Concrete Plant Standards
Concrete Plant Standards
Concrete Plant Standards
Sixteenth Revision,
January 22, 2018
CPMB 100-18
Your Assurance of Quality!
The Concrete Plant Mixer Manufacturers Bureau (CPMB) is an organization composed of
companies directly involved in the design, manufacture and sale of concrete plants and components
thereof. The function of the CPMB is to establish minimum standards for rating various components of
concrete plants for the protection of and assurance to the user that the plated components of the plants
conform to these Standards. The CPMB also provides a means for mutual consideration of matters
common to the concrete industry whereby concrete plant technology, user services, agency
specifications and related common problems can better be served through coordinated efforts of the
members of the CPMB and its Divisions.
The Control Systems Manufacturers Division (CSMD) of the CPMB is an organization composed of
manufacturers directly involved in the design, manufacture and sale of controls for concrete batching plants.
The CSMD establishes minimum standards for rating control systems for concrete plants – Part 2 of these
The Plant Mixer Manufacturers Division (PMMD) of the CPMB is an organization composed of
companies directly involved in the design, manufacture and sale of concrete plant mixers. The function
of the PMMD is to establish minimum standards for rating concrete plant mixers – Part 3 of these
The Air Quality Manufacturers Division (AQMD) of the CPMB is composed of manufacturers
directly involved in the design, manufacture and sale of air quality equipment for concrete batching plants.
The AQMD establishes minimum standards for rating air quality equipment – Part 4 of these Standards.
Members of the CPMB and its Divisions attach rating plates to components of concrete plants as
allowed by these Standards. The rating plates serve to indicate that the component conforms to the
requirements of these Standards. Rating plates for plant mechanical equipment may be attached to items
listed in Part 1 of these Standards.
Members of the CSMD attach rating plates to components of control systems for concrete plants listed
in Part 2 of these Standards.
Members of the PMMD attach rating plates to concrete mixers to specify the maximum mixing capacity
to standard sizes as indicated in Part 3 of these Standards. The rating plate on a concrete mixer does not
guarantee that the mixer will mix concrete at the rated capacity under all actual field conditions, but that
it meets the requirements for volumetric requirements in Table 3.1 of these Standards.
Members of the AQMD attach rating plates to air quality equipment to specify the type, CFM and Filter
Surface Area as indicated in Part 4 of these Standards.
Rating plates guarantee that components of concrete plants that have them attached conform to the
requirements of these Standards established and unanimously agreed upon by all members of the CPMB
and its Divisions. These methods continue to represent industry practice and are used by all members of
CPMB, whose membership represents the majority of concrete plant manufacturers.
These standards provide useful tables, formulas and considerations, so that the purchaser who is concerned
with the actual performance can depend on these standards as a guide in the selection of concrete
plant components. In addition these standards include rating criteria, methodology, formulas and
available sizes of concrete plant components currently used by the industry.
Current Edition approved January 22, 2018, originally published March 1, 1960. Previous Edition, Fifteenth Revision, March 20, 2007.
Part 3 of these Standards was previously published as PMMD 100-96 Concrete Plant Mixer Standards of the Plant Mixer Manufacturers
Division, Concrete Plant Manufacturers Bureau, Seventh Revision, April 17, 1996, originally published January 1, 1966.
See companion Standard CPMB 100M-18 for SI Units
Concrete Plant Standards
of the Concrete Plant Manufacturers Bureau
CPMB 100-18
Sixteenth Revision – Effective January 22, 2018
These Standards have been prepared for the “Our company hereby certifies that rating plates
information of users of concrete plant equipment, of the Concrete Plant Manufacturers Bureau
including plants, controls, plant mixers and air have been attached during the year just ended
quality equipment. They have been established and will be attached in the forthcoming year to
pursuant to Articles VI-VII of the Bylaws of the eligible items of concrete plant equipment which
Concrete Plant Manufacturers Bureau to describe conform to the Standards of the Bureau and only
and identify the products and combinations of to such eligible items.”
products manufactured or furnished by members of
This stipulation shall be signed by an authorized
the Bureau, its Control Systems Manufacturers
officer of the member company. Any member
Division, Plant Mixer Manufacturers Division and
company shall furnish the Bureau, upon request,
its Air Quality Manufacturers Division, and to
structural drawings, steel design computations and
standardize rated capacities, the basis for
any other information pertinent to determining that
determining rated capacities, and certain other
items of equipment conform to these Standards.
features of concrete plant components, control
systems, plant mixers and air quality equipment. SCOPE
These Standards specify requirements for concrete
EFFECTIVE DATE plant, controls, plant mixer equipment and air
These revised Standards shall become effective on
quality equipment eligible to be designated as
January 22, 2018. Members of the Bureau shall
standard by the Concrete Plant Manufacturers
attach rating plates to all eligible equipment shipped
thereafter and certified by them as complying with
these Standards. Equipment shipped prior to January GOVERNING UNITS
22, 2018 shall be subject to the Concrete Plant The values stated in inch-pound units are to be
Standards in effect at time of shipment. Equipment regarded as the standard. The SI (metric) equivalent
shipped prior to March 1, 1960 shall not be entitled values given in parenthesis are for information only.
to a rating plate. See CPMB 100M-18 for the version of this standard
in SI units.
A copyrighted rating plate furnished by the Bureau
shall be attached to those eligible items of concrete
plant equipment shipped by a member of the PART 1 -- Plant Mechanical Equipment
Bureau and its Control Systems Manufacturers PART 2 -- Plant Control Systems
Division, Plant Mixer Manufacturers Division and PART 3 -- Plant Mixer Equipment
Air Quality Manufacturers Division, and certified
by the company as complying with these Standards.
PART 4 -- Air Quality Equipment
The rating plate shall define size, capacity or
performance. Each member of the Bureau shall
execute annually the following stipulation:
Part 1 – Plant Mechanical Equipment
Concrete Plant Standards of the Concrete Plant Manufacturers Bureau
1. Specifications for Equipment 1. SPECIFICATIONS FOR EQUIPMENT
1.1. Bins or Silos The following items of equipment covered
1.1.1. Bins, Aggregate by these Standards are eligible to have rating
1.1.2. Bins or Silos, Cement plates attached to them:
1.1.3. Multiple Compartment Cement and
• batchers for aggregates,
Fly Ash Bin or Silo
1.1.4. Bins, Combination • batchers for cement or cementitious
1.2. Conveying Equipment • batchers for water,
1.2.1. Belt Conveyors for Aggregates
1.2.2. Bucket Elevators for Aggregates • bins for aggregates,
1.2.3. Bucket Elevators for Cement • bins or silos for cement or
1.2.4. Other Conveyors for Cement cementitious materials,
1.3. Batching Equipment
• bins for both aggregate and cement or
1.3.1. Scales cementitious materials, Scale Accuracy • belt conveyors for aggregates, Scale Lever Systems • bucket elevators for aggregates, Beam Scales • bucket elevators for cement or Dial Scale cementitious materials, Load Cell Systems • other conveyors for cement or
1.3.2. Batchers, General
cementitious materials. Batchers, Aggregate Batchers, Cement (Cementitious Rating plates are not furnished for the
Materials) following items of equipment covered by Batchers, Water these standards:
1.3.3. Water Meters • water meters,
1.3.4. Dispensing Equipment for Admixtures
• admixture batching equipment. Admixture Batchers Volumetric Admixture Dispensers Items of equipment eligible to be designated
1.3.5. Accuracy for Batching as standard shall conform to the applicable For Individual Batchers requirements set forth hereafter in these For Cumulative Batchers With a Tare Standards.
Compensated Control For Cumulative Batchers Without a 1.1. Bins or Silos. A bin or silo shall consist of
Tare Compensated Control a suitable container for storing aggregates or For Volumetric Batching Equipment cement and cementitious materials and, in the Range of Accuracy case of the latter, protecting it from moisture.
1.1.1. Bins, Aggregate. Aggregate bins shall
be structurally designed to contain the rated
capacity plus heaping, based on material
weighing 110 lb/ft3 (1760 kg/m3). Rated
capacities, as shown on the rating plate, shall
be stated in terms of cubic yards (m3) of bin 1.2.1. Belt Conveyors for Aggregates shall
volume at the bin water level. Bin water level conform to the current Standards of the
shall be the sum of water level volumes of each Conveyor Equipment Manufacturers
individual compartment in the bin. In addition, Association. Rated capacities, as shown on the
rated capacities may be stated in terms of cubic rating plate, shall be stated in tons per hour
yards (m3) of heaped volume. The heaped (metric tons/hr.), assuming the material to
volume shall not exceed the lowest bin water weigh 100 lb/ft3 (1600 kg/m3).
level volume plus the volume represented by 1.2.2. Bucket Elevators for Aggregates shall
the frustum of a cone or pyramid above that have their rated capacities, as shown on the
water level, sloping from the perimeter of the rating plate, stated in terms of tons per hour
bin at an angle of 40 degrees from the (metric tons/hr.) computed by assuming that the
horizontal, to a vertical height equal to 25 buckets are filled to 75 percent of their actual
percent of the minimum width of the bin at the cubical capacity with material weighing 100
lowest water level line. Rated capacities may lb/ft3 (1600 kg/m3).
also be stated in tons (metric tons) based on
1.2.3. Bucket Elevators for Cement shall have
material weighing 100 lb/ft3 (1600 kg/m3).
their rated capacities, as shown on the rating
1.1.2. Bins or Silos, Cement. Cement bins or
3 3
plated, stated in terms of ft /hr (m /hr)
silos shall be designed to contain rated capacity computed on the assumption that the buckets
loads of material weighing 94 lb/ft3 (1500 are filled to 100 percent of their water-level
kg/m3). Rated capacity as shown on the rating capacity.
plate shall be stated in terms of cubic feet and
cubic yards (m3) of gross air volume. In 1.2.4. Other Conveyors for Cement, such as
addition, they may be stated in tons, based on screw conveyors, slides and pumps shall have
one ton, or 2000 pounds, equal to one cubic their rated capacities as shown on the rating
yard of partially aerated cement (one metric ton plate stated in terms of ft3/hr (m3/hr) based on
= 0.843 m3). the volumetric capacity rating by the
manufacturer of the conveyor.
1.1.3. Multiple Compartment Cement and
Fly Ash Bin or Silo. Any multiple 1.3. Batching Equipment shall provide that:
compartment bin or silo for storage of fly ash • cement or cementitious materials shall
and cement constructed after January 1989 be batched by weight;
shall have a fly ash compartment with double • aggregates shall be batched by weight;
walls separating it from other compartments for • water shall be batched by weight or
cementitious materials. Such double walls shall volume;
be constructed in a manner that permits • powdered admixtures shall be batched
detection of leakage of the cementitious by weight; and
materials by manual inspection. • liquid admixtures shall be batched by
1.1.4. Bins, Combination. Bins for the storage weight or volume.
of both aggregates and cement shall be
designed and their capacities computed and 1.3.1. Scales. Scales for batching shall consist
stated on the rating plate separately for of one of the following:
aggregates and cement in accordance with the
applicable provisions of Paragraphs 1.1.1 and (1) A lever system suspending the
1.1.2 above. weighing container, and, by means of
secondary levers, transmitting reduced
1.2. Conveying Equipment. All conveyor loads to a beam scale with balance
capacities, as shown on the rating plate, shall indicator or a full reading springless
be based on the equipment being uniformly and dial.
continuously fed.
(2) A lever system as in (1) above with a
single load cell within the lever system
as the primary load indicator and the between beam graduations shall not be less than
beam scale or dial as secondary load 0.03 in. (0.76 mm). The balance indicator shall
indicators. be sufficiently sensitive to show movement
when a weight of 1/10 of 1 percent of the scale
(3) A lever system as in (1) above with capacity is placed in the batch hopper. Pointer
either the primary or secondary levers travel shall show a minimum of 5 percent of the
transmitting reduced loads to a single net rated capacity of the largest weigh beam for
load cell and not having a beam scale or underweight and 4 percent for overweight. A
dial. readily adjustable mechanism shall be provided
(4) A multiple load cell system directly for dampening excessive oscillation of the
supporting the weighing container. indicator pointer.
The construction shall conform to the Dial Scale. A dial scale mechanism
applicable sections of the NIST Handbook 44- shall be enclosed so as to be dust-tight. The dial
96, “Specifications, Tolerances and Other pointer shall indicate the load in the batcher
Technical Requirements for Weighing and continuously from zero balance to the scale
Measuring Devices,” except as herein capacity. The chart shall be of durable material
specified. Methods other than those specifically to ensure good readability. Charts used on the
described in this paragraph, which meet all primary dial attached to the scale shall have a
weighing tolerances and requirements to assure minimum of 1000 graduations placed on a
reliability as specified in these standards are circular reading line with a clear interval of not
acceptable. less than 0.03 in. (0.76 mm). Scale Accuracy. When scales are first Load Cell Systems shall be so
installed they shall be accurate to the basic designed to have a gross carrying capacity
tolerance values specified in NIST Handbook sufficient to support the fully loaded weighing
44-96 Section T.N.3.4. The minimum tolerance container without a loss of accuracy or
shall be 0.1% of the capacity of the scale. abnormal wear and to have the center of gravity
of the gross load on the scale always remain Scale Lever Systems shall be so
between the load supports. A single load cell
designed to have a cross carrying capacity
may be used with a scale lever system or
sufficient to support the fully loaded weighing
multiple load cells may be used to support a
container without loss of accuracy or abnormal
weighing container. Load cell supports shall be
wear and to have the center of gravity of the
designed to prevent any lateral or other
gross load on the scale always remain between
nonaxial forces. Load cells shall be sealed for
the load supports. Scale lever pivots shall be
environmental protection. Load cell systems
hard, tempered, sharpened and gauged for
shall be designed to resist
sustained accuracy. The bearing loops shall be
constructed with hardened bearing surfaces. (a) moisture,
Means shall be provided for leveling, aligning, (b) leakage resistance,
balancing and calibrating scale systems in the (c) overload or shock damage,
field. (d) drift from high voltage or high Beam Scales. Beams for indicating the temperature,
load shall include a zero balance beam, a (e) line noise or radio frequency
balance indicator and a weighing beam for each interference.
ingredient used in any batch. Beams shall be A load cell system shall include a convenient
precision constructed devices with properly means to allow the operator to check the
hardened pivots and bearings capable of condition and proper functioning of both the
holding positive alignment. All poises shall load cell circuit and the signal conditioning and
have positive and accurate holding devices. All load display circuit. A means may be provided
wearing parts of poises shall be hardened and to automatically check these circuits on a more
protected against corrosion. The clear interval
frequent basis. Digital weight indicators shall rated capacities are stated in terms of the
be capable of reading full scale capacity and a volume of concrete produced in a single batch.
maximum weight indication of 1/10 of 1 Batchers, Aggregate. Individual
percent of full scale capacity. Digital batchers shall be rated separately at their
indications shall be clear, definite, accurate and maximum single batch capacity rather than
easily read under all conditions of normal indicating the total batch resulting from the use
operation. of all batchers.
1.3.2. Batchers, General. A batcher shall The minimum volume of the batcher in ft3 (m3),
consist of a suitable container for weighing an calculated from dimensioned drawings, shall be
ingredient for concrete. A combination of equal to its rated batcher capacity multiplied by
aggregates or a combination of cements (or 38 (1.407). (See Table 1.1).
cement and other cementitious materials) may
each be considered as a single ingredient. The volume of the batcher shall be calculated
Aggregates and cement or cementitious on two bases, the lesser of which shall govern,
materials shall not be weighed in the same as follows:
batcher. Each batcher shall be equipped with a (a) based on an angle of repose for
scale and also with the necessary mechanisms the aggregates of 30 degrees from
for its operation. The charging device shall be the horizontal measuring from the
capable of stopping the flow of material within bottom of all charging
the weighing tolerances specified in these mechanisms; or
Standards. Charging and discharging devices (b) based on actual water level
shall not permit loss of materials when closed. capacity.
The discharge device shall be capable of
There shall be sufficient clearance above
controlling the rate of flow of the material.
aggregate batchers to permit convenient
When furnished, vibrators, or other aids to removal of overload.
charging and discharging, shall be attached in
The reading face capacity or the sum of weigh-
such a manner that they will not affect accuracy
beam capacities of a scale on an aggregate
of weighing.
batcher shall be not less than 3,300 lb/yd3
The batcher shall be so designed and of such (1966 kg/m3) of rated batcher capacity.
capacity that it will receive its rated load Batchers, Cement (Cementitious
without the weighed materials being in contact Materials). The minimum volume of the
with the charging mechanism.
batcher in ft3 (m3), calculated from
The criteria to qualify batchers for rating plates dimensioned drawings, shall be 3 ft3 (0.085 m3)
are based on minimum volumetric capacities. to allow for fluffing and variations in filling,
plus 9 times the yardage rating (1/3 of the rated
Volumetric capacities may exceed the
capacity of the plant in m3). (See Table 1.2).
minimum requirements. In use, the rated
batcher capacity may be exceeded providing the Cement batchers shall be provided with a dust
load does not: seal between the charging mechanism and the
(a) exceed the scale capacity, batcher installed in such a manner that it will
(b) overflow the batcher, not affect the accuracy of weighing. The batcher
(c) affect the scale by the closing of the shall be vented to permit escape of air. It shall
charging device. be self-cleaning and may be fitted with a
vibrator to ensure complete discharge.
The rated batcher capacities in Column 1 of
Table 1.1 and Column 1 of Table 1.2 for The reading face capacity or the sum of weigh-
aggregate and cementitious materials, beam capacities of a scale on a cement batcher
respectively, are the standard sizes and are shall be not less than 660 lb/yd3 (392 kg/m3) of
required to have rating plates attached. These rated batcher capacity.
It is recognized that mass concrete work for furnished by the plant manufacturer shall not be
dams, etc., requires special rating based on a furnished with a rating plate but shall be
minimum of 350 lb/yd3 (208kg/m3). subject to the following specifications:
powdered admixtures shall be batched by
The above volumes and scale capacities are not weight, liquid admixtures may be batched by
applicable to individual batchers for weight or volume, and the specifications shall
cementitious materials other than cement. be applicable only for dispensing admixtures Batchers, Water. Scales for measuring having a minimum recommended dosage rate
the water may be graduated either in pounds of one fluid ounce (or more) per 100 lb (29.6
(kg) or U.S. gallons (L) or both. mL per 45.4 kg) of cement; or for concentrated
additives that have been reconstituted to the
The minimum volume of the batcher tank,
point where the dosage rate is one fluid ounce
calculated from dimensioned drawings, shall be
(or more) per 100 lb (29.6 mL per 45.4 kg) of
not less than its rated batcher capacity. Any
water batcher shall have a volume providing
not less than 40 U.S. gallons/yd3 (198 L/m3) of The batching or dispensing devices shall be
concrete to be produced in a single batch. capable of repetitively controlling the batching
of the admixture to the accuracy tolerances
The reading face capacity or the sum of weigh-
specified in these Standards. Piping for liquid
beam capacities of a scale on a water batcher
admixtures shall be free from leaks and
shall be not less than 320 lb/yd3 or 38 gal/yd3
properly valved to prevent backflow or
(190 kg/m3 or 188 L/m3) of rated batcher
A separate dispenser is recommended for each
1.3.3. Water Meters shall not be furnished
admixture, although multiple use of dispensing
with a rating plate and shall conform to the
controls is permitted and compatible
Standards of the American Water Works
admixtures may be stored in the same holding
Association, except as herein specified. The
or checking reservoir after batching and prior to
metering equipment, in addition to the meter,
introduction into the mixer. If, contrary to this
shall include:
recommendation, the same dispensing
(1) A cut-off device capable of stopping the equipment is used for non-compatible
flow within the accuracy tolerances admixtures, the common device shall be
specified in these Standards. The cut-off flushed at the end of each cycle.
device shall be free from leaks when Admixture Batchers. Scales for
admixture batchers may be graduated by
(2)A strainer of a size and porosity as is weight or volume, with the minimum
recommended by the meter graduation being the amount or weight of the
manufacturer; admixture required per 100 lb (45.4 kg) of
(3) A register integral with the meter or a cement.
separate device to indicate the volume Admixtures that are compatible may be
batched, at any point in the metering cumulatively weighed in the same batcher
operation; providing the accuracy of batching of each is
(4)A volume setting device capable of equivalent to the accuracy of batching required
being set to one gallon (3.8L) by these Standards when each is batched
increments, or a register capable of being individually.
read to one gallon (3.8L) or both; Liquid admixtures that are compatible may be
(5)Capability for field adjustment for cumulatively weighed with the water providing
purposes of calibration. that the accuracy of batching of each is
equivalent to the accuracy of batching required
1.3.4. Dispensing Equipment for
Admixtures. Admixture dispensing equipment
by these Standards when each is batched For Cumulative Batchers With A
individually. Tare Compensated Control (see 2.1.4), the
tolerances of Paragraph shall apply Volumetric Admixture Dispenser. based on the required weight of each material.
All admixture dispensing equipment other than
weigh batchers shall be classified as volumetric For Cumulative Batchers Without a
dispensers. All volumetric dispensers shall be Tare Compensated Control (see 2.1.4.), the
used only for liquid admixtures and each plant following tolerances shall apply to the required
shall be equipped with the necessary calibrated cumulative weight:
devices that will permit convenient checking of Cement and other Cementitious Materials or
the dispensed volume to the required accuracy Aggregates -
of the particular admixture. ±1% of the required cumulative weight of
The dispensing system shall include a device or material being weighed OR ±0.3% of
devices that shall either detect and indicate the scale capacity, whichever is greater
presence or absence of flow of the admixture, Admixtures -
or detect and indicate the presence or absence
±3% of the required cumulative weight of
of the admixture, or provide a convenient
material being weighed OR ±0.3% of
means of visually observing the admixture in
process of being batched or discharged. scale capacity, OR ± the minimum dosage
rate per 100 lb (45.4 kg) of cement as it
1.3.5. Accuracy for Batching for equipment applies to each type of admixture,
covered by these Standards shall be as follows: whichever is greater. For Individual Batchers, the For Volumetric Batching Equipment
following tolerances shall apply based on the the following tolerances shall apply to the
required scale reading: required volume of material being batched:
Cement and other Cementitious Materials(1) Water -
±1% of the required weight of materials ±1% of the required volume of material
being weighed OR ±0.3% of scale being batched OR ±1 gallon (3.8L),
capacity, whichever is greater whichever is greater
Aggregates - Admixtures -
±2% of the required weight of material ±3% of the required volume of materials
being weighed OR ±0.3% of scale being batched OR ± the minimum
capacity, whichever is greater recommended dosage rate per 100 lb (45.4
Water - kg) of cement, whichever is greater.
±1% of the required weight of material Range of Accuracy. For ingredients
being weighed OR ±0.3% of scale batched by weight the accuracy tolerances
capacity, whichever is greater required of the batching equipment shall be
Admixtures - applicable for batch quantities between 10% and
100% of scale capacity.
±3% of the required weight of material
being weighed OR ±0.3% of scale For water or admixtures batched by volume,
capacity, OR ± the minimum dosage rate the required accuracy tolerances shall be
per 100 lb (45.4 kg) of cement, whichever applicable for all batch sizes from minimum to
is greater. maximum, as is determined by the associated
cement or aggregate batcher rating. (See Table
Other cementitious materials are considered to include
fly ash, ground granulated blast furnace slag, and other
natural or manufactured pozzolans
Table 1.1 Standard Aggregate Batcher Sizes Table 1.2 Standard Cementitious Material
and Minimum Required Volumetric Batcher Sizes and Minimum
Capacity in US Customary Units. Required Volumetric Capacity in US
Customary Units.
Note: US Customary Sizes are Standard. SI (Metric) Note: US Customary Sizes are Standard. SI (Metric)
equivalent values are approximate and are only equivalent values are approximate and are only
provided as information provided as information
Standard US Customary Sizes Nearest SI Size (3) Standard US Customary Sizes Nearest SI Size (3)
Rated Minimum Volume (2) Rated Minimum Rated Minimum Volume (2) Rated Minimum
Capacity, Capacity, Volume, Capacity, Capacity, Volume,
Standard, Approximate, Standard, Approximate,
yd3 (1) m3 (1) m3 (2) yd3 (1) m3 (1) m3 (2)
ft3 m3 ft3 m3
½ 19 0.54 0.375 0.528 ½ 7.5 0.21 0.375 0.215
1 38 1.08 0.75 1.056 1 12.0 0.34 0.75 0.340
1½ 57 1.61 1 1.407 1½ 16.5 0.47 1 0.42
2 76 2.2 1.5 2.11 2 21.0 0.59 1.5 0.59
3 114 3.2 2 2.81 3 30.0 0.85 2 0.76
4 152 4.3 3 4.22 4 39.0 1.10 3 1.09
4½ 171 4.8 3.5 4.93 4½ 43.5 1.23 3.5 1.26
5 190 5.4 4 5.63 5 48 1.36 4 1.42
6 228 6.5 4.5 6.33 6 57 1.61 4.5 1.59
7 266 7.5 5 7.04 7 66 1.87 5 1.76
8 304 8.6 6 8.44 8 75 2.1 6 2.09
9 342 9.7 7 9.85 9 84 2.4 7 2.42
10 380 10.8 7.5 10.56 10 93 2.6 7.5 2.59
11 418 11.8 8 11.26 11 102 2.9 8 2.76
12 456 12.9 9 12.67 12 111 3.1 9 3.09
13 494 14.0 10 14.07 13 120 3.4 10 3.42
14 532 15.1 11 15.48 14 129 3.7 11 3.76
15 570 16.1 11.5 16.19 15 138 3.9 11.5 3.92
16 608 17.2 12 16.89 16 147 4.2 12 4.09
(1) of plant in yd3 or m3 of concrete. (1) of plant in yd3 or m3 of concrete.
(2) of volumetric space in an aggregate batcher. (2) of volumetric space in a cement or cementitious material batcher.
(3) see the companion standard, CPMB 100M. (3) see the companion standard, CPMB 100M.
Part 2 – Plant Control Systems
Concrete Plant Standards of the Concrete Plant Manufacturers Bureau
Control Systems Manufacturers Division
2. Specifications for Equipment 2. SPECIFICATIONS FOR EQUIPMENT
2.1. Batching Controls and Systems The following items of equipment covered
2.1.1. Manual Controls by these Standards are eligible to have rating
2.1.2. Semi-Automatic Batcher Controls plates attached to them:
2.1.3. Semi-Automatic Interlocked Batcher • semi-automatic batching control for
Controls an individual batcher,
2.1.4. Automatic Batcher Controls • semi-automatic interlocked batching
2.1.5. Automatic Volumetric Controls control for an individual batcher,
2.1.6. Manual Batching System • automatic batching control for an
2.1.7. Partially Automatic Batching System individual batcher,
2.1.8. Semi-Automatic Batching System • partially automatic batching system
2.1.9. Automatic Batching System for multiple batchers and volumetric
2.2. Batching Recorders, General devices,
2.2.1. Graphic Recorder • semi-automatic batching system for
2.2.2. Digital Recorder multiple batchers and volumetric
2.2.3. Digital Batch Documentation Recorder devices,
2.2.4. Digital Concrete Certification • automatic batching system for
Recorder multiple batchers and volumetric
• recorders.
Rating plates are not furnished for the
following items of equipment covered by
these Standards:
• manual batching controls,
• manual batching systems.
Items of equipment eligible to be designated
as standard shall conform to the applicable
requirements set forth hereafter in these
2.1. Batching Controls and Systems.
Batching controls are that part of the batching
equipment that provides the means for
controlling the batching device for an
individual material. They may be mechanical,
hydraulic, pneumatic, electrical, etc. or a mechanisms, a semi-automatic batcher control
combination of these means. shall start the weighing operation of each
material and stop automatically when the
A batching system is a combination of batching designated weight of each material has been
controls necessary to proportion the ingredients reached. No interlocks are required.
for concrete. A batching system may consist of
controls for batching cement and aggregate 2.1.3. Semi-Automatic Interlocked Batcher
only, if the mixing water is not added at the Controls shall be furnished with rating plates
batching plant. Volumetric admixture batching only when ingredients are weighed. This rating
controls are included in the scope of these plate is to be used only for an individual
Standards only when they are a part of a batcher control. When actuated by one or more
batching system. starting mechanisms, a semi-automatic batcher
control shall start the weighing operation of
Batching controls or systems shall be so located each material and stop automatically when the
with respect to the batching equipment being designated weight of each material has been
controlled that visual monitoring for accuracy, reached, interlocked in such a manner that the
calibration of controls and manual batching can discharge device cannot be actuated until the
be accomplished. If manual batching is not indicated material is within the applicable
normally done, monitoring devices shall be tolerances.
sufficiently accurate to detect an error equal to
the specified tolerance when a batch equal to 2.1.4. Automatic Batcher Controls shall be
the rated size of the batcher is batched. furnished with rating plates only when
ingredients are weighed. This rating plate is to
Where batching controls or systems are be used only for an individual batcher control.
remotely located with respect to the batching When actuated by a single starting signal, an
equipment and manual batching is not normally automatic batcher control shall start the
done, monitoring devices shall be sufficiently weighing operation of each material and stop
accurate to detect an error equal to the specified automatically when the designated weight of
tolerance when a batch equal to the rated size each material has been reached, interlocked in
of the batcher is batched. such a manner that:
Where batching controls or systems are (1) The charging device cannot be
remotely located with respect to the batching actuated until the scale has returned
equipment, follower scales or other remote
to zero balance within ± 0.3% of the
monitoring devices may be used for manual
scale capacity;
batching if they repeat the reading of the master
scale within ± 0.2% of scale capacity. (2) The charging device cannot be
actuated if the discharge device is
2.1.1. Manual Controls shall not be furnished open;
with a rating plate. Manual control exists when
the batching devices are actuated manually (3) The discharge device cannot be
with the accuracy of the batching operation actuated if the charging device is
being dependent of the operator’s visual open; and
observation of a scale or volumetric indicator. (4) The discharge device cannot be
The batching devices may be actuated by hand actuated until the indicated material
or by pneumatic, hydraulic, or electrical power is within the applicable tolerances.
A tare compensated control is one that treats
2.1.2. Semi-Automatic Batcher Controls shall the start of the weighing of each ingredient as
be furnished with rating plates only when zero.
ingredients are weighed. This rating plate is to
be used only for an individual batcher control. For cumulative batchers with tare compensated
When actuated by one or more starting controls, interlocked sequential controls shall
be provided, and the applicable tolerances shall All batching equipment in the system
apply to the required weight of each individual for batching ingredients by weight must be
material. activated by a single starting mechanism. A
separate starting mechanism is permitted for
For cumulative batchers without tare volumetric batching of water and/or admixtures
compensated controls, interlocked sequential not batched at the time of weighing.
controls shall be provided, and the applicable
tolerances shall apply to the required Each automatic batcher must return to
cumulative weight of material as batched. zero tolerance, and each volumetric device
must reset to start or signal empty before it may
2.1.5. Automatic Volumetric Controls for be charged.
water or admixtures shall not be furnished with
rating plates. When actuated by a single starting The discharge of any ingredient in the
signal, automatic volumetric controls shall start system may not start unless all batching controls
the batching operation and stop automatically have been cleared of the previous batch with
when the designated volume has been reached. scales returning to zero tolerance and
The batching control shall include visual means volumetric devices resetting to start or
of observing either the quantity sent or the signaling empty. The discharge of any scale
quantity batched and the indication of the may start when all the ingredients weighed on
completion of the batching operation. that scale have been batched.
2.1.6. A Manual Batching System shall Provisions shall be made for adjusting
consist of the required combination of the sequential discharge of the batchers or
individual manual batcher controls and shall measuring devices and the rate of discharge of
not be furnished with a rating plate. materials.
2.1.7. A Partially Automatic Batching 2.2. Batching Recorders, General. A batching
System shall consist of the required recorder may be either graphic or digital as
combination of batching controls, at least one described in the following paragraphs. All
of which shall be for controlling the cement or batching recorders shall produce a record of the
aggregates, either semi-automatically or batch weights or volume of each material
automatically. Inclusion of admixture controls requiring recordation, a batch identification or a
is optional. This system shall be furnished with batch count, day, month, year, time of day to
a rating plate. Interlocking in any degree shall the nearest minute and shall register empty
be optional. balance. Any automatically produced
permanent record, including the above
2.1.8. A Semi-Automatic Batching System minimum information, shall be considered an
shall consist of the required combination of acceptable batching record. Target weights,
semi-automatic interlocked batching controls or
simulated weights or any other weights other
of semi-automatic interlocked and automatic
than actual batch weights shall be clearly
batching controls. This system shall be
identified as to their representation.
furnished with a rating plate. Inclusion of
admixture controls is optional, unless the 2.2.1. A Graphic Recorder is an instrument
admixture batching is initiated by the act of that scribes a line on a graphic charge
batching one of the other ingredients. simultaneously with the indication of the scale
Interlocking in any degree shall be optional. as the materials are being weighed. Each scale
may have its own recorder, or a series of scales
2.1.9. An Automatic Batching System shall
may simultaneously record on a single graphic
consist of the required combination of automatic
chart. The housing shall be capable of being
batching controls and be furnished with a
locked and the batch weights or volumes
rating plate only when meeting the following
observed without unlocking. The chart for each
scale to be recorded shall not be less than 4
inches (100 mm) wide and shall have at least required information is unchanged from batch
one line for each 2 percent of scale capacity, to batch, it may be preprinted, stamped or
but not more than 25 lines per inch (one line written on the record. The load may be
per mm). The graphic record shall correspond identified by a batch count number, a ticket
to the reading on the scale within ± one serial number or both. The recorder shall be
graduation of the recorder. capable of producing at least two documents. If
the recorder is interlocked to an “Automatic
2.2.2. A Digital Recorder is an instrument that Batching System” as defined in these
prints the weight or volume of a material or Standards, a single indication of all batching
materials. The recording of each material may devices meeting the zero or empty balance
be done after each material is properly batched interlocks shall be sufficient.
or after the total batch has been properly
batched. Each measuring device may have its 2.2.4. A Digital Concrete Certification
own recorder or a series of measuring devices Recorder shall produce at least two tickets of
may record on the same tape or ticket. A digital the batch or load, which in addition to the
recorder shall reproduce the reading of the information required in the preceding
scale being recorded within ± 0.1% of scale paragraphs shall include the percent of sand
capacity and ± one increment of any volumetric moisture compensation, identification of the
batching device. purchaser, his job or project and/or the
particular placement location of the concrete.
2.2.3. A Digital Batch Documentation Space shall be provided for the identification of
Recorder shall record the required information the delivery vehicle (truck number), the
for each material in the total batch, identifying driver’s signature, the signature of the purchaser
each material used along with a mix formula or his representative receiving the concrete and
identification, the size of the total batch or load the amount of water added on the job.
in commercial units, and an identification of
the production facilities. Where certain
Part 3 – Plant Mixer Equipment
Concrete Plant Standards of the Concrete Plant Manufacturers Bureau
Plant Mixer Manufacturers Division
3. Specifications for Equipment 3. SPECIFICATIONS FOR EQUIPMENT
3.1. Standard Sizes These standards cover fifteen (15) standard
sizes in five (5) types of plant mixers that are
3.2. Volume Limitations
eligible to have rating plates attached to them.
3.3. Specifications
Plant mixers eligible to be designated as
3.3.1. Size and Mixing Capacity
standard shall conform to the applicable
3.3.2. Computed Interior Volume
requirements set forth hereafter in these
3.3.3. Water Level Capacity
3.3.4. Mixing Speed
3.1. Standard Sizes The sizes listed in Table
3.4. Definitions
3.1 shall be standard for each type shown.
3.4.1. Concrete Plant Mixer
3.4.2. Non-Tilting Mixer 3.2. Volume Limitations The gross volume
3.4.3. Tilting Mixer of a standard size concrete plant mixer shall
3.4.4. Vertical Shaft Mixer conform to the minimum volumes set forth in
3.4.5. Horizontal Shaft Mixer Table 3.1. The basis for establishing the
minimum volumes for the five mixer types is
provided in Appendix A-1.
3.3. Specifications
3.3.1. Size and Mixing Capacity. The size of
a mixer shall be its rated maximum mixing
capacity. The rated maximum mixing
capacity as shown in Table 3.1 is the
maximum volume of concrete that can be held
and mixed properly when the mixer is
operated in its normal mixing position, based
on the slump range and maximum aggregate
size as indicated in Table 3.2. However, the
manufacturer may provide a data plate on the
mixer showing the same or a lower capacity,
in which case such limitations shall govern.
3.3.2. Computed Interior Volume. The
computed interior volume of the mixing
compartment shall be not less than the
minimum volume prescribed for its size and
type in Table 3.1.
3.3.3. Water Level Capacity. The water
level capacity of the mixing compartment
(below a horizontal plane through the lowest 3.3.6. Mixing Time. The minimum mixing
edge of the lowest opening that is open while time to attain the mixing uniformity
mixing) when the mixer is operating in its requirements of Table A1.1 of Annex A1 of
normal mixing position shall be not less than these Standards shall be designated by the
70 percent of the rated maximum mixing manufacturer on a data plate attached to the
capacity prescribed for its size and type in mixer.
Table 3.1. 3.3.7. Condition of Mixer Blades. The
3.3.4. Mixing Speed. A data plate indicating manufacturer shall supply to the purchaser of
mixing speed in rpm shall be attached to the the equipment the minimum dimension of
mixer. The mixing speed shall be as mixer blades that will be adequate for mixing
designated by the manufacturer as best suited concrete in accordance with these Standards.
for the maximum rated capacity. 3.4. Definitions
3.3.5. Mixer Performance. All new standard 3.4.1. Concrete Plant Mixer—A machine
mixers shall be capable of mixing a volume of used to combine cementitious materials,
concrete as defined in A1.4.3 of the Annex. water, aggregates and other ingredients to
A procedure to evaluate mixing uniformity is produce concrete in a batch, and usually
described in Annex A1 of this Standard. operated in a fixed plant location while
Mixing uniformity shall be evaluated for a mixing concrete.
minimum mixing time of 30 seconds and a
maximum mixing time not to exceed a period 3.4.2. Non-Tilting Mixer—A rotating drum
of 90 seconds after all the materials have mixer that charges, mixes and discharges with
entered the mixer. A report on the evaluation the drum axis horizontal. A reversing drum
of within-batch uniformity of concrete mixer rotates in one direction when charging
performed on one mixer representing all sizes and reverses rotation to discharge.
of essentially similar design and configuration 3.4.3. Tilting Mixer—A rotating drum mixer
and evaluated in accordance with the that discharges by tilting the drum about a
provisions of Annex A1 of this Standard shall fixed or movable horizontal axis at right
be submitted in duplicate by each member of angles to the drum axis. The drum axis may
the Bureau to the Executive Secretary, which be horizontal or inclined from the horizontal
shall be verified by a competent authority while charging and mixing.
mutually acceptable to the Bureau and the
National Ready Mixed Concrete Association 3.4.4. Vertical Shaft Mixer—A mixer with
for conformity with the requirements of Table an essentially level floor and cylindrical or
A1.1 of Annex A1 of these Standards. A annular mixing compartment, with one or
sample report format is provided in Appendix more vertical rotating shafts to which blades
X3 of this Standard. When approved, one or paddles are attached. The mixing
copy appropriately indicating conformity will compartment may be stationary or rotate
be returned to the manufacturer. When about a vertical axis.
subsequent changes in mixer design and 3.4.5. Horizontal Shaft Mixer—A mixer
configuration are made, the uniformity of with a stationary or rotatable cylindrical
mixing shall be re-evaluated and submitted to mixing compartment with the axis of the
the Bureau. cylinder horizontal and one or more rotating
horizontal shafts to which mixing blades are
Table 3.1. Standard Sizes and Minimum Volume in Cubic Feet for 5 Types of Mixers
Size and Maximum Minimum Approximate Nearest Mixer Size and Volume in
Mixing Capacity (C), Volume Volume, SI units
cu. yd. (V), ft3
(m3) (See CPMB 100M-18)
C, m3 V, m3
Single Compartment Two Opening Non-Tilting Type A
1 94 (2.7) 0.75 2.6
2 178 (5.0) 1.5 4.9
3½ 304 (8.6) 2.5 8.1
4 346 (9.8) 3.0 9.6
4½ 388 (11.0) 3.5 11.2
6 514 (14.6) 4.5 14.3
8 682 (19.3) 6.0 18.9
10 850 (24.0) 7.5 23.6
12 1018 (28.8) 9.0 28.3
14 1186 (33.6) 10.5 32.9
15 1270 (36.0) 11.5 36.0
One Opening Tilting Type, Mixing Angle of Drum 15° with Horizontal
2 153 (4.3) 1.5 4.3
4½ 288 (8.2) 3.5 8.3
6 369 (10.4) 4.5 10.3
8 477 (13.5) 6 13.3
9 531 (15.0) 7 15.3
10 585 (16.6) 7.5 16.3
12 678 (19.2) 9 18.9
15 798 (22.6) 11.5 22.6
Two Opening Front or Rear Charge and Front Discharge Tilting Type
2 192 (5.4) 1.5 5.3
4½ 401 (11.4) 3.5 11.5
6 492 (13.9) 4.5 13.8
8 604 (17.1) 6 16.9
9 657 (18.6) 7 18.8
10 708 (20.0) 7.5 19.8
12 806 (22.8) 9 22.5
14 899 (25.5) 10.5 25.1
15 944 (26.7) 11.5 26.8
Vertical Shaft Type
½ 29 (0.8) 0.375 0.8
1 56 (1.6) 0.75 1.6
1½ 72 (2.0) 1 1.9
2 87 (2.5) 1.5 2.4
3 118 (3.3) 2 3.0
3½ 134 (3.8) 2.5 3.6
4½ 165 (4.7) 3.5 4.7
Applies to Reversing Drum Mixers
Table 3.1 (cont.) Standard Sizes and Minimum Volume in Cubic Feet for 5 Types of
Size and Maximum Minimum Approximate Nearest Mixer Size and Volume in
Mixing Capacity (C), Volume Volume, SI units
cu. yd. (V), ft3 (m3) (See CPMB 100M-18)
C, m3 V, m3
Horizontal Shaft Type
½ 13 (0.37) 0.375 0.35
1 29 (0.8) 0.75 0.8
2 60 (1.7) 1.5 1.7
3 92 (2.6) 2.5 2.9
4 124 (3.5) 3 3.5
4½ 153 (4.3) 3.5 4.4
6 204 (5.8) 4.5 5.7
8 272 (7.7) 6 7.6
9 306 (8.7) 7 8.8
10 340 (9.6) 7.5 9.5
12 408 (11.6) 9 11.3
The use of slumps and aggregate sizes other than those given here may require a capacity less than those
indicated in Table 3.1.
Part 4 – Air Quality Equipment
Concrete Plant Standards of the Concrete Plant Manufacturers Bureau
Air Quality Manufacturers Division
Test Procedures for Measuring the Within-Batch Uniformity of Plant Mixed Concrete
Air free density, lb./cu.ft.[kg/m3 ] = ×100
A1.11. Density (Unit Weight) of Fresh 100 - A
A1.11.1. General – It is acceptable to use the ¼ ft3 3
[7 L] air meter container to determine the density Where: D is the measured density, in lb/ft
(unit weight) of the concrete and to use that same [kg/m3]
compacted sample to determine air content by C A is the air content measured in A1.11
231. Then use it to determine the coarse aggregate on that sample, in percent
content of the sample. A1.14. Coarse Aggregate Content
Note 4: Determination of fresh concrete density A1.14.1. As noted in A1.11.1 the sample used for
in a ½ ft3 [14 L] container may provide a more density and air content sample can be used for
accurate determination of density.
determination of coarse aggregate content.
A1.11.2. Apparatus – As required in C 138, except
A1.14.2. It is also permitted to use a separate
that the scale must be accurate to 0.1 lb. [0.4 kg]
portion of the concrete sample to measure the
throughout the range of use. Perform the test on a
coarse aggregate content. When the coarse
work area that is level to 1/8 in. [3 mm] in 15 in.
aggregate content is determined from a separate
[40 mm].
sample of concrete not used for other tests, the
minimum size of the concrete sample shall be 20 lb.
A1.11.3. Determine the density (unit weight) of each
sample in accordance with C 138. When using No. [9 kg] or 40 lb. [18 kg] for concrete made with ¾
57 or 67 coarse aggregate, C 138 requires a in. [19.0 mm] or 1 in. [25.0 mm] nominal maximum
minimum measure capacity of 0.2 cu. ft. [6 L]. This size coarse aggregate, respectively. Take the sample
test can be made in the calibrated ¼ ft3 [7 L] base of in a convenient sized container and determine the
mass of concrete.
the air meter or a ½ ft3 [14 L] density container.
Note 5: When the sample used for density and air
A1.11.4. Calculate the density (unit weight) of the content measurement is used to determine the
sample as follows: amount of coarse aggregate, the quantity of
M aggregate recovered may be insufficient to obtain
D= an accurate value. The use of a separate sample of
V concrete may improve the determination of the
coarse aggregate content if a larger sample is used.
Where: D is the measured density (unit weight),
in lb/ft3 [kg/m3] A1.14.3. Wash each sample over a No. 4 [4.75mm]
sieve sufficiently to remove the cement and most of
M is the net mass of concrete in the
the sand. Weigh the wet coarse aggregate, store in a
container, lb. [Kg]
plastic bag and transport it to a laboratory facility.
V is the volume of the container, ft3 [m3] Dry the sample in an oven at 230°F (110°C) for 16±
2 hours and sieve in accordance with Method C 136
to determine the mass of dry aggregate retained on 3.3.5 of these standards and the following reporting
the No. 4 [4.75mm] sieve. requirements.
A1.18.2. A separate mixer performance evaluation
A1.14.4. Calculate the coarse aggregate content and report is required for each unique design of
expressing the mass of dry coarse aggregate as a plant mixers. A separate mixer performance
percentage of the mass of the original concrete evaluation is required for concrete for general use or
sample. for paving applications. The representative of the
A1.15. Compressive Strength mixer manufacturer shall list the standard sizes that
will be manufactured with the same design and
A1.15.1. Make a minimum of two cylinders from configuration and sign the report. The official of the
each sample of concrete. Either 6 x 12 [150 x 300 testing agency who conducted the mixing
mm] or 4 x 8 in. [100 x 200 mm] cylinders can be uniformity evaluation shall sign the report.
used. Cure cylinders as required in C 31/C31M
except that initial curing shall be by immersion in Note 7. Sample calculations that detail the mixing
water immediately after molding. Maintain the uniformity evaluation are available from the
CPMB upon request.
water temperature between the required 60 – 80°F
[16 to 27°C] for the initial 24 to 48 hours.
A1.18.3. Mixer identification including:
A1.15.2. Test the cylinders in accordance with C 39 Manufacturer
at an age of 7 days. Average the strength of the 7- Mixer design identification and serial no.
day tests of cylinders from each sample and express Mixer rated mixing capacity
that value as a percentage of the average of all
Mixer gross volume in cubic feet
cylinders made from that batch.
A1.18.4. Location of the plant and the date of the
A1.15.3. Examine the results of tests of individual mixer performance evaluation
cylinders made from the same sample of concrete
A1.18.5. Mixing drum speed and total mixing time
and question the results from that sample if the
range of individual cylinder strengths exceeds 8.0% A1.18.6. Mix Design of the concrete expressed on
when two cylinders are tested and 9.5% when three the basis of dry or SSD weights of aggregates in
are tested. lb/yd3 (kg/m3). Also indicate the following:
Note 6 The values for permissible ranges of Type or classification of cementitious materials
individual cylinders are from the precision Coarse aggregate – type of aggregate, ASTM
statement in C 39. Although the d2s (difference Size number or nominal maximum size,
two sigma) values in C 39 are for 6 x 12-inch specific gravity (bulk-dry or SSD), dry-rodded
cylinders, available data suggest comparable
density (unit weight), absorption and total
precision with 4 x 8-inch cylinders.
moisture content prior to batching.
A1.16. Batch Size and Quantities Sand or fine aggregate – type of aggregate,
Calculate the actual volume of concrete mixed by specific gravity (bulk-dry or SSD), fineness
dividing the weight of materials batched by the modulus (FM), absorption and total moisture
average unit weight measured on the two samples. content prior to batching.
Calculate the batch quantities per unit volume of Types and characteristics of other materials
concrete from the actual yield. used, if any. Do not indicate brand names.
A1.17. Requirements for Mixing Uniformity A1.18.7. Concrete mixture quantities as recorded
during batching:
A1.17.1. To conform to the mixing uniformity
requirements of this Standards, plant mixers are Cementitious materials, lb. [kg]
required to meet all of the five requirements of Table Added water, lb. [kg]
A1.1 Wet Coarse aggregate, lb. [kg]
A1.18. Report Wet Sand, lb. [kg]
Air entraining admixture, fl. oz. [L]
A1.18.1. Appendix X3 provides a sample report
format to comply with the requirements of Section Other materials used, if any
A1.18.8. Target batch size and actual yield The maximum range of results on the two
determined as per A1.16. samples and
A comparison of that range with the maximum
A1.18.9. Identification of Testing agency or permitted in Table A1.1
agencies including:
Corporate name and address A1.18.11 The required results of tests to be reported
Responsible official are:
An indication that all testing personnel are Slump
certified required in A1.7 Air content
An acknowledgement that all tests were Measured density of concrete (used to calculate
performed in accordance with the referenced yield)
ASTM Standards as modified herein. Air-free density (unit weight) of concrete
Coarse aggregate content on a dry basis as a
A1.18.10. Concrete test data including: percentage of the original concrete sample
The individual test results, 7-day compressive strength (report cylinder
The averages of duplicate tests made on the size)
same sample, if any
Part 3 of the Concrete Plant Standards for Plant 5. For horizontal shaft mixers:
Mixer Equipment establish standard sizes of For ½ through 4 cu. yd sizes:
mixers in terms of their rated maximum mixing V = 32 C - 3.5
capacities and the minimum volumes of drums
or troughs required for the different capacities. For 4 ½ and larger sizes:
The relationships between rated capacity or V = 34 C
drum or trough volumes are based on tests and Volume computations are made in the
experience of mixer manufacturers. The following manner:
relationships between minimum volume
requirements (designated as “V”) in cubic feet A. Non-Tilting and Tilting Type Mixers.
and rated maximum mixing capacity Volume is the computed volume of the
(designated as “C”) in cubic yards are shown drum inside liners, if any. Blades, buckets,
below. or paddles and the arms or brackets that
support them are not deducted. Any part of
1. For single compartment two opening non- the mixer drum at a conical end terminating
tilting type mixers: in an opening is excluded from the volume
V = 84 C + 10 beyond a plane where the drum diameter is
twenty-four inches. The volume of
2. For one opening tilting type mixers, mixing cylindrical or conical discharge spouts or
angle of drum 15° with horizontal: charging chute extensions beyond the main
For less than 2 cu. yd. sizes: part of the mixer drum is excluded from the
V = 66 C + 20 drum volume.
For 2 through 11 cu. yd. sizes: B. Vertical Shaft Type Mixers. Volume is
V = 54 C + 45 computed as the water level volume of the
mixer after deducting any space occupied
For sizes larger than 11 cu. yd.:
by inner housings, heads, spinners, or liners,
V = 40 C + 198
if any. Blades or paddles and the arms or
3. For two opening front or rear charge and brackets that support them are not deducted.
front discharge tilting type mixers:
C. Horizontal Shaft Type Mixers. Volume is
For 1 through 4 cu. yd. sizes: the net volume of the mixing compartment
V = 100 (C)0.94 below a plane extending horizontally across
For 4 ½ cu. yd. and larger sizes: the top arc of the inside body shell radius;
V = 138 (C)0.71 but not higher than the lowest point on the
top edge of the body shell; and excluding
4. For vertical shaft type mixers: the volume occupied by the shafts, liners,
For ½ cu. yd. size: paddle or blade arms, and blades, paddles or
V = 29 tips.
For larger than ½ cu. yd. sizes:
V = 31 C + 25
Conversion factors from US Customary to SI
(Metric) Units
Mixer Manufacturer
Mixer Design Identification Mixer Serial No.
3 3
Rated Mixing Capacity, yd Mixer Volume, ft
Evaluation Date
Location (Plant)
Mixing: Drum RPM Total Mixing Time, s
3 3 * 3 3
Target batch size, yd (m ) Actual Yield , ft (m )
Calculated from batch quantities as per A1.15
Material Mix Design, Actual Batch Quantities, Notes
3 lb. (kg)
lb/cu. yd. (kg/m )
Fly ash/Slag
Coarse Aggregate
Fine Aggregate
Air Entrain Admix.
Other Admix.
Notes for Materials: Indicate the mix design quantities on the basis of dry or SSD aggregates. Report actual batch quantities from
recordation of ingredients batched. Indicate the type of cement, size of coarse aggregate used, FM of sand, moisture content of the
Statement of Certification
Our company hereby certifies that the mixer unit evaluated represents the equipment we manufacture and is
of the same design and configuration as the mixers of the following standard sizes. We further certify that
rating plates will be attached to only these units that conform to the requirements of the Standards of the
Concrete Plant Manufacturers Bureau.
Standard Rated Capacity of Units Manufactured of Similar Design to the Unit in this Evaluation
Date Submitted to CPMB:
Test Sample 1 Sample 2 Range Limit
Slump, in. 1.0 or 1.5
Air Content, % 1.5
Measured density, lb./cu. ft. Avg.: N/A
Concrete air-free density, lb./cu. ft. 1.5
Coarse aggregate content, % 5.0
7-day compressive strength, psi Cylinder Size (4 x 8 in. or 6 x 12 in.):
Cylinder 1 N/A N/A
Cylinder 2 N/A N/A
Average 7.5%
From Table A1.1
Testing Agency:
Responsible Official:
This mixer performance evaluation was conducted in accordance with the Standards of the Concrete Plant
Manufacturers Bureau and pertinent ASTM Standards
Publication No. CPMB-101 -- Bin or Silo Capacity Rating and Method of Computation
Publication No. CPMB-102 -- Recommended Guide Specifications for Batching Equipment and
Control Systems in Concrete Batch Plants
NRMCA endorses the members of the Concrete Plant Manufacturers Bureau as
the preferred providers of concrete plants and associated equipment as providing
quality equipment conforming to the standards and specifications of NRMCA’s
plant certification program and the concrete plant manufacturers’ standards.
Concrete Plant Manufacturers Bureau
Member Companies
(as of January 2014)
BHS-Sonthofen, Inc.
Charlotte, NC
Blair, NE
Mexico D.F., Mexico
RexCon, LLC
Milwaukee, WI
Stephens Manufacturing
Tompkinsville, KY
Lawrenceville, GA