Sophia Introduction To Programming With Python Syllabus
Sophia Introduction To Programming With Python Syllabus
Sophia Introduction To Programming With Python Syllabus
In this course, you will learn the basics of computer programming from data types, to creating classes, to
algorithms and testing. You will learn these concepts while diving deep into the syntax of Python as your core
programming language. The course culminates in the chance to design and build a project that answers a
need or goal that you determine.
PREREQUISITES: No prerequisites
LENGTH OF COURSE: This is a self-paced course. Students may use as much or as little time as needed to
complete the course.
GRADING: This is a pass/fail course. Students must complete 11 Challenges (formative assessments), 3
Milestones (summative assessments), and 1 Touchstone (project-based or written assessments) with an overall
score of 70% or better.
Upon completion of the course, the student will be able to:
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10. Plan an algorithm for an original program.
11. Code and test an original program based on a prepared algorithm.
1. Programming Mindset
2. Thinking Through Examples
3. Forming an Algorithm
4. Guide to Using Replit
5. Testing
Challenge 1: Lists
1. Introduction to Lists
2. Manipulate Lists
3. Sets, Tuples, and Dictionaries
4. Multiple Dimensions
5. Debugging Lists
6. Tic-Tac-Toe Program
Challenge 2: Loops
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1. Introduction to Loops
2. Loops Using while
3. Loops Using for
4. Nested Loops
5. Debugging Loops
6. Revisiting the Tic-Tac-Toe Program
1. Function Arguments
2. The Return Statement
3. Nested Functions
4. Debugging Functions
5. Finishing the Tic-Tac-Toe Program
Unit 3: Classes
1. Introduction to Classes
2. The init Method and del Function
3. Object Attributes
4. Object Methods
5. The Employee Class Program
1. Introduction to Inheritance
2. Subclasses
3. Scope
4. Class Troubleshooting
5. Revisiting the Employee Class Program
1. Introduction to Modules
2. Using Modules
3. Creating Modules
4. Introduction to File I/O
5. Reading and Writing to a File
6. Common Issues with Files
7. Finishing the Employee Class Program
Unit 4: Project
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3. Working An Example
4. Identifying the Patterns
5. Forming the Algorithm
1. Translating to Code
2. Writing the Program
3. Testing As You Go
4. Commenting Your Code
5. Course Wrap-Up
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