Distributed Workspace Using Cloud Technology and Version Controlling
Distributed Workspace Using Cloud Technology and Version Controlling
Distributed Workspace Using Cloud Technology and Version Controlling
ISSN No:-2456-2165
Abstract:- Efficient management of stakeholders in any by authorized co-workers. This platform which can be used in
web project is need of the time. There are lots of a website developing organization, where website resources
stakeholders involved in a web project and managing can be bundled in one place [3].
everyone and everything becomes messy. To make the job
easier there for platforms that facilitate distributed This creates a workspace for every member in a project
development. With this system, “Distributed Workspace”, to view and use the resources for development. This
features of existing applications have been integrated and workspace gives the developers the luxury to host their project
more features have been appended to make development within the same platform without the need to download the
much easier. It is done by the algorithm which is based on repository and run it on a local machine [3]. This system
microservice architecture. The application aims to provide provides features like creating a roadmap, assigning task and
better source code accessibility and version control. It contact members. An efficient algorithm and such added
automates project operations and other development tools functionalities make this as a practical application.
all in one place. Mainly, it eliminated the overhead of
downloading the project files to the local machine. All these II. RELATED WORKS
make a platform where users can works, coordinate with
each other and share their resources, bridging the This section discusses the literature surveyed to build the
communication gap in a more efficient manner than the idea of distributed workspace with unique features. It was
existing applications. identified that some existing workspaces use only cloud
computing, only distributed computing or only version
Keywords:- ERP, Distributed Workspace, Developer controlling. The idea proposed in this paper integrate these
Workspace, Cloud Computing, Live Code Editor, Version features and aims to overcome the drawbacks of these existing
Control. projects.
Operation 4: Rollback the branch The task for identifying this conflict is simplified in the
Step 1: Load the logs for that users on page load of the system where the conflict file is separated as two different
corresponding project. original files and the conflicted area is highlighted.
Step 2: Select the log for resting the head.
Step 3: Set request to the rollback server. Operation 6: Checkwork
Step 4: Server will fetch the files on the EFS system and then Step 1: Send request to the checkwork server for creation of
perform git reset –head command on the source files. the other branch source code file on the EFS system.
Step 5: Force push the code and the git tree on the remote Step 2: On the completion of the creation. Server will retun a
repository. root key to the user.
Step 3: User can access the details form workdone. Dwspace
Operation 5: Merge 2 branches .tech/root_id
Step 1: Load the repository files on to the EFS server. Step
2: Return the branches w.t.r. to the project. And send back to
the user. Step 3: user will send the base and upcoming
branch Step 4: Server will fetch the base branch and then the
upcoming and branch.
Step 5: Server will perform merge operation on to the base
Step 6: Server will then find the ‘=======’ sign for conflict
Step 7: Send back the hierarchy to the user. Step 8:
Use will fix the conflict and the commit the code.
Fig 9 Rollback
Above performed task were carried out on branches testers a dedicated area to create test cases and run the , for
which sized around 12MB. These numbers can vary depending checking errors.
on the size of the files. The git which could perform a merge of
two 12 MB branches in 4 seconds could take even 10 minutes The features we provide to the public free of cost could
for a 100MB sized branch. Likewise, an image of 200 KB takes be optimized and customized according to the
less than 2 seconds to be stored but an image of 8 MB could clients/companies requirements, like providing an error
take more than 5 seconds. This depends upon the file size and detection system and also equipping the system with a
the server capacity. compiler if need be. Another source of revenue can be
providing domain names of their own company name, as the
VI. FUTURE SCOPE free one will have our domain name(dwspace.tech). We could
also add video conferencing to the system so that
Distributed Workspace, while building aimed at communication is easier between the members and a more
eliminating the hardships taken by the members of a web professional environment can be maintained.
project. The system is believed to overcome most of the
problems that existed in the current system by providing the VII. CONCLUSION
development means all at one place, in a user friendly fashion.
Though, it is always said that everything has a margin of The main focus of our project was to overcome the
improvement in them. So while consistently improving the drawbacks of existing systems and provide better
existing features in this system, the system has impressive communication, by providing the users with a workspace to
future scope as well. communicate. We have tried to integrate practical features into
the application which other applications may lack. Our
As Distributed Workspace is capable of managing algorithm makes distributed computing more efficient with the
multiple projects, the system can provide a periodic project help of microservers, each assigned with an independent role.
report, on the basis of which the admin could understand This can be seen in the application performance table, above in
whether or not the given task is completed by the employees . the report. The system has taken care of security aspects by
The efficiency at which the project is being built can also be giving a special privilege to the admin and controlled
calculated. There is a vast scope of improvement in our editor. access/privileges to the employees. We are making a project
We can provide a number of production tools and extensions environment that will be used for distributed product
for our editor like, syntax checker, parenthesis highlighter, development on a rapid scale using agile project management.
theme change, beautify tool, live share, auto completion, The project with its efficient algorithm has tried to be a better
multiple cursor, etc. We could add website templates to make alternative and at the same time believe that there is more scope
the work of developers easy, using the templates a lot of for improvement and make it a purposive application.
workload on the developers could be reduced. We can give the