Course Objectives

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Program : Diploma in Cloud Computing and Big Data

Course Code : 3278 Course Title: Linux System Administration Lab

Semester : 3 Credits: 2.5

Course Category: Engineering Science

Periods per week: 4 (L: 1 T: 0 P: 3) Periods per semester: 60

Course Objectives:

● Familiarize the students with the basics of Operating System Installation and
● To understand basic linux text editors
● To Understand basic linux commands and shell scripting

Course Prerequisites:

Topic Course Name

Basic knowledge in Computer systems Introduction to IT Systems Lab

Course Outcomes:

On completion of the course student will be able to:

COn Description Cognitive Level
Demonstrate the installation and configuration of
CO1 Operating Systems, basic files and directory 11 Applying
management commands.
Experiment with Linux Package and Process
CO2 17 Applying
management tools
Make use of Linux text editors and experiment with
CO3 12 Applying
text processing commands
Utilize Shell scripting to automate linux
CO4 14 Applying
administrative tasks

Lab Test 6

CO – PO Mapping

CO1 2 3

CO2 2

CO3 2

CO4 2

3-Strongly mapped, 2-Moderately mapped, 1-Weakly mapped

Course Outline

Module Duration
Name of Experiment Cognitive Level
Outcomes (Hours)

Demonstrate the Installation of Operating Systems , and demonstrate basic

CO1 file and directory management commands.

M1.01 Install and configure different operating systems. 3 Applying

M1.02 Illustrate Basic networking configuration of a

2 Applying
linux machine
Demonstrate Basic file and directory management
M1.03 (ls, dir, pwd, mkdir, chmod, cp, mv, rm, rmdir, 6 Applying
cat, find, tar). Familiarize linux documentation
and man pages

CO2 Experiment with Linux Package and Process management tools

Understand file system structure of linux (types of

M2.01 3 Understanding
files, file permissions).
Demonstrate package management tools and
M2.02 2 Applying
installation of application(apt-get or yum)

Illustrate Process and system statistics using

M2.03 8 Applying
using proc files, ps, free, kill, top, htop, atop, vtop
Demonstrate remote system administration using
M2.04 ssh command and file transfer using scp 4 Applying
Make use of Linux text editors and experiment with text processing
Experiment with UNIX editors such as vi, ed, ex
M3.01 4 Applying
and EMACS, nano

Illustrate cut, grep, awk, sort, uniq, head, tail

M3.02 8 Applying
commands and output redirection using pipe(|)

Lab Test – I 3

C04 Utilize Shell scripting to automate linux administrative tasks

M4.01 Demonstrate branching statements 2 Applying

M4.02 Illustrate looping statements 4 Applying

M4.03 Apply cron job to schedule task 4 Applying

M4.04 Discover with Open Ended Experiments** 4 Applying

Lab Test – II 3

** - Sample Open Ended Experiment

1. Schedule a task to perform a daily backup of certain databases and files to cloud
storage or a physical server
2. Schedule a task that monitors the free space of the system hard disk. If the free space
drops below the threshold, the user must be alerted with a message and current date
Text / Reference

T/R Book Title/Author

Essential System Administration: Tools and Techniques for Linux and Unix
Administration, Third Edition by Leen Frisch ,O’Reilly

Online Resources

Sl No Website Link


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