Project Report: S.NO. Heading Page No
Project Report: S.NO. Heading Page No
Project Report: S.NO. Heading Page No
1. Abstract 4
2. Introduction 6
Company Profile 9
Implementation Environment
Front-End 26
Back-End 11
Hardware and software 30
Software Development Lifecycle 31
3. Conclusion 69
4. Bibliography 70
In current tender system a lot of paper work is involved. The system is based on
manual bid system which is a very time consuming process. No proper records
available which leads to difficulty in manual report generation. People who are
interested in tender have to travel long distances to gather at a common place.
Also manual work is always prone to errors and errors in such system can have
pretty bad consequences.
Company opens the tenders and select the appropriate of all tenders
after the deadline given to clients is over. All the tenders are displayed on the
website leading to transparency between clients and company.
I started with studying the existing system and then pin pointing to the
specifications needed in the new system being developed. Later on I focused
more on coding details. After the coding was complete, thorough testing was
performed for verifying the system.
Why .NET?
2. Uniformity in schema or formats for Data Exchange using XML,
2. The new approach to building large scale distributed systems for the
4. Built around the tools and protocols (XML, WSDL, SOAP, HTTP) that
The .NET in ASP.NET stands for the .NET Framework, a set of objects
and blueprints from Microsoft for building applications. All applications
developed under the .NET Framework; including ASP.NET applications,
have certain key features that ensure compatibility, security, and stability.
The .NET Framework Design Goals
ASP.NET is a technology that allows us to build and control dynamic Web
pages easily. It also provides many enhancements to take advantage of
new technology as we can interact with databases, personalize Web
pages for visitors, display page on mobile devices (such as cell phones),
and even build an entire e-commerce site from scratch.
Previously internet works on request/response model that is an integral
part of client/server model. Although this is a marvelous way of
communicate and distribute information, it's rather simple and static. When
the process is over, once client receives the requesting page from the
server the server has no idea what the client is doing unless it makes
another request.
Company Profile:
Founded in 2000, with the mission of "Bringing People and Computers
Together...Successfully", C.S.Computer Edu, the IT Learning Solutions
Corporation, is known for its pioneering work in the field of IT education and
training. The company provides a comprehensive education environment to
individuals and enterprises, offerings training that is customized to the varied
needs of audiences with diverse backgrounds.
To be the single source for quality assurance in computer education among the
nation's institutes
Develop and implement new schemes of Courses in emerging areas as
required by Industry and others.
Implementation Environment:
SQL Server is an SQL-compliant RDBMS. SQL-compliant means it use the ANSI
(American National Standard Institute) version of Structured Query Language or
‘SQL’. Structured Query Language is a command that allow us to modify or
retrieve information from the database.
Client server means that SQL Server is designed to store data in the central
location (the server) and deliver it on demand to numerous other locations (the
client). SQL Server is also a Relational Database Management System
1 Information representation
1 Guaranteed access
1 Optimizing queries
Enterprise Manager:
2. Create a database
4. Manage tables
Query Analyzer:
The SQL Server Query Analyzer allows us to create adhoc queries and
run them interactively. We may also execute Transact-SQL statements
stored in text file and view the result in result plane or result grid. The
Query Analyzer also has a color-coded editor to assist the user with
checking of syntax. It also has context sensitive help.
Tables Used In The Project
1. Sysname
2. Syscomments
3. sysdepends
4. Sysfilegroups
5. Sysfiles
6. Sysfiles1
7. Sysforeignkeys
8. Sysfultextcatalogs
9. Sysfultextnotify
10. Sysindexes
maxlen 8000
11. Sysindexkeys
12. Sysmembers
13. Sysobjects
14. Syspermissions
15. Sysproperties
16. Sysprotects
Field Name Data Type Size
id int 4
uid smallint 4
action tinyint 50
protecttype tinyint
columns varbinary
grantor smallint
17. Sysreferences
18. Sysusers
19. tbapp
appcod int 4
appdat datatime
apptndcod int 4
appusrcod int 4
20. tbappdsc
21. tbclt
22. tbcnt
23. tbcty
Field Name Data Type Size
ctycod int 4
ctynam varchar 50
ctystacod int 4
24. tbitm
25. tblog
26. tbsta
27. tbtnd
28. tbtnddet
29. tbtndres
30. tbusr
Delapp Fndtnd
Delappdsc Fndtnddet
DelClt Fndtndres
Delcnt Fndusr
Delcty Insapp
Delitm Insappdsc
Dellog Insclt
Delsta Insitm
Deltnd Inscnt
Deltnddet inscty
ScreenShot Of Home Page
ScreenShot Of Products Used
ScreenShot Of Tender Information
1 Pentium IV Processors
2 256 MB of RAM
3 5GB of Hard Disk
4 Server Machine
5 Client Machine
Software Development Lifecycle
Feasibility study is done so that an ill-conceived system is recognized early in
definition phase. During system engineering, however, we concentrate our
attention on four primary areas of interest. This phase is really important as
before starting with the real work of building the system it was very important
to find out whether the idea thought is possible or not.
is not that big a project. So neither it requires a huge amount of money nor
any costly tools or infrastructure need to be set up for it.
3 How will these obtained from technical analysis form the basis for another
go/no-go decision on the test system? If the technical risk is severe, if
models indicate that the desired function can not be achieved, if the
pieces just won’t fit together smoothly-it’s back to the drawing board.
a huge burden of doctors. So because of the above stated advantages the
users of the system will not be reluctant at all.
The investigation phase is also known as the fact-finding stage or the analysis of
the current system. This is a detailed study conducted with the purpose of
wanting to fully understand the existing system and to identify the basic
information requirements. Various techniques may be used in fact-finding and all
fact obtained must be recorded.
As it was essential for us to find out more about the present system, we used the
following methods to gather the information: -
1. Observation: - Necessary to see the way the system works first hand.
2 Document sampling: - These are all the documents that are used in the
system. They are necessary to check all the data that
enters and leaves the system.
The design task produces a data design, an architectural design, an
interface design and component design.
Design objectives:-
Security: This is very important aspect which I followed in
this designing phase and tried to covers the areas of
hardware reliability, fallback procedures, and physical
security of data.
The first step in the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) is the
preliminary investigation to determine the feasibility of the system. The
purpose of the preliminary investigation is to evaluate project requests. It
is not a design study nor does it include the collection of details to
describe the business system in all aspect. Rather it is the collection of the
information that helps committee members to evaluate the merits of the
project request and make an informed judgment about the feasibility of the
proposed project.
The report produced at the end of the feasibility study contains suggestions and
reasoned arguments to help management decide whether to commit further
resources to the proposed project.
Within the scheduled duration we were assigned to study both the positive and
negative aspects of the current manual system, in which we have come up with a
number of drawbacks that prevent the progress of the clinic if it is continued to
function manually.
For e.g. - Is the system within the budget allowed for it?
Originally envisaged?
If and when the objectives of the system are met and the new system is
approved, then the more specific details in the proposal should be considered
and approved.
There are various measures of feasibility that helps to decide whether a
particular project is feasible or not. These measures include-
1 Operational Feasibility
2 Technical Feasibility
3 Economical and Financial Feasibility
Each of these types will be explained in detail throughout the project report.
A proposed system is beneficial only if it can be turned into an information
system that will meet the operational requirements of an organization. A system
often fails if it does not fit within existing operations and if users resist the
The whole purpose of computerizing the Tender System is to handle the work
much more accurately and efficiently with less time consumption. There will be
additional work to be completed, because now the contractors can submit their
tenders online. Their database is maintained separately.
there would be backup data for all the information concerning the daily
transactions occurred within the organization.
If we are considering the performance and response time for each task, it is very
much faster since there is less paper work to be completed. When entering data
into the system to relieve the user from additional work and typing incorrect data,
the system provides options such as combo boxes, check boxes, option buttons
and etc. if the users type in incorrect data they would be informed immediately
about the error by the error detection control.
The new system is more user-friendly, which enables the end-user to complete
his/her work efficiently and accurately with interest. After taking the above fact
into consideration we can state the operating of the proposed system within the
organization is feasible.
In this phase of the feasibility study the following two main topics
1 Technical Performance Aspect
2 Acceptance within the organization
1. Whether the system provides right information to the right place.
In the current system which is the semi computerized system the information
may be lost in the process of sending from one place to another. This is mainly
due to human interaction in the process of the transferring information from one
place to another.
2. Whether the new system affect the current users in the system
The new proposed system will affect the users in the following areas
Lesser time consuming
For the new system to have an effect in the organization the employees should
be give a proper training in operating the software and computer systems. If the
employee does not have the minimal experience should be given the proper
If the organization is reluctant to give a full training to the employees who require
the full knowledge organization can restructure the structure of the departments.
Based on the outline design of system requirements in terms of inputs, outputs,
files, procedures and staff, the technical issues raised during technical feasibility
1 Does the necessary technology exist to do what is
2 Does the proposed equipment have the technical capacity to
hold the data required to use in the new system?
3 Adequate responses provided by the proposed system?
4 Is the system flexible enough to facilitate expansion?
5 Is there any technical guarantee of accuracy, reliability, ease
of access and data security?
After taking the above facts into consideration we can state that the new
proposed system is technically feasible.
System security is a vital aspect when it comes to developing a system. The
system should ensure the facility of preventing unauthorized personnel from
accessing the information and the data within the system. The system should
provide total protection for each user’s information so that the integrity of data is
sustained and also prevent hackers from hacking the system.
The proposed system ensures the security and the integrity of data. This is done
by providing a password login system for each authorized users. And for example
the System Administrator has access to all kinds of information.
In our proposed system various costs are evaluated. Even though finding out the
costs of the proposed project is difficult we and assume and estimate the costs
and benefits as follows.
1. Costs associated with the development of the system.
2. Costs associated with operating the system.
Validation Criteria is probably the most important and ironically the most
often neglected section of the software requirement specification.
A main purpose of the product specification is to define the need of the
product’s user. Some times, the specification may be a part of a contract
sign between the producer and the user. It could also form part of the user
manuals. A user‘s needs are sometimes not clearly understood by the
developer. If this is the case, a careful analysis – involving much
interaction with the user should be devoted to reaching a clear statement
of requirements, in order to avoid possible misunderstandings.
Sometimes, at the beginning of a project, even the user has no clear idea
of what exactly the desired product is. Think for instance of user interface ,
a user with no previous experience with computer products may not
appreciate the difference between , say menu driven interaction and a
command line interface. Even an exact formation of system functions and
performance may be missing an initial description produced by an
inexperienced user.
Procedure for Implementation
Project plan
System test
Implementation plan
Complete conversion
Prepare plan for post
System design is the process of developing specifications for a candidate system that
meet the criteria established in the system analysis. Major step in system design is the
preparation of the input forms and the output reports in a form applicable to the user.The
main objective of the system design is to make the system user friendly. System design
involves various stages as:
1 Data Entry
1 Data Correction
1 Data Deletion
1 Processing
1 Report Generation
The characteristics associated with effective system operations are:
If the operating system is convinced that the new system will not benefit
them, it appears one, and the system is in serious trouble. To overcome
this resistance participation by operating personal during all phases of the
changeover is necessary because they constitute the organization, which
must use alive in with newly design system. An effective system produces
not only information at the lowest cost pertinent and timely for making
The schema is the view that helps the DBMS decide in storage act upon
as requested by the application program.
When large volumes of data are being handled, it is important that the
item be identified, stored or selected easily and quickly. To accomplish
this, each data item must have unique identification and must be related to
other items of the same type. Codes can provide brief identification of
each item, which replace longer description that would be more awkward
to store and manipulate.
The ability to interrupt codes, evaluate coding schemes and devices new
or improved codes are important skills for a system analyst. Common
types of codes are:
Here, the item are specified by the user of letter and number
It uses a check digit to check the validity of codes. These types of codes
are an important means of controlling the validity of data that are being
People who develop computer systems go to a lot of trouble to make it
difficult for incorrect data to be entered. The two main techniques used for
this purpose are:
Methods of Verification:
Methods of validation:
In our DFD, we give names to data flows, processes, and data stores.
Although the names are descriptive of the data, they do not give details.
So the following the DFD, our interest is to build some structured place to
keep details of the contents of data flow, processes, and data store. A data
dictionary is a structured repository of data about data. It is a set of
rigorous definition of all DFD data element and data structure.
The input design is the link between the information system and the user.
It comprises developing specification and procedure for data preparation
and those steps that are necessary to put transaction data into a usable
form for processing data entry. The activity of putting data into the
computer for processing can be achieved by instructing the computer to
read data from a written or printed document or it can occur by having
people key data directly into the system. The design of inputs focuses on
controlling the amount of inputs required, controlling errors, avoiding
delay, avoiding extra steps and keeping the process simple.
The system needs the following information for processing:
Implementation is the final and important phase. The most critical stage is
in achieving a successful new system and in giving the users confidence
that the new system will work and be effective. The system can be
implemented only after thorough testing is done and if it found to working
according to the specification. This method also offers the greatest
security since the old system can take over if the errors are found or
inability to handle certain types of transaction while using the new system.
There are three types of implementation:
Training personnel
Conversion Procedures
Post-implementation review
Even well designed system can succeed or fail because of the way they
are operated and used. Therefore, the quality of training received by the
personal involved with the system in various capacities helps or hinders
and may even prevent the successful implementation of management
information system.
Those who are directly or indirectly related with the system development
work must know in detail what must know in detail what their roles will be,
how they can make efficient use of the system and what the system will or
will not do for them. Both system operators and users need training.
If the system calls for the installation of new equipment, such as new
computer system, special terminals or different data entry machines, the
operators training should include such fundamentals as how to turn the
equipment on and use it, how to power off and a knowledge of what
constitutes normal operations. The operators should also be trained on
different type of malfunctioning, how to recognize them and what steps
should also be taken whenever they arise.
User Training
User may be trained on use equipment, particularly in the case where, e.g.
a micro computer is in use and individual involved is both operator and
user. In such cases, user must be given training on how to operate and
user. In such cases, user must be given training on how to operator the
system also. Questions that may be trivial to the analyst, such as how to
turn on a terminal, how to insert a diskette into a micro-computer or when
it is safe to turn off equipment with out danger of data loss are significant
problems to new users who are not familiar.
Inmost of the cases user training deals with the operation of the system
itself, with proper attention given to data handling techniques. It is
imperative that users be properly trained in methods of entering
transaction, editing data, formulating inquiries, deleting and inserting of
records. No training is complete without familiarizing users with simple
systems maintenance activities. Weakness in any aspect of training may
lead of awkward situation that creates user frustration and error.
Conversion Methods
A conversion is the process of changing from the old system to the new
one. It must be properly planned and executed. Four methods are
common in use. They are Parallel Systems, Direct Conversion, Pilot
System and Phase In method. Each method should be considered in the
light of the opportunities that it offers and problems that it may create. In
general, system conversion should be accomplished in shortest possible
time. Long conversion periods create problems for all persons involved
including both analysts and users.
Parallel systems:
The most secure method of converting from an old to new system is to run
both systems in parallel. This method is safest one because it ensures
that in case of any problem in using new system, the organization can still
fall back to the old system without the loss of time and money.
Direct conversion:
This method converts from the old system to new system abruptly,
sometimes over a weekend or even overnight. The old system is used
until a planned conversion day, when it is replaced by the new system.
Pilot system:
Pilot approach is often preferred in the case of the new system which
involves new techniques or some drastic changes in organization
performance. In this method, a working version of the system is
implemented in one part of the organization, such as a single work area or
assurance ad represents the ultimate review of specification, design and
coding. The increasing visibility of the software as a system element and
the cost associated with a software failure are motivated forces for well
planned, through testing.
System testing was conducted in order to detect errors and for comparing
then the final system with the requirement specification reports, i.e.
whether the system meets requirements. During testing the software was
executed with the set of test cases and the output of programs for the test
cases was evaluated to determine if the program is performing as it was
expected to.
Testing presents an interesting challenge for the software engineers
attempt to build software from an abstract concept to an acceptable
implementation. In testing engineer create a series of test cases that
occurs when errors are uncovered. Testing is the process of executing a
program for finding errors. A good test is one that has the high probability
of finding an uncovered error. A successful error is one that uncovers
undiscovered errors.
The term error is used to refer the difference between actual output of the
software and the current output. Fault is a condition that causes the
software to fail to perform its required function. Software reliability is
defined as a required function. Software reliability is defined as the
probability that the software will not undergoes failures for a specified
times under specified condition. Failure is the inability of a system or a
component to perform a required function according to its specification.
Different levels of testing were employed for software to make it error free,
fault free and reliable.
Unit Testing:
Unit testing was conducted first. Different modules of the software were
tested against the specifications produced during design of the modules.
Verification of the code produced during the coding phase was done. Each
module was tested separately.
Unit testing comprises the set of tests performed by an individual
programmer prior to integration of the unit into a larger system. There are
four categories of test that can be performed on a program unit
Functional Unit
Performance Unit
Stress Unit
Structure Unit
System Testing:
Then system testing was conducted. Here the entire software system was
The reference document used for this process was requirement document
and the goal was to see if the software meets its requirements.
1 Plan user testing
1 Compile/Assemble program
Objectives of testing.
First of all objectives should be clear.
1 Testing as a process of executing a program with the intent of finding
2 To perform testing, test cases are designed. A test case is a particular
made up of artificial situation upon which a program is exposed so as to
find errors. So a good test case is one that finds undiscovered errors.
If testing is done properly, it uncovers errors and after fixing those errors we
have software that is being developed according to specifications.
The above objective implies a dramatic change in viewpoint .The move counter
to the commonly held view than a successful test is one in which no errors are
found. In fact, our objective is to design tests that a systematically uncover
different classes of errors and do so with a minimum amount of time and effort.
Testing principles
Before applying methods to design effective test cases, software engineer must
understand the basic principles that guide the software testing process. Some of
the most commonly followed principles are:
All test should be traceable to customer requirements as the objective of testing
is to uncover errors, it follows that the most severe defects (from the customers
point of view) are those that causes the program to fail to meet its requirements.
Tests should be planned long before the testing begins. Test planning can begin
as soon as the requirement model is complete. Detailed definition of test cases
can begin as soon as the design model has been solidated. Therefore, all tests
can be planned and designed before any code can be generated.
The Pareto principle applies to software testing stated simply the Pareto principle
implies that 80 percent of all errors uncovered during testing will likely be
traceable to 20 percent of all program modules. The problem of course, is to
isolate these suspects’ modules and to thoroughly test them.
Testing should begin “in the small “and progress towards testing “in large”. The
first tests planned and executed generally focus on individual modules. As testing
progresses, testing shifts focus in an attempt to find errors in integrated clusters
of modules and ultimately in the entire system.
partitioned (decomposed) into its constitute parts, and positioned for work by the
software team. The process must be adapted to the people and the problem. A
common process framework is selected, an appropriate software engineering
paradigm is applied, and a set of work is chosen to get the job done.
The pivotal element in all software projects is people. Software engineers can be
organized in a number of different team structures that range from traditional
control hierarchies to “Open paradigm” team. A variety of coordination and
communication techniques can be applied to support the work of the team. In
general, formal reviews and informal person-to-person communication have the
most value for the practitioners.
Test cases are required to know what specific situations need to be tested. When
tests are evaluated, test results are compared with actual results and if there is
some error, then debugging is done to correct the error. Testing is a way to know
about quality and reliability. Error rate that is the occurrence of errors is
evaluated. This data can be used to predict the occurrence of errors in future.
White box testing is performed to reveal problems with the internal structure of a
program. This requires the tester to have detailed knowledge of the internal
structure. A common goal of white box testing is to ensure a test case exercises
every path through a program. A fundamental strength that all white box
strategies share is that the entire software implementation is taken into account
during testing, which facilitates error detection even when software specification
is vague or incomplete. The effectiveness or thoroughness of white box testing is
commonly expressed in terms of test or code coverage metrics, which measure
the fraction of code exercised by test cases.
Basic Path Testing
It is a white box technique. It was proposed by Tom McCabe. These tests
guarantee to execute every statement in the program at least one time during
testing. Basic set is the set of all execution paths of a procedure.
The following techniques are employed during black box testing:
Integration Testing
One of the most difficult aspects of software development is the integration and
testing of large untested subsystems the integrated system frequently fails in
significant ands mysterious ways, and it is difficult to fix it.
Integration testing exercises several units that have been combined to form a
module, subsystem or system. Integration testing focuses on the interfaces
between units, to make sure the units work together. The nature of this phase is
certainly ‘white box’, as we must have knowledge of the units to recognize if we
have been successful in focusing them together in the module.
Double rectangle represents weak entities
= Data flow
= Data Store
The system has been developed for the given condition and is found
working effectively. The developed system is flexible and changes
whenever can be made easy. Using the facilities and functionalities of .Net,
the software has been developed in a neat and simple manner, thereby
reducing the operators work.
The speed and accuracy are maintained in proper way. The user friendly
nature of this software developed in .Net framework is very easy to work
with both for the higher management as well as other employees with little
knowledge of computer. The results obtained were fully satisfactory from
the user point of view.
The system was verified with valid as well as invalid data in each manner.
the system is run with an insight into the necessary modifications that may
require in the future. Hence the system can be maintained successfully
without much network.