AW3 RG Answers
AW3 RG Answers
AW3 RG Answers
Unit 1 3 (Possible answers) 1. I’d call the police. 2 1. hadn’t driven, wouldn’t have crashed
1 Stative: hate, prefer, think, know, 2. I’d help the old lady get up. 3. I’d take 2. would have trained, had known
believe, love; Dynamic: learn, throw, the dog home. 4. I wouldn’t jump into 3. would have helped, had asked
swim, eat, write, run the pool. 4. had sung, would have won
2 1. They just saw a movie. 2. He just 4 (Possible answers) 1. I’d go to the beach 3 1. We aren’t allowed to listen to loud
washed his car. 3. She just hung up. every weekend 2. I’d live in Australia music. 2. I’m allowed to watch TV for
4. He just won the race. 3. I passed all my exams 4. I’d be very two hours every day. 3. Susan isn’t
disappointed allowed to bring friends home on
3 1. He’s lived 2. traveled 3. has stolen
Review: 1. if we stop illegal hunting weekdays. 4. Are we allowed to play in
4. started, has completed
2. so we might not see the eclipse the living room, Dad?
4 1. How long have you been waiting?
3. I wouldn’t run. I’d play dead 4. there 4 1. won’t let me have one 2. makes
2. I’ve been doing my homework
would be less pollution 5. if you were us write a 300-word essay 3. wash
all afternoon. 3. He’s been studying
rich? my clothes, but I like to help 4. so he
photography since he was 10 years old.
doesn’t let me go to parties
4. We’ve been going to the same school
Unit 3 5 1. such, that we called the police
for 12 years.
1 1. Who did you go to the concert with? I 2. so, that many students were yawning
5 1. What did the teacher give you?
went with my cousin Joel. 3. such, that we couldn’t sleep
2. Who writes you long text messages?
2. How many tickets were sold? Lots, 4. so, that she got a job as a model
3. Who talked to Jerry for hours?
the stadium was full. 3. Did they play Review: (Possible answers) 1. studied
4. What have you finished? 5. Who are
your favorite song? No, they didn’t. harder, gotten a better job 2. wear
you going to visit?
4. Who took photographs of the band? jeans 3. tidy my room 4. go out
6 1. In Peru. 2. My homework. 3. My gran. Joel did. 5. What time did you get 5. funniest 6. shorter 7. strict, we
4. In three years. 5. Around 20. home? At midnight. can’t talk in class 8. Math, I always fail
7 (Possible answers) 1. 2016 2. two 2 1. somewhere 2. anywhere the tests
3. 25 years old 4. 35 years old 3. anyone 4. anything 5. Nobody
5. next year Unit 5
3 1. He had just left 2. She had changed
Review: 1. calling 2. shopping 3. came 3. Everybody had gone 4. She had 1 1. he didn’t really like cell phones
4. bought 5. will be shopping 6. will already seen 5. the game had already 2. I’m training for the tennis finals
have bought 7. who’s 8. did started 3. they were going to start a website
4 1. opened 2. went 3. was looking 4. I only watch TV on weekends
Unit 2
4. climbed 5. moved 6. didn’t see 2 1. John said he had made a new friend
1 1.‘ll mail, like; Offer 2.‘ll burn, touch; 7. noticed 8. had been at school. 2. Sue told Uma they could
Warning 3.‘ll make, wash; Offer find the information on the Internet.
Review: 1. were having 2. was
4.‘ll have, goes; Future possibility 3. The teacher told the principal he
3. everybody 4. had forgotten
2 1. I might become a veterinarian. 5. somebody 6. had eaten 7. hadn’t would never let students use cell
2. I could take care of wild animals. returned 8. decided 9. was putting phones in class. 4. Jelena said Amanda
3. I might do scientific research, too. hadn’t done the homework by herself.
4. I may not perform surgery on the Unit 4 5. Mr. Casey said he had been a teacher
animals. 5. I might not get a job in a there for 30 years.
1 1. the happiest 2. faster 3. the
zoo. 6. I may have to take care of cats
most entertaining 4. better 5. the
and dogs.