GCCPRD Phase 3 Report - Recommended Actions
GCCPRD Phase 3 Report - Recommended Actions
GCCPRD Phase 3 Report - Recommended Actions
Central Region
North Region
Chambers County
Introduction .....................................................................................................................................7
3.5. Technical and Environmental Evaluation: How do we protect while limiting environmental
impacts? ........................................................................................................................................................ 16
Public Outreach................................................................................................................................. 18
Page i
List of Figures
Figure 1: Recommended North Region Alternative (NR#2) - Levees Only ..........................................................2
Figure 2: Recommended Central Region Alternative (CR#1) - Coastal Spine ......................................................3
Figure 3: Recommended South Region Alternative (SR#2) .................................................................................4
Figure 4: FEMA map illustrating coastal areas within the study vulnerable to storm surge ...............................7
Figure 5: GCCPRD study area ...............................................................................................................................8
Figure 6: Storm tracks for the 254 ADCIRC storm simulations. Purple lines are Texas storm tracks, and green
lines are Louisiana storm tracks........................................................................................................................ 11
Figure 7: 100-year stillwater elevations for Current Conditions. Data referenced from FEMA 2008 FIS Map. 12
Figure 8: 100-year stillwater elevations for FWOA 2035 conditions. This model scenario includes 0.9 feet of
Relative Sea level Rise. ...................................................................................................................................... 12
Figure 9: 100-year Stillwater elevations for FWOA 2085 conditions. This model scenario includes 2.4 feet of
Relative Sea level Rise. ...................................................................................................................................... 13
Figure 10: Sample locations where stillwater elevations are extracted and compared in Table 5. ................. 14
Figure 11: Damage reaches established in HEC-FDA for the study area .......................................................... 15
Figure 12: North Region Alternatives Selected for Development .................................................................... 20
Figure 13: Surge reduction 100-year event in 2085 with NR#2 ........................................................................ 21
Figure 14: USACE Tentatively Selected Plan for Orange and Jefferson Counties ............................................. 22
Figure 15: Central Region Alternatives Selected for Development .................................................................. 24
Figure 16: Surge reduction 100-year event in 2085 with CR#1 ........................................................................ 25
Figure 17: SSPEED H-GAPS ................................................................................................................................ 26
Figure 18: Levee cross section for the potential alignment along Galveston Island Beach ............................. 27
Figure 19: South Region Alternatives Selected for Development .................................................................... 29
Figure 20: Surge reduction 100-year event in 2085 with SR#2 ........................................................................ 30
List of Tables
Table 1: NR#2 Technical Details ...........................................................................................................................2
Table 2: CR#1 Technical Details ...........................................................................................................................3
Table 3: SR#2 Technical Details............................................................................................................................5
Table 4: GCCPRD Study Area Summary ...............................................................................................................5
Table 5: 100-year stillwater elevations (feet, NAVD88) compared across the four model scenarios. ............. 13
Table 6: Comparison of Alternatives NR#1 and NR#2 ...................................................................................... 20
Table 7: Comparison of Alternatives CR#1 and CR#2 ....................................................................................... 24
Table 8: Comparison of Alternatives SR#1 and SR#2 ........................................................................................ 30
Table 9: Study Area Summary ........................................................................................................................... 31
Page ii
1. Executive Summary
The Gulf Coast Community Protection and Recovery District (GCCPRD) finds a compelling need for a storm
surge protection system on the upper Texas coast.
This report presents (GCCPRD) Phase 3: Recommended Actions for the Storm Surge Suppression Study. The
results of the study clearly illustrate the need for a storm surge protection system in the six-county region to
mitigate current and future risks to the public, the economy, and the environment. The recommendations
put forward in this report establish a framework for a plan and serve as a call to action for local, state, and
federally elected officials to become advocates for coastal protection. The time has come to move beyond
concepts and feasibility studies and begin preliminary engineering design and construction of the system.
The solution is actionable provided there is the will at the local, state, and federal level to make the
necessary strategic investments. Until the full system is built, the entire region will remain at risk to surge
flooding from tropical events.
The GCCPRD has been executing this study for the past two and a half years. This effort involved extensive
storm surge and wave modeling focused on evaluating and mitigating the regions risks associated with
tropical events and future relative sea level rise. The technical analysis identified and defined structural
alternatives, evaluated the environmental impacts and economic benefits, and compared the benefits to the
overall cost associated with constructing, operating, and maintaining each alternative. The GCCPRD has
performed all operations in an open and transparent manner by engaging the public and local elected
officials directly through public meetings and publishing all our reports, associated appendices, and data
online for the public to review at www.gccprd.com. Appendix A includes the comments received from the
public meetings held in March and April 2016.
During Phase 3, the study team executed public meetings and conducted numerous engagements with
other stakeholders to gather comments on the alternatives that were presented in the Phase 2: Technical
Mitigation report. The team also coordinated with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), the SSPEED
Center at Rice University, and Texas A&M - Galveston (TAMUG) to reconcile the alternatives recommended
in this plan.
This report is a summary report and does not restate in detail the technical information that was previously
published in the Phase 1 and Phase 2 reports. Those reports are included as Appendices B and C to this
Page 1
NR#2 is a technically feasible alternative that lacks complexity and will greatly enhance protection
throughout the region. Economically and environmentally, NR#2 is sustainable and with future optimization
the alternative is expected to meet all federal funding requirements.
NR#2 is very similar to the USACE Sabine Pass to Galveston studys Tentatively Selected Plan. By staying
aligned with USACE, future discussions associated with reconciling competing plans are avoided, which will
keep the project on track for authorization and funding by Congress.
Page 2
Alternative # 2 (CR#2): the navigation gate at Clear Lake and a modified Galveston ring levee, as the
alternative that best supports surge protection in the Chambers, Galveston, and Harris counties region of
the study area. (Figure 2)
The CR#1/CR#2 combination provides a region-wide reduction in storm surge that extends from the Gulf of
Mexico to Houston, providing enhanced protection for communities located along the shoreline of
Galveston Bay and industry located along the Houston Ship Channel.
* Construction costs and benefits to be updated in the future to include the addition of the Galveston ring levee and navigation gate at Clear Lake
While CR#1 alone provides a dramatic reduction in overall surge, there are still heavily populated areas
within the region that can expect to experience four to 12 feet of surge-related flooding. The addition of the
Galveston ring levee and a navigation gate at Clear Lake, evaluated under alternative CR#2, to the coastal
Phase 3 Report Recommended Actions
Page 3
spine will enhance protection for the City of Galveston, Seabrook, Taylor Lake Village, El Lago, Clear Lake
Shores and Kemah. With the coastal spine in place, the structure design elevation for the modified
Galveston ring levee is expected to be in the 12 to 15 feet range which is much lower than the 23 feet
originally proposed in CR#2. Due to resource and time constraints, the construction cost, the benefits, and
the BCR for the addition of these two features will need to be updated in the future.
Additional protective measures as proposed by the SSPEED Center at Rice University should also be further
evaluated. The SSPEED Center at Rice University has proposed a layered defense for Galveston Bay. Its HGAPS approach supports a coastal spine alignment, a ring levee for the City of Galveston, and an additional
gate structure located along the Houston Ship Channel with an ancillary levee structure through the bay that
ties the system northward into Baytown and southward to Texas City. (Figure 17) Conceptually, these
additional elements appear to be effective for reducing the residual surge along the west side of Galveston
Bay and the Houston Ship Channel. In the future, the study team will coordinate closely with SSPEED as it
continues research on the H-GAPS initiative.
Page 4
SR#2 is technically, environmentally, and economically feasible and has a very good BCR of 1.47. SR#2
provides a region-wide reduction in storm surge that extends from the coast at Freeport to Angleton and
provides enhanced protection for the community of Jones Creek and the industrial complexes located along
Jones Creek and Chocolate Bayou. The alternative includes the modernization of the Freeport Hurricane
Protection System and the extension of the system to protect of the region from the 100-year event in 2085.
Central Region
CR#1 + Clear Lake +
Galveston Ring Levee
Study Area Plan
* Construction costs and benefits to be updated in the future to include the addition of the Galveston ring levee and navigation gate at Clear Lake
Page 5
The total cost for implementing the GCCPRD Study Area Plan is $11.6 billion with a BCR of 2.03. The federal
government invested $14.5 billion dollars for hurricane protection for New Orleans following Hurricane
Katrina protecting a population of 900,000 people. The upper Texas Coast has a population of more than six
million people, generates over 31 percent of the states $1.4 trillion GDP, and has a significant role in our
nations energy and national security.
The GCCPRD Storm Surge Protection Study identifies the threat, the assets that need to be protected, and
provides solutions on how to protect the region from storm surge flooding. The plan is ready to move
forward to implementation.
Page 6
2. Introduction
The upper Texas coast, stretching from Orange to Brazoria County, is blessed with over 120 miles of pristine
coastline that has historically attracted people and industry to the region to take advantage of a multitude
of economic opportunities and quality of life amenities. This six-county region is home to over six million
people, the largest concentration of petrochemical complexes in North America, six of the top fifty ports in
the United States, NASAs Johnson Space Center, and a highly productive coastal estuary system of national
significance. Additionally, this region is vitally important to the security of the national economy and the
nations energy sector.
The study area is comprised of more than 4,300 square miles of land vulnerable to storm surge flooding
associated with hurricanes and other tropical storm events. History has proven that Texas remains most
vulnerable to large storms from June to October. The frequency of hurricanes along any 50-mile segment of
the coast is about one storm event every nine years. Annual probabilities of a storm event range from
31 percent in the Sabine Pass Region to 41 percent in the Matagorda Region.
Figure 4: FEMA map illustrating coastal areas within the study vulnerable to storm surge
In 2008, Hurricane Ike made landfall on the Texas coast in the vicinity of Galveston Island, causing 84 deaths
and over $30 billion in damages. To date, Hurricane Ike has been the most expensive storm in Texas history.
Page 7
Page 8
The Storm Surge Suppression Study is a technical effort based on science to investigate opportunities to
mitigate the vulnerability of the upper Texas coast from storm surge and flooding. Since 2013, the GCCPRD
has been collecting, developing, and analyzing technical data and collaborating with other organizations and
universities conducting similar work.
Page 9
Page 10
Figure 6: Storm tracks for the 254 ADCIRC storm simulations. Purple lines are Texas storm tracks, and
green lines are Louisiana storm tracks.
Page 11
Figure 7: 100-year stillwater elevations for Current Conditions. Data referenced from FEMA 2008 FIS Map.
Figure 8: 100-year stillwater elevations for FWOA 2035 conditions. This model scenario includes 0.9 feet of
Relative Sea level Rise.
Page 12
Figure 9: 100-year Stillwater elevations for FWOA 2085 conditions. This model scenario includes 2.4 feet
of Relative Sea level Rise.
Stillwater return elevations at specific locations were also calculated. The following table compares 100-year
stillwater elevations across the model scenarios at three sample locations within the project region.
Table 5: 100-year stillwater elevations (feet, NAVD88) compared across the four model scenarios.
Jones Creek
Galveston Bay
Sabine Lake
FWOA 2035
FWOA 2085
FWA1 2085
FWA2 2085
Page 13
Figure 10: Sample locations where stillwater elevations are extracted and compared in Table 5.
Section 3 and Appendix A and B in the Phase 2: Technical Mitigation report provide additional details on the
storm surge modeling and return frequency methodology.
Page 14
analyzed represent the reduction of potential damages caused by inundation and the associated avoided
debris removal costs. Inundation damage categories included:
Physical damages to structures and contents (residential, commercial, and industrial)
Damages to privately owned vehicles associated with residential structures
The USACE Hydrologic Engineering Center-Flood Damage Analysis Model (HEC-FDA) version 1.2.5a was used
to compute damages. HEC-FDA is an interdisciplinary program used to formulate and evaluate flood damage
reduction plans. The primary inputs to HEC-FDA contain only the following information:
Damage reaches (the geographic boundaries of reported model output)
An inventory of structures (including depreciated structure replacement value and structure
Damage functions describing the susceptibility of structures and contents to varying depths of
Stage-probability relationships (describing the annual probabilities associated with water surface
Figure 11: Damage reaches established in HEC-FDA for the study area
Saltwater, short-duration (approximately one-day) depth-damage relationships were used in the economic
analysis. Model outputs were generated for the following damage categories: residential, commercial,
Phase 3 Report Recommended Actions
Page 15
industrial, and debris removal. The residential category includes damages to the structure, damages to
contents, and damages to the associated vehicles for residential properties. The commercial and industrial
damage categories include damages to the structure and contents. The debris removal damage category
includes the debris removal costs associated with all residential and commercial properties.
The economic model results were combined with project alternative cost information to perform benefitcost analysis. Benefit-cost analysis was used to verify that the value of the benefits exceeded the value of
the costs and ensured the resources would be allocated in the most efficient manner possible.
Benefit-cost analysis involves two mathematical comparisons:
Net benefits are calculated by subtracting the total economic costs from the total economic
benefits. Alternatives with positive net benefits contribute to economic efficiency. In an
unconstrained budget situation, an alternative with higher net benefits is preferred over an
alternative with lesser net benefits. This analysis can be used to help select and scale a
recommended alternative from an array of alternatives.
A benefit-cost ratio (BCR) is calculated by dividing the total economic benefits by the total economic
cost. A BCR of 1.0 indicates that the total benefits equal the total costs. In other words, for every
dollar spent, a dollar of benefits is produced. Because BCRs indicate which alternative produces the
most benefits for every dollar of cost, it is useful for comparing or ranking alternatives when
investment budgets are constrained.
Section 7 of the Phase 2: Technical Mitigation report provides additional details on their economic modeling
approach and the methodology used.
Page 16
Page 17
A preliminary tidal amplitude and exchange analysis was conducted for of the hurricane barriers proposed at
Bolivar Roads and across the Neches River. The analysis indicated that the proposed hurricane barriers
would result in a change in tidal amplitude of 5 and 10 percent over a range of various tidal conditions when
sufficient vertical lift gates are added to the barriers. The analysis did not assess other potential impacts
created by the hurricane barriers associated with water quality, salinity, sediment transfer, and aquatic
species within the bay and estuary system. This analysis would need to occur to support the National
Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) requirements and documentation for the final project.
Section 2 of the Phase 1: Data Collection and Section 4 of the Phase 2: Technical Mitigation reports provide
more detailed information about the environmental review and analysis conducted throughout the study.
Page 18
4. Recommended Alternatives
4.1. North Region Alternatives - Jefferson and Orange Counties
The study team, in coordination with input from the public, community leaders and elected officials,
recommends Northern Region Alternative #2 (NR#2) as the alternative that best supports surge protection in
the Jefferson and Orange County region of the study area. NR#2 is very similar to the USACE Sabine Pass to
Galveston studys Tentatively Selected Plan. By staying aligned with USACE, future discussions associated
with reconciling competing plans are avoided which will keep the project on track for potential authorization
and funding by Congress in 2018.
Page 19
North Region Alternative #1 (NR#1) - The Jefferson/Orange Protection System with the Neches River
Navigation Gate
North Region Alternative #2 (NR#2) - The Jefferson/Orange Protection System Levees Only (without the
Neches River Navigation Gate)
Page 20
Alternatives NR#1 and NR#2 are both technically feasible, providing the same level of protection and the
same average annual benefits for the region. NR#1 is a much more complex system that is dependent upon
the proper functioning of the Neches River Navigation Gate and the Neches River bypass pump station.
NR#2, a fixed levee system, is much less complex and does not carry the risks associated with mechanical
failures, ensuring its overall performance. The increased cost of Alternative NR#2 without additional
benefits decreases the benefit to cost ratio (BCR) for this alternative. NR#2 will require additional future
analysis to optimize the alternative and develop better damage function curves for the petrochemical
industries within the region in order to capture additional benefits.
Figure 13 illustrates the reduction in surge throughout the North region with NR#2 in place for the 100-year
event in 2085.
Page 21
Figure 14: USACE Tentatively Selected Plan for Orange and Jefferson Counties
The USACE TSP is based on the National Economic Development (NED) plan that examines each segment
within the system to ensure the overall benefits within a particular segment are greater than the cost of
construction for that segment. For Orange County, the USACE TSP truncates the alternative alignment west
of Bridge City, whereas NR#2 extends the alignment to the west and north of I-10.
During GCCPRDs Phase 3 public meetings, local elected officials and residents in the Rose City and Vidor
areas expressed their concern with being left out of the USACE plan. Rose City and portions of Vidor were
heavily damaged by surge during Hurricane Ike and will likely become more vulnerable in the future with sea
level rise.
USACE is willing to include the segment which extends their proposed alignment to Rose City as a Locally
Preferred Plan (LPP). All planning, design, and construction costs associated with an LPP will be the
responsibility of the projects local sponsors.
The USACE plan will include the required environmental documentation to meet all NEPA requirements and
keep the future project on track for authorization and appropriation of construction funding by Congress.
Future Actions:
Page 22
Page 23
Central Region Alternative #1 (CR#1) - High Island to San Luis Pass Coastal Spine
Central Region Alternative #2 (CR#2) - Texas City Levee Modifications and Extensions North (SH-146) and
West--Galveston Ring Levee
55.6 miles
1,220 acres
0 / 0 CFS
303.35 acres
Page 24
During the Phase 3 public meetings, numerous citizens, communities, and local elected officials voiced their
support of CR#1 and their dissatisfaction with CR#2. Many felt the proposed alternative alignment for CR#2
left too many citizens and too much public infrastructure forward of the barrier system and outside the line
of protection. The public was also concerned about their ability to procure flood insurance in the future.
The local elected officials were especially concerned about the lack of protection CR#2 provided for
industries located along the Houston Ship Channel. These industries are vital components to their local tax
base as well as providing well-paying jobs for citizens within their communities. Based on the lack of public
support for CR#2, the GCCPRD study team will abandon future efforts associated with this alternative
CR#1 is a technically feasible and constructible alternative with a very good BCR of 3.22. Figure 16 illustrates
the reduction in surge across Galveston Bay with the proposed Coastal Spine in place for the 100-year event
in 2085.
Page 25
The SSPEED Center at Rice University has proposed a layered defense for Galveston Bay. Their H-GAPS
approach supports a coastal spine alignment, a ring levee for the City of Galveston, and an additional gate
structure located along the Houston Ship Channel with an ancillary levee structure through the bay that ties
the system northward into Baytown and Southward to Texas City. (Figure 17) Conceptually, these
additional elements appear to be effective for reducing the residual surge along the west side of Galveston
Bay and Houston Ship Channel.
Page 26
SSPEED is also developing a probabilistic model that will help determine direct damages associated with
surge-induced failures of large petrochemical tanks and their associated clean-up costs. The development of
depth-damage curves associated with tank failures will enable the GCCPRD study team to potentially
capture additional direct damage reduction benefits that were not adequately defined for this asset in our
current model.
There were numerous public comments associated with the GGCPRD study teams proposed alignment of
the CR#1 surge barrier parallel to SH-87 and 3005. In its studies, the SSPEED Center proposed placing the
barrier in the roadway right of way and raising the highways. The public on the west end of Galveston Island
preferred the alignment to run along the existing dune line as proposed by Texas A&M - Galveston
(TAMUG). The study team reviewed the dune line alignment during alternatives development. The team
had concerns about the environmental impacts the alignment would have on the existing dune system as
well as the overall construction and long-term operations and maintenance cost.
The Gulf of Mexico side of the dune/levee would have to be constructed with an elongated slope to protect
the toe of the dune/levee system from surge induced wave erosion. (Figure 18) This construction would
increase the overall quantity of material that would be required to build the system and drive up the cost.
Normal wave action will continue to erode the forward slope of the dune and require more frequent
maintenance than a system along the roadways thereby driving up the long-term operations and
maintenance costs. The Districts limited funding and schedule constrained our ability to fully evaluate the
potential beach alignment alternative for the coastal spine.
Page 27
maintenance costs of each alignment will have to be evaluated to determine the overall impact on the BCR
and the potential need to develop a locally preferred plan.
The study team did not have the resources to conduct a full environmental analysis of the potential impacts
that the gate system at Bolivar Roads would have on water quality, salinity, sediment transport, and aquatic
resources within the Galveston Bay estuary system. A preliminary tidal amplitude and exchange analysis
was conducted for the hurricane barriers at Bolivar Roads, and the analysis indicated that the proposed
hurricane barriers would result in a change in tidal amplitude of 5 and 10 percent over a range of various
tidal conditions when twenty-five vertical lift gates were added to the barriers. This impact is expected to
have a minimal effect on the overall health of the Galveston Bay but will still need to be verified to ensure
the project complies with all NEPA requirements.
Page 28
Page 29
49.1 miles
73 acres
2 / 2,500 CFS
49 acres
129.89 acres
SR#1 and SR#2 are both technically feasible and constructible alternatives with good BCRs. SR#2 includes
three additional segments and provides more benefits overall to the south region. However, the additional
cost of constructing these segments is greater than the additional benefits which has reduced the BCR when
compared to SR#1
Page 30
During the Phase 3 public meetings, local elected officials and the public were very supportive of SR#2. SR#2
greatly expands surge protection to residential and industrial areas that currently do not have protection.
The proposed extension of the Freeport HPS across Oyster Creek northward to Angleton and the ring levee
around the petrochemical complex at Chocolate Bayou were both viewed very favorably. The Chocolate
Bayou Complex is a major employer in the region and contributes significantly to the overall tax base.
The current line of protection for the Freeport HPS runs along the front face of Port Freeports docks. The
port is concerned that the proposed modifications to the HPS will further impact their ability to conduct
operations efficiently. The Port would like to move the alignment away from their docks in the future. The
requested move is an issue that will have to be evaluated during preliminary engineering and design and
closely coordinated with USACE and FEMA.
USACE is currently evaluating the Freeport HPS under their Sabine Pass to Galveston study. For Freeport,
USACE has recommended the modernization of the Freeport HPS to meet the required standards for surge
protection in 2080. These modifications include levee raises in vulnerable sections and the construction of a
navigation gate at the Dow barge canal. The installation of the gate is more cost effective than raising the
levees along the canal. USACE did not look at extending the system and their scope of work for this study
did not include areas outside the HPS. They will be evaluating the Chocolate Bayou region as part of their
Texas Coastal Study program.
Central Region
CR#1 + Clear Lake +
Galveston Ring Levee
* Construction costs and benefits to be updated in the future to include the addition of the Galveston ring levee and navigation gate at Clear Lake
Page 31
The total cost for implementing the GCCPRD Study Area Plan is $11.6 billion with a BCR of 2.03. The federal
government invested $14.5 billion dollars for hurricane protection for New Orleans following Hurricane
Katrina protecting a population of 900,000 people. The upper Texas Coast has a population of more than six
million people, generates over 31 percent of the states $1.4 trillion GDP, and has a significant role in our
nations energy and national security.
The results of the GCCPRD Storm Surge Protection Study clearly illustrate the compelling need for a storm
surge protection system in the six-county region. The recommendations put forward in this report establish
a framework for an actionable plan.
The study is a call to action for local, state, and federally elected officials to become advocates for coastal
protection and to seek the required funding to advance these efforts beyond planning to the actual design
and construction of the system. The entire region will remain at risk until the full system is built.
Page 32
The evaluation of the environmental impacts that the proposed gate and barrier system at Bolivar
Roads will have on Galveston Bay and the estuary system. The evaluation should include the
following elements for analysis:
o Threatened and Endangered Species
o Essential Fish Habitat under the Magnuson-Stevens Act
o Environmental modeling to determine water quality, dissolved oxygen, water circulation,
sediment transport, and circulation impacts
Optimization of each recommended alternative to reduce cost and maximize benefits. Specific
optimization measures include:
o Continue to work with TAMUG to finalizing preliminary design concepts and the alignment
of the coastal spine
o Conduct geotechnical review and analysis to include selected soils borings and cone
penetrometer testing to validate the subsurface soil conditions, which will drive foundation
design and subsequent cost. Geotechnical review and analysis are especially important for
the barrier at Bolivar Roads.
o Develop a Locally Preferred Plan (LPP) to ensure the levee section between Rose City and
Bridge City is included in federal plans
o Analyze an alternate navigation gate system at the Bolivar Roads to reduce costs and
maintain benefits
o Continue to work with SSPEED to define the feasibility of a second line of defense in
Galveston Bay to enhance protection of the west side communities and Houston Ship
Channel industries
o Continue to work with Port Freeport and Velasco Drainage District on the alignment of the
recommended extension and upgrades to the Freeport Hurricane Protection System
o Continue to work with industry and the Texas Chemical Council to better understand
tropical storm-related surge risks to the regions petrochemical industries and to refine the
damage curves for these assets
o Conduct field investigations to verify actual residential slab elevations versus model derived
o Continue to work with SSPEED to develop depth-damage curves for industrial tanks and
capture these benefits in HEC-FDA
Page 33
Appendix A Phase 3 Public Meeting Summary
Appendix B Phase 1 Report: Data Collection
Appendix C Phase 2 Report: Technical Mitigation