Some Theories of Communication

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Communication Skills

Unit 1 – Models (continued…)

Linear, interactive and transactional model

Linear model

Linear model of communication is considered one-way process where sender is the only one who sends
message and the receiver doesn’t give feedback or response. The message is encoded and transmitted
through channel in the presence of noise. The sender is more prominent in linear model of communication
i.e. sender is active ad receiver is considered as passive.

Linear model has defined some elements required for a communication process to take place, as follows:

 Sender: is the person who sends a message after encoding.

 Encoding: is the process of converting the message into codes compatible with the channel and
understandable for the receiver.
 Decoding: is the process of changing the encoded message into understandable language by the
 Message: is the information sent by the sender to the receiver.
 Channel: is the medium through which the message is sent.
 Receiver: is the person who gets the message after decoding.
 Noise: is the disruptions that are caused in the communication process in channel or in
comprehension of the message.
Communication Skills

Interactive model

Interactive model deals with exchange of ideas and messages taking place both ways from sender to
receiver and vice-versa.

In Interactive model, whenever a source sends a message to a receiver (source), he/she encodes the
message first. The encoded message is then received by the receiver where it is decoded to get the original
information. Again, the receiver acts as a source, encodes another message (also known as a feedback)
and sends it back to the sender.

The model also has a concept of noise and barriers to communications like language, network problems,
etc. which affects the communication process. Being interactive is taken to be a very important aspect of
effective communication.

Transactional model
Communication Skills

“Transactional” means that communication is an ongoing and continuously changing process.

The transactional model shows that the elements in communication are interdependent. Each person in
the communication act is both a speaker and a listener, and can be simultaneously sending and receiving
messages. For example, transactional communication is not possible if the receiver is not listening to

In the transactional model, two people communicate with multiple messages through a channel

As with other models, the messages may be distorted and the people may be distracted, resulting in
misunderstanding which hinders the process of communication. It assumes that people are connected
through communication, they engage in transaction. First, it recognizes that each of us is a sender-
receiver, not merely a sender or a receiver. Secondly, it recognizes that communication affects all parties
involved. So, communication is fluid/simultaneous.

The biggest advantage of the model is that it provides for instant feedback.

The transactional model is the most general model of communication. Everyday talk and interactions are
also a form of transactional model communication. It is more efficient for communicators with similar
environment and individual aspects. For instance, communication between people who know each other is
more efficient as they share same social system.

In transactional model, efficiency and reliability of communicated message also depends on the medium
used. For example, the same message might not be perceived by a person the same way when it is send
through a phone and when it is provided face to face. It is because of possible loss of message on a phone
call or absence of gestures.
Communication Skills

The biggest drawback of the model is that simultaneous sharing of the message can create a lot of noise in
the process of communication.

Theories of communication

Magic Bullet Theory

The magic bullet theory (also called the hypodermic needle theory) suggests that communication is like a
gun firing bullets of information at a passive audience.
“Communication was seen as a magic bullet that transferred ideas or feelings or knowledge or motivations
almost automatically from one mind to another”.
Clearly defining the magic bullet theory is like a gun firing a bullet (message) through gun (medium) into
the audience (receiver). The hypodermic needle, an injection (medium) injected (message) into the
audience (receiver). An appropriate message designed to trigger a desired response. Both the metaphors
imply that the media causes individual to form ideas and act upon the message received. A bullet and a
needle suggest a powerful and direct flow of information from the sender to the receiver.

This theory has been largely discredited by academics because of its suggestion that all members of an
audience interpret messages in the same way, and are largely passive receptors of messages.

Two-step flow theory

The two step theory recognised that not all audiences react in the same ways to mass communication.
Media had less power and relatively less affect than assumed. The two-step flow theory suggests that mass
communication messages do not move directly from a sender to the receiver. People are more likely to be
influenced by other people than mass media. These people are known as opinion leaders. Opinion leaders
play close attention to media content (step 1) and pass on their interpretation to others (step 2). Thus,
audience is not passive but interactive participants in the communication.

Gate keeping theory

“Gate keeping” means to block unwanted or useless things by using a gate. Here the person who make a
decision is called “Gatekeeper”.
Communication Skills

According to the theory, the Gatekeeper decides what information should move to group or individual
and what information should not. Here, the gatekeeper are the decision makers who letting the whole
social system. The gatekeeper is having its own influence like social, cultural, ethical and political. Based on
personal or social influences they let the information to the group. Through this process the unwanted and
controversial information’s are removed by the gate keeper which helps to control the society or a group
and letting them in a right path. E.g.: in home mother plays the vital role and she has to decide what their
kid’s needs and what should avoid.

In news medium, editor play vital role. He has to decide what kind of news items will publish and what
should not. Every day the news channel receives various news items from all over the world. The channel
has its own ethics and policies through this the editor decide the news items for publish or aired. In some
cases, few news items are rejected by the editor due the organizations policy or the news items which are
not suitable to publish.

Reinforcement theory
Reinforcement theory suggests that media is more likely to reinforce than to change. The theory argues
that people’s attitudes, beliefs and behaviour was more likely to be influenced by their family, schools,
communities and religious institutions. He argued that the only time the media could influence people was
when the media introduced a new idea or concept.

Thus, a media can only reinforce the existing beliefs of the people. People are more influenced by their
surroundings rather than mass media.

Uses and gratification theory

The Uses and Gratification theory discusses the effects of the media on people. It explains how people use
the media for their own need and get satisfied when their needs are fulfilled.

In other words, it can be said that the theory argues what people do with media rather than what media
does to people. Also, this theory is in contradiction to the Magic Bullet theory, which states that the
audience is passive. This theory has a user/audience-centred approach. Even for communication,
(interpersonal), people refer to the media for the topic to discuss among themselves. By referring the
media, they gain more knowledge and exposure to the world beyond their limited eyesight.

Social learning theory

Social Learning Theory argues that people learn from each other through observing, imitating, and
exhibiting the behaviours, attitudes, and emotional reactions of others. Social learning theory explains
how human behaviour can be shaped by continuous reciprocal interaction between cognitive, behavioural,
an environmental influence.

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