Building Up Competitiveness and The G7's Infrastructure Ambitions
Building Up Competitiveness and The G7's Infrastructure Ambitions
Building Up Competitiveness and The G7's Infrastructure Ambitions
The G7 challenge
Building Up
in facing China’s and
infrastructure ambitions
the G7’s Infrastructure
Essays by:Acciaro
professor at theStephen
W. Édes, Department of
John W.and Innovation
Fowler, of theGoto,
Shihoko Copenhagen
Kent Hughes,
Shelby Lauter, John H. Matthews, Ingrid Timboe
Building Up
Competitiveness and
the G7’s Infrastructure
Essays by: Michele Acciaro, Bart W. Édes, Stephen Ezell,
John W. Fowler, Shihoko Goto, Kelsey Harpham, Kent Hughes,
Shelby Lauter, John H. Matthews, Ingrid Timboe
©2022 The Wilson Center
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3 Preface
Shihoko Goto
In April 2022, the Wilson Center founded the Geoeconomics and Indo-
Pacific Enterprise Initiative in recognition of the need to focus on economic
interests that are increasingly driving foreign policy priorities in the world’s
most populous region. While Asia’s economies continue to face traditional
challenges including inflationary pressure and fluctuations in financial mar-
kets, they are also finding themselves facing new challenges including the
need to reassess supply chain resilience, embrace technology shifts, address
energy security risks, and of course, deal with the impact of ever-growing ten-
sions between the world’s two largest economies.
The G7’s decision to mobilize $600 billion for infrastructure projects
worldwide in June 2022 was a clear indication by the world’s richest coun-
tries that they needed to work together to counterbalance the threat posed by
China’s Belt and Road Initiative to the regional order of the Indo-Pacific and
beyond. Beijing’s steady efforts for the past decade to develop infrastructure in
emerging markets may have been welcomed in many parts of the world at least
initially, but growing frustration and indeed fears about the risks of depend-
ing on Chinese capital have also become clearer in recent years. By focusing
on four areas of investment, namely communication technology, sustainable
energy, healthcare, and equality, the G7 is seeking to play a greater role not
only in meeting the needs of the global South, but also their own priorities in
partnering with developing countries moving forward.
The essays in this booklet not only highlight the need for greater in-
frastructure investment, but the changing nature of infrastructure itself.
Although the world’s richest nations are not expected to match the finan-
cial commitments made by China in building roads and bridges across
borders, they will be redefine the nature of quality infrastructure that lead
to longer-term growth together as well as greater opportunities for private
capital investments.
Shihoko Goto
The purpose of this publication is to identify some of the areas for coop-
eration and ways of financing infrastructure projects that will garner the sus-
tained support of the G7 countries. We hope that the essays will further the
debate in coordinated policies regarding effective and sustainable infrastruc-
ture investments that meet both the needs of emerging markets as well as the
strategic goals of the world’s leading democratic economies.
Shihoko Goto
Director, Geoeconomics and Indo-Pacific Enterprise
October 2022
Washington, D.C.
Aligning the G7’s Strategic Interests and the Indo-Pacific’s Infrastructure Needs
aid economic resilience. The concern is heightened when countries are depen-
dent on a potential adversary. The Indo-Pacific is already attracting interna-
tional investments by G7 countries as they seek a more diverse supply chain.
Investments in traditional and modern infrastructure will contribute to the
effectiveness of diversified supply chains.
The United States is committed to providing one-third of the total GDP to
the tune of $200 billion, which will be spent over the next five years through
grants and federal financing.1
Part of Washington’s strategy is to encourage more private investments
into projects as the G7 countries step up their commitment to infrastructure.
Certainly, public financing alone cannot meet the needs of the region, espe-
cially at a time when all industrialized countries are themselves focused on in-
vesting in their down domestic infrastructure needs. The U.S. Infrastructure
Investment and Jobs Act which was signed in November 2021 will provide
$550 billion in new investments by the government over the next five years to
provide much-needed funding for public transit, communications, water, and
energy systems across the country.
Yet if infrastructure were to be defined more broadly as a common
good, then the need to invest in the production of technology components
is vital for the future of the global economy. In their essay entitled The G7’s
Way Forward For Semiconductor Infrastructure Development in the Indo-
Pacific, Shelby Lauter and Stephen Ezell of the Information Technology and
Innovation Foundation note that the complexities and prohibitive costs of
manufacturing semiconductors requires a concerted approach. They call for
a coordinated approach in technology development, ecosystem support, and
technology protections together with countries across the Indo-Pacific. At the
same time, Lauter and Ezell call for the recognition of the centrality of semi-
conductors in the national and economic security goals of the G7, and develop
a semiconductor-specific infrastructure strategy.
Meanwhile, John Fowler of Arizona State University focuses on the need to
develop a technology focused workforce in his essay The Challenge to Cultivate
Global Semiconductor Talent. He points out that one of the biggest risks fac-
ing the chip sector is access to highly skilled talent, and that talent shortages
Shihoko Goto and Kent Hughes
in turn will hurt innovation and competitiveness. At the same time, the talent
dearth is seen across the board in all countries, and calls for more funding
not only for research, but also to grow talent focused on the semiconductor
industry from the ground up at universities in addition to providing financial
incentives to attract the best and brightest.
Yet semiconductors are hardly alone in requiring more funding and coor-
dinated support from the G7. Investing in water resources too is highlighted
by John Matthews, Ingrid Timboe, and Kelsey Harpham of the Alliance
for Global Water Adaptation. In Water as a Resilience Multiplier and an
Inclusive Indo-Pacific, they note that access to water, containing water, and
risks posed by water as a destructive force due to climate change continue
to rise rapidly. The authors call for greater awareness of the need for water
resilience in the Indo-Pacific that can ultimately lead to greater social as well
as economic security.
Even the best of strategies, however, cannot be put into action without ad-
equate financing. In International Financial Institutions and the Infrastructure
Financing Gap, Bart Édes of Canada’s Asia Pacific Foundation points out that
the G7’s ambitious plan to boosting infrastructure financing in developing
countries cannot be done without the support of multilateral development
banks, not only for their ability to finance projects, but also to provide the
expertise as well as capacity to ensure that projects are actually implemented.
In turn, the development banks will need the continued financial support of
the G7 to ensure that they are able to deliver upon expectations.
As for Michele Acciaro of the Copenhagen Business School, he provides
insight into the history of infrastructure development that had initially been
dominated by western powers in his essay The G7 Challenge in Facing China’s
Infrastructure Ambitions. In outlining China’s motivations for promoting
its own infrastructure vision, Acciaro also points out the challenges facing
European nations as they too look to Chinese capital to fund some of their
own critical infrastructure needs. He also cautions the lack of clarity of the
G7 infrastructure proposal beyond financing measures, and points out the
need for specific collaborative projects to ensure that the plan does not simply
end without action.
To be sure, the G7 each have their own ambitious infrastructure devel-
opment plans either in the making or being signed into law. In the United
Aligning the G7’s Strategic Interests and the Indo-Pacific’s Infrastructure Needs
States, commitments have been made not only to fund infrastructure, but
Washington has also shown a renewed commitment to investments in re-
search and innovation. There is no doubt that fear of China has been a driving
force for new capital on that front too. The $52.7 billion Chips and Science
Act garnered bipartisan support in September of buildup the U.S. semicon-
ductor industry and enhance U.S. technology and research and innovation
more broadly, including in information technology. While responding to
China is an important motivation for the G7, the emphasis on the informa-
tion technology sector. That focus on information technology nicely paral-
lels the Indo-Pacific’s interest on modern as well as traditional infrastructure.
That focus is echoed in PGII and its goal to further 5G and 6G networks and
enhance cybersecurity.
As President Biden stated in unveiling the G7 initiative, the infrastructure
is not aid or charity. Rather, plan can be an opportunity for the establishment
of a true partnership between the richest countries and the Indo-Pacific, where
the interests of both sides are aligned. Only then can investments come to full
term, given the need for bipartisan support to ensure continued commitments.
1 The White House, “FACT SHEET: President Biden and G7 Leaders Formally Launch the Partnership
for Global Infrastructure and Investment,” June 26, 2022,
Shelby Lauter and Stephen Ezell
new research funding.2 Shoring up the supply chain will entail an equally inte-
grated strategy that takes into account these multifaceted risks.
Semiconductors are also an extremely costly industry, thanks to the com-
plexity of designing and manufacturing chips, as well as the level of specialty
of material inputs, the scale of production, and the technical knowledge re-
quired for production. Strong global demand for semiconductors drives these
costs further. As a basis of multiple end products that touch nearly all aspects
of modern life, demand for semiconductors has only continued to swell, driv-
ing sales up 13.3 percent in Q2 of 2022, compared to the same period last
year.3 Demand for cutting-edge semiconductor technology is also increasing,
with AI-related semiconductors expected to grow 50 percent annually from
2019 to 2022.4 Semiconductors are expected to grow from a $570 billion
global industry today to a $1 trillion one by the end of this decade. Achieving
that growth will require enormous capital investment (cap ex), with the indus-
try investing a total of $339 billion in cap ex across 2021 and 2022 alone. To
meet global demand, industry experts estimate that an additional $3 trillion
in capital and R&D investment is needed.5
Given the high level of global integration and enormous financial costs of
operation, plurilateral investments in semiconductors are a necessity. The G7’s
PGII provides an opportunity to fund such investments where they will have
the greatest impact: the Indo Pacific. G7 nations can look to the Quad’s ex-
ample for guidance. In September 2021, the Quad—Australia, India, Japan,
and the United States—announced a Semiconductor Supply Chain Initiative
focused on resiliency.6 As members of both the G7 and the Quad, Japan and
the United States should be leaders in the Indo-Pacific in order to achieve
semiconductor resiliency and competitiveness.
2 Antonio Varas, Raj Varadarajan, Jimmy Goodrich, Falan Yinug, “Strengthening the Global Semiconductor
Supply Chain in an Uncertain Era,” Boston Consulting Group & Semiconductor Industry Association,
April 2021.
3 Semiconductor Industry Association, “Global Semiconductor Sales Increase 13.3% in Q2 2022 Compared
to Q2 2021,” August 1, 2022,
4 Trisha Ray, Sangeet Jain, Arjun Jayakumar, and Anurag Reddy, “The Digital Indo-Pacific: Regional
Connectivity and Resilience,” Observer Research Foundation, February 15, 2021,
5 Varas et al, 2021.
6 The White House, “FACT SHEET: Quad Leaders’ Summit,” September 24, 2021,
The G7’s Way Forward For Semiconductor Infrastructure Development in the Indo-Pacific
A Coordinated G7 Strategy
The complexities and prohibitive costs of manufacturing necessitate an allied
approach to strengthening the supply chain.7 Beyond the financial support of
the PGII, G7 nations should engage Indo-Pacific nations, of which there is some
overlap, in a dialogue that seeks cooperative agreements and a shared under-
standing of extant threats in the supply chain. Through coordinated technology
development, ecosystem support, and technology protections, G7 leaders can
comprehensively bolster the semiconductor industry in the Indo-Pacific.
Technology Development
To augment future technological innovations, G7 leaders must invest in ad-
vanced manufacturing cooperation and collaborative, pre-competitive R&D.
Funding should be targeted to encourage reciprocal R&D agreements and
integrated research partnerships among universities, private institutions,
government agencies, and public-private associations. A key vulnerability at
certain points of the supply chain is the high degree of geographic specializa-
tion, which can lead to bottlenecks and other disruptions. In fact, the Boston
Consulting Group has identified more than 50 points of high geographical
concentration across the supply chain where one single region accounts for
over 65 percent of the market share at a certain point in the semiconductor
supply chain.8 Investment incentives for production diversification can reduce
the risk that a disruption in any one nation has an outsize effect on the rest of
the supply chain. To start, channel investments where infrastructure already
exists. For instance, G7 funds could go toward existing design firms in India
or manufacturing hubs in Singapore where there are not already high levels of
geographic concentration in these fields, compared to other nations.9
Another way to boost R&D collaboration in the Indo-Pacific would be
by creating a G7 jointly operated R&D fab for semiconductor prototyping
and testing and G7 centers of excellence to develop leadership, best practices,
7 Stephen Ezell, “An Allied Approach to Semiconductor Leadership” (ITIF, September 2020), https://
8 Antonio Varas et al., “Strengthening the Global Semiconductor Supply Chain in an Uncertain Era” (BCG
and SIA, April 2021),
9 Ray et al, 2021.
Shelby Lauter and Stephen Ezell
10 Stephen Ezell, Pranay Kotasthane, and Glenn Downey, “Semiconductors—it takes a village to raise a chip,”
The Times of India, May 24, 2022.
11 Nigel Cory, “Comments to the U.S. Commerce Department on the Indo-Pacific Economic Framework,”
Information Technology and Innovation Foundation, March 21, 2022,
12 Ibid.
The G7’s Way Forward For Semiconductor Infrastructure Development in the Indo-Pacific
13 The White House, “FACT SHEET: Quad Leaders’ Tokyo Summit 2022,” May 23, 2022,
14 Ezell, Kotasthane, and Downey, 2022.
15 Ezell, 2020.
Shelby Lauter and Stephen Ezell
16 Ibid.
17 Varas et al, 2021.
18 Selena Loh LaCroix, “Talent solutions for today’s semiconductor shortage,” Korn Ferry, October 12, 2021,
The G7’s Way Forward For Semiconductor Infrastructure Development in the Indo-Pacific
19 Semi village
20 Loh LaCroix, 2021.
Shelby Lauter and Stephen Ezell
● Train for crisis management. The climate and health crises of the last
two years are not isolated events; rather, crises will inevitably grow worse
and become more disruptive. Supply chain resiliency requires a flexible
workforce that can adapt to unforeseen challenges and crises, whether
they be climate-related, political, or global health-related. Training for
crisis management should involve predictive analysis instruction and
cross-functional training, as duties are likely to shift in a time of crisis.
In order to navigate crises, the semiconductor workforce must be agile,
flexible, and alert to new challenges.
21 Ondrej Burkacky, Ulrike Kingsbury, Andrea Pedroni, Guilietta Poltronieri, Matt Schrimper,
and Brooke Weddle, “How semiconductor makers can turn a talent challenge into a competitive
advantage,” McKinsey & Company, September 7, 2022,
The G7’s Way Forward For Semiconductor Infrastructure Development in the Indo-Pacific
Shelby Lauter and Stephen Ezell
billion in global economic growth over 10 years.25 With the adoption of a so-
called ITA-3, signatory countries could also spur deeper participation in global
value chains and faster adoption of new ICT technologies, the impact of which
could have tremendous ripple effects throughout the semiconductor industry.
The G7 nations need to turn their words into action in enacting new policies
to support a free, open, and inclusive Indo-Pacific by recognizing the centrality
of semiconductors to their national and economic security goals, and by acting
to develop a coordinated semiconductor-specific infrastructure strategy in the
Indo-Pacific. The PGII’s investment funds could be used to build infrastructure
for R&D and advanced manufacturing capacity, improve identification and
prediction of supply chain shortages, support digital infrastructure for semicon-
ductor development, incentivize allied vendor partnerships, and draw new tal-
ent. Beyond funding infrastructure, the G7 should also take leadership roles in
plurilateral agreements and in creative solutions for resilient supply chains.
25 Stephen Ezell and Luke Dascoli, “How an Information Technology Agreement 3.0 Would Bolster Global
Economic Growth and Opportunity,” Information Technology and Innovation, September 2021, https://
The Challenge to
Cultivate Global
Semiconductor Talent
John W. Fowler is the Motorola Professor in International
Management at the Arizona State University’s W. P. Carey Supply Chain
Management and Senior Global Futures Scientist, Global Futures
Scientists and Scholars.
John W. Fowler
1 Varas, Antonio, Varadarajan, Raj, Goodrich, Jimmy, and Falan Yinug, “Strengthening the Global
Semiconductor Supply Chain in an Uncertain Era,” Semiconductor Industry Association, April, 2021, https://
2 “United States, Taiwan, and Semiconductors: A Critical Supply Chain Partnership”, Project
2049 and US-Taiwan Business Council, June 8, 2022.
The Challenge to Cultivate Global Semiconductor Talent
that will enable the next commercial leaps in computing power and efficiency.
Much of this basic research is done at universities, and is supported by gov-
ernment funding. Pre-competitive research is then followed by industrial
research, which helps translate the new innovative ideas into practice — al-
though direct benefits are often not realized for over a decade. This step re-
quires a mix of highly educated scientists and engineers.
John W. Fowler
The six regions mentioned above have strengths in different parts of the
semiconductor supply chain. While the United States was once the leader in
all aspects of the industry, that has evolved over time. Today, the United States
is still the leader in intensive R&D activities, but the bulk of manufacturing is
now conducted in East Asia.4
4 See Exhibit 14 in “Strengthening the Global Semiconductor Supply Chain in an Uncertain Era” report,
op.cit., for a detailed breakdown.
5 “Global Semiconductor Industry Outlook,” KPMG, February 2021,
The Challenge to Cultivate Global Semiconductor Talent
6 Silverberg, Elliot and Hughes, Eleanor, ”Semiconductors: the skills shortage”, theinterpretor, September 15,
7 VB Staff, “Report: Critical talent shortage for over 70,000 semiconductor manufacturing jobs”,
VentureBeat, December 9, 2021,
8 “FACT SHEET: CHIPS and Science Act Will Lower Costs, Create Jobs, Strengthen Supply Chains,
and Counter China”, The White House, August 9, 2022,
John W. Fowler
9 Cooban, Anna, “Intel will invest nearly $90 billion in Europe’s chipmaking industry”, CNN Business,
March 15, 2022,
The Challenge to Cultivate Global Semiconductor Talent
10 Pelé, Anne-Françoise, “ Semiconductor Industry Needs to Close Talent Gap, EE Times Europe, July 8, 2021,
11 iNews, “Taiwan’s semiconductor talent gap hits a 6-and-a-half-year high, the most shortage of engineers”,
iNews, September 26, 2022,
12 Wu, Sarah, “Taiwan invests in next generation of talent with slew of chip schools”, Reuters, March 10, 2022,
John W. Fowler
Part of the problem for Taiwan is the fact that the over 3,000 engineers
and corporate leaders from Taiwan have accepted employment in China.13 In
response, the second thing that the Taiwanese government has done is to tell
recruiting firms to remove listings for high-tech positions based in China.14
Those firms that violate this rule will be subject to fines and those fines
will be greatest for those job openings in the semiconductor industry. It
should be noted that this is also a signal to the US that Taiwan views China
as a major threat.
13 Ihara, Kensaku, “Taiwan loses 3,000 chip engineers to ‘Made in China 2025’,” Nikkei Asia,
14 Mott, Nathaniel, “China’s Efforts to Recruit Semiconductor Talent Hit by Taiwan Ban”, Tom’s Hardware,
April 30, 2021,
15 Lem, Pola, “Korea’s semiconductor talent boost ‘too little, too late’”, Time Higher Education, August 31,
16 “3,000 semiconductor professionals to be trained”, Korea Joong Ang Daily, May 30, 2022,
The Challenge to Cultivate Global Semiconductor Talent
17 “South Korea will redirect 3.6 trillion won (US$2.8 billion/100.8 billion baht) from its budget for
childhood education to higher and lifelong education, such as nurturing semiconductor talent, the
government said on Thursday”, The Nation Thailand, July 8, 2022,
18 “The semiconductor talent war heats up Samsung employees purse bulging”, RMC Team, February 10,
19 Valero, Beatriz, “Skills shortage threatens Japan’s semiconductor industry”, Engineering
and Technology, June 28, 2022,
John W. Fowler
20 Gaikwad, Sumeet, “Opportunities with China’s semiconductor push”, Asia Fund Managers, July 18, 2022,
21 Williams, Lara, “China will lead the global semiconductor industry by 2030 due to its growing market size
and domestic production capacity”, Investment Monitor, July 25, 2022,
22 Qu, Tracy, “China’s semiconductor talent shortage poses biggest obstacle to Beijing’s chip self-sufficiency
ambitions, SMIC founder says”, South China Morning Post, November 18, 2021,
23 Silverberg, Elliot and Hughes, Eleanor, ”Semiconductors: the skills shortage”, theinterpretor, September 15,
24 “China’s semiconductor industry faces a growing talent shortage as Beijing aims for global dominance in
chip manufacture”, Colombo Gazette, October 26, 2021,
The Challenge to Cultivate Global Semiconductor Talent
homeland. Chinese companies also use promotions as a way to retain key per-
sonnel.25 Finally, Chinese companies have actively been recruiting engineers
and semiconductor leaders away from their Asian competition (particularly
Taiwan) to join them.
25 Hsu, Edward, “Spotlight on pay and talent trends in Asia’s lively Semiconductor industry”, WTW, January
Water as a Resilience
Multiplier for an Inclusive
John H. Matthews is Executive Director of the Alliance for Global
Water Adaptation.
I n concluding the September 2021 Quad meeting with the heads of India,
Australia, and Japan, President Biden proclaimed that “the future of each
of our nations—and indeed the free world—depends on a free and open Indo-
Pacific enduring and flourishing in the coming decades.” As the world’s most
dynamic and populous region, the Indo-Pacific is full of potential, but it is not
without its challenges. Almost all of the Indo-Pacific nations have “difficult
hydrologies,” which present persistent and long-term structural challenges
for development. Climate change is exacerbating these challenges still further
as novel, previously unexperienced climate conditions emerge across the re-
gion more quickly than predicted by groups such as the IPCC. Continued
economic fallout from the COVID-19 pandemic, coupled with global supply
chain disruptions, geopolitical instability, and record high food prices threat-
ening to undermine worldwide development gains of the past 30 years, and
aggravating the situation still further. Clearly, new approaches to building and
sustaining water security for growth and development are needed urgently.
Additional water-sector investment has been identified as a clear gap. The
benefit-cost ratio of investments in water and sanitation infrastructure in
least-developed countries such as Lao PDR or the Solomon Islands can be as
high as 7 to 1, allowing for greater economic opportunities, income genera-
tion, and poverty reduction. While the Indo-Pacific has made historic gains in
access to water, sanitation and hygiene over the past 25 years, as of 2019, over
a billion people in the region still do not have reliable access to water, sani-
tation, and hygiene (WASH) services, while existing water service providers
struggle to keep up with ever-increasing demand.
Rapid urbanization continues to strain the limits of water infrastructure in
cities like Manila, Dhaka, and Karachi, where over 40 percent of the urban
populations already live in slums without access to safe, clean, and reliable
drinking water and sanitation supplies. According to the AIIB, over 770 mil-
lion cities and urban settlements in Asia are now annually exposed to flood
risks. At the same time, traditional water sector investments are not enough to
cope with emerging climate and development challenges.
There are unintendend water consequences of longstanding development
policies too. Subsidized fuel sources have accelerated the use of groundwater
pumping in Pakistan and India, causing rapid aquifer depletion. Groundwater
consumption are, ironically, creating significant flooding issues in Hanoi and
John H. Matthews, Ingrid Timboe, and Kelsey Harpham
Water as a Resilience Multiplier for an Inclusive Indo-Pacific
should be viewed as a strategic national priority for the United States and its
G7 partners.
John H. Matthews, Ingrid Timboe, and Kelsey Harpham
Water as a Resilience Multiplier for an Inclusive Indo-Pacific
There are no quick fixes to issues related to water risks. Indonesia is essen-
tially abandoning its national capital as a result of flood issues, while the scope
of 2022 flooding in Pakistan—most often viewed as a water-scarce country—
shows many climate impacts are nonlinear and very challenging to anticipate.
Island nations in both the Indian and Pacific oceans face potentially exis-
tential challenges from the pinch of scale of severe freshwater scarcity for all
sectoral use, intense tropical cyclones, and rising sea levels, which so far have
largely seen solutions that are either small relative to the scope of the problems
or so expensive as to present significant economic challenges simply to main-
tain current conditions.
Water resilience is a comprehensive approach to these issues, and one in
which donor aid and a community of regional learning and capacity building
can be catalytic. Moreover, water resilience relies on actively engaging with civil
society and a vision of infrastructure and policy investments embedded in a
social-ecological context. Water resilience at its core recognizes that not all eco-
nomic development problems can be engineered and that long-term solutions
almost always require a mixture of built, hybrid and green, and governance op-
tions. One group has also referred to these approaches as “deep resilience.”
Some policymakers have highlighted the transition to a water resilience
approach. In March 2022, the IPCC stated that “water-based adaptation”
should be the core focus of most adaptation and resilience interventions glob-
ally. California Governor Gavin Newsom identified water issues as an exis-
tential threat to the basis of much of his state’s economy, including the grad-
ual loss of summer water storage in snowpack (extending and intensifying the
dry season), the emergence of a 1200-year scale “drought,” water governance
systems designed to fit a long-past economy and a much lower population size,
John H. Matthews, Ingrid Timboe, and Kelsey Harpham
and the threat of increasingly extreme pluvial flood events, in addition to un-
precedented wildfires and exceptional heat that stresses the state’s energy sys-
tem. Many of these issues have resonance throughout the Indo-Pacific.
Newsom’s essential focus, beginning with a 2019 executive order, has
been to reorient state agencies to water resilience. Beginning in August 2022,
Newsom announced a new state water plan that transitions state policies and
programs “away from a scarcity mind-set to one more of abundance.” That
is, how can the state radically adapt to emerging climate conditions, especially
around water scarcity, in ways that can actually fuel prosperity and attract ad-
ditional social and capital investment? If climate change is a threat multiplier,
California has clearly identified water as a “resilience multiplier.”
In the Indo-Pacific, Singapore has developed an arguably longer track re-
cord along very similar lines. According to a recent national report, Singapore
clearly demonstrates that a lack of abundant local water resources need not be
an obstacle to successful economic development:
Water as a Resilience Multiplier for an Inclusive Indo-Pacific
NDCs defined a new class of national level climate planners (NDC focal
points) who report national climate ambitions to the global community.
Perhaps more importantly, the NDC focal points also look across sectors
and ministries to identify potential gaps and synergies from a climate
perspective. A number of countries and both UN, donor, and NGO
actors have called on the NDCs to be drivers of water resilience that can
align the water and climate agendas and enhance the ambitions around
climate action. Indeed, at least one collaborative global donor-funded
program has started to build this capacity within national parties,
while the UNFCCC itself is conducting a certification program for
NDC focal points on water-based adaptation and resilience. Existing
capacity-building and education efforts such as the Quad Fellowship
or the ADB-Japan Scholarship Programme could be expanded to
include funding for the recruitment and development of individuals
from a variety of technical and policy backgrounds. Arguably, these
approaches should also be extended to other policy frameworks, such as
transboundary water sharing agreements (e.g., India-Pakistan, the Lower
Mekong River, following patterns already apparent in the Zambezi,
Danube, and Colorado Rivers), which all appear quite sensitive to
violations of assumptions as the water cycle continues to evolve rapidly
in unplanned directions. PGII could very tangibly support the process
of preemptively ensuring that these agreements will remain durable
under a wider range of conditions in ways that lead to guidance for new
institutions and processes to avoid conflict and insecurity.
John H. Matthews, Ingrid Timboe, and Kelsey Harpham
Water as a Resilience Multiplier for an Inclusive Indo-Pacific
John H. Matthews, Ingrid Timboe, and Kelsey Harpham
The 2022 U.S.-Indo-Pacific Strategy notes that the United States “has long
recognized the Indo-Pacific as vital to our security and prosperity.” Investing
in climate-resilient water infrastructure is an investment in the long-term
economic resilience and stability for the Indo-Pacific region, especially for
resilience that reflects broader civil society engagement through shared vi-
sion planning. In particular, by investing in water resilience, the U.S. offers a
compelling alternative to PRC infrastructure investments under the Belt and
Water as a Resilience Multiplier for an Inclusive Indo-Pacific
The G7 Challenge
in Facing China’s
Infrastructure Ambitions
Michele Acciaro is Associate Professor at the Department of
Strategy and Innovation of the Copenhagen Business School.
The G7 Challenge in Facing China’s Infrastructure Ambitions
I n June 2022, the Biden administration made clear its commitment to meet
the world’s infrastructure needs. The Partnership for Global Infrastructure
and Investment has been promoted as a way for the United States together
with the world’s richest nations to contribute to building infrastructure in se-
lect emerging economies, with the objective of advancing their development
and strengthening global security. The declaration follows years of negotia-
tions which resulted in a commitment in Summer 2021 from G7 countries for
a global infrastructure plan and can be seen as a response of the efforts from
the BRIC economies of Brazil, Russia, India, and China to expand on the
Chinese infrastructure and aid plan generally referred to as the Belt and Road
Initiative (BRI), or the New Silk Road.
The partnership has a variety of objectives but it is clear that its main role
is rebalancing a loss of economic, and indirectly political, influence in the
countries where China has been most active in the last decade. It is of par-
ticular relevance for countries in Central and West Asia, Africa and South
East Asia, although it should be acknowledged that both the BRI as well as
the Partnership for Global Infrastructure and Investment, are global in their
scope. t the June 2022 meeting, the G7 announced that the Partnership will
provide $600 billion for development efforts, of which one-third would be
provided by the United States and as such the largest contributor to the ini-
tiative, while half would be provided by the European members of the G7,
namely Britain, France, Germany, and Italy.
The plan is to invest the commitment over the next five years, and its suc-
cess ultimately depends on significant private finance being raised as well.
There are four principle areas of investment focus, namely: climate change
and energy security; communication and connectivity; equity and gender
equality; and global health security. These four areas echo the political
agenda of both the Biden administration and the European Commission,
and are a response to the ongoing energy crisis and the COVID-19 pan-
demic. The infrastructure partnership frames a variety of existing and
planned projects of a development and humanitarian nature, with the im-
plicit objective of tying developmental objective with the priorities of the
G7 economies.
International development projects have been for decades an instrument
for advanced economies to exert influence in the developing world. This
Michele Acciaro
approach has often improved living conditions and economic growth, but
in recent decades, development assistance projects have also been seen to
favor Western businesses in general. Assistance has often followed patterns
reminiscent of old colonial areas of influence, and has increasingly attached
conditions to funding aimed at advancing the regional political agendas of
European countries, such as reducing migration, and in North America, try-
ing to counteract global terrorism.
From the COVID-19 pandemic to international terrorism and cross-bor-
der migration, many of the truly destabilizing phenomena of modern times
are global in nature. These challenges have highlighted the limitations of
global institutions and have come under scrutiny from some quarters as being
sources of instability themselves. The traditional approach towards managing
risk and instability has been that of prevention, cooperation and strengthen-
ing democratic institutions. However, this approach has not been able to pre-
vent crises that have unfolded rapidly or that involved territories that were
peripheral to global reach, either because they are situated in failed states, or
in marginalised economies, or under the control of countries that are placed
outside of the main multilateral collaboration.
The climate crisis is a clear example where developing an approach to a
global challenge that most likely will affect developing economies dispropor-
tionately has been met with resistance often specifically by those economies
that are to benefit the most from such approach. The reasons for the limited
success of multilateral approaches to fight the climate crisis are multifaceted.
A common denominator is the decreasing willingness of the political elites in
developing economies to accept policies driven by a western political agenda,
which can be seen as the result of the weakening hold of the global North on
the global South. The role of multinationals has come under greater scrutiny
too between the wealthiest and less prosperous nations.
At the same time, the strategic importance of Africa, Central, and South
East Asian countries is increasing in view of the rebalancing of the geopolitical
power towards the Indo-Pacific. As a bipolar world order crumbled with the
collapse of the Soviet Union, a more fragmented, and arguably more balanced,
world order is emerging, as the interests of countries that are not great powers
are increasingly reflected. While a new form of multilateralism, where coun-
tries’ negotiating power is proportional to their population and not only their
The G7 Challenge in Facing China’s Infrastructure Ambitions
military and economic power, has yet to emerge, many smaller economies find
themselves on an imaginary Maginot Line, tempted to pledge their allegiance,
together with their strategic geopolitical position or natural resources, to the
power that best meets their needs.
Michele Acciaro
1 Some of these considerations are based on notes prepared by the author for a speech held at the European
Parliament in the occasion of the presentation of the “Maritime Economy Report 2018—Italy, China, energy
corridors, ports and new routes: geomaps of a changing Mediterranean”, held in Brussels on the 8th November,
2018 and the introduction to the round table: “The New Silk Road: Risks and Opportunities for the Economy”,
held as part of the third International Forum Conftrasporto, on October 9, 2017 at the “Villa d’Este” in
Cernobbio (Como), as well as notes taken during the Opening of the Hapag-Lloyd Center for Shipping and
Global Logistics (CSGL) and the International Symposium: “The Belt & Road Initiative’s Impact on Global
Logistics”, held at the Kühne Logistics University, in Hamburg, on the 22 and 23 of November 2018.
The G7 Challenge in Facing China’s Infrastructure Ambitions
The overall project expanded over time, first with the inclusion in 2013 of
the Maritime Silk Road during a visit in Indonesia, then adding a wide array
of projects to include the Northern Sea Route, and more recently, projects in
Africa and South America. Initiatives are underway too to include cyberspace
and outer space. The strategy did not, however, emerge in a vacuum, but is
actually an extension of previous strategies, including the Great Western
Development Strategy, also known as Open Up the West Program, and the
Going Out Strategy (zou chuqu zhanlue—走出去战略) aimed at incentiviz-
ing Chinse businesses to invest abroad. The project is complementary to the
Made in China 2025 strategy, which aims to develop China’s manufacturing
sector towards high value-added activities including the pharmaceutical in-
dustry, advanced computing, new materials, components for marine, aviation,
aerospace and rail transport and electric cars. Clearly, in order to allow China’s
manufacturing sectors to evolve, lower value-added products such as textile
and construction, which today form the basis of China’s industry, need to
find other outlets. The maritime sector also plays a critical role in the Chinese
economy not only because of its dependence on maritime trade, but of the
importance of the blue economy. In 2017, the annual Ocean Development
Report indicated that China’s “marine GDP” represented a total of 9.5% of its
total GDP in 2016.
In 2015, the China Development Bank declared it had reserved $890 bil-
lion for the project, and further amounts of money have been earmarked by
other financial institutions. Today projects have been financed with $500bn2 ,
mainly in Asia, and is expected to be completed in 2049, a century after Mao
Zedong’s statement in Beijing on 1 October that he founded the People’s
Republic of China, and according to estimates the total investment would
amount to $4 trillion3.
The BRI project is an integral part of China’s strategy to support national
growth, consolidate the prestige of Xi Jinping, take advantage of long term
investment opportunities for Chinese capital, provide additional sources of
revenue abroad for Chinse contractors, increase the political influence of
2 World Bank. 2019. Belt and Road Economics: Opportunities and Risks of Transport Corridors.
Washington, DC: World Bank. License: Creative Commons Attribution CC BY 3.0 IGO.
3 Dezan Shira and Associates, “China Belt And Road Projects Value Now Exceeds US$4
Trillion”, 16 September 2021 in
Michele Acciaro
4 “decision of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on some major issues
concerning comprehensively deepening the reform, Article 26, Section VII, 12 November 2013, as reported
by Peter Frankopan, The New Silk Roads, (pg. 98).
5 J. Anderlini, ‘Interview: ‘We say, if you want to get rich, build roads first’, Financial Times, 28 September 2018.
6 Michele Acciaro, 2019. “The Belt & Road Initiative and its Implications for European Ports, speech
delivered at the Botschaftertag Osteuropa in Hamburg, on June 6th, 2019.
The G7 Challenge in Facing China’s Infrastructure Ambitions
Michele Acciaro
7 Maçães, B. “China’s Italian advance threatens EU unity: Trieste port plans could change north-south
economic balance”, The Nikkei Asian Review, 23 March 2019, available at:
The G7 Challenge in Facing China’s Infrastructure Ambitions
2017 in the framework of the Expert Group on Investment and Financing of the
EU-China Connectivity Platform primarily on a Member-State voluntary base
in the attempt to resolve a financial gap. The list was refined in July 20188 dur-
ing an event held on the sidelines of the EU-China Summit held in Beijing. The
Cabinet of the former European Commissioner for Transport, Violeta Bulc,
created the ad hoc EU-China Connectivity Platform with the aim of coordinat-
ing the European responses to the BRI. None of these platforms, however, are
aimed at challenging the investment plan of China in the Indo-Pacific.
The G7 infrastructure plan therefore seems to be the first coordinated at-
tempt to address increasing Chinese influence across the Indo-Pacific. Yet
the G7 plans to address the region’s financial needs and developing a strat-
egy to counterbalance Beijing’s influence seem for now to be more comple-
mentary than providing a substitute to the BRI. The Partnership for Global
Infrastructure and Investment could certainly offer a good alternative for
Southeast Asian economies that might be growing weary of Chinese influ-
ence in the region. There is certainly more contestable space when it comes to
telecommunications, including competition in 5G technologies as Malaysia
and Singapore partnered with Ericsson, while Vietnam too chose to cooperate
with non-Chinese 5G developers to develop their own standard.
The Biden administration is clearly now more focused on Southeast Asia,
and the region’s potential given its technological transition, population size,
and economic potential is apparent. From a European perspective, the Indo-
Pacific is also of strategic importance. The September 2021 EU strategy for
cooperation in the Indo Pacific9 outlined the opportunities for a closer co-
operation between Europe and the Indo-Pacific, as it noted that cooperation
with the Indo-Pacific will be critical for the advancement of the EU objectives
in relation to sustainable and inclusive prosperity; green transition; ocean
governance; digital governance and partnerships; connectivity; security and
defense, and human security.
Yet for all the words calling for commitment and cooperation, it re-
mains unclear beyond the amount of money already committed just how
9 JOIN(2021) 24 final Join Communication of the European Parliament and the Council, The
EU strategy for cooperation in the Indo-Pacific.
Michele Acciaro
International Financial
Institutions Key to
Meet the Infrastructure
Financing Gap
Bart W. Édes is a Distinguished Fellow at the Asia Pacific Foundation
of Canada, and a Professor of Practice at McGill University’s Institute
for the Study of International Development. He previously served as the
North American Representative of the Asian Development Bank, based
in Washington, D.C.
Bart W. Édes
A t the June 2022 G7 summit, leaders from the world’s richest countries
announced1 the launch of the Partnership for Global Infrastructure
and Investment (PGII) to mobilize up $600 billion in public and private in-
vestments by 2027. The goal was to meet the infrastructure needs of low- and
middle-income countries, and the Biden administration declared it would
offer one-third of the mobilized amount through grants, federal financing,
and private sector investments.
The White House memorandum set forth the administration’s approach
to executing PGII, highlighting infrastructure-related priorities that “will be
especially critical for robust development in the coming decades: climate and
energy security, digital connectivity, health and health security, and gender
equality and equity.”
In their joint communiqué, G7 leaders recognized the role multilateral de-
velopment banks (MDBs) play in leveraging private capital in particular. The
new G7 resource mobilization effort envisions joint action with the MDBs
and other financing institutions to consolidate a pipeline of bankable proj-
ects, improve project preparation capabilities, and align support for policy and
regulatory frameworks for sustainable infrastructure investments.
As international financial institutions, the MDBs provide loans and grants
as well as technical assistance and policy advice- to low-income and middle-
income countries to promote economic and social development. These institu-
tions allow donor nations including G7 countries to share the cost of develop-
ment interventions. MDBs are able to provide aid on a larger scale than many
development cooperation agencies operated by individual countries such as
USAID and Germany’s GIZ.
The MDBs also set high standards for projects when it comes to environ-
mental, social, and governance issues. They can act as a force multiplier too
by crowding in financing from other public and private finance institutions
when preparing loans for major infrastructure projects. MDBs also seriously
consider a country’s debt burden before approving loans (something not done
by China in its overseas lending). In short, they promote high quality and sus-
tainable infrastructure development in ways that complement and reinforce
the PGII’s objectives.
International Financial Institutions Key to Meet the Infrastructure Financing Gap
The Biden administration has directed the U.S. Secretary of the Treasury
to consult with other federal officials to develop a plan for engaging the
MDBs to promote investment and increase private-capital mobilization for
low- and middle-income countries, and coordinate with like-minded partners
in the plan’s execution. In addition, White House has pushed for the chief
executive of the U.S. Development Finance Corporation “to develop a plan
to enhance engagement with national and international development finance
institutions,” including MDBs, to mobilize private capital. These plans must
propose actions to facilitate commercial financing to developing countries.
All G7 countries are shareholders in the major MDBs, namely the African
Development Bank (AfDB); Asian Development Bank (ADB); European
Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD); Inter-American
Development Bank (IDB); and the World Bank. Collectively, the G7 mem-
bers, together with other traditional donor countries such as Australia and
several Western European countries hold a large share in the MDBs. They
entrust these institutions with large sums of capital for use in tackling eco-
nomic, social, and environmental challenges in the developing world. G7
countries played a key role in raising $93 billion for the most recent cycle
of the International Development Association2 to assist the world’s poorest
countries to boost their economies and support their populations in the midst
of multiple crises.
Given their substantial shareholdings in the MDBs, G7 countries can exert
considerable influence on the decisions on MDB boards of governors and di-
rectors, particularly when they work in concert on shared interests. The MDBs
are very well placed to advance progress on the key infrastructure-related pri-
orities identified by the Biden administration in the context of the PGII and
its focus on key issues including energy security, climate risks, digital connec-
tivity, health and health security, and gender equality).
Climate change is a good example of multilateral consensus and coopera-
tion. Eight leading MDBs committed $66 billion for climate finance in 2020.
This figure was complemented by $85 billion in co-financing from public and
2 The International Development Association, more commonly known as “IDA”, is the part of the World
Bank Group that provides development assistance to poor countries. It provides zero to low-interest loans
and grants to these countries for projects and programs to increase economic growth, reduce inequalities,
and raise living standards.
Bart W. Édes
private sources. The MDBs have substantially boosted their funding of cli-
mate adaptation and mitigation projects in recent years, and have identified
climate action as a priority in their plans for the coming years.” The ADB has
teamed up with the Green Climate Fund to support the ASEAN Catalytic
Green Finance Facility, which aims to mobilize more than $4 billion in public
and private financing for green infrastructure projects across Southeast Asia.
The bank has also partnered with other international donors to provide fi-
nancing for the restoration, conservation and management of coral reefs in
Fiji, Indonesia, the Philippines and the Solomon Islands.
International Financial Institutions Key to Meet the Infrastructure Financing Gap
Bart W. Édes
International Financial Institutions Key to Meet the Infrastructure Financing Gap
Bart W. Édes
International Financial Institutions Key to Meet the Infrastructure Financing Gap
Bart W. Édes
related crises translates into an eventual need for more resources at these and
other MDBs. The AsDB and EBRD have not seen a general capital increase in
over a decade.
Earlier this year, the boards of governors at IDB and its private sector arm,
IDB Invest, mandated a proposal for a capital increase for IDB Invest. This
would be accompanied by changes in the way that IDB Invest operates. The
envisioned new model for IDB Invest involves the origination of projects
with greater impact, more de-risking of private sector investment, and the use
of new financial and technical tools to mobilize capital. This planned move
should provide inspiration for capital increases at other MDBs, including at
ADB and EBRD, which operate in an environment of growing expectations.
Climate change presents a serious threat to sustainable development, and
the effort to tackle it will be won or lost in Asia given the continent’s enor-
mous population and booming economies. It is thus critical that ADB’s share-
holders provide the institution with more resources to leverage in supporting
low- and midlle-income countries in the adoption of climate adaptation and
mitigation measures. The EBRD is likely be called upon to ramp up its invest-
ment in the Ukraine to help that war-ravaged state rebuild and modernize
after its ongoing war with Russia. Discussions should begin now on capital in-
creases for these two banks, and G7 countries should take the lead with stated
intentions to provide additional contributions.
In addition to supplying MDBs with more resources, G7 members should
also support greater staffing of these institutions. During the COVID-19
pandemic, MDB personnel have been stretched to the limit while working
to meet the urgent needs of beneficiary countries struggling with the major
human and economic costs imposed by COVID-19 and its consequences. The
MDBs need more experts in a variety of subject and functional areas to deliv-
ery vital support to social and physical infrastructure in the developing world.
The G7 countries have announced a very ambitious, time-bound plan to
boost infrastructure financing in developing countries. To mobilize anywhere
near the PGII target of $600 billion within the next five years, these global
economic leaders will have to depend heavily on the MDBs, which have un-
paralleled expertise and geographic presence to finance, plan, and implement
major infrastructure projects. To ensure the credibility of their major commit-
ment, they must act boldly and quickly.
Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars
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