Specialized 413a - Course-Syllabus-OBE-CDIO-Format-2022
Specialized 413a - Course-Syllabus-OBE-CDIO-Format-2022
Specialized 413a - Course-Syllabus-OBE-CDIO-Format-2022
DHVSU Vision Semester/Year: 1st Semester 2022 - 2023 Prerequisite(s): STRUCTURAL THEORY
A lead university in producing quality Class Schedule: Co-requisite(s): NONE
individuals with competent capacities Bldg/Room no.:
to generate knowledge and Instructor: John Robert D. Gabriel Consultation Schedule:
technology and enhance professional Email: [email protected] Bldg/Room no.:
practices for sustainable national and Mobile No.: 09480797963 Office Phone no.:
global competitiveness through I. Course Description:
continuous innovation A specialized professional course for civil engineering students in structural engineering designed to understand the theoretical,
practical, and computational aspects of the earthquake excitation in relation to structural design.
DHVSU Mission
DHVSU commits itself to provide an Program Outcomes (PO)
II. Course Outcomes (CO)
environment conducive to continuous a b c d e f g h i j k l m
creation of knowledge and technology CO1: Understand the physical nature of earthquakes:
towards the transformation of Apply the safety rules when earthquake occurs before, E I E I E I E
students into globally competitive during and after;
professionals through the synergy of CO2: Apply the seismic design formulas in computing
appropriate teaching, research, the base shear and distribute the base shear per level; E I E I E I E
service and productivity functions CO3: To decide which method (static, simplified static
or dynamic procedures) is suited (more applicable) for E I E I E I E
Core Values a certain structure.
● Professionalism CO4: Apply the usage of National Structural Code of
● Excellence the Philippines in Earthquake Analysis.
● Good Governance
CO5: Apply the subject matter to their thesis in Project
● Gender Sensitivity and
Study subject and include earthquake/seismic analysis
Responsiveness E I E I E I E
in designing structures especially for three-story
● Disaster Resiliency
building and above.
Course Code: SPECIALIZED 413a Date Effective: Date Revised: Prepared by: Reviewed by: Recommending Approval: Approved by:
Course Title: EARTHQUAKE 1st semester August 2022
ENGINEERING S.Y. 2022-2023 John Robert D. Gabriel, RCE Irene Ramos Roque, RCE, ME-SE Jun Pangilinan Flores, PECE, MEP-EE Reden Mallari Hernandez, RCE, MM
Instructor 1 Chairperson, Civil Engineering Dean, College of Engineering and Vice President for Academic Affairs
Department Architecture
AUGUST 22, 2022 REV 00
Program Educational Objectives III. Program Outcomes
To produce civil engineers who are a) Ability to apply knowledge of mathematics and science to solve civil engineering problems;
tasked to undertake these endeavors: b) Ability to design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data;
1. Potent ingredient and force in c) Ability to design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs within realistic constraints, in accordance with
nation building specially designed standards;
for infrastructure work reflecting d) Ability to function in multidisciplinary and multi-cultural teams;
diversity of skills and talents; e) Ability to identify, formulate, and solve civil engineering problems;
2. Instruments of f) Ability to understand professional and ethical responsibility;
physical/community development g) Ability to communicate effectively civil engineering activities with the engineering community and with society at large;
which is a key factor of h) Ability to understand the impact of civil engineering solutions in a global, economic, environmental, and societal context;
sustainability and progress. i) Ability to recognize the need for, and engage in lifelong learning
3. Group of professionals who will j) Ability to know contemporary issues;
not only showcase the mastery of k) Ability to use techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for civil engineering practice;
this field but set of individuals l) Ability to know and understand engineering and management principles as a member and leader of a team, and to manage
who will demonstrate authentic projects in a multidisciplinary environment;
principles of honesty and integrity m) Ability to understand at least one specialized field of civil engineering practice.
of work making themselves true
inspiration for others to exert the
utmost in themselves and
harnessing their potentials.
Course Code: SPECIALIZED 413a Date Effective: Date Revised: Prepared by: Reviewed by: Recommending Approval: Approved by:
Course Title: EARTHQUAKE 1st semester August 2022
ENGINEERING S.Y. 2022-2023 John Robert D. Gabriel, RCE Irene Ramos Roque, RCE, ME-SE Jun Pangilinan Flores, PECE, MEP-EE Reden Mallari Hernandez, RCE, MM
Instructor 1 Chairperson, Civil Engineering Dean, College of Engineering and Vice President for Academic Affairs
Department Architecture
AUGUST 22, 2022 REV 00
IV. Course Outline:
Allotted time Course Outcomes (CO) Topic/s Teaching and Learning Activities Assessment Tasks/ Tools
After studying these topics student I. Earthquakes and Seismology Synchronous Learning
should have: A. Earthquakes and Urbanization (Face-to-Face or Google Meet)
1. Understand the preliminary aspects B. Elements of Seismology Asynchronous Learning
of Earthquake Engineering C. Earthquake Instruments (Digital and Non-Digital Platforms)
Week 2-3
2. Understand the physical nature of D. Seismic Propagation Modular approach (printed task Assignments/Activity/Plate
earthquakes. E. Earthquake Descriptors sheets, learning notes, etc.)
3. Discover how and why earthquakes F. How to Locate the Epicenter
4. Discuss the effects of this tremor to
humans and the surrounding area.
Student should be able to: II. Earthquake Effects and
1. Understand the different Earthquake Resistive Synchronous Learning
structural/construction methods Structures (Face-to-Face or Google Meet)
against earthquakes A. Earthquake Effects Asynchronous Learning
2. learn some safety rules before, B. Earthquake Prediction (Digital and Non-Digital Platforms)
when and after an earthquake C. Major Earthquake Zones Modular approach (printed task Assignments/Activity/Plate
occurs. D. Earthquake Safety Measure sheets, learning notes, etc.) Quiz 1
Week 4-6 E. Safety Rules Before, During and
After an Earthquake
F. Requirements for Design and
Construction of Earthquake
Resistive Structures
G. Structural/Construction Methods
Against Earthquakes
Week 7
Quiz 2
Course Code: SPECIALIZED 413a Date Effective: Date Revised: Prepared by: Reviewed by: Recommending Approval: Approved by:
Course Title: EARTHQUAKE 1st semester August 2022
ENGINEERING S.Y. 2022-2023 John Robert D. Gabriel, RCE Irene Ramos Roque, RCE, ME-SE Jun Pangilinan Flores, PECE, MEP-EE Reden Mallari Hernandez, RCE, MM
Instructor 1 Chairperson, Civil Engineering Dean, College of Engineering and Vice President for Academic Affairs
Department Architecture
AUGUST 22, 2022 REV 00
IV. Course Outline:
Allotted time Course Outcomes (CO) Topic/s Teaching and Learning Activities Assessment Tasks/ Tools
Student should be able be able to III. Seismic Design Criteria Synchronous Learning
determine the basis for the seismic (NSCP 2015) (Face-to-Face or Google Meet)
design by adopting the latest edition of A. Earthquake Load Analysis- NSCP Asynchronous Learning
the National Structural Code of the 2015 (Digital and Non-Digital Platforms) Assignment/Activity/Plate
Week 8-10 Philippines (NSCP), Volume I. B. Criteria Selection Modular approach (printed task
C. Earthquake Load Combination sheets, learning notes, etc.)
D. Horizontal and Vertical
Week 9
Midterm Examination
Student should be able to analyze and IV. Design of Base Shear (V) Synchronous Learning
compute the base shear and lateral A. Lateral Force Procedure – (Face-to-Face or Google Meet)
forces exerted by earthquake on Building Structures Asynchronous Learning
Week 11-13 building and other structures by B. Lateral Force Procedure – (Digital and Non-Digital Platforms) Assignment/Activity/Plate
adopting the latest edition of the Non-building Structures Modular approach (printed task
National Structural Code of the C. Force Procedure – Non- sheets, learning notes, etc.)
Philippines (NSCP), Volume I. Structural Elements
Week 13
Quiz 3
Student will be able to analyze and solve V. Approximate Analysis of Synchronous Learning
column shears, column moments, girder Building Frames Subjected to (Face-to-Face or Google Meet)
moments, girder shears and column Lateral Earthquake Forces Asynchronous Learning Assignment/Activity/Plate
Week 14-15 axial loads due to lateral earthquake A. Portal method (Digital and Non-Digital Platforms) Quiz 4
forces by using portal, cantilever and B. Cantilever Method Modular approach (printed task
factor C. Factor method sheets, learning notes, etc.)
Week 16-17
Final Project
Course Code: SPECIALIZED 413a Date Effective: Date Revised: Prepared by: Reviewed by: Recommending Approval: Approved by:
Course Title: EARTHQUAKE 1st semester August 2022
ENGINEERING S.Y. 2022-2023 John Robert D. Gabriel, RCE Irene Ramos Roque, RCE, ME-SE Jun Pangilinan Flores, PECE, MEP-EE Reden Mallari Hernandez, RCE, MM
Instructor 1 Chairperson, Civil Engineering Dean, College of Engineering and Vice President for Academic Affairs
Department Architecture
AUGUST 22, 2022 REV 00
IV. Course Outline:
Allotted time Course Outcomes (CO) Topic/s Teaching and Learning Activities Assessment Tasks/ Tools
Week 17-18
Final Examination
Grading system:
Course Code: SPECIALIZED 413a Date Effective: Date Revised: Prepared by: Reviewed by: Recommending Approval: Approved by:
Course Title: EARTHQUAKE 1st semester August 2022
ENGINEERING S.Y. 2022-2023 John Robert D. Gabriel, RCE Irene Ramos Roque, RCE, ME-SE Jun Pangilinan Flores, PECE, MEP-EE Reden Mallari Hernandez, RCE, MM
Instructor 1 Chairperson, Civil Engineering Dean, College of Engineering and Vice President for Academic Affairs
Department Architecture
AUGUST 22, 2022 REV 00
Course Assessment:
*Students are required individually to submit all the activities, assignment, quizzes and major examinations face-to-face. They have to know and understand
everything written in the modules regarding the course content and to gain knowledge in answering the exercises. They will not simply copy paste rather understand and
gain skills on how to solve problems involving Soil Mechanics. In order to gain knowledge and ability to solve any integration problems, the student must submit the course
requirement needed.
As per standard grading system, thoroughly discussed during the orientation meeting.
Aside from academic deficiency, other grounds for a failing grade are:
Course Code: SPECIALIZED 413a Date Effective: Date Revised: Prepared by: Reviewed by: Recommending Approval: Approved by:
Course Title: EARTHQUAKE 1st semester August 2022
ENGINEERING S.Y. 2022-2023 John Robert D. Gabriel, RCE Irene Ramos Roque, RCE, ME-SE Jun Pangilinan Flores, PECE, MEP-EE Reden Mallari Hernandez, RCE, MM
Instructor 1 Chairperson, Civil Engineering Dean, College of Engineering and Vice President for Academic Affairs
Department Architecture
AUGUST 22, 2022 REV 00
Suggested References:
Online References:
1. Encyc. Brit. – Encyclopedia Britannica
2. National Structural Code of the Philippines (NSCP 2015) Volume 1
3. UBC 1997 Volume 2 Structural
4. Earthquake Engineering Application to Design by Charles K.Erdy
5. Basic Earthquake Engineering by Haluk Sucuoglu & Sinan Akkar
7. R.C. Hibbeler, STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS (7th Edition)
Committee Members:
Course Code: SPECIALIZED 413a Date Effective: Date Revised: Prepared by: Reviewed by: Recommending Approval: Approved by:
Course Title: EARTHQUAKE 1st semester August 2022
ENGINEERING S.Y. 2022-2023 John Robert D. Gabriel, RCE Irene Ramos Roque, RCE, ME-SE Jun Pangilinan Flores, PECE, MEP-EE Reden Mallari Hernandez, RCE, MM
Instructor 1 Chairperson, Civil Engineering Dean, College of Engineering and Vice President for Academic Affairs
Department Architecture
AUGUST 22, 2022 REV 00
This is to confirm that the contents of the course syllabus in EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING, 1st Semester SY 2022-2023, were discussed to us during the first day of class and
a copy of which was provided for individual reference and guide.
Name of Student Course & Year Signature Name of Student Course & Year Signature
1. 27
2. 28.
3. 29.
4. 30
5. 31.
6. 32.
7. 33.
8. 34.
9. 35.
10. 36.
11. 37.
12. 38.
13. 39.
14. 40.
15. 41.
16. 42.
17. 43.
18. 44.
19. 45.
20. 46.
21. 47.
22. 48.
23. 49.
24. 50.
25. 51.
26 52.
Course Code: SPECIALIZED 413a Date Effective: Date Revised: Prepared by: Reviewed by: Recommending Approval: Approved by:
Course Title: EARTHQUAKE 1st semester August 2022
ENGINEERING S.Y. 2022-2023 John Robert D. Gabriel, RCE Irene Ramos Roque, RCE, ME-SE Jun Pangilinan Flores, PECE, MEP-EE Reden Mallari Hernandez, RCE, MM
Instructor 1 Chairperson, Civil Engineering Dean, College of Engineering and Vice President for Academic Affairs
Department Architecture
AUGUST 22, 2022 REV 00