>[email protected]</Id>

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<Nm>[email protected]</Nm>

<Id>[email protected]</Id>


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<Cred type="IDTP_PIN"




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Detailed Message Description of PACS.009.001.04:

App Header

AppHdr ISO Business Application Header


XML Tag <AppHdr>

Occurrences [1..1]


AppHdr ISO The sending MessagingEndpoint that has created

+ Fr Definition this Business Message for the receiving
MessagingEndpoint that will process this Business
Note: the sending MessagingEndpoint might be
different from the sending address potentially
contained in the transport header (as defined in
the transport layer).

XML Tag <Fr>

Occurrences [1..1]


AppHdr ISO Identification of a financial institution.

+ Fr Definition
++ FIId
XML Tag <FIId>

Occurrences [1..1]

Financial Institution Identification

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AppHdr ISO Unique and unambiguous identification of a

+Fr Definition financial institution, as assigned under an
++ FIId
internationally recognised or proprietary
+++ FinInstnId
identification scheme.

XML Tag <FinInstnId>

Occurrences [1..1]


AppHdr ISO Code allocated to a financial institution by the ISO

+Fr Definition 9362 Registration Authority as described in ISO
++ FIId
9362 "Banking - Banking telecommunication
+++ FinInstnId
++++ BICFI messages - Business identifier code (BIC)".


Occurrences [1..1]


AppHdr ISO The MessagingEndpoint designated by the

+ To Definition sending MessagingEndpoint to be the recipient
who will ultimately process this Business Message.

Note: the receiving MessagingEndpoint might be

different from the receiving address potentially
contained in the transport header (as defined in
the transport layer).

XML Tag <To>

Occurrences [1..1]


AppHdr ISO Identification of a financial institution.

+ To Definition
++ FIId
XML Tag <FIId>

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Occurrences [1..1]

Financial Institution Identification

AppHdr ISO Unique and unambiguous identification of a

+ To Definition financial institution, as assigned under an
++ FIId
internationally recognised or proprietary
+++ FinInstnId
identification scheme.

XML Tag <FinInstnId>

Occurrences [1..1]


AppHdr ISO Code allocated to a financial institution by the ISO

+ To Definition 9362 Registration Authority as described in ISO
++ FIId
9362 "Banking - Banking telecommunication
+++ FinInstnId
++++ BICFI messages - Business identifier code (BIC)".


Occurrences [1..1]

Business Message Identifier

AppHdr ISO Unambiguously identifies the Business Message to

+ BizMsgIdr Definition the MessagingEndpoint that has created the
Business Message.

XML Tag <BizMsgIdr>

Occurrences [1..1]

Message Definition Identifier

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AppHdr ISO Contains the MessageIdentifier that defines the

+ MsgDefIdr Definition BusinessMessage.

It must contain a MessageIdentifier published on

the ISO 20022 website.

Example: pacs.008.001.04

XML Tag <MsgDefIdr>

Occurrences [1..1]

AppHdr ISO Specifies the business service agreed between the

Business Service Definition two MessagingEndpoints under which rules this
Business Message is exchanged.
+ BizSvc
To be used when there is a choice of processing
services or processing service levels.

XML Tag <BizSvc>

Occurrences [1..1]

Creation Date

AppHdr ISO Date and time when this Business Message

+ CreDt Definition (header) was created.

Note: Times must be normalized, using the "Z"


XML Tag <CreDt>

Occurrences [1..1]

Financial Institution Credit Transfer

FICdtTrf ISO Definition This message is sent by a debtor financial institution to a
creditor financial institution, directly or through other
agents and/or a payment clearing and settlement
XML Tag <FICdtTrf>

Occurrences [1..1]

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Group Header
GrpHdr ISO Definition Set of characteristics shared by all individual transactions
included in the message.
XML Tag <GrpHdr>
Occurrences [1..1]

Message Identification
GrpHdr ISO Definition Point to point reference, as assigned by the instructing
+MsgId party, and sent to the next party in the chain to
unambiguously identify the message.
Usage: The instructing party has to make sure that
Message Identification is unique per instructed party for
a pre-agreed period.
XML Tag <MsgId>

Occurrences [1..1]

Type Max35Text

ISO Length: 1 ...35

IDTP Length: 1 ...22

Rule Rule "Message Identification Guideline"

If no unique Message Identification can be generated,
then the element is recommended to be populated with
a copy of Instruction Identification.

If generated, it is recommended that Message

Identification to be structured as follows:

XXXX - First 4 characters of sender's BIC [4]

YYYYMMDD - Creation Date [8]
X – Channel Identification [1]
nnnnnnn- Sequence Number [9]

The values of Channel Identification (X) are bank-

determined and may be used to identify separate
channels such as:
1 - Default value (only one single channel)
Or for example (multiple channels),
1 - Internet Banking

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2 - Cash Management
3 - Treasury
4 - ATM
Example <MsgId>ABCD201308201123456789</MsgId>

Creation Date Time

GrpHdr ISO Definition Date and time at which the message was created.
XML Tag <CreDtTm>

Format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss

Type ISODateTime
Occurrences [1..1]

Example <CreDtTm>2013-08-20T09:30:32</CreDtTm>

Number of Transactions
GrpHdr ISO Definition Date and time at which the message was created.
XML Tag <NbOfTxs>

IDTP Rule The number of transactions is limited to one.

Type Max15NumericText

Occurrences [1..1]
Example <NbOfTxs>1</NbOfTxs>

Settlement Information
GrpHdr ISO Specifies the details on how the settlement of the
+ SttlmInf Definition transaction(s) between the instructing agent and the
instructed agent is completed.
XML Tag <SttlmInf >
Occurrences [1..1]

Settlement Method
GrpHdr ISO Method used to settle the (batch of) payment
+ SttlmInf Definition instructions.
++ SttlmMtd
XML Tag <SttlmMtd>

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Codes: CLRG (ClearingSystem)

Code Description: Settlement is done through a payment clearing
IDTP Rule Fixed Value = RTGS
Occurrences [1..1]

Example <SttlmMtd>RTGS</SttlmMtd>

Credit Transfer Transaction Information

CdtTrfTxInf ISO Set of elements providing information specific to the
Definition individual credit transfer(s).
XML Tag <CdtTrfTxInf>

Occurrences [1..1]

Instructing Agent
CdtTrfTxInf ISO Agent that instructs the next party in the chain to carry
+InstgAgt Definition out the (set of) instruction(s).
XML Tag <InstgAgt>

Occurrences [1..1]
Rule The element is used to specify the BIC of the RTGS
registered member when the Debtor is used to specify
the name or BIC of an indirect RTGS member

Financial Institution Identification

CdtTrfTxInf ISO Unique and unambiguous identification of a financial
+InstgAgt Definition institution, as assigned under an internationally
recognized or proprietary identification scheme.
XML Tag <FinInstnId>

Occurrences [1..1]

CdtTrfTxInf ISO Code allocated to a financial institution by the ISO 9362
+InstdAgt Definition Registration Authority as described in ISO 9362
+++BICFI "Banking - Banking telecommunication messages -
Business identifier code (BIC)".

Occurrences [1..1]

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Instructed Agent
CdtTrfTxInf ISO Agent that is instructed by the previous party in the chain
+InstdAgt Definition to carry out the (set of) instruction(s).
XML Tag <InstdAgt>
Occurrences [1..1]

Rule The element is used to specify the BIC of the RTGS

registered member when the Debtor is used to specify
the name or BIC of an indirect RTGS member

Financial Institution Identification

CdtTrfTxInf ISO Unique and unambiguous identification of a financial
+ InstdAgt Definition institution, as assigned under an internationally
++ FinInstnId
recognized or proprietary identification scheme.
XML Tag <FinInstnId>

Occurrences [1..1]

CdtTrfTxInf ISO Code allocated to a financial institution by the ISO 9362
+InstdAgt Definition Registration Authority as described in ISO 9362
+++BICFI "Banking - Banking telecommunication messages -
Business identifier code (BIC)".

Occurrences [1..1]

Payment Type Information

CdtTrfTxInf ISO Set of elements used to further specify the type of
+PmtTpInf Definition transaction.
XML Tag <PmtTpInf>

Occurrences [1..1]

Clearing Channel
CdtTrfTxInf ISO Specifies the clearing channel to be used to process the
+PmtTpInf Definition payment instruction.
XML Tag <ClrChanl>

Occurrences [1..1]

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Type ClearingChannel2Code
Example <ClrChanl>IDTP</ClrChanl>

Local Instrument
CdtTrfTxInf ISO Definition User community specific instrument.
Usage: This element is used to specify a local
instrument, local clearing option and/or further qualify
the service or service level.
XML Tag <LclInstrm>

Rule Rule "Local Instrument Rule"

Local Instrument must only be used when agreed
bilaterally or within a community to reflect a specific
payment instrument currently identified through
community specific implementation of (proprietary)
Occurrences [1..1]

CdtTrfTxInf ISO Specifies the local instrument, as a proprietary code.
+ PmtTpInf Definition
++ LclInstrm
+++ Prtry XML Tag <Prtry>
IDTP Rule IDTP uses RTGS_CSCT(RTGS Customer Credit Transfer)
as fixed value for this element.
Occurrences [1..1]

Type Max35Text

Service Level
CdtTrfTxInf ISO Agreement under which or rules under which the
+PmtTpInf Definition transaction should be processed.
++ SvcLvl
XML Tag <SvcLvl>

Occurrences [1..1]

CdtTrfTxInf ISO Specifies the service level, as a proprietary code.
+ PmtTpInf Definition
++ SvcLvl
+++ Prtry XML Tag <Prtry>

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IDTP Rule IDTP uses RTGS_CSCT(RTGS Customer Credit Transfer)

as fixed value for this element.
Occurrences [1..1]

Type Max35Text

Category Purpose
CdtTrfTxInf ISO Specifies the high-level purpose of the instruction
+ PmtTpInf Definition based on a set of pre-defined categories. Usage: This is
++ CtgyPurp
used by the initiating party to provide information
concerning the processing of the payment. It is likely to
trigger special processing by any of the agents involved
in the payment chain.
XML Tag <CtgyPurp>
IDTP Rule IDTP use this element here under Payment Type
Information tag instead of shown in index 1.25
Occurrences [1..1]

CdtTrfTxInf ISO Definition Category purpose, in a proprietary form.
+ PmtTpInf
++ CtgyPurp XML Tag <Prtry>
+++ Prtry
Rule Rule "Category Purpose 1 Code Rule"

Transaction Type Code from MT 103 Field 72 (Sender
to Receiver Information) after the designated code
word /CODTYPTR/.
Occurrences [1..1]
Type Max35Text

Payment Identification
CdtTrfTxInf ISO Definition Set of elements used to reference a payment
+ PmtId instruction.
XML Tag <PmtId>

Occurrences [1..1]

Instruction Identification

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CdtTrfTxInf ISO Unique identification, as assigned by an instructing party

+ PmtId Definition for an instructed party, to unambiguously identify the
++ InstrId
Usage: The instruction identification is a point to point
reference that can be used between the instructing party
and the instructed party to refer to the individual
instruction. It can be included in several messages related
to the instruction.
IDTP Rule Use MessageId

XML Tag <InstrId>

Type Max35Text
Occurrences [1..1]

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Transaction Identification
CdtTrfTxInf ISO Unique identification, as assigned by the first instructing
+ PmtId Definition agent, to unambiguously identify the transaction that is
++ TxId
passed on, unchanged, throughout the entire interbank
Usage: The transaction identification can be used for
reconciliation, tracking or to link tasks relating to the
transaction on the interbank level. Usage: The instructing
agent has to make sure that the transaction identification
is unique for a pre-agreed period.
XML Tag <TxId>
Occurrences [1..1]

Type Max35Text

ISO Length 1 ...35

IDTP 1 ...22
Rules Rule "Message Identification Guideline"

If no unique Message Identification can be generated,
then the element is recommended to be populated with a
copy of Instruction Identification.

If generated, it is recommended that Message

Identification to be structured as follows:

XXXX - First 4 characters of sender's BIC [4]

YYYYMMDD - Creation Date [8]
X – Channel Identification [1]
nnnnnnn- Sequence Number [9]

The values of Channel Identification (X) are bank-

determined and may be used to identify separate
channels such as:
1 - Default value (only one single channel)
Or for example (multiple channels),
1 - Internet Banking
2 - Cash Management
3 - Treasury
4 - ATM
IDTP Rule Use MsgId

Example <TxId>HSBC201308201123456789</TxId>

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End To End Identification

CdtTrfTxInf ISO Unique identification, as assigned by the initiating party,
+PmtId Definition to unambiguously identify the transaction. This
identification is passed on, unchanged, throughout the
entire end-to-end chain.
Usage: The end-to-end identification can be used for
reconciliation or to link tasks relating to the transaction.
It can be included in several messages related to the
Usage: In case there are technical limitations to pass on
multiple references, the end-to-end identification must
be passed on throughout the entire end-to-end chain.
IDTP Rule Use MessageId
XML Tag <EndToEndId>

Type Max35Text

Occurrences [1..1]

Interbank Settlement Amount

CdtTrfTxInf ISO Amount of money moved between the instructing
+IntrBkSttlmAmt Definition agent and the instructed agent.
XML Tag <IntrBkSttlmAmt>
IDTP Rule RestrictedFINActiveCurrencyAndAmount (based on

- fractionDigits: 5
- totalDigits: 14
- minInclusive: 0
Occurrences [1..1]
Type ActiveCurrencyAndAmount

Attribute: Currency
The number of fractional digits (or minor unit of
currency) must comply with ISO 4217.
Note: The decimal separator is a dot.

Interbank Settlement Date

CdtTrfTxInf ISO Date on which the amount of money ceases to be
+IntrBkSttlmDt Definition available to the agent that owes it and when the
amount of money becomes available to the agent to
which it is due.
XML Tag <IntrBkSttlmDt>

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Occurrences [0..1]
Type ISODate

CdtTrfTxInf ISO Party that owes an amount of money to the (ultimate)
+Dbtr Definition creditor.
XML Tag <Dbtr>
Occurrences [1..1]

Rule Conditional Rule "Name And BIC Rule"

This is a cross-element rule.

If Identification\OrganizationIdentification\AnyBIC is not
present, DebtorName must be present.
Identification\OrganizationIdentification\AnyBIC is
Name is optional.
Name must be present.

Conditional Rule "Name And Street Name Rule"

This is a cross-element rule.

If the length of the Name is more than 33 characters,
the length of the StreetName is restricted to 33
Name length is more than 33 characters
StreetName has a maximum length of 33 characters
StreetName has a maximum length of 70 characters

Financial Institution Identification

CdtTrfTxInf ISO Unique and unambiguous identification of a financial
+Dbtr Definition institution, as assigned under an internationally
recognized or proprietary identification scheme.
XML Tag <FinInstnId>

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Occurrences [1..1]

CdtTrfTxInf ISO Code allocated to a financial institution by the ISO 9362
+Dbtr Definition Registration Authority as described in ISO 9362 "Banking
+++BICFI - Banking telecommunication messages - Business
identifier code (BIC)".

Occurrences [1..1]

Debtor Account
CdtTrfTxInf ISO Unambiguous identification of the account of the debtor
+DbtrAcct Definition to which a debit entry will be made as a result of the
XML Tag <DbtrAcct>

Occurrences [0..1]

CdtTrfTxInf ISO Unique and unambiguous identification for the account
+DbtrAcct Definition between the account owner and the account servicer.
XML Tag <Id>

Occurrences [1..1]

CdtTrfTxInf ISO Unique and unambiguous identification for the account
+DbtrAcct Definition between the account owner and the account servicer.
XML Tag <Othr>
Occurrences [1..1]

CdtTrfTxInf ISO Identification assigned by an institution.
+DbtrAcct Definition
+++Othr XML Tag <Id>
++++Id Occurrences [1..1]

Type Max34Text

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IDTP Rule RestrictedFINXMax34Text (based on string)

- pattern: ([0-9a-zA-Z\-\?:\(\)\.,'\+ ]([0-9a-zA-Z\-

\?:\(\)\.,'\+ ]*(/[0-9a-zA-Z\-\?:\(\)\.,'\+ ])?)*)
- minLength: 1
- maxLength: 34
CdtTrfTxInf ISO Party to which an amount of money is due.
+Cdtr Definition
XML Tag <Cdtr>

Occurrences [1..1]

Financial Institution Identification

CdtTrfTxInf ISO Unique and unambiguous identification of a financial
+Cdtr Definition institution, as assigned under an internationally
recognized or proprietary identification scheme.
XML Tag <FinInstnId>

Occurrences [1..1]

CdtTrfTxInf ISO Code allocated to a financial institution by the ISO 9362
+Cdtr Definition Registration Authority as described in ISO 9362 "Banking
+++BICFI - Banking telecommunication messages - Business
identifier code (BIC)".
Occurrences [1..1]

Creditor Account
CdtTrfTxInf ISO Unambiguous identification of the account of the
+CdtrAcct Definition creditor to which a credit entry will be made as a result of
the transaction.
XML Tag <CdtrAcct>

Occurrences [1..1]

CdtTrfTxInf ISO Unique and unambiguous identification for the account
+CdtrAcct Definition between the account owner and the account servicer.
XML Tag <Id>

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Occurrences [1..1]

CdtTrfTxInf ISO Unique identification of an account, as assigned by the
+CdtrAcct Definition account servicer, using an identification scheme.
+++Othr XML Tag <Othr>

Occurrences [1..1]

CdtTrfTxInf ISO Identification assigned by an institution.
+CdtrAcct Definition
XML Tag <Id>
Occurrences [1..1]
IDTP Rule RestrictedFINXMax34Text (based on string)
- pattern: ([0-9a-zA-Z\-\?:\(\)\.,'\+ ]([0-9a-zA-Z\-
\?:\(\)\.,'\+ ]*(/[0-9a-zA-Z\-\?:\(\)\.,'\+ ])?)*)
- minLength: 1, maxLength: 34

Supplementary Data
CdtTrfTxInf ISO Additional information that cannot be captured in the
+SplmtryData Definition structured elements and/or any other specific block.
XML Tag <SplmtryData>
Occurrences [0..n]
Rules This component may not be used without the explicit
approval of a SEG and submission to the RA of ISO
20022 compliant structure(s) to be used in the Envelope

Place And Name

CdtTrfTxInf ISO Unambiguous reference to the location where the
+SplmtryData Definition supplementary data must be inserted in the message
In the case of XML, this is expressed by a valid XPath.
XML Tag <PlcAndNm>
Occurrences [1..1]

Rules Maximum 350 characters allowed.

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CdtTrfTxInf ISO Technical element wrapping the supplementary

+ SplmtryData data.
++ Envlp Definition

XML Tag <Envlp>

Occurrences [1..1]

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