Soy D
Soy D
Soy D
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: As one of the major oil crops, soybean might be seriously affected by phosphorus deficiency on both yield and
Received 26 October 2015 quality. Understanding the molecular basis of phosphorus uptake and utilization in soybean may help to develop
Received in revised form 7 January 2016 phosphorus (P) efficient cultivars. On this purpose, we conducted a comparative proteomic analysis on a high P
Accepted 3 February 2016
acquisition soybean cultivar BX10 under low and high P conditions. A total of 61 unique proteins were identified
Available online 4 February 2016
as putative P deficiency responsive proteins. These proteins were involved in carbohydrate metabolism, protein
biosynthesis/processing, energy metabolism, cellular processes, environmental defense/interaction, nucleotide
Soybean metabolism, signal transduction, secondary metabolism and other metabolism related processes. Several pro-
Phosphorus efficiency teins involved in energy metabolism, cellular processes, and protein biosynthesis and processing were found
Phosphorus deficiency to be up-regulated in both shoots and roots, whereas, proteins involved in carbohydrate metabolism appeared
Proteomic analysis to be down-regulated. These proteins are potential candidates for improving P acquisition. These findings provide
a useful starting point for further research that will provide a more comprehensive understanding of molecular
mechanisms through which soybeans adapt to P deficiency condition.
© 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction Soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr) is one of the most widely grown
leguminous crops in the world, providing nutrition and oil for both
Phosphorus (P) is an essential macronutrient for plant growth and human diet and animal husbandry [6]. However, the production and
development [1,2]. As phosphorus is often deficient from soil or exists quality of soybean are seriously affected by the low P availability in
in unavailable forms that cannot be directly utilized by plants [3,4], soils. Plants have developed subtle strategies to adapt to P deficiency,
crops require a large amount of P fertilizer to maintain normal growth such as changing their root system architecture, enhancing acquisition
in more than 30% of the world's arable land [5]. The application of P fer- of P from the environment and recycling internal P. These strategies in-
tilizer improves crop production, but at the expense of causing severe volve a number of metabolic genes, transcription factors, P transporters,
environmental pollution and depletion of non-renewable P rocks [1,5]. hormones and miRNAs [1,7–9]. Soybean plants have also adopted some
Therefore, it is necessary to develop environmentally–friendly and eco- strategies to adapt to P deficiency; including changes of root morpholo-
nomically feasible strategies to improve crop production in soil with gy and architecture, enhancement of root symbiosis and induction of
low P. One effective solution is to develop P-efficient cultivars based root exudates [10]. Variety numbers of molecular elements involved in
on the molecular understanding of P uptake and utilization in plants. these pathways have been identified. More than 200 genes were identi-
fied to respond to P starvation in the roots and shoots of soybean seed-
lings. One of these genes, GmEXPB2 (Glycine max β-expansins), can
enhance both P utilization efficiency and P responsiveness by regulating
Abbreviations: 2D, two-dimensional; ACN, acetonitrile; APase, acid phosphatase; DTT,
adaptive changes of the root system architecture [9,11]. A total of 44
dithiothreitol; GmEXPB2, Glycine max β-expansins; GRF, general regulatory factor; IEF, iso-
electric focusing; IPG, immobilized pH-gradient; EST, expressed sequence tag; MALDI- phosphate-starvation responsive proteins were identified in soybean
TOF/TOF, matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight-time-of-flight; MS, nodules after depletion of phosphate, and interestingly, adaptive re-
mass spectrometry; NADPH, nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate; P, phospho- sponses to P starvation occur differently between roots and shoots
rus; PAP, purple acid phosphatase; qRT-PCR, quantitative real time-polymerase chain re- [12]. Overexpression of an Arabidopsis purple acid phosphatase (PAP)
action; RAD23, radiation sensitive23; RuBisCO, ribulose bisphosphate carboxylase; SDS-
PAGE, sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis.
gene AtPAP15 increased the secretion of APase (acid phosphatase)
⁎ Corresponding author. from transgenic soybean plants, significantly enhanced intracellular
E-mail addresses: [email protected] (A. Sha), [email protected] (P. Yang). APase activity in leaves and P utilization efficiency and yield under
1570-9639/© 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
428 A. Sha et al. / Biochimica et Biophysica Acta 1864 (2016) 427–434
conditions of low organic P [13]. The expression of 23 GmPAPs was in- 9000 V for 4 h. The total voltage was 54 kVh. After IEF electrophoresis,
duced or enhanced by P starvation in different soybean tissues [14]. the strips were equilibrated with the equilibration buffer, containing
Additionally, the expression of 110 miRNAs differed in roots or shoots 1% w/v DTT, 6 M urea, 30% w/v glycerol, 2% SDS 50 mM Tris–HCl
in soybeans under P deficient and adequate conditions [15]. (pH 8.8) and 0.002% bromophenol blue. After 15 min of equilibration,
In previous studies, the soybean cultivar BX10 has been identified as the strips were incubated in the same equilibration buffer containing
a P-efficient genotype [16,17] and a number of early or late P-starvation 2.5% iodoacetamide for another 15 min. The equilibrated strips were
responsive genes and miRNAs were identified from BX10 based on the used for the second dimension, which was 12.5% sodium dodecyl
transcriptional expression profiles and deep sequencing [9,15]. In this sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) in an Ettan
study, a proteomic approach was utilized to investigate the protein ex- DALTsix electrophoresis unit (GE Healthcare). After SDS-PAGE, the
pressional patterns in the shoots and roots of BX10 under P deficient gels were stained with Coomassie brilliant blue R-250 and scanned
(low P) and sufficient conditions (high P). As no candidate early P star- with an UMAX PowerLook 1100 scanner. Total protein spots in the
vation responsive genes were identified in the shoots under P deficiency gels were subsequently analyzed and counted with the ImageMaster
treatment for 0.5 h to 12 h [9] and the most tested miRNAs were differ- 2D platinum 5.0 software (GE Healthcare). All the spots exhibiting
entially expressed at 3 days (d) and 6 d under P deficiency [15], time differential accumulations of more than 2.0-fold (P b 0.05) were consid-
points of 3 d and6 d were selected for this study. The objective was to ered to be differentially expressed proteins. For each treatment, protein
identify P deficiency responsive proteins in soybean to further explain extraction and 2-D electrophoresis were repeated three times.
the molecular mechanisms of P acquisition efficiency.
2.4. In-gel digestion
2. Materials and methods
Protein spots which changed the abundances during treatment were
2.1. Plant material excised from gels, washed with Millipore-pure water twice, destained
twice with 60 μL of 50 mM NH4HCO3 and 50% acetonitrile (ACN) and
The seeds of P-efficient soybean cultivar BX10 were surface- then dried twice with 60 μL of ACN, followed by soaking in ice-cold
sterilized with 0.1% HgCl2 for 10 min. After five rinses with sterilized digestion solution (trypsin 12.5 ng/mL and 20 mM NH4HCO3) for
distilled water, the seeds were germinated on wet paper tissue for one 20 min. This mixture was then transferred into an incubator at 37 °C
week at 25 °C. Uniformly germinated seedlings were transplanted for overnight digestion. Finally, peptides in the supernatant were col-
into tanks (50 cm × 40 cm × 15 cm) with 1/2 modified Hoagland nutri- lected after two extractions with 60 μL extraction solution (5% formic
ent solution and were grown in a growth chamber at temperatures of acid in 50% ACN).
26/20 °C (day/night), photo flux density of 480 μM m−2 s−1, a 16 h pho-
toperiod and relative humidity of 70%. The nutrient solution was re- 2.5. MALDI-TOF-TOF MS analysis
placed every 3 days. When the first trifoliate leaf was fully developed,
the seedlings were treated with low or high P solution including The peptide solution described above was dried under nitrogen, and
0.2 μM KH2PO4 or 1000 μM KH2PO4, respectively, in the 1/2 modified resolubilized in 2 μL of matrix solution (α-cyano-N-hydroxycinnamic
Hoagland nutrient solution. Treatments were carried out in triplicate acid). The mixture was then spotted on a MALDI target plate (Applied
tanks with 30 seedlings each. The shoots (leaves together with stems) Biosystems, USA). MALDI-TOF-TOF MS analyses were conducted with
and roots of five plants at each time point (3 d, 6 d) were collected a 4800 Plus MALDI-TOF-TOF™ analyzer (Applied Biosystems). The UV
and served as one replicate, with three replicates for each treatment. laser was operated at a 200-Hz repetition rate with a wavelength of
355 nm. The accelerated voltage was operated at 20 kV and the mass
2.2. Protein extraction resolution was maximized at 1500 Da. Myoglobin digested with trypsin
was used to calibrate the instrument under internal calibration mode.
Three biological replicates were conducted for the proteomic analy- All acquired spectra of samples were processed with 4800 Plus TM
sis. For each biological replicate, shoots and roots were pooled from five Software (Applied Biosystems) in the default mode. The data were
soybean seedlings. Proteins were extracted from the shoots or roots fol- searched by GPS Explorer (V 3.6) with the search engine MASCOT
lowing the protocol developed by Damerval et al. [18] with the follow- (V 2.1) against the NCBInr database and UniProt database (Version of
ing modifications. About 2.0 g shoots or roots were quickly ground with 2015_03). The search was performed by selecting the Glycine max tax-
a mortar in liquid nitrogen. The sample powder was suspended in 10% onomy. The other parameters were as follows: peptide molecular
w/v trichloroacetic acid/acetone with 0.07% v/v 2-mercaptoethanol mass ranged from 800 to 4000 Da, with one missing cleavage, MS toler-
and incubated for 2 h at − 20 °C. After centrifugation, the pellet was ance of 50 ppm, MS/MS tolerance of 0.6 Da, fixed modifications of
washed with cold acetone containing 0.07% v/v 2-mercaptoethanol to carbamidomethyl (Cys) and variable modifications of oxidation (Met),
remove pigments and lipids until the pellet was colorless. Proteins proteins with scores greater than 72 or a best ion score (MS/MS) of
were dried under a vacuum and resuspended in 1 mL rehydration buff- more than 30 were considered significant. Only spots with statistical
er: 9.5 M urea, 5 mM K2CO3, 1.25% sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS), 0.5% significance (Student's t test, p b 0.05) and reproducible changes were
dithiothreitol, 2% LKB Ampholines, pH 3.5 to 10, and 6% Triton X-100. considered. The protein spots with an abundance change ratio of at
The resuspended proteins were sonicated with 4 cycles of 0.8 s open least two were selected as differentially expressed proteins.
and 0.8 s closed and repeated once after cooled on ice. The soluble pro-
teins from the supernatant were centrifuged for 20 min at 12,000 rpm at 2.6. Quantitative reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction
4 °C and collected. The protein concentrations of the samples were (qRT-PCR)
quantified via a Bradford assay [19].
qRT-PCR analysis was performed to quantify the transcriptional
2.3. 2-D electrophoresis levels of genes. Total RNA was extracted with Trizol (Invitrogen,
Carlsbad, CA, USA) from the samples of soybean seedling shoots and
An Ettan IPGphor3 apparatus (GE Healthcare) was used for isoelec- roots and digested with DNase I (Ambion, USA) to eliminate genomic
tric focusing (IEF) with immobilized pH-gradient (IPG) strips (pH 4.0– DNA contamination. A total of 2 μg of RNA was used in cDNA synthesis
7.0 linear gradient, 24 cm). After the IPG strips were rehydrated, according to the manufacturer's instructions (Promega, USA). The quan-
1200 μg of protein was loaded for IEF with the following program: tity and quality of isolated total RNA was examined by spectrophotom-
300 V for 0.5 h, 700 V for 0.5 h, 1500 V for 1.5 h, 9000 V for 3 h and eter and gel electrophoresis. The qRT-PCR reaction was performed with
A. Sha et al. / Biochimica et Biophysica Acta 1864 (2016) 427–434 429
Fig. 1. Representative 2-DE gels of proteins from shoots and roots under low phosphorus (P) conditions. a, low P treated shoots at 3 d; b, low P treated shoots at 6 d; c, low P treated roots at
3 d; and d, low P treated roots at 6 d. The seedlings of soybean cultivar BX10 were treated under low P (0.2 μM KH2PO4) for 3 d or 6 d and the shoots and roots were harvested for analysis of
2-DE. The numbers with arrows indicate the differentially expressed proteins and identified protein spots.
430 A. Sha et al. / Biochimica et Biophysica Acta 1864 (2016) 427–434
Table 1
Differentially accumulated proteins identified in shoots and roots of P-efficient soybean BX10 under P stresses.
a b c d e f g h i
Spot Accesion no. Protein name TMr /EMr TpI/EpI Coverage Score Specificity Time
number kDa/kDa (%) −P:+P
Carbohydrate metabolism
I10 gi|4930130 Chain A, D-ribulose-5-phosphate 3-epimerase, 24.77/22.72 5.75/6.05 8 99 1:8.9 3d
Solanum tuberosum chloroplasts
K4 gi|2506277 RuBisCO large subunit-binding protein subunit beta, chloroplastic 63.28/55.58 5.85/5.20 11 184 1:2.4 6d
K7 gi|2274838 Ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase large subunit, 47.94/51.19 6.30/5.61 12 127 1:2.5 6d
Zelkova serrata
K5 gi|351724891 Enolase, Glycine max 47.97/51.29 5.31/5.50 29 338 1:2.8 6d
K8 gi|351724891 Enolase, Glycine max 47.97/51.82 5.31/5.49 32 448 Only +P 6d
L5-1 gi|351724891 Enolase, Glycine max 47.97/34.00 5.31/4.55 15 83 2.4:1 6d
K12 gi|5929964 Malate dehydrogenase, Glycine max 36.34/38.34 8.23/6.23 28 259 1:2.0 6d
J15–1 gi|5929964 Malate dehydrogenase, Glycine max 36.35/24.66 8.23/4.50 22 122 5.2:1 3d
L11 gi|351723339 Endochitinase PR4, Glycine max 26.25/24.34 4.90/4.49 16 250 2.0:1 6d
L12 gi|351725619 Cupin family protein, Glycine max 22.01/17.00 5.21/5.58 38 404 2.2:1 6d
Energy metabolism
J2 gi|13937039 Cytosolic glutamine synthetase alpha, Glycine max 9.06/37.25 8.31/5.27 45 252 2.3:1 3d
J14 gi|351724927 Chlorophyll a/b-binding protein, Glycine max 27.88/23.95 5.14/4.83 8 95 3.1:1 3d
J17 gi|255640161 Ribose-5-phosphate isomerase, Glycine max 29.89/24.53 5.37/4.71 16 141 2.0:1 3d
J18 gi|255640161 Ribose-5-phosphate isomerase, Glycine max 29.89/23.03 5.37/4.80 16 160 2.6:1 3d
K26 gi|255645102 Chaperonin, Glycine max 26.64/23.55 6.77/5.40 47 328 1:2.3 6d
K29 gi|255638460 ATP synthase epsilon chain, chloroplastic, Glycine max 8.10/17.00 5.02/5.20 48 173 1:2.7 6d
L2 gi|91214148 ATP synthase CF1 alpha subunit, Glycine max 55.77/51.93 5.15/5.15 30 466 2.1:1 6d
L3 gi|91214148 ATP synthase CF1 alpha subunit, Glycine max 55.77/52.68 5.15/5.09 28 490 2.9:1 6d
L8 gi|195657267 Cytochrome c oxidase subunit, Zea mays 18.46/25.35 4.35/4.50 20 192 2.5:1 6d
Cellular processes
L5-2 gi|255644930 Peroxidase, Glycine max 34.79/34.00 5.01/4.55 24 123 2.4:1 6d
J8 gi|182375363 Mucunain, Mucuna pruriens 47.84/27.15 6.41/4.74 6 98 2.1:1 3d
J12 gi|351724281 Cysteine protease-like, Glycine max 39.70/25.62 7.01/4.76 4 114 2.2:1 3d
L14 gi|351734390 Actin depolymerizing factor 1, Glycine max 16.08/17.00 6.15/5.93 28 193 3.1:1 6d
Defense/interaction with environment
J15–2 gi|351724171 Alpha-amylase/subtilisin inhibitor,Glycine max 23.20/24.66 4.47/4.50 18 136 5.2:1 3d
K17 gi|351725349 Alpha-amylase/subtilisin inhibitor, Glycine max 23.67/35.20 5.52/4.96 7 94 1:2.5 6d
L10 gi|351725349 Alpha-amylase/subtilisin inhibitor, Glycine max 23.67/24.79 5.52/4.55 7 86 3.0:1 6d
L13 gi|229597555 Chain A, Nmr solution structure of soybean allergen Gly M 4, 16.63/17.00 4.69/4.50 45 157 2.4:1 6d
Glycine max
L15 gi|351724283 Ripening related protein, Glycine max 17.72/17.00 5.38/5.21 51 130 3.0:1 6d
L17 gi|205829383 Profilin, pollen allergen beta v 2 2.52/17.00 4.03/4.50 56 93 2.6.1 6d
Nucleotide and amino acid metabolism
I7 gi|255642364 Fumarylacetoacetase, Glycine max 46.12/40.40 5.95/5.85 30 189 1:2.0 3d
Secondary metabolism
I8 gi|3334150 Magnesium-chelatase subunit chlI, Chloroplastic 46.07/38.07 5.49/4.91 38 275 1:2.5 3d
K19 gi|255637531 Isoflavone reductase like, Glycine max 34.29/34.00 5.73/5.89 21 320 1:2.2 6d
Signal transduction
I17 gi|351724251 Translationally-controlled tumor protein homolog, Glycine max 19.10/17.00 4.57/4.70 26 197 1:2.2 3d
Other metabolism process
J1 gi|255578278 Pro-resilin, Ricinus communis 41.39/47.06 4.65/4.66 6 85 3.2:1 3d
L7 gi|351722347 Nascent polypeptide-associated complex subunit alpha-like 22.11/26.08 4.43/4.50 28 123 2.3:1 6d
protein, Glycine max
K27 gi|351725517 Nascent polypeptide-associated complex subunit beta, Glycine max 17.51/19.09 7.90/6.51 21 100 1:66.6 6d
L16 gi|351723479 Nesprin-1, Glycine max 17.36/17.00 9.56/5.58 15 135 3.57:1 6d
Protein biosynthesis/processing
F49 gi|351721220 Eukaryotic translation initiation factor 5A3,Glycine max 17.68/17.00 5.60/5.78 35 212 2.7:1 6d
D27 gi|255552604 Peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase, Ricinus communis 51.54/37.20 4.97/4.56 18 180 2.9:1 3d
D31 gi|255552604 Peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase, Ricinus communis 51.54/34.24 4.97/4.64 14 210 Only −P 3d
D9 gi|355513660 Ubiquilin, Medicago truncatula 57.67/55.47 4.73/4.76 16 156 2.7:1 3d
D11 gi|355513660 Ubiquilin, Medicago truncatula 57.67/54.21 4.73/4.71 14 97 2.8:1 3d
E18 gi|355513660 Ubiquilin, Medicago truncatula 57.67/34.85 4.73/4.98 14 97 Only +P 6d
D21 gi|255641336 26S proteasome non-ATPase regulatory subunit 4-like isoform 2, 43.06/47.54 4.62/4.47 29 175 3.1:1 3d
Glycine max
F14 gi|255570990 Heat shock protein, Ricinus communis 75.43/72.00 5.35/4.92 16 354 4.9:1 6d
F15 gi|255570990 Heat shock protein, Ricinus communis 75.43/72.00 5.35/4.94 13 327 3.9:1 6d
F16 gi|255570990 Heat shock protein, Ricinus communis 75.43/72.00 5.35/4.96 14 402 2.9:1 6d
F17 gi|255570990 Heat shock protein, Ricinus communis 75.43/72.00 5.35/4.98 18 363 2.0:1 6d
F19 gi|211906494 Heat shock protein 70, Gossypium hirsutum 71.27/66.24 5.14/4.98 17 275 2.0:1 6d
D8 gi|226500540 Heat shock 70 kDa protein, Vitis vinifera 72.99/59.61 5.62/5.42 6 79 3.4:1 3d
D16 gi|255644546 DNA repair protein RAD23–3, Glycine max 41.23/44.84 4.80/4.74 9 163 2.4:1 3d
D19 gi|255644546 DNA repair protein RAD23–3, Glycine max 41.23/45.45 4.80/4.90 14 268 3.9:1 3d
D25 gi|255644546 DNA repair protein RAD23–3, Glycine max 41.23/41.59 4.80/4.70 13 210 Only −P 3d
Energy metabolism
D13 gi|118429132 Vacuolar ATPase subunit B, Kalidium foliatum 54.17/46.58 4.93/4.93 31 312 Only −P 3d
D14 gi|118429132 Vacuolar ATPase subunit B, Kalidium foliatum 54.17/48.73 4.93/5.00 26 288 9.0:1 3d
D18 gi|118590578 F0F1 ATP synthase subunit beta, Stappia ggregate IAM 12614 50.81/48.73 4.77/5.00 9 126 2.2:1 3d
D23 gi|217072994 Actin, Medicago trunculata 41.76/40.58 5.31/5.39 33 251 3.8:1 3d
A. Sha et al. / Biochimica et Biophysica Acta 1864 (2016) 427–434 431
Table 1 (continued)
a b c d e f g h i
Spot Accesion no. Protein name TMr /EMr TpI/EpI Coverage Score Specificity Time
number kDa/kDa (%) −P:+P
Energy metabolism
D37 gi|255627487 Cytochrome b6-f complex iron–sulfur subunit, Glycine max 24.54/17.00 8.67/5.61 34 232 2.1:1 3d
E3 gi|159466892 Beta subunit of mitochondrial ATP synthase, Chlamydomonas reinhardtii 61.95/48.03 4.99/4.94 5 157 Only +P 6d
E10 gi|125525665 S-adenosylmethionine synthase 2, Oryza sativa 23.00/44.52 8.85/5.67 30 147 1:3.9 6d
E12 gi|13937039 Cytosolic glutamine synthetase alpha, Glycine max 9.06/37.20 8.31/5.15 45 143 1:3.4 6d
F36 gi|10946357 Cytosolic glutamine synthetase GSbeta1, Glycine max 39.14/31.28 5.48/5.11 29 85 3.1:1 6d
Cellular processes
C24 gi|351734390 Actin-depolymerizing factor 2, Glycine max 16.08/17.00 6.15/6.15 26 262 1:11.8 3d
D33 gi|355486571 Fructokinase, Medicago truncatula 35.38/34.00 5.20/4.95 17 124 2.1:1 3d
D35 gi|351722933 Adenine phosphoribosyl transferase, Trifolium repens 25.80/22.51 8.62/5.64 32 355 2.0:1 3d
E13 gi|255645037 Alpha-1,4-glucan protein synthase, Phaseolus vulgaris 42.05/38.23 5.66/5.67 26 162 1:4.0 6d
E19 gi|351724529 NADPH:isoflavone reductase, Glycine max 35.74/34.80 5.30/5.39 16 199 1:3.0 6d
E21 gi|351724529 NADPH:isoflavone reductase, Glycine max 35.74/34.80 5.30/5.46 28 199 Only +P 6d
E23 gi|255647567 Peroxidase 1, Sesbania rostrata 15.52/33.77 5.20/4.85 22 105 1:3.7 6d
F41 gi|182375363 Mucunain, Mucuna pruriens 47.85/27.28 6.41/4.76 6 88 2.1:1 6d
F42-1 gi|351725929 14–3-3 protein SGF14h, Glycine max 29.25/27.19 4.66/4.59 31 189 2.2:1 6d
Defense/interaction with environment
C25 gi|255647164 Nodulin-like protein, Glycine max 12.23/17.00 4.69/4.45 36 76 1:137.6 3d
E38 gi|351720849 Disease resistant response protein, Glycine max 20.52/19.71 5.10/5.00 31 222 1:4.0 6d
E40 gi|351720672 Trypsin inhibitor p20, Glycine max 22.86/17.00 5.39/5.25 24 186 1:5.7 6d
E41 gi|351723671 Trypsin inhibitor, Glycine max 18.25/17.02 6.12/4.98 22 113 1:2.9 6d
E42 gi|351723671 Trypsin inhibitor, Glycine max 18.25/17.00 6.12/5.09 44 172 1:2.3 6d
E43 gi|255630726 Kunitz trypsin inhibitor p20–1-like protein, Glycine max 22.61/17.00 4.83/4.44 11 76 1:241.1 6d
E45 gi|351726232 Stress-induced protein SAM22, Glycine max 16.70/17.00 4.80/4.50 60 158 1:9.8 6d
F50 gi|351726098 Ripening related protein, Glycine max 17.86/17.00 5.96/6.26 53 187 2.4:1 6d
Nucleotide and amino acid metabolism
D22 gi|255642364 Fumarylacetoacetase, Glycine max 46.12/44.25 5.95/5.88 23 160 2.2:1 3d
Secondary metabolism
D36 gi|351720734 Flavoprotein wrbA, Glycine max 21.79/21.70 6.09/6.06 26 236 2.2:1 3d
Other metabolism process
D4 gi|82469976 Patellin 1, Cucurbita pepo 67.03/94.15 4.68/4.15 2 72 3.5:1 3d
D5 gi|82469976 Patellin 1, Cucurbita pepo 67.03/94.15 4.68/4.87 1 47 2.5:1 3d
D26 gi|255646471 Ankyrin-repeat protein, Glycine max 38.02/41.47 4.53/4.50 14 212 2.5:1 3d
D32 gi|255627711 Nascent polypeptide-associated complex subunit 24.11/34.64 4.28/4.45 18 216 3.6:1 3d
alpha-like protein 2, Glycine max
E51 gi|108710322 Retrotransposon protein Ty1-copia subclass, Oryza sativa 15.23/17.00 5.50/5.20 16 100 1:4.6 6d
F42-2 gi|351723339 Endochitinase PR4, Glycine max 26.25/27.19 4.90/4.59 12 83 2.2:1 6d
C14 gi|224094919 Fructose-bisphosphate aldolase, Populus trichocarpa 38.63/29.75 5.89/6.48 15 189 1:7.3 3d
Numbering corresponds to the 2-DE gel in Fig. 2. Spots C, D, E, F, I, J, K and L represented the proteins with increasing accumulation in roots at 3 d under high P compared to low P, roots
at 3 d under low P compared to high P, roots at 6 d under high P compared to low P, roots at 6 d under low P compared to high P, shoots at 3 d under high P compare to low P, shoots at 3 d
under low P compared to high P, shoots at 6 d under high P compared to low P, and shoots at 6 d under low P compared to high P, respectively.
Accession number from the NCBI nr database.
Names and species of the proteins obtained via the MASCOT software from the NCBInr database.
L14, D4 and D5, D9, D11 and E18, D13 and D14, D16, D19 and D25, D27 3.3. Differentially accumulated proteins in shoots
and D31, D22 and I7, E19 and E21, E41 and E42, F14, F15, F16 and F17,
F41 and J8, E12, F36 and J2, J17 and J18, K5 and K8, K17 and L10, L2 The thirty-seven differentially accumulated proteins in shoots fell
and L3. Overall, a total of 61 distinct proteins were confidently identified into eight different groups includes carbohydrate metabolism, energy
after removing the redundant proteins and the multiple protein spots metabolism, defense/interaction with environment processes, cellular
(Table 1). On the other hand, 37 unique proteins identified from root metabolism, nucleotide metabolism, secondary metabolism, signal
after removing redundant proteins and multiple proteins including transduction, and other metabolism groups (Table 1). The largest func-
spots D5, D9, D14, D19, D25, D31, E18, E19, E41, F15, F16, F17, F19, tional groups were the energy metabolism group accounting for 27%.
and F36. 33 unique proteins identified from shoot after removing re- The carbohydrate metabolism, defense/interaction with the environ-
dundant proteins and multiple proteins including spots J18, K8, L3, ment, and cellular processes groups followed with a proportion of
and L10. 24%, 13%, and 10%, respectively. Two proteins are involved in secondary
metabolism, and one for each is involved in nucleotide metabolism,
3.2. Differentially accumulated proteins in roots signal transduction, respectively (Table 1). Furthermore, among 37 pro-
teins, 23 of them were accumulated in shoot after 3 days or 6 days P de-
A total of 51 proteins differentially accumulated in roots were cate- ficiency treatment, and 14 of 37 proteins were accumulated in shoot
gorized into six different groups based on their functional annotations. after 3 days or 6 days P sufficient treatment.
The largest functional group was the protein biosynthesis/processing
group which accounts for 32%. The energy metabolism, cellular process-
es, and defense/interaction with environment groups followed with a 3.4. Consistent or inverse responses of protein family members to
proportion of 18%, 16%, and 16%, respectively, and each one protein in- P deficiency
volving in nucleotide metabolism and secondary metabolism (Table 1).
Furthermore, among 51 proteins, 33 of them were accumulated in root Among the 61 identified proteins of unique function, 24 proteins
after 3 days or 6 days P deficiency treatment, and 18 of 51 proteins were grouped to seven protein families with either consistent or inverse re-
accumulated in root after 3 days or 6 days P sufficient treatment. sponse to P deficiency (Table 2). All members of the allergen family
432 A. Sha et al. / Biochimica et Biophysica Acta 1864 (2016) 427–434
Table 2
Consistent or inverse response of protein family members to P deficiency
a b c d e f
Spot number Accesion no. Proteins Specificity Time Tissue
−P: +P
L13 gi|229597555 Chain A, Nmr solution structure of soybean allergen Gly M 4 2.4:1 6d S
L17 gi|205829383 Profilin, pollen allergen beta v 2 2.6:1 6d S
F14,F15 gi|255570990 Heat shock protein 2.0 to 4.9: 1 6d R
F16,F17 6d R
F19 gi|211906494 Heat shock protein 70 2.0:1 6d R
D8 gi|226500540 Heat shock 70 kDa protein 3.4:1 3d R
L7 gi|351722347 Nascent polypeptide-associated complex subunit alpha-like protein 2.3:1 3d S
D32 gi|255627711 Nascent polypeptide-associated complex subunit alpha-like protein 2 3.6:1 3d R
K27 gi|351725517 Nascent polypeptide-associated complex subunit beta 1:66.6 6d S
J8 gi|182375363 Mucunain 2.1:1 3d S
J12 gi|351724281 Cysteine protease-like 2.2:1 3d S
F41 gi|182375363 Mucunain 2.1:1 6d R
L15 gi|351724283 Ripening related protein 3.0:1 6d S
F50 gi|351726098 Ripening related protein 2.4:1 6d R
D18 gi|118590578 F0F1 ATP synthase subunit beta 2.2:1 3d R
E3 gi|159466892 Beta subunit of mitochondrial ATP synthase Only +P 6d R
L2 gi|91214148 ATP synthase CF1 alpha subunit, 2.1:1 6d S
L3 gi|91214148 ATP synthase CF1 alpha subunit 2.9:1 6d S
E40 gi|351720672 Trypsin inhibitor p20 1:5.7 6d R
E41,E42 gi|351723671 Trypsin inhibitor 1:2.3 6d R
E43 gi|255630726 Kunitz trypsin inhibitor p20–1-like protein 1:241.1 6d R
Numbering corresponds to the 2-DE gel.
Accession number from the NCBI nr database or Plants EST database.
Names of the proteins obtained via the MASCOT software from the NCBInr database.
Specificity indicates the ratio of accumulation of a particular protein from roots or shoots under −P versus +P conditions.
Time indicates the ratios of accumulation of a particular protein from roots or shoots at 3 d or 6 d.
Tissue indicates a particular protein accumulated in roots (R) or shoots (S).
(spots L13, L17), heat shock protein family (spots F14, F15, F16, F17, F19, 3.6. qRT-PCR analyses of the encoded genes from significantly-changed
D8), cysteine protease family (spots J8, J12, F41), trypsin inhibitor or proteins
trypsin inhibitor-like proteins (spots E40, E41, E42, E43), and ripening
related protein family (L15, F50) showed consistent responses to P To explore whether the differentially expressed proteins were regu-
deficiency, that is, the levels of members of these protein families lated at transcriptional level and gain better insight to the temporal
were elevated or decreased in roots or shoots at 3 d or 6 d under low expression of these genes, qRT-PCR was conducted to monitor
P conditions (Table 2). On the contrary, the members of ATP synthase the time course expression of 18 genes from 3 d to 12 d (Table S1).
and nascent polypeptide-associated complex families exhibited inverse Twelve genes showed consistent accumulation patterns in both mRNA
responses to P deficiency, that is, the levels of members of these protein and protein levels (Fig. 3, Table 1). Among them, Glyma14g09440,
families were either elevated or decreased in the roots or shoots at 3 d or Glyma09g30370, Glyma05g25810,Glyma17g07710 and Glyma12g36100
6 d under low P conditions (Table 2). The level of F0F1 ATP synthase were up-regulated in shoots at 3 d or 6 d at low P level, corresponding
subunit beta (spot D18) was elevated in roots at 3 d, whereas the levels to the protein mucunain (spot J8), cytosolic glutamine synthetase
of the β-subunit of mitochondrial ATP synthase (spot E3) and the two (spot J2), chlorophyll a/b-binding protein (J14), cytochrome c oxidase
ATP synthase CF1 alpha subunit (spots L2, L3) were decreased in roots subunit (L8) and ATP synthase CF1 alpha subunit (L2), respectively.
or increased in shoots at 6 d at low P level, respectively. The nascent Glyma15g03430, Glyma12g00390, Glyma06g21290 and Glyma17g08020
polypeptide-associated complex subunit alpha or alpha-like protein were up-regulated in roots at 3 d or 6 d at low P level, corresponding
(spots L7, D32) was increased in shoots or roots of 3 d but the nascent to fructokinase (spot D33), patellin 1 (spot D4), eukaryotic transla-
polypeptide-associated complex subunit beta (spot K27) was decreased tion initiation factor 5A-4 (F49) and heat shock protein 70 (F19),
in shoots of 6 d under low P conditions. respectively. Glyma13g24050, Glyma08g18760, and Glyma12g19520
were down-regulated in shoots at 3 d or 6 d at low P level, which
corresponded to Magnesium-chelatase subunit chlI (I8), Rubisco large
3.5. The temporal and spatial accumulation of P deficiency responsive subunit-binding protein subunit beta (K4) and malate dehydrogenase
proteins (K12), respectively.
The transcriptional expression of six genes was not consistent
Among the 61 identified proteins of unique function, there were well with the accumulation of the corresponding proteins at the each
only four proteins found in both shoots and roots in response to P defi- time point (Fig. 3, Table 1). The transcript expression of Glyma15g19580
ciency, at day 3 or 6.These four proteins included the cysteine protease did not change significantly in the shoots of 3 d between the low P
mucunain, actin depolymerizing factor 1, fumarylacetoacetase, and level and high P level, but the level of the corresponding protein
cytosolic glutamine synthetase (Table 3). Mucunain was elevated in (cysteine protein-like, spot J12) was elevated more than 2-fold in
both shoots at 3 d (spot J8) and roots at 6 d (spot F41) at low P level. the shoots at 3 d at low P level. The transcriptional expression levels
The actin depolymerizing factor 1 was up regulated in shoots (spot of Glyma03g34830, Glyma11g12170 in shoots at 6 d under high P,
L14), however down regulated in roots at 3 d (spot C24) at low P Glyma02g04740, Glyma19g01260 in roots at 3 d under low P, and
level, whereas fumarylacetoacetase was down regulated in shoots Glyma01g37810 in roots at 6 d under high P were decreased, but the ac-
(spot I7) but up regulated in roots (spot D22) at 3 d at low P levels. Cy- cumulation of their corresponding proteins enclose (spot K5), Nascent
tosolic glutamine synthetase showed complex expressionex in roots at polypeptide-associated complex subunit beta (spot K27), ubiquilin
3 d (spotsE12, F36) but decreased at 6 d (spot J2) at high P level. (spot D9), peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase (spot D27), and
A. Sha et al. / Biochimica et Biophysica Acta 1864 (2016) 427–434 433
Table 3
The temporal and spatial accumulation of P deficiency responsive proteins.
a b c d e f
Spot number Accesion no. Proteins Specificity Time Tissue
−P: +P
NADPH:isoflavone reductase (spot E19) were elevated at the corre- D13, D14 and D21), heat shock protein (spot D8, F14, F15, F16, F17,
sponding time points, respectively. and F19), and translation initiation factor 5A (spot F49) in maize and
oilseed rape [20,21], chitinase in rice (spot L11, F42-2) [22]. Some
4. Discussion genes corresponding to the identified proteins have also been demon-
strated to play a role in P signal pathway, such as the patellin gene fam-
The present study attempted to identify proteins responsive to P de- ily (spot D4, D5). The accumulation of Arabidopsis PATL1 and PATL2
ficiency in the P efficient soybean cultivar BX10. A total of 88 proteins was changed slightly in P-depletion at protein level [23], but their ex-
and 61 unique proteins were identified to be responsive to P deficiency. pressions were altered greatly at transcriptional level [24]. However, a
Among them, several proteins have been reported as P starvation significant amount of the proteins (40 proteins of 61 unique proteins
responsive proteins in previous study. These proteins include ribulose- identified in this study) characterized in this study has never been pre-
5-phosphate-3-epimerase in soybean (spot I10) [12]; enolase (spot viously reported in response to P starvation. The actual mechanisms of
K5, K8, and L5-1), fructokinase (spot D33), ATP synthase (spot K29, these proteins involved in the P signal pathway needs to be investigated
L2, L3, D18, and E3), RuBisco subunit binding protein (spot K4) in further as the proteomic survey data are fragmentary and modification
maize [20]; cysteine synthase (spot J12) and peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans of a complex subunit or of a protein does not mean modification of the
isomerase in oilseed rape (spot D27, D31) [21]; malate dehydrogenase activity. Several genes corresponding to the identified proteins in this
(spot K12, J15-1) in soybean and maize [12,20]; glutamine synthetase study have been indicated to involve in abiotic regulation. A wheat
(spot J2, E12, and F36) in maize and rice [21,22]; and ATPase (spot actin-depolymerizing factor regulates cold acclimation which alters
Fig. 3. qRT-PCR analyzing the transcript of genes encoding the identified Pi-starvation regulated proteins. The loaded mRNAs were normalized to the internal control actin gene and the
expression of the later time points was normalized to that at 3 d. LPR: low P treated roots; HPR: high P treated roots; LPS: low P treated shoots; and HPS: high P treated shoots. The error
bars represent SD from biological triplicates.
434 A. Sha et al. / Biochimica et Biophysica Acta 1864 (2016) 427–434