The Term Phytase Comprises Several Different Classes of Enzymes
The Term Phytase Comprises Several Different Classes of Enzymes
The Term Phytase Comprises Several Different Classes of Enzymes
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180 E.J. Mullaney, A.H.J. Ullah / Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 312 (2003) 179–184
Table 1
Classes of phytases
Enzyme Examples Molecular mass of NCBI
class monomer (kDa) structure No.
HAP PhyA 85a 1IHP
PhyB 68a 1QFX
AppA 45b 1DKP
BPP TS-Phy 44b 1H6L
PhyC 43b —
Fig. 1. (continued)
mercial phytases are produced by large-scale fermenta- hydrolyzing its substrate. BPPs have been isolated and
tion coupled with overexpression. PhyA (HAP) has also their genes cloned from Bacillus subtilis (phyC) [19] and
been overexpressed in several transgenic plants [13]. Such Bacillus amyloliquefaciens (TS-Phy) [20]. A three-di-
transgenic plants have been suggested as an potential mensional model of its molecule displays a basic form
alternative method of phytase production for the animal similar to a propeller with six blades [21]. A search of the
feed industry [14] or a means of developing plant culti- Protein Data Base revealed no other known phospha-
vars that require less phosphorus fertilizer [15]. Recently, tase with this type of structure. The dependence on
the HAP phytase gene from E. coli, appA, has also been binding Ca2þ for thermostability and catalytic activity
successfully expressed in a transgenic pig [16]. further distinguishes phyC from other subclasses of
The phyB (HAP) has only been reported from As- phytases [22]. BPP has two phosphate binding sites [23].
pergillus niger [17,12] and Aspergillus awamori [18]. No The hydrolysis of its substrate occurs at the “cleavage
commercial form of this enzyme is currently marketed. site” and the adjacent “affinity site” which increases the
binding affinity for substrates like phytic acid that fea-
ture neighboring phosphate groups. The calcium ions
b Propeller phytase facilitate the binding by creating a favorable electro-
static environment [22]. Fig. 1B is a three-dimensional
Unlike HAP, BPP (EC is a recently discov- model of b propeller phytase (1H6L) from the NCBI
ered class of enzyme with a novel mechanism for Web site.
182 E.J. Mullaney, A.H.J. Ullah / Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 312 (2003) 179–184
Fig. 1. (continued)
While BPP has no known homologous phosphatase, other bacterial species or in eukaryotes remains to be
a recently developed method analyzing side-chain determined.
patterns of proteins by a “multidimensional index tree”
has identified a class of enzymes, pyrophosphatase
(PPase), that share some structural features with b Purple acid phosphatase GmPhy—soybean (Glycine max
propeller phytase [24]. An examination of these two L. Merr.) phytase
classes of enzymes lends support to this sophisticated
analysis. First, while phytases hydrolyze phytate, pyro- Another phytase, GmPhy (EC, has recently
phosphatases hydrolyze inorganic pyrophosphate. Sec- been isolated from the cotyledons of germinating soy-
ond, the proposed catalytic mechanisms of these two beans [25]. GmPhy has the active site motif of a purple
enzymes are very similar. As in BBP, a water nucleophile acid phosphatase (PAP). This class of metalloenzyme
that is coordinated to two metal ions in PPase attacks has been widely studied [26]. Both its three-dimensional
the phosphorus atom of its substrate. Moreover, both structure [27] and a proposed mechanism of catalysis are
enzymes contain a “cleavage site” and an “affinity site.” known [28]. Searches of genomic databases have re-
The nucleophilic attack by the water molecule occurs in vealed PAP-like sequences in plants, mammals, fungi,
the former and the binding of a second phosphate group and bacteria [29]. The estimated size of purified GmPhy,
in the latter [24]. Whether BPP phytases are found in 70–72 kDa, suggests a molecular mass similar to other
E.J. Mullaney, A.H.J. Ullah / Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 312 (2003) 179–184 183
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