BR200 V1.2
BR200 V1.2
BR200 V1.2
Manuale Utente
BR200 V1.2
LIFT Control Board
1 ELECTRIC FEATURES ................................................................................................................................... 3
2 ELECTRIC DIAGRAM BR200 ........................................................................................................................ 4
2.1 ELECTRIC DRAWINGS CHM.......................................................................................................................... 5
3 KEYPAD AND DISPLAY .................................................................................................................................. 6
3.2 KEYPAD DESCRIPTION ................................................................................................................................. 6
3.3 PROGRAMMING MODE .................................................................................................................................. 7
3.3.1 HOW TO CHANGE PARAMETER VALUE ........................................................................................................... 7
3.4 INSPECTION MODE ....................................................................................................................................... 8
3.5 MONITOR MODE .......................................................................................................................................... 9
4 FAULT SIGNAL ........................................................................................................................................... 10
4.1 FAULTS LIST .............................................................................................................................................. 10
5 PARAMETERS ............................................................................................................................................ 15
6 INPUT/OUTPUT DESCRIPTION 0-23 .............................................................................................................. 23
6.1 0-23 PROGRAMMABLE INPUT MAPPING ........................................................................................................ 23
6.2 SELECTIVE FLOOR CONFIGURATION ........................................................................................................... 25
6.3 CHM2S BOARD WORKING (LANDING SERIAL) ............................................................................................... 28
7 ABSOLUTE SELECTOR CONFIGURATION WITH BOARD BR-ENC .................................................................... 30
8 SERIAL CABIN BOARD - COP...................................................................................................................... 38
8.1 TECHNICAL DATASHEET .................................................................................................................................... 39
8.2 PWR1 AND PWR2 CONNECTOR .......................................................................................................................... 39
8.3 DESCRIZIONE INPUT-OUTPUT .......................................................................................................................... 39
8.4 JUMPER KEY DESCRIPTION – J2 ....................................................................................................................... 41
8.5 DIAGNOSTIC ........................................................................................................................................................ 41
9 VOICE SYNTHESIS – NVOICE ...................................................................................................................... 42
9.1 CONNECTORS J1 E J2 ......................................................................................................................................... 42
9.2 TECHNICAL DATA ................................................................................................................................................ 42
9.3 AUDO FILES PROPERETY ON MICRO SD ......................................................................................................... 42
9.5 PROGRAMMING MENU ....................................................................................................................................... 42
9.6 DIAGNOSTICS ...................................................................................................................................................... 43
9.7 LED RDY ............................................................................................................................................................... 43
9.8 LED ERR............................................................................................................................................................... 44
10 DESCRIPTION OF CONNECTIONS ................................................................................................................. 44
11 COM I/O ................................................................................................................................................... 54
11.1 CABLE FOR COM COMMUNICATION ............................................................................................................ 54
12 LIFT W ORKING ........................................................................................................................................... 55
12.1 SENSORS AND MAGNETS DISPOSITION ........................................................................................................ 55
12.2 MAGNETS DISPOSITION – LIFT SPEED < 1M/S ............................................................................................... 55
12.3 MAGNETS DISPOSITION, LIFT SPEED > 1 M/S................................................................................................ 56
12.4 MAGNET DISPOSITION NOT REGULAR DISTANCE FLOOR/FLOOR, SPEED < 1 M/S ............................................. 57
12.4.1 LONG DECELERATION (OR REVERSE).......................................................................................................... 57
12.4.2 SHORT DISTANCE FLOOR/FLOOR ............................................................................................................... 58
12.4.3 SHORT FLOOR ON LOWER/UPPER FLOOR ................................................................................................... 59
13 DOORS...................................................................................................................................................... 60
13.1 OPENING/CLOSING TIME............................................................................................................................. 60
13.2 AUTOMATIC DOORS ................................................................................................................................... 60
13.3 PARKING ................................................................................................................................................... 61
13.4 MULTIPLE ENTRANCES (SINGLE/DOUBLE ENTRANCES IN CABIN)................................................................... 61
13.4.1 TWO ENTRANCES 180°............................................................................................................................... 61
13.4.2 CORRIDOR TWO ENTRANCES ..................................................................................................................... 61
13.4.3 TWO ENTRANCES SELECTED ...................................................................................................................... 61
13.5 SWING DOOR (OR SEMI-AUTOMATIC) ....................................................................................................... 62
13.6 RETRACTILE CAM ..................................................................................................................................... 62
14 LIFT TYPOLOGY ......................................................................................................................................... 63
14.1 HYDRAULIC LIFT ........................................................................................................................................ 63
14.1.1 AUTO LEVELLING........................................................................................................................................ 63
BR200 V1.2
Dear customer, we thank you for purchasing our BR200 lift board produced by us for the control of elevators maneuver controllers.
before installation and use we suggest you to read carefully this manual.
BR200 V1.2
1 Electric Features
Features Description
Dimensions 150 x 255 mm
Weight 380g
Software PIC 32Bit
Power Supply (IN+/IN-) 12-24 DC +/- 10%
Stabilized Output Voltage (+12-GND) 12VDC 1500mA
Charger 12V (BAT-GND) 13,8VDC 400mA
Overvoltage on Inputs (MAX) Till 100VDC/AC
Safety Circuits INPUT 24-110VAC/DC
(EXC/ ALT/ ALT1/ ALT2/ CS) 500mA
Transistor Output (MAX) Programmable by keypad and by local software
Configuration Parameters EN81.20 e EN81.50 : 2014
Standards GND is main ground.
BR200 V1.2
24/110 V
Alarm AL+
BR200 - MoviLift
12V-7 Ah Button L13
GND ~ ~
Door Contact
12/24V DC GND
for lights ALT
Call Button 0
Pulsante Reset
Call Button 1
Extra travel
……. …….
……. …….
UP DOWN ESC OK Multiplex
Call Button 23 MAN
12V 12V DC
Indipendent Service SI GND MAX 2A
Law 13 Reset RES
Contactor Control TS/TD
Contactor Control CH/TB
Contactor Control AP/TG
The CHM is an
I/O Chiamata/Prenotato card that
takes landing or
cabin calls in
Configuration of these inputs / outputs is variable depending on the system configuration. The behavior of
each input / output is described in Section 4.
This card must be supplied to the connector CANBUS BR200. The supply voltage must not exceed 24VDC.
Each input is protected by a surge of 100Vdc
BR200 V1.2
For Normal mode move the cursor switch “P1” on NORM position.
BR200 V1.2
Display shows:
Parameter Number
Parameter Value
Check Menu 2
BR200 V1.2
Display shows:
“UP/DOWN” Button
allows to make UP/DOWN direction in
Inspection mode
BR200 V1.2
It is possible to check sensor state or check settings pushing ESC for 4 seconds in normal mode.
Display shows:
Stato attuale:
ISP: Inspection Activated
Errore in atto:
Fault List
BR200 V1.2
4 Fault Signal
The presence of a fault on the system will be indicated by an error code on the display and the red LED
ERR. The faults are listed in the table below in three categories:
The card is capable of storing up to a maximum of 100 faults, and then continues by overwriting the oldest.
Faults will be stored also when BR200 is OFF.
Type Description Cause / Solution
Err 32 Error Safety Lock error during travel Time on CS expired. Check D9
Err 39 Error Stop Sensor reversed Check IF and ICV position on floor
Err 41 Error IF sensor not read in DOWN Check IF position and functioning
Err 43 Error ICV sensor not read in DOWN Check ICV position and functioning
DOWN phasing sensor Error. Check number of stops is correct (Par. A2)
Err 45 Error
RD=0 and cabin not in the upper floor and position/functioning of RD
BR200 V1.2
Blocking CS input always energized during door During Opening Operator Opening
Err 59
FAULT opening. Contactor closed (safety circuits CS).
BR200 V1.2
Err 63 Error Photocell input always opened at floor Check photocell functioning on CM1-CM2
Long stop Error. IF/ICV Sensor passed Check deceleration space (low speed) or
Err 66 Error
during the stop. correct switching High/Low speed.
Input 60.
Err 75 Error Error 60°oil temperature
Check probe working or parameter F1.
Input TMS.
Err 76 Error Motor Thermistor
Check thermistor working or parameter F5
HIGH speed contactor TS not activated Input TSD activated during UP direction.
Err 80 Error
during UP direction Checks run contactor.
LOW speed contactor TD not activated Input TSD activated during UP direction.
Err 81 Error
during DOWN direction. Checks run contactor.
BR200 V1.2
Increase parameter C2
Error on Car door operator with limit
Err 88 Error Errors during opening procedure
Time for opening door is too short
Err 89 Error Error EEPROM writing failed Error during data storage
Error in communication with CAN Cabin Serial board COP damaged, reverse
Err 94 Error
module COP CAN connections
Err 96 Error Error push button is stuck Verify connections or call push button.
BR200 V1.2
Err 117 Error Selector with encoder Error Missed reading of ZP sensor
Err 130 Error Watch-dog Error BR200 Board internal block so restarted
Err 131 Error watch-dog Error COP COP board internal block so restarted
Err 140 Error Modem Error Modem not found from Board
Err 150 Error Communication error Master/Slave Master board can’t find Slave Board X
Err 151 Error Communication error Master Slave board can’t find Master Board.
BR200 V1.2
5 Parameters
A= General Settings
1: Italian
2: English
A1 Language
3: Spanish
4: Romanian
A2 Stops 02 – 32 stops
0: Normal
1: Reverse in each floor
2: Regular/Short/reverse Floor
A3 * If speed is higher than 1.2m/s with option “short floor” or “reverse”
selected please check that in lower and/or upper floor is installed phasing
sensor to disable high speed.
3: Selector with encoder (Chapter.7)
1: High Activity on A1
A4 Intermediate Speed
2: Intermediate Activated
1: AC2
A5 Typology of Lift
3: Hydraulic
A 1: APB (Universal)
2: APB (Universal) INT-EXT
3: By man
A6 Maneuvers 4: Down collective
5: UP/DOWN collective
Chapter 15
1: Lower floor
A7 Levelling
2: Upper Floor
0 : Simplex
1 : Duplex Master (via RS232)
Simplex or 2: Duplex Slave (via RS232)
Duplex/Multiplex 11 : Duplex/Multiplex Master (via CAN bus)
12: Duplex/Multiplex Slave (via CAN bus)
A9 (Master) Number of Floors 1 – 32: Number of floor to manage further actual floor in multiplex
BR200 V1.2
1: ARD activated
A10 ARD Activation 2: ARD activation for MRL Controller
0 -33
A11 Fireman floor Destination floor when Firemen switch activated (33 = not active).
0 : Disabled
A12 No-Fire Procedure 1 : Enable
B= A3 Amendment Settings
0: Disabled
B1 A3 Amendment 1: Activated control BR1-BR2 (Switch)
B 2: Activated control valves (DLV)
C= Doors
C2 Door Opening TIME Max time for opening doors in sec (2 – 15s).
C3 Door Closing TIME Max time for closing doors in sec (2 – 15s).
C Side Opening.
0: Not Activated
1: Side A
C6 Programmable in each 2: Side B
floor 3: Opposite
4: Selected
0 : Manual
C9 Door Typology 1 : Automatic
2 : Swing
BR200 V1.2
D= Time
0 – 20 tenths of a second.
BR200 V1.2
D17 (0 – 20 sec) Lift exit from inspection and starts levelling operations
Exit from Inspection If it is =0 lift not make levelling operation when inspection expired but lift
stores its actual position.
This gives errors 120, 121,122. These errors aren’t blocking errors but
cause immediately STOP and cancellation of all reservation;
0 – 9 hundreds of a second. Added to TIMER D10 it is possible to get
Delay stop time 2
total delay time.
IF and ICV input reading
0-50 thousands of second
delay time
BR200 V1.2
E= Faults
E3 Error frequency
F= Input/output Activation
0: Not Activated
60° Activation. Only if
F1 1: Activated N.O.
A5=3v(Hydraulic Lift)
2: Activated N.C.
0: Not Activated
1: Activated N.O. Fixed Light ’SVC’
F2 Overload Activation 2: Activated N.C. Fixed Light ‘SVC’
3: Activated N.O. Blinking Light ’SVC’
4: Activated N.C. Blinking Light ’SVC’
F3 0: Not Activated
Movable Floor 1: Activated N.O.
2: Activated N.C.
F F4
GONG Activation
0: GONG Activated during low speed change.
1: GONG Activated during door opening.
F5 0: Not Activated
Motor Thermic control
1: Activated N.O.
2: Activated N.C.
F7 0: deactivated
OT1-OT2 activation 1: output OT1 is used for fireman forced door closing maneuver
See chapter 15.7
BR200 V1.2
0 : Not Activated
G1 Cod16 Activation
1 : Activated
G2 0 : Not Activated
CAN Display Activation
1 : Activated
G3 0 : Not Activated
G SMS Activation
1 : Activated
G7 0 : Not Activated
nZEN Activation
1 : Activated
H= Options
H3 0: Not Activated
PCP virtual activation
1: Activated. CHAPTER 10
H4 0: Not Activated
Simplified maneuver on 1: Activated
reservation After a call will be cancelled both external reservation (UP and/or Down)
at that floor
H H5 Photocell activations
0 – 5 After this all saved calls will be cancelled
Serial Alarm Activation 0: Present Signal Enabled (Only for APB maneuver A6=2).
EXT 1: Alarm Signal Enabled (Only for APB maneuver A6=2).
BR200 V1.2
H10 0: Disabled.
Priority Maneuver
1: Enabled. CHAPTER 15.10
H12 0 : Disabled
Low Pit/headroom 1 : Out of Inspection, if low pit/headroom it will be OUT OF SERVICE
Reverse floor on
50 – 83: stop from 0 to 31
H15 0: Disabled
1: Enabled
Double Click
It allows to cancel each cabin reservation activated pressing two times
(quickly) on push button.
Landing – position 0: position function activated
activation 1: landing function activated
0: The errors 46 and 47 are not blocking errors
Blocked after floor arrival 1: Errors 46 and 47 are blocking errors when you reach the first available
floor and doors were opened.
I= Monitor
L= Password
BR200 V1.2
N= Encoder
N1 1 – 1000 mm. Pulley diameter
Distance of deceleration D2, D3, D4, D5, D6, D7 relative to speed V2, V3,
N5 Distance of deceleration
V4, V5, V6, V7. Showed in cm.
N7 Pashing level speed It allows to choose one of 7 speeds available for phasing procedure
N8 Inspection speed It allows choosing one of 7 speeds available for Inspection operations.
0 – 100 mm. Max waste values allowed from read point of ZP during
N10 Encoder Error tolerance
X= Reserved Parameters
BR200 V1.2
(A6 = 4) (A6 = 5)
(A6 = 2)
0 C0 C0 C0 C0
1 C1 C1 C1 C1
2 C2 C2 C2 C2
3 C3 C3 C3 C3
4 C4 C4 C4 C4
5 C5 C5 C5 -
6 C6 C6 C6 -
7 C7 C7 C7 -
8 C8 E0 D0 S0
9 C9 E1 D1 D1
10 C10 E2 D2 S1
11 C11 E3 D3 D2
12 P0 E4 D4 S2
13 P1 E5 D5 D3
14 P2 E6 D6 S3
15 P3 E7 D7 D4
16 P4 P0 P0 P0
17 P5 P1 P1 P1
18 P6 P2 P2 P2
19 P7 P3 P3 P3
20 P8 P4 P4 P4
21 P9 P5 P5 -
22 P10 P6 P6 -
23 P11 P7 P7 -
Max N°
12 8 8 5
BR200 V1.2
(A6 = 4) (A6 = 5)
(A6 = 2)
0 C0 C0 C0 C0
1 C1 C1 C1 C1
2 C2 C2 C2 C2
3 C3 C3 C3 C3
4 C4 C4 C4 C4
5 C5 C5 C5 C5
6 C6 C6 C6 C6
7 C7 C7 C7 -
8 C8 C8 C8 -
9 C9 C9 C9 -
10 C10 C10 C10 -
11 C11 C11 C11 -
12 C12 E0 D0 S0
13 C13 E1 D1 D1
14 C14 E2 D2 S1
15 C15 E3 D3 D2
16 C16 E4 D4 S2
17 C17 E5 D5 D3
18 C18 E6 D6 S3
19 C19 E7 D7 D4
20 C20 E8 D8 S4
21 C21 E9 D9 D5
22 C22 E10 D10 S5
23 C23 E11 D11 D6
Max N°
24 12 12 7
BR200 V1.2
(A6 = 4) (A6 = 5) (A6 = 4) (A6 = 5)
(A6 = 2) (A6 = 2)
0 E0 D0 S0 E0 D0 S0
1 E1 D1 D1 E1 D1 D1
2 E2 D2 S1 E2 D2 S1
3 E3 D3 D2 E3 D3 D2
4 E4 D4 S2 E4 D4 S2
5 E5 D5 D3 E5 D5 D3
6 E6 D6 S3 E6 D6 S3
7 E7 D7 D4 E7 D7 D4
8 E8 D8 S4 E8 D8 S4
9 E9 D9 D5 E9 D9 D5
10 E10 D10 S5 E10 D10 S5
11 E11 D11 D6 E11 D11 D6
12 P0 P0 P0 E12 D12 S6
13 P1 P1 P1 E13 D13 D7
14 P2 P2 P2 E14 D14 S7
15 P3 P3 P3 E15 D15 D8
16 P4 P4 P4 E16 D16 S8
17 P5 P5 P5 E17 D17 D9
18 P6 P6 P6 E18 D18 S9
19 P7 P7 - E19 D19 D10
20 P8 P8 - E20 D20 S10
21 P9 P9 - E21 D21 D11
22 P10 P10 - E22 D22 -
23 P11 P11 - E23 D23 -
Max N° 12
12 12 7 24 24
BR200 V1.2
Enter in C6
parameter -
0: Not included
Set one floor 1: Side A
for each time 2: Side B
3: Both Opposite
4: Selected
1. Set Parameter C6
Floor 0: Side A Opening (Value 1)
Floor 1: Side A Opening (Value 1)
Floor 2A: Selective Side A Opening (Value 1)
Floor 2B: Selective Side A Opening (Value 2)
Floor 3: Side A Opening (Value 1)
Floor 4: Side A Opening (Value 1)
Floor 5: Side A Opening (Value 1)
BR200 V1.2
(A6 = 4) (A6 = 5)
(A6 = 2)
0 C0 C0 C0 C0
1 C1 C1 C1 C1
2 C2A C2A C2A C2A
3 C2B C2B C2B C2B
4 C3 C3 C3 C3
5 C4 C4 C4 C4
6 C5 C5 C5 C5
7 C6 C6 C6 -
8 C7 C7 C7 -
9 C8 C8 C8 -
10 C9 C9 C9 -
11 C10 C10 C10 -
12 C11 E0 D0 S0
13 C12 E1 D1 D1
14 C13 E2A D2A S1
15 C14 E2B D2B D2A
16 C15 E3 D3 S2A
17 C16 E4 D4 D2B
18 C17 E5 D5 S2B
19 C18 E6 D6 D3
20 C19 E7 D7 S3
21 C20 E8 D8 D4
22 C21 E9 D9 S4
23 C22 E10 D10 D5
Max N°
23 11 11 6
In according to configuration, on BR200 for parallel or serial calls (cabin and landings), calls sequence is
changed (like in previous example).
BR200 V1.2
CHM2S diagram.
Power Supply 12/24V.
J2 and J3 connectors can accept CAN-BUS serial signal composed in this way:
Pin1: Vcc (12-24) Pin2: CANH Pin3: CANL Pin4: GND (Before @ version)
Pin1: Vcc (12-24) Pin2: CANH Pin3: GND Pin4: CANL (Version @)
J4 and J1 are for DOWN and UP button in case of Collective UP/DOWN maneuver.
In APB maneuver connector J1 become CALL push button and J2 can be used like PRESENT signal or
ALARM signal (programmable in parameter H7) and set in this way:
Pin1: GND Pin2: CL (Common for Light) Pin3: Light Exit Pin4: Call Input
BR200 V1.2
This programming is made closing J5 jumper and pressing n+1 (programmed floor) times down button.
For example, to can associate this board to floor 0 it is necessary to push Down button only 1 time. Further,
Jumper J5 is necessary to can check what floor is assigned to this board; to have this info is necessary to
restart the board and buzzer will give n+1 beep…number of beep is the number of floor assigned.
N.B closing Jumper but without any press of DOWN button, board not change is setting.
Buzzer BUZ1 makes a beep 0,2sec each time UP or DOWN button is pressed.
Diode Led D8 is for diagnostic. If communication with CHM2S is correct, this led blinking 1time/second. If
some troubles blinking will be quick and if communication lost led will be light ON FIXED. When jumper J5
closed led blinking each second.
BR200 V1.2
Power Supply
Connect BR-ENC
+12 to CANBUS on
L BR200 board
Connection LINE-
Connect to Connect Inverter
repetition signals output:
of inverter GND= common
encoder board inverter signals
GND (PLC -Fuji)
(Check on O0 O0= inverter input
B- O1
inverter or B+ O2
(X1- Fuji)
controller A- O1= inverter input
manual) A+ (X2- Fuji)
O2= inverter input
(X3- Fuji)
Power Supply
Connect BR-ENC
Connection +12 to CANBUS on
Connect to
signals A- e B- of
encoder board.
+Vcc connect to Output
positive of Connect Inverter
encoder board. output:
GND= common
GND inverter signals
(Check on O0
inverter and O1 (PLC -Fuji)
controller user O2 O0= inverter input
manual) (X1- Fuji)
A- O1= inverter input
(X2- Fuji)
+ Vcc O2= inverter input
(X3- Fuji) 30
BR200 V1.2
- For Gearless Lift with permanent magnets motor, it is necessary POLETUNIG before everything.
- When POLETUNING not made, it causes many problem and faults when motor start (ERE, ER5
on FUJI FRENIC … PG0 on L1000A).
- To can make POLETUNING:
- Insert phasing sensors RS e RD on BR100 (common GND).
- Set parameter A3 = 0 (normal selector).
- Start POLETUNING giving UP or DOWN direction on BR100 and setting necessary parameters.
- (check Installation Guide to make Pole tuning)
- N3 : Roping ***
- N4 : Reduction ****
BR200 V1.2
When all connections made, parameters set and phasing sensors inserted it is possible to make first
If, at first start, inverter show encoder error (PG, ERE, ER5) and board show error (121 o 122)
change motor phases V with W.
Instead, if only board BR100 shows error (121 o 122), change connection from encoder on BR-ENC:
change A+ with B+ and A- with B.
During Installation, place magnet ZP perfectly on center of stop zone when cabin is perfectly
levelled on floor. (fig 2).
Then check:
- If parameter A8 set to 2 or 3 (Stop in zone during inspection).
- If inspection speed is enough to allow perfect stop to floor:
If too high decrease parameter N8. Example: value 4 is speed V4.
When inverter and board not give any error during start and normal travel it is possible magnets
Magnet ZP
Fig 2
BR200 V1.2
Lift start in low speed acquiring all quotes in shaft in UP direction and then in DOWN direction.
If auto learning not successfully completed on board will appear error 111.
Positioning is Ex: cabin
correct. position is
Make the same higher about 5
to next floors cm so decrease
magnet position
5cm and vice
BR200 V1.2
During start BR200 always choose V7 speed (high speed) but if distance is lower than 2.5xD7 then BR200 try
with lower speed (V6).
Example: if distance is lower than 2.5 x D6 will be insert V5 speed (33 Hz in table) and so on until correct
“agreement” by speed-distance will be found.
1100 1 COLL
BR200 V1.2
BR200 V1.2
if board work to speed V7 (high speed) and deceleration, till floor selected, is too steep it is
necessary to decrease D7 parameter, on the contrary if deceleration is too slow it is necessary
increase D7.
BR200 V1.2
- Error 65 -> when lift arrives on the floor and leveling is wronged about 1 cm than quote
acquired during auto learning.
- Error 98 -> Communication missed with BR_ENC.
- Error 111 -> Auto learning failed. Not congruent data reading by encoder in UP and DOWN
direction during auto tuning.
- Error 112 -> when lift arrive in destination floor in UP direction and proceed over the quote
acquired in Auto learning missing STOP SENSOR ZP.
- Error 113 -> when lift arrive in destination floor in DOWN direction and proceed over the
quote acquired in Auto learning missing STOP SENSOR ZP.
- Error 116 During travel, it meets ZP sensor and it checks if pulses are congruent with quotes
acquired. If lower, cabin move in slow speed and will be stopped in nearest floor.
- Error 117 -> ZP sensor reading MISSED.
- Error 118 -> during travel it meets ZP sensor and it checks if pulses are congruent with quotes
acquired. If higher cabin move in slow speed and will be stopped in nearest floor.
- Error 120 -> Board give a direction but any pulse arrives by encoder.
- Error 121-> Board give UP direction but encoder gives DOWN direction (Increase PAR.
D13 and change channels A and B in encoder).
- Error 122 -> Board gives DOWN direction but encoder gives UP direction (Increase PAR.
D23 and change channels A and B in encoder).
These are not blocking errors but cause cancellation of reservations and stop of cabin.
BR200 V1.2
BR200 V1.2
Pin 1: +12/24V Pin 2: CAN-H Pin 3: CAN-L Pin 4: GND (Before @ version)
INPUT 0-11: Input for cabin calls. Calls are made by JST connector 4 pins:
Pin1 : GND
PIN2 : 12/24V
INPUT PAP: Closed to GND, it enables OPENING DOOR command. It allows to enable opening door
command when cabin is on floor or to cancel current call during closing door operation.
INPUT PCP: Closed to GND it enables advanced closing door command (for COLLECTIVE maneuver) set
to 0 Waiting time with door opened during reservation.
INPUT SI: Closed to GND it enables INDIPENDENT SERVICE for collective maneuver. All landing call will
be cancelled so cabin calls will have priority.
BR200 V1.2
INPUNTS IF-ICV: Are Input signals of stopping and speed change in STOP SONE.
INPUTS RS-RD: Input signals for lower and upper landing phasing sensors.
INPUTS 74: It is activated by cabin overload; this input is settable in parameter F2. It can be NC or NO.
When it is activated, cabin stop to the floor with door opened and BUSY signal turn ON until it is reset; SVC
led signal will be on; cabin calls disabled.
INPUT MAN: Closed to GND enable INSPECTION ON CABIN CEILING. Cabin/landing calls disabled and
BUSY signal is ON. Cabin can stops in UP/DOWN pashing sensor zone or in extreme stop zone IF/ICV in
according to value set in parameter A1-08 ; in same parameter it is possible indicate to move cabin in
HIGH/LOW speed in according to nominal speed.
INPUTS PSM-PDM: Closed to GND. Input signals for up and down direction push button (in Inspection
Mode), placed above the car on inspection box.
INPUTS CM1-CM2: Closed to GND it gives photocell status about SIDE A in cabin (CM1) or SIDE B (CM2).
INPUT CCC: Inputs normally closed for the car full load contact. On COLLECTIVE lift, it disables landing calls
until it resettled.
INPUT FM: L This input is activated by PIT contact. It is settable by PAR F3. It can be NO or NC. When this
input is active, cabin stopped on landing with opened doors and BUSY signal ON until FM is reset. Calls in
cabin are enabled.
OUTPUTS FS-FD: Allow to light on “DOWN DIRECTION” and “UP DIRECTION”. In APB lift, these lights
indicate only effective lift movement. In COLLECTIVE, these lights indicate also next direction.
OUTPUTS A-B-C-D: Binary landing indication outputs. When F6=3 or 4, A will indicate BUSY signal while
B-C-D hasn’t any works;
OUTPUT SVC: It turn ON OVERLOAD signal when input 74 is activated. It is possible to have blinking light
or fixed light in according to value on parameter F2. Max load 250mA.
OUTPUT GNG: It manage GONG signal. It is activated each time door opened or speed change (par F4)
max 4 secs. Further it is possible disable it by parameter H8.
OUTPUT CP: It is CLOSE DOOR command. It is a transistor with C common. Output can control operator
board in case of electronic car door operator. In different case, it is better to use relay interface 12V.
OUTPUT AP1: It is OPENING DOOR command, and it is enabled to control SIDE A (when lift has 2
entries). It is a transistor with C common. Output can control operator board in case of electronic car door
operator. In different case, it is better to use relay interface 12V.
BR200 V1.2
OUTPUT AP2: It is OPENING DOOR command, and it is enabled to control SIDE B (when lift has 2
entries). It is a transistor with C common. Output can control operator board in case of electronic car door
operator. In different case, it is better to use relay interface 12V.
Jumper J2: it enables impedance 120Ohm necessary for CAN bus communication.
When BR200 power ON LEDs RDY and ERR are ON; a short sound indicates correct working of buzzer on
Off No errors
1 Blink and 1 sec pause CAN-BUS communication error. Checks CAN
serial connection. Check earth connection.
Always ON CAN-BUS communication error. Checks CAN
serial connection. Check earth connection
BR200 V1.2
Pin 1 CAN-H (Pin 1 is the one with the square copper pad on the side without components)
Pin 2 GND
Pin 3 CAN-L
Pin 4 +12/24V
Extension wav
Audio format PCM
Speed in bit 705 Kbps
Channels 1 mono
Samples dimension 16 bit signed
Samples speed 44100 Hz
By button P1, you can enter in programming menu and move in submenu. By button P2, you can enter in
BR200 V1.2
For example, pressing P1 consecutively you can hear the different submenu which are, Language, Volume,
etc., pressing P2 after Language you enter in submenu, by P1 you go forward in the selected submenu
and you can hear, Italian, English, etc.. Then press P2 to select and save the new value. Saving is
confirmed by 2 beeps. The modification is directly active.
If you do not press any button for 10 seconds, the board will exit the programming menu.
To reset the board to factory default values keep pressing P2 for more than 5 seconds in normal mode.
At the powering of the board the LEDS RDY and ERR will power ON; you will hear a short tone to test the
amplifier and the speaker. If the SD card is recognized correctly, it will pronounce the firmware version. If
the SD card is not read correctly, the two LEDs will remain ON and the board will stop.
The board has two LEDs with initials RDY and ERR which help the user in diagnostics and programming.
Short flashing once each second The board is working in normal mode
Long flashing once each second The board is working in programming mode or demo, so it does
not reproduce eventual commands coming from CAN bus
BR200 V1.2
OFF No error
1 flashing and 1 second of pause Error in the access to a file
2 flashings and 1 second of pause Error in the reading of parameter in memory
3 flashings and 1 second of pause Error in the writing of some parameters in memory
4 flashings and 1 second of pause Error in the setting of the digital trimmer
5 flashings and 1 second of pause The floor to announce is out of limits (-3 % 20)
6 flashings and 1 second of pause CAN bus activity missing from BR200 for more than
3 sec.
10 Description of Connections
They can make different functions. Programmable by parameter F6.
Floor D C B A
0 0 0 0 0
1 0 0 0 1
2 0 0 1 0
3 0 0 1 1
4 0 1 0 0
5 0 1 0 1
6 0 1 1 0
7 0 1 1 1
8 1 0 0 0
9 1 0 0 1
10 1 0 1 0
11 1 0 1 1
12 1 1 0 0
13 1 1 0 1
14 1 1 1 0
15 1 1 1 1
BR200 V1.2
F6 = 1: A-B-C-D out puts corresponds to GREY code for landing indication as in table:
Floor D C B A
0 0 0 0 0
1 0 0 0 1
2 0 0 1 1
3 0 0 1 0
4 0 1 1 0
5 0 1 1 1
6 0 1 0 1
7 0 1 0 0
8 1 1 0 0
9 1 1 0 1
10 1 1 1 1
11 1 1 1 0
12 1 0 1 0
13 1 0 1 1
14 1 0 0 1
15 1 0 0 0
F6 = 2: A-B-C-D outputs are used to drive inverter in a GENERAL PURPOSE. General Purpose inverter
does not manage travel and brake contactors. So Output A and B will be used for necessary delays to drive
travel contactors and execute the holding of brake contactor.
While output D is used as RSS output so it is activated in stop zone during delay stopping timer activity
(parameter D10 and D26). Is suggested to use relay interface on outputs A and B.
BR200 V1.2
F6 = 3: A-B outputs are not used while C gives input status X3 on COP, C = X3 (cop) and output SA on
BR200 gives X2 output status on COP, SA=X2 (cop).
X3 = 0 C=0
X3 = 1 C=1
X2 = 0 SA = 0
X2 = 1 SA = 1
Floor D C B A
0 0 0 0 1
1 0 0 1 0
2 0 1 0 0
3 1 0 0 0
F6 = 6: The outputs A-B-C-D correspond to Binary Code inverted for the indication of the floor. As reported
in the following table:
Floor D C B A
0 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 0
2 1 1 0 1
3 1 1 0 0
4 1 0 1 1
5 1 0 1 0
6 1 0 0 1
7 1 0 0 0
8 0 1 1 1
9 0 1 1 0
10 0 1 0 1
11 0 1 0 0
12 0 0 1 1
13 0 0 1 0
14 0 0 0 1
15 0 0 0 0
F6 = 7 : The outputs A-B-C-D, together with the outputs OT1-OT4-OT2-OT3 and OT5, are used as
signaling for controlling the display with 7-segments. As reported in the following table:
BR200 V1.2
Piano OT5(1) OT4(-) OT3(g) OT2(f) OT1(e) D(d) C(c) B(b) A(a)
-4 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 0
-3 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1
-2 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1
-1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0
0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0
2 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 1
3 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 1
4 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0
5 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1
6 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1
7 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1
8 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
9 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1
10 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1
11 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0
12 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 1
13 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 1
14 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0
15 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1
N.B.: If hydraulic lift (A5 = 3) and amendment A3 is activated (B1 = 2), output D does not make any of
previous function but it works like second down valve. Chapter 15.13.1
AL+ / AL-
Giving power to AL+/AL- (12Vcc by battery) Alarm Law 13 is activated. SA will be lighted ON to show that
alarm is activated.
Voltage to identify ALT= PIT, ALT2= CABIN, ALT2= DOOR LOOK. It can be variable from 24 to110 V DC-
This Input control TG contactor (high speed contactor) and AP contactor (door opening) in OFF position.
When lift is stopped this INPUT is on GND. During opening door or in high speed, this INPUT is opened. IF
something happen to this Input, it is showed FAULT 57 for high speed contactor or FAULT 84 for door
opening contactor. Check opening time, parameter B1-02, is enough.
BR200 V1.2
It is DOOR OPENING output. It is a relay with common in CRP. It can work with contactor protected by re-
circle diode. It is activated to handle operator named “SIDE A” when lift has two entries. Go to WORKING
DOORS paragraph for further details.
it handles door opening of second car door operator. It is better to use a relay 12V connected between +12
and AP2 with re-circle diode. Max load 400mA.
Input closed to GND enable ALARM RECEIVED Function when LAW 13 is activate d (see paragraph 0).
This enable output SAR like light cabin signal and disable light SA (signal on landings).
When board make relevelling with opened door (CS==0) board check safety module is ready by input
If safety module isn’t ready (AR==0) board not make relevelling but execute phasing so safety module will
be unblocked and show error from 240- 250 (ERROR_SAFETY_MODULE) in according to floor where
cabin is. Max 10 floors.
Emergency charger battery Output. Advised Battery is 12V 7Ah. During power failure, board is powered by
battery waiting ARD procedure.
Gli Ingressi chiusi a GND restituiscono lo stato a riposo delle ganasce del freno. Nel caso di motori
GEARLESS, per avere conformità al EN81.1 EMENDAMENTO A3, sarà possibile monitorare ad ogni
partenza/arrivo al piano l’apertura delle ganasce. Una mancata chiusura della ganascia oppure una
mancata riapertura della stessa, determinerà un errore bloccante resettabile solo agendo sul tasto RESET
della scheda madre. Non sarà ripristinabile neanche riavviando la scheda madre. Consultare il paragrafo
Emendamento A3, Capitolo 15.13.2.
BR200 V1.2
Inputs Normally closed for the car full load contact (CC). On COLLECTIVE lift, it disables landing calls until reset.
Closed to GND gives PHOTOCELL status on SIDE A (CM1) or on SIDE B (CM2). If time set in D1 expired,
it will generate FAULT 63.
Input common for door operator relay (AP/CP outputs)
Close door command. It is a relay with common in CRP. It can manage load contactor protected by re-circle
diode. It enables also to manage two entries. Check DOOR WORKING paragraph.
It is an input signal that controls slow speed contactor (TB) and door closing relay (CH).
When lift is, stopped input is closed on GND. During door closing and during slow speed input is opened. If
case of anomaly on this input is generated error 58 for low speed contactor or error 83 for closing door
contactor. Check closing time (par C03) is enough.
It is taken at the end of safety circuits to check landing door and landing contact. Application voltage is from 24
to 110V DC-AC. Check chapter 2.
Contactors’ common (TS, TD, TG, TB). Usually it is wired with CS. If Automatic doors with cam, it will be
better separate CS like cabin door contact and CT connected to landing door contact.
Input for emergency service activation, that is when there is a power cut.
When it is activated, series are all closed, automatic call in down direction is made towards nearer floor. On
landing is activated opening door contact. Chapter 15.11
BR200 V1.2
This output manage DOWN DIRECTION. If we have APB maneuver this FD indicate only cabin is in
movement. If COLLECTIVE maneuver it shows also DOWN next direction. Chapter 15.3.
It represents voltage on safety circuits to monitor overrun contact statement. When EXC works lift will be
blocked PERMANENTLY till operation RESET will made.
This input is activated by PIT contact. It is settable by PAR F3. It can be NO or NC. When this input is
active, cabin stopped on landing with opened doors and BUSY signal ON till FM is reset. Calls in cabin are
This output manage UP DIRECTION. If we have APB maneuver this FS indicate only cabin is in movement.
If COLLECTIVE maneuver it shows also UP next direction. Chapter 15.3.
This input is the reference electric potential (Zero voltage) for the power supply and for the signalling lights.
This clamp must be connected to GND (EARTH clamp PE). Refer to INSULATION TESTS paragraph.
It manage GONG signal. It is activated each time door opened (max 4 secs) (PAR F4).
These are terminals for controlling the serial CAN bus for serial boards (COP, CHM, CHM2S and
Are the clamps for the power supply of the control board. (12/24Vdc/ac). Use protection by FUSE 2Amp-
Input signals of stopping and speed change/landing counter sensors. Chapter 12
Are two inputs free programming.
Control Input for Hospital maneuver Dinamo (chapter 15.8). Enable parameters H6 = 1 and H11 = 0.
Control input to disable landing calls on APB and collective maneuver. Enable parameters H6 = 0
and H11 = 1, landing calls will be make only if IT1 is enabled (IT1=1).
IT2: it is used only for FIREMAN maneuver setting parameter A12 = 1. Chapter 15.7.
Closed to GND enable INSPECTION ON CABIN CEILING. Cabin/landing calls disabled and BUSY signal is
BR200 V1.2
ON. Cabin can stops in UP/DOWN pashing sensor zone or in extreme stop zone IF/ICV in according to
value set in parameter A8; in same parameter it is possible indicate to move cabin in HIGH/LOW speed in
according to nominal speed.
It manages BUSY signal. Output is enabled when Faults or Safety error happens. It is used to turn off
delayed signals (APB maneuver). Turn off delay I settable in parameter D8.
Output for free programming.
Are two outputs free programming.
Chiuso a GND attiva il comando “Apertura Porte”. Questo comando permette di abilitare il comando di
apertura quando la cabina è al piano o permette di annullare la chiamata in corso durante la chiusura porte.
Chiusi singolarmente a GND restituiscono il comando di SALITA o DISCESA sulla pulsantiera di
Manutenzione posta sul tetto cabina. Verify Paragraph MAINTENANCE
Closed to GND it allows advanced close door command, on collective lift, reducing to 0 waiting time during
reservation (with opened doors).
If CLOSE DOOR button not present in cabin, it is possible to enable virtual PCP function programming
- H3 = 1
- H15 = 0
In this way you can have close door pressing one of button already reserved;.
Closed to GND it enables FIREMAN maneuver if activated value in A11. Check paragraph Errore.
L'origine riferimento non è stata trovata..
It is the output signal for the retiring cam. It is better to use mini-relay 12v connected to +12 and PAT with a
diode and in a free contact apply mini-contactor. Output MAX load is 400mA.
Input signals for lower and upper landing phasing sensors. RD always active when cabin is not in lower
floor. On the- contrary RS always active when cabin is not in upper floor. Check paragraph SHAFT
INFORMATION. Wronged -positioning of magnets or wronged working of these sensor will give many
errors (paragraph 0 for fault 44-45-46-47-48-49-71).
BR200 V1.2
It manages landing signal LAW 13, to indicate “ALARM” usually indicated by BELL. This signal gives GND
only if AL+/AL- is powered. While if parameter F6 = 3 or 4, output SA become the same of input X2 on
It manages landing signal LAW 13, to indicate “ALARM RECEIVED”. This signal gives GND only when
input AR is on after alarm is activated by AL+/AL-. It is used like OUT OF SERVICE.
This Output has different working in according to value in parameter A5.
A5 = 1 (AC2) or A5=2 (VVVF), output SCP gives GND only in door zone with lift stopped or in movement.
When lift reach ZONE IF+ICV:
0 0 0
0 1 0
1 0 0
1 1 1
A5 = 3 (Hydraulic) or A5=4 (Home Lift) or if D3 > 45, output SCP gives GND on activation of one input IF or
ICV like in table with input EM = 0:
EM = 0
0 0 0
0 1 1
1 0 1
1 1 1
When EM = 1 and A5=3 or 4, output SCP is given only in stop zone IF+ICV, like in table:
EM = 1
0 0 0
0 1 0
1 0 0
1 1 1
Closed to GND it enable INDIPENDENT SERVICE for collective maneuver. All landing call will be cancelled
BR200 V1.2
Alarm overload sound’s output signal (Activated when the input 74 is On).
This output can be programmed for blinking or fixed work to parameter F2. It gives GND till max current
Output for LOW speed. It is a relay with common in CT. For AC2 lift it manages low speed contactor. This
contactor has to be protected by diode. For Hydraulic lift it manages line contactor TL. This output is
monitoring by CPP.
It is Down direction. It is a relay with common in CT. For AC1/2 /HYDRAULIC lift contactor is protected by
diode. This output is monitoring by TSD.
Output for High speed. It is a relay with common in CT. For AC2 lift, it manages high speed contactor. This
contactor has to be protected by diode. For Hydraulic lift, it manages contactor/relay of change speed valve.
This output is monitoring by APG.
It checks motor temperature by PTC sensors on internal coils. Closed to GND it gives regular statement of
contact. When opened on GND if cabin is in movement it will be stopped on next floor; manual RESET is
necessary by reset button. Display shows FAULT 76. Input is settable on parameter F5.
It is output of UP DIRECTION. It is a relay with common in CT. For AC1/2/Hydraulic Lift contactor is
protected by a diode. It is monitored by TSD input.
It manages Up and DOWN direction contactors (TS,TD). Input has to be opened when lift is in movement. If
during movement this input is not opened, fault 80 is generated (in UP) or 81 (in down). If after movement
input is not closed is generated fault 82.
It is the ground reference (common) of the safety circuits ALT, ALT1, ALT2, EXC, CS. This clamp must be
connected to Earth (PE). Check note in INSULATING TEST paragraph.
Output Voltage 12v – 2Ampere (max value) to make connection in controller like COD16, CHM, Voice
synthesizer etc. Protect this output with appropriate fuse MAX 1,5 A.
Closed to GND, it check oil temperature on Hydraulic lifts; Fault isn’t blocking but when lift arrive to floor
open will be opened and BUSY signal turn ON; any calls will be accepted; it is settable in parameter F1.
It is activated by cabin overload; this input is settable in parameter F2. It can be NC or NO. When it is
BR200 V1.2
activated, cabin stop to the floor with door opened and BUSY signal turn ON until it is reset; SVC led signal
will be on; cabin calls disabled.
11 COM I/O
RS232 I/O (COM) is used to manage by PC in local or remote mode the BR200;
By a software, it is possible to configure the board quickly; it will be possible to print parameters list and
save the file;
BR200 V1.2
12 Lift Working
12.1 Sensors and magnets Disposition
BR200 works with REED sensor N.O. or Bistable. Particularly phasing sensors (IRS, IRD) have to be
bistable and counting and door zone sensors (IF/ICV) have to be Monostable; Impossible to have particular
condition where IRS/IRD both opened (fault 71). Only in upper floor IRS, it will be opened and in lower floor
IRD it will be opened; naturally in intermediate floors both are
BR200 V1.2
* If speed is higher than 1,2 m/s with “Short Floor” or “reverse” activated,
please assure to have pre-phasing sensor in lower and upper floor to
exclude high speed.
BR200 V1.2
12.4 Magnet Disposition not regular distance floor/floor, speed < 1 m/s
In Figure is showed lift with not regular distance floor/floor (min.2900) with speed<1m/s. IN this case we
BR200 V1.2
BR200 V1.2
When SHORT FLOOR in in upper/lower floor, phasing sensor position is indicated in figure
and, above all, is necessary to have a pre-phasing sensor to can exclude HIGH SPEED
> 1000mm
Distance floor/floor
< 1000mm
BR200 V1.2
13 Doors
Door closing will be made by PARKING, when any CALL is made, or when a call will be made and all
safety circuits are closed and any alarm is ON...
We can have car door operator with limit or electronic, you can chose in parameter C1..
These limits situated on car door operator give signals directly on contactor in controller. In this
case contactor has to be controller by APG (opening) and CPP (closing). So to can chose traditional car
door operator with limit it is necessary to set C9=1 or 2 and parameter C1=1.
When you have electronic operator C1=0, and signals to car door operator board is sent directly by
relay AP-CP (common CRP).
BR200 Operator
AP Open
CP Close
In some cases, it is necessary to set ALWAYS CLOSED during the travel. Parameter is C8.
BR200 V1.2
13.3 Parking
Lift with automatic door is obligated to park with closed doors. This is possible to set in parameter C7.
Closing step for parking mode happen with cabin on floor, safety circuits closed, no alarm and no faults
after WAITING WITH OPENED DOORS is expired. This time you can set in parameter C4.
If lift has SWING door, you can set parking in parameter C7=”0: door open”.
You can set opening sides by parameter C6. Output to can manage doors are AP (relay) and AP2
(transistor… please use it with relay). It is possible to have these configurations:
It is possible to set opening side for each floor in parameter C6 value “1” is SIDE A (output AP),
value “2” is SIDE B (output AP2);
It is used when is necessary to open both doors like a corridor. You can set it in each floor by
parameter C6 = 3.
In according to cabin call made you can decide what door is necessary to open; you can set
this function by parameter C6 = 4 in each floor where it is requested.
In call, mapping (par.6) it will be reduced one stop, considering second access (SIDE B) like a
next call, following is an example with mapping of inputs of CHM board:
BR200 V1.2
If lift has car door operator with swing door on landings you have to set parameter C9=2 to avoid any
For hydraulic, lift not exclude ALT2 from Landing Doors because it disable auto-leveling. Use mini-relay
interface on safety circuits and cut relay command to force PAP command.
To can manage a cam you have to use output “PAT. It is better to use mini-relay interface on PAT
output to avoid overload.
PA +1 48VCC
T 2 BR200
AT A2 A1
PAT signal will be enabled with each maneuver activation, together with closing door command and it will
be active until lift arrived at floor.
BR200 V1.2
14 Lift Typology
Here described all possible configuration about BR200.
To set Hydraulic lift parameter A5=3. In this way all typycal parameters for hydraulic lift are set under
the standard EN81.20 and EN81.50.
After we set Hydraulic lift by parameter A5, auto-levelling will be enabled. By this option, cabin will
be put perfectly at level after stop to any floor.
If it is necessary this levelling happen with opened door, please check connection below.
Safety Control
BR200 V1.2
N.B.: The safety control is external component to the BR200; check the user manual for the used
If auto-levelling procedure is repeated more than 6 times (consecutive) fault 67 and 68 will showed; Error
69, means that cabin, during levelling, hasn’t reach the floor (time D15 expired).
When we set Hydraulic lift, parameter A5=3, it will be set also parking floor 0 after 14minas
stated in the norm EN81.20 and EN81.50; To can disable this function set parameter D5. During this
step, cabin will be reach bottom floor without stops and without opening doors.
When this function is disabled it is possible to set another floor and another time; flor is settable
in parameter D6 editing the floor number and then ENTER; after this you can set time before
activate this function.
Hydraulic lift needs to check oil temperature. To avoid oil damages is installed a temperature
device; this device gives info to BR100 by input “60”. To enable this input set parameter F1.
15 Maneuvers Typology
15.1 Universal Maneuver
It is also called APB and it is the traditional maneuver for elevators installed in the major of buildings
with few stops and few users.
BR200 V1.2
During the call the landing display signs “Busy” to indicate that, no other call can be done until this
sign switches OFF.
One call each time without the possibility of internal or external reservation.
The maneuver can be applied on hydraulic elevators, electric AC1/2 and VVVF.
It is also called “down reservation” and it is the most used maneuver in elevators with many stops or for
many users. It is possible reservation from cabin or from floors. From cabin are prevailing. Floor
reservations are made only in down direction;
It is the maximum maneuver in collective for an elevator. It is possible reservation from cabin and
from landing. Cabin reservations are prevailing. Landing reservations are made in according with cabin
movement (up or down). On LOPs are two separated push buttons UP and DOWN. Reservations will be
execute and then canceled only if the cabin reaches the reserved floor and move after in direction
indicated by the external push button.
It allows communication between two or more controllers working in collective maneuver (Down,
Up/down).To allow this communication, two boards have to be connected by CAN2 door. One of this
MASTER while the other boards programmed SLAVE.
In cabin not work MULTIPLEX mode, only on landings this maneuver is possible, in according to a
particular algorithm to can avoid traffic troubles.
Cabins stopped in the same floor: landing call will be served by MASTER;
Cabins stopped in different floors: The nearest cabin will serve the landing call;
Both Cabins in movement: landing call will be served by cabins that have same direction and
if both cabin has same direction, the nearest cabin will serve the landing call.
In parameter A9 is possible to configure boards where landing calls are connected like MASTER..
After other operations will be executed:
Last 2 values are very important and it is necessary to set it in according to traffic and
number of stops. If their value is low then will be higher number of reservation assigned to
free cabins. If these value too low, cabins not get reservation. Naturally value has to be lower
BR200 V1.2
In Parameter A9 it is possible to configure SLAVE boards, each one with its index (starting from 1).
Duplo maneuver permits the communication between two controllers in universal maneuver
(Parameter A6 = 6). To have possibility that both boards exchange information. Those have different
jobs and must be connected between each other by CAN2 port. Only one board will be set as Master
while the other will be set as Slave. Master’s external calls will connected to the Master, while Slave’s
external calls will be connected to Slave, for that LOPs are independent between each other.
Cabin call will not have Duplo attitude, while landing calls are stored and then executed as per the
following algorithm:
In the case of two free elevators, the external call will be given to the closest elevators;
If one of both elevators is busy the call will be automatically given to the other;
Busy signal on floors is activated only if both elevators are busy.
Both elevators must be programmed for Duplo maneuver (Parameter A6 = 6).
By A9 parameters group we set the board to which external calls are connected as Master. Then will
come up the following information:
Always by the group of parameter A9, we configure the Slave’s boards, taking care to assign to it a
value equal to 1.
BR100 can make Fireman maneuver in according to EN81.72 by parameter A11. In the same
parameter, it is necessary to indicate what the Fireman floor is. By input “POM” activated by GND
directly by key switch this happen::
Cabin in movements: cabin will serve the present landing call, without opening the door at
floor. In case of COLLECTIVE maneuver, all reservation will be cancelled and lift will leave to
arrive in FIREMAN Floor. Any calls will be accepted, doors will be opened
Cabin stopped at floor: Any calls will be accepted, doors will be opened
BR200 V1.2
It is enabled when parameter A11 is different from 33; If A11=33 it is disabled; To can allow it is necessary to use
input POM on BR200:
To enable FIRE FIGHTER maneuver parameter A12 must be = 1. This maneuver is enabled only when parameter A11
If A11 = 33 or A12 not equal ‘1’ FIRE fighters is disabled. This maneuver, in according to EN 81-72 July 2003, is divided
in two phases: first phase assure minimum time for cabin to reach assigned floor (indicated in parameter A11) to be
at disposal of FIREMEN.
Setting A11 = 1:
Phase 1 assure lift move to assign floor (FIREMEN floor). SO if cabin is in movement in opposite direction, i twill be
stopped and start again in correct direction (without opening door and without any stop).
BR200 V1.2
Phase 2: cabin is under control of FIREMEN. This phase is activated when cabin reach assigned floor, POM+IT both
activated and cabin is parked with door opened. Phase 2 needs a particular manage about keys like indicated in
If cabin key is disabled, lift will be blocked at floor with opened doors, while if this key is enabled (1) lift will work in
according to EN Standard… opened door with man inside.
As internal key is optional, it is possible to have lift with ONE key (on landing), so it will be necessary to connect
together POM and IT2 so possible combinations will be 00 and 11.
Arrived to landing where called made door remain closed. Only pressing PAP door will be opened but if button
released before complete door opening then doors will be closed again. When door will be opened completely, they
will be opened till next cabin call.
This maneuver needs a physical person inside cabin always present, whom will take complete control of the
elevator using an external key.
This key allows to not take landing calls but these calls will be only visible by led in cabin and on landings.
Only the person in cabin can make calls.
- Landing Key (when closed) active input CCC and IT1 on BR100; while, when key opened, these
input must be free and complete load has to work normally; when it occurs IT1 hasn’t be insert. So IT1 and
CCC has to be connected by diode.
BR200 V1.2
A landing Priority call if possible from landings predisposed for this typology of call, closing the apposite key on
landing. It is possible to make priority calls in each floor using SI input.
When Priority call is made all landing calls will be cancelled and some checking will be made;:
If cabin movement is opposite to priority call direction, it will be made a stop to first reserved floor and then
cabin go to priority floor.
If cabin movement is same direction of priority floor call, lift will reach it without any stop.
If cabin is stopped it will be start immediately.
When cabin reach floor, after key removing, it possible to close internal key and move cabin like described in next
It means:
BR200 V1.2
In case of Power failure, BR200 will work in emergency. EM input active this maneuver. It is necessary
to close “EM” with GND when we have power failure. If safety circuits, powered by UPS or similar
device, are closed and correctly powered lift will be work so:
“Hydraulic”: cabin will move in down direction to reach the nearer floor and then doors will be
opened (AP). Any calls will be accepted, doors always opened, until input EM will be restored.
“TRACTION”: cabin will move in up direction. If safety circuits are, opened (ALT) it means
Emergency device are working. In this case, Emergency procedure start again, when safety
circuits restored, but cabin will move in opposite direction (DOWN) and stop in nearest floor (by
AP). At this point cabin will not accept any calls and doors will be opened until “EM” will be
When building has problem with low space (pit/headroom) it is possible to install special lift in according
to EN standards.
15.13 A3 Amendment
EN81.20 e EN81.50: 2014 standard indicates lift block when uncontrolled movement of cabin happen. To
assure this, BR200 uses two different ways to monitor uncontrolled movements. For gearless lift, with brake
certified A3, BR200 check jaws brake micro switch. For hydraulic, with both DOWN coils activated at same
time, BR200 check them periodically.
It is possible to enable A3 function by parameter B1=1 for brake control (traction/MRL) and B1=2 for coils
control (Hydraulic) with DLV.
BR200 V1.2
Hydraulic power unite with redundant valves (DLV) for the controlled movements, they are those power
unites that have the downhill circuit with 2 valves connected in serial between us.
The command of both valves concurrently permits the descending of the cabin.
During the normal working the BR200 board commands 2 outputs correspondent to TD = descending valve
1, D = descending valve 2.
Obviously, the output D with is interfaced by a small relay 12V since it is an output with transistor.
During the CHECK for the amendment, the norm invites to check the correct closing of this valve within 24
At the starting of the processor: once on the lift the power supply is cut off then restarted BR200
board, there will be a REPHASING call. At the arrival to floor, doors will not be open and the busy
lamp will remain ON until the test is complete.
Within 24 hours when the car parks on the lowest floor, favorite condition since the norm provides
the return to the floor within 14 minutes maximum;
A. Elevators remains with closed doors and busy lamp ON, does not accept ant call Internal/External.
B. Within a time, the outputs TD + TP will be managed for 10 seconds.
C. At the expiration of those 10 seconds if levelling did not happen, so pass to CHEKC for the second
D. Within a time, the outputs D + TP will be managed for 10 seconds;
E. At the expiration of those 10 seconds if levelling did not happen, the lift comes back to the Free
In case, of error in phase B, means that the car moved in down direction and has been levelled
activating the relevelling, even if it has only one valve is commanded (while the other is supposed to
be closed).
Repeat the attempt of CHECK on the same valve for a second attempt of CHECK.
If the levelling repeats, so the fault will be blocking, will not commanded the opening of doors and
will be possible to restore only by manual maneuver (press and hold RESET for more than 5 sec);
The fault will be different if the cause of error is the valve D;
Fault is going to be different if test is not performed within the 24 hours (e.g.: cabin has never be
parked at the floor 0 within 24 hours… this condition is allowed if user deactivate the floor returning
within 14 minutes.
BR200 V1.2
1st valve
2nd valve
Here below a drawing where a Check has caused an uncontrolled movement alarm
D+TP TD+T MovErro
eme r
1st valve
2nd valve
Press 10 seconds the OK button for activating the A3 procedure for hydraulic lifts. Display will show “press
ESC for activating”
BR200 V1.2
The new generation of gearless motors, the brake shoes have certified as a control body for the
uncontrolled movements. These jaws are controlled by means of micro switches which are activated when
the jaw is supplied.
The BR200 board monitors the status of these inputs, via the BR1-BR2 control inputs. These inputs when
they are closed to GND return the status of the jaws rest, respectively for the first jaw BR1 and BR2 for the
The CHECK to the uncontrolled movement occurs, as for the hydraulic system, by monitoring the state of
these inputs. To satisfy the requirement required by the standard, the integrity occurs within 24 hours of the
closing of the jaws, occurs at every call start and at every arrival at the bus stop at the floor; then at each
opening or closing of the jaws. If during the opening / closing phases inputs do not respect the behavior
generated faults are as follows:
BR1 105
BR2 106
BR1+BR2 107
BR200 V1.2
BR2 MovErro
eme r
Stopped cabin
16 Safety Circuits
BR200 check if safety series closed by INPUT EXC, ALT, ALT1, ALT2, CS.
If one of this INPUT opened cabin will be stopped. Particularly EXC allows, in according to Standards, to
restore normal MODE only by manual reset. On display is showed FINECORSA.
IF on closing door CS isn’t closed, BR100 open again the door and then try to close again;
This procedure is made for 4 times. If CS will be closed in these trials, cabin will move in normal
mode but a Fault will be saved in registry. This Fault code is “200” if lower floor has problem, “201”
for first floor and so on;
If after 4 times CS will be not closed will be generated a fault form0 to 32 in according to floor where
fault happened. For example, if fault in 5th floor it will be generated “ERR 05”.
BR200 V1.2
By SMS sent to GSM modem it is possible to configure a mobile number where SMS will be sent in
case of faults.
When fault happen, BR200 sent an SMS top mobile number configured with this format:
It is available (if customer ask) Smartphone APP for Android to can manage SMS received from lifts 1.
APP will analyze SMS and classify it in DB. It will be possible to send configuration and check lift state
by CHECK sent.
The App can manage maximum 5 elevators