The dialogue introduces Mario, a new American student from Miami, to Ella in their classroom. Ella shows Mario around and introduces him to her twin sister Katy and friends Jake and Amy. They learn some details about each other like their ages, families, where they live, and favorite subjects.
The dialogue introduces Mario, a new American student from Miami, to Ella in their classroom. Ella shows Mario around and introduces him to her twin sister Katy and friends Jake and Amy. They learn some details about each other like their ages, families, where they live, and favorite subjects.
The dialogue introduces Mario, a new American student from Miami, to Ella in their classroom. Ella shows Mario around and introduces him to her twin sister Katy and friends Jake and Amy. They learn some details about each other like their ages, families, where they live, and favorite subjects.
The dialogue introduces Mario, a new American student from Miami, to Ella in their classroom. Ella shows Mario around and introduces him to her twin sister Katy and friends Jake and Amy. They learn some details about each other like their ages, families, where they live, and favorite subjects.
M: Hi, I’m Mario. I’m a new student in Class 3. E: Hello, Mario. I’m Ella. Nice to meet you. M: Nice to meet you, too! E: Where are you from, Mario? M: I’m American. I’m from Miami. Is this our classroom? E: Yes, it is. M: And is this your bag on my chair? E: Oh, yes, it is – sorry! M: It’s OK! E: Those are my friends, Jake and Amy. Amy’s desk is behind Jake’s. M: Who is next to Jake? E: That’s my twin sister, Katy. M: How old are you? E: We’re twelve. What about you? M: I’m thirteen. My little brother is Luis and he’s six. E: We live opposite the school, in a flat. M: Is it a big flat? E: No, it isn’t. There are two bedrooms. I share a bedroom with Katy. M: Our house is big. We have two living rooms downstairs and two bathrooms upstairs. E: Is there a garden? M: Yes, in front of the house, but it’s small and there aren’t any trees. E: There’s a balcony with some beautiful plants in our flat. M: What’s your favourite subject? E: It’s Maths. M: Maths is difficult, but it’s interesting! Science is my favourite subject.