IMEC Company Profile - Man Power Supply Added
IMEC Company Profile - Man Power Supply Added
IMEC Company Profile - Man Power Supply Added
06. PSV Carr Tide Vessel Conversion for Well S mula on Nota on
OUR SIGNATURE Schlumberger
PROJECT Sea-fastening design analysis and drawing, deck extension, tank capacity plan and
tank ven ng system and drawing, hazardous area plans, updare fire control plans and
updated vessel stability.
Consultancy services of detail engineering and construc on supervisory in the
procurement of 4 (four) ASD Tug Boats and 2 (two) Mooring Boats to support
berthing of 125-170KT LNG Carriers in the Port of Benete, West Nusa Tenggara.The Daman Development Project
general scope of works are from ini al procurement through to vessel PT Gunanusa Utama Fabricators for Oil and Natural Gas Corpora on
handover/acceptance at shipyard. Limited (ONGC)
Load out engineering and PMT Services of C24-P4 Topside (1,146 MT) & Jacket (1,254
MT), C24-RP Topside (1,275 MT) & Jacket (1,083 MT), and C24-P3 Topside (1,269 MT)
Grounded VLCC MT Young and Yong on WNTS & TGI Pipelines & Jacket (1,187 MT).
Medco E&P Natuna Ltd
Study and engineering for unloading and salvage opera ons of the grounded VLCC
MT “Young and Yong” on WNTS and TGI Pipelines near Nipah, Tanjung Balai
Karimun, Batam.
10. Tangguh Terminal Procedure
BP Berau Ltd
Review and update Marine Terminal Opera ons Manual (MTOM), Pilot and Loading
Master and Marne Terminal Handbook for Tangguh LNG Terminal.
Marine Traffic and Port Infrastructure Study
Medco Power Indonesia (MPI)
Reviewing permit and licenses, examine and analyze exis ng infrastructure and Marine Vessels Capability Study for Abadi Field
marine port, examine and analyze exis ng opera on condi on, define of the Inpex Masela Ltd
exis ng and future opera onal criteria, environmental review and analysis,
op mizing je y design and safety zone parameter, calculate harbor support vessel Review interna onal and local regula on, review vessel availability in the Indonesia
demand, and analyze vessel opera on & seaplane take off/ landing pa ern. market place, prepare CAPEX and OPEX for the support vessel, develop an ini al
Statement of Technical requirements for the support vessel.
Installa on of Jacket are using launching and upending methods while Topside using
Float-over method at Gajah Baru Field, Natuna sea.
Marine Engineering Study for LNG Loading Arm Overhaul at LNG Je y
BP Tangguh Indonesia
Develop a marine engineering package to u lize some op ons of floa ng crane barge/
vessels for replacement of 1 unit LNG Loading Arm at client’s LNG Je y. The study
including mooring, li ing assessment & method, and marine procedure study.