MVF051S 0e A2 Annex

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GB-H-98058 (A2)

Annex to Data Transmission Specifications

3S4YR-MVFW(DL)-051S Series
Hybrid Card Reader/Writer

Table of Contents

Annex A Transmission Method When Code Independent Information Transfer

can’t be applied A-1
Annex B Magnetic Card Data Record Format B-1
Annex C ICC Control Commands(ICC) Matrix C-1
Annex D PTS Request/ICC Activation ( PTS Designation Execution) Commands D-1
Annex E Matrix of Commands Relevant to Download(DLC) E-1
Annex F Flow chart of DL relation command F-1
Annex G Processing of Power down detection G-1
Annex H The Commands to be able Transmission for Incomplete Program H-1
GB-H-98058 (A2)

Annex A Transmission Method When Code Independent Information Transfer can’t be applied
When the Code independent information transfer method described in 1.3-1.6 of the transmission method
can’t be applied, the following method should be used instead. After power turns on the transmission
format of an Initial Reset command to be sent from the HOST to the C/R determines which transmission
method applies.

A.1 Transmission Control Codes

Code Value Meaning
STX 02H Character showing the start of text for the Command or Response.
ETX 03H Character showing the end of text for the Command or Response.
ENQ 05H Character showing Command Execution Designation or Request for Response
ACK 06H Positive Response Character showing that the Command sent from the Host
has been received normally.
NAK 15H Negative Response Character showing the Command sent from the Host has
been received abnormally.
DLE EOT 10H 04H Character showing Transmission Interruption or Command Execution
DLE 10H Transparent Mode control code in text.

A..2 Message Format

1) Command / Response Format

- Only one Command or Response is in the Text.

- BCC is calculation results by an exclusive logic (XOR) from the Text beginning (after STX) to ETX.
- However, the following are excluded from BCC calculation. DLE (10H) added by the Transparent Mode
- The BCC Vertical Parity is regarded as the BCC Parity.
- The maximum transmission delay between each characters from the DLE to ETX, BCC of the HOST or the
C/R is within 5 sec.

GB-H-98058 (A2)

2) Codes which can be used in the Text

b8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
b7 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1
b6 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1
b5 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1
b4 b3 b2 b1 column 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F
0 0 0 0 0 DLE*1 SP 0 @ P ` p
0 0 0 1 1 ! 1 A Q a q
0 0 1 0 2 STX*1 “ 2 B R b r
0 0 1 1 3 ETX*1 # 3 C S c s
0 1 0 0 4 EOT $ 4 D T d t
0 1 0 1 5 ENQ NAC % 5 E U e u
0 1 1 0 6 ACK & 6 F V f v
0 1 1 1 7 ‘ 7 G W g w
0 0 0 0 8 ( 8 H X h x
0 0 0 1 9 ) 9 I Y I y
0 0 1 0 A * : J Z j z
0 0 1 1 B + ; K [ k {
0 1 0 0 C , < L l |
0 1 0 1 D - = M ] m }
0 1 1 0 E . > N ^ n ~
0 1 1 1 F / ? O _ o

*1. [Transparent Mode]

When these code(s) ( STX, ETX, and DLE ) is used, DLE(10H ) should be added before them.
For details, see ISO 2111 “4. Presentation of data” and “5. Reception of data” .

STX(02H) -> [DLE] STX (10H 02H)

ETX(03H) -> [DLE] ETX (10H 03H)
DLE(10H) -> [DLE] DLE (10H 10H)

Text data Added DLE(10H)

GB-H-98058 (A2)

A.3. Transmission Control Procedure

A.3.1 Transmission beginning
Automatic recognition of Transmission speed (baud rate ) between the C/R and the HOST is done by
one of the “ Initial Reset “ command from the HOST. Therefor , first of all, the HOST should send one of
the “ Initial Reset “ command after power turns on. If the HOST has sent the data except “Initial Reset”
command( ex. DLE-EOT ), it should send “Initial Reset” command after 15 ms.
A.3.2 Normal Operation Sequence

A.3.3 Recovery Operation Sequence

1) Monitoring Time-out happens while the HOST is waiting for ACK from the C/R.
(Command is resent from the HOST.)

*1: See A.4. "Transmission Control Matrix"

2) When the HOST Receives NAK from the C/R.

(Command is resent from the HOST)


*1: The C/R detects Receiving Error.

(Vertical Party, BCC and monitoring time-out happens Between Characters)

3) When the HOST detects an error during reception of ACK from the C/R.
(Command is resent from the HOST)


*1: The HOST detects Receiving Error.

4) When monitoring time-out happens while the HOST is waiting for Response from the C/R.
( ENQ is resent from the HOST and a Response from the C/R is requested.)


*1: See A.4. "Transmission Control Matrix"

GB-H-98058 (A2)

5) When the Host detects an error during reception of Response from the C/R.
(ENQ is resent from the HOST and resending of the response from the C/R is requested.)


*1: The HOST detects Receiving Error.

A.3.4 Interruption of Transmission and Command to the C/R from the HOST
By sending "DLE EOT" from the HOST, interruption of processing or transmission can be specified to the
C/R. Therefor interruption of transmission disables in down loading. For more detail, see Annex E.

1) Before the HOST Sends the Command (Interruption of Transmission from the HOST)

2) After the HOST Sends the Command ( Command canceled from the HOST)

3) After the HOST Sent ENQ ( Forced interruption of the processing command from the HOST)

4) While the C/R sent the Response ( Transmission Interruption from the HOST)

GB-H-98058 (A2)

A.4. Transmission Control Matrix

1) Host Control
Event Reception Codes from C/R Host Reception Monitoring
Host Status ACK NAK STX ETX BCC Other Codes Time-out Monitoring Time
1 Waiting for ACK ENQ Send -> Resend Ignore Ignore Ignore Resend Command *1
after sending go to status 2 Command -> -> remain in status 1
command remain in *3
status 1 *3
2 Waiting for Ignore Ignore Buffer Ignore Ignore Resend ENQ *2
Response Rec Clear -> go
eption after to status 3 -> remain in status2 *3
3 Waiting for Data store -> Data store -> Buffer Send the next command Data Store Resend ENQ 20 seconds
Receiving ETX remain in remain in Clear -> when reception is *4
BCC in status 3 status 3 remain in normal. -> go to status -> remain in -> go to status 2 *3
response status 3 1 Resend ENQ when status 3
reception reception is abnormal. ->
go to status 2 *3

*1: Monitoring Time for "DLE ACK" after the Host had sent the command should be 5.02 sec or more.
When Sending/Receiving Switching-over Time of the C/R is extended by the Initial Reset Command from
the Host, the Host should be monitored the time which is this value plus 5.02 sec. (Refer to 4.1)
*2: Monitoring Time of Response in the Host is different to each command. Usually 10 seconds or more is
recommended. For commands which is accompanied human operation (e.g., Insertion, takeout ), this
human operation time should be added to monitoring Time of response, Also, when the number of retries
accompanying mechanical operation (moving) increases, one second per re-trying should be added.
*3:The number of re-transmission is decided by the Host and should be decided more than one time.
The Host should execute the Error Processing after exceeded the number of trying.
*4: A value of the monitoring time is different by the transmission speed and the response length. 20 seconds is
the value of the monitoring time which the transmission speed is 1200 bps. The value of it is 3 seconds by
9600 bps.

2) C/R Control (for reference)

Event Reception Codes from C/R C/R Reception Monitoring
Host Status ENQ STX DLE ETX ETX BCC Other Codes Time-out Monitoring Time
1 Idle Resend Buffer Execution Ignore Ignore Ignore Ignore
Response Clear -> go to interruption ->
-> remain in status 2 remain in
status 1 status 1
2 Waiting for Data store -> Buffer Execution Interru When reception is Data Store NAK Send -> go to 5 sec (character
ETX BCC remain in Clear -> ption ->goto normal, send ACK -> remain in status 1 space)
in Command status 2 remain in status 1 -> go to status 3 status 2
Reception status 2 When reception is
abnormal, send NAK ->
go to status 1
3 Waiting for Send response Buffer Clear Execution Ignore Ignore Ignore Ignore
DLE ENQ after command -> go to Interruption ->
after execution -> go status 2 go to status 1
sending to status 1

While the C/R is a processing command except DL processing, all characters except "DLE EOT" from the
HOST are ignored. Therefore, see Annex E about “DLE EOT” during DL processing.

GB-H-98058 (A2)

Annex B Magnetic Card Data Record Format

ISO #1 ISO #2 ISO #3
Character Length 7 bits 5 bits 5 bits
Parity odd odd odd
Longitudinal Calculation Method even LRC even LRC even LRC
Top Character “SP” “0” “0”
Start Sentinel (SS) “%” “;” “;””
End Sentinel (ES) “?” “?” “?”
Data Length (byte) 1~76 1~37 1~104

B.1 ISO Track (#1 ~ #3) Card Data Configuration

Card Data which is sent and received by command or responses between the Host and the C/R are all
ASCII Codes exclude Parity of Card Record Data.

Magnetic Card Data Record Format Card Record Data

Card Data + Parity *1 R
Magnetic Card Data sending-
Receiving Format Sending and receiving data

Card Data *2

*1 Record data contains card and parity data.

*2 Sending and Receiving data between the HOST and the C/R is only data after detached parity.

B.2 ISO #1 Track Character Code Setting

1 character of the ISO #1 Track consists of 6 bits.
Usable codes are only the ASCII Codes shown below.

SP 0 @ *1 P
! *1 1 A Q *1.These characters are only used for hardware control. Do not use
“ *1 2 B R as Card Data.
# *3 3 C S
$ 4 D T *2.Do not use these characters for cards to be used internationally.
% *4 5 E U
& *1 6 F V *3.These characters have been prepared for use as the additional
diagram characters. Do not use in the Card Data.
‘ *1 7 G W
( 8 H X
*4.Use these characters based on the meanings shown below.
) 9 I Y
* *1 : *1 J Z "%"; Start Sentinel (SS)
+ *1 ; *1 K [ *2 "?"; End Sentinel (ES)
, *1 < *1 L *2 "^"; Separator
- = *1 M ] *2
. > *1 N ^ *4 However, all codes for LRC is enabled to use without above
/ ? *4 O _ *1 limitation.

GB-H-98058 (A2)

B.3 ISO #2 and #3 Track Character Code Setting

1 character of the ISO #2 or #3 consists of 4 bits.
Useable codes are only the ASCII Codes shown below.

0 *1. These characters are only used for hardware control. Do not use as Card Data.
1 *2. ";" : Start Sentinel (SS)
2 *3. "=" : Separator
3 *4. "?" : End sentinel (ES)
5 However, all codes for LRC is enabled to use without above limitation.
: *1
; *2
< *1
= *3
> *1
? *4

GB-H-98058 (A2)
Annex C ICC Control Commands(ICC) Matrix
Points to Notice
- The “xx” of positive response data indicates card position.
- The response of activation commands is transmitted unsupported ATR error(“Nxx87”) in case C/R can’t support ATR of ICC.
- The response of sequence error( “Nxx01”) is transmitted in case activation commands is re-sent again during the ICC activation,.
- “T=0”, ”T=1”, ”Needs to PTS Req.” and ”PTS incompletion” in matrix below is shows response data for the command. For details, see Annex D.
- The PTS request command(“F8”) under processing ( read /write ) with T=0/T=1 the ICC is responded as sequence error(“Nxx01”).
- Interruption completion command(“F4”) for transmission is effective only when the status is in processing to T=1 card.

C.1 Matrix Before Activation

Press Release Activation Press + Activation Deactivation + Release Cold Reset Press + Cold Reset
“C0” “C1” “C2” “C5” “C6” “E0” “G1”
Status of C/R
0 Before Contact Press Press + Activation Activation + (PTS)
Press “PC010” “PC511 ” ”PG111”
->1 ->2 *3->2
*1 ->5 T=0->5
*2 ->6 T=1->6
Needs to PTS Req.>3
PTS incompletion->4
1 After Contact Release Activation Activation Release Activation + (PTS) Activation + (PTS)
Press ”PC102” ”PC211” “PC511” “PC602” ”PE011” ”PG111”
->0 ->2 ->2 ->0 *5 ->2 *5 ->2
*1 ->5 *1 ->5 *3 T=0->5 *3 T=0->5
*2 ->6 *2 ->6 *4 T=1->6 *4 T=1->6
Needs to PTS Req.->3 Needs to PTS Req.->3
PTS incompletion->4 PTS incompletion->4
*1: The ICC of which protocol type indicated by TA2 in the specific mode is T=0 or that of which single protocol type is T=0 in the negotiable mode.
*2: The ICC of which protocol type indicated by TA2 in the specific mode is T=1.
*3: The ICC of which protocol type indicated by TA2 in the specific mode is T=0 or that of which protocol type fixed T=0 after PTS.
*4: The ICC of which protocol type indicated by TA2 in the specific mode is T=1 or that of which protocol type fixed T=1 after PTS.
*5: In case command parameter is without “designation of PTS Execution automatically”, and the ICC doesn’t comply with the above *1 and *2.

GB-H-98058 (A2)
C.2 PTS Matrix of right After Activation
Commands T=0 Transmission T1 Sending/Receiving PTS
(CMD) Deactivation Warm Reset Continuous Extended Extended Continuous
+Release Transmission Transmission PTS Request
“C3” “E1” Transmission Transmission Transmission
“C6” “F0” “F1” “F8”
Status of C/R “F2” “F6” “F7”
2 Immediately Deactivation Deactivation Warm Reset + (PTS) T=0 Sending/Receiving Sending/Receiving Continuous Sending Extended Sending/ Extended Continuous PTS Request
after “PC310” +Release ”PE111” “PF020” *4 “PF120” *5 /Receiving *5 Receiving *5 Transmission *5 “PF820”
Activation ->1 “PC602” *3 ->2 ->5 ->6 “PF222” “PF620” “PF722” T=0->5
*1 T=0->5 ->7 ->6 ->9 T=1->6
*2 T=1->6 Sending/Receiving Extended Sending PTS incompletion->4
Needs to PTS Req->3 “PF121” *5 /Receiving *5
PTS incompletion->4 ->8 “PF621”
3 Needs to PTS Deactivation Deactivation Warm Reset + (PTS) T0 Sending/Receiving Sending/Receiving Continuous Sending Extended Sending Extended Continuous PTS Request
Request “PC310” +Release ”PE111” “PF020” *4 “PF120” *5 /Receiving *5 /Receiving *5 Sending *5 “PF820”
Command ->1 “PC602” *3 ->2 ->5 ->6 “PF222” “PF620” “PF722” T=0->5
->0 *1 T=0->5 ->7 ->6 ->9 T=1->6
*2 T=1->6 Sending/Receiving Extended Sending PTS incompletion->4
Needs to PTS Req->3 “PF121” *5 /Receiving
PTS incompletion->4 ->8 “PF621”
4 PTS execution Deactivation Deactivation Warm Reset + (PTS) T0 Sending/Receiving Sending/Receiving Continuous Sending Extended Sending Extended Continuous PTS Request
“PC310” +Release ”PE111” “PF020” *4 “PF120” *5 /Receiving *5 /Receiving *5 Transmission *5 “PF820”
->1 “PC602” *3 ->2 ->5 ->6 “PF222” “PF620” “PF722” T=0->5
->0 *1 T=0->5 ->7 ->6 ->9 T=1->6
*2 T=1->6 Sending/Receiving Extended Sending PTS incompletion ->4
Needs to PTS Req->3 “PF121” *5 /Receiving *5
PTS incompletion ->4 ->8 “PF621”
*1: The ICC of which protocol type indicated by TA2 in the specific mode is T=0 or that of which protocol type fixed T=0 after PTS.
*2: The ICC of which protocol type indicated by TA2 in the specific mode is T=1 or that of which protocol type fixed T=1 after PTS.
*3: In case command parameter is without “PTS Execution automatically” , and the ICC does not comply with the above *1 and *2.
*4: It is counted as sequence error in case of the ICC of which protocol type is not indicated as T=0 in ATR.
*5: It is counted as sequence error in case of the ICC of which protocol type is not indicated as T=1 in ATR.

GB-H-98058 (A2)
C.3 Matrix of processing with T=0/T=1 ICC
Commands T=1 Transmission
Deactivation Transmission
(CMD) Deactivation
+ Release Warm Reset Continuous Continuous Compulsory Extended Extended Continuous
“C3” Transmission Transmission
“C6” “E1” Transmission Receiving Completion Transmission Transmission
Status of C/R “F0” “F1”
“F2” “F3” “F4” “F6” “F7”
5 In Protocol processing Deactivation Deactivation Warm Reset + (PTS) T0 Sending
with T=0 Card “PC310” +Release ”PE111” *3 ->2 /Receiving
->1 “PC602” *1 T=0->5 “PF020”
->0 *2 T=1->6
Needs to PTS Req->3
PTS incompletion->4
6 Process with Idle Deactivation Deactivation Warm Reset + (PTS) Sending/ Continuous Extended Sending Extended Continuous
T=1 Card “PC310” +Release ”PE111” *3 ->2 Receiving Sending/ /Receiving Transmission
->1 “PC602” *1 T=0->5 “PF120” ->6 Receiving “PF620” ->6 “PF722”
->0 *2 T=1->6 Sending/ “PF222” Extended Sending ->9
Needs to PTS Req->3 Receiving ->7 /Receiving
PTS incompletion->4 “PF121” ->8 “PF621” ->8
7 During Deactivation Deactivation Warm Reset + (PTS) Sending/ Continuous Transmission
Continuous “PC310” +Release ”PE111” *3 ->2 Receiving Sending/ Compulsory
Transmission ->1 “PC602” *1 T=0->5 “PF120” ->6 Receiving Completion
->0 *2 T=1->6 Sending/ “PF222” “PF423”
Needs to PTS Req->3 Receiving ->6
PTS incompletion->4 “PF121” ->8
8 During Deactivation Deactivation Warm Reset + (PTS) Continuous Transmission
Continuous “PC310” +Release ”PE111” *3 ->2 Receiving Compulsory
Receiving ->1 “PC602” *1 T=0->5 “PF320” ->6 Completion
->0 *2 T=1->6 Continuous “PF423”
Needs to PTS Req->3 Receiving ->6
PTS incompletion->4 “PF321” ->8
9 During Deactivation Deactivation Warm Reset + (PTS) Transmission Extended Sending Extended Continuous
Extended “PC310” +Release ”PE111” *3 ->2 Compulsory /Receiving Transmission
Continuous ->1 “PC602” *1 T=0->5 Completion “PF620” ->6 “PF722”
Transmission ->0 *2 T=1->6 “PF423” Extended Sending
Needs to PTS Req->3 ->6 /Receiving
PTS incompletion->4 “PF621” ->8
*1: The ICC of which protocol type indicated by TA2 in the specific mode is T=0 or that of which protocol type fixed T=0 after PTS.
*2: The ICC of which protocol type indicated by TA2 in the specific mode is T=1 or that of which protocol type fixed T=1 after PTS.
*3: In case command parameter is without “PTS Execution automatically”, and the ICC does not comply with the above *1 and *2.

GB-H-98058 (A2)
Annex D PTS Request/ICC Activation ( PTS Designation Execution) Commands
D.1 Protocol Type Execution
The table below shows the relationship between the protocol type indicated in ATR and PTS request/ ICC
activation ( PTS designation execution) commands. Processing by the C/R and the response are described

- Activation commands to PTS execution are “E0”,”E1” and “G1”. “PTS designation execution” means the
Activation command when “Executes automatically PTS Execution” is set to parameter.
- Protocol type “T=x” indicates the type exclude for “T=0” and “T=1”.
- When the ICC is in the specific mode, the response of PTS request command is sequence error(“NF801”)
and activation with PTS execution command transmits response without PTS request to the ICC.
- ATR Information added to response data of activation command is omitted in this Matrix.

Commands PTS Request(“F8”)

ICC *1
Activation with PTS Execution
Protocol Protocol Type T=0(“F80”) Protocol Type T=1(“F81”)
T=0 Successful PTS Request-> No PTS Request No PTS Request
*2 Enable to execute T=0 (“PF8200”) Sequence Error(”NF801”) Enable to execute T=0(”Pxx110”)
PTS Request Incompletion->
PTS Execution Incompletion (“PF820N”)
T=0 & T=1 Successful PTS Request-> Successful PTS execution-> No PTS Request
Enable to execute T=0 (“PF8200”) Enable to execute T=1(“PF8201”) Needs to PTS Request(“Pxx11P”)
PTS Request Incompletion-> PTS Request Incompletion ->
PTS Execution Incompletion (“PF820N”) PTS Execution Incompletion (”PF820N”)
T=0 & T=x Successful PTS Request-> No PTS Request No PTS Request
( except T=1) Enable to execute T=0 (“PF8200”) Sequence Error (”NF801”) Enable to execute T=0(”Pxx110”)
PTS Request Incompletion->
PTS Execution Incompletion (“PF820N”)
T=1 No PTS Request Successful PTS execution-> No PTS Request
Sequence Error (”NF801”) Enable to execute T=1(“PF8201”) T=1 Enable to execute(”Pxx111”)
PTS Request Incompletion ->
PTS Execution Incompletion (”PF820N”)
T=1 & T=0 Successful PTS Request-> Successful PTS execution-> No PTS Request
Enable to execute T=0 (“PF8200”) Enable to execute T=1(“PF8201”) Needs to PTS Request (“Pxx11P”)
PTS Request Incompletion-> PTS Request Incompletion ->
PTS Execution Incompletion (“PF820N”) PTS Execution Incompletion (”PF820N”)
T=1 & T=x No PTS Request Successful PTS execution-> No PTS Request
( except T=0) Sequence Error (”NF801”) Enable to execute T=1(“PF8201”) T=1 Enable to execute(”Pxx111”)
PTS Request Incompletion ->
PTS Execution Incompletion (”PF820N”)
T=x No PTS Request No PTS Request No PTS Request
Sequence Error (”NF801”) Sequence Error (”NF801”) Unsupported ATR Error(“Nxx87”)
T=x & T=0 Successful PTS Request-> No PTS Request Successful PTS execution->
Enable to execute T=0 (“PF8200”) Sequence Error (”NF801”) Enable to execute T=0(”Pxx110”)
PTS Request Incompletion-> PTS Request Incompletion ->
PTS Execution Incompletion (“PF820N”) PTS Execution Incompletion (”Pxx11N”)
T=x & T=1 No PTS Request Successful PTS execution-> Successful PTS execution->
Sequence Error (”NF801”) Enable to execute T=1(“PF8201”) Enable to execute T=1(”Pxx111 ”)
PTS Request Incompletion -> PTS Request Incompletion ->
PTS Execution Incompletion (”PF820N”) PTS Execution Incompletion (”Pxx11N”)
T=x & T=0 & Successful PTS Request-> Successful PTS execution-> No PTS Request
T=1 Enable to execute T=0 (“PF8200”) Enable to execute T=1(“PF8201”) Needs to PTS Request(“Pxx11P”)
PTS Request Incompletion-> PTS Request Incompletion ->
PTS Execution Incompletion (“PF820N”) PTS Execution Incompletion (”PF820N”)
*1: ICC protocol types are described in sequence as indicated in ATR.
*2: Including the case that TD1 is not transmitted.

GB-H-98058 (A2)
D.2 Execution of Transmission Parameter F&D
(1) CLK delivered to ICC
The actual value of frequency “ƒ” which the C/R supplies to the ICC on CLK is 3.5795MHz fixed.

(2) The Relationship Between Transmission Parameter F&D supported by the C/R and PTS Request

F D TA1(BIN) PTS Request

372 1 11H No PTS Request
372 2 12H sends PTS Request
372 4 13H sends PTS Request
Transmission Parameter F&D (1)

(3) Conditions and Processing Method of PTS Request for Changing of Transmission Parameter
When ATR Information is in the following three cases, the C/R executes PTS request for changing of
transmission parameter independently.
1) It is in the negotiable mode.
2) In case of “sends PTS Request” as described in the above table.
3) The protocol type T=1 is indicated in case of single protocol card or the protocol type T=1 is
indicated in case of multiple protocol card.

When PTS request for transmission parameter execution is successful, the transmission parameter
values as shown above are used. When it is Incompletion, the default values (F=372,D=1) are used.
The C/R doesn’t transmit the result of PTS request for changing of transmission parameter to the Host.

(4) Changing of Transmission Parameter in the Specific Mode

When ATR information is in the following four cases, the C/R changes transmission parameter
1) It is in the specific mode.
2) TA2 is b5=0. (Transmission parameter is defined by the interface bytes ).
3) The protocol type indicated by TA2 is T=1.
4) TA1 value is as follows.

372 2 12H
372 4 13H
Transmission Parameter F&D (2)

GB-H-98058 (A2)
Annex E Matrix of Commands Relevant to Download(DLC)
- The following matrix shows commands about DL and the status of the C/R. The description of error codes during the execution of each command is omitted.
- “xx” in this matrix shows command code.
- This matrix is effectiveness in condition when no card exist or a card exists insertion position ( but shutter closed ).
- The response status ”Pxx0x”, ”Pxx1x” and ”Pxx2x” are marked as “Pxxnx”.

Commands Option Device The Other

DL Start *1 DL Transmission *2 DL Completion *3 Initial Reset Version Read Status Sense
or Events Read Commands
of C/R “d0” “d1” “d2” “00”-“06” “V0” “N0”-“N3” “10” “xx”
1 In Usual “Pd030” ->2 “Nd101” “Nd201” “Pxxnx” “PV0nx” “Pxxnx” “P10nx” Processing Execution DLE EOT
Operation Sequence err. “Pxxnx”
“Nd001” -> 1
Parameter err.
“Nd002” -> 1
DL imperfection
“Nd070” -> 4
2 In DL “Pd030” “Pd130” All DL Area Check = OK DL Imperfection DL Imperfection DL Imperfection DL Imperfection DL Imperfection Ignore *7
*4 ->2 “Pd231” *5 “Nxx70” *5 “NV070” *6 “Nxx70” *6 “N1070” “N1070”
Sequence err. ->3 ->4
“Nd101” -> 2
Parameter err. Sequence err.
“Nd102” -> 2 “Nd201” -> 2
“Nd170” DL Imperfection
->4 “Nd270” ->4
3 DL Normal Waits DL Initial Waits DL Initial “Nd271” “Pxx00” Waits DL Initial Waits DL Initial Waits DL Initial Waits DL Initial DLE EOT
Completion “Nd171” ->1 “NV071” “Nxx71” “N1071” “Nxx71”
4 DL Program “Pd030” ->2 DL Imperfection DL Imperfection DL Imperfection DL Imperfection DL Imperfection DL Imperfection DL Imperfection DLE EOT
Imperfection Parameter err. “Nd170” “Nd270” “Nxx70” *5 “PV070” *6 “Nxx00” *6 “N1070” “Nxx70”
“Nd002” -> 4
DL imperfection
“Nd070” -> 4
*1 For more detail “ DL start “ command, See flowchart of “ DL start “.
*2 For more detail “ DL transmission “ command, See flowchart of “ DL transmission“.
*3 For more detail “ DL completion “ command, See flowchart of “ DL completion“.
*4 When the Host sends “d0” again (DL start command) , it should send again from the first part of FW.
*5 Initial reset command during DL processes only to execution command parameter. It doesn’t process on initialization of shutter, motor and so on.
*6 This is negative response ,but commands of “Option read/setting” executes and response the data to the HOST if the data of response was required.
*7 DLE-EOT isn’t sent and DL is continued to process. For more detail, see flow chart of “DL start”, “DL transmission” and “DL completion”.

GB-H-98058 (A2)
Annex F Flow chart of DL relation command
F.1 Flow chart of DL Start command("d0")
Waits to receive
DL Start Command

Receives DL Start


Receives DLE-ENQ

Enabled status of
DLE-EOT receiving FW loading is imperfect ?


Acceptance NO
Checks are OK ?

YES Sends sequence err.


Parameter NO
Checks are OK ? *2

YES Sends command data

Moves disabled Stauts of
DLE-EOT receiving

Erases data of user inf. and

FW area in Memory

Erasing of
Disabled status of
FW is OK ?
DLE-EOT receiving

Moves enabled status of
DLE-EOT receiving
Send Response ("Pd030")
Enabled status of
Sends DL inperection err. DLE-EOT receiving
Waits to recieve DL ("Nd070")
Transmission Command

*1 : "Acceptance check" means as followings :-

- Checks no card is in C/R after command processing completed. However, in case of closing the shutter
,the acceptance test is “OK”.
In case existing a card inside, acceptance checking is NO. DL start command ("d0") should be sent after
initial ("00","02","04" or "05") or return("30" or "31") was sent and took out from take out position.
*2 : "Parameter check" means as followings :-
- CPU FW type, revision no. and sum value which was specified by parameter of "DL state command"
should be the same data in memory of C/R.
- Down lord Block size designated the command parameter of DL command should be within DL memory
area size of C/R.

GB-H-98058 (A2)
F.2 Flow chart of DL sending("d1")

Waits to receive DL
Transmission Command

Receives DL Transmission


Receives DLE-ENQ

Checks are OK ?

YES Sends Sequence err.

Checks are OK ? *1
Disabled status of
YES Sends command data
DLE-EOT receiving

Writes DL data in memory

Writing in NO
memory is OK ?
Moves enabled status of
YES DLE-EOT receiving

Sends DL inperection
Send Response ("Pd130")
err. ("Nd070") Enabled status of
DLE-EOT receiving
Waits to receive DL
Start command

Block is the last block ?


Waits to recieve DL
Completion Command

*1: "Parameter check" means as followings :-

- Block type, block sequence no. and sum value which was specified command parameter of DL
transmission command.
- Above block sequence number should be lower than the block no. specified block number of DL starting

GB-H-98058 (A2)
F.3 Flowchart of DL Transmission command ("d2")

Waits to recieve DL
Completion Command

Receives DL Completion
Command ("Cd2")


Receives DLE-ENQ

Disabled status of
DLE-EOT receiving NO
Checks are OK ?

Sends Sequence err.

All data written in
memory is OK ? *1


Moves enabled status of Moves enabled status of

DLE-EOT receiving DLE-EOT receiving

Sends DL Completion Sends DL inperection

Enabled status of Response("Pd231") *2 err. ("Nd070") Enabled status of
DLE-EOT receiving DLE-EOT receiving
Waits to receive Initial Reset Waits to receive DL
command Start command

*1: "All data area checking" means as followings :-

- FW sum value is correct.
- CPU FW type, revision no. and sum value is same written data in memory of C/R.
*2: DTR is done “OFF” by C/R for 300 ms after C/R send the “DL completion” response. Then, HOST should
sent an “Initial reset” command after DTR “ON”.

GB-H-98058 (A2)

Annex G Processing of Power down detection

G.1 Power down processing of C/R
“Processing after power down” means one of the following processing which was designated command
parameter of “initial reset command” ( “00”-“06”) in advance by the HOST.
(1) The C/R holds inside the card.
(2) The C/R returns the card to the take-out position ( insertion mouth ).
(3) The C/R ejects the card to the rear ( to the box ).

State of C/R at power down detection Processing after power down detection
No card is in C/R No processing.
Before card insertion Insertion denial.
In card insertion Insertion denial.
Insertion ( Card width sw. ON and S0 OFF)
permission In card insertion Insertion denial -> returns the position which is S0 off.
No command ( Card width sw. ON and S0 ON)
receiving Card is in moving Moving completion -> Processing after power down.
Card is in takeout position No processing.
Card is in the C/R Processing after power down.
In Pressing ICC contact Releases IC contact -> Processing after power down.
In ICC activation Deactivates -> Releases IC contact -> Processing after power
Before card insertion Stops in take.
In card insertion Stops in take.
(Card width sw. ON and S0 OFF)
Under in-take
In card insertion Stops in take -> returns the position which is S0 off.
( Card width sw. ON and S0 ON)
Card is in moving Completes in-take -> Processing after power down.
In read Completes read without judging and retrying.
-> Processing after power down.
In carrying before write Completes carrying without write -> Processing after power
In write Completes write without verification -> Processing after power
In write
In verification Completes verification without judging -> Processing after
power down.
In return Completes return -> no processing
In read Completes read -> deactivates -> Releases the ICC
-> Processing after power down.
In command IC
In write Completes write -> deactivates -> Releases the ICC
-> Processing after power down.
In DL Stops the down loading of FW. *2
No card in the C/R Completes read and write in memory -> Insertion denial.
Insertion Before card insertion Completes read and write in memory -> Insertion denial.
permission In card insertion Completes read and write in memory -> Insertion denial.
( Card width sw. ON and S0 OFF)
In card insertion Completes read and write in memory -> Insertion denial.
( Card width sw. ON and S0 ON) -> returns the position which is S0 off.
Card is in moving Completes read and write in memory -> Completes moving
writes in
-> Processing after power down.
*1 Card is in take-out position after returned Completes read and write in memory
Card is in the C/R Completes read and write in memory
-> Processing after power down.
In Pushing ICC contact Completes read and write in memory -> Releases the ICC ->
Processing after power down.
In ICC activation Completes read and write in memory -> Deactivates ->
Releases IC contact -> Processing after power down.
*1 : “Reads, Writes in memory” means read or write in memory data such as e.g. “Number of card
captured” or “Option device read” of the C/R.
*2 : HOST should execute again from the beginning of DL. For more detail, see G.3 Flowchart of Power
down detection by HOST.

GB-H-98058 (A2)

G.2 Sending response after Power down detection from C/R

C/R condition when The first response after power down After the second response after
power down detection detection power down detection
For the first command, C/R sends the C/R sends “Waiting initial reset (Nxx19) or
response below ; (Nxx71)“ when C/R received a command
- “Power down detection (Nxx18)” exclude “initial reset (“00”-“06”)” .
No command receiving
- “Waiting initial reset (Nxx19)”
- “Initial reset” command waiting after FW
loading completion (Nxx71)”
For the response in processing command ,
C/R sends the response below ;
-“Power down detection (Nxx18)”
In command processing
-“Waiting initial reset (Nxx19)
-“Initial reset” command waiting after FW
loading completion (Nxx71)”

GB-H-98058 (A2)

G.3 Power down detection of HOST


*1: FW should re-load as the sum value in memory is wrong. For loading method , see flowchart of
commands relevant to DL..

GB-H-98058 (A2)

Annex H The Commands to be able Transmission for Incomplete Program

The following is the table of the command name and CMD which the host receives the response of
“FW inperfection” (70) ( when the program to be downloaded for the C/R is incomplete).
As for the details of the command, see 3.3, 4
The response should be sent for incomplete program is described below. In case of negative
response below, C/R executes correctly. As for the details of the response, see 3.3, 3.4 and see 5 for
response data.

Command Name CMD(ASCII) Response Notes

Initial Reset “00” “N70” Initializes only parameters, not shutter and
“01” “N70” motor.
“02” “N70”
“04” “N70”
“05” “N70”
“06” “N70”
Status Sense “10” “N70”
Number of Cards “Q0” “N70” + Response Data
Captured “Q1” “N70”
Option Device “N0” “N70” + Response Data
Read/Setting “N1” “N70”
“N2” “N70”
“N3” “N70”
“NA” “N70”
Version Read “V0” “N70” + Response Data
I/O Port “P0” “N70”
“P1” “N70”
DL Start “d0” “P30” or “N70”
DL Transmission “d1” “P30” or “N70”
DL Completion “d2” “P31” or “N70”


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