Demirkol IEEE WCM 08 Revised
Demirkol IEEE WCM 08 Revised
Demirkol IEEE WCM 08 Revised
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3 authors:
Ertan Onur
Middle East Technical University
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Abstract—For successful data delivery, the destination nodes • Pure synchronous rendezvous: the sensor clocks are
should be listening the medium to receive the data when the pre-synchronized such that the wake-up time of each
sender node starts the data communication. To achieve this node is known a priori. This scheme requires recurrent
synchronization, there are different rendezvous schemes among
which the most energy-efficient scheme is utilizing wake-up time synchronization that consumes considerable energy.
receivers. Current hardware technologies of wake-up receivers Moreover, the sensors wake up even if there is no packet
enable us to evaluate them as a promising solution for wireless to transmit or receive which results in idle listening or
sensor networks (WSNs). In this work, the benefits achieved overhearing.
with wake-up receivers are investigated along with the challenges • Pseudo-asynchronous rendezvous: source nodes wake up
observed. In addition, an overview of state-of-the-art hardware
and networking protocol proposals presented. As the wake-up and emit a preamble signal that indicates the intention for
receivers offer new opportunities, new potential application areas data transmission. The preamble time is long enough to
are also presented and discussed. coincide with the wake-up schedule of the destination
Index Terms—Wake-up receiver, wireless sensor networks. node. Upon waking up and sensing the preamble the
destination node recognizes the intended packet transmis-
sion. In this scheme, time synchronization is not required,
I. I NTRODUCTION but sensors still follow a duty cycle and consume consid-
erable energy with preamble signalling.
Application Layer · The data or packet redundancy such as correlated event detections
· The messaging caused by application requirements such as software updates
· The messaging done for monitoring activities such as health checking of the sensors
Transport Layer · The messaging done to provide end-to-end reliability, flow control and congestion avoidance
Network Layer · The idle listening caused by unnecessary wakeups of routing backbone nodes when there is no transmission intended
· Path augmentation, i.e., not using the shortest path to the sink (intentionally by the energy-aware routing methods or unintentionally
by the localized protocols)
· The messaging done for route establishment
· Point-to-point reliability solutions such as multi-path routing.
Data link Layer · Overhearing
· Idle listening
· Retransmissions because of collisions
Physical Layer · The employed physical layer technology such as narrow-band or spread-spectrum
· The employed methods to increase the robustness to interference
· The design decisions about the trade-off between bandwidth efficiency and energy consumption
Power Source Wake-up Signal Type
Passive (External) Radio-based
Active (Internal) Acoustic Operating Mode Regulator on, Regulator off,
VCC = 3 V VCC = 2.4 V
Sleep 0.8 µA 0.3 µA
Wake-up Channel Destination Standby 7.0 µA 6.5 µA
Receive 7.2 µA 6.8 µA
Separate acoustic wake-up receivers are triggered by acoustic signals,
Range-based i.e. by external sounds. When the observed level of the external
Single channel
Multiple channels sound reaches a threshold, the wake-up circuitry is activated.
RF Input 2
2 sounds generated by external devices and the level of the
Amplifier 3
sound determines the wake-up range. This technology can be
improved to be embedded to the sensor nodes. Xbow Mica
RF Input 3
motes are equipped with a microphone that can be used as
an acoustic wake-up receiver, since a sounder also exists on
these nodes. Table III categorizes hardware proposals for the
Generator wake-up receivers based on the classification given in Fig. 1.
to send a wake-up signal on a broadcast channel. The address monitoring of its next hop before communicating with it. They
of the destination node is modulated with the wake-up. Access show that by utilizing the wake-up receivers, the same level of
to the broadcast channel is CSMA/CA. A similar approach security could be achieved whereas the total energy consumed
is applied in [13] where authors propose a MAC protocol is decreased by 66-90%.
which combines CSMA and CDMA techniques. The wake-up Table IV categorizes protocol studies that utilize wake-up
receiver used in [12] is identity-based whereas the one used receivers based on the classification given in Fig. 1.
in [13] is range-based.
Wake-up channel is used in [14] as a control channel where III. B ENEFITS , C HALLENGES AND T RADE - OFFS
RTS/CTS like messaging and busy-till information could be In this section, we present the benefits achieved with the
exchanged. Authors compare this protocol to S-MAC and utilization of the wake-up receivers and the challenges that
achieve nearly 66% reduction in energy consumption and 33- are observed in the wake-up receiver based WSN. These chal-
60% better end-to-end delay values. lenges should be studied carefully for the necessary solutions
Wake-up receiver idea is also proposed for other wireless to be able to take advantage of the offered benefits. Moreover,
networks. For instance, in [15], the lifetime of GSM devices the trade-offs observed in the networks with wake-up receivers
is improved using a low-power control channel on WLAN. are stated. Each of these trade-offs requires a detailed analysis
Experiment results show that the battery lifetime of these that enables the discovery of the optimum network settings.
devices can be improved by 115% with this methodology.
Lin et al. propose two asynchronous scheduling methods A. Benefits
and compare their performance results with the case of uti- • Energy-conservation: A dominant energy waste ob-
lizing wake-up radio [1]. They derive a lower bound for the served in WSN applications is the idle listening which
energy consumption of the wake-up radio which is achieved occurs because of periodical wake-ups regardless of the
by setting the probability that the sender node will estimate data communication needed. The wake-up strategy should
the destination node’s wake-up time within a specific time be energy efficient [20]. The wake-up receiver presents
threshold to 1. A similar performance comparison between the an energy-efficient solution to the idle listening as the
wake-up receiver and duty-cycled radio receiver is presented nodes only wake-up when there is intended message for
in [16]. them. Chowdhury et al. show that the energy consumption
In [17], analytical bounds on the lifetime of wireless sensor of S-MAC can be reduced significantly using wake-up
networks are studied. Authors utilize a wake-up radio in such receivers [14]. Since active wake-up receivers are also
a way that when a sensor wakes up and the channel is not an energy consumption source for the sensor nodes, they
free, it spends the awake time by switching to a low-power should be ultra low-power to acquire the energy gain.
wake-up radio. When the channel is free, the sensor powers • Minimum overhead: As the wake-up receiver presents
up its main radio to communicate. purely asynchronous rendezvous scheme, the overhead
Song et al. utilize a range-based wake-up receiver [18] for incurred by the time synchronization of the two other
a target tracking application on wireless sensor networks. The rendezvous schemes are dissipated. This overhead causes
node that detects the target first wakes up all its neighbors to higher energy consumption as shown by [1] and [16]. The
sense the target and to announce their observations. communication overhead to form the routing backbone
Various proposals presented in this section assume active also becomes redundant as each node wakes up its relay.
wake-up receivers which require internal source of energy. For instance, Dhanaraj et al. propose a method where a
However, the passive wake-up receivers that obtain their main destination node first wakes up its relay before receiving
energy from the external sources are also utilized for the the data intended for it [10]. In addition, instead of having
software proposals. clusters with regular duty cycles, formation of clusters
2) Communication protocols for passive wake-up receivers: can be done only with the event occurrences.
Khalil et al. propose Sleep-Wake Aware Local Monitoring • Different form of use: For efficient use of the WSN
(SLAM) [19] as a security mechanism for malicious nodes for a target application, wake-up receiver technology
in which a passive wake-up receiver utilized such as the enables various new methods such as the on-demand
one proposed in [7]. There are guard nodes that monitor the target monitoring method proposed in [18] where the
communications and try to figure out the malicious nodes. node that detects a target wakes up all its neighbors
Each node awakens the guard nodes responsible for local to receive their observations about the target. Section
IV presents application areas of the wake-up receiver form a connected network, the number of hops on the
technology. routing path may increase if the wake-up range is less
• Dynamic behavior: System-wide parameters create in- than the communication range which can cause inefficient
efficiencies as the network load differs based on the routing of the packets. Unfortunately, there is no work in
location. Hence, parameters such as the duty cycle, the the literature yet that investigates the effect of separate
preamble length should be dynamically set based on the topology caused by the wake-up receivers.
localized requirements. Since wake-up receiver enables • Energy Hole problem: Ahmed et al. define the hole
dynamic duty cycling and dynamic communication ren- problem as the result of some anomalies in the wireless
dezvous, several inefficient parameter definitions become sensor networks that impair the functionality of the
unnecessary that result in a more efficient network as network [21]. Specifically, the coverage hole is defined as
shown by [1] and [16]. the area not covered by any sensor, due to the anomalies
• Overhearing is decreased: With the help of identity- such as random deployment creating voids, node failures,
based wake-up receivers, overhearing is reduced since or jamming. If the wake-up range is smaller than the
only the destined nodes will wake up and listen the communication range of the main radio, the topology
medium as in [2] and [15]. of the network formed by the wake-up receivers may
contain more or larger energy holes. This may result in
B. Challenges inefficient network utilization, for instance to pass over
the larger energy holes requires more data communication
• Cost and Hardware Complexity: If the wake-up radio and hence more energy.
utilizes separate channel(s), then the hardware complexity • Overhearing increases for the shared channel and
and the cost of the sensor nodes will increase. This is range-based wake up receivers: For range-based wake-
especially important when multiple wake-up channels are up schemes, all the nodes hearing the tone switch to
employed as in [3] and [7]. However, as indicated in [2], the active state. Since all surrounding nodes will wake-
the radio typically accounts for less than 15% of the cost up at each transmission, overhearing can be increased
of a sensor node. compared to other protocols. To prevent the overhearing,
• Delay: With the passive wake-up radio, such as the identity-based wake-up receivers can be used as in [2]
one proposed in [7], wake-up delay is incurred which and [15].
may become significant for the requirements of the ap-
plication. The impact of the end-to-end delay may be
significant, when the number of hops to the sink is large. C. Trade-offs
For applications such as target tracking, point-to-point
(one-hop) delay is critical for the performance of the The following trade-offs are expected in the networks where
application. wake-up receivers are used. Although the quantification of
• Topology Change: Since the wake-up range may not be these trade-offs require detailed performance evaluation stud-
the same as the communication range of the main radio, ies, no work on this topic has appeared in the literature yet.
topology for the wake-up receivers can be different than • Wake-up range versus energy consumption: As the
the actual network topology. The neighborhoods achieved density of the sensor deployment increases, the distances
with wake-up receivers, hence, result in a different topol- among sensors become shorter. For dense deployments,
ogy than the original network topology. The former may multi-hop wake-up may be possible. In the multi-hop
result in a disconnected network, although the latter is wake-up scheme, a sensor node triggers a node that is
connected. In such circumstances, the problem should be several hops apart in the communication (routing) graph.
realized by the protocols and necessary solutions should For sparse deployments, the wake-up range affects the
be applied. In addition, even if the wake-up receivers energy consumption. The range for the wake-up radio can
be adjusted with the energy consumption trade-off. Dis- For target tracking or sniper localization scenarios, the
tant sensors can be awaken by consuming more energy. sensors that detect an event may trigger the surrounding nodes
Determining the efficient wake-up distance depends on and a locally activated set of sensors may track/localize the
the design decisions such as the applied routing strategy. target. Activating only the sensors close to the path followed
• Wake-up range versus delay: Multi-hop communication by the target is a reasonable approach. The awaken group of
is common in WSNs. Hence, the end-to-end reporting sensors may localize the target more accurately. In surveillance
delay becomes a critical metric for the performance applications, the frontier sensors may invoke some set of
evaluation. Increasing the wake-up range, decreases the valuable or costly sensors behind the perimeter to produce
overall hop count which in turn decreases the delay. a barrier to reduce the false alarms. This scheme suggests a
• In-band or out-of-band wake-up radio: The same layered topology where overlays are probable.
channel(s) as that of the communication stack can be used The interaction of the wake-up receivers with the sen-
for the wake-up radio. This reduces the implementation sor node and with the network for a simple event driven
costs but has lower resistance to jamming attacks to the application is shown in Fig 3 based on a target detection
communication stack and increases the probability of col- scenario. The identity based wake-up scheme enables point-
lision. If separate channels are utilized the costs increase, to-point communication. While waking up the neighbors, it
however, resistance to jamming attacks increases and the is possible to communicate some valuable information. In the
energy consumption due to overhearing decreases. surveillance scenario shown in Fig 3, the sensor that detects
a target may communicate the type of the target (e.g., a
IV. A PPLICATION A REAS soldier or an armored military vehicle) which helps the awaken
When the WSNs are categorized according to the mode sensor decide on which sensing circuitry to activate. Such
of data collection, two main approaches are studied in the an application is reasonable if the sensing circuitry consumes
literature. These are event-driven and periodic (or query-based) comparable energy to the radio subsystem. For example, micro
data collection. In this section, we present how the wake-up impulse radar sensors spend a couple of orders higher energy
radio can be used for these application categories. compared to the passive infrared sensors. In this scenario,
when the first sensor detects the target, its sensing circuitry
triggers the wake-up receiver. First, a burst of signal is sent to
A. Event-driven Applications the next hop (second sensor) to trigger the first stage of the
In this category, sensors inform the sink about their de- wake-up receiver. Afterwards, the identity of the second sensor
cisions when a specific event occurs. Typical examples are and the target type are sent. The second stage of the wake-up
the forest fire detection system, sniper localization or the receiver of the second sensor turns on the main radio if the sent
surveillance system whose duty is intrusion detection, target identity matches itself. Then, the main radios can communicate
tracking or perimeter protection in scenarios such as border and the second sensor may turn on the neccessary sensing
monitoring against penetration by hostile elements. The events circuitry based on the type of the target.
in a WSN application can be spatiotemporally correlated. For A similar scenario can be devised to consider the preserva-
example, in a surveillance application, if a sensor detects a tion of the sensing coverage in case of sensor failures using
target, it is highly probable that another sensor at about the the redundancy of the deployment. Assume that each sensor
same distance will also detect the same target. Furthermore, is assigned one or more stand-by buddy sensors. When the
these detections will occur in about the same period of time. battery level of the active sensor drops below a certain thresh-
Due to the redundant deployment, the impact of the spatial and old, it can wake up one of its buddies to monitor the region.
temporal correlations can be very influential on the energy Two or more sensors that monitor almost the same area can
consumption. Instead of centralized decision fusion, a local be matched to act as the back-up. These scheme increases the
subset of sensors may collaborate to decide on the event using high-availability of the surveillance network through active-
data/information fusion techniques. If the sensors are equipped standby operation. A similar scenario is presented in [20].
with wake-up circuitry, a dynamic clustering mechanism can In an event-driven application, depending on the rate of
be viable instead of assigning sensors to clusters prior to the the events, utilization of the wake-up technology may become
network operation. Sensors that are spatially co-located with useless. If the events occur frequently, some set of sensors have
the event can form a cluster dynamically. This scheme may to sleep and wake up frequently. Hence, for such scenarios
not only yield better accuracy, but also consumes less energy. switching to periodic sleep scheduling is wiser. An example
For event-driven applications, the adaptivity of the network scenario can be the surveillance application of museums.
to some attributes of the event, such as its location, suggests Consider visitors of a historic arena. The objective of the WSN
developing cross-layer protocols with the sensing circuitry. is to detect the visitors whom are trying to enter unallowed
This is a challenging research topic that needs detailed analy- parts of the arena. During the open hours of the museum, the
sis. For example, based on the location of the event, the routing rate of the events may be larger compared to the night shifts.
strategy may be altered. In a surveillance application, assume Daytime operation of the network can be based on periodic
an intruder with a jammer. The sensor that detects the intruder, sleep scheduling, whereas the night time operation can follow
may apply a routing strategy to minimize the effect of the the wake-up scheme. Rigorous analysis of when to switch from
jammer by waking up the sensors that are apart enough from wake-up scheme to sleep scheduling is required when such bi-
the intruder. modal operation is probable.
Sensing Units
Wake-up Transmitter (1) Event occurred
(Oscillator, VGA, PA)
(2) Event sensed and Infrared MIR
wake-up signal
is to be sent
Sensor Node 1
Wake-up Antenna
Sensing Units
Wake-up Transmitter
(Oscillator, VGA, PA)
Infrared MIR
Sensor Node 2
Fig. 3. Interaction of the wake-up receivers with the sensor node and with the network for a simple event driven application. The sensor node which detects
a target wakes up the next-hop sensor node. The wake-circuitry is simplified from [6].
B. Periodic or Query-based Applications sensors may reject to wake up. If a handshaking protocol is
utilized for the wake-up stage, the sensors may dynamically
Periodic or query based data collection is common when alter their route based on their impacts on the neighbors. For
environmental properties such as temperature or humidity example, during the handshaking process, the residual energy
levels of a field are to be monitored. For such applications, levels can be exchanged to minimize the effect of the energy
the wake-up circuitry may be utilized to dismiss the time consumption for the relay functionality.
synchronization requirement. Instead of scheduled operation,
a single sensor can manage the timing and when the data is to Assume that a WSN is deployed to monitor the depletion
be collected, it initiates the communication by waking up the of minerals in the soil where several types of crops are
neighbors. Hence, an individual sensor may create a dynamic cultivated. The farmer requires the average level of mineral
data flooding scheme where the data can be aggregated by ratios from a portion of the field where only a type of
the awaken sensors only. For example, the maximum value crop is nurtured. To obtain this information, the WSN must
of temperature readings can be calculated as the data flows to be queried based on the location of sensors. This type of
the sink through the dynamically determined route to the sink. sensor networks can be regarded as a distributed database.
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