Towards An All Wheel Drive Motorcycle Dynamic Mode

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Towards an All-Wheel Drive Motorcycle:

Dynamic Modeling and Simulation
Andrea Bonci, (Member IEEE), Sauro Longhi, (Senior Member IEEE) and Giuseppe A. Scala
A. Bonci, S. Longhi and G.A. Scala are with Dipartimento di Ingegneria dell’Informazione (DII), Università Politecnica delle Marche,c/o via Brecce Bianche 12,
60131 Ancona, Italy (e-mail: {a.bonci, sauro.longhi}, [email protected]) phone: +39 0712204666.
Corresponding author: A. Bonci (e-mail: [email protected]).
This work is funded by the EU H2020 ENCORE project, GA No. 820434, by the REACT (REACTive Product Design and Manufacturing)
project from Italian Ministry of University and Research, MIUR, and by the EU ERDF, POR MARCHE region FESR 2014/2020–AXIS
1–Specific Objective 2–ACTION 2.1, “HD3Flab-Human Digital Flexible Factory of the Future Laboratory”.

ABSTRACT Modern motorcycles are evolving more and more towards complex systems by the increasing
integration of mechanical, electrical and control disciplines. All-wheel drive (AWD) vehicles have proven
effective to improve vehicle’s performances and rider’s safety. Despite this, manufacturers have developed
few AWD motorcycles and little research has been devoted to them. Obvious difficulties concern torque
distribution to the front wheel because of steering system. Nowadays, the integration of technologies eases
the implementation of front wheel drive opening new research perspectives. In this work, the dynamic
model of an AWD motorcycle with an attached rider is proposed. It represents the first symbolic analysis
investigating the effects of front wheel traction on the dynamics of a motorcycle for supporting the design
of AWD motorcycles reducing trials and tests on prototypes. The proposed model is parametric with respect
to the motorcycle geometry, and it allows to simulate complex operating modes of the AWD, such as
cornering phenomena, taking into account coupling of lateral and longitudinal dynamics and tire-road
interactions. Unlike other works, here the authors include a full tire model by exploiting theoretical slips of
the brush model for tire’s aligning moment too, instead of applying a totally empirical representation less
suitable for a complete symbolic description. Besides, to simulate the equations of motion, the benefits and
disadvantages of using AWD with torque distribution have been pointed out introducing a new handling
ratio. Two verification procedures validate the model: one is performed theoretically, the other carries out
a comparison with a multibody software, whose model is more sophisticated, this latter embeds all main
motorcycle’s dynamics. Although radically different, being the first theoretical and the second numerical-
computational, both methods exhibit consistent behavior between them, and effectiveness of the former is
also consistent with the results of a multibody simulator under the assumptions made.

INDEX TERMS Vehicle dynamics, Modeling, Simulation, Intelligent transportation systems, Road

I. INTRODUCTION excessive slip at rear wheel arises. These vehicles do not fully
URING the last decades, despite a few motorcycle exploit the factual potential of AWD motorcycle. Being not
D producers have spent efforts into proposing solutions
to front wheel drive of AWD motorcycles [1], [2], [3],
conceived for smart management of the drive torque, they
are unable to adapt the latter between both wheels in several
researches on the topic are still lacking. Although different complex dynamic conditions. Modulating torque distribution
solutions have been developed and even more can be foreseen between wheels will give the designer more control over
by using electric propulsion, these commercial AWD vehi- vehicle’s performances and handling characteristics; this will
cles have all been conceived to overcome conditions of low be proven in the paper in a simulation scenario, in which
traction due to sandy or rough terrains. They use hydraulic analysis of a typical cornering maneuver will show how
or mechanical driveline to transfer a fixed portion of the the AWD advantages and drawbacks could be enhanced
drive torque to the front wheel permanently or else when

VOLUME 4, 2016 1

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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
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Author et al.: Preparation of Papers for IEEE TRANSACTIONS and JOURNALS

and mitigated, respectively, by torque modulation between a real prototype would be subject to during the development
wheels. Benefits of traction available at the normally un- as a new product [4]; hence, the model behavior has been
driven wheel improve acceleration and stability in cornering, further compared with a most realistic multibody-simulator,
reduces the tendency of the rear wheel to slip and applies developed in MSC Adams, richer in terms of dynamics, rigid
useful drive in the direction the rider wants to go. Evidences bodies and degrees of freedom. The symbolic model shows
of experienced riders point out these features. The availability consistent behavior with the multibody simulator under the
of suitable mathematical tools able to capture and describe assumptions made. Finally, the benefits and disadvantages
these phenomena would facilitate engineering development of using AWD with torque distribution have been analyzed.
of such vehicles and migration towards these new traction The paper is organized as follows: Section 2 introduces the
solutions. This work aims at being the first step of a broader related work; Section 3 and 4 are devoted to describing the
research work, which develops a model that can lay the AWD symbolic model. Section 5 describes the adopted tire’s
foundations for subsequent investigations of suitable control model. Section 6 introduces the multibody model, Section
techniques from which the AWD can benefit. Here, such a 7 is focused on the theoretical validation of the model,
mathematical model has been developed for supporting the Section 8 shows comparative simulation and results. Section
design and analysis of two-wheeled vehicles that intend to 9 concludes the paper.
take advantage of AWD features and to reduce trials and
tests on prototypes. Regarding technical solutions to deploy II. RELATED WORK
AWD potential, the electric wheel drive could help migra- Over the years, many efforts have been devoted to developing
tion towards full AWD exploitation. It is becoming more two-wheeled vehicles (2WVs) with rear wheel drive. The
appealing not only for cars but also for two-wheeled vehicles. joint progress between industrial development and mathe-
Nowadays, small and powerful motors can be housed in the matical models’ analysis had led to a meaningful technolog-
vehicle wheel assemblies bringing undoubted benefits such ical evolution of the 2WVs. The same did not happen for the
as precise and quick torque response, accurate drive torque AWD version of these vehicles, as instead occurred for cars.
control and the possibility of getting helpful information The reasons are twofold, technological and theoretical. To
on the wheel angular velocity and torque by measuring the understand them better, in the following it will be introduced
electric current absorbed by the motor. Despite technological both the few industrial developments of AWD motorcycles
advances, at present AWD motorcycles design still seems to and the main theoretical progress of the 2WVs, up to the
rely on experience rather than on an understanding of its AWD counterpart. The idea of AWD is not new in the field
phenomena, which instead would allow a factual success. of motorcycles, indeed some early implementations of all-
Before moving from an idea to a prototype and then to a terrain vehicle date back to the 60s, see e.g. the Rokon
product, development of newly conceived vehicle requires motorcycles [1]. Then later over the years, some prototypes
an in-depth investigation of its distinguishing dynamics to have been developed. However, only few commercial pro-
cope in advance with limits and strengths. This requires high- posals have been made, mostly involving internal combustion
fidelity dynamic model able to reproduce, although with ap- engine (ICE) and with obvious mechanical difficulties in dis-
proximations, the real vehicle over normal operating condi- tributing the torque through the front wheel. Without going
tions. Once available the equations governing the system, by into details of all the prototypes, we will briefly mention
focusing on specific modeled dynamics, a suitably control- few notable products that have had commercial implications
oriented model could be arranged, facilitating model-based together with their main features. Rokon manufacturer is a
control with the purpose of directly influence vehicle dynam- long-time producer of AWD motorcycles. They are off-road
ics not only by steering control but also through the torque and low speed motorcycles designed for use in the most
distribution between wheels. This offers to the designer more rugged terrain. Rokon uses ICE of about 6 Hp and a com-
degrees of freedom to influence the handling, the driving bination of belt, chain and shaft drives coupled to gear boxes
comfort and safety in a variety of conditions and situations, to drive both front and rear wheel. Back in the early 90s,
thus relegating the necessity for expensive empirical testing Swedish suspension specialists Öhlins [2] started working
only to the validation phase. This paper addresses the issue on a two-wheel drive system for the Japanese manufacturer
of defining a viable symbolic model for describing an AWD Yamaha. The system is based on a hydraulic pump driven
motorcycle’s behavior subject to torque distribution in differ- by the engine in the rear frame which forces oil in hoses to
ent driving conditions. The model is generally valid, namely a small hydraulic motor in the front wheel. It activates in
it has been developed regardless of the adopted driveline slip condition of the rear wheel; during this, the hydraulic
technology for the torque distribution to the front wheel. To pump transfers the exceeding energy of the spinning tire
strengthen model reliability, two verification procedures are to the hydraulic motor of the front wheel by generating a
adopted to validate it. The first one validates theoretically smooth transmission torque. It involves an additional weight
the symbolic model in steady-state cornering condition. The of about 8 kg. In 2004 Yamaha produced in limited numbers
second one, relies on multibody analysis, which as a matter the WR450 2-Trac off-road motorbike. In the same years
of fact in the automotive field is reputed by now as a de-facto the two-wheel drive set-up from Öhlins has been deployed
standard, suitable to simulate the tests and the behaviors that on the Yamaha R1 sportbike. Another noteworthy manufac-
2 VOLUME 4, 2016

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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/ACCESS.2020.3002685, IEEE Access

Author et al.: Preparation of Papers for IEEE TRANSACTIONS and JOURNALS

turer is the US firm Christini [3], it offers two-wheel drive dynamic model was derived by using a recursive Newton-
conversions to experience the AWD for off-road bikes and Euler [21], whereas in [22] an alternative modeling approach
military applications. The Christini’s AWD system delivers based on the Jourdain’s principle is presented to derive a
power from the motorcycle transmission to the front wheel mathematical description of a motorcycle vehicle; finally,
through a series of chains and shafts, it is complicated, but more recently in [23] it has been shown as the roll angle
it is also fairly light and can be applied to several bikes. The linearization assumption could be removed from rear wheel
transferred torque is predefined by design. The front wheel drive motorcycle models and it has been used for investi-
engages with the drive system and starts to pull as soon gating critical motorcycle’s falls, such as the low side fall.
as the rear loses traction. The above models have not been As showed by the above overview, the 2WVs has reached
conceived to adapt the drive torque between both wheels in maturity in addressing many dynamic aspects. By focusing
several dynamic conditions without slip arising. Besides, a instead on AWD motorcycle, at best of authors’ knowledge,
theoretical analysis did not follow jointly their development, a noteworthy multibody model is proposed in [24] where the
probably because of the need to investigate behaviors mainly authors analyze some handling characteristics as well as the
under slip conditions. Conversely, over the years this has energy efficiency achievable by using the torque distribution,
not happened for the 2WVs, for whom many efforts have this work shows as torque distribution does not provide
been devoted to dynamic modeling and analysis. In this significant improvement in terms of energy saving, on the
regard, the paper of Limebeer and Sharp [5] represents a other hand it gives some clues on good handling character-
milestone about the development of the subject concerning istics of an AWD vehicle negotiating a cornering. While the
single track vehicles modeling and control. They explored the dynamics of 2WVs has been investigated by means of the
subject since the mid-1850s when the landmark publications symbolic model formulation [25] or by computer assisted
started to appear, and the references therein also provide a multibody modeling (which overcomes the difficulties in
comprehensive review concerning motorcycles, ranging from handling complex symbolic equations), AWD dynamics still
pioneering and simple models to more detailed ones. For the appears to be in the early stage. For this topic indeed few
sake of brevity, only a few of many noteworthy works in [5] existing works exploit simple AWD models with one rigid
will be mentioned below, the reader can refer to [5] for further body, e.g. in [26] it has been proposed the AWD slip control
details. Dates back to the ’70s the influential work of R. in presence of roll angle. However, a single rigid body model
Sharp [6] to the theoretical analysis of motorcycle in straight- is not suitable to investigate more complex dynamics of AWD
running. A linearized model with minimum complexity that vehicle, and a more accurate model is advisable. A work
included for the first time simplified tire-road interaction addressing practical low-cost solutions for the automatic
without aerodynamic effects and suspension motions had engagement of the front wheel drive in an AWD motorcycle
been investigated for lateral stability analysis together with can be found in [27]. In this general context, our aim is to
influences of parameter uncertainties on the stability. In the find a proper mathematical representation of the motorcycle
same years was shown the importance of aerodynamic forces which describes the essential dynamics issues of the AWD.
on the performance and stability of motorcycles [7]. Some The model is intended to facilitate the vehicle’s dynamics
years later the same Sharp [8] tries to investigate the effects control through the torque distribution between wheels.
of acceleration and deceleration on motorcycles’ stability
with a rather simplified approach introducing longitudinal III. AWD MOTORCYCLE MODELING
equation of motion decoupled from the lateral equations. In this section, the model of AWD motorcycle is proposed
Some decades later, in [9] those conclusions were partially in terms of a set of symbolic equations of motion (EOMs),
refuted by using a higher fidelity multibody model but in- derived by using Lagrangian formulation. Generally, this
fluence of acceleration or braking on a cornering machine is provides fully nonlinear EOMs having higher complexity of
still an open issue. During ’90s extensive use of multibody expressions and wide operating range. Approaching the anal-
simulators to evaluate the performance of motorcycles has ysis of newly conceived vehicle, rather than a full complex-
started [10], [11], besides was laid the foundations of mo- ity model, firstly requires investigation of its distinguishing
torcycle’s tire modeling [12], [13]. In the following decade dynamics, albeit complex, over limited operating conditions
the contemporary empirical tire models for motorcycles was even with approximated models, as shown by vast litera-
developed [14]. A comprehensive overview of many of these ture [6], [28], [29]. Accordingly, by focusing here on certain
models is given in [15]. During the ’2000s, Cossalter and basic operating conditions, is advisable to avoid the wide
Lot [16] present a motorcycle model described as a set of range of vehicle’s trim conditions linked to a complex model.
6 bodies for FastBike simulation program. The literature Subsequently, once verified the model’s effectiveness in con-
concerning the stabilization of 2WV is quite recent [17], [18], ditions deemed basic, the roll angle linearization assumption
a double loop controller is generally proposed to follow a could be removed to widen the operating range focusing on
road path pre-computed by strategies such as the optimal higher performance of the vehicle, as already showed in [30],
maneuver method [19]. Later, Kooijman and Schwab [20] [23] for the investigation of rear wheel drive motorcycle’s
have presented a wide review on bicycle and motorcycle rider falls. This would open the way to a further novel result con-
control. More recently for simulator application a motorcycle sisting of a symbolic model linearized around non-zero trim
VOLUME 4, 2016 3

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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
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Author et al.: Preparation of Papers for IEEE TRANSACTIONS and JOURNALS

condition and parameterized with respect to the roll angle,

thus would allow it to perform a steady turning analysis at
higher performance and investigate on suitable controllers.
Currently this was attempted with black-box approaches on
rear wheel drive vehicles by acquiring the vehicle’s frequency
response in steady turning condition from multibody simu-
lator, by assuming that it can reproduce realistic dynamics
of the vehicle [31] [32]. The present paper focuses on the
dynamic model of AWD motorcycle able to describe its basic
and distinguishing dynamics; it represents the first stage of
the path above mentioned for developing newly conceived FIGURE 1. Motorcycle geometric parameters and reference frames.
AWD vehicles. As first attempt of analysis of AWD vehicles,
the vertical trim condition has been chosen, afterwards, ex-
cessive lean angles in cornering have been avoided by means in the paper the subscript i ∈ {r, f } will refer to the rear and
of a virtual rider controller. Thus, nonlinear EOMs have been the front body respectively. The rear frame, represented by
linearized about the vertical position. The contributions of its center of mass Gr includes the rear engine, the propellant
this work are different, firstly it proposes a parametric model storage, either the petrol tank or the battery storage, the
having the lowest allowed complexity, able to describe with saddle, the rear wheel with radius Rr and the rider. The
enough accuracy the dynamics of AWD vehicle in complex front frame is represented by its center of mass Gf , it is
operating modes such as cornering phenomena, taking into constrained to the rear frame by means of a revolute joint,
account coupling of lateral and longitudinal dynamics and it includes the front engine, the handlebars, the fork, the
the tire-road interactions. Besides, it shows how to integrate steering mechanism and the front wheel with radius Rf .
into AWD symbolic model a full tire model by exploiting Furthermore, Fig. 1 shows the vertical distances h and j of
theoretical slips of the brush model for tire’s aligning mo- the two centers of mass, their longitudinal distance k and the
ment too, instead of applying totally empirical model less wheel base l+b, i.e. the distance between the tire-road contact
suitable for the symbolic modeling. In addition to simulate points P and S. The steering mechanism is characterized by
equations of motion, the model has proven to be effective in the steering head angle  and the normal trail t. Numerical
highlighting effects of the front wheel drive on motorcycle’s values of parameters have been taken from a well established
dynamics allowing to describe the benefits and disadvantages model [6] and are reported in Table 4 of Appendix B.
of using AWD with torque distribution.
The tires model plays a major role in motorcycle modeling, B. MOTORCYCLE’S RELATIVE COORDINATES
in this regard a specific section will be devoted to describe a Relative coordinates define the position and orientation of
proper model and its integration with the symbolic environ- motorcycle’s bodies with respect to each other. The present
ment to provide the expressions of the contact forces and the paper considers the right-handed coordinate systems (CSs)
contact moments acting on the tires. shown in Fig. 1: Σ0 is the inertial CS whose Xo Yo -plane rep-
resents the road surface with Zo -axis pointing downwards;
A. ASSUMPTIONS AND NOTATIONS Σ1 originates in A and rotates by the yaw angle ψ about Zo -
The model derivation makes the following assumptions: axis; Σ2 originates in A and rotates by the roll angle φ about
- the motorcycle moves on a flat road surface and the X1 -axis; a rotation of Σ2 by the steering head angle  about
vertical dynamics and the effects of the suspensions sys- Y2 -axis and a translation to point B generates the CS Σ3 ; a
tem have been neglected. Accordingly, it will be deemed rotation of Σ3 by an angle δ and a translation to Gf generates
acceptable for our purposes those traction torques avoid- the CS Σ4 . The resulting kinematics chain has the following
ing abrupt vehicle’s accelerations, so that no excessive DoFs: the longitudinal and the lateral displacements of the
fore-and-aft load transfer is triggered. Also, the motor- moving point A in Σo , respectively xo and yo , vehicle’s
cycle tricky phenomena such as the wheelie and the angular displacements ψ, φ, δ, respectively the yaw, the roll
stoppie are out of the scope of the paper; and the steering angle, the front and the rear wheels spinning
- the rider has been modeled as a body rigidly attached to θr , θf .
the rear frame;
- the direction and the velocity of the motorcycle is con- C. MOTORCYCLE’S DYNAMICS
trolled by the rider acting on the steering mechanism The dynamics of the AWD motorcycle is described by a
and on the front and rear engine torques; set of 2nd order nonlinear ordinary differential equations
- the contact forces and moments are accounted as exter- (ODEs) obtained by Euler-Lagrange’s formalism (1), where
nal forces generated by a specific tire-road interaction the vector of the generalized coordinates is q = [x1 , y1 , ψ,
model. φ, δ, θr , θf ]T , and x1 , y1 represent the displacements of the
The motorcycle’s geometry is shown in Fig. 1. It consists reference point A in the CS Σ1 . The term T = T (q, q̇) is
of two rigid bodies, the front and the rear one. From now on system’s kinetic energy, V = V (q) is the potential energy.
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Author et al.: Preparation of Papers for IEEE TRANSACTIONS and JOURNALS

Qψ = j=1 Qψj = (Yf cos γ + Xf sin γ)l − Yr b +
(Mzf + Mzr ) ≈ Yf l − Yr b + (Mzf + Mzr ) (3)
where the same approximation used in (2) holds. The fourth
generalized force Qφ is the sum of the moments about the
X1 -axis, exerted by the tires external forces Xi , Yi , Zi and
by the overturning moment Mxi internally generated by the
tire itself, being always i ∈ {r, f }. The external forces acting
on the rear wheel do not contribute to this moment because of
their null arm, therefore Qφ is the sum of three contributes:
Qφ = j=1 Qφj = −tδ(Zf cos φ−Yf sin φ)+Mxr +Mxf cos γ (4)
FIGURE 2. External tire forces, moments and their CSs.
The first term Qφ1 is the X1 -component, linearized with
sin γ = γ and cos γ = 1, of the front external moment
Appendix A-A will provide the derivation of T and V needed Mef = re ∧ Fef expressed in Σ1 . Fef is the front force
to solve (1), the results are summarised in (32), (37), (41), with arm re (distance from the steering axis), both computed
(42) and (50). The term Qq is the vector of the generalized in Σ1 . Notice that in the front tire CS it is Fef Σ =
forces acting on the generalized coordinates. [Xf , Yf , Zf ] while in an auxiliary CS Σ5 centered in S
  and oriented as Σ4 is reΣ5 = [−t, 0, 0]T hence these vectors
d ∂T ∂T ∂V converted to Σ1 allow to compute Mef . The terms Qφ2 and
− + = Qq (1)
dt ∂ q̇ ∂q ∂q Qφ3 in (4) are respectively the components about X1 -axis
of the overturning moments Mxr and Mxf , which will be
The full actuation of AWD motorcycle is obtained by
derived in section V-B. The fifth generalized force Qδ is the
introducing in Qq three system’s inputs, i.e. the rear and the
sum of the moments about the steering axis Z3 of Fig. 1,
front engine torques τwr , τwf , respectively applied on the
which can be split into three contributes, Qδ1 , Qδ2 and Qδ3 :
transverse axes of the rear and front wheel, and the torque
τ applied on the handlebar by the rider. The vector Qq , can Qδ = j=1 Qδj =
be defined as Qq = [Qx1 , Qy1 , Qψ , Qφ , Qδ , Qθr , Qθf ]T . (τ −K δ̇)+t{[(Yf sin φ−Zf cos φ) sin +(Xf −
It is composed of the forces and moments acting on the Yf γ) cos ]δ−(Yf cos φ+Zf sin φ)}+Mzf cos  cos φ (5)
motorcycle’s generalized coordinates q. They mainly arise
from the tire-road interaction and from the steering torque The first contribute includes the torque τ which is applied
effects. by the rider on the steering axis and the torque −K δ̇ due to
In Fig. 2 are shown the external forces Xi ,Yi ,Zi , i ∈ the steering damper, where K is the damping constant. The
{r, f }, acting on the tire-road contact points P (i = r) and contribute Qδ2 includes the total moment acting along Z3 -
S(i = f ). Furthermore, P and S are the origins of the tires axis, generated by the external tire forces Xf , Yf , Zf applied
CSs ΣT i (XT i , YT i , ZT i ), i ∈ {r, f } with respect to which on the tire-road contact point S. It can be obtained by merely
the longitudinal and the lateral tire forces Xi , Yi are defined. converting the moment Mef previously considered to the
In the same CSs we assume Zi as constant vertical loads. system Σ4 , and taking the third component, linearized with
Referring to Fig. 2, the sum of the external forces along X1 sin γ = γ and cos γ = 1. The third component Qδ3 is the
and Y1 axes of the moving CS Σ1 , yields respectively the first aligning moment Mzf along Z3 -axis. Finally, the last two
two generalized forces Qx1 ,Qy1 : generalized forces are related to the rear and front wheels
and can be expressed as:
Qx1 = Xf cos γ − Yf sin γ + Xr ≈ Xf + Xr Qθi = −τwi + Ri Xi i ∈ {r, f } (6)
Qy1 = Yf cos γ + Xf sin γ + Yr ≈ Yf + Yr
where τw,i are the engine torques applied on the rear and
The approximations made in (2) hold under the assumption front wheels. The effects of the roll resisting moment are ne-
of small δ, which also implies small effective steering angle glected since they are countered by wheel’s traction. As can
γ = δ cos . Further detail about γ can be found in [33]. be seen, all the generalized forces depend on the longitudinal
The third generalized force Qψ is the sum of the moments and the lateral tire forces Xi , Yi , on the vertical load Zi and
acting along Z1 -axis. It can be split into two contributes, Qψ1 on the moments acting on the tires. The section V-B, devoted
and Qψ2 , as shown in (3). The first one includes the moments to the tire model, will explicit these forces and moments in
arising about Z1 -axis because of the external tire forces Xi , terms of the kinematic variables of the vehicle.
Yi , i ∈ {r, f } acting at distances b and l from point A. The
second one includes the aligning moments Mz,i , i ∈ {r, f }, IV. THE AWD SYMBOLIC MODEL: EQUATIONS OF
arising on the rear and the front tire contact patch [15]. The MOTION
aligning moments will be derived later in section V-B devoted The seven EOMs representing the AWD motorcycle’s dy-
to the tire contact moments. Therefore, the term Qψ is: namics are reported in this section. They have been obtained
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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/ACCESS.2020.3002685, IEEE Access

Author et al.: Preparation of Papers for IEEE TRANSACTIONS and JOURNALS

by applying to the nonlinear equations resulting from (1) a

first order Taylor expansion around vehicle’s vertical equi-
librium point {φ, δ} = {0, 0} and taking into account that
γ = δ cos . The first three nonlinear equations are relative to
longitudinal, lateral and yaw motions and have been obtained
by solving Lagrange’s equations as follows [30], [34]:
d ∂T ∂T
− ψ̇ = Qx1 (7)
dt ∂ ẋ1 ∂ ẏ1
d ∂T ∂T
+ ψ̇ = Qy1 (8)
dt ∂ ẏ1 ∂ ẋ1 FIGURE 3. tire external forces and internal moments: a) std SAE, b) std ISO.
d ∂T ∂T ∂T
− ẏ1 + x˙1 = Qψ (9)
dt ∂ ψ̇ ∂ ẋ1 ∂ ẏ1 V. THE TIRE MODEL
An effective simulation of motorcycle dynamics requires
The remaining nonlinear equations relative to the motions of a proper tire model able to describe most of phenomena
the roll, the steer and of the two wheels have been obtained arising from the tire-road interaction. This section is devoted
by directly solving (1) with respect to the generalized co- to compute the longitudinal and lateral tires forces as well
ordinates φ, δ, θr , θf , whose generalized forces are, respec- as the aligning and the overturning moments acting on the
tively, Qφ , Qδ , Qθr , Qθf . The following linearized EOMs tires contact points. For this purpose, the widely accepted
have been found: model conceived by Pacejka [15] has been adapted to the
AWD symbolic model. Pacejka describes the tire forces and
[ẍ1 ] (Mf + Mr )(ẍ1 − ẏ1 ψ̇) − Mf k ψ̇ 2 − Mf e cos δ̇ 2 −
moments in terms of the so-called Magic Formula [15],
2(Mr h + Mf j)ψ̇ φ̇ − 2Mf eδ̇ ψ̇ − Xr − Xf = 0 (10)
which are functions of the tire slip. In Pacejka’s model the
[ÿ1 ] (Mf + Mr )(ÿ1 + ẋ1 ψ̇) + (Mr h + Mf j)φ̈ + Mf eδ̈ + axes systems are in accordance with the standard SAE J670
Mf k ψ̈ − Yr − Yf = 0 (11) and 4976 (shown in Fig. 3a). In automotive, however, the
ISO 8855 1991 (shown in Fig. 3b) is currently adopted as
[ψ̈] Mf k ÿ1 + (Mf k 2 + If z cos2  + If x sin2  + Irz )ψ̈ + simulation-oriented standard for complex models. For this
[(If z − If x ) cos  sin  − Crxz + Mf jk] φ̈ + (If z cos  + reason, the latter has been here adopted in order to easily
Mf ek)δ̈ + (if y + iβf )θ̇f φ̇ + (iry + iβr )θ̇r φ̇ + (if y + compare the AWD symbolic model of the motorcycle with
iβf ) sin θ̇f δ̇+Mf k ẋ1 ψ̇+Yr b−Yf l−Mzr −Mzf = 0 (12) the model developed by means of a multibody software.
[φ̈] (Mr h + Mf j)ÿ1 + The modeling of the tire forces and moments requires two
[Mf jk + (If z − If x ) cos  sin  − Crxz )] ψ̈ + (Mr h2 + essential wheel’s kinematic quantities, the longitudinal slip λ
Mf j 2 + Irx + If x cos2  + If z sin2 )φ̈ + (Mf ej + and the side slip α [15]. Such quantities are defined as follow:
If z sin )δ̈ − (iry + βr i)θ̇r ψ̇ − (if y + βf i)θ̇f ψ̇ + (Mr h + vx − ωRe vy
λ=− α = arctan (17)
Mf j)ẋ1 ψ̇ −(if y +βf i) cos θ̇f δ̇ −(Mr h+Mf j)gφ+(tZf − vx |vx |
Mf eg)δ − (If y + iβf ) cos δ θ¨f − Mxr − Mxf = 0 (13)
where ω is the wheel’s angular velocity, Re is the effective
[δ̈] Mf eÿ1 + (Mf ek +If z cos )ψ̈ + (Mf ej +If z sin )φ̈+ rolling radius, vx and vy are the longitudinal and the lateral
(Mf e2 + If z )δ̈ − (if y + iβf ) sin θ̇f ψ̇ + Mf eẋ1 ψ̇ + (if y + velocities of the tire-road contact point. Equation (17) is
iβf ) cos θ̇f φ̇ + (tZf − Mf eg)φ + (tZf − Mf eg) sin δ − generally used by multibody software. As first analysis, the
tXf cos δ + K δ̇ − t Yf − Mf e cos δ x¨1 − Mzf cos  = effective radius was simulated in both symbolic and multi-
τ (14) body model by using the formulation defined by Pacejka.
Under the assumptions imposed on the motorcycle model,
[θ̈r ] (iry + iβr2 )θ̈r + (iry + iβr )ψ̇ φ̇ = −τwr + Rr Xr (15) it can be shown that the deformation of the tire is negligible
[θ̈f ] (if y + iβf2 )θ̈f + (if y + iβf )ψ̇ φ̇ − (if y + compared to the unloaded tire, as well as its effects. To further
simplify the symbolic implementation, the effective radius
iβf ) cos φ̇δ̇ + (if y + iβf ) sin ψ̇ δ̇ = −τwf + Rf Xf (16)
Re is replaced with the unloaded radius Ri , i ∈ {r, f } while
where k = a cos +e cos −f sin  and j = a sin +e sin + the multibody model keeps the standard definition (17). This
f cos . Despite the tricky symbolism, due mainly to the full choice simplifies the implementation without affecting the
parametric representation of EOMs, the whole system is still model accuracy as proven later by comparing the two models
described by the seven variables in q. The only quantities still in simulation. In literature, the tire-road interaction has been
missing to be able to integrate the seven EOMs are the tire described by two major models which differ in the way the
forces Xi ,Yi and the moments Mzi ,Mxi , i ∈ {r, f } which longitudinal and lateral dynamics are coupled. The first one is
will be provided in the following section. the completely empirical model [15] which describes forces
6 VOLUME 4, 2016

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Author et al.: Preparation of Papers for IEEE TRANSACTIONS and JOURNALS

and moments by means of a set of Magic Formula, where adopted Pacejka’s PAC-Motorcycle library, named PAC-MC
the coupling effect is taken into account by multiplying (120/70R17-Dry). In literature, such parameters are identi-
the pure slip formulation of each dynamics with a proper fied by means of specific test bench and software, based on
weighting function. This implies the coupling is hidden in empirical approach and data acquisition. A detailed descrip-
the formula. The second one is the semi-empirical model, it tion of the acquisition procedures is described in Pacejka’s
uses a subset of Magic Formula in pure slip condition which book.
are function of the theoretical slip computed by the Brush
model [15]. The majority of the multibody software use the B. TIRE CONTACT MOMENTS
former approach, however, the latter has been chosen in this This subsection describes the overturning and the aligning
paper coherently with its purpose of preserving the repre- contact moments taken into account in the generalized forces
sentation of the physical phenomena through a theoretical (3), (4), (5) of the proposed symbolic model. The formulation
formulation, and have proved more suitable for the symbolic of the overturning moment is based on [15] and [35], the main
formulation. The Brush model considers the coupling effects contributions taken into account are due to the lateral force
by introducing three theoretical slip quantities, the theoretical and rolling effects, as shown below:
longitudinal slip σxi , the theoretical lateral slip σyi and the Yi
total theoretical slip σi , defined as follows: Mx,i = Ri Zi (qsx3 − qsx2 φ) i ∈ {r, f } (22)

∆ λi where Zi , Yi and Zo have been defined above. The parame-
σxi =

1 + λi
2 + σ2 ters qsx2 and qsx3 are taken from the multibody tire model,
tan α
σi = σxi yi i ∈ {r, f } (18)
σyi =
 ∆ i their meanings are explained in [35] and their values are
1 + λi reported in Table 5 of Appendix B; this formulation allows
where λi and αi are the slip quantities given in (17) spe- the proposed tire model to well approximate the multibody
cialized for the rear and the front wheel. These quantities software model, however for a more in-deep treatment, the
are reported in Appendix A-B. The total theoretical slip σi reader can refer to [15]. The aligning moment is composed of
is precisely the argument of the Magic Formula describing three terms, the first one depends on the lateral force effect,
the contact forces and moments in the semi-empirical model, the second one is related to the longitudinal force effect, also
these are described in the following subsections. known as the coupling term, and the last one is due to the
residual aligning moment. The aligning moments have been
A. TIRE CONTACT FORCES expressed in compact form as follows [15]:
The longitudinal and the lateral contact forces acting on the Mz,i = −tri Yi + Xi (Ri (ssz2 ( ZYoi ) + ssz3 φ)) + Mres,i (23)
tires, respectively Xi and Yi , are modeled as follows:
As shown, the lateral effect is modulated by the terms tri ,
σxi Zi o ∗ Zo
Xi = X (σ ) also known in the literature as the pneumatic trail [15]. This
σi Z o i i σi∗ = σi
with Zi (19) trail is described by a specific Magic Formula which is a
σyi Zi o ∗ ∗
Yi = Y (σ , φ ) i ∈ {r, f } function of the theoretical side slip σyi and the total slip
σi Z o i i i quantities σi as follows:
where Zi represents the constant vertical load acting on the σyi Zi
front and rear tires while Zo is the nominal wheel load [15]. tri = tr (24)
σi Zo Ro,i
The lateral contact force also includes the effect of the
inclination of the tire by considering the tire camber angle trRo,i =Dti cos{Cti arctan[Bti σi∗ − Eti (Bti σi∗
φ∗i , where φ∗r = φ and φ∗f = φ + δ sin . Each force in (19) is − arctan(Bti σi∗ ))]} cos(σyi )
composed of the product of three terms: a coupling factor,
the values of the parameters Dti , Bti , Cti are reported in
a load factor and an empirical Magic Formula (Xio (σi∗ )
Table 5 of Appendix B. The second term of (23) is the
and Yio (σi∗ , φ∗i )) describing the force in pure slip condition.
coupling effect due to the longitudinal force Xi . As done for
These Magic Formula are defined as:
the overturning moment (22), the formulation of the aligning
Xio (σi∗ ) = Dxi sin{Cx,i arctan[σi∗ Bxi − Exi (σi∗ Bxi − moment has been slightly simplified compared to the Pacejka
arctan(σi∗ Bxi ))]} (20) model [15] [35], i.e. only the lateral and the roll effects
have been kept as well as the residual term Mres,i . The
Yio (σi∗ , φ∗i ) = Dyi sin{Cyi arctan[σi∗ Byi − Eyi (σi∗ Byi −
parameters ssz2 and ssz3 are equivalent to those used in the
arctan(σi∗ Byi ))] + Cφi arctan[φ∗i Bφi − Eφi (φ∗i Bφi −
multibody tire model described in [35] and their values are
arctan(φ∗i Bφi ))]} (21)
reported in Table 5 of Appendix B. Referring to the residual
The values of the parameters Bxi , Cxi , Dxi , Exi , Byi , aligning moment Mres,i , in order to compare its effect with
Cyi , Dyi , Eyi , Bφi , Cφi , Eφi and Zo used in this paper the completely empirical model used by multibody tools, the
are reported in Table 5 of Appendix B. These parameters formulation here proposed differs from the semi-empirical
are described by H. B. Pacejka in his book, and are the model that is known in the literature [15]. Such difference
same used by the Adams Software. In particular, it has been consists in the use of a Magic Formula depending on the
VOLUME 4, 2016 7

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Author et al.: Preparation of Papers for IEEE TRANSACTIONS and JOURNALS

theoretical slip σi∗ , σyi of the Brush model. The Magic

Formula is derived from the completely empirical model (see
parameters in Table 5, Appendix B) and depends on the roll
angle φ. A correction factor (σyi /σi )(Zi /Zo ) is introduced
to take into account the side slip effect and vertical load
normalization, therefore the formula reads as:
σyi Zi
Mres,i = MRo,i (26)
σi Z o
FIGURE 4. Multibody model of the AWD motorcycle.
MRo,i = Dresφ,i cos(arctan(Bresi σi∗ )) cos σyi (27)
Dresφ,i = ai φ(bi |φ| + ci ) (28)
the steering axis. A steering damper is also modeled by a
VI. THE AWD MULTIBODY MODEL rotational spring damper acting between the two frames. The
Taking into account that in many high-tech fields such auto- motorcycle is actuated by the torques applied to the revolute
motive, aerospace etc., the multibody analysis is a test-bench joints of both the wheels and to the steering mechanism.
to simulate tests and behaviors of real prototypes during These torques will have the same profile of the control inputs
their development as a new product [4], the proposed model of the AWD symbolic model. The MSC Adams tire model
of this new kind of vehicle will be later compared with a has been implemented to model the tire-road interaction. It
higher-realistic multibody model which is here introduced. uses the fully empirical tire model, based on [15] and it is
The MSC Adams software has been used to develop the illustrated in [35]. Note that in Adams the CS, defining tire
AWD motorcycle in a multibody environment (Fig. 4). In forces and moments, is defined according to the standard
order to have a test-bench as close as possible to the reality, ISO 8855, nevertheless the Adams tire model is equivalent
the vertical dynamics has been included in the Adams model, to the one from Pacejka [15], which uses SAE standard,
thus, it includes both the front and rear wheel suspension as previously shown in the tire section. In the multibody
in order to pursue the best fidelity. The Adams model uses environment, additional CSs equivalent to those from the
the same linear dimensions, masses, inertia and tires model symbolic model (Σ0 , Σ1 , Σ2 , Σ3 , Σ4 ) were defined, so that
used in the symbolic model. Therefore, under the same input the generalized coordinates could be measured along the
torques, suitably chosen in order to not trigger the vertical same axes in both models, this allowing to coherently com-
dynamics, it is expected a similar behavior of both symbolic pare such variables.
and Adams models. In order to simulate the full dynamics
of the AWD motorcycle in the multibody environment, at VII. THEORETICAL AWD MODEL VERIFICATION
least a model consisting of four rigid bodies is required. In order to validate the proposed AWD motorcycle model, a
This model has 11 DOFs for describing the bodies relative two steps procedure has been followed. This section concerns
motion, 3 translational about the axes of the motorcycle CS the first step and it provides the theoretical evaluation of the
(previously marked as Σ1 ), 3 rotational (Roll, Pich, Yaw), balance of forces and moments acting on the vehicle in steady
2 rotations about wheels revolution axes, 1 rotation about turning, moreover the power balance is also verified. The next
steering axis, 1 translational along the steering axis due to section will describe the second step of validation, where a
the front suspension system and 1 rotational about an axis comparison of the behavior of the AWD motorcycle model
parallel to Y2 -axis due to the rear suspension system. The with the multibody software counterpart will be made. The
road is locked by a fixed joint to the ground CS (previously first validation has followed the procedure described in [25].
marked as Σ0 ). The rear frame of the motorcycle has been The vehicle in steady turning has been simulated and the
split into two rigid bodies: a rear frame without the wheel, following three conditions have been verified in order to hold
including the rear engine, the propellant storage system, the the vehicle in equilibrium:
saddle and the rider, and a second one representing the rear - The sum of the external forces acting on the vehicle
wheel. This has been done to allow the insertion of tire-road must equal the sum of the inertial and gravitational
constraint in multibody environment. The same procedure forces;
has been performed for the front frame, by splitting the - The sums of the moments acting on the vehicle must
front wheel from the front frame. The position of the centers equal zero;
of mass and the inertia matrices of these new bodies have - The power provided to the system by the motors must
been suitably rearranged (see Table 6 of Appendix B for equal the power losses.
the multibody model parameters). As regards to the body The steady state condition for the vehicle has been achieved
joints, the front wheel is fixed to the suspension by a revolute by means of a simple rider model controlling the driving
joint which is fixed to the fork by a prismatic joint, the rear torque and the steering torque in order to have the motorcycle
wheel is similar, but a second revolute joint at distance b running along a circular trajectory with a radius of curvature
from the wheel fixes the suspension to the rear frame; the of 200 m at a constant velocity of 15 m/s. In this state other
front and rear frames are connected by a revolute joint about kinematic parameters are: roll angle φ = 7.4 deg, steering
8 VOLUME 4, 2016

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Author et al.: Preparation of Papers for IEEE TRANSACTIONS and JOURNALS

angle δ = 0.53 deg; yaw velocity ψ̇ = 0.075 rad/s. Such quantity is 0,04% of the overall force acting on the
The rider model follows a well known schema, e.g. the vehicle in the steady state.
one reported in [24] and it consists of two PI (Proportional
Integrative) controllers with values P1 = 2, I1 = 210,P2 =
150 150 1000
50, I2 = 150. In order to verify the first condition the
following balance equation was considered that expresses the 100 100
force error vector ∆F as: 0.5 0

P P 50 50 -500
∆F = i F i,tire + j Mj (ω j ∧ v Gj + g) + F aero (29) 0
0 -1000
15 20 25 30 -10
0 0
where the subscript i ∈ {r, f } stands for the rear and the 0 10 20 30
0 10
15 20
25 30
front tire/wheel, while the subscript j ∈ {r, f } stands for the
rear and the front center of mass (COM) having mass Mj . FIGURE 5. Fig (a): Time evolution of force and moment vectors’ norm;
All the vectors of (29) are referred to the moving CS Σ1 and zoomed graph: evolution in time frame 15 - 30 sec. Fig (b): Time evolution of
their meaning are detailed in Table 1. In the term F aero only resulting power; zoomed graph: evolution in time frame 15 - 30 sec

TABLE 1. Force balance - components In order to verify the second condition related to the
moments balance, the following balance equation was con-
Force Description sidered that expresses the moment error ∆M as:

F i,tire External force vector on the ith tire = [Xi , Yi , Zi ]T X X

Mj (ω j ∧ v Gj ) Inertial force vector on the ith COM ∆M = M i,tire + M i,tireint +
ω j =Rotational speed vector of the jth COM i i
v Gj =velocity vector of the jth COM X X
(M j,inertial + M j,grav ) + M i,gyro + M aero =
Mj g Gravitational force, with g = [0, 0, 9.81]T
F aero Aerodynamic force vector with Gr as its center of pressure j i
' F drag = [−0.5ρair CD A vf2 , 0, 0]T
(Ci − A)Σ1 ∧ F i,tire + M i,tireint +
ρair = 1.167Kg/m3 , (CD A) = 0.7m2
i i
vf = longitudinal velocity of the vehicle X X
(Gj − A) ∧ Mj (ω j ∧ v Gj + g) + M i,gyro + M aero
j i

the drag component is considered hence the lift force, the again, the subscripts i, j maintain the meaning defined above.
side force and their relative moments have been neglected. The components of (30) are detailed in Table 2. In Fig. 5.a is
The importance of aerodynamic forces on the performance
and stability of motorcycles at high speeds was demonstrated TABLE 2. Moments balance - components
in [7] and pointed out in [5]. Generally, aerodynamic forces
are not negligible, in particular they are relevant at high Moments Description
speeds. In our research, we refer to low accelerations and
M i,tire Moments on ith tire due to external forces F i,tire
not high speeds, resulting in low wind yaw angles and minor and (Ci − A)Σ1 =arms vectors with Ci ∈ {P, S}
crosswind effects, in that case much of aerodynamic effects M i,tireint Aligning+overturning moments on the ith tire (sec V-B)
M j,inertial + M j,grav Moments due to inertial and gravitational forces
are negligible excepting for drag force. This is supported by applied on (Gj − A)Σ1 = jth COM position
experimental data and theoretical assessment in [7]. It was M i,gyro Gyroscopic moment acting on the ith wheel
also found that in these conditions the lift force coefficient =Ḣ i,Σ1 + ψ̇ ∧ H i,Σ1 = ψ̇ ∧ H i,Σ1
H i,Σ1 =angular momentum ith wheel in Σ1
was close to zero, therefore validating the assumptions made Ḣ i,Σ1 = 0 in steady-state,ψ̇ = [0, 0, ψ̇]T
in this work. Above evaluations are also confirmed by nu- M aero Yaw moment along Z1 -axis generated by F aero
merical findings: aerodynamic side force is proportional to
the sideslip angle and the side force aerodynamic coefficient.
Since we deal with sideslip value of 0.02 rad and side force depicted the trends of the norm vector |∆M |, at steady state
aerodynamic coefficient that approximates zero, the contri- is stable at 0.3 Nm, which is 0.06% of the resulting moments
bution of the aerodynamic side force is about 3% of the drag acting on the motorcycle. Finally, the third condition regard-
force. Besides, the computed side force is about 2% of the ing the power balance has been verified by considering the
lateral force acting on the front tire-road contact point and 1% power error ∆P , expressed as:
of the lateral force acting on the rear tire-road contact point. P P P
∆ P = i Pi,drive + i Pi,slip + i Pi,tire + Paero (31)
These results come from the evaluation of experimental data
relating to a motorcycle running a curve at a constant speed where i ∈ {r, f }. Each component of (31) is detailed
of 15 m/s and different yaw angles. They seem to fully agree in Table 3. In Fig. 5.b is shown how the power checksum
with the assumptions made. behave, and at steady state it reaches a mean value of 0.32 W
In Fig. 5.a is depicted the behavior of the norm of the between 15 and 25 seconds. Such value represents a 0.022%
vector |∆F |, which reaches a value of 0.4 N at steady state. of the power provided by the traction system of 1446 W.
VOLUME 4, 2016 9

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Author et al.: Preparation of Papers for IEEE TRANSACTIONS and JOURNALS

TABLE 3. Power balance - components

Power Description

Pi,drive Power supplied to ith wheel by the motor= τwi θ̇i

Pi,slip Slip power losses ith tire=Xi vsxT i + Yi vyT i (tire CS ΣT i )
vsxT i , vyT i =long. and lateral slip velocities ith contact point
Pi,tire Power loss due to aligning moment= Mz,i ωi
Mz,i =align. moment (sec.V-B),ωi =wheels angular speed along Z1
Paero Aerodynamic power loss=Fdrag ẋ1 , with ẋ1 vehicle speed along X1

FIGURE 6. Rear and front wheel’s torques (τwr , τwf ) and minor and major
In this section, the AWD motorcycle model will be fur-
ther validated by means of comparative simulations with
1500 1010
the multibody software counterpart. Furthermore, simulation 1490 1000
tests highlighting AWD features pointed out by experienced 1480 990
riders will be provided. The proposed symbolic model has 1470 980
been implemented in Matlab Simulink environment. Com- 1460 970
parative simulations, described in the next subsection, have 1450 960
investigated model reliability and effectiveness in two note- 1440 950
worthy conditions: maneuvers with roll and steering angles 1430 940
exceeding the linearization range; acceleration in cornering 1420 930
5 10 15
of AWD motorcycle when coupling dynamics is triggered.
A further subsection will provide AWD vehicle behaviors FIGURE 7. Trend of rear and front vertical forces (F zr , F zf ) under moderate
compared with the rear-wheel-drive (RWD) vehicle. vehicle acceleration.


Two simulations will be proposed here, named minor steering 6 0.8

torque (mS) and major steering torque (M S). Both aims 0.6
to estimate errors between symbolic and multibody models 4
by comparing the roll angle, the steering angle and the 0.2
trajectories. Before detailing simulation results, it is worth
noting that the comparison was made with a higher-realistic
0 -0.2
multibody model than the symbolic one. Adams model in- 0 10 20 30 0 10 20 30

cludes vertical dynamics, more degrees of freedom, is free of 15 2

linear approximations, and uses Adams tire model. For our 1.5
purposes, it is closest to a real AWD byke. 10
Fig. 6 shows the wheels input torques applied in both
simulations, that are: τwr , τwf the rear and front respectively; 5
the steering torques named τmS , τM S are respectively used
in mS and M S simulations. A ratio of τM S = 3τmS will 0 -0.5
0 10 20 30 0 10 20 30
be considered. In order to avoid the overlapping of torques
transients, wheels torques act after the steering torques tran- FIGURE 8. AWD models: comparisons of roll and steering angles.
sient, at t = 10s. These inputs have been generated in Adams
software and exported to Matlab in order to have the same
input profiles for both models. Fig. 8 shows the comparison between the responses of
As the multibody model has both vertical and suspension AWD symbolic model versus AWD multibody model for
dynamics, it is possible to quantify the fore-and-aft load the two simulations scenarios. In mS scenario the roll angle
transfer under the acceleration generated by the torque ap- reaches 5.5 deg while the steering angle remains limited to
plied in Fig. 6. As shown in Fig. 7, the rear and front vertical 1 degree. The roll error magnitude between the two models
forces F zr , F zf have a load transfer of about 70 N from remains below 2%, confirming expected results under lin-
the front to the rear frames. This clearly means a negligible earization assumptions. In the M S scenario larger steering
force compared with the total load of the vehicle of 2433.8 torque is applied, causing the vehicle to roll up to 14 deg
N, about 3%. It was tested that is acceptable to neglect such and to steer up to more than 2 deg, nevertheless the roll error
effects even at 10% of load transfer, as the two models still remains limited under 8%. On the other hand, the different
show compatible simulation results. steering angle behaviors (Fig. 8) produce a trajectory error
10 VOLUME 4, 2016

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Author et al.: Preparation of Papers for IEEE TRANSACTIONS and JOURNALS

500 150


200 50


-100 -50
0 100 200 300 -100 -50 0 50 100 150

FIGURE 9. AWD models: trajectories comparisons. FIGURE 10. Steering torque τs applied in both scenarios d1 , d2 , while driving
torque τd1 applied in d1 and τd2 applied in d2 .

between the two models as shown in Fig. 9. In the first

10 seconds the trajectory error is minimal, afterwards the
difference is stressed during the activation of the wheels
torque. As an overall result, the effect of the steering error
on the trajectory appears negligible and the symbolic model
performs the same as the multibody model both under the
assumptions made of small angles and beyond them. Similar
overperformance in the roll angle was outlined in a previous
work [36] related to single track vehicle.


FIGURE 11. Scenario d1 (entering the curve): roll angle and yaw speed
Specific simulations have been carried out in order to high- comparison between RWD and AWD.
light the effects of the front wheel drive on motorcycle’s
dynamics. Two relevant driving scenarios named d1 (entering
the curve) and d2 (exiting the curve) are here considered. The
same steering torque τs , shown in Fig. 10, is used in both
scenarios. In d1 , the motorcycle is accelerated by τd1 when
approaching a curve, namely between 5 and 11 seconds when
the steering torque is increasing. In scenario d2 the vehicle is
accelerated by τd2 when coming out of the curve, namely
between 11 and 17 seconds. The simulations start with the
motorcycle in vertical trim and constant speed of 8 m/s. For
each scenario, two simulations named RWD (Rear Wheel
Drive) and AWD are carried out by considering two different
driving torque distribution: in RWD the whole driving torque FIGURE 12. Scenario d2 (exiting the curve): roll angle and yaw speed
is applied to the rear wheel (as in a standard motorcycle); in comparison between RWD and AWD.
simulation AWD the 20% of the driving torque is applied to
the rear wheel and 80% to the front wheel. Fig. 11 shows the
comparisons between the roll angle and yaw speed obtained
in both simulations RWD and AWD for scenario d1 . As at t = 11 s), AWD yaw speed decreases slower with respect
experienced by most riders, the RWD simulation shows that to the RWD case, as well as the roll angle is held around the
the use of a rear torque while approaching the curve is not maximum value. Here the front torque affects the behavior
advisable, because it affects the roll angle and yaw speed negatively while the rear torque, as expected, slightly affects
negatively, indeed the rear tire contact forces keep the vehicle the yaw speed as it appears steeper than the rising part of
in vertical trim, countering the desired turning, such behavior the trajectory (t = [5; 11] s). This phenomenon resembles
resembles the oversteer effect. On the other hand, the AWD the behavior experienced by the few AWD riders. As they
simulation shows that the use of the front torque in the same described, it’s harder to regain the vertical trim while exiting
circumstances is even desirable to obtain a sharper cornering a curve by operating the front torque. To conclude, the
trajectory, in fact yaw speed reaches a higher peak value than simulations have shown that the use of a front drive eases the
that delivered by RWD. The same behavior affects the roll maneuver when approaching a curve, while it may interfere
angle. This phenomenon resembles an understeer effect. the coming out of a curve.
In scenario d2 , when the front torque is acting (see Fig. 12
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Author et al.: Preparation of Papers for IEEE TRANSACTIONS and JOURNALS

The effect of the front traction can be explained analyzing

the ratio between steer and roll angle in Fig. 13. When the
front torque is acting, this ratio is higher, which means that
lower rolling angle can be achieved with the higher steering
angle. This can be considered as a positive or negative effect
depending on the intention of the rider. The Fig. 13 and 14
show three simulations with the following values of the rear-
on-front torque ratio respectively: 0, indicating that only rear
torque applied, 0.5, i.e., half torque is applied to the rear
wheel and half to the front one, 0.8, indicating 80% of the
torque on the front wheel and 20% on the rear one. The
FIGURE 13. Entering the curve: steer/roll ratio and yaw speed comparison.
time period when the steer torque acts is indicated by the
blue area, while the red area shows the traction action period.
When approaching the cornering maneuver at 7 seconds the
ratio in Fig. 13 has a value of 0.2, while it is 0.17 when
only the rear torque is acting. In other words, the steering
angle can be higher with the same rolling angle and hence a
smaller curvature radius can be achieved, if required by the
rider. Conversely, in the scenario of Fig. 14, the front traction
acts when the curve ends, and the effects lead to similar
consideration as the ratio is higher. The reason to consider
this last behavior as negative is based on the rider intention
to end the curve by reaching the vehicle’s vertical trim. If
the rider aims at reaching such trim with a straight steer, this
FIGURE 14. Exiting the curve: steer/roll ratio and yaw speed comparison.
requires more effort when the front torque acts. Because of
the higher rolling angle reached halfway in the cornering
maneuver and the front torque action increasing the ratio
C. AWD HANDLING RESULTS δ/φ, the steer angle is delayed to reach the zero roll angle.
The front traction effect on motorcycle’s handling can be If the rider’s goal is to force the steer angle to reach faster
considered advantageous or disadvantageous depending on the zero trim as intended, this will require more effort to the
the rider’s intention. Indeed, if the rider accelerates with rider. By concluding, a handling ratio is introduced to better
the front torque when approaching a cornering maneuver, a understand the effect of the front torque, and such effect
positive effect can be experienced facilitating the rider in the proves to be bivalent as it eases the rider in approaching the
maneuver. On the contrary, the effect is negative if the front cornering maneuver, whilst it hinders the rider when exiting
torque acts at the end of the curve, because more effort is a curve.
required to the rider to restore the vehicle’s vertical trim. In
this subsection, the vehicle’s handling is analyzed in various IX. CONCLUSIONS AND FUTURE WORKS
simulation tests characterized by a different value of the ratio In this work, an AWD motorcycle model has been out-
between the steer and the roll angle. A feedback control lined and the relevant steps needed to derive the EOMs,
action ensures the vehicle to have the same longitudinal speed linearized with respect to the roll and the steering angle
along the trajectory. This control action guarantees that the have been shown. The model has been integrated with an
motorcycle dynamics generated by different traction ratios adapted version, but nonetheless effective, of the tire model
is easily comparable, since it is clearly dependent by the developed by H. B. Pacejka which describes, by means of
longitudinal speed [6]. In the simulations, different traction a semi-empirical approach, the coupling between forces and
distribution between rear and front wheels are tested in two moments arising on the tire-road contact points. The AWD
different moments of the same cornering maneuver. The steer motorcycle model thus obtained has been validated in two
torque acts in all simulations from 5 to 17 seconds with steps; the first one follows a theoretical approach commonly
the same trajectory shown in Fig. 10. The traction torque used in literature and it proves the modeled vehicle can be
is generated by the feedback controller, which imposes the driven to an equilibrium condition. This is done by evaluating
desired longitudinal speed from 8 m/s to 12 m/s. Such speed the balance of forces and moments acting on the vehicle
variation takes place in entering the curve from 5 to 11 in a steady state cornering maneuver; in the second step
seconds, while at the end of the cornering it occurs from the AWD model has been compared in simulations against
11 to 16 seconds. In all situations, the yaw rate differences a richer model of the same motorcycle, implemented in a
are small (see Fig. 13 and 14), nonetheless, a higher value multibody software. The comparison in cornering condition
is reached when the front torque acts at the beginning of the of the two models have shown small differences. Finally,
cornering maneuver. further simulations have been carried out to evaluate the
12 VOLUME 4, 2016

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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/ACCESS.2020.3002685, IEEE Access

Author et al.: Preparation of Papers for IEEE TRANSACTIONS and JOURNALS

effects of a torque distribution on the vehicle dynamics. For The kinetic energy of the front frame Tf depends on the
this purpose an appropriate handling ratio has been proposed. velocity vf of Gf and its angular velocity ωf . Therefore,
The benefits and disadvantages of using full rear drive or by considering the speed vB of the point B and its angular
AWD with torque distribution have been highlighted and the velocity ωB , the velocity vf is given by:
results agree with factual behaviors of an AWD motorcycle
experienced by riders. Future works will aim to investigate f = vB + ωB ∧ (Gf − B) =
v 
ẋ1 − ψ̇(sin  sin φ(a + e cos δ)+
more in-depth the best way to use the front traction in +e cos φ sin δ + f cos  sin φ) − δ̇e cos  sin δ 
different scenarios, even when slip conditions occur; this will  
be functional to the developing of control systems that will

 ẏ1 + ψ̇(cos (a + e cos δ) − f sin )+ 

 +φ̇ cos φ sin (a + e cos δ) + δ̇e cos δ cos φ+ 
properly act on the torque distribution in order to obtain  
+φ̇f cos  cos φ − φ̇e sin δ sin φ+ (38)
 
improved and safer vehicle’s behaviors without obstructing  
−δ̇e sin δ sin  sin φ
 
the driver. 

. 
 sin φφ̇ sin (a + e cos δ)+ 

 +δ̇e cos δ sin φ + φ̇e cos φ sin δ+ 
APPENDIX A KINEMATIC MODEL +φ̇f cos  sin φ + δ̇e cos φ sin δ sin 
The angular velocity ωf of Gf is the angular velocity of Σ4
In this appendix the kinetic energy T and the potential energy and it is given by:
V of the system are derived.
f = 
T = Tr + Tf + Tω (32) ψ̇(sin δ sin φ − cos δ cos φ sin ) + φ̇ cos δ cos 
 ψ̇(cos δ sin φ + cos φ sin δ sin ) − φ̇ cos  sin δ  (39)
Tr and Tf are the kinetic energies of the rear and the front
δ̇ + φ̇ sin  + ψ̇ cos  cos φ
frame, they are given by:
The inertia matrix If of the front frame, related to the
1 1
Ti = Mi vi 2 + ωi T Ii ωi i ∈ {r, f } (33) principal axes of inertia X4 Y4 Z4 is given by:
2 2
where Mi , Ii , are the inertial properties of the two frames, i.e. If = diag [If x , If y , If z ] (40)
their masses and their inertia matrices respectively, vi and
The elements of If are reported in Table 4 of Appendix B.
ωi relate to the kinematic properties of the centers of mass
By using the quantities (38), (39) and (40) the front kinetic
Gi and represent the square of their speed vector and their
energy Tf becomes:
angular velocity vector, respectively. The term Tω takes into
account the rotational extra terms not included in Ti such as Tf =
2 Mf [(ẋ1 − e cos  sin δ δ̇ − (a sin  sin φ + e sin δ cos φ +
the rotations of the wheels and flywheels.
The kinetic energy of the rear frame Tr , given by (33), e sin  cos δ sin φ + f cos  sin φ)ψ̇)2 + (ẏ1 + a sin  cos φφ̇ −
depends on the speed vr of the rear mass center Gr and on e sin δ sin φφ̇ + e cos δ cos φδ̇ + e sin  cos δ cos φφ̇ −
its angular velocity ωr . The vector vr is given by: e sin  sin δ sin φδ̇ + f cos  cos φφ̇ + (a cos  +
" #
ẋ1 −h sin φψ̇
e cos δ cos  − f sin )ψ̇)2 + (a sin  sin φφ̇ + e sin δ cos φφ̇ +
vr = vA + ωA ∧ (Gr − A) = ẏ1 +h cos φφ̇ (34) e cos δ sin φδ̇ + e sin  cos δ sin φφ̇ + e sin  sin δ cos φδ̇ +
h sin φφ̇ f cos  sin φφ̇)2 ] + 12 If x [(cos  cos δ φ̇ + sin δ sin φ −
where vA and ωA are the speed and the angular velocity of sin  cos δ cos φ)ψ̇]2 + 12 If y [− cos  sin δ φ̇ + (cos δ sin φ +
Σ1 . The vector ωr is the angular velocity of Σ2 and holds: sin  sin δ cos φ)ψ̇]2 + 12 If z [δ̇ +sin φ̇+cos  cos φψ̇]2 (41)
h iT In order to compute the total kinetic energy of the system (32)
ωr = φ̇, sin φψ̇, cos φψ̇ (35) the extra kinetic energy Tω must be derived. The contribute
Tω is related to the rotation of the wheels and the engine
We assume Ir as the matrix of inertia of the rear frame whose
flywheels, it can be expressed by:
inertia moments and inertia products are about axis parallel to P P
X2 Y2 Z2 through rear mass center. Their values are reported Tω = i Tωwi + i Tf lyi i ∈ {r, f } (42)
in Table 4 of Appendix B:
  The terms Tωwi are the kinetic energies of the rear and front
Irx 0 −Crxz wheel not taken into account by Tr and Tf , whereas Tf lyi
Ir = 0 Iry 0 (36)
−Crxz 0 Irz are the rotational energies of the engines flywheels included
in the vehicle. The contribute Tωwi can be derived by defining
By substituting (34), (35) and (36) in (33), the rear kinetic
ω Twi as the total angular velocity of the wheel, expressed as:
energy becomes:
Tr = 21 Mr [(ẋ1 − h sin φψ̇)2 + (ẏ1 + h cos φφ̇)2 + ω Twi = ωi + [0, θ̇i , 0]T i ∈ {r, f } (43)
(h sin φφ̇)2 ] + 12 Irx φ̇2 + 12 Iry (sin φψ̇)2 + Irz (cos φψ̇)2 − where ωi was defined in (35) for i = r and in (39) for i = f .
Crxz cos φφ̇ψ̇ (37) The vector [0, θ̇i , 0]T is the rotational angular velocity of the
VOLUME 4, 2016 13

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. For more information, see
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/ACCESS.2020.3002685, IEEE Access

Author et al.: Preparation of Papers for IEEE TRANSACTIONS and JOURNALS

wheel, it is defined in Σ2 for i = r and in Σ4 for i = f . APPENDIX B VEHICLE PARAMETERS

The contribute Tωwi can be derived as a difference of kinetic
TABLE 4. Symbolic model - geometric and inertial parameters
energies generated by ω Twi and ωi which yields:
Tωwi = 21 ω TTw ii ω Twi − 1
2 ωi T ii ωi i ∈ {r, f } (44) parameter notation value u.m. (SI)
Mf mass of front frame 30.6472 kg
where ii is the diagonal matrix of inertia of the wheel Mr mass of rear frame 217.4492 kg
completely defined by the polar moment of inertia iry and the Zf front vertical force −1005.3 N
Zr rear vertical force −1428.5 N
camber inertia irx =irz , whose values are reported in Table 4 Irx rear frame inertia x axis 31.184 kg m2
of Appendix B. Finally, by solving (44) for the rear and front Irz rear frame inertia z axis 21.069 kg m2
wheels it yields: Crxz product of inertia xz 1.7354 kg m2
Ifx front frame inertia x axis 1.2338 kg m2
2 Ify front frame inertia y axis 0.835 kg m2
Tωwr = iry (sin φψ̇ θ˙r + 12 θ˙r ) (45) Ifz front frame inertia z axis 0.442 kg m2
ify = iry front and rear wheel inertia 0.7186 kg m2
Tωwf = if y [(− cos  sin δ φ̇ + (cos δ sin φ + iflyry = iflyf front and rear flywheel polar inertia 0.332 kg m2
sin  sin δ cos φ)ψ̇)θ̇f + 21 θ̇f2 ] (46)  caster angle 0.4715 rad
a A-B distance 0.9485 m
b A-P distance 0.4798 m
Similarly, the engine flywheels contribute Tf lyi , i ∈ {r, f }, e Gf -Z3 (steering axis) distance 0.024384 m
is derived by applying (44) and taking care to replace Tωwi f z position of Gf 0.028347 m
h Gr -A distance 0.6157 m
with Tf lyi , ii with if lyi and ω Twi with ω Tf lyi , the latter l A-S distance 0.8346 m
defined as: Rr rear wheel radius 0.3048 m
Rf front wheel radius 0.3048 m
ω Tf lyi = ωi + [0, βi θ̇i , 0]T i ∈ {r, f } (47) t mechanical trail 0.11582 m
K steering damper 6.78 rad s
where βi is the gear ratio between the wheel and the engine
flywheel and if lyi is the polar moment of inertia of the TABLE 5. Tire parameters
flywheel. Therefore the kinetic energies of the flywheels
hold: • Longitudinal Lateral Lateral φ∗ Aligning
2 Stiffness Bxr =8.189 Byr =8.189 Bφr =−0.5 Btr =5.141
Tf ly = if ly (βr sin φψ̇ θ̇r + 1 β 2 θ˙r )
r ry 2 r (48) factor Bxf =7.0273 Byf =7.0273 Bφf =−0.493 Btf =5.172
Shape Cxr =1.612 Cyr =1.197 Cφr =0.507 Ctr =1.711
Tf lyf = if lyfy (− cos  sin δβf θ̇f φ̇ + cos δ sin φβf θ̇f ψ̇ + factor Cxf =1.612 Cyf =1.197 Cφf =0.507 Ctf =1.711
cos φ sin δ sin βf θ̇f ψ̇ + 12 βf2 θ̇f2 ) (49) Peak Dxr =2012.3 Dyr =2195.7
Dtr =0.020
value Dxf =1452.1 Dyf =1546.3 Dtf =0.015
The values of the polar moments if lyry and if lyfy are re- Curvature Exr =−0.082
Eyf =Eyr =
Eφf =−22.497
0.566 sin σr -
ported in Table 4 of Appendix B. factor Exf =−0.348
Eφr =−22.497
The potential energy of the system is the sum of the potential Parameters
energy of two mass centers Gr and Gf and it is given by Overturning qsx2 =0.1252 qsx3 =0.0577 • •
P P Aligning ssz2 =0.022067 ssz3 =0.14968 • •
V = i Vi = i Mi g zi = Mr g zr + Mf g zf = ar =−435.4 br =0.029 cr =0.069 Bresr =8.430
Mr gh cos φ + Mf g(a sin  cos φ − e sin φ sin δ + af =−306.41 bf =0.046 cf =0.0453 Bresf =8.430
Nominal wheel load Zo =1375
e sin  cos δ cos φ + f cos  cos ) i = {r, f } (50)
where Vi is the potential energy of the mass center Gi , Mi
is the mass of the frame i, g is the gravitational acceleration TABLE 6. Multibody model - geometric and inertial parameters

and zi is the height of Gi with respect to the ground level.

• Rear Frame Front Frame Rear Wheel Front Wheel
The terms zi are easily derived by considering the component Mass
along Z1 axis of the vector (Gi − A) computed in Σ1 . 201.9793 15.1773 15.469 15.469
x = 0.7716 x = −0.479 x = 0.934
CoM * x = 0.0367
z= z= z=
B. REAR AND FRONT SLIP [m] z = −0.6395
−0.6327 −0.3048 −0.3048
The rear and front lateral slip αr and αf are formulated as ix = 0.36 ix = 0.36
ix = 29.214 ix = 0.5491
iy = 0.718+ iy = 0.718+
follows [15]: Inertia iy = 19.6319 iy = 0.1291
β 0.332 β 0.332
** iz = 16.8753 iz = 0.4165
iz = 0.36 iz = 0.36
ẏ1 − bψ̇ ẏ1 + lψ̇ − tδ̇ [kg m2 ] Cxz = Cxz =
Cxz = 0 Cxz = 0
αr = − αf = δ cos  − (51) 3.8663 0.2429
β=1 β=0
ẋ1 ẋ1 Suspension System
The longitudinal slip λr and λf are given by [30] [15]: Front suspension N
Kf =12800 [ m ] Df =1000 [ Nms ]

ẋ1 + Ri θ̇i − Ri sin φψ̇ Rear suspension Kr =7753 [ N m

rad ] Dr =100 [ Nrad
λi = − i ∈ {r, f } (52)
ẋ1 * The Centre of Mass positions are defined in CS Σ1 or point A with SAE standard,
the Y axis position is always zero.
Considering the front wheel contact point S, the front longi-  ix 0 −Cxz

** The inertia matrices have the form: Ii = 0 iy 0 , i = {r, f }
tudinal slip λi=f is approximated by putting δ = 0. −Cxz 0 iz

Equation (52) with i=f fixes the error appearing in [30].

14 VOLUME 4, 2016

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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/ACCESS.2020.3002685, IEEE Access

Author et al.: Preparation of Papers for IEEE TRANSACTIONS and JOURNALS

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