Wagon Tippler Operations

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(For Internal Circulation Only)

Rev. No.: 0 June 2020


Common Standard Operating

Procedures for Wagon Tippler


NTPC Limited



Rev. No.: 0 Date: June 2020

Common Standard Operating

Procedures for Wagon Tippler

Approved for Implementation by Sh Ramesh Babu V, Director (Operations)

E Office Ref. No. EOC/OS/2020-21/COSTCOGN/181258

Date: 11/06/2020

Enquiries to: Head of Corp. Operation Services

Common Standard Operating Procedures for Wagon
Tippler Operations


Sl. No. Contents Page No

1.0 Introduction 1

2.0 Superseded Documents 1

3.0 Record of Revision 1

4.0 Main Document 1

Section A Hazard Identification & Risk Assessment & Control Measures 2

Section B Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) 8

I. SOP 8

II. Additional Protection & Interlocks 12

III. Resources for Facilitating WT Unloading Operations 15

Appendix-1: Protection & Interlock Checklist: Manual operated WT 18

Appendix-2: Protection & Interlock Checklist: Auto operated WT 20

5.0 Review 22
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COS-ISO-00-OGN/OPS/SYST/037 Rev. No.: 0
Common SOP for Wagon Tippler Operations

Common Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) for Wagon Tippler


Wagon Tippler is in use in many stations as coal unloading equipment. Operation of
wagon tippler involves multiple functions requiring both auto and manual intervention.
To ensure safe and reliable operations and to mitigate the risks involved in wagon tippler
operations it was deliberated at Operation Services, IPS 2020 & Heads of CHP Meet 2020
to have a Common Standard Operating Procedures for safe Wagon Tippler Operations
based on exhaustive hazard identification, risk assessment and their control measures. A
Committee comprising members from Stations & Operation Services was constituted for
preparing common SOP. After detail study, site visits, feedback from stations, CC FT & CC
FM, the committee recommendations have been approved and it is envisaged to circulate
the approved Common SOP as Operation Guidance Note.






The OGN consists of following two sections:

Section A: Hazard Identification, Risk Assessment & Control Measures (HIRAC)

Section B: Standard Operating Procedures for WT Operation Including Additional Protection

& Interlock & Resources for facilitating safe unloading operations through wagon tipplers.

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Common SOP for Wagon Tippler Operations

Section A
Wagon Tippler Unloading Operation
Hazard Identification, Risk Assessment & Control Measures

S Step/Job Hazards Identified Risk Risk Mitigation/ Control Measures

N Assessment
1 Placement a) Fouling of Loco/Wagon Refer Note-2 A. Incorporation of following interlocks for placement of
of Rake with Side Arm for Risk rake should be incorporated:
Charger/Wagon Tippler Assessment i) Table Down at 0 degree & rails aligned.
b) Derailment due to cradle ii) SAC Arm Up
misalignment. iii) Out Haul Clearance obtained (EPB not Pressed) to
c) Collision of Empty ensure departure of unloaded/empty rake.
standing wagon with iv) All Clamps Released & movable beam in position.
incoming loaded wagon. B. Provision of signal should be provided as per site
d) Hitting of a person by convenience i.e. if all above permissive from i-iv are
wagon/ run over in track clear then signal will be clear otherwise “red”.
during rake placement. C. Proper Safety Indication Boards should be placed
Indicating “DO NOT CROSS TRACKS” to avoid hitting
of personnel by rake.
2 Brake a) Roll Over of Wagon Refer Note-2 i) Wheel Gripper/choker should be healthy & kept in
Release b) Incomplete brake release. for Risk service at all times at stations where it is provided. For
c) Hit by wagon during Assessment other stations, the provision of wheel Gripper/choker
Manual Adjustment of should be incorporated. Additionally, properly
hose. contoured wedges/fix skid be placed from suitable
d) Fall of Person while at distance from tracks with the help of long operating
work handle.
ii) Illumination should be adequate (Preferably in the
range of 300-500 Lux) at brake release area.
iii) Provision of proper walkway on both sides along the
rail line by Concrete Paving/brick paving should be
ensured for leveling with rail track to avoid
slip/entanglement/fall of personnel. Regular
Housekeeping of the paved walkway should be done
to keep it clean and free from stone/ coal/boulder/
vegetation etc.
iv) Visual observation should be done to ensure whether
brake release is complete/not.
v) One person from MGR/Station FT should be deployed
for monitoring the brake release process and
ensuring safety.
vi) Brake release clearance (in written) should be given
by MGR/FT to the necessary concerned as per site
organization structure/CHP Control Room to avoid

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Common SOP for Wagon Tippler Operations

S Step/Job Hazards Identified Risk Risk Mitigation/ Control Measures

N Assessment
3 Side Arm a) Hitting of Unloading Refer Note-2 i) Incorporation of additional protection and
Charger personnel by SAC/Wagon for Risk interlocks linked with EPB and LED lamp glow to
Operation during following Assessment disable any SAC movement when personnel is
operations: operating any of the following activity-:
• Arm Up • Decoupling/ Coupling at inhaul/outhaul side.
• Arm Down • Sampling at wagon top.
• Forward Motion ii) If the additional protection and interlock stated
• Reverse Motion above and mentioned in detail in subsequent
• Coupling section of “Additional Protection & Interlock” is
• Decoupling under implementation at any station, then requisite
• Hose connection. operations should be done with the help of RED &
GREEN Flags/Signal Lights (During Night) till the
protection/interlocks are implemented completely.
iii) Provision of proper walkway on both sides along the
SAC rail line by Concrete Paving/brick paving should
be ensured for leveling with SAC rail track to avoid
slip/entanglement/fall of personnel.
iv) Any movement of SAC must be linked with flash
beacon and buzzer (similar to an ambulance) to alert
the personnel at work.
v) SAC Movement area must be suitably barricaded to
avoid uncontrolled movement of personnel.
Instead, ENTRY & EXIT in SAC movement area must
be fixed and suitable real time LAMP GLOW
indication provided at Entry & Exit to depict the
status of SAC movement.
vi) Under no circumstances the personnel should cross
the track/go inside the track/stand between the
wagons. Requisite Manpower Deployment on both
sides of track at in haul & out haul must be ensured.
vii) If manual intervention is required for
coupling/decoupling activity then it must be done
with help of operating handles/L Rods/improvised
mechanisms standing at suitable distance from
tracks. Personnel should not enter the tracks.
viii) After receipt of rake at exchange yard, all wagon
couplers should be checked. Pin Locking (If required)
to be done during coupling inspection at exchange
yard. Sufficient number of spare pins as per RDSO
Specifications to be kept available for replacing in
case of missing/fallen during tippling.

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Common SOP for Wagon Tippler Operations

S Step/Job Hazards Identified Risk Risk Mitigation/ Control Measures

N Assessment
b) Sudden opening of loose Refer Note-2 The personnel should stay at adequate distance away
Wagon door / Bulged for Risk from tracks.
wagon hitting the person. Assessment
c) SAC festoon trolley Weekly checking of Festoon Trolley/ it is recommended
fouling & entanglement to replace with Drag Chain/Energy Chain.
d) Decoupling of Wagon Refer Note-2 i) SAC Coupler inspection to be done before
from SAC before reaching for Risk placement of each rake and after tippling of each
the designated point i.e. Assessment rake.
at wagon tippler table ii) To ensure healthiness of SAC Coupler, weekly
(Referred as Position D in preventive maintenance shall be done.
SOP) iii) Provision of disabling the “SAC-Wagon decoupling
command” in SAC operator console to be kept
during/till placement of wagon over tippler table.
4 Tippling a) Slipping of Wagon Refer Note-2 Protection/Interlock for wagon clamping should be in
Operation for Risk place so that tippling starts only when requisite numbers
Assessment of clamps are operated.
b) Wagon Derailment Speed of wagon tippler reverse movement should be
c) Evacuation of coal over Provision of EPB should be provided to disable tippling
Excavator/Pay Loader when stone/boulder removal is in progress. Also, the
clearing coal from hopper hopper grill cleaning equipment must have beacon with
grill reverse horn to alert the personnel working nearby.
d) Over Travel of Wagon Position of Switches should be accurate and it’s
Tippler on both sides functioning to be ensured regularly.
e) Fall of wagon during “Before placement of rake”, Physical barriers with
tippling in case of Handling associated alarm/signal, should be installed to check
of Bulged Wagon where bulged wagon and its removal from loaded rake for
clamps do not hold the separate handling.
wagon properly.
f) Free Fall of Wagon Tippler i) Healthiness of gear coupling & Tightness of
during tippling operation. coupling bolts should be ensured.
ii) Healthiness & Cleanliness of Rack & Pinion to be
iii) Pressure in hydraulic circuit should be as per
Design/OEM guidelines.
iv) Online oil filtration unit with contamination meter
should be installed to maintain oil quality ( NAS
Value 7 or below) in order to prevent hydraulic
drive abnormalities.
v) Hydraulic Hose Burst protection should be
incorporated to prevent free fall of WT in case of
hydraulic hose failure while tippling.

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S Step/Job Hazards Identified Risk Risk Mitigation/ Control Measures

N Assessment
vi) Healthiness of drive pinion plummer block
holding/fixing/ foundation bolts and pivot stool
foundation to be ensured by regular inspection.
vii) Healthiness of brakes should be ensured. Weekly
Preventive Maintenance to be done.
viii) Proper operation & gripping of top clamp to be
g) Impact by fall of Door Lock should be checked during decoupling to avoid
loose/defective door/ coal wagon door opening during tippling operation. Also, no
spillage due to Wagon Door personnel should be allowed near tippler
opening during tippling table/pit/hopper during tippling.
h) Personnel being hit by No personnel should be allowed to stand in tippler
Wagon during placement table/track/pit.
over table.
5 Exit of a) Derailment of empty wagon Refer Note-2 Indication of proper Tippler table position should be
Empty for Risk ensured.
Wagon/ b) Impact/Hit by wagon to Assessment Provision of EPB should be provided at Out Haul Side to
Rake operating personnel disable movement of SAC when personnel are engaged
Formation in empty Rake Formation to avoid any push by SAC
c) Run over by wagon of person Provision of EPB should be provided with LED lamp
engaged in hose pipe indication in situ & control room to indicate the entry of
connection. personnel between the wagons so that any motion of
wagon/loco/SAC is disabled.
6 Associated a) Electrocution due to OHE Refer Note-2 Proper isolation of OHE cable & requisite PTW to be
Activities cable fouling with boom of for Risk taken before start of work by equipments whose boom
Excavator/Stone crushing or Assessment height is fouling with OHE. Preferably use of low height
removal equipment working boom equipment should be done.
above hopper grill.
b) Housekeeping Personnel Reverse Motion Buzzer of the stone removal/crushing
being hit by stone/boulder equipment should be healthy.
removal vehicle/hopper
cleaning equipment.
c) Impact by falling coal due to Provision of EPB should be ensured and it must be
Wagon Tippling during operated before any equipment/personnel are entering
hopper cleaning/pit area hopper/pit area for cleaning/boulder removal. This
cleaning. protection shall disable tippling operation till the EPB is
d) Fall of housekeeping Hopper grills should be intact and in healthy condition.
personnel in pit area/hopper Pit area should be suitably barricaded.
grill during cleaning.

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Common SOP for Wagon Tippler Operations

S Step/Job Hazards Identified Risk Risk Mitigation/ Control Measures

N Assessment
e) Unloading personnel/Vehicle i. Overhead Cross Over shall be provided with
being hit by loco/wagon exit/landing between each track in stations where
during rail crossing. multiple wagon tipplers are there.
ii. There should be no level crossing in the yard. If
Present, then it should be closed with gates (lifting
barriers). When barrier is lifted, train driver should
see stop signal and movement should not be done.
Unmanned level crossings should be provided with
gates and signals as per standard railway/MGR
safety system.
f) Fall/Slip/Entanglement/Run Illumination should be adequate in the entire wagon
Over of personnel due to tippler complex & tracks. Additionally, personnel should
poor visibility/illumination. be provided with Fluorescent/Reflective Jackets &
Helmets fitted with torch/flash light for enhanced
visibility especially during evening/night/early morning.

* Note 1- Monthly Checking of proper functioning of all protection and interlocks should be done.
Sample Protection & Interlock checklist is attached in appendix 1 & 2 for reference of stations.
* Note 2- Risk Assessment (Comprising of Probability and Severity of Hazard) should be decided
by individual station depending on site conditions.
* Note 3- Based on Risk Assessment at individual station as above, regular monitoring of
necessary compliance/precautionary measures should be done.
* Note 4- Adequate Training should be imparted to personnel associated with Wagon Tippler
Unloading Activities and it should be ensured that they are deployed to work independently only
after working with experienced personnel for a certain period of time. Actual Site Videos &
photographs of respective stations with markings and highlights should be used for preparation
of audio visual training material of operation work instructions and sequence of operations of
wagon tippler for new personnel. This may be used for refresher training of experienced
personnel also.
* Note 5- Daily safety pep talks/ Tool Box Talk should be conducted to make the unloading
personnel aware about the hazards associated and the risk mitigation measures for safe
operation of wagon tipplers.
* Note 6- Complete walk down check should be done after completion of each rake unloading,
to check the healthiness of all system components and if any abnormality is observed/detected
it should be informed to the concerned person immediately.
* Note 7- Ensure the availability of First Aid Kit at Wagon Tippler Complex/Control Room.

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Common SOP for Wagon Tippler Operations

*Note 8- Personnel deployed in wagon tippler unloading operation should not enter the tracks.
However, under work exigencies/exceptional circumstances, if any person is required to enter
the track it must be ensured that all necessary precautions enlisted in HIRAC & SOP is taken, all
motive power i.e. Loco & SAC is disengaged/SAC is electrically isolated, communication is made
to all concern and recorded in register/PTW is taken.

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Common SOP for Wagon Tippler Operations




Fig 1.0 Side Arm Charger(SAC) Reference Positions used in SOP

(Respective stations may have different nomenclatures for above positions.)

Positions as referred for this SOP are as illustrated below:

A’: SAC Return End Limit Switch Position
A: Position at which SAC Couples with Loaded Wagon
B: Position at which SAC arm goes down while reverse motion.
C: When SAC reaches this position loaded wagon is uncoupled from Rake
D: Loaded Wagon Uncouples from SAC at this position
E: SAC Normal Limit Switch Position, at this position SAC arm goes up for reverse motion
E’: SAC Forward End Limit Switch Position

I. Standard Operating Practices for Wagon Tippler Operation

S No Step Sub Step Responsibility
1 Rake Placement & Brake Release
1.1 Rake arrival information to CHP Control Room Refer Note 1 of Section B.
1.2 If any empty (unloaded) rake is on outhaul side,
then its removal from outhaul side should be
ensured before allotment of wagon tippler to
unload the loaded rake.
1.3 Allotment of wagon Tippler and clearance for
placement of rake in allotted tippler to SCE-
MGR/TH Control Room.(not applicable to stations
having single wagon tippler)
1.4 Placement of rake on allotted wagon tippler. Loco
Driver and ground staff to be in constant and clear
communication for placement.

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Common SOP for Wagon Tippler Operations

S No Step Sub Step Responsibility

1.5 Brake release activity shall be carried out and
wherever provision exists for checking pressure it
should be done to ensure that brake release
activity is complete. Consequently the
communication for brake release activity
completion shall be given to CHP Control
Room/MGR Control Room.
2 Pre Tippling Checks (May be done in Parallel to Rake Placement & Brake Release Activity)
2.1 Ensure usage of relevant PPE by all personnel
involved in unloading operation through wagon
2.2 Ensure deployment of adequate and requisite
manpower at designated points. Deployment shall
be such that there should be no need of Track
crossing during any operation, i.e. deployment
should be done on both sides of tracks.
2.3 Check that no work is in progress in apron
Feeder/Vibro Feeder, evacuation conveyor (Belt
Conveyor subsequent to WT ).
2.4 Ensure that PA/Walkie Talkie are in working
2.5 Walk Down checks should be conducted for
wagon tippler and SAC area and ensure all areas
are clear of physical obstructions.
2.6 Check for any loose/hanging items/oil leakages as
the case may be depending on electro mechanical
drive/hydraulic drive wagon tippler.
2.7 During night/rainy season/ winter season , ensure
that illumination is adequate and visibility is clear
for operation and reading of signals.
2.8 Check the working/healthiness of
DCS/PLC/Operator work station/console in wagon
tippler control room
2.9 Ensure the availability of clear camera views from
all requisite locations at wagon tippler control
room. Cameras may cover the entire activities of
SAC attachment, loco detachment, wagon tippling
operation, coupling of empty wagons, loco
attachment and movement to dispatch yard.
2.10 Ensure the availability of Dust Suppression
3 Tippling Operation
3A Common operations for Stations with Manual Operation/Auto mode

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S No Step Sub Step Responsibility

3A.1 Brake release confirmation (in written) to be
obtained from CHP Control Room/MGR as per site
organization responsibility.
3A.2 Healthiness checking of equipment.
3A.3 All feedbacks should be checked from
PLC/OWS/Control Panel in WT control room.
3A.4 Ensure that all local Push Buttons are released
3A.5 Communication to CHP control room informing
healthiness of the entire wagon tippler and
subsequent conveyor system
3A.6 Upon Receipt of communication from wagon
tippler control room regarding healthiness of
system, CHP Control room should start the
requisite downstream conveyors for
bunkering/stacking as applicable.
3A.7 Based on feedback of start of subsequent
conveyors, command to apron feeders/vibro
feeders should be given.
3A.8 Announcement in PA system/Buzzer should be
given for side arm charger movement and
subsequent placement of wagon on table.
3B Operation for Manual Mode(Remote) Enabled SAC & WT
3B.1 If required, wagon coupling has to be adjusted
manually with the help of requisite operating
Handle/ L rod by standing outside the track to
couple the first wagon with SAC.
3B.2 Move the SAC up to Position “A” for coupling with
wagon after getting clearance from local
3B.3 If the EPB is not operated by In Haul side Personnel
and Wagon Top Coal Sampling personnel, then
movement command to SAC can be given to move
the loaded wagon upto position “C”
3B.4 At position “C” the loaded wagon is uncoupled
from rest of the loaded rake. The decoupling
operation shall be done by personnel standing
outside the tracks and deployment should be on
both sides of track so that in case of any
malfunctioning, the personnel need not cross the
tracks. Consequently, if no other EPB is operated
then side arm charger is allowed to move further
up to position “D” i.e. position at tippler table.

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S No Step Sub Step Responsibility

3B.5 If everything is in order then at position “D” the
SAC should decouple from loaded wagon and
move to position “E”.
3B.6 If the SAC is not decoupled as mentioned in step
3B.5 and position of loaded wagon is not adequate
at tippler table, then by bringing the SAC in local
operation, place the loaded wagon at position “D”.
After proper positioning, the SAC should be
decoupled from loaded wagon and move the SAC
to position “E” locally. It should be noted that
reversing operation of loaded wagon should be
done very slowly in incremental mode.
Once, SAC comes to position “E”, SAC should be
brought back to remote operation .
3B.7 Raise the SAC arm from remote operation.
3B.8 Start clamping operation and tippling operation
when feedback from position sensing devices in
tippler table are in order. Before start of this
operation, buzzer/siren should sound.
3B.9 For stopping the clamping motor and completion
of tippling operation and start of reverse
operation of SAC{from position “E” to “B”} and
release of clamps while returning of tippler table
to initial position, the guidelines mentioned by
OEM to be followed by respective sites.
3B.10 Once the unloading is completed for first wagon
and SAC has reached at Position “B” as per step
3B.9 & its arm is down for coupling with
next(Second) loaded wagon then SAC couples with
second wagon. Upon Reaching position “C” the
second wagon is decoupled from rest of rake by
following same step as 3B.4. When second wagon
is positioned at tippler table (Position “D”) by SAC,
it simultaneously pushes the first wagon (As
Already Unloaded in Step 3B.9) towards the
outhaul side.
3B.11 Once the second wagon is unloaded and pushed
by SAC towards outhaul side it automatically
couples with first unloaded wagon placed on
outhaul side. If the coupling is not done
automatically, then manual adjustment should be
done after pressing EPB on Outhaul Side, with the
help of Operating handle/L rods by standing
outside the tracks only. Proper deployment of

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Common SOP for Wagon Tippler Operations

S No Step Sub Step Responsibility

personnel on both sides of tracks. Refer to Point Sl
No 3 of the section “Additional Protection &
Interlock” of this SOP for more details.
3B.12 Continue the operation from 3B.1 to 3B.11
3B.13 For last unloaded wagon of the rake, if there is no
subsequent loaded rake placed, then SAC should
be in manual mode to push at outhaul side,
otherwise, continue 3B.1-3B.11.
3C Operation for Auto Mode Enabled SAC & WT
3C.1 Steps as mentioned in Sl No 3B.1 to 3B.11 are
programmed for auto mode operation. However,
additional protection and interlock (if not
provided in original scheme) as mentioned in Sl no
1-8 of Section “Additional Protection & Interlocks”
of this SOP should be incorporated in AUTO mode
programming for safe AUTO mode operation.
4 Rake Formation In addition to the steps mentioned in Sl No 3B.11,
there should be proper communication with loco
driver for movement of loco with coupled wagons.
Operator/supervisor shall be deployed at WT
outhaul and he shall ensure safe position of
personnel forming empty rake before release of
outhaul side EPB.
It should also be preferred to allocate new loaded
rake when rake formation of unloaded rake is
complete and unloaded rake is departed from
wagon tippler complex.

II. Additional Protection & Interlocks

Apart from the protection and interlocks originally provided by the OEM/OES in Wagon
Tippler unloading operating system, the following additional protections and interlocks
should be incorporated based on coal sampling and wagon tippler unloading practices
followed at different stations:
1. Coal Sampling EPB with LED Glow Lamp for Indication
With the practice of third party wagon top sampling at all stations, it is observed that
there is a need of fool proof communication mechanism between wagon top sample
collecting personnel and unloading staff and wagon tippler control room.
In view of this, a provision of Emergency Push Button with suitable LED Indication should
be provided at sampling platforms and it should be operated by Sample collection

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Common SOP for Wagon Tippler Operations

Before entering in wagon top for collecting sample, the sample collecting personnel
should press EPB and this shall disable any command from WT Control Room to operate
Once the sample collection process is completed and sample collecting personnel have
come back to sampling platform, then EPB should be released and suitable indication
should glow stating that now command can be given to SAC for movement of wagons.
Providing lamps will enhance the communication during rainy/night/foggy conditions.
2. In Haul EPB with Glow Lamp for Indication
Even in stations where auto decoupling/coupling provision is there at SAC, there are
instances where manual intervention is required for adjusting the couplings of SAC &
Wagons. Also, sometimes the decoupling personnel deployed on both sides of tracks, at
Inhaul side, has to manually adjust the wagon to wagon coupling through Operating
Handles/ L Rods from suitable distance of tracks. During this activity it has to be ensured
that SAC does not move the wagon. Hence, an EPB should be provided with Lamp for
effective communication between WT Control Room/SAC operator and other unloading
When the personnel is adjusting the SAC-Wagon/Wagon-Wagon coupling, he has to
push the EPB and suitable indication will glow depicting that personnel is at work and all
commands for SAC movement shall be disabled.
Once the personnel have completed the adjustment/decoupling/coupling operation,
EPB shall be released and suitable indication shall glow to indicate that command can
be given.
3. Out Haul EPB with Glow Lamp for Indication
At out haul side also, there are instances where manual intervention is required for
adjusting the wagon to wagon couplings. In such cases the personnel at Out haul side
has to manually adjust the couplings through operating handles/ L Rods at a suitable
distance from tacks. During this activity it has to be ensured that SAC does not move the
wagon. Hence, an EPB should be provided with Lamp for effective communication
between WT Control Room/SAC operator and other unloading staff.
When the personnel is adjusting the Wagon-Wagon coupling, he has to push the EPB
and suitable indication will glow depicting that personnel is at work and all commands
for SAC movement shall be disabled.
Once the personnel have completed the adjustment/coupling operation, EPB shall be
released and suitable indication shall glow to indicate that command can be given.

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Common SOP for Wagon Tippler Operations

4. Wagon Tippler Hopper Grill Cleaning EPB with Lamp Glow.

Excavators/Steer Loaders/Pay Loaders are deployed for removal of stone/boulders from
above the wagon tippler hopper grills. At most of the stations the view from wagon
tippler control room to wagon tippler hopper is hindered physically. To disable the
tippling operation when hopper grill cleaning in progress, it is envisaged to keep a
provision of EPB at entry point of the hopper grill.
Whenever the Excavators/Steer Loaders/Pay Loaders/hopper cleaning
equipment/Housekeeping Personnel is entering the hopper grill, EPB shall be pressed
and suitable indication should glow indicating that work by equipment is in progress and
tippling operation should be disabled.
Once the EPB is released and suitable indication light glows, the command for tippling
operation is enabled.
Preferably the glow of lamp should be visible at wagon tippler control room.
5. Photocell Based Wagon over rail table Position Detection System
Photocell based sensors should be installed at in haul side and out haul side to detect
the complete positioning of wagon over table top (before unloading) and release of
wagon from table top (after unloading). If the wagon position is not adequate then the
feedback of photo cell should not allow the command for tippling operation to avoid
wagon derailment.
6. Hard Wire EPB provision in case of PLC/DCS failure
A provision for hard wire EPB shall be given at Wagon Tippler Control Room to meet
exigencies in case of PLC/DCS failure/malfunctioning. This EPB shall trip the complete
system and disable any further command to any equipment of the system till
7. Side Arm Charger EPB
In manually operated SAC, one personnel is always deputed who can operate the said
EPB in case of emergency for tripping of complete system including SAC Movement.
In SAC which are working in AUTO mode, provision of EPB should also be there.
8. Hydraulic Power Pack EPB
In stations where wagon tipplers & auxiliaries are hydraulically powered, the hydraulic
power pack is generally placed at some distance from rail table/wagon tippler unloading
area due to space restrictions. In case any defect/problem is observed in power pack
during walk down when unloading is in progress, then system working may not be
proper and communication to stop the unloading operation to wagon tippler control
room may take some time. Hence provision of EPB near Hydraulic power pack should be

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Common SOP for Wagon Tippler Operations

given for complete tripping of system in case of any malfunction is observed in power

III. Resources for facilitating Wagon Tippler Unloading Operation: Infrastructure, Additional
Auxiliary Systems, PPE, Hand Tools & Equipments and Communication Devices.
1. Excavator/Steer Loader/Pay Loader for stone/boulder removal from grills. All mobile
equipments deployed should be fitted with reverse horn. They should be preferably of
low boom/height to avoid fouling with OHE cables
2. Illumination should be adequate at Wagon Tippler area. Accordingly provision of high
lighting masts/poles/focus lamps etc as applicable should be ensured.
3. Proper sit outs/rest room at safe locations should be provided for personnel involved
in unloading operations.
4. Operating Handles/L Rods of suitable lengths should be ensured so that the deployed
manpower does not need to go inside tracks for coupling/decoupling activity.
5. Wheel Gripper at “inhaul side”{apart from the wheel gripper on tippler platform} to
hold complete loaded rake in position at in haul side and avoid roll back/roll on of
loaded wagon due to gradient, and back stop on outhaul side to prevent the roll back
of empty rake, should be provided as deemed fit/necessary by stations based on
a. Provisions in their wagon tippler make/model and
b. Space
For ensuring the healthiness of installed wheel gripper/choker weekly preventive
maintenance shall be done.
However, by the time, the above system is implemented, mechanical automated
wedges, properly contoured fix skids/wooden wedges/other suitable durable material
should be provided in stations where there is an issue of gradient. It should be ensured
that these wedges are placed with the help of operating handles from adequate
distance of rail tracks.
6. Stone Breakers/Hammers/Shovels/Ropes should be made available for hopper grill
7. Communication Devices: Preferably walkie-talkie sets should be ensured for proper
and simultaneous communication.
8. CCTV Cameras: In many stations, the view of unloading activities from WT control room
is not clear. These blind spots may pose a safety hazard. Hence CCTV cameras should
be installed at critical locations to provide real time view of men & material movement

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Common SOP for Wagon Tippler Operations

& unloading activities. Preferably, each loco should be fitted with a camera and fed to
control room via wireless communication.
9. LVS screen/LED Monitor: In wagon tippler control room, there should be
Screen/Monitors providing simultaneous CCTV views of the following locations-:
a. In Haul Side Wagon Decoupling Position
b. In Haul Side SAC Coupling Position
c. Wagon Tippler Hopper
d. Wagon Tippler Table
e. Out Haul Side Wagon Coupling Position
f. Apron Feeder
g. Subsequent conveyor to apron feeder.
Size of LVS Screen/LED Monitor may be decided based on space availability at Wagon
Tippler Control Room.
10. Personal Protective Equipments (PPE): Apart from other general PPE like Safety
Helmet, Nose mask, Safety Shoe etc it should be ensured that Reflective Jackets and
helmets fitted with flash lights are used by wagon tippler unloading & coal sample
collection personnel for improved visibility during night/foggy/rainy conditions.
11. Flags: “Red” & “Green” color flags should be made available for better and clear
communication during day time for unloading through wagon tipplers.
12. Signal Torches/LED Batons (Hand Held): For improved visibility during
night/foggy/rainy conditions signal torches/LED Batons may be used.
13. Online Oil Filtration Unit fitted with contamination meter should be provided for
hydraulic system to ensure smooth and proper functioning of associated systems for
safe operations.
14. Adequate and Requisite manpower: for Wagon Tippler Control Room,
Coupling/decoupling operation, hose connection, brake release operation,
stone/boulder removal operation etc should be ensured as per site/station
requirements. The deployment should be such that, no personnel should be required
to cross the tracks while wagon tippler unloading operation is in progress.
15. Incorporation of new technology like(but not limited to) laser curtain/safety mat/anti
collision sensors, auto audible warning system, inclination sensors etc may be
implemented for enhancing safety.

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Common SOP for Wagon Tippler Operations

* Note 1: Based on Organizational Structure and site specific manpower conditions

responsibility for each step mentioned above in S.O.P. may be fixed by Head of O&M/ FM
of respective station.
* Note 2: Responsibility for ensuring the availability of above mentioned resources in
Section B Part III as above may be fixed by Head of O&M/ FM as per organizational structure
and work allocation responsibility of respective station.
* Note-3: This OGN is for guidance only. Stations should prepare station specific SOP/LMI
based on this OGN. Majority of NTPC stations are having Wagon Tippler of RDSO Design.
Hence this HIRAC & S.O.P. is primarily focused on WT with RDSO Design. However, few old
NTPC Stations, where pre RDSO/old design WTs are available, should prepare LMI/SOP
specific/suitable to their WT and adopt/customize this HIRAC & SOP to the maximum
extent possible.

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Common SOP for Wagon Tippler Operations




Position A’
Position A
1 SAC-LIMITS Position B
Position C
Position D
Position E
Position E’
Float Level Very Low
High Temperature trip (set pt- )
Temperature- Fans interlocks (set pt- )
2 Side Arm Charger
Outlet-Charge p/p Pressure low (set pt-
& td- )
Working Pressure High (set pt )
Brake pressure Switch (set pt )
Hyd Main pumps inlet valve LS trip
SAC Beacon (Light & Sound)
3 SAC- arm proxies Vertical proxy
Horizontal proxy
4 SAC Coupler proxies Engage
5 Top Clamp Applied PS PS-1,2,3
6 Top Clamp Release LS LS-1,2,3
7 Top Clamp Release PS PS-1,2,3,
Float Level Very Low
Temperature- Fans interlocks (set pt- )
High Temperature trip (set pt- )
Outlet-Charge p/p Pressure low (set pt-
8 Wagon Tippler & td- )
Brake pressure Switch
Hyd Main pumps inlet valve LS -trip
Hyd clamp pumps inlet valve LS -trip

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Common SOP for Wagon Tippler Operations


Working Pressure High ( set pt - )
Coal Sampling EPB
Control Desk EPB
Inhaul System EPB
9 Safety Push button
SAC Inhaul EPB
SAC Outhaul EPB
Hopper cleaning EPB
System Stop EPB on SAC
Hard wired Desk Push Button
TLT 3 deg
TLT 70 deg
TLT 140 deg
TLT 150 deg
10 Position Feedback OTLS ( 0 DEG)
RLT 80 deg
RLT 03 deg
RLT 00 deg
11 Down Conveyor DC inerlock for AF
Interlock/permissive BF interlock for AF
12 Main Hooter
13 Control Desk Lamps
15 Important Note All Forced Signal Are Normalized, EPB Normalized, Alarms And Events Checked Found Ok.

Name & sign


Name & sign

Electrical Maint/C&I Maint

Name & sign

This checklist is for illustration only. Stations can prepare station specific protection checklist.

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Common SOP for Wagon Tippler Operations




Position A’
Position A
1 SAC-LIMITS Position B
Position C
Position D
Position E
Position E’
Float Level Very Low
High Temperature trip (set pt- )
Temperature- Fans interlocks (set pt- )
2 Side Arm Charger PLF-
Outlet-Charge p/p Pressure low (set pt-
& td- )
Working Pressure High (set pt )
Brake pressure Switch (set pt )
Hyd Main pumps inlet valve LS trip
SAC Beacon (Light & Sound)
3 SAC- arm proxies Vertical proxy
Horizontal proxy
4 SAC Coupler proxies Engage
5 Top Clamp Applied PS PS-1,2,3
6 Top Clamp Release LS LS-1,2,3
7 Top Clamp Release PS PS-1,2,3,
Float Level Very Low
Temperature- Fans interlocks (set pt- )
High Temperature trip (set pt- )
Outlet-Charge p/p Pressure low (set pt-
8 Wagon Tippler & td- )
Brake pressure Switch
Hyd Main pumps inlet valve LS -trip
Hyd clamp pumps inlet valve LS -trip
Working Pressure High ( set pt - )

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Common SOP for Wagon Tippler Operations


Coal Sampling EPB
Control Desk EPB
Inhaul System EPB
9 Safety Push button SAC Inhaul EPB
SAC Outhaul EPB
Hopper cleaning EPB
System Stop EPB on SAC
Hard wired Desk Push Button
TLT 3 deg
TLT 70 deg
TLT 140 deg
TLT 150 deg
10 Position Feedback OTLS ( 0 DEG)
RLT 80 deg
RLT 03 deg
RLT 00 deg
11 Down Conveyor DC inerlock for AF
Interlock/permissive BF interlock for AF
12 Main Hooter
13 Control Desk Lamps

Name & sign


Name & sign

Electrical Maint/C&I Maint

Name & sign

This checklist is for illustration only. Stations can prepare station specific protection checklist.

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COS-ISO-00-OGN/OPS/SYST/037 Rev. No.: 0
Common SOP for Wagon Tippler Operations

The Executive Director, Operation Services, will be responsible for reviewing this
Guidance Note on a three yearly basis or as necessary.

NTPC Limited

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