CourseDesc 119766 15010102 Calc2

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Palestine Technical University -Kadoorie ‫جامعة فلسطين التقنية – خضوري‬

Quality Department ‫دائرة الجودة والنوعية‬

Tulkarm-P.O. Box: 7 7 ‫ب‬.‫ ص‬-‫طولكرم‬
Tel: 09/2761026 – 09/l2677923 09/2671026 -09/2677923 :‫هاتف‬
Fax: 09/2677922 09/2677922 :‫فاكس‬
Email: [email protected] [email protected] :‫بريد إلكتروني‬

Course Specification Template

1. General information about Instructor:

Name Taqwa Al_Khader Class Time & Office Hours

Phone Internal 1647 Day SUN MON TUE WED THU
Mobile 0599226127 Class 10-11 10-11 10-11
Time 11-12 11-12 11-12
Instructor' [email protected] Class E107 E107 E107
s E-mail Room E227 E227 E227
Office 9-10 8- 9-10 8- 9-10
Hours 9:30 9:30

2. General information about the Course

No Requirements
1 Course Title Calculus 2
2 Course code & Number 15010102
3 Credit hours Theo. (CH): 3 Practical (CH):
4 Faculty Science and Arts
5 Department / Division that Applied Mathematics
offers the course:
6 Course type Compulsory Elective
Uni. Fac. Dep. Uni. Fac. Dep.

7 Level and Semester The second semester 2016-2017

8 Prerequisite(s) – If any Calculus 1
9 Co-requisite(s) – if any
10 Program/programs for it/them Mathematics,Physics,Chemistry,Engineering and
the course is offered computer science.
11 Instruction Medium: English Arabic
3. Course description:

Application of definite integral (volume by slicing and solid of revolution,

length of plane curves).
Transcendental functions ( inverse functions, natural logarithmic
functions, exponential functions, logarithmic functions, inverse
trigonometric functions and hyperbolic functions)
Techniques of integrations ( by parts, partial fractions, trigonometric
Infinite sequences and series.

4. General Course Objectives

On successful completion of this course the student will be able to achieve the following
1.Find the volume of solids of revolution and the length of plane curves.
2.Know the transcendental functions( inverse functions, natural logarithmic functions,
exponential functions, logarithmic functions, inverse trigonometric functions and
hyperbolic functions)and their derivatives, and to find integrals using them.
3.Use techniques of integrations to evaluate integrals.
4.Know improper integrals and test for convergence.
5.Know infinite sequences and series and use different tests for convergence.

5. Intended Learning Outcomes/ILO’s (please specify the learning outcomes

of the course as outlined below):
A) Knowledge and understanding
Know transcendental functions, improper integral and infinite sequences and series.
B) Intellectual/Cognitive skills
Find the volume of solids of revolution and the length of plane curves.
C) Subject specialization and practical skills
Use techniques of integrations to evaluate integrals and test for convergence.
D) General and transferable skills
Use techniques of integrations to evaluate integrals.
6. Topics covered and Calendar:
A. Theoretical parts (Please state the titles of the subjects you intend to cover each
Number Topics Number of hours
1. Ch 6:Application of definite integral(1,2,3) 6
2. Ch 7: Transcendental functions(1,2,3,4,7,8) 12
3. Ch 8: Techniques of integrations(1,2,3,4,5,8) 12
4. Ch 11: Infinite sequences and series(1-8) 15

7. Student assessment methods based on ILO,s

No Assessment Week Mark Percentage to
method overall mark
1. First Exam 30 30%
2. Second Exam 30 30%
3. Mid-term Exam (if any)
4. Coursework
5. Final Exam 40 40%

8. References and other resources

A. Recommended Textbook(s): two maximum
1. Thomas Finney: Calculus and Analytic Geometry, 11th edition.
B. Other references
1. Any book about Calculus and Analytic Geometry
C. Electronic resources, Websites related to the course

Name & signature of Head of department/ program leader

Name: …………………………… signature: …………………………Date:


Name & signature of Quality rep. in your faculty

Name: …………………………… signature: …………………………Date:

Course Tutor’s name and signature

Name: Taqwa Mutasem Al_Khader… signature: …………Date: 1-2-2017…….

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