Unit 9 - Media Manipulation - 2022

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Ex. 1. Persuasion and manipulation. Compare the features of the two types of influence on

Suggest missing information and fill in the gaps.

3) The person who got persuaded 2) Intention is negative and

will change his/her point of view immoral.
in a positive way without anyone’s 4) Can destroy trust held on
threats. other person or even website.
5) More related to noble and
positive acts.
Ex.3. The phenomenon of bots and trolls used for manipulation is quite popular nowadays.
Decide whether the following statements are true or false.

1. Bots are real anonymous people false

2. Trolls are real people operating online profiles true

3. Trolls can be contractors hired to spark discussions  true

4. Bots are capable only of primitive chatting, while trolls can provide
complex argumentation 

5. A botnet is a network of bot accounts managed by different false

individuals or groups

6. The goal of a botnet is to make a hashtag, user, or keyword appear

more talked about than it really is

Ex.4. Scan the code and read the text “10 Ways the Media Manipulates Our Opinions”.

Fill in the table with the key concept taken from the texts and appropriate paragraphs.

Way of Manipulation What it is, key concepts

Create a diversion It’s a primary element of social conrol which is

divert public attention from important issues
and changes determined by the political and
economic elites, by the technique of flood or
flooding continuous distractions and
insignificant information.

Exaggerate a problem A method of creating a problem, a “situation”

referred to cause some reaction in the audience,
so this is the principal of the steps that you
want to accept.

Gradual strategy A concept that consists in manipulating people

through the gradual imposition of new
socioeconomic conditions ( neoliberalism ).

Postponing strategy A method of presenting unpopular decision as

“painful and necessary”,
gaining public acceptance, at the time for future
application. . This gives the public more time to
get used to the idea of change and accept it
with resignation when the time comes.

Being very kind Element of social control, in which is used

speech, argument, people and particularly
children’s intonation, often close to the
weakness, as if the viewer were a little child or
a mentally deficient. The harder one tries to
deceive the viewer look, the more it tends to
adopt a tone infantilising

More emotions, less thinking One of the strategy of manipulation that lies in
emotional aspect - a classic technique for
causing a short circuit on rational analysis , and
finally to the critical sense of the individual.
Also it is used for opening door to the
unconscious for implantation or grafting ideas ,
desires, fears and anxieties , compulsions, or
induce behaviors.

Keeping people uninformed A method of manipulation, which lies in

keeping the public in ignorance and mediocrity
and thus making them incapable of
understanding the technologies and methods
used to control and enslavement.

Encouraging people to like mediocre products Element of social control, in which is used
promotion the public to believe that the fact is
fashionable to be stupid, vulgar and

Making people feel guilty A method of letting individual blame for their
misfortune, because of the failure of their
intelligence, their abilities, or their efforts. So,
instead of rebelling against the economic
system, the individual autodesvalida and guilt,
which creates a depression, one of whose
effects is to inhibit its action

Knowing more about people than they know A strong feature of manipulation which exerts
about themselves greater control and great power over
individuals, greater than that of individuals
about themselves due to the “system” of
accelerated science, which enjoys a
sophisticated understanding of human beings,
both physically and psychologically.

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