Hubbard, WB (1977) The Jovian Surface Condition and Cooling Rate
Hubbard, WB (1977) The Jovian Surface Condition and Cooling Rate
Hubbard, WB (1977) The Jovian Surface Condition and Cooling Rate
Department of Planetary Sciences, Lunar and Planetary Laboratory,
University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona 85721
A theory which is almost fully analytic is used to investigate Jupiter's cooling rate. We find
that a simple model of contraction with adiabatic interior structure gives a total cooling time
to the present which is in good agreement with the age of the solar system. The interplay
between the surface condition and the cooling rate is exhibited and discussed. The current rate
of change of the effective temperature is calculated to be -1°K/0.145 X 10a yr. Discrepancies
with fully numerical investigations of the Jovian age and cooling rate are noted.
Copyright O 1977 by Academic Press, Inc.
All rights of reproduction in any form reserved. I S S N 0019-1035
306 W. B. ItUBBARD
rotating model of the present Jupiter. rotating model. The value of a incre,tses
Similarly, we take R = 6.86 X 109 cm. by about 5% as the heavy material in
It is clear that the constant a is the the envelope is transferred to the core.
crucial parameter for the cooling rate In this calculation, we took the lower value
during the late stage of Jovian evolution. corresponding to a chemically homogeneous
To evaluate a, we need the heat capacity model, with the result
per gram, Cv, and an interior model, p(r).
a = 2.79 X 10~a cgs units. (10)
From the results of MCIV, for a hydrogen
mass fraction 0.77, and for the tempera- The time required for the planet to cool
ture range T ~ 10000 to 40000°K, the from To = ~ to the currently observed
heat capacity is, to within 5%, about value is then obtained by integrating (7).
2.0kB per heavy particle; thus For T, = 134°K at present, this time is
4.4 X 109 yr. For To = 127°K, the time
Cv = 1.66ku/mH, (9)
is 5.1 X 109 yr.
where ki~ is Boltzmann's constant and mu
is the mass of a hydrogen atom. This III. VARIOUS CORRECTIONS TO THE TIME
result for the heat capacity is essentially SCALE
independent of the hydrogen density for The calculations presented above give
densities of concern here. In the molecular the basic time scale for Jovian evolution.
hydrogen phase, the heat capacity per Here we consider a number of different
gram (Slattery and Hubbard, 1976) is corrections which can affect the time scale,
lower than the value given by (9) by but by no more than 20 to 30%.
about 50%. However, this region of the
planet contributes only about 5% of the (a) Insolation Correction
integral for a, Eq. (8), so that this ap-
proximation is quite acceptable. A further The observed heat flux from Jupiter is
approximation is the assumption that produced partly from the loss of heat
Jupiter is of solar composition. Detailed from the interior and partly from the
static models constrained by the gravity conversion of sunlight to infrared in the
coefficients and high-precision pressure- Jovian atmosphere. We assume that this
density relations indicate that the actual conversion occurs well within the con-
Jovian interior composition may comprise vective portion of the atmosphere (a fur-
of the order of 10% of elements other ther discussion of this point is given in
than hydrogen and helium by mass (Hub- Section IV). Thus the surface condition
bard and Slattery, 1976). Since the heat for the interior adiabats is given, as before,
capacity per gram is roughly inversely in terms of To, corresponding to the total
proportional to the mean molecular weight, flux through the Jovian photosphere. The
expression (9) may need to be reduced by analysis then proceeds as before, except
as much as 10%, depending upon the that (4) is now replaced by
precise composition of the interior model. 47rR2~r(T~4 - T o 4)
The time scale for Jovian cooling will
dearly be reduced by the same amount. P dp
We evaluated integral (8) for two plau- = - f d m ( ~ q - - - - f f ) , p= (11)
sible Jovian mass distributions which sat-
isfy the constraints imposed by gravity where T+ is the same parameter used by
field measurements (Hubbard and Slat- GPGO to represent the equivalent black-
tery, 1976), for a nonrotating model with body temperature of the eonverted solar
the same pressure-density relation as the radiation. Differential (7) is then re-
308 W. B. ItUBBARD