System and Network Administration

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Department of Computer Sciences and Information Technology

COURSE OUTLINE Winter 2018-2019

Course Title: System and Network Administration

Course Code: IT-4511

Credit Hours: 3

Instructor: Waseem Ahmad

Email: [email protected]


This course will give an overview of systems and network administration based on both Windows and
Linux environments. The objective are common system administration tasks and practices and how to
implement and maintain standard services like email, file sharing, DNS and similar.
At the end of the course the students will be able to:
1. Describe the key terminologies and technologies of System and network administration.
2. Explain the services and functions provided by different data centers.
3. Identify various OS used to handle system and network administration routines.
4. Analyze the different services of Linux and windows.

[TB 1] Study guide for Practice of System and Network Administration by Thomas A. Limoncelli,
Cram101; 2nd Edition (2011). ISBN-10: 1428851755.
[TB 2] Linux Administration: A Beginner’s Guide, Seventh Edition 7th Edition by Wale Soyinka
[TB 3] Active Directory: Designing, Deploying, and Running Active Directory Fifth Edition by Barian


Week Topics and Readings Books with Page No.

1 Introduction to System Administration, Systems, SA TB 1: Ch. 1

Components, Building a Site
from Scratch, Growing a Small Site, Going Global, Replacing
Services, Moving a Data Center, Handling a High Rate of
Office Moves, Assessing a Site
2 Server Environment (Microsoft and Linux): Known for TB1:Ch. 4
Reliable Products, Understand
the Cost of Server Hardware, Consider Maintenance Contracts
and Spare Parts, maintaining Data Integrity, Put Servers in the
Data Center, Client Server OS Configuration, and Provide
Remote Console Access. ).
3 Services and Comparative Analysis of most demanded OS: TB1:Ch. 5
Important Attributes, Key Features, pros and Cons.

4 Linux Installation and verification. TB2:Ch 1

Artitecture of linux operating system
5 Administer users and groups. TB2:Ch 8
6 TB2:Ch 5
Configuring Local services and managing basic system issues.

7 Software Management. TB2:Ch 4

8 Managing Network Services and Network monitoring tools. TB2:Ch 11,12

9 Boot Management and Process Management. TB2:Ch 6

10 IP Tables and filtering. TB2:Ch 13

11 Securing network traffic. TB2:Ch 14,Ch 15

12 Advance File systems and logs. TB2:Ch 7

13 Bash Shell Scripting and Command line. TB2:Ch 3

14 Configuring Servers (FTP, DNS, Apache) LAB. TB2:Ch 16,17,18

15 Configuring Servers Cont. (DHCP, Samba, NFS) LAB. TB2:Ch 23,24

16 Configuring Active Directory on Windows Server 2012 LAB TB3:Ch 7


For the assessment of course objectives, analyze the scores of the various course assignments and project.
Also perform Lab session (1.5 hours/week) to improve the students skills.
1- Assignments: These may consist of handouts given by the class instructor, discussion forums, or
selected questions out of your textbook.
2- Projects: These consist of activities for directly applying and integrating the concepts presented in
the course. In some cases, student will be given a case scenario to use in the development of the project.
These projects will require to use critical thinking skills, logical analysis, and creativity. They may be
individual or group projects.

Sessional Marks: 20 Marks
Quiz 5 Marks
Project 5 Marks
Assignment 5 Marks
Presentation 5 Marks
Mid Semester Exam: 30 Marks
Final Semester Exam: 50 Marks

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