DCC Micro Project

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Academic year: 2021-22


Peer To Peer Network Connection

Program: Computer Engineering.
Program code: CO4I
Course: Data Communication and Computer
Course code:22414.
This is to certify that MR.Vaibhav kothare (1213),
MRS.Shruti Jangam (1214),
MR. Ketan Ambolkar (1215).
of 4rd Semester of Diploma in Computer Engineerging of Institute,
Navjeevan Education Society's polytechnic (Code:0144)has completed the
Micro Project satisfactorily in Subject: Data Communication and Computer
Network(22414) for the academic year 2021- 2022 as prescribed in the

Place: Bhandup. Enrollment no:- 1) 2001440093

2) 2001440094
3) 2001440095
Date:- _ Exam Seat no:- 1) 113196
2) 113197
3) 113198

Subject Teacher Head of the Department Principal

Peer to Peer Network Connection

Report Booklet


SR. Name of Group Roll no Enrollment No Seat no
NO Members
1. Vaibhav kothare 1213 2001440093 113196

2 Shruti Jangam 1214 2001440094 113197

3 Ketan Ambolkar 1215 2001440095 113198

Brief Introduction:-

In the most basic sense, a peer-to-peer network is a simple network where each
computer doubles as a node and a server for the files it exclusively holds. These
are the same as a home network or office network. However, when P2P networks
are established over the internet, the size of the network and the files available
allow huge amounts of data to be shared. Early P2P networks like Napster used
client software and a central server, while later networks like Kazaa and
BitTorrent did away with the central server and split up sharing duties between
multiple nodes to free up bandwidth. Peer-to-peer networks are usually associated
with Internet piracy and illegal file sharing. When developing an effective
networking system, your choice can have a serious impact on your company's
communication processes, cybersecurity and overall efficiency. Peer-to-peer
networks are an extremely popular choice for many organisations all around the
world. In this article, we explain what a peer-to-peer (P2P) network is, how it
works, ways to use a P2P network and how to make sure that your P2P network is

Aim Of the Micro-Project:-

The aim of this topic is to following industry identified competency through
various teaching learning experience. Develop Peer to Peer network
connection.share resources and help computers and devices work
collaboratively, provide specific services, or execute specific tasks. used to
share all kinds of computing resources such as processing power, network
bandwidth, or disk storage space.
➢ Weekly Progress Report(Action Plan) Micro-Project:-

Topic: Online Bookstore.

Academic Year: 2021-2022 Name of Faculty: MRS.
Program Code: Computer engineering (CO4I).
Course & Course Code: Data Communication and Computer Network(22414)
Roll No:1213, 1214, 1215
Enrollment No:2001440093, 2001440094, 2001440095 Semester: IV
Name of Candidate: Vaibhav kothare, Shruti Jangam, Ketan Ambolkar.

SR Week Activity of Performed Planned start Planned Finish Name of Responsible

Date Date Team member

1. 1st Discussion and finalization of 17/02/2022 24/02/2022 All team members


2. 2nd Preparation and submission of 24/02/2022 03/02/2022 All team members


3. 3th Collection of data 03/02/2022 24/03/2022 All team members

4. 4th Implementation 24/03/2022 21/04/2022 All team members

5. 5th Check, Validation and 21/04/2022 28/04/2022 All team members

Execution of code

6. 6th Compilation of Report 28/04/2022 12/05/2022 All team members

And Presentation

7. 7th Actual Presentation & Final 12/05/2022 19/05/2022 All team members
submission of Micro Project
Sign of the Student:-



Sign of the Faculty

Topic: Online Bookstore.
Academic Year: 2021-2022 Name of Faculty: MR.HARSHAD AWATE
Program Code: Computer engineering (CO4I).
Course & Course Code: Data Communication and Computer Network(22414)
Roll No:1213, 1214, 1215
Enrollment No:2001440093, 2001440094, 2001440095 Semester: IV
Name of Candidate: Vaibhav kothare, Shruti Jangam, Ketan Ambolkar.

1. Brief Description 1

2. Aim of the Micro-Project 1

3. Course Outcomes Integrated 1

4. Actual Procedure Followed 2

5. Actual Resources Used 2

6. Skill Developed/learning out of this Micro- 2


7. Implementation and Result 2-5

8. Conclusion 6
9. Soft Copy of Micro Project 7
10. Micro-Project Evaluation Sheet /Annexure IV 8-12
Peer to Peer Network Connection

Stands for "Peer to Peer." In a P2P network, the "peers" are computer systems which
are connected to each other via the Internet. Files can be shared directly between
systems on the network without the need of a central server. In other words, each
computer on a P2P network becomes a file server as well as client.
The only requirements for a computer to join a peer-to-peer network are an Internet
connection and P2P software. Common P2P software programs include Kazaa,
Limewire, BearShare, Morpheus, and Acquisition. These programs connect to a P2P
network, such as "Gnutella," which allows the computer to access thousands of other
systems on the network.
Once connected to the network, P2P software allows you to search for files on other
people's computers. Meanwhile, other users on the network can search for files on your
computer, but typically only within a single folder that you have designated to share.
While P2P networking makes file sharing easy and convenient, is also has led to a lot of
software piracy and illegal music downloads. Therefore, it is best to be on the safe side
and only download software and music from legitimate websites.

Aims and Benefits:-

• Easy file sharing: An advanced P2P network can share files quickly over large
distances. Files can be accessed anytime.
• Reduced costs: There is no need to invest in a separate computer for a server when
setting up a P2P network. It doesn’t require a network operating system or a full-time
system administrator.
• Adaptability: P2P network extends to include new clients easily. This benefit makes
these networks more flexible than client-server networks. Its scalability
• Reliability: Unlike a client-server network, which can fail if the central server
malfunctions, a P2P network will remain functional even if the central server crashes. If
a single computer goes down, the others continue as normal. This also prevents
bottlenecking since traffic is distributed across multiple computers.
• High performance: While a client-server network performs less effectively when
more clients join the network, a P2P network can improve its performance when more
clients join it. This is because each client in a P2P network is also a server that
contributes resources to the network.
• Efficiency: Emerging P2P networks enable collaboration between devices that have
different resources that can benefit the whole network.
Course Outcomes Integrated :-
Unlike client-server networks, P2P uses resources and also provides them.
This results in additional resources if the number of nodes increases.It requires
specialized software. It allows resource sharing among the network. Since the
nodes act as servers also, there is a constant threat of attack.

Actual Procedure Followed :-

1.Allows you to connect two or more computers to one system.
2.This connection allows you to easily share data without having to use a
separate server for your file-sharing.

What is c Computer Network?

A computer network consists of 2 or additional computing devices that are

connected so as to share the elements of your network
(its resources) and also the data you store there, the foremost basic network (which
consists of justtwo connected computers) will expand and become additional
usablewhen extra computers be part of and add their resources to thosebeing shared.
The first pc, yours, is usually spoken as your native pc.It is additional seemingly to
be used as a location wherever you are doing work, a digital computer,than as a
storage or dominant location, a server. As additional and additional
computers ar connected to a network and share their resources, the network
becomes a additional powerful tool, as a result of staff employing a networkwith
additional data and additional capability ar able to accomplish morethrough those
another computers or extra resources.The real power of networking computers
becomes apparent if you envisionyour own network growing then connecting it
with alternative distinctnetworks, sanctioning communication and resource sharing
across each networks.That is, one network will be connected to a different network
and becomea additional powerful tool attributable to the bigger resources
Peer to Peer Network:

A peer is considered an equal. All computers on a peer-to-peer network can be

considered equals, That is to say,no one computer is in chargeof the network’s
operation. Each computer controls its own information and is capable of
functioning as either a client or a server depending on which is needed at the time
.Peer-to-peer networks are popular as home networks and for use in small
companies because they are inexpensive and easy to install. Most operating systems
(the software that runs the basic computer functionality) come withpeer-to-peer
networking capability built in. The only other cost involved with setting up a peer-
to-peer network comes into play if a computer does not have a network interface
card, or NIC (the device that physically connects your computer to your network’s
cabling), already installed.
Client – Based Network:

Client-based networks are a further refinement to the concept of a

serverbasednetwork that relieves the heavy burden on the network’s capacity
resultingfrom frequent server-performed transactions. A client-based networktakes
better advantage of the server’s powerful processors and of theincreasingly
powerful computers used in typical workstations. A clientbasednetwork utilizes a
client workstation’s power in processing somefunctions locally while requesting
additional processing from a serverwhenever it is needed for increased speed.

Client-based network servers process requests from clients and returnjust the
results, rather than sending the original resource to the client to beprocessed and
returned after computations are complete. Client-based networks,therefore, take
advantage of the powerful processing capabilities ofboth the client and the
server, This type of arrangementmay include application servers (where entire
computer programs areshared from the server) and communications servers.
Topology used for peer to peer network connection:

Mesh topology:

A network setup wherever every laptop and network device is interconnected with
each other, permitting most transmissions to be distributed even though one in
every of the connections go down. it's a topology usually used for wireless
networks. Below could be a visual example of an easy laptop setup on a network
employing a topology.

Advantages of Topology:

• Manages high amounts of traffic, as a result of multiple devices will transmit

knowledge at the same time.

• A failure of 1 device doesn't cause an occasion within the network or

transmission of knowledge.

• Adding further devices doesn't disrupt knowledge transmission between

alternative devices.

Disadvantages of Network Topology:

▪ The price to implement is beyond alternative network topologies, creating it

a less fascinating choice.

▪ Building and maintaining the topology is troublesome and time


▪ The likelihood of redundant connections is high, that adds to the high prices
and potential for reduced potency.
Advantages :

The main advantage of a peer-to-peer network is that it’s easier to line up and use
than a network with a fervent server. Peer-to-peer networks have faith in the
restricted network server options that square measure designed into Windows, like
the flexibility to share files and printers. Recent versions of Windows, as well as
Windows seven, Vista, and Windows XP, embrace wizards that mechanically
assemble a basic network for you so you don’t have to be compelled to manually
assemble any network settings. Another advantage of peer-to-peer networks is
that they'll be more cost-effective than server-based networks. Here square
measure a number of the explanations that peer-to-peer networks square measure

• Peer-to-peer networks don’t need you to use a fervent server pc. Any pc on the
network will perform as each a network server and a user’s digital computer.
(However, you'll assemble a pc as a fervent server if you would like to. Doing
therefore leads to higher performance however negates the price good thing about
not having a fervent server pc.)

• Peer-to-peer networks square measure easier to line up and use, which implies
that you just will pay less time determining a way to build the network work and
keep it operating.

• You should contemplate the price of the server software itself. Windows Server
will value the maximum amount as $200 per user. and therefore the total value will
increase as your network grows, though the price per user drops. For a peer-to-peer
Windows server, you get Windows once. You don’t pay any further charges
supported the amount of users on your network.

Yes, peer-to-peer networks square measure easier to put in and manage than
domain-based networks, however they are doing have their drawbacks: Because
peer-to-peer networks square measure supported computers running shopper
versions of Windows, they’re subject to the inherent limitations of these Windows
versions. shopper versions of Windows square measure designed primarily to be
associate degree package for a single-user microcomputer instead of to operate as
a part of a network. These versions can’t manage a file or printer server as with
efficiency as a true network package. If you don’t came upon a fanatical network
server, somebody (hopefully, not you) could have to be compelled to abide the
inconvenience of sharing his or her laptop with the network. With Windows
Server, the server computers square measure dedicated to network use in order
that nobody has got to place up with this inconvenience. Although a peer-to-peer
network could have a lower value per laptop for smaller networks, the price
distinction between peer-to-peer networks and Windows Server is a smaller
amount vital in larger networks (say, 10 or a lot of clients).


Peer-to-peer networks can be implemented with very little investment costs, but
in order for the network to work properly, the users must be very experienced with
computers, and strict guidelines must be implemented and followed in order for the
data to remain secure and archived properly. In my experience, peer-to-peer
networks tend to become more of a headache instead of a help after about 6
computers, especially if your company has a moderate employee turnover. •A Peer-
to-Peer network is ideal for home use or small.
Micro-Project Evaluation Sheet
Name of Student :VAIBHAV KOTHARE Enrollment No: 2001440093 .
Name of Program: COMPUTER ENGINEERING. Semester : IV .

Course Title: Data Communication and Computer Network

Course Code: 22414

Title of the Micro-project: Peer to Peer Network Connection

Course Outcomes Achieved:
Unlike client-server networks, P2P uses resources and also provides them. This
results in additional resources if the number of nodes increases.It requires
specialized software. It allows resource sharing among the network. Since the nodes
act as servers also, there is a constant threat of attack.

Sr. Poor (Marks Average Good (Marks Excellent Sub

No. Characteristic to be assessed 1-3) (Marks 4-5) 6-8) (Marks 9- 10) Total

A. Process and Product Assessment (6 Marks)

1 Relevance to the course

Literature Survey / Information
2 Collection

Completion of the Target as per

3 project proposal

Analysis of Data and

4 representation

5 Quality of Prototype/Model
6 Report Preparation

B. Individual Presentation/ Viva (4 Marks)

7 Presentation

8 Viva
Comments/Suggestions about teamwork/leadership/interpersonal communication (if any):
Name and designation of the Faculty Member:MRS.SONALI PATIL
Dated Signature: ……………………………………
Micro-Project Evaluation Sheet

Name of Student : Shruti Jangam Enrollment No 2001440094

Name of Program: COMPUTER ENGINEERING. Semester : IV .
Course Title: Data Communication Course Code:: : 22414 .
And Network Connection
Title of the Micro-project: PEER TO PEER NETWORK
Course Outcomes Achieved:
Unlike client-server networks, P2P uses
resources and also provides them.

Sr. Poor (Marks Average Good (Marks Excellent Sub
No. Characteristic to be assessed 1-3) (Marks 4-5) 6-8) (Marks 9- 10) Total

A. Process and Product Assessment (6 Marks)

1 Relevance to the course

Literature Survey / Information
2 Collection

Completion of the Target as per

3 project proposal

Analysis of Data and

4 representation

5 Quality of Prototype/Model
6 Report Preparation

B. Individual Presentation/ Viva (4 Marks)

7 Presentation

8 Viva
Comments/Suggestions about teamwork/leadership/interpersonal communication (if any):
Name and designation of the Faculty Member:MRS.SONALI PATIL.
Dated Signature: ……………………………………
Micro-Project Evaluation Sheet
Name of Student : Ketan Ambolkar Enrollment No: 2001440095.
Name of Program: COMPUTER ENGINEERING. Semester :IV
Course Title:D a t a C o m m u n i c a t i o n a n d C o m p u t e r N e t w o r k Course Code:22414

Title of the Micro-project: PEER TO PEER NETWORK CONNECTION

Course Outcomes Achieved:
Unlike client-server networks, P2P uses resources and also provides them. This
results in additional resources if the number of nodes increases.It requires
specialized software. It allows resource sharing among the network. Since the nodes
act as servers also, there is a constant threat of attack.

Sr. Poor (Marks Average Good (Marks Excellent Sub

No. Characteristic to be assessed 1-3) (Marks 4-5) 6-8) (Marks 9- 10) Total

A. Process and Product Assessment (6 Marks)

1 Relevance to the course

Literature Survey / Information
2 Collection

Completion of the Target as per

3 project proposal

Analysis of Data and

4 representation

5 Quality of Prototype/Model
6 Report Preparation

B. Individual Presentation/ Viva (4 Marks)

7 Presentation

8 Viva
Comments/Suggestions about teamwork/leadership/interpersonal communication (if any):
Name and designation of the Faculty Member:MRS.SONALI PATIL
Dated Signature: ……………………………………

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