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Name of Learner: ________________________________________________________________

Section: ___________________________ Date: ________________


The Parts & Functions of Microsoft Word


1. identify the pats and functions of Microsoft Word


1. Office Button - Click the Office Blueprint. Also shows previously opened files, which you may choose
to “pin” them to make them “permanent” choices
2. Ribbon - The Ribbon is the strip of button. Ribbon replaces the menus and toolbars found in earlier
versions of Word. Each ribbon contains groups of command button
3. Tab Selector Button - You can easily set tab stops by clicking on the desired position on the ruler.
This but you to determine which type of tab will be set left aligned, right aligned, center aligned or
decimal tab. Clicking on this button
4. Rulers - Gives you an idea of where you are on the page
5. Document - This is what you are typing/what will print out.
6. Status Bar - This row can be customized by right-clicking and selecting desired options. Desired
options may include page number/number of total page, word count, insert/overtype mode, caps lock, and
7. Task Bar - Shows open programs. zoom slide.
8. View Shortcuts - These four button left to right they are: print layout, full screen reading, web layout
and draft. These can be added/removed by right clicking anywhere on the status bar and
checking/unchecking View shortcuts.
9. Zoom Slide - Allows you to increase/decrease the amount of the document you see on the screen.
10 View Ruler Button - Allows you to view/hide the rulers.
11. Screen Split Button - At the top of the vertical scroll bar is a new bubuDouble-clicking it a second
time will unsplit your screen.
12. Scroll Bars - Allows you to view entire workbook by moving it up, down (vertical scroll bar), left or
right (horizontal scroll bar).
13. Right Indent - Slide this triangle to the left of the margin to limit the right side of a paragraph to that
point. Move the triangle to the right of the margin to allow the right side of the paragraph to extend
beyond the margin. The triangle at the margin will keep the right side of the paragraph with
the margin.
14. Group - Command button several groups. Some groups, but not all, contain a quick launch bar
(dialogue box launcher) in the box.
15. Quick Launch Bar/Dialogue Box Launcher - It is the arrow in the box a dialog box where
additional options/changes can be entered.
16. Title Bar - Shows name of program and open document. Also contains minimize, maximize and close
17. Quick Access Toolbar - This customizable toolbar allows you to add frequently used commands.
Click on the down arrow at the end of the toolbar to add/remove command button.
18. Tab - The ribbon is broken down into 7 tabs. Each tab has a common purpose and consists of
several groups. To select a tab, simply click on it and the appropriate groups will be displayed.
19. First Line Indent - This triangle controls where the first line of a paragraph begins. Moved to the left
of the margin, will allow the first paragraph to be in the left margin. Can be moved to the right of the
margin to indent your paragraph.
20. Hanging Indent - The opposite of a first line indent. It is often moved to the right of the first line
indent, which allows the remaining lines of a paragraph to be indented according to placement of the

Matching Type:
Direction: Match Column A to Column B. Write the letter of the correct answer on the blank provided.

____1. Zoom Slide a. The opposite of a first line indent
____2.Right Indent b. Shows name of program and open document
____3. Rulers c. Command button several groups. Some groups, but not all,
contain a quick launch bar (dialogue box launcher) in the
____4. Hanging Indent d. Slide this triangle to the left of the margin to limit the right
side of a paragraph to that point.
____5.Document e. Allows you to increase/decrease the amount of the
document you see on the screen.
____6. Group f. This row can be customized by right-clicking and selecting
desired options.
____7.Tab Selector Button g. You can easily set tab stops by clicking on the desired
position on the ruler.
____8. Title bar h. Click the Office Blueprint. Also shows previously opened
files, which you may choose to “pin” them to make them
“permanent” choices
____9. Office Button i. This is what you are typing/what will print out.

____10. Status Bar j. Gives you an idea of where you are on the page

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