Mind Map - Articles

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She was taken to hospital.

(as a patient)
"THE" or ZERO with places
She went to the hospital. ( to visit someone)

The sweater that belongs to Taylor A noun used AFTER A GENITIVE

= Taylor's sweater is accompanied by ZERO article

The sweater that belongs to Taylor

= Taylor's sweater The genitive noun itself may have an article

Driving the car, I saw the skeleton of a body. The ... of + a

Noun modifiers: The article of the SPECIAL USES

English classes = classes at which English is taught first noun is dropped

That is not the Adam I know.

A/An or The with proper nouns
She passed away on a peaceful Wednesday afternoon.
A determiner
She is an archeologist
Jobs and Positions
Her Royal Highness had dinner with President Trump - Students like having free time.
A word used with a Noun, refers to (in general)
I think I've contracted a flu.
BASICS something definite/indeffinite
Illnesses - The students like having free time.
She may have gotten the monkeypox. (in specific)

Definite article "The"

Plural nouns with zero article Two articles
E.g. Penguins can't fly. Indefinite article "A/An, Zero"
- "An: = a variation of " The"
Singular nouns with A/An
E.g. A bearded vulture eats bone and marrow. REFERRING TO A GROUP
Used with singular countable nouns only
Singular nouns with "The" E.g. A car, an apple
E.g. The pianist performed a lovely ballad.

Parts of the body -> The

INDEFINITE ARTICLE Used to discuss something we assumed the listener/

I looked at him straight in the ey e. (body part in general) CLASSIFYING reader

doesn't know which specific thing.

When the noun is related to the OBJECT of the sentence

A/An E.g. A school was built.
He slap his wife on the face. or SUBJECT in passive -> "The"
With singular countable nouns

He broke his legs play ing football.

About instrum ents generally

When the noun is related to the SUBJECT of the sentence
Unknown persons/things
E.g. He has a son.

What somebody/something is
E.g. T he v iolin is one of the m ost hardest instrum ents to play .
E.g. She is Mary's niece.
Musical instruments
About bands, orchestras, ...
E.g. I used to sing in the choir at m y local church. Anyone/Anything
E.g. A dog is man's best friend.
It would be arduous to liv e without sm artphones and wifi Scientific inventions

Uncountable nouns
Singular countable nouns E.g. Salmon is expensive.
E.g. The car I drove yesterday is green. Used with
Plural countable nouns
Plural countable nouns E.g. Cars are made of various meticulous details.
E.g. The cars he lent me yesterday are expensive. Used with
Used to talk about things generally,
Uncountable nouns not an individual item or example.
E.g. The speech he gave was extraordinary. ZERO ARTICLE E.g. Money brings happiness.

Used to talk about a specific example

of something which (we think) is known to both Uncountable/Plural countable nouns with a general sense
The students were punished due to unacceptable behaviors. ourselves and the listener/reader ( to refer to general ideas and categories)
E.g. Car accidents are the major cause of deaths every year.
With singular/plural countable nouns, NOUNS WITH ZERO
uncountable nouns Abstract uncountable nouns
DEFINITE ARTICLE E.g. Rain helps moisturize the soil.
Known persons/things
E.g. Mary has two daughters. The eldest one is 18 years old.
E.g. The Moon orbits the Earth.

T he + noun referring to anim als/plants

E.g. T he rhinos are endangered.

T he + adjectiv e
E.g. T he poor

T he + nationality
E.g. T he United States General sense

T he + scientific inv ention

E.g. T he COVID-19 v accine
T he + m usical instrum ent
E.g. T he v iolin/piano...

Som ething wwhich is considered only one in ex istence

E.g. T he sun/Moon

"The" + nouns that are always singular

Superlativ es
E.g. She's the best teacher in town.

T he unem ploy ed are protesting for m ore job opportunities.

"The+ adjective/verb
T he injured were taken to hospital. -> Personal noun

T he accused is a student whose two conv ictions for robbery .

Out with the old, bring in the new.

T his is the ultim ate in the chocolate cake. "The" + acjective

-> Abstract noun (always singular)
T he unknown is often v ery frightening.

For the greater good, out of the ordinary , to the fullest...

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