Ijatcse 222952020
Ijatcse 222952020
Ijatcse 222952020
Article in International Journal of Advanced Trends in Computer Science and Engineering · September 2020
DOI: 10.30534/ijatcse/2020/222952020
1 469
2 authors:
Some of the authors of this publication are also working on these related projects:
Design of an Integrated Fish Auction System in Indonesia Using RFID View project
Hydroponic system design with real time OS based on ARM Cortex-M microcontroller View project
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The operator has reported the theft to the police. They
also invited the surrounding community to socialize the
benefits of a communication tower and invited the community
to take care of maintaining BTS facilities by increasing
security coordination with the authorities if there is potential
for vandalism. The operator has also submitted an increase in Figure 2. Independent tower industry in Indonesia (Rivan, 2018)
theft cases to the regulator (Ministry of Communication and
Information) of the Republic of Indonesia government.
To note, theft and destruction of telecommunications To prevent and even anticipate vandalism, the operator
infrastructure violate article 36 of the Criminal Code. has formed a task force internally and even cooperates with
Besides, there is also Law No. 36 about a very worrying the authorities. However, the destruction still occurred
situation. Moreover, similar incidents continue to occur this because a special task force and the apparatus were not around
BTS hours. Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) technology
solutions have also been implemented in several central BTS.
Hidayat et al., International Journal of Advanced Trends in Computer Science and Engineering, 9(5), September - October 2020, 8448 - 8456
However, they are considered inefficient to be implemented in From the approach of several previous studies found
hundreds of thousands of telecommunications towers. In several methods in implementing a security system,
addition to the high price of implementation, it also requires a including: The research [1] focuses on the main objective of
large bandwidth to transmit data to the server. However, the the proposed design is to improve the security system by
conventional equipment lock has two potential problems: minimizing costs and increasing security capabilities.
vandalism and counterfeiting. To fulfil the control and track Research [7] develops Geospatial Sensor Observation
the potential illegal behaviour, the human labour and paper Services for can align diverse sensor networks, support
are required to proceed with related operations, resulting in
heterogeneous sensor data storage, and meet individual
the consumption of a large amount of human resources and
requirements. Different users are a big challenge. This paper
maintenance costs [34]
proposes a Service-oriented framework for integrating and
Internet of Things (IoT) is a trend and innovation that is assimilating sensors observations and measurements under
used by almost all industries throughout the world. The the multi-purpose SOS in combination with other standard
Internet of Things refers to objects that can be uniquely services_CSW, WFS-T, and WCS-T.
identified as virtual representations in Internet-based A study [11] proposes that USCS is controlled by the
structures. The term Internet of Things was initially Remote network based on UPnP. The OSGi platform is used
suggested by Kevin Ashton in 1999 and gained prominence to expand UPnP and provide a remote control for home-based
through the Auto-ID Center at MIT. And now, the IoT is one
IP cameras via a network controller. The proposed system
of the assignments for a student in a college. The most
makes it possible for users to monitor the status of the home
important features of IoT include artificial intelligence,
for property security, to care for parents or children, and as a
connectivity, sensors, active involvement, and the use of
small devices. protection against accidents, research [36] uses Xively and
Twitter's tools to filter process conditions sent from
The advantages of IoT can be applied in the vandalism controllers and update the same directly to vehicle owners.
prevention system in the communication tower. Does not which is considered more effective and quicker in delivering
require high implementation and operational costs, and can information for prevention
be useful and fast in prevention. Therefore this research uses
Many previous studies recommend Passive Infra-Red
the approach of IoT technology in finding solutions to achieve
(PIR) sensors to detect human objects with the consideration
research objectives.
that PIR sensors can detect a change in the infrared radiation
levels. PIR sensors, together with PIR motion sensor cameras,
2 RELATED WORKS measure infrared radiation levels to detect changes in the
surroundings and can detect motion [18]. PIR sensors are very
Cases of communication device vandalism have occurred sensitive to any change in the incoming IR rays; even the
since the early emergence of cell phone technology. However, smallest movements are registered. To increase reliability, we
studies related to cases that explain communication towers as combine analog signals from multiple sensors in the system.
objects of destruction from my search are not available. Based on the working principle of the PIR sensor
However, similar cases can be used, especially for the topics presented [25] in the previous section, the analog sensor
of anti-theft technology, human object detection, camera output depends on the following parameters: 1. difference in
surveillance, and security monitoring systems. the overlapping area (a) of the subject’s image with the two
In a review of research related to anti-theft technology, sensing elements, 2. distance of the subject from the PIR
some of which can be used as a guide in research. The study sensor (d), 3.time spent by the subject in the FoV of the PIR
[3] uses a cable electronic detection module Voltage detection sensor (t), and 4.central angle of the sector the subject is
is used to detect cable theft, which detects voltage battery as a traversing (Ɵ).
measuring voltage. The vehicle’s engine cranking system is The camera surveillance is made for home surveillance
secured by interfacing the Arduino UNO board, fingerprint [33], and the standard speed of internet speed for a house is 15
sensor, and relay, which collectively forms the anti-theft Mbps. The bandwidth of the internet connection is limited to
system and provides better protection from unauthorized several values. For this experiment, the internet bandwidths
persons [6]. are limited by 15.3 Mbps, 12.6 Mbps, 10.11 Mbps, 6.89
The proposed RFID-based anti-theft system is capable of Mbps, and 2.34 Mbps to see the frame per second performed
detecting movement of the asset that attached to the RFID tag. by the system and determine the proper bandwidth for the best
The design of the motion-sensitive RFID tag with interrupt system performance, Research [37] suggested that 5G
function is capable of sending the motion alert signal to the LTE-Ainitially provides and optimizes the flexibility and
reader in real-time [6]. The study [21] revealed that the RFID high data rates for the H2H communication including the
System has a limited recognition range, which helps protect classical mobile services.
stolen cultural objects and respond to the alarm on time. The study [29] suggests that the threshold value
distinguishes between bright and dark rooms. If the
Hidayat et al., International Journal of Advanced Trends in Computer Science and Engineering, 9(5), September - October 2020, 8448 - 8456
opposition is higher than the resistance limit, it determines controls a video camera for surveillance. It streams live video
that one area is black. This study shows that the ideal image and records the motion detected parts in the cloud and/ or in
captured as a reference image. After that, the system will the windows shared folder for future playback. The cameras
continuously capture images and compare them with the ideal automatically initiate recording when motion is sensed, and
image. If the ideal image and the picture taken have the Raspberry pi device stores it in a secured folder [8].
variations, there is motion detection. To transmit data from the local sensor to the management
Raspberry Pi is considered a very effective computing database, it needs appropriate network technology. The study
module for use in the use of IoT technology. Raspberry Pi is a [28] found a fact of the results of trials where the system that
low-cost credit card size computer [17] that plugs into a sends the appropriate alarm message via SMS if a vehicle was
computer monitor or TV and uses a standard keyboard and stolen, or the GPS or GSM module did not function properly.
mouse. Most importantly, it is open-source hardware with The best design was proposed. The VAT system is integrated
programmable computing language like Python and scratch with the ThingSpeak and server Android application.
under the Linux platform. The study [15] chose Raspberry Pi Vehicle anti-theft systems that are controlled remotely via
2 as a computing module. Raspberry Pi is having the role of GSM networks are highly recommended if cost-effectiveness,
video compression. Webcam is having 1080p high definition resource management, and owner's life are top priorities.
video/image output [31]. [35] compile a table of differences Given this, it reduces losses for vehicle owners and allows the
between raspberries and other cards recovery of vehicles stolen easily by security agents or
operators [24]. Project [24] the GPS module is used to track
Table.1 The difference bentween the Raspberry and Other cards the currents vehicle location and sent it to the owner
telephone via the GSM module. SIM900A module is a
wireless technology device that renders support for a remote
network service [22].
Dominant research recommends cloud-based data
management, as summarized in the following study: in the
study [9] described, Saving cloud-based data innate
reliability, scalability, and cost-effectiveness, as they are scale
horizontally, runs on cheap commodity hardware at
distributed configuration. The cloud server applies YOLO
In this research [19] Pi raspberries are connected to the object detection and records the objects [20]. Research [14]
ZigBee module so that they form a transitive link with the explains that Sensor Observation Service (SOS) is a Web
sensor network. The processing unit is also connected via the service specifications determined by the Open Geospatial
ZigBee module to the display system. Raspberry Pi can be Consortium (OGC) Web Sensor Enablement (SWE) group for
plugged into a TV, computer monitor, and it uses a standard standardizing the way sensors and sensor data found and
keyboard and mouse [10]. To enroll and detect faces using a accessed on the Web.
camera connected to the ARM Cortex of Raspberry Pi board. Using the AWS IoT Device management console, it is
To recognize the correct face, it must match at least ten times easier to organize securely, monitor, and remotely manage
with an existing flag. When face images are captured and IoT devices [16]. AWS has broad and deep IoT services, from
trained, several positive and negative images are created. the edge to the cloud. AWS IoT is the only cloud vendor to
Capture.png, positive.png, negative.png, and mean.png files bring together data management and rich analytics in easy to
are created in the first instance after obtaining the confidence use services designed for noisy IoT data [2]. AWS IoT is an
value [12]. IoT platform that is designed to enable meaningful
Image processing using the Adaptive Motion Detection connections between people and things. The features of IoT is
Method can be implemented and run smoothly by Raspberry real-time data collection, data analysis, data processing of the
Pi. With the help of a webcam, Raspberry Pi can capture position information, data visualization, message
images of movements that occur in the camera's viewing transmission, etc. using a connected SNS, via an open-source
distance and then process the captured images of the API to support a various platforms Amazon Web Services of
movements that occur and send the detected motion to its Internet of thing is permits secured [23]. AWS service called
users [4]. Research [5] uses Raspberry Pi with Python RDS (Relational Database System), which is hosted on a
instruction language to communicate with AWS and IoT virtual instance in the cloud [30]. This remote storage makes
google logging web service by protocol OAuth. it readily accessible to other applications that can give
A motion detector is a device that detects moving objects, excellent deductions from the data.
particularly people. The security system captures information Previous studies conducted the accuracy of the sensor
and transmits it via a WiFi to a static IP, which is viewed height system, and the classification of object width in the
using a web browser from any smart device. Raspberry pi object detection system with the PIR sensor is entirely
Hidayat et al., International Journal of Advanced Trends in Computer Science and Engineering, 9(5), September - October 2020, 8448 - 8456
accurate to use. Research related to managing and sending suboptimal prevention of vandalism in cellular
data using the video streaming method and Motion camera communication towers in Indonesia. Assumptions about
produces two different methods. Video streaming emphasizes the phenomenon, the title of the research that was born
the real-time object detection process so that it can be from the assumptions, and theories that become the
processed earlier with human observation, but requires reference for the preparation of operational concepts of
connectivity with a large enough bandwidth. While motion research variables, namely the PIR Sensor Theory,
cameras require less bandwidth, but they need more time to Theory Raspberry Pi, and Cloud Server Theory.
identify objects accurately. In this case, study the use of • From such input analysis, a Process Analysis is carried out
motion cameras is appropriate because the location of many using the Quantitative Analysis Method. Quantitative
communication towers is in rural areas where GSM data analysis methods are used to measure the effect of
connections still use 3G technology. In processing data technology utilization and preventive response, which
objects, the server approach on-premises and cloud server has seen as an antecedent variable (which precedes, causes)
its advantages and is precisely implement according to the on the prevention of vandalism in cellular
cases that will be resolve. In this case, it is more efficient to communication towers, which seen as a consequence
use the Cloud server; the growth of very aggressive variable in the framework of testing Hypotheses.
communication tower construction can be support by cloud • Outputs Analysis These data analysis methods are the main
servers that have advantages in scalability. Conclusions and Suggestions.
In this article, we would like to introduce a method of • Outcomes Analysis is a recommendation based on the main
utilizing appropriate technology to prevent cases of points of conclusions and suggestions obtained from the
vandalism in communication towers. To detect human discussion of research results.
presence in communication tower areas as objects of • With such a framework, it is assumed that there is a
vandalism, we use PIR Sensor, which is quite accurate, positive (unidirectional) effect of technology utilization
documenting objects using image systems because it is more and preventive response to vandalism in the
efficient than large segments. Data, the computing module communication tower, both partially and jointly.
uses Raspberry Pi to process local data and control the camera The system design in this study consists of three stages:
device as a device to retrieve image data and a GSM the planning stage, the literature review stage, and the
transmission device for sending data. For managing our data, deployment stage. The illustration in Figure 3.2 illustrates the
we use a more effective and scalable cloud service. order in designing this system, starting from the planning
Combining some of these technologies is expected to be able stage to be able to identify problems by conducting field
to prevent vandalism at an efficient cost. studies following the data and facts expressed in the
background Sub-chapter to formulate a problem. Then
3 PURPOSED METHODS proceed to the literature review stage by collecting data and
enabling technology models that have been applied in
Based on the support of the theoretical foundation obtained
previous research studies, so getting the best. A suitable
from theoretical exploration, which uses as a conceptual
solution to implement preventing vandalism in the
reference of the research variable, a framework of thought can
communication tower—studying the concepts and
arrange as follows:
parameters that accompany the intended technology. The use
of PIR sensors as object detectors that are considered to be
able to validate human objects as subjects of vandalism,
computational modules such as Arduino or Raspberry Pi.
Raspberry Pi considers being more effectively use for
transmitting an image or video data that will likely use in the
subject validation and authorization process, data
transmission with the GSM module, and cloud server. The
next step is deployment.
The initial stage of this research is planning, which
contains ideas or ideas that form the background of the study,
as provided in section 1.1—namely contributing to the field of
telecommunications by creating a theft prevention system for
telecommunications equipment in telecommunications
Fig. 3 Framework
towers by utilizing existing technology. The literature review
The framework of thought illustrated in Figure 3 can stage includes collecting data and enabling technology
explain as follows: models that have been applied in previous research studies so
• Input analysis components include the phenomenon of that they get the best solution and are suitable to be
Hidayat et al., International Journal of Advanced Trends in Computer Science and Engineering, 9(5), September - October 2020, 8448 - 8456
implemented in the case of preventing vandalism in the tower or the field while monitoring the site position in the
communication tower. virtual process. In the field, side block consists of a PIR
sensor, as a sensor object that triggers the camera Trigger to
take an image which sent via GSM transmission to the server,
all communication processes are managed in Raspberry Pi.
Hidayat et al., International Journal of Advanced Trends in Computer Science and Engineering, 9(5), September - October 2020, 8448 - 8456
Hidayat et al., International Journal of Advanced Trends in Computer Science and Engineering, 9(5), September - October 2020, 8448 - 8456
MessageLoop(telegram_bot, action).run_as_thread()
print('up and Running')
cameraEnable = False
while 1:
Experimental stages:
1. run the coding file (Tele.py) on the raspberry pi terminal
Python tele.py
2. Give the command message "Start" on Telegram to start
the standby process
From the experimental results using the IoT device, the
resulting capture of a moving object is captured correctly with
the camera and sent quickly to a Telegram app. The time
required from capturing the object movement to receiving the
object photo is very fast so that the response to those who want
to commit vandalism can be made more quickly.
This technology can be developed for more functional and
effective results, namely by using face detection with the
open-source computer vision library, so that the object
verification process can be faster and more accurate. In the
development of science, the technology from this research is
not novel, but it has a very big influence on the business
efficiency of GSM service providers.
This research was support by the company PT XL Axiata
Tbk. We are grateful to our colleagues from many
departments in the company PT Mitra Karsa Utama, who
provided insight and expertise that greatly helped this
research and my colleagues at Bina Nusantara (class 1922).
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