Lesson Plan

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Sanciangko St., Cebu City


Lesson Plan on World History

Prepared by Caballero, Jezel Noreen and Navarette
Instructor: Dr. Delfin T. Cabañero
Learning Outcomes Content Instructional Materials Procedure Evaluation Assignment

After a thorough discussion, the “Buddhism”  Textbook Motivation: Show a After the discussion, the The students will create a
Grade VII students can;  World Map picture of the life of teacher will give the comic strip showing the life
 Jenga Sumerian Civilization and students a 10 items quiz. of the Sumerian Civilization
 Barbecue Sticks ask the students what which is 50 points. The
 Sand they observe on the students will pass the
a. describe the main idea of
World History  Scotchtape pictures. Then the teacher assignment next meeting.
buddhism; 1. The ________
Patterns of  Glue shows a picture of a
b. explain the life of created the first known
Civilization  Scissors ziggurat. After, group the
Siddhartha Gautama;
 Pictures students into five groups
civilization in the
c. appreciate the
by Beers  Powerpoint ancient Middle East.
significance of the and give each group the
Sumerian Civilization to Presentation a. Sumerians
pages 47 - 51 jenga blocks, sand and
the present generation barbecue sticks. Let the b. Armenians
and; students build their own
d. create a comic showing ziggurat out from the c. Hittites
the life of the Sumerian
materials the teacher
Civilization. d Egyptians

After building the ziggurat, 2. The _______ Valley

ask the students the lies in the eastern end
following questions: of the Fertile Crescent.
a. Nile

b. Tigris
1. What do you think is
a ziggurat? c. Euphrates
2. What is the purpose
of the ziggurat? d. Tigris-Euphrates
3. What did you observe
while building the
4. What do you think is 3. The ______ has often
our topic for today? been called the
5. In your own words, crossroads of the world.
what do you think
civilization means? a. Persian Gulf

b. Fertile Crescent
A. Activity (Reporting
Method) c. Armenian Plateau

d. Nile River
With the same group,
assigned the five
subtopics of Sumerian 4. The wheel and
Civilization. Then, the
______ probably
students will be given 15
originated in the Fertile
minutes to discuss their
assigned topics among the Crescent.
group. Each group will a. Strewing wheel
choose one person to
report about what they b. Tire
have discussed among
them. c. Writing

d. Paper


- Introduction & 5. The Greeks called the

Geographical Setting of Tigris-Euphrates Valley
the Sumerian Civilization ______.
- City-State Government a. Egypt
- Religion b. Sumer
- Written Language c. Mesopotamia
- Legacy for Later Peoples d. Sinai pen
B. Analysis 6. It is left by floods
After the students reports made the soil fertile
their assigned topics, ask
them the following a. Silt
b. Mud

c. Dirt
1. What do you think is
the effect of the d. Iron
geographical setting of the
Sumerian Civilization to
the Sumerian people. 7. Silt also created a
2. Describe the life of the ______ at the mouths
Sumerian People. of the Tigris and
Euphrates rivers.
3. What is the difference
between their religion and a. Delta
your own religion?
b. Lake
4. What is the difference
between their c. Stream
government and our
d. Pond

C. Abstraction 8. The Sumerian ______

battled each other for
control of
The teacher will ask the
students what can they a. Gods
say about the Sumerian
b. City-State
c. Cities

d. States

After the reporting, ask 9. The Sumerians were

the students the following among the first people
questions: to use wheeled ______.
a. Bags
5. What did you learn
from today’s discussion? b. Trolley
6. What do you feel about c. Carts
the lifestyle of the
Sumerian people? d. Chariots

7. For you what is the

value of the Sumerian
10. It is the most
Civilization as a student?
important building in
8.. For you, what is the each Sumerian City-
value of Sumerian State
Civilization to the present
generation? a. Temple

b. Church

c. Mansion

d. Ziggurat

Answers Key:

1. a

2. d

3. b

4. c

5. c

6. a

7. a

8. b
9. d

10. d

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