NWR - Company Profile Updated 2022
NWR - Company Profile Updated 2022
NWR - Company Profile Updated 2022
. Project References
.Substructure Waterproofing
. Roof Waterproofing
. Decorative Painting
. Anti-Carbonation / Protective Coating
. Epoxy Crack Injection & Concrete Repair
. Epoxy and Polyurethane Traffic Coating
. Affiliated Manufacturers
. Affiliated Certificates
. Quality Assurance
. Environmental Safety & Plan
National Waterproofing and Restoration WLL. (NWR) is a specialized construction company
primarily involved in waterproofing and building restoration. Since the expansion of our
market into the Gulf, National Waterproofing and Restoration (NWR) became affiliated
with many well-known local and international manufactures and trading companies in
the application of a full line of construction products.
Our Qatar division is committed to provide you with the same outstanding quality of
the highest skilled employees and professional management team in order to innovate,
develop and implement solutions of the frequent challenges involved in construction
from waterproofing and concrete restoration
to fireproofing and floor coatings.
With variety of services and the quality work that NWR provides, you will have a
professional member joining your construction team.
National Waterproofing has been proudly approved at many prestigious projects such
New Doha International Airport (NDIA) and The Heart of Doha (Doha Land - Musheireb).
We are grateful for your interest in NWR and hope the following information communicates
what services NWR has to offer your organization and the benefits your organization will
see by using NWR
Waterproofing | Roofing | Floor Coating | Concrete Crack Injection | Screed and Lightweight Concrete | Decorative Painting || Fireproofing
Expansion Joint
| Expansion
Covers Joint Covers
Our company is owned and operated by working principals in the firm. Presently, our company staffs over 500, highly technical Primavera Expedition Contract Management
professionals. NWR provides a total commitment to our clients by carefully listening to their requirements and providing the
proper fit of services. Primavera Scheduling and
Microsoft Office Professional Suite
NWR’s mission is to surpass our client’s expectations and to provide effectiveness in Quality, Productivity,
Safety, Price and Service.
Waterproofing | Roofing | Floor Coating | Concrete Crack Injection | Screed and Lightweight Concrete | Decorative Painting || Fireproofing
Expansion Joint
| Expansion
Covers Joint Covers
General Manager
Operations Manager 1 Operations Manager 2 HR Manager Accounts Administrator/Commercial Procurement QA-QC Manager Safety Manager Logistics Manager
Project Incharge 1 Project incharge 1 Camp Manager QS 1 CAD QA-QC Engr Safety Officers Drivers
Waterproo ing | Roo ing | Floor Coating | Concrete Crack Injection | Screed and Lightweight Concrete | Decorative Painting | Expansion Joint Covers
National Waterproofing & Restoration has become one of the first Waterproofing & Restoration firms in Qatar to
become certified in ISO 9001. NWR is totally committed to quality and providing the best possible service to our
clients. NWR has embraced the most recent ISO standards to assure our clients of our commitment to a quality
product, supported by quality procedures.
Implementing the ISO quality system has a major and positive impact on quality, productivity and cost reduction.
ISO 9001 registration gives NWR unmatched credibility and advantages in the region.
Having ISO certification requires NWR to have a quality policy and objective statements, a quality manual, control of
all documents and records, plus a total commitment by Management. The ISO process requires top management
to ensure customer requirements are determined and met with the aim of enhancing customer satisfaction. NWR
has a commitment to meeting all ISO requirements, while providing continual improvement at all organizational
levels within the company.
Waterproo ing | Roo ing | Floor Coating | Concrete Crack Injection | Screed and Lightweight Concrete | Decorative Painting | Expansion Joint Covers
Waterproo ing | Roo ing | Floor Coating | Concrete Crack Injection | Screed and Lightweight Concrete | Decorative Painting | Expansion Joint Covers
Polyurethane and epoxy traffic coating for Vehicular and, resinous flooring, pedestrian traffic, Polyurea Coating, industrial
fooring system at mechanical rooms, roof tops and where the foor is exposed to ultra violet, concrete sealer and
water repellent.
Various type of external and internal Decorative paint such as Emulsion paint, acrylic latex paint and vinyl paint
Waterproo ing | Roo ing | Floor Coating | Concrete Crack Injection | Screed and Lightweight Concrete | Decorative Painting | Expansion Joint Covers
Waterproo ing | Roo ing | Floor Coating | Concrete Crack Injection | Screed and Lightweight Concrete | Decorative Painting | Expansion Joint Covers
5000179739 ﺭﻗﻢ ﺍﻟﺘﺴﺠﻴﻞ ﺍﻟﻀﺮﻳﺒﻲ: 103200 ﺭﻗﻢ ﺍﻟﺴﺠﻞ ﺍﻟﺘﺠﺎﺭﻯ:
ﺍﻟﺴﻤﺔ ﺍﻟﺘﺠﺎﺭﻳﺔ: ﻧﺎﺷﻮﻧﺎﻝ ﻭﺍﺗﺮ ﺑﺮﻭﻓﻴﻨﺞ ﺍﻧﺪ ﺭﻳﺰﻭﺳﺘﺮﻳﺸﻦ ﺍﻷﺳﻢ ﺍﻟﺘﺠﺎﺭﻯ:
25/02/2023 ﺗﺎﺭﻳﺦ ﺍﻧﺘﻬﺎﺀ ﺍﻟﺴﺠﻞ: 30/08/2017 ﺗﺎﺭﻳﺦ ﺍﻧﺸﺎﺀ ﺍﻟﺴﺠﻞ:
200000 ﺭﺍﺱ ﺍﻟﻤﺎﻝ: ﺷﺮﻛﺔ ﺫﺍﺕ ﻣﺴﺌﻮﻟﻴﺔ ﻣﺤﺪﻭﺩﺓ ﺍﻟﺸﻜﻞ ﺍﻟﻘﺎﻧﻮﻧﻰ:
ﻗﻄﺮ ﺟﻨﺴﻴﺔ ﺍﻟﻤﻨﺸﺄﺓ: ﻧﺸﻂ ﺣﺎﻟﺔ ﺍﻟﺴﺠﻞ:
0 ﻋﺪﺩ ﺍﻟﻔﺮﻭﻉ:
ﻣﻌﻠﻮﻣﺎﺕ ﺍﻻﺗﺼﺎﻝ
+97477706768 ﺃﺭﻗﺎﻡ ﺍﻻﺗﺼﺎﻝ: ﺻﻨﺪﻭﻕ ﺍﻟﺒﺮﻳﺪ:
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ﺭﻗﻢ ﺍﻟﺴﺠﻞ 103200 :
ﺗﺸﻬﺪ ﻏﺮﻓﺔ ﺗﺠﺎﺭﺓ ﻭ ﺻﻨﺎﻋﺔ ﻗﻄﺮ ﺑﺎﻥ ﺍﻟﻤﻨﺸﺎﺓ ﺍﻟﻤﺬﻛﻮﺭﺓ ﺍﻋﻼﻩ ﺳﺠﻠﺖ ﻟﺪﻳﻨﺎ
Qatar Chamber certifies that the above mentioned establishment has been registered
><Bar Code
ﺻﻼﺣﻴﺎﺕ ﻛﺎﻣﻠﺔ ﻭﻣﻄﻠﻘﺔ -ﻣﺪﻳﺮ ﺍﻟﻮﻻﻳﺎﺕ ﺍﻟﻤﺘﺤﺪﺓ 26384000154 ﻋﺎﺻﻢ ﻣﻨﻴﺮ ﺷﻴﺦ
ﺍﻷﻧﺸﻄﺔ ﺍﻟﺘﺠﺎﺭﻳﺔ
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ﺭﻗﻢ ﺍﻟﺴﺠﻞ 103200 :
ﺗﺸﻬﺪ ﻏﺮﻓﺔ ﺗﺠﺎﺭﺓ ﻭ ﺻﻨﺎﻋﺔ ﻗﻄﺮ ﺑﺎﻥ ﺍﻟﻤﻨﺸﺎﺓ ﺍﻟﻤﺬﻛﻮﺭﺓ ﺍﻋﻼﻩ ﺳﺠﻠﺖ ﻟﺪﻳﻨﺎ
Qatar Chamber certifies that the above mentioned establishment has been registered
The General Tax Authority of Qatar certifies that the ﺗﺸﻬﺪ اﻟﻬﻴﺌﺔ اﻟﻌﺎﻣﺔ ﻟﻠﻀﺮاﺋﺐ ﻓﻲ دوﻟﺔ ﻗﻄﺮ أن
entity is registered as per the following details: :اﻟﺠﻬﺔ أدﻧﺎه ﻣﺴﺠﻠﺔ ﺣﺴﺐ اﻟﺒﻴﺎﻧﺎت اﻟﺘﺎﻟﻴﺔ
In addition, we are constantly increasing our work force in every department with well
experienced personnel, trained to follow National Waterproofing philosophy.
Waterproo ing | Roo ing | Floor Coating | Concrete Crack Injection | Screed and Lightweight Concrete | Decorative Painting | Expansion Joint Covers
15 NOS 6 NOS
75 NOS
Waterproofing | Roofing | Floor Coating | Concrete Crack Injection | Screed and Lightweight Concrete | Decorative Painting | Fireproofing | Expansion Joint Covers
Waterproo ing | Roo ing | Floor Coating | Concrete Crack Injection | Screed and Lightweight Concrete | Decorative Painting | Expansion Joint Covers
United Tower 6th Floor, Building No. 55 Zone 39, St. No. 343.
Al Sadd State of Qatar
Post Office Box 82503
Tel: +974- 4455 1458
Fax: +974- 4455 1459
Mobile No.: +974 6666 4965
E-mail : [email protected]
Website: [email protected]
� Indoor warehouse at Industrial Area, Street 15
� Multiple Locations
Waterproofing I Roofing I Floor Coating I Concrete Crack Injection I Screed and Ligh tweigh t Concrete I Decorative Painting I Expansion Joint Covers
Hyundai Engineering &
1 Qatar National Museum Qatar Waterproofing, Painting, Floor Coating 120,000,000.00 87,000.00 COMPLETED
6 REDLINE SOUTH ELEVATED Qatar FYAP-JV Duct Bank Waterproofing 1,500,000.00 8,458.00 COMPLETED
9 QIRP Qatar Redco International WLL PVC Waterproofing 2,002,550.00 11,261.29 COMPLETED
10 Al Mutahidah Tower Qatar Lighton Contracting Wet Area Wateproofing 1,378,118.00 41,196.00 COMPLETED
14 Heart of Doha , Phase 1B (Roof) Qatar Brookfield Multiplex Med Gulf JV Roofing & Wet Areas 19,005,291.00 119,461.37 COMPLETED
22 Green Line Elevated & At Grade Qatar PORR-SBG-HBK JV Waterproofing Works 2,000,729.00 12,283.00 COMPLETED
TOTAL 292,091,034.00
2022 Project List
Leakage treatment work At Tower 10
22001 Lusail Al Kharaej Tower 10 Al Huda Engineering United Developers Ongoing
Leakage Treatment at Sewage
22002 Palm Tower A Al Mirqab Real Estate Al Mirqab Real Estate Ongoing
22005 Construction of Floresta Gardens FG103 Al Huda Engineering Epoxy Lining for Water Tanks Ongoing
2021 Project List
21001 Corniche Al Masrah Park AG Middle East W.L.L Ashghal Epoxy Coating works Completed
Concrete Crack Repair & Waterproofing
21004 ZigZag Tower‐ A Al Mirqab Real Estate West Bay Lagoon Plaza Completed
21005 Fire Water Tank in RLTO Qatar Gas Roof Waterproofing Completed
Commercial Boulevard Lusail C020 (CP07, C4,5 & 6) PR# Al Jaber & Partners Lusail Reasl Estate Waterproofing system for 40 Nos of
21006 Completed
1702263 Construction Development Company Crossing shade Foundation
RasGas Company Injection Works at B2 level water
21007 Palm Tower A Al Mirqab Real Estate Completed
Limited leakage
Lusail Real Estate
21008 SEEF LUSAIL PRESENTATION CENTER (H20) Hassanesco Waterproofing Rectification Works Completed
Development Company
DAR Investment & Trench Leak Repair at Transformer
21009 ZigZag Tower‐ A & B Al Mirqab Real Estate Completed
Development Company Room
Waterproofing for Water Tanks &
21010 HASSANESCO TOWER ‐ LUSAIL Marina COM31 ‐ (H21) Hassanesco Hassanesco Completed
Sitas Technical Services
21012 Mshereib Project Msheireb Properties Roof Waterproofing works Completed
EPDM Waterproofing works for External
21014 Skilled Nursing Facility Project ‐ Hamad Hospital Hyundai Hamad Hospital Completed
Window Perimeter
21022 PWA‐CORNICHE BEAUTIFICATION Ashghal GRP Lining Works Ongoing
AlBaker Networks &
21023 Eclair De Genie Mall of Qatar Eclair De Genie Mall Waterproofing for Flooring Completed
IBA – Ismail Bin Ali MR. MOHAMMED
21024 DAFNA PALACE Waterproofing Works Ongoing
Trading & Cont. Co. ESMAEL A A AL‐EMADI
21043 Al Thumama Stadium Injection Works Completed
21044 Construction of the Surgi Art Project Al Huda Engineering Roofing and Wet Area Waterproofing Ongoing
IBA – Ismail Bin Ali
21045 BROOQ 1 at Doha Naval Base (D‐113‐01) Doha Naval Base Epoxy Flooring Ongoing
Trading & Cont. Co.
21046 396Central DohaCorniche Pack2A ALJABER ENGINEERING Ashghal GRP Lining Works Ongoing
Fit out works package for 1 B cluster ( Tower 3,4 & 8) at PLANET EARTH
21047 Waterproofing Works Ongoing
QPD) Contracting W.L.L.
21048 Lusail Al Kharaej Tower 9 Al Huda Engineering United Developers Leakage Mitigation Works Completed
Leakage Treatment at Diwan Anex B1
21049 Msheireb Downtown Doha Project Msheireb Properties Msheireb Properties Ongoing
21050 Lusail Al Kharaej Tower Al Huda Engineering United Developers Epoxy Floor Coating Ongoing
Bath Rooms and Toilets Waterproofing
21051 Lusail Al Kharaej Tower Al Huda Engineering United Developers Ongoing
Masraf Al Rayan Head Office Building (4B+G+8) at Seef
21052 Al Darwish Engineering Masraf Al Rayan Thermal Insulation System Ongoing
Lusail Qatar
Roads and Infrastructure in Semaisma Package 04
21053 ALJABER ENGINEERING Waterproofing Works Ongoing
21054 396Central DohaCorniche Pack2A ALJABER ENGINEERING Ashghal GRP Lining Works Ongoing
21055 MPJV Ashghal Completed
2020 Project List
20001 Ooredoo HQ Building Beacon Ooredoo Painting Completed
20002 Hamad Medical City ‐ Car Park Area Hyundai Hamad Hospital Protective Coating Completed
20003 DOPHP – MDD, Phase3 Park Hyatt Doha Park Hyatt Handicap Parking Completed
20004 Qatar Integrated Railway Project ‐ QNM station CCC Qatar Rail Footing Waterproofing Completed
20005 Ras Abu Aboud Beach Develpment Package 1 AG Middle East Ashghal Waterproofing at Water Tank Completed
20006 Msheireb Downtown Doha‐Phase 3 Obayshi‐HBK JV Msheireb Properties Epoxy Coating Completed
20007 HMC Multi Story Car Park Plot W Project Hyundai Hamad Hospital External Paint Completed
20008 Lusail Package 03‐A‐3, Bridges 4A & 6A FCC Ashghal Waterproofing Repair Works Completed
NSUE, QATAR FOUNDATION, Bill 08,Unforeseen Works
20009 Zublin Qatar Foundation Painting & Traffic Coating Ongoing
(TS26 & TS27)
20010 Sheik Abdul Aziz Building 6, Al Sadd ATAK Sheik Abdul Aziz Injection Works Completed
Design & Build of Doha South Terminal Pumping Station
20012 Zublin Ashghal Dry & Wet Crack Injection Completed
and Regional Odour Control System (DSTPS)
Proposed Villa for Muhammed Ali Jumma Alfadal Al‐ Muhammed Ali Jumma
20019 Hassanesco Waterproofing Works Completed
Sulaiti Alfadal Al‐Sulaiti
Construction of New College of Engineering – Qatar
20020 Al Darwish Engineering Qatar University Daku Green Waterproofing system Ongoing
20021 Primary Health Care Building at Old Salata Hassanesco Hassanesco Waterproofing Repair works Completed
20022 Commercial Building at Old airport street Hassanesco KHALIFA BIN AHMED Waterproofing Works Not Start
20023 H 45: Abdul Ghani Ware House Factory Hassanesco Abdul Ghani Waterproofing Works Completed
20028 FLORESTA GARDENS / FG‐103 Project Al Huda Waterproofing Works Ongoing
Waterproofing Works at Landscape for
20030 QPD TOWER 1 & 2 KENTIA QATAR Qatar Petrolium Completed
Roof Terrace
T08 Basement Floor Epoxy Paint
20031 Msheireb Downtown Doha Phase 3 Obayashi HBK JV Msheireb Properties Completed
Lusail Real Estate
20039 Lusail Plaza Towers Project ‐ Plot 3 & 4 Hyundai Crack Injection Works (Application only) Completed
Development Co.
20040 ASHGHAL AREA BUS DEPOT Redco International Ashghal Completed
Installation of Internal Water stopper for
20043 Hilton Hotel Project Al Darwish Engineering Hilton Hotel Completed
Construction Joint
Crack Injection and Repairing & Touch‐
20044 MCR Building in Mansoura, Doha Zublin MCR Completed
up for Epoxy Floor
Mr. Mohammed
20046 B+G+10+P at Musheireb Project BEST TECH Roof Waterproofing System Completed
Suliman H.M. Al‐Haider
ALIGARH Trading &
20047 Um Alhoul Qatar Economic Zone (QEZ‐3) Manateq Internal Protective coating Completed
Contracting W.L.L.
Green Line Elevated & at Grade Rail Station PMC/ PORR/HBK Doha
1 rail station
Education city 5 PMC/CCC Doha
Waterproofing | Roofing | Floor Coating | Concrete Crack Injection | Screed and Lightweight Concrete | Decorative Painting | Fireproofing | Expansion Joint Covers
Waterproofing | Roofing | Floor Coating | Concrete Crack Injection | Screed and Lightweight Concrete | Decorative Painting | Fireproofing | Expansion Joint Covers
New Doha International Airport Airport Access Pass MACE / Amana Walbridge
Waterproo ing | Roo ing | Floor Coating | Concrete Crack Injection | Screed and Lightweight Concrete | Decorative Painting | Expansion Joint Covers
Waterproofing | Roofing | Floor Coating | Concrete Crack Injection | Screed and Lightweight Concrete | Decorative Painting | Fireproofing | Expansion Joint Covers
Waterproo ing | Roo ing | Floor Coating | Concrete Crack Injection | Screed and Lightweight Concrete | Decorative Painting | Expansion Joint Covers
Waterproo ing | Roo ing | Floor Coating | Concrete Crack Injection | Screed and Lightweight Concrete | Decorative Painting | Expansion Joint Covers
Waterproo ing | Roo ing | Floor Coating | Concrete Crack Injection | Screed and Lightweight Concrete | Decorative Painting | Expansion Joint Covers
Waterproo ing | Roo ing | Floor Coating | Concrete Crack Injection | Screed and Lightweight Concrete | Decorative Painting | Expansion Joint Covers
Waterproo ing | Roo ing | Floor Coating | Concrete Crack Injection | Screed and Lightweight Concrete | Decorative Painting | Expansion Joint Covers
Waterproo ing | Roo ing | Floor Coating | Concrete Crack Injection | Screed and Lightweight Concrete | Decorative Painting | Expansion Joint Covers
Waterproo ing | Roo ing | Floor Coating | Concrete Crack Injection | Screed and Lightweight Concrete | Decorative Painting | Expansion Joint Covers
Waterproo ing | Roo ing | Floor Coating | Concrete Crack Injection | Screed and Lightweight Concrete | Decorative Painting | Expansion Joint Covers
Waterproo ing | Roo ing | Floor Coating | Concrete Crack Injection | Screed and Lightweight Concrete | Decorative Painting | Expansion Joint Covers
Waterproo ing | Roo ing | Floor Coating | Concrete Crack Injection | Screed and Lightweight Concrete | Decorative Painting | Expansion Joint Covers
Waterproo ing | Roo ing | Floor Coating | Concrete Crack Injection | Screed and Lightweight Concrete | Decorative Painting | Expansion Joint Covers
Waterproo ing | Roo ing | Floor Coating | Concrete Crack Injection | Screed and Lightweight Concrete | Decorative Painting | Expansion Joint Covers
1$7,21$/:$7(53522),1* 5(6725$7,21://
1$7,21$/:$7(53522),1* 5(6725$7,21://
New College of Engineering Building Qatar University
Waterproo ing | Roo ing | Floor Coating | Concrete Crack Injection | Screed and Lightweight Concrete | Decorative Painting | Expansion Joint Covers
Waterproo ing | Roo ing | Floor Coating | Concrete Crack Injection | Screed and Lightweight Concrete | Decorative Painting | Expansion Joint Covers
Al Amir St. Upgrade and Interchange Bin Omran Trading & Contracting
22nd February St. and Al Amir St Upgrade & Interchanges Bin Omran Trading
Waterproo ing | Roo ing | Floor Coating | Concrete Crack Injection | Screed and Lightweight Concrete | Decorative Painting | Expansion Joint Covers
Waterproo ing | Roo ing | Floor Coating | Concrete Crack Injection | Screed and Lightweight Concrete | Decorative Painting | Expansion Joint Covers
Waterproo ing | Roo ing | Floor Coating | Concrete Crack Injection | Screed and Lightweight Concrete | Decorative Painting | Expansion Joint Covers
Waterproo ing | Roo ing | Floor Coating | Concrete Crack Injection | Screed and Lightweight Concrete | Decorative Painting | Expansion Joint Covers
Waterproo ing | Roo ing | Floor Coating | Concrete Crack Injection | Screed and Lightweight Concrete | Decorative Painting | Expansion Joint Covers
Waterproo ing | Roo ing | Floor Coating | Concrete Crack Injection | Screed and Lightweight Concrete | Decorative Painting | Expansion Joint Covers
Waterproo ing | Roo ing | Floor Coating | Concrete Crack Injection | Screed and Lightweight Concrete | Decorative Painting | Expansion Joint Covers
Waterproo ing | Roo ing | Floor Coating | Concrete Crack Injection | Screed and Lightweight Concrete | Decorative Painting | Expansion Joint Covers
Waterproo ing | Roo ing | Floor Coating | Concrete Crack Injection | Screed and Lightweight Concrete | Decorative Painting | Expansion Joint Covers
Waterproo ing | Roo ing | Floor Coating | Concrete Crack Injection | Screed and Lightweight Concrete | Decorative Painting | Expansion Joint Covers
Waterproo ing | Roo ing | Floor Coating | Concrete Crack Injection | Screed and Lightweight Concrete | Decorative Painting | Expansion Joint Covers
Waterproo ing | Roo ing | Floor Coating | Concrete Crack Injection | Screed and Lightweight Concrete | Decorative Painting | Expansion Joint Covers
Waterproo ing | Roo ing | Floor Coating | Concrete Crack Injection | Screed and Lightweight Concrete | Decorative Painting | Expansion Joint Covers
Waterproo ing | Roo ing | Floor Coating | Concrete Crack Injection | Screed and Lightweight Concrete | Decorative Painting | Expansion Joint Covers
Waterproo ing | Roo ing | Floor Coating | Concrete Crack Injection | Screed and Lightweight Concrete | Decorative Painting | Expansion Joint Covers
Waterproo ing | Roo ing | Floor Coating | Concrete Crack Injection | Screed and Lightweight Concrete | Decorative Painting | Expansion Joint Covers
Waterproo ing | Roo ing | Floor Coating | Concrete Crack Injection | Screed and Lightweight Concrete | Decorative Painting | Expansion Joint Covers
Waterproo ing | Roo ing | Floor Coating | Concrete Crack Injection | Screed and Lightweight Concrete | Decorative Painting | Expansion Joint Covers
Waterproo ing | Roo ing | Floor Coating | Concrete Crack Injection | Screed and Lightweight Concrete | Decorative Painting | Expansion Joint Covers
Waterproo ing | Roo ing | Floor Coating | Concrete Crack Injection | Screed and Lightweight Concrete | Decorative Painting | Expansion Joint Covers
Waterproo ing | Roo ing | Floor Coating | Concrete Crack Injection | Screed and Lightweight Concrete | Decorative Painting | Expansion Joint Covers
Waterproo ing | Roo ing | Floor Coating | Concrete Crack Injection | Screed and Lightweight Concrete | Decorative Painting | Expansion Joint Covers
Waterproo ing | Roo ing | Floor Coating | Concrete Crack Injection | Screed and Lightweight Concrete | Decorative Painting | Expansion Joint Covers
Waterproo ing | Roo ing | Floor Coating | Concrete Crack Injection | Screed and Lightweight Concrete | Decorative Painting | Expansion Joint Covers
Waterproofing I Roofing I Floor Coating I Concrete Crac Injection I Screed and Lightweight Concrete I Decorative Painting I Expansion Joint Covers
Waterproo ing | Roo ing | Floor Coating | Concrete Crack Injection | Screed and Lightweight Concrete | Decorative Painting | Expansion Joint Covers
T. 01942 251400
Kind Regards
Pritam Chaudhari
Regional Sales Manager
Registered in England No. 251311. Registered Office: Hays Galleria,1 Hays Lane, London SE1 2RD
Certified Applicator
Edition: 1
Page: 1
Best regards,
Bitumode Waterproofing Factory
Date: 18/09/2019 Company Stamp
DATE : JUNE 05, 2018
Approved Applicator Certificate
This certifies that
Gravin Martin
Technical Services Manager Valid from: 01 January 2020
Gulf Additive Factory Valid until: 31 December 2020
(subject to periodic site inspections)
Ref.: APC0067-MA22092020-NWR
Street 703, Light Industrial Area, Messaieed
ﻣﺻﻧﻊ ﺍﻟﺧﻠﻳﺞ ﻟﻠﻣﻭﺍﺩ ﺍﻹﺿﺎﻓﻳﺔ PO. Box: 2050 Doha – Qatar
C.R. NO. : 102054
Ref: GAF-L-GM-849
We GULF ADDITIVE FACTORY (GAF) authorized distributor and local manufacturer under
license of Master Builder Solutions – BASF Construction Chemical LLC, hereby confirm that
NATIONAL WATERPROOFING CO is approved as a GAF Applicator for the BASF
Construction Chemicals / Master Builders Solutions brand of ranges of products.
Concrete Repair
Performance Flooring (Epoxy/ Polyurethane/ Cementitious)
Joint Sealants
This approval is valid from 01 January 2020 until 31 December 2020 and is subject to periodic
site inspections.
Should you require any further information or assistance relating to the above please contact
the undersigned.
Yours sincerely,
Gravin Martin
Technical Services Manager
+974 55193358
[email protected]
Subject : “GCP Preprufe® 300R Plus - Bituthene® 8000HC Waterproofing Membrane System”
Dear Sir,
We write with regards to the “Construction of 88 Villas Project” to confirm the following information.
GCP certifies that National Waterproofing & Restoration WLL has fulfilled the requirements to become
GCP Trained Applicator and have undertaken projects using GCP Product.
We confirm that National Waterproofing & Restoration WLL has been registered as GCP Trained
Applicator with regards to the application of the following GCP Products / Systems.
This letter remains valid based on the products being applied in strict accordance with our current technical
product data. This letter is valid for 01 year from the date of issuance and will be renewed subject to
completion of an additional GCP Specialist Applicator Installation Training program.
This letter does not warrant any specific installation of GCP Products undertaken by the applicator and
hence cannot accept liability for work carried out by the applicator company.
We trust this will assist, please contact us if you require any additional information.
Yours faithfully,
Pradeep Sudarsanan
Technical Service Manager
T +974 55686430
www.gcpat.com [email protected]
National Waterproofing & Restoration WLL,
P.O. Box: 23856,
Doha, Qatar
Subject : “GCP Preprufe® 300R Plus – Bituthene® 8000HC, Fully Bonded Waterproofing
Membrane System”
Dear Sir,
We write with regards to the “Qetaifan Island North, Phase 1, Package 4 – Infrastructure and Linear
Development Project” to confirm the following information.
GCP certifies that National Waterproofing has fulfilled the requirements to become GCP Trained
Applicator and have undertaken projects using GCP Product.
We confirm that National Waterproofing has been registered as GCP Trained Applicator with regards to
the application of the following GCP Products / Systems.
This letter remains valid based on the products being applied in strict accordance with our current technical
product data. This letter is valid for 02 year from the date of issuance and will be renewed subject to
completion of an additional GCP Specialist Applicator Installation Training program.
This letter does not warrant any specific installation of GCP Products undertaken by the applicator and
hence cannot accept liability for work carried out by the applicator company.
We trust this will assist, please contact us if you require any additional information.
Yours faithfully,
Pradeep Sudarsanan
Technical Service Manager
Scientifically SuperiorTM Technologies
Date: March 15, 2014
West Coast Office
3000 E. Harcourt Street
Rancho Dominguez, CA 90221
Tel 310-886-9100
Fax 310-886-9119
To Whom It May Concern:
East Coast Office
140 Valley Road
Roselle Park, NJ 07204 Subject: Crossfield Products Corp. – National Waterproofing W.L.L.
Tel 908-245-2800
Fax 908-245-0659
Dear Sir:
Performance Proven Since 1938 We as Crossfield Products Corp. through our regional partner (Duphill Technical
____________________________ Solutions LLC, Dubai, UAE) appoint National Waterproofing W.L.L. company as our
Manufacturers of: applicator partner in Doha, Qatar.
Decorative and Functional
Commercial, Industrial and Institutional
We support them fully on Msheireb Downtown project for all Ffloor coating packages.
Floors and Wall Coating Systems
Chemical, Slip and Temperature We further confirm that they have satisfied our criteria in the technical aspect of
Resistant Floor and Coating Systems the job and would provide technical assistance whenever needed during the course
Electro-Static Dissipative and
of the project.
Conductive Flooring Systems
Underlayments, Waterproofing
Membranes and Repair Systems
We as Neogard and through our Master Distributor Duphill Technical Solutions LLC, Dubai, UAE,
represented by Mr. Ruel Lopez, appoint National Waterproofing, Co., represented by Mr. Albert
Mozzen, as our approved applicator in Doha, Qatar.
We fully support National Waterproofing, Co. on this bid (Msheireb Downtown) project for the car park
coating package.
They have satisfied our criteria in the technical aspect of the job and would provide technical
assistance whenever needed during the course of the project.
Approved Installer for C/S Expansion Joint Covers (Qatar)- Valid till 1 January 2014
This letter is to certify that M/s National Waterproofing Co. is an approved installer for C/S Expansion Joint
Covers for the region of Qatar. National waterproofing has undergone training from C onstruction Specialties
Inc. and has a track record for installing C/5 Expansion Joint Covers in United States for many well known
Contact Details
Mr. Albert
Email - [email protected]
Thank you
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P.O. Box 3484 Tel: +974 44559000
Doha Fax: +974 44600901
hempel.com Email: [email protected]
Have been registered
As an approved applicator
Decorative Coatings
Floor Coatings
Best Regards,
Waterproo ing | Roo ing | Floor Coating | Concrete Crack Injection | Screed and Lightweight Concrete | Decorative Painting | Expansion Joint Covers
The key element for project quality assurance is the on-site project staff led by the Project Manager.
Attainment of project administrative quality requirements, however, is accomplished by and is the
responsibility of all project personnel throughout the life of the project.
Control of design and design change for all quality related items.
Control, review and distribution of contract drawings, specifications and other documents.
Waterproofing | Roofing | Floor Coating | Concrete Crack Injection | Screed and Lightweight Concrete | Decorative Painting | Fireproofing | Expansion Joint Covers
Waterproo ing | Roo ing | Floor Coating | Concrete Crack Injection | Screed and Lightweight Concrete | Decorative Painting | Expansion Joint Covers
1.0 GENERAL ..................................................................................................................................................5
1.1 Scope ................................................................................................................................................5
1.2 Purpose ............................................................................................................................................5
1.3 Content ............................................................................................................................................5
1.4 Business Objectives ..........................................................................................................................5
1.5 Quality Objectives ............................................................................................................................6
1.6 Company Culture and Ethics ............................................................................................................6
1.7 Qualifications and Experience..........................................................................................................6
1.8 Company Information ......................................................................................................................7
2.0 QUALITY POLICY.......................................................................................................................................7
3.0 QUALITY SYSTEM .....................................................................................................................................8
3.1 General .............................................................................................................................................8
3.2 Elements of the System ...................................................................................................................9
3.2.1 Quality Manual including Quality Management System ( Attached Separately ) ...................9
3.2.2 Operating Procedures ..............................................................................................................9
3.2.3 Forms and Templates...............................................................................................................9
3.2.4 Quality Improvement Plan .................................................................................................... 10
3.2.5 Internal Assessment Program ............................................................................................... 10
3.2.6 Applicability of Quality Standards ......................................................................................... 10
3.3 Responsibilities and Authorities.................................................................................................... 11
3.4 Management Review .................................................................................................................... 12
3.5 Contract Review ............................................................................................................................ 13
4.0 QUALITY PLAN ...................................................................................................................................... 14
4.1 General .......................................................................................................................................... 14
4.2 Project Organization Chart............................................................................................................ 14
4.2.1 Project Organization Chart........................................................................................................ 15
4.3 Management Representation. .................................................................................................. 16
4.4 Quality Audits................................................................................................................................ 16
4.5 Inspection and Testing .................................................................................................................. 17
4.5.1 General .................................................................................................................................. 17
4.5.2 Inspection and Testing at Installations of the Manufactured Product ................................. 18
4.6 Inspection and Test Status ............................................................................................................ 19
4.7 Control of Non-Conforming Product or Service ............................................................................ 20
4.7.1 General .................................................................................................................................. 20
4.7.2 Application ............................................................................................................................ 20
4.8 Corrective Actions ......................................................................................................................... 21
4.8.1 General .................................................................................................................................. 21
4.8.2 Responsibility ........................................................................................................................ 21
4.8.3 Application ............................................................................................................................ 21
4.9 Handling, Storage, Packaging and Delivery................................................................................... 22
4.9.1 General .................................................................................................................................. 22
4.9.2 Responsibility ........................................................................................................................ 22
4.9.3 Handling, storage, packaging and delivery of incoming goods............................................. 23
4.10 Quality Records ......................................................................................................................... 23
4.11 Internal Quality Audits .............................................................................................................. 25
4.12 Training ..................................................................................................................................... 26
APPENDIX A – PROCEDURES................................................................................................................... 27
A.5 – Non- Conformance and Corrective Action procedure. ................................................................. 27
5.1 OBJECTIVES ................................................................................................................................... 27
5.2 PROCEDURE .............................................................................................................................. 28
5.3 RESPONSIBILITIES ......................................................................................................................... 29
5.4 VERIFICATION OF CORRECTIVE ACTION PERFORMED.................................................................. 30
5.5 LAY-OUT OF THE NON-CONFORMANCES/CORRECTIVE ACTIONS ................................................ 30
5.6 FILING ........................................................................................................................................... 31
1.1 Scope
This Project Quality Plan (PQP) has been prepared to cover all activities undertaken under the Sub-
Contract and as described in the Method Statement.
1.2 Purpose
o Provide a simple and practical yet comprehensive framework encompassing all aspects of
the quality system and enabling a gauge of its successful application.
o Provide a communication means for effectively conveying our company quality objectives
and values to our customers, employees, business associates and the community.
1.3 Content
o Quality Objectives.
o Quality System.
o Maximize financial benefits through the effective application of its intellectual and material
resources and highly qualified and competent staff.
o Develop a reputation for excellence in the services provided, and to be recognized as one of
the most creative and successful professional companies.
o Successfully attract and secure new business opportunities through reputation and service
o Generate funds to achieve objectives and to support future growth and development.
1.5 Quality Objectives
National Waterproofing & Restoration Co W.L.L. has developed the following set of Quality
Objectives to ensure that the key elements of both the Quality Policy and the Business Objectives
are realized.
o Determine and understand the specific service requirements of each customer and ensure
that they are met through agreement of standards of acceptability and by maintaining
conformance to the company's Quality System.
o Adopt a team approach to the continuous review and improvement of the entire Quality
Being a specialist service company, NWR recognizes that its most important asset is its people.
Much effort is spent in developing a supportive environment conducive to the pursuit of Quality in
which individuals can work autonomously and creatively within the organization’s structure and
Quality systems. The idea of "right first time" is maintained throughout the company.
The Quality system emphasizes that the customer is the final arbiter of our service Quality. The
service focus is always given to understanding and meeting customer requirements through
personal attention.
NWR strives to maintain and develop high personal integrity, and professional ethics in all staff.
The company provides a high degree of care for its employees and maintains a nurturing role,
emphasizing their future and value to the organization.
The highly specialized nature of the company's general business requires that the General
Manager only appoint Project Engineers adequately qualified and experienced for the tasks
required. Internal quality assurance for specialized tasks is given on the basis of staff Qualification
and Expertise and is the responsibility of the Project Managers.
1.8 Company Information
Detailed Company information including the scope & special fields of activities, credentials,
areas of operations, nature of projects executed, etc. are available in the Company Profile along
with the General Organizational Structure (already been submitted ).
It is the policy of NWR to set appropriate standards of professional competence in all its work
and to ensure that client specifications, regulatory requirements and acknowledged codes and
practices are fully complied with.
o Cost performance and on-time performance of their engineering services and project
management to the client's satisfaction.
o Promotion of high quality and professional service standards by all employees at every stage
of every project.
o Establishment and maintenance of a high degree of quality awareness at every level in the
organization, and encouragement of individual initiative in achieving performance and
It is the responsibility of every staff member to implement this policy in the area of activity for
which he/she is accountable.
As the Operation Manager (Waterproofing Division) of NWR Co. W.L.L, I fully endorse the
Quality System and require all personnel to do the same.
3.1 General
NWR W.L.L. has established a Quality System to control the Quality aspects of their services. The
Quality System is a fully documented system consisting of:
o Policy Manual.
o Quality Procedures.
o Technical and General documentation such as Control Forms Project Records, and Standard
Company Correspondence Templates.
o Ensure that responsibility for all aspects is identified and allocated to personnel sufficiently
capable and experienced to perform their function in the project team.
o Provide accountability at all stages by ensuring that the above personnel know and accept
their responsibilities.
o Ensure that all work is checked and verified against client needs.
o Require regular auditing of the Quality System to ensure that management quality goals are
3.2 Elements of the System
The following describes in greater detail the elements of the Quality Management System:
The Quality Manual provides the structure and framework for the following:
o Quality Policy.
o Quality Objectives.
The operating Procedures are those activities which are determined to be of a critical nature to
the organization and whose outputs (if not of the required standard) could result in a loss of
customer satisfaction or revenue to the business.
The Operating Procedures indicate who is required to do what, why, where and when. They
indicate how the team operates as a whole and define responsibility and set accountability for the
team members.
Referenced by the Operating Procedures are the forms and documentation (if required) that
may be applicable to the procedure.
Forms and templates are predominantly used to streamline or simplify a business process and
are also used as a mechanism to record the activities or outputs from the process. NWR Standard
Forms are provided in Appendix B.
3.2.4 Quality Improvement Plan
o How do we improve?
Internal Assessment provides the yardstick by which the Quality Management System will be
judged. It also provides the discipline for the improvement of the Quality Management System itself.
o Internal Audits.
o Corrective action.
o Quality Improvement.
o Management Review.
Details of these items may be found in the Quality Assurance Procedure, Internal Quality
The quality system of NWR has been designed to conform to the International Quality
For the development of the Quality Manual the guidelines as stated in ISO 9001 are consulted.
The policy is aimed to satisfy the demands as stated in ISO 9001 for
External Quality Assurance.
It is not the intention of this Quality Manual to simply duplicate the specific clauses of the
relevant Standards. Information of this nature is maintained by the Quality Officer of NWR and is
contained within copies of the appropriate standards. This information is accessible to all staff of
The organization chart shows the basic reporting and line of management structure for the
The project is headed by the Project Manager who is directly responsible to the General
Manager who is the principal and who has final authority with respect to the involvement of the
company. His/her is the primary contact between NWR and the Client.
The Project Engineers are responsible for the engineering of the project and the coordination of
internal and external intellectual and material resources.
The Quality Officer is responsible for reviewing the company's Quality Policies as they relate to
the project, and maintenance of records of the NWR Quality System.
All the staff at NWR is "stakeholders" in the Quality System. Therefore, each employee has the
authority to initiate the following activities in relation to quality matters:
o Undertaking feedback to ensure resolution has been achieved to the satisfaction of the
The Company General Manager is responsible for determining the authorities, necessary
qualifications, experience and training associated with each company position. Details of verification
activities for individual positions are contained within the appropriate Procedures.
3.4 Management Review
The Management Review is to establish periodically an evaluation of the efficiency and cost
effectiveness of the quality system.
The General Manager is responsible for the quality System for the purpose, he will once a year
instigates a meeting with all concerned as stated in the Company Manual.
Information concerning other affairs that may cause changes to the policy also needs to be
discussed. In this matter reference is made to changes in new technology and contractual legal
details (environmental, safety and standards). The results of all such meetings will be recorded so
that all necessary actions can be taken and implemented.
Clients may assess NWR’s quality system by means of their own auditing methods.
o Operational Review of the Quality System will be undertaken on a regular basis in the form
of regular Team Meetings where any member of NWR can suggest alterations and
improvements to the current system. Discussion of the suggested alterations or
improvements will lead to a decision to adopt or dismiss the suggestion.
o All matters which require a Company Policy decision will be recorded in the Quality Logbook
as a reference for on-going quality assessment. Minutes of the meeting will also be
recorded. The reviews will be of an informal but structured nature.
Management Review of the Quality System will be undertaken on a regular basis to determine
the following outputs:
Minutes of the meetings will be recorded and used as a reference for on-going quality
management. The basis for the evaluation will be as follows:
o Results of self-assessment.
o Input from customer feedback.
o Review of Quality Improvement Plan.
o Performance of subcontractors.
3.5 Contract Review
Contract review is to investigate if all demands in the contract can be met and that the demands
are stated correctly and unambiguously.
It is important that if contract details are found ambiguous then the Client should be contacted
as soon as possible to clear up any areas of doubt.
The clarification / any such amendments must be formally recorded with all parties
countersigning their agreement.
If nonconformance(s) occur(s) in the (to be submitted) offer against the specified requirements
of the contract, these amendments will be submitted in writing to the (potential) Client.
If there are areas in the Scope of Work that NWR cannot offer, the (Potential) Client will be
Evaluation of the contract needs to be completed before a quotation is formally issued. This is to
prevent any non-conformance with the client in the contractual phase, which may occur between
the quotation stage on one hand and the demands in the Contract on the other.
As soon as an inquiry has been received it has to be investigated, technical and commercial
analysis to be made in order to find out whether the demands are unambiguous, defined correctly
and can also be met in full in order to offer the Contract.
At this stage of the contract alternative, if any, technical proposals are also to be evaluated and
4.1 General
The NWR statement concerning quality policy and objectives as given in the section 2.0 & its sub
The PROJECT ORGANIZATION CHART (see attached) states the relation and responsibilities of
individuals within the organization. The headquarters staff consisting of General Manager,
Departmental Heads, Engineers and Administrative & Clerical staff is not shown.
The project organization formed is headed by the Project Manager controlling a multi-
disciplined engineering task force.
HSE Policy
Waterproo ing | Roo ing | Floor Coating | Concrete Crack Injection | Screed and Lightweight Concrete | Decorative Painting | Expansion Joint Covers
NWR is committed to providing employees and others a safe and healthy working
environment on projects. We have developed and promoted a safety program,
designed to prevent accidents. The NWR Safety Manual outlines policies and
procedures to prevent injuries, illnesses, and loss to property and to the environment
during all phases of the project.
The Safety Program for National Waterproofing & Restoration has been developed
to govern activities for all personnel employed in any capacity of NWR. The Safety
Program Manual is dedicated to the goals as stated in the Occupational Safety
and Health Act of the United States of America and was adapted to the Qatari
Standards. The main objective of the regulations is to provide a work place, free
from recognized hazards.
Safety practice in place allowed us to perform large projects like NDIA with over
15,000,000 million hours accident free
Waterproo ing | Roo ing | Floor Coating | Concrete Crack Injection | Screed and Lightweight Concrete | Decorative Painting | Expansion Joint Covers
1. Description of Project
1.2Scope of Work
It is National Waterproofing and Restoration Company’s belief that our people are most
important asset that the preservation of employee safety and health must remain a
constant consideration in every phase of business. It is our intent to provide a work
environment as free of hazardous as possible.
All employees are responsible for working safely and productively, always remaining
aware of hazards in their jobs and following recognized safe work practices including
the use of Personnel Protective Equipment ( PPE ).
▪ To provide an adequate control of the health and safety risks arising from our
work activities
▪ To consult with our employees on matters affecting their health and safety
▪ To provide and maintain safe tools
▪ To ensure safe handling and use of waterproofing materials
▪ To provide information, instruction and supervision for our employees
▪ To ensure all employees are competent to do their tasks and to give them
adequate training
▪ To prevent accidents and cases of work –related ill health
▪ To maintain safe and healthy working conditions and
▪ To review and revise this policy as necessary at regular intervals
4. Applicator Certificate
7. Control Measures
The safety and health program will be reviewed and be revised, updated or changed at
the time if needed.
All employees of National waterproofing and Restoration Company will attend and
participate the daily DAILY STARRT briefing and weekly Safety meeting (TOOLBOX
meeting). Our safety engineer will be around the site throughout the project and report to
the WCT Berhad Qatar Construction HSE Department immediately in case any unsafe
action occurs.
Competent Person; NWR has designated Mr. Jimmy Moronfoye as our health and
safety officer.
▪ To assist the supervisor / foreman and all other levels of management in the
initiation, education and execution of an effective safety program generally and
more specifically the following.
▪ Introduce and arrange safety induction with the WCT Berhad Qatar Construction
HSE officer to all new employees.
▪ Follow up on recommendations, suggestions etc made at the weekly TOOLBOX
meetings and DAILY STARRT talks. All topics of safety concerns will be
documented accordingly and report to WCT Berhad Qatar Construction HSE
▪ Be thoroughly familiar with the company safety program and assist the personnel
in the execution of standard policies.
▪ Conducts safety inspection at periodic basis and report WCT Berhad Qatar
Construction HSE Department
▪ Address all hazards or potential hazards as needed
▪ Sit with WCT Berhad Qatar Construction First Aider/ Nurse to maintain adequate
stock of first supplies and other safety equipment to ensure their immediate
▪ WCT Berhad Qatar Construction HSE meetings present two week look ahead
planning program.
Identified Risks/Exposures/Hazards:
Control Measures:
Subcontractors Mobilizing/Demobilizing:
Audit/Inspections Scheduled:
Planned Orientation/Training :
Management is responsible for ensuring that all safety and health policies and procedures
are clearly communicated and understood by all employees. Managers and supervisors
are expected to enforce the rules fairly and uniformly.
All employees are responsible for using safe work practices, for following all directives,
policies and procedures, and for assisting in maintaining a safe work environment.
Our system of ensuring that all employees/workers comply with the rules and maintain a
safe work environment includes:
Progressive discipline is a process for dealing with job-related behavior that does not
meet expected and communicated performance standards. The primary purpose for
progressive discipline is to assist the employee to understand that a performance problem
or opportunity for improvement exists.
The process features increasingly formal efforts to provide feedback to the employee so
he or she can correct the problem. The goal of progressive discipline is to improve
employee performance.
Usually when an employee refuses to obey HSE rule NWR issue written disciplinary
action for 2 times and if he does the same we terminate permanently from our site.
All workers, including managers and supervisors, will have training and instruction on
general and job-specific safety and health practices as per WCT Berhad Qatar
Construction HSE plan. Training and instruction will be provided as follows:
▪ When the Safety Plan is first established;
▪ To all new workers;
Safety Plan – National Waterproofing & Restoration Page 11
▪ To all workers given new job assignments for which training has not previously
▪ Whenever new substances, processes, procedures or equipment are introduced
to the workplace and represent a new hazard;
▪ Whenever the employer is made aware of a new or previously unrecognized
▪ To supervisors to familiarize them with the safety and health hazards to which
workers under their immediate direction and control may be exposed; and
▪ To all workers with respect to hazards specific to each employee’s job assignment.
Workplace safety and health practices for all locations include, but are not limited to, the
▪ Explanation of the WCT Berhad Qatar Construction HSE plan, emergency action
plan and fire prevention plan, and measures for reporting any unsafe conditions,
work practices, injuries and when additional instruction is needed.
▪ Use of appropriate clothing, including gloves, footwear, and personal protective
▪ Information about chemical hazards to which employees could be exposed and
other hazard communication program information.
▪ Availability of toilet, hand-washing, and drinking water facilities.
▪ Provisions for medical services and first aid including emergency procedures.
WCT Berhad Qatar Construction HSE Department orients our workers about the following
checked subjects:
▪ Client safety requirements
▪ The employer’s code of safe practices.
▪ Confined spaces ( if applicable )
▪ Good housekeeping, fire prevention, safe practices for operating any construction
It is the policy of this organization that every employee is entitled to a safe and healthful
place to work.
When employees enter our employ, they have a right to know what hazardous
Safety Plan – National Waterproofing & Restoration Page 15
chemicals they work with or could be exposed to, and what they can do to avoid injury
or illness when working with these chemicals. WCT Berhad Qatar Construction HSE
Department provides information and training in order to reduce the possibility of
accidental exposure and to comply with the OSHA Hazard Communication Standard.
20.2 Purpose
• Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) are available for all hazardous materials
• All hazardous materials used in the workplace are labeled
Waterproo ing | Roo ing | Floor Coating | Concrete Crack Injection | Screed and Lightweight Concrete | Decorative Painting | Expansion Joint Covers
P.resentecl to
National Water Proofing
In grateful remgnitlon of
yqur dedication and effort In achieving this award