Pattern by
This Pattern has been designed and written by Tinna Thorudottir Thorvaldar. Please do
not share, copy or redistribute this pattern without permission. Note that this includes
posting photos showing significant parts of the charts on social media.
This way you contribute to the growth of the creative crochet community and support the
You are welcome to sell your finished items, but please give Tinna credit.
Montana when it comes to the geography of the
United States. At any rate, I really like the
name, so I’m sticking to my guns! (cowboy
show pun intended!)
After a quick online image search for
Southwestern designs, I soon realized that
the recurrent motifs used in these types of
designs, this ensemble of triangles, are quite
ancient and can be found in many cultures
around the globe. For example, in Persia,
India and Turkey, where they are
represented in the Kilim rugs. In the case of
the specific Southwestern design, it seems
that they are originated in the art of native
North American tribes. Which are found
predominantly both in Navajo designs, a
Main color (A) is the grey here and pattern color
(B) is brown here. tribe originated from the Southwestern
territory of what is now the USA, annexed
I’ve been wanting to make a Southwestern
from Mexico in 1848, and on the other hand
design for ages now and after binge
in Aztec designs, the great indigenous
watching the series Yellowstone, this one
civilization which ruled most of Mexico at
jumped off my hook!
the time of the Spanish invasion in the 16th
On top of how incredibly handsome Kevin century. Like I said, this was a quick research,
Costner is in his role of the lone ranger so I don’t pretend to be an expert and I am
patriarch (how is he still so hot btw?!), the sure that these motifs can be found in the
set of the series is filled with the most artwork of more native American cultures,
beautiful southwestern style décor, which both in South and North America.
inspired me to work on this design. Hence
What I find inspiring is that after centuries of
the name Montana, the beautiful state
what can only be described as a very painful
where the series take place.
and complicated history of European
Now, on a side note, I have since then been invasion and dominance over the indigenous
made aware that Montana is actually not in cultures and tribes of the Americas, five
the Southwest (dear me oh my!) but way up centuries later we still find these gorgeous
north, close to the Canadian border. So, I motifs and designs very much alive and
hereby publicly acknowledge my ignorance relevant in the respected territories. Which
just shows us how art and culture always has I used Beiroa from Rosa Pomar for both my
a way of surviving and adapting to new wip Montana blanket and the pocket shawl
realities. Furthermore, I find it fascinating
That’s 100% Portuguese wool, which comes
that we find these similar motifs in ancient
cultures from opposite sides of the world, a in 100 g balls.
true testament of age-old cultural exchange (that´s worsted weight, 100 g = 230 m)
between humans. It really goes to show how
our world history is woven together in this
great cultural tapestry and unites us all in our
textile heritage.
General Instructions
You can use the Montana pattern to make a
pocket shawl, a wrap (that’s a rectangular
shawl), a scarf or a blanket.
The Montana consists of a charted mosaic Here you can see Jui’s beautiful Ploppy
pattern that comes in 3 variations, always Loppy Montana in the making. For various
with a 56 ST repeat, which can therefore be yarn options and specific yarn stats for
worked in various sizes. This is a chart Montana projects please check the yarn
pattern, the rows are not written up, and stats table on page 21.
The Montana pattern comes with various Sizes
finishing options. For the scarf and the
pocket shawl you can do the twisted fringe
or a normal fringe, and that way you are
making the most of all the ends we have on
either side when working mosaic crochet,
incorporating those into the design and the
finished piece. For the Montana blanket you
can opt for either a fringe or a double
border. Lastly, on my WIP Montana blanket
I’m working a border frame as part of the
mosaic crochet body and plan on adding a
macrame finish to that, as a nice finish for all
the ends. Here you can see Sue’s version
with a double knotted macrame finish, it’s
just lovely!
The pattern comes in a predetermined size
for a pocket shawl or a wrap in worsted
weight yarn. That’s approximately:
170 cm (70”) wide and 65 cm (25.5”) long.
If making a shawl without the pockets, the
width isn´t that relevant. But so that the
pocket shawl fits you it seems that the
This pattern does not come with the
general rule of thumb is that it should be
macrame instructions, I may do a tutorial on
that when I finish my blanket, but for now approximately as wide as you are tall! I´m
you’ll just have to google it if you want to do 166 cm tall and this size (170 cm) fits me. If
that finish. Finally, you can always opt for the you are maybe 160 cm tall or shorter, please
double border, instructions for that are consider making your pocket shawl in a DK
included on pages 15-19. weight yarn so that your shawl will be
approximately 160 cm wide and will then fit
If lefthanded, you can either start with the
you better!
written pattern and then go on to the chart,
reading it from right to left. Or just work For my friends from the States & the UK,
from the chart and work it from left to right, 1 inch is 2.5 cm, now go calculate! LOL.
the end result will then be the same.
Decide your own size! pocket shawl is just worked one time. But if
you want to make a blanket for example, you
can easily do as many repeats of the 90 row
pattern as you like.
Furthermore, if making a blanket, I plan on
making mine vertical. That is, then you chain
up the length of the blanket, not the width.
Then the length is determined by the 56 ST
repeat you chain up with, and the width can
be controlled by how many times you repeat
the 90 rows of the whole pattern. More on
that on pages 13-14.
alternating the colors, starting with color B
and then A. (that´s, B-A-B-A-B-A), total of 6
extra rows, finishing with a foundation row
in color A, main color.
That’s a total of 103 rows, including the
stripes. Total of 91 rows if you exclude the
Block the wrap.
Make a twisted or a normal fringe with your
tails on each side, see video tutorial on my
YouTube channel for detailed instructions on
MONTANA BLANKET For a horizontal Montana blanket that is
approximately 195 cm long and 135 cm
wide, you work 2 repats of the stars and 3
extra repeats of the 90 rows of the chart
before finishing it off with the stripes. This
will give you a blanket of 4 stars on the lengt
and 2 on the width (total of 8 stars).
Here you can see Jui´s wip 8 star Montana
blanket, which is worked according to these
instructions and using the charts for the
wrap variation, just over half way done.
If you work it vertically, then you chain up off with the stripes. This will give you a
the lengt and the stars will line up like in the blanket of 3 stars on the lengt and 3 on the
photo here below. width (total of 9 stars). For this blanket you
will need 18 skeins of color A and 15 skeins
of color B.
To make other sizes of blankets, you can
work more or less repeats of the 56 st
repeat (the star), or use thinner or thicker
yarn to further control the size.
Double border
Simple or Striped border be worth it to get this nice double border),
fasten the yarn and work 2 CH, work 1 DC
into each of the slip stitches, until you get to
a corner, then work 2 DC‘s into the last ST of
that side, 2 chains over the corner and then
2 DC‘s into the first ST after the corner.
Continue working 1 DC into each ST until you
get to the next corner, work all the corners
the same way as the first one. Join with a slip
stitch into the second CH made at the
beginning of the row.
Simple border
If you choose to do the simple border, then
you work the front side the same as the
backside but note to work the first round
from the front into the back loop only.