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I/A Series®
System Definition: A Step-By-Step Procedure
February 26, 2010
Invensys, Foxboro, I/A Series, the IPS logo and Micro-I/A are trademarks of Invensys plc, its subsidiaries, and
All other brand names may be trademarks of their respective owners.

Copyright 1997-2010 Invensys Systems, Inc.

All rights reserved


Before using the Invensys Systems, Inc. supplied software supported by this documentation, you
should read and understand the following information concerning copyrighted software.
1. The license provisions in the software license for your system govern your obligations
and usage rights to the software described in this documentation. If any portion of
those license provisions is violated, Invensys Systems, Inc. will no longer provide you
with support services and assumes no further responsibilities for your system or its
2. All software issued by Invensys Systems, Inc. and copies of the software that you are
specifically permitted to make, are protected in accordance with Federal copyright
laws. It is illegal to make copies of any software media provided to you by
Invensys Systems, Inc. for any purpose other than those purposes mentioned in the
software license.
Figures..................................................................................................................................... v

Tables.................................................................................................................................... vii

Preface.................................................................................................................................... ix
Audience .................................................................................................................................. ix
Contents .................................................................................................................................. ix
Appearance ................................................................................................................................ x
Revision Information ................................................................................................................ x
Related Documentation ............................................................................................................ x

System Definition: A Step-By-Step Procedure........................................................................ 1

Introduction .............................................................................................................................. 1
Loading System Definition Software ......................................................................................... 3
Uninstalling System Definition ................................................................................................. 4
Installing System Definition ...................................................................................................... 6
Configuring System Definition Utilities Manually ............................................................... 8
Accessing System Definition ..................................................................................................... 9
Selecting the Software Release ................................................................................................. 10
Creating Switches .................................................................................................................... 12
Creating Stations ..................................................................................................................... 13
Creating Field Modules ........................................................................................................... 16
Creating Peripherals ................................................................................................................ 17
Changing Letterbugs ............................................................................................................... 19
Attaching Field Modules and Peripherals to Stations ............................................................... 20
Attaching Stations and FCMs to Switches ............................................................................... 23
Creating Nodes ....................................................................................................................... 25
Assigning Software .................................................................................................................. 27
Assigning the Software Host .................................................................................................... 31
Assigning Parameter Definitions ............................................................................................. 32
Printing Parameter Worksheets ............................................................................................... 34
Documenting the Configuration (Optional) ........................................................................... 37
Checking the Configuration .................................................................................................... 41
Creating a Commit Diskette ................................................................................................... 44

B0193WQ – Rev H Contents

Saving the Configuration ........................................................................................................ 46

Reconciling the System Configuration .................................................................................... 47
Summary ................................................................................................................................ 49

Index .................................................................................................................................... 53

1. System Definition Overview ......................................................................................... 3
2. Accessing the Control Panel .......................................................................................... 4
3. Uninstalling System Definition from the Control Panel ................................................ 5
4. Uninstalling System Definition from the Control Panel (Continued) ........................... 6
5. Changing the System Definition Destination Folder ..................................................... 7
6. Associating the System Definition Utilities Manually (Step 1) ...................................... 8
7. Associating the System Definition Utilities Manually (Step 2) ...................................... 8
8. Accessing System Definition ......................................................................................... 9
9. Hardware Definition Screen ........................................................................................ 10
10. Selecting an I/A Series Software Release ...................................................................... 11
11. Select Version Dialog Box ........................................................................................... 11
12. Creating Switches ........................................................................................................ 12
13. Create Switches Dialog Box ........................................................................................ 12
14. Hardware Definition Screen Displaying Newly Created Switches ............................... 13
15. Creating Stations ......................................................................................................... 14
16. Create Stations Dialog Box ......................................................................................... 14
17. Hardware Definition Screen Displaying Newly Created Stations ................................ 15
18. Creating Field Modules ............................................................................................... 16
19. Create Field Modules Dialog Box ............................................................................... 16
20. Hardware Definition Screen Displaying Newly Created Field Modules ...................... 17
21. Creating Peripherals .................................................................................................... 18
22. Create Peripherals Dialog Box ..................................................................................... 18
23. Hardware Definition Screen Displaying Newly Created Peripherals ............................ 19
24. Hardware Definition Screen with Letterbugs Changed ............................................... 20
25. Navigating to Configuration Components from Hardware Definition ........................ 21
26. Configuration Components Screen ............................................................................. 21
27. Attaching Field Modules and Peripherals to Stations ................................................... 22
28. Configuration Components Screen After Attaching Modules and Peripherals
to Stations ................................................................................................................... 23
29. Attaching Stations to Switches .................................................................................... 24
30. Configuration Components Screen After Attaching Stations to Switches .................... 24
31. Creating Nodes ........................................................................................................... 25
32. Create Nodes Dialog Box ............................................................................................ 26
33. Configuration Components Screen Displaying Newly Created Nodes ........................ 26
34. Configuration Components Screen After Attaching Stations and Switches to Node .... 27
35. Navigating to Software Definition from Configuration Components .......................... 28
36. Software Definition Screen .......................................................................................... 28
37. Software Definition Screen with Hardware Selected .................................................... 29
38. Assigning Software ...................................................................................................... 29
39. Assign Software Dialog Box ........................................................................................ 30
40. Assigning an Optional Software Package to a Workstation .......................................... 30
41. Assigning a Software Host to a Station ........................................................................ 31
42. Assign Software Host Dialog Box ................................................................................ 32
43. Navigating to Parameter Definition from Software Definition .................................... 33

B0193WQ – Rev H Figures

44. Parameter Definition Screen ....................................................................................... 33

45. Selecting Help ............................................................................................................. 35
46. Hardware Worksheet List from the On-Line User Guide ............................................ 35
47. AW70 Hardware Worksheet ....................................................................................... 36
48. Selecting Hardware Items for Graphical Representation .............................................. 37
49. Navigating to Network Definition from Hardware Definition .................................... 38
50. Network Definition Screen ......................................................................................... 38
51. Pasting Selected Components to Network Definition ................................................. 39
52. Network Definition Displaying Pasted Hardware Components .................................. 40
53. Graphical Representation of a System in Network Definition ..................................... 41
54. Checking the Configuration ........................................................................................ 42
55. Check Configuration Dialog Box ................................................................................ 42
56. Completing the Configuration Check ......................................................................... 43
57. Viewing the Check Configuration Logfiles .................................................................. 43
58. Check Configuration Logfile (Errors Only With Timestamps) ................................... 44
59. Creating a Commit Diskette ....................................................................................... 45
60. Create Commit Diskette Dialog Box ........................................................................... 45
61. Select Commit Diskette Drive Dialog Box .................................................................. 45
62. Saving the Configuration ............................................................................................ 46
63. Save Configuration Dialog Box ................................................................................... 47

1. Software Package Status .............................................................................................. 47
2. System Definition Summary ....................................................................................... 49

B0193WQ – Rev H Tables

This document provides a step-by-step procedure for defining an I/A Series system configuration
using the System Definition (SysDef ) software. Although this procedure uses a small system on a
Windows® XP platform as an example, the step-by-step procedure can be used to define any
I/A Series system operating on a Windows or Solaris-based platform. Procedures apply to all
I/A Series systems, both large and small. This procedure demonstrates one approach for defining
an I/A Series system using System Definition software. Refer to the System Definition on-line
Help and On-Line User Guide for other approaches to define an I/A Series system. This document
creates a small I/A Series system with the following hardware:
♦ 24-port switch (SW24P)
♦ Application Workstation 70 running the Windows XP operating system (AW70P)
♦ Field Control Processor 270 (FCP270)
♦ FBM201 (2)
♦ FBM204
♦ FBM208.

The document is intended for anyone who needs to define an I/A Series system configuration
prior to installing I/A Series software.
Readers are assumed to be installation personnel and/or applications engineers who are familiar
with their purchased I/A Series hardware and software. This document also assumes previous
training on, exposure to, or experience with Windows NT or Windows XP operating systems.

The illustrations in this book show the screen displays for defining a small I/A Series system on a
Windows XP platform. The book consists of a single section which is divided into the major steps
required to define an I/A Series system configuration. These major steps apply to all I/A Series
systems, both large and small, operating on Windows-based or Solaris-based platforms. Each
detailed step describes the System Definition process and the use of screens to configure a system.
After successfully completing all steps, your I/A Series system is configured and you are ready to
perform software installation.

B0193WQ – Rev H Preface

The content of many screen displays, supporting descriptions and associated proce-
dures specifically reflect a Windows XP platform because that is the operating sys-
tem used to create the typical example presented herein. Windows XP platform-
specific elements contain a P suffix [for example, FD3P, 3.5 Floppy Disk (P)] while
the processors and workstations contain a supplemental P suffix (for example,
AW70P). However, when defining an I/A Series system on a Windows NT plat-
form, the platform-specific elements contain a Windows NT suffix [for example,
FD3NT, 3.5 Floppy Disk (NT)] while the processors and workstation contain a 70
suffix (AW70).

The illustrations in this book depict the screen displays on a Windows XP platform. However, the
appearance of displays on a Windows NT platform is different from (but similar to) that of the
appearance of displays on a Windows XP platform. Furthermore, the functional groups and
access paths within some displays on a Windows NT platform are different from those on a
Windows XP platform.

Revision Information
For this release of the document (B0193WQ-H), the following change was made:
♦ In the section “Creating a Commit Diskette” on page 44, clarified Step 6 to indicate
the use of the appropriate media distribution diskette #10091 (associated with the Day
0 software related to the current software on your system).

Previous updates were related to System Definition 2.5 software.

Related Documentation
Refer to the following reference documents for additional information:
♦ I/A Series System Equipment Installation (B0193AC)
When using System Definition software, refer to the following for assistance:
♦ On-Line User’s Guide
♦ On-Line Help.

System Definition:
A Step-By-Step Procedure
This document presents a typical step-by-step procedure for defining an I/A Series system
configuration using the System Definition software.

The main purpose of this document is to illustrate the sequential steps required to use System
System Definition identifies the I/A Series system components, the system software required by
each component, the system component letterbugs, and other system characteristics for correctly
loading system software and identifying the system software objects. System Definition produces
a Commit diskette which is required for software installation and, therefore, must be completed
before software installation. The example in this step-by-step procedure uses the following hard-
ware components for the I/A Series system definition:
♦ 24-port switch (SW24P)
♦ Application Workstation 70 running the Windows XP operating system
♦ Field Control Processor 270 (FCP270)
♦ FBM201 (2)
♦ FBM204
♦ FBM208.
This system communicates over a V8.0 network.
Although the procedure describes a small system on a Windows XP platform (as indicated by the
applicable displays), the step-by-step procedure can be used to define any I/A Series system oper-
ating on either a Windows NT or Windows XP platform. These steps apply to all I/A Series sys-
tems, both large and small. The procedure uses one approach to define an I/A Series system. Refer
to the System Definition on-line Help and On-Line User’s Guide for other approaches to defining
an I/A Series system.
SysDef comprises five software components and a READ ME file. The software enables system
configuration, preparation of a system component database, and preparation of a Commit dis-
kette. Components are:
♦ Configuration Components
♦ Hardware Definition
♦ Network Definition
♦ Parameter Definition
♦ Software Definition.

B0193WQ – Rev H System Definition: A Step-By-Step Procedure

The steps to configure the example system are described sequentially in this document as follows:
♦ Installing System Definition software
♦ Accessing System Definition
♦ Selecting software release
♦ Creating switches
♦ Creating stations
♦ Creating field modules
♦ Creating peripherals
♦ Changing station and field module letterbugs
♦ Attaching field modules and peripherals to stations
♦ Attaching stations and FCMs to switches
♦ Creating nodes (or networks)
♦ Attaching stations and switches to nodes (or networks)
♦ Assigning software
♦ Assigning hosts (including control hosts)
♦ Assigning software hosts
♦ Assigning parameter definitions
♦ Printing parameter worksheets (optional step)
♦ Documenting the configuration (optional step)
♦ Checking the configuration
♦ Producing a Commit diskette
♦ Saving the configuration
♦ Reconciling the system configuration.
Figure 1 is a flowchart showing the basic sequential steps needed to configure the example config-
uration constructed in this document. First, access System Definition, and select the Hardware
Definition screen as shown in Figure 1. During Hardware Definition, select the software release
number, create the number of switches, stations, modules, and peripherals in your system, and
accept or change the letterbugs of your system components. Then select the Configuration Com-
ponents screen to attach the hardware components, create the nodes or networks in your system,
and assign the stations and switches to a node or network. Next, select the Software Definition
screen to assign optional software and software hosts to the stations and modules, and to assign
specific software operating parameters. At this point, you can produce a graphical view of your
system configuration (this is optional). Finally, select the Check Configuration utility to verify the
installability of your configuration. If the configuration passes the configuration check, create a
Commit diskette from the Options > Utilities menu. The Commit diskette is used to install
software on your system. After software installation, reconcile the software packages actually
installed on the system with the software specified in System Definition.

System Definition: A Step-By-Step Procedure B0193WQ – Rev H

Hardware Configuration Software Save
System Options
Definition Components Definition Configuration

Select Attach Field Assign Check

Software Modules to Optional Configuration
Release Stations Software

Attach Assign Create

Peripherals Software Commit
to Stations Host Diskette

Attach Assign
Create Stations/ Software Reconcile
Stations Modules to Parameter Configuration
Switches Definitions

Create Create Print

Field Nodes or Parameter
Modules Networks Worksheets

Create Stations to
Peripherals Node or

Change Switches to
Letterbugs Node or
Figure 1. System Definition Overview

Loading System Definition Software

You can install the System Definition software package on any PC running the Windows NT or
Windows XP operating system. Also, you can load the software package on an I/A Series worksta-
tion running either Windows NT or Windows XP on the C: or D: drive depending on the drive
capacity. System Definition is shipped on a CD-ROM.

If System Definition software resides on the D: drive of an I/A Series workstation,
loading I/A Series software on the same workstation overwrites System Definition.

Prior to installing System Definition, you must uninstall other versions of the SysDef software.

B0193WQ – Rev H System Definition: A Step-By-Step Procedure

Uninstalling System Definition

Prior to uninstalling SysDef, make sure you save all previous versions of system configurations in
a safe place.
To uninstall System Definition:
1. Click Start then move the cursor to Settings and Control Panel.

2. Select 3. Select

1. Click

Figure 2. Accessing the Control Panel

2. In the Control Panel, double-click the Add or Remove Programs icon. In the Add or
Remove Programs window that appears, select System Definition and click

System Definition: A Step-By-Step Procedure B0193WQ – Rev H

1. Double-Click

2. Select

3. Click
Figure 3. Uninstalling System Definition from the Control Panel

3. A Confirm File Deletion dialog box appears. Click Yes.

B0193WQ – Rev H System Definition: A Step-By-Step Procedure

Figure 4. Uninstalling System Definition from the Control Panel (Continued)

The System Definition files are deleted.

4. Close the Control Panel after the files are removed.
There are several files that are not removed by the change/remove procedure. To remove these
1. Invoke Windows Explorer and access the C: or D: drive as applicable.
2. Select the System Definition folder, then select all the files in the folder and delete
them. Delete the System Definition folder.
3. Proceed with the new System Definition software installation.

Installing System Definition

System requirements for installing System Definition 2.5 or higher are:
♦ I/A Series workstation running the Windows NT 4.0 or Windows XP operating sys-
tem, or a personal computer with a Pentium® 90 or higher processor
♦ 25 MB disk space
♦ 32 MB memory
♦ VGA or higher resolution monitor
♦ Microsoft® mouse or compatible pointing device
To install the software:
1. Log into an Windows NT or Windows XP account that has Administrator privileges.
2. Insert the SysDef 2.5 CD-ROM into the CD-ROM drive.
3. Access Windows Explorer.
4. Select the CD-ROM directory.
5. In the directory window, double-click on setup.exe.
6. When the Welcome dialog box appears, click Next >.
7. The Choose Destination Location window appears.
a. If you want to install System Definition in the default directory
(D:\usr\fox\foxDEF), click Next >.
b. If you want to change the destination location, click Browse. Type the new path
or select it from the Directories list in the Choose Folder dialog box and click OK.
Refer to Figure 5.

System Definition: A Step-By-Step Procedure B0193WQ – Rev H

If you want to install System Definition in a different directory from the default,
you must associate each System Definition utility manually. Refer to “Configuring
System Definition Utilities Manually” on page 8.

Click to change
System Definition
destination folder.

Type new destination path

or select from list.

Figure 5. Changing the System Definition Destination Folder

8. Follow the remaining instructions that appear on the screen.

To operate the software, from the Start button, choose Programs then System Definition and
click any view in the System Definition program group to begin your configuration.

B0193WQ – Rev H System Definition: A Step-By-Step Procedure

Configuring System Definition Utilities Manually

If you install System Definition in a different directory from the default, you must associate each
System Definition utility manually.

You do not need to perform the following steps if you installed System Definition
into the default directory D:\usr\fox\foxDEF.

For each utility:

1. Select Options > Customize > Utility Menu.

Figure 6. Associating the System Definition Utilities Manually (Step 1)

2. Change the Command box text to indicate the location you chose to install System
Definition. The following example associates the Check Configuration utility with
the directory c:\sysdef\bin.

Figure 7. Associating the System Definition Utilities Manually (Step 2)

3. Repeat Steps 1 and 2 for each System Definition utility, and click OK.

System Definition: A Step-By-Step Procedure B0193WQ – Rev H

Accessing System Definition

To access System Definition:
1. Click Start, and select Programs then System Definition as shown in Figure 8.

2. Select

1. Click

Figure 8. Accessing System Definition

2. Select Hardware Definition.

The Hardware Definition screen appears as shown in Figure 9.

B0193WQ – Rev H System Definition: A Step-By-Step Procedure

Figure 9. Hardware Definition Screen

Selecting the Software Release

To select the Software Release menu from the Hardware Definition screen:
1. Click File and select New from the pull-down menu as shown in Figure 10.

System Definition: A Step-By-Step Procedure B0193WQ – Rev H

Figure 10. Selecting an I/A Series Software Release

An example of the Select Version dialog box appears as shown in Figure 11. Actual
release version designations vary from one release to another.

Figure 11. Select Version Dialog Box

2. Select the appropriate release (for example, I/A Release 4.3/6.x/7.x/8.x) on the
Select Version dialog box.
3. Click OK.

B0193WQ – Rev H System Definition: A Step-By-Step Procedure

Creating Switches
First, select the switches in your system and include them in the system definition configuration.
To create switches from the Hardware Definition screen, proceed as follows:
1. Select Create, then Switches as shown in Figure 12.

Figure 12. Creating Switches

The Create Switches dialog box appears as shown in Figure 13.

Figure 13. Create Switches Dialog Box

2. Select each switch that is listed on your purchase order by selecting it from the list of
switches. To change the quantity of switches, highlight the quantity field and type the
required number of switches.
For this example one 24-port switch is selected.
3. Click OK. The switches are automatically listed in the SWITCHES part of the Hard-
ware Definition screen, as shown in Figure 14.

System Definition: A Step-By-Step Procedure B0193WQ – Rev H

Figure 14. Hardware Definition Screen Displaying Newly Created Switches

Creating Stations
After selecting your switches, select your stations. The procedure for selecting stations is basically
the same as selecting switches. To create stations from the Hardware Definition screen, proceed as

B0193WQ – Rev H System Definition: A Step-By-Step Procedure

1. Select Create then Stations as shown in Figure 15.

Figure 15. Creating Stations

The Create Stations dialog box appears as shown in Figure 16.

Figure 16. Create Stations Dialog Box

2. Use the scroll bars to move the list so that you can select the desired station.
You can select V8.0 stations, 51/70 Series workstations, control processors, commu-
nication processors, integrators, gateways, and so forth from the list.
3. Specify each station that is listed on your purchase order by selecting it from the list.
To change the quantity of stations, highlight the quantity field and type in the
required number of components.

System Definition: A Step-By-Step Procedure B0193WQ – Rev H

For this example, the following stations are selected:

♦ Application Workstation 70 running the Windows XP operating system
♦ Field Control Processor 270 (FCP270)
4. Click OK, and all stations are automatically listed in the STATIONS part of the Hard-
ware Definition screen.
After the stations in your system are selected, the Hardware Definition screen looks
similar to Figure 17.

Figure 17. Hardware Definition Screen Displaying Newly Created Stations

The peripherals shown in Figure 17 are required defaults for the selected stations.
System Definition automatically adds the required peripherals to the list of

B0193WQ – Rev H System Definition: A Step-By-Step Procedure

Creating Field Modules

After selecting your system stations, select your field modules. The procedure for selecting field
modules is basically the same as selecting stations. To select field modules from the Hardware
Definition screen, proceed as follows:
1. Select Create then Field Modules as shown in Figure 18.

Figure 18. Creating Field Modules

The Create Field Modules dialog box appears as shown in Figure 19.

Figure 19. Create Field Modules Dialog Box

2. Use the scroll bars to move the list so that you can select the desired field module.
3. Select each field module that is listed on your purchase order by selecting the field
module on the Create Field Modules dialog box. To change the quantity of field

System Definition: A Step-By-Step Procedure B0193WQ – Rev H

modules, highlight the quantity field and type in the required number of
In this example, the following were selected:
♦ 2 FBM201s
♦ FBM204
♦ FBM208.
4. Click OK. The field modules are automatically listed in the MODULES part of the
Hardware Definition screen, and the screen looks similar to the following figure.

Figure 20. Hardware Definition Screen Displaying Newly Created Field Modules

Creating Peripherals
After selecting your field modules, select your peripherals. The procedure for selecting peripherals
is basically the same as selecting field modules. To select peripherals from the Hardware Defini-
tion screen, proceed as follows:
1. Select Create then Peripherals as shown in Figure 21.

B0193WQ – Rev H System Definition: A Step-By-Step Procedure

Figure 21. Creating Peripherals

The Create Peripherals dialog box appears as shown in Figure 22.

Figure 22. Create Peripherals Dialog Box

2. Use the scroll bars to move the list so that you can select the desired peripherals.
3. Select each peripheral that is listed on your purchase order by selecting it on the Cre-
ate Peripherals dialog box. To change the quantity of peripherals, highlight the quan-
tity field and type the required number of components.
In Figure 22, a parallel DeskJet printer and a Windows XP serial card are selected.
4. Click OK. The peripherals are automatically listed in the PERIPHERALS part of the
Hardware Definition screen.
After all the system components for the example are selected, the Hardware Defini-
tion screen looks as shown in Figure 23. Note that the newly added printer and serial
card are located at the bottom of the PERIPHERALS list.

System Definition: A Step-By-Step Procedure B0193WQ – Rev H

Figure 23. Hardware Definition Screen Displaying Newly Created Peripherals

Changing Letterbugs
After you select the hardware items in your system, you can change the unique 6-character letter-
bug identifiers of switches, stations, field modules, and peripherals. Letterbugs can contain up to
6 alphanumeric uppercase characters and cannot contain spaces or dashes. You can also use the
sequential letterbugs that System Definition assigns in your system.
To change a letterbug:
1. Select the letterbug to be changed in the Letterbug column of the Hardware Defini-
tion screen.
2. Delete the assigned letterbug using the Backspace key on the keyboard.
3. Type in the new letterbug in the cell.
4. Repeat the above steps for each letterbug you want to change.
After the letterbugs are changed, the Hardware Definition screen looks as shown in Figure 24.

B0193WQ – Rev H System Definition: A Step-By-Step Procedure

Figure 24. Hardware Definition Screen with Letterbugs Changed

Attaching Field Modules and Peripherals to Stations

After changing the letterbugs of your switches, stations, field modules, and peripherals, you can
associate and attach field modules and peripherals to their respective station.
To attach field modules and peripherals, proceed as follows:
1. Select View from the main menu bar on the Hardware Definition screen, and select
Configuration Components from the pull-down menu as shown in Figure 25.

System Definition: A Step-By-Step Procedure B0193WQ – Rev H

Figure 25. Navigating to Configuration Components from Hardware Definition

The Configuration Components screen appears as shown in Figure 26.

Figure 26. Configuration Components Screen

2. Select the root configuration object (Untitled.cfg) in the tree structure located in
the left pane. The Configuration Components screen appears as shown in Figure 27.
3. Select the Fieldbus Module (FBM) individually on the right side of the screen by
pressing and holding the left mouse button on the icon of the module. Drag the field
module over the name of the appropriate station in the Untitled.cfg area (shown in
Figure 27) and release the mouse button.

B0193WQ – Rev H System Definition: A Step-By-Step Procedure

Select Untitled.cfg
(Step 3).

Select the individual field module by clicking on its icon in the

right frame, then drag it onto the station icon in the left frame
(Step 4).

Figure 27. Attaching Field Modules and Peripherals to Stations

4. Select the peripheral (in this example configuration, the printer or serial card) individ-
ually on the right side of the screen by pressing and holding the left mouse button on
the icon of the peripheral. Drag the peripheral over the name of the appropriate sta-
tion in the Untitled.cfg area in the left side of the screen and release the mouse but-

You can drag multiple modules/peripherals by holding down the Ctrl key and indi-
vidually selecting each module or peripheral on the right side of the screen by press-
ing the left mouse button on the module icon. Release the Ctrl key. Drag your
selections over the name of the appropriate station in the Untitled.cfg area on the
left side of the screen (see Figure 27) and release the mouse button.

After field modules and peripherals are dragged over to their desired station, the example Config-
uration Components screen looks as shown in Figure 28.

System Definition: A Step-By-Step Procedure B0193WQ – Rev H

Figure 28. Configuration Components Screen After Attaching Modules and Peripherals
to Stations

Attaching Stations and FCMs to Switches

After attaching field modules and peripherals to stations, attach the applicable workstations, con-
trol stations, or FCM100Ets to their switches.
To attach stations to switches, proceed as follows:
♦ On the Configuration Components screen, select the station individually on the right
side of the screen by pressing and holding the left mouse button on the icon of the sta-
tion. Drag the station over the name of the appropriate switch in the Untitled.cfg area
on the left side of the screen (as shown in Figure 29) and release the mouse button.

B0193WQ – Rev H System Definition: A Step-By-Step Procedure

Select the individual station by clicking on its icon in the

right frame, then drag it onto the switch icon in the left frame.

Figure 29. Attaching Stations to Switches

You can drag multiple stations by holding down the Ctrl key and individually
selecting each station on the right side of the screen by pressing the left mouse but-
ton on the station’s icon. Release the Ctrl key. Drag the selected stations over the
name of the appropriate switch in the Untitled.cfg area on the left side of the screen
(as shown in Figure 29) and release the mouse button.

After stations are dragged over to their desired switch, the example Configuration Components
screen looks as shown in Figure 30.

Figure 30. Configuration Components Screen After Attaching Stations to Switches

System Definition: A Step-By-Step Procedure B0193WQ – Rev H

Creating Nodes
After your field modules and peripherals have been attached to their associated station, and sta-
tions to their associated switches, create the node(s) for the stations and switches.
To create a node from the Configuration Components screen, proceed as follows:
1. Click Create then select Node from the pull-down menu as shown in Figure 31.

Figure 31. Creating Nodes

The Create Nodes dialog box appears as shown in Figure 32.

2. Select the types of nodes you would like to create. To change the quantity of nodes,
highlight the quantity field and type the required number of nodes.
♦ Select ENODE for a single Ethernet node
♦ Select HPS for a V8.0 network
♦ Select MNODE for a Nodebus and Ethernet bus node (for use with a Micro-I/A sta-
tion, for example)
♦ Select NODE for a Nodebus node

B0193WQ – Rev H System Definition: A Step-By-Step Procedure

Figure 32. Create Nodes Dialog Box

The example, as selected, uses a V8.0 network. The stations and the selected network
appear on both sides of the Configuration Components screen as shown in Figure 33.

Select the individual station or switch by clicking on its icon in the

right frame, then drag it onto the node icon in the left frame.

Figure 33. Configuration Components Screen Displaying Newly Created Nodes

3. Next, attach the stations or switches to the appropriate nodes. Select each station or
switch individually by pressing and holding the left mouse button on its icon on the
right side of the screen, drag the selected item over the name of the appropriate node
in the Untitled.cfg area on the left side of the screen (as shown in Figure 33), and
release the mouse button. This attaches the item(s) you selected to the appropriate
node. If you have more than one node, attach (drag) the item to the proper node.

System Definition: A Step-By-Step Procedure B0193WQ – Rev H

To drag multiple stations/switches, hold down the Ctrl key and individually select
each station or switch on the right side of the screen by pressing the left mouse but-
ton on their icons. Release the Ctrl key. Drag your selected items over the name of
the appropriate node in the Untitled.cfg area on the left side of the screen
(see Figure 33) and release the mouse button.

After dragging stations and switches to their desired node, only the node(s) should appear on your
Configuration Components screen, as shown in Figure 34. If you have stations and switches
appearing with nodes on your Configuration Components screen at this point, you have not
attached all the required items to a node.

Figure 34. Configuration Components Screen After Attaching Stations and Switches to Node

To expand the node, click on the + symbol next to the node.

Assigning Software
As you create hardware, the required software is automatically saved and assigned by System Def-
inition. However, you may have ordered optional software, and you must select the optional soft-
ware for each station and field module.
To assign software from the Configuration Components screen, proceed as follows:
1. Select View then Software Definition from the pull-down menu as shown in
Figure 35.

B0193WQ – Rev H System Definition: A Step-By-Step Procedure

Figure 35. Navigating to Software Definition from Configuration Components

The Software Definition screen appears as shown in Figure 36.

Figure 36. Software Definition Screen

The hardware is shown on the upper portion of the screen, and the software is shown
on the bottom portion of the screen. If you click on the numbered buttons (1, 2, and
so forth) on the left side of the HARDWARE portion of the screen, the SOFTWARE
portion of the screen lists the default software for the selected item. A software com-
ponent highlighted in blue identifies the operating system for the selected station.

System Definition: A Step-By-Step Procedure B0193WQ – Rev H

In Figure 37, button 1 is selected in the HARDWARE portion of the screen, corre-
sponding to an AW70P. When this workstation is selected, the default software for the
workstation appears in the SOFTWARE portion of the screen, with the station’s oper-
ating system highlighted in blue as shown in Figure 37.

Figure 37. Software Definition Screen with Hardware Selected

2. Select Assign then Software from the main menu bar as shown in Figure 38.

Figure 38. Assigning Software

The Assign Software dialog box appears as shown in Figure 39.

B0193WQ – Rev H System Definition: A Step-By-Step Procedure

Figure 39. Assign Software Dialog Box

3. Select a hardware station or field module from the Hardware portion of the Assign
Software dialog box as shown in Figure 40.
The optional software for the station or field module you selected appears in the
Optional Software Packages portion of the dialog box.
4. Select each of the desired optional software packages for that station or field module.
Use the scroll bar to view all the packages. If no optional software packages are shown,
that component does not have any optional software.
In Figure 40, the optional Message Manager software is assigned.

Figure 40. Assigning an Optional Software Package to a Workstation

5. Select Assign to associate the software to the station.

6. Repeat Steps 5, 6, and 7 for each hardware component.

System Definition: A Step-By-Step Procedure B0193WQ – Rev H

7. After you select optional software for each hardware component, click Close on the
Assign Software dialog box. The System Definition screen refreshes to show your
8. Verify your selections by reviewing the Software Definition screen.

Each system requires one and only one Compound Summary Access (for example,
Com Sum Access, ACSA7) software package.

Assigning the Software Host

Assigning the software host defines where the software for a hardware module resides. The proce-
dure for assigning the host for each hardware module that requires a host (not all modules require
a host) is basically the same as the procedure for assigning the software.
To assign a software host:
1. Select Assign then Host from the pull-down menu as shown in Figure 41.
If a software host is not required for the selected hardware module, the Host pull-
down option on the Assign menu is disabled.

Figure 41. Assigning a Software Host to a Station

The Assign Software Host dialog box appears as shown in Figure 42.

B0193WQ – Rev H System Definition: A Step-By-Step Procedure

Figure 42. Assign Software Host Dialog Box

Hardware items that require the assignment of a host station are shown on the upper
portion of the dialog box, and the possible host stations are shown on the bottom por-
tion of the dialog box.
2. Select a station from the Station portion of the dialog box as shown in Figure 42.
3. Select a host for the station selected in Step 3 from the Hosts portion of the dialog
4. Click Assign from the Assign Software Host dialog box.
In Figure 42, the FCP270 is assigned to the AW70P.
5. Repeat Steps 3, 4, and 5 for each hardware component.
6. Select Close on the Assign Software Host dialog box after each hardware component
has been assigned a software host.

Assigning Parameter Definitions

Assigning parameter definitions involves parameters which require the assignment of names or
values that are dependent upon your system requirements; for example, logical names of library
volumes, number of stop and start bits in a character, character baud rate, and so forth. To print
or view the individual parameters for any software package from any screen in System Definition,
refer to “Printing Parameter Worksheets” on page 34.
To assign parameter definitions:
1. Select View then Parameter Definition from the Software Definition top menu bar
as shown in Figure 43.

System Definition: A Step-By-Step Procedure B0193WQ – Rev H

Figure 43. Navigating to Parameter Definition from Software Definition

The Parameter Definition screen appears as shown in Figure 44.

See Step 3

See Step 4

Figure 44. Parameter Definition Screen

B0193WQ – Rev H System Definition: A Step-By-Step Procedure

The ASSIGNMENTS (top portion) of the Parameter Definition screen shows user-
defined parameters for which you must enter the value by typing in the appropriate
cell. Type the values of your parameters in the Value column of the ASSIGNMENTS
portion of the Parameter Definition screen.
The REFERENCES (lower portion) of the Parameter Definition screen shows
parameter for which you must select a value from a drop-down list.

You cannot type values in the REFERENCES portion of the Parameter Definition
screen; select them from the drop-down list.

In both the ASSIGNMENTS and REFERENCES portions of the window, you can
keep the defaults if they are assigned and meet the requirements for your system.
2. To define a parameter in ASSIGNMENTS:
a. Click (highlight) the Value field for a parameter listed in ASSIGNMENTS.
b. Type the new parameter in the appropriate cell.
Repeat Steps a and b for each parameter.
3. To define a new value for a parameter listed in REFERENCES:
a. Click the down arrow in the parameter’s Value list.
b. Click the new value from the pop-up list.
Repeat Steps a and b for each component.

You must assign a work volume for each host. In the Value field, click Ctl & IO
Library Volume and select a library volume such as volume work (volwrk).

Parameter descriptions for each software or hardware component are contained in worksheets in
the On-Line User’s Guide, which is available from System Definition On-line Help. It is suggested
that you print and/or view the individual worksheets for each of your hardware or software com-
ponents to determine the meaning and value range of each parameter. Hardware worksheets con-
tain the parameter values for a particular processor. Software worksheets contain the parameter
values for all other software.

Printing Parameter Worksheets

To print or view the individual parameter worksheets from the Parameter Definition screen or
any screen in System Definition, proceed as follows:
1. Select Help, then User Guide from the pull-down menu as shown in Figure 45.

System Definition: A Step-By-Step Procedure B0193WQ – Rev H

Figure 45. Selecting Help

2. S from the pull-down menu.

3. Select Hardware Worksheets (Hardware in the example) or Software Worksheets
located at the bottom of the Contents page for Help. The Hardware Worksheets or
Software Worksheets list appears. An example hardware list is shown in Figure 46.

Figure 46. Hardware Worksheet List from the On-Line User Guide

4. Select the individual worksheet from the Hardware Worksheets or

Software Worksheets list. Figure 47 shows an example of a AW70 worksheet.

B0193WQ – Rev H System Definition: A Step-By-Step Procedure

Figure 47. AW70 Hardware Worksheet

5. Print the Hardware and Software Worksheets for all required components as follows:
a. Select File.
b. Select Print Topic.
c. To exit Help, select the x button at the upper-right corner of the Help screen.

System Definition: A Step-By-Step Procedure B0193WQ – Rev H

Documenting the Configuration (Optional)

Documenting the configuration is an optional step that allows you to build a graphical view of
your configured system.
To document a system from the Hardware Definition screen, proceed as follows:
1. Select the components that you want to display graphically by clicking on the num-
bered button(s) (for example 1, 2, and so forth) in the SWITCHES,
STATIONS, MODULES, and PERIPHERALS sections of the Hardware Definition
screen. Figure 48 shows various components selected to appear on the graphical repre-
sentation of the system configuration.

Figure 48. Selecting Hardware Items for Graphical Representation

2. Select Edit > Copy from the Hardware Definition main menu bar.
3. Select View then Network Definition from the main menu bar of the Hardware Def-
inition screen as shown in Figure 49.

B0193WQ – Rev H System Definition: A Step-By-Step Procedure

Figure 49. Navigating to Network Definition from Hardware Definition

The Network Definition screen appears as shown in Figure 50.

Figure 50. Network Definition Screen

4. Select Edit then Paste from the main menu bar of the Network Definition screen as
shown in Figure 51.

System Definition: A Step-By-Step Procedure B0193WQ – Rev H

Figure 51. Pasting Selected Components to Network Definition

The components copied from the Hardware Definition screen appear in the center of
the Network Definition screen. The components for this example were pasted as a
group and display as shown in Figure 52.

B0193WQ – Rev H System Definition: A Step-By-Step Procedure

Figure 52. Network Definition Displaying Pasted Hardware Components

5. Arrange the components to accurately represent your system configuration. To move

items on the display, press and hold the left mouse button on the component and
drag it to the desired location on the screen as shown in Figure 52. You can also resize
components by clicking on a component and grabbing the rectangular boxes on the
component to resize it. Refer to on-line Help for additional information about the
drawing tools you can use in the Network Definition component. After dragging and
resizing the components, the example looks as shown in Figure 53.

System Definition: A Step-By-Step Procedure B0193WQ – Rev H

Figure 53. Graphical Representation of a System in Network Definition

To print a copy of the Network Definition screen:

1. Select File.
2. Select Print.

Checking the Configuration

Checking the system configuration verifies the installability of the configuration. If a system con-
figuration cannot pass the configuration check, you cannot produce a Commit diskette for soft-
ware installation.
To check the configuration, proceed as follows:
1. Select Options > Utilities > Check Configuration as shown in Figure 54.

B0193WQ – Rev H System Definition: A Step-By-Step Procedure

Figure 54. Checking the Configuration

The Check Configuration dialog box appears as shown in Figure 55.

Figure 55. Check Configuration Dialog Box

2. Check all selections (Connectivity, Software, Missing Media Devices, and

Install Verification) from the list as shown in Figure 55.
3. Select Full from the Select Check Type.
4. Click OK from the Check Configuration dialog box.
A Check Configuration message appears as shown in Figure 56.

System Definition: A Step-By-Step Procedure B0193WQ – Rev H

Figure 56. Completing the Configuration Check

5. Click OK on the Check Configuration message and view the Check Configuration log-
files as shown below.
6. Select Options from the Parameter Definition screen on the main menu bar, then
select Utilities > View Logfiles from the pull-down menu as shown in Figure 57.

Figure 57. Viewing the Check Configuration Logfiles

In the resulting View Logfiles dialog box, choose to view the logfiles with or without
♦ To view the logfile without timestamps, select No under Time Stamp in the View
Logfiles dialog box.
♦ To view the logfile with timestamps, select Yes under Time Stamp in the View
Logfiles dialog box.
In the View Logfiles dialog box, you can also opt to display the complete logfile or
only the errors that have ocurred during your configuration check.
♦ To view the complete logfile, select Entire Logfile.
♦ To view only the errors that ocurred during your configuration check, select
Errors Only.
7. Select Errors Only. In order for your system to pass a configuration check, your con-
figuration must not contain errors.
The logfile shown in Figure 58 shows only errors in a check configuration logfile with
time stamps for each entry.

B0193WQ – Rev H System Definition: A Step-By-Step Procedure

Figure 58. Check Configuration Logfile (Errors Only With Timestamps)

8. View the logfiles and record or print all errors as shown in the View Logfiles dialog
box. Return to the appropriate procedure as previously described to correct all errors.
After the errors have been corrected, rerun the Check Configuration procedure. For
detailed information and procedures about correcting check configuration errors,
refer to System Definition On-line Help.
9. Select Close to exit the Check Configuration dialog box.

Creating a Commit Diskette

Creating a Commit diskette allows you to install the I/A Series system software when the time
comes. Identification and location of the installed software packages are based upon the selections
that you made during the definition of your system.
To create a Commit diskette, proceed as follows:
1. Select Options from the Parameter Definition main menu bar then select
Utilities > Create Commit Diskette from the pull-down menus shown in
Figure 59.

System Definition: A Step-By-Step Procedure B0193WQ – Rev H

Figure 59. Creating a Commit Diskette

The Create Commit Diskette dialog box appears as shown in Figure 60.

Figure 60. Create Commit Diskette Dialog Box

2. Click Select.
The Select Commit Diskette Drive dialog box appears as shown in Figure 61.

Figure 61. Select Commit Diskette Drive Dialog Box

3. Select the diskette drive from the Select Commit Diskette Drive dialog box.
4. Click OK on the Select Commit Diskette Drive dialog box.
The Create Commit Diskette dialog box shown in Figure 60 reappears.
5. Select Start on the Create Commit Diskette dialog box.

B0193WQ – Rev H System Definition: A Step-By-Step Procedure

6. When requested by a dialog box, insert the appropriate media distribution diskette
#10091, which is the diskette that matches the Day 0 version of the software that is
currently running on your system.
7. Click OK from the Media Distribution dialog box.
8. When requested by a dialog box, insert a blank, formatted, 3.5-inch diskette into the
selected diskette drive of the PC.
This diskette, after the data is transferred, is the Commit diskette to be used for soft-
ware installation.
9. Click OK from the Select Commit Diskette dialog box.
The length of time that it takes to create a Commit disk depends on the speed of the
PC on which you are building the database and the size of the system configuration.
10. Select Y (Yes) or N (No) when a dialog box appears asking if you wish to make addi-
tional copies of the Commit diskette. If you select Yes, repeat Steps 7 through 10.
If you select No, you are automatically exited to the screen from which you entered the
Create Commit Diskette function.

Saving the Configuration

To save a completed system configuration database, proceed as follows:
1. Select File from the Parameter Definition screen on the main menu bar as shown in
Figure 62.

Figure 62. Saving the Configuration

2. Select Save As from the pull-down menu.

The Save Configuration As dialog box appears as shown in Figure 63

System Definition: A Step-By-Step Procedure B0193WQ – Rev H

Figure 63. Save Configuration Dialog Box

3. Select or enter the filename to which you desire to save the configuration.
Do not save the file in the directory called buffer. Buffer is used by the System Defini-
tion to save temporary operations and overwrites your saved files.
4. Click OK on the Save Configuration As dialog box.
Your configuration is now stored and completed. The Commit diskette is ready to be used for
software installation.
Make a hard copy of your letterbug assignments and your network configuration for file and ref-
erence purposes.

Reconciling the System Configuration

One of the results of the software installation process is a Reconcile diskette. This diskette (or
series of diskettes) contains the results of all software package installations on the installed system.
Once a system has been installed, you must reconcile the configuration which is stored within
System Definition with the physical state of installed software packages. After the Reconcile pro-
cess has been completed, the status of any software package can be as shown in Table 1.

Table 1. Software Package Status

Status Description
NOTYET Software package has not yet been installed.
DONE Software package has been installed successfully.
FAILED Software package installation failed.
REINST Software package will be reinstalled.
REREAD Software package needs to be reinstalled.

B0193WQ – Rev H System Definition: A Step-By-Step Procedure

From the Hardware, Network, Parameter, or Software Definition screen, perform the following
1. Open the database that is stored within System Definition and matches the database
from the software installation process.
2. Select Options > Utilities > Reconcile Configuration.
3. From the Process Reconcile Diskette dialog box, choose the Select button to choose
the device from which you wish to read the Reconcile diskette.
4. Select the diskette drive. Choose OK to continue the Reconcile process or choose
Cancel to discontinue the Reconcile process.
5. Select Start to begin the Reconcile process.
6. Insert the Reconcile diskette into the selected diskette drive. Choose OK to continue
the Reconcile process or choose Cancel to discontinue the Reconcile process.
The progress bar in the middle of the dialog box keeps you informed of the progress
being made. You can select Cancel at any time during the Reconcile process to termi-
nate the procedure.

Data corruption can occur when you select Cancel to stop the Reconcile diskette
creation. To avoid corrupting your configuration, make sure you do not save any
configuration files after selecting Cancel.

7. From the dialog box, choose Yes if you have additional diskettes to reconcile or,
choose No if you do not have additional Reconcile diskettes. If you choose Yes, the
software jumps to Step 6, above. If you choose No, a dialog box reminds you to review
the Process Reconcile logfiles.
8. Click OK to end the Reconcile process.
9. Remove the Reconcile diskette from the diskette drive and file the Reconcile diskette.
10. Save the reconciled database within System Definition. This is the Day 1 Configura-
tion of the system.
The Reconcile process is now complete. You should review the Reconcile Process logfile.
You can view the Reconcile Process logfile by performing the following steps from the Hardware,
Network, Parameter, or Software Definition screen:
1. Select Options.
2. Select Utilities.
3. Select View Logfiles.
4. Select the Reconcile Process logfile.
View the logfile for the software package status as defined in Table 1. When you are finished,
select Close to exit the logfile. Depending on the software package status, you may wish to install
or reinstall packages that have not been installed.

System Definition: A Step-By-Step Procedure B0193WQ – Rev H

Table 2 is a summary of the procedural steps used to define a system configuration

Table 2. System Definition Summary

Function Procedural Steps

Access System Definition 1. Start
2. Programs
3. System Definition
4. Hardware Definition
Select the Software Release 1. File
2. New
3. Select the appropriate software release.
4. OK
Create Switches 1. Create
2. Switches
3. Select the switches.
4. OK
Create Stations 1. Create
2. Stations
3. Select the stations.
4. OK
Create Field Modules 1. Create
2. Field Modules
3. Select modules.
4. OK
Create Peripherals 1. Create
2. Peripherals
3. Select peripherals.
4. OK
Change Letterbugs 1. Select letterbug.
2. Delete old letterbug.
3. Type new letterbug.
4. Repeat Steps 1, 2, and 3 for more changes.
Attach Modules and 1. View
Peripherals to Stations 2. Configuration Components
3. Untitled.cfg
4. Drag module(s) to station.
5. Drag peripheral(s) to station.

B0193WQ – Rev H System Definition: A Step-By-Step Procedure

Table 2. System Definition Summary (Continued)

Function Procedural Steps

Attach Stations and FCMs to 1. View
Switches 2. Configuration Components
3. Untitled.cfg
4. Drag stations and FCMs to switches.
Create Nodes (or Networks) 1. Create
2. Node
3. Select the appropriate node type(s).
4. Drag station(s) or switch(es) to appropriate node.
Assign Software 1. View
2. Software Definition
3. Select numbered button.
4. Assign
5. Software
6. Select hardware station.
7. Select optional software.
8. Assign
9. Repeat Steps 6, 7, and 8, for all stations.
10. Close
11. Verify software selections.
Assign Software Host 1. Assign
2. Host
3. Select station.
4. Select host for station.
5. Assign
6. Repeat Steps 3, 4, and 5 for each component.
7. Close
Assign Parameter Definitions 1. View
2. Parameter Definitions
3. Highlight component in ASSIGNMENTS.
4. Type new value.
5. Repeat Steps 3 and 4 for each component.
6. Select down arrow for component in REFERENCES.
7. Release mouse on new value.
8. Repeat Steps 6 and 7 for each component.

System Definition: A Step-By-Step Procedure B0193WQ – Rev H

Table 2. System Definition Summary (Continued)

Function Procedural Steps

Print the Parameter Worksheets 1. Help
2. User Guide
3. Hardware Worksheets or Software Worksheets
4. Select individual worksheet.
5. File
6. Print Topic
Document the Configuration 1. On Hardware Definition screen, highlight all components
(Optional) for display.
2. Edit
3. Copy
4. View
5. Network Definition
6. Edit
7. Paste
8. Drag components to desired screen locations.
9. File
10. Print
Check Configuration 1. Options
2. Utilities
3. Check Configuration
4. Select all selections in Check Configuration dialog box.
5. Check Type – Full.
6. OK
7. Check Configuration complete message – OK.
8. Options
9. Utilities
10. View Logfiles
11. Errors Only
12. Close
13. Correct errors.
14. If necessary, repeat Steps 1 through 12.

B0193WQ – Rev H System Definition: A Step-By-Step Procedure

Table 2. System Definition Summary (Continued)

Function Procedural Steps

Create Commit Diskette 1. Options
2. Utilities
3. Create Commit Diskette
4. Select
5. Select drive.
6. OK
7. Start
8. Insert #10091 diskette.
9. OK
10. Insert blank formatted 3.5-inch diskette.
11. OK
11. Y or N to copy Commit diskette
Save Configuration 1. File
2. Save As
3. Select directory.
4. OK
Reconcile Configuration 1. Open database.
2. Options
3. Utilities
4. Reconcile Configuration
5. Select
6. Select diskette drive. OK or Cancel
7. Start
8. Insert Reconcile diskette. OK or Cancel
9. Additional Reconcile diskettes? Yes (repeat Step 8) or No
10. OK
11. Save reconciled configuration.
View Reconcile Process logfile 1. Options
2. Utilities
3. View Logfiles
4. Reconcile Process
5. Close

Accessing System Definition 7, 9, 49
Add/Remove programs 4
deleting remaining files 6
parameter definitions 32, 34, 50
software 27, 30, 50
software host 31, 50
work volume 34
field modules 20, 49
peripherals 20, 49
stations to nodes 50
stations to switches 50
switches to nodes 26, 50

letterbugs 19, 49
quantity of
field modules 16
nodes 25
peripherals 18
stations 14
switches 12
Checking your configuration 41, 51
connectivity, software, missing media devices, install verification 42
Commit diskette 1
creating 44, 52
selecting a drive 45
Compound summary access software package 31
building graphical view 37
checking 41, 51
documenting 37, 51
reconciling 47, 52
saving 46, 52
step-by-step summary 2
Configuration Components 1, 2, 20
field modules 16, 49
nodes 25, 50
peripherals 17, 18, 49
stations 13, 14, 49

B0193WQ – Rev H Index

switches 12, 14, 49

Defining parameters 34
Documenting the configuration 37, 51

Field modules
attaching to stations 20, 21
changing the quantity 16
creating 16, 49

Graphical view 2, 37
Network Definition 37, 40
printing 41

Hardware Definition 1, 2, 13, 15
assigning 50

Installing System Definition 3, 6
Introduction 1

changing 19, 49
viewing 43, 51, 52
viewing errors only 43
viewing with time stamps 43
viewing without time stamps 43

Media Distribution dialog box 46

Network Definition 1
building a graphical view 37, 40
printing a graphical view 41, 51
attaching stations and switches to 26

Index B0193WQ – Rev H

changing the quantity 25

creating 25, 50

On-Line User Guide 34
defining your system 3

Parameter Definition 1, 34
assigning definitions 32, 34, 50
printing parameter worksheets 34
Peripherals 15
attaching to stations 20, 22
changing the quantity 18
creating 17, 49
Planning x
graphical view 41, 51
parameter worksheets 34, 51

changing number of
field modules 16
nodes 25
peripherals 18
stations 14
switches 12

Reconciling your configuration 47, 52
Related documentation x
Revision information x

Saving the configuration 46, 52
Save As 46
a software version 10, 11, 49
the Commit diskette drive 45

B0193WQ – Rev H Index

assigning 27, 50
Software Definition 1, 2, 27
Software host
assigning 31, 50
Software release
selecting 10, 49
50/51/70 series 14
attaching field modules and peripherals to 20
attaching to nodes 26
changing quantity of 14
communication processors 14
control stations 14
creating 13, 49
gateways 14
integrators 14
configuring the example system 2
Summary of steps 49
attaching to nodes 26, 50
changing quantity of 12
creating 12, 14, 49
System Definition
accessing 7, 9, 49
overview 3
software installation 3, 6
system requirements 3, 6
uninstalling 4

Time stamps 43

Uninstalling System Definition software 4
checking your configuration 41, 51
creating a commit diskette 44, 52
manually associating 8
reconciling your configuration 47, 52
viewing logfiles 43

Version of software
selecting 10, 11, 49
Viewing logfiles 43, 51, 52
volwrk 34

Index B0193WQ – Rev H

Work volume
assigning 34
hardware 35
printing 34, 51
software 35

B0193WQ – Rev H Index

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