Examen 2 Eso Tema 7 y 8
Examen 2 Eso Tema 7 y 8
Examen 2 Eso Tema 7 y 8
3 Complete the sentences with the words in the box. (2.5 marks)
cookery drama soap talent travel
1 I don’t like _______________ operas because they’re about the same people and the
stories are all the same, too.
2 I like _______________ programmes because I enjoy learning to make food from all over
the world.
3 The new _______________ series on TV is exciting. It’s about a criminal and his family
and a strange event that changes their lives.
4 The _______________ programme last night was about four African countries: Kenya,
Tanzania, Ethiopia and Uganda.
5 The singer on the _______________ show last night was brilliant. He should win the
4 Choose the correct option. (5 marks)
1 Please put the milk in the bath / pillow / fridge.
2 Rob looked at his face in the mirror / microwave / hairdryer.
3 I need some soap / sink / shower. My hands are dirty and I want to wash them.
4 The old house is very cold because it hasn’t got central cooker / heating / charger.
5 I need a(n) pillow / duvet / air conditioning on my bed in the winter when it’s cold.
7 Complete the sentences and questions with the words in the box. (5 marks)
do don’t got has have
1 He ____________ to walk to school today. His mum can’t drive him there.
2 You ____________ have to finish the work today. Finish it tomorrow.
3 ____________ they got to wear a harness when they go rock climbing?
4 You have ____________ to remember to take your medicine!
5 ____________ you have to do that now?
Reading (15 points)
10 Read the text again. Complete the
9 Read the text. Which Back in Time for sentences with one word or a year in
… series does the writer like the each gap. ( 10 marks)
best? Put the series in the order she 1 The writer thinks food in the 1950s
likes them, from the best (1) to the
was _______________.
worst (4). (5 marks)
_____ A The first series 2 The topic of Back in Time for the
_____ B The second series Weekend was _______________.
_____ C The third, fourth and fifth series 3 In the past, people didn’t have social
_____ D The sixth series media or _______________.
4 The person who had the worst time
in the past was the
In the last few years, we’ve seen a lot of
‘historical reality shows’ on TV. The Back in
Time for ... series is one of the most 5 The sixth series showed schools
popular. from _______________ to the
Each programme is about ten years in the
6 In the past, girls did different
past. The first series, Back in Time for
_______________ from boys at
Dinner, was very good. We saw how
families cooked and what they ate from
1950 to the present day. They didn’t have
any fast food or pizzas in 1950, and the
food was terrible!
1 Listen to Claudia and Mason’s
The second series, Back in Time for the conversation. Where has Mason been
Weekend, was about entertainment, and it on holiday? Circle four countries. (5
was quite good. Before TVs and social marks)
media, families played the piano and sang Australia Borneo Indonesia
in the evenings. The father and children New Zealand Thailand
didn’t have a bad time, but the mother
wasn’t happy. She missed her job! She
2 Listen again. Are the sentences
stayed at home and did the cooking, true (T) or false (F)? (10 marks)
cleaning and washing – but without an
1 Mason came home three weeks ago.
electric cooker, microwave or washing
machine. Life was hard for women!
2 Mason couldn’t sleep in the jungle
I didn’t watch series three, four or five because it was too hot. ___
because I wasn’t interested in the topics,
3 Mason saw some dangerous wild
but the sixth series, Back in Time for
animals in the jungle. ___
School, was my favourite. It was about
schools from 1895 to the present. School 4 Mason learned about a country’s
was so different then. It was incredible! A history on his holiday. ___
hundred years ago, students learned some 5 Mason is planning to go to Thailand
very strange things, and girls learned next year. ___
different subjects from boys!
Paragraph 1
Paragraph 3
Say something positive about the sport or activity
Give advice on what to do or not to do, and say
and describe your own experience.
Where did you do it?
What is your opinion of it?