Terrazzo Afghan: Tinna Thorudottir Thorvaldar

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The document provides instructions for crocheting a terrazzo afghan using mosaic crochet technique. It details the materials needed, gauge, square and border patterns.

Each square is crocheted in rounds from the center outward, working one round in a pattern color and the next in a main color. Single crochet stitches are worked in the back loop only and double crochet stitches are worked in the front loop of the round below.

The squares are joined together by slip stitching them together at the corners. When working the border round over the joins, you skip stitches in the corners and work a single crochet in the middle of the join to keep it straight.

Terrazzo Afghan

Pattern by

Tinna Thorudottir Thorvaldar

@tinnahekl on instagram / [email protected]

Samhekl Tinnu on FB / Tinna – artist page on FB
Terrazzo Afghan The baby version

Yarn: Merino Aran by Katia.

The square for the baby version of
Main color, dark blue in my afghan
the afghan is smaller, only 10 rounds
(color B): you get 5 squares from 1
as opposed to 14 in the full size
version. I also used finer yarn so that
Pattern color, lighter blues in my it has a more delicate look.
afghan (color A): you get 6 squares
Yarn: Merino Baby by Katia.
from 1 skein.
Crochet needle: no. 3,5
My afghan is 6 by 9 squares, or 54
squares total. I used 11 skeins of the Crochet gauge: Each square is
main color and 9 skeins of the approx 9 x 9 cm.
pattern color for the squares. For the Note: You can of course use any
border I used 2 skeins of the main yarn you want for the afghan and in
color and 1 skein of the pattern color. my opinion scraps give the best
So you need a total of 23 skeins for result in afghans, that way you get a
the afghan in this size. good variety of colors! Therefore, in
Crochet hook: no. 5 my big blue Terrazzo afghan I used
the suggested yarn for the main
Crochet gauge: Each square is
color (color B) and then I used all
approx 18 x 18 cm.
kinds of juicy blue scraps for the
pattern colors (color A).

Abbreviations (US terms):
ST = stitch
CH = chain stitch
SS = slip stitch
SC = single crochet
HDC = half double crochet
DC = double crochet

Working the crochet

yarn over and insert your hook from
Each square is crocheted in the below in the front loop of the
round from the center and outward. corresponding stitch and then work a
At the end of each round you normal DC in that stitch. This way
connect with a slip stitch. Work one you get this unique mosaic pattern.
round in color A (pattern color) and Because the mosaic pattern is
then one round in color B (main worked this way, always from the
color), alternating with each round. I front side, the pattern only appears
recommend using contrasting colors. on the front of the square, and the
The afghan is crocheted with the backside of the square is striped.
mosaic crochet technique, so all: Note: To make the joins less visible I
Single crochet stitches are worked in have designed the square in a way
the back loop of a stitch. that you always join where there is
a double crochet stitch (except for
Double crochet stitches are worked the first 3 rounds where there aren´t
in the front loop of a stitch in the any DC). For that reason, the join is
round below the one you would moved forward one stitch at the end
normally crochet into. That is, in the of each round. This is done by
corresponding stitch right below the adding one stitch at the end of each
stitch you would normally crochet round and then skipping the chain
into, one round down. For example, stitch you would normally join into,
the double crochet stitches in round and then connecting with a slip
4 are worked into stitches from stitch in the next stitch after the
round 2, DC in round 5 are worked chain. This is explained in detail in
into stitches in round 3, etc. When the instructions for each round of
working the double crochet, you just the pattern.

Pattern [1 SC in the same stitch as you
worked your last SC, 1 SC into each of
Make a magic loop and work the first the next 4 HDC, 2 CH] x 3. Note: In
round into the magic loop. the last repetition (and always from
Rnd.1. Work with color A (pattern now on at the end of each round in
color), in this round and each round the pattern) make the last SC of the
that are odd number rounds. Ch 2 round in the slip stitch made at the
(these two chains do not count as a end of the previous round and skip
half double crochet), 16 HDC. Skip the chain stitch that was made at
the chains and join with 1 SS and the beginning of the current round.
color B in the back loop of the first This is done to move the join
HDC of the round. Pull the magic loop forward one stitch in each round so
tight. that the join always falls on a double
crochet, as explained before. Skip
Note. Remember now and always
the chain stitch and join with a SS
when working this pattern that all
using color A in the back loop of the
the SC stitches are worked in the
next SC.
back loop of a stitch.
Rnd. 3. CH 1, 1 SC into each of the
Rnd. 2. Work with color B, here and
next 5 ST, 2 CH, [1 SC into each of the
in all the even numbered rounds: CH
next 7 ST, 2 CH] x 3, 1 SC into each of
1, 1 SC in the same stitch as you
the next 2 ST, skip the chain and join
joined in at the end of last round, 1
with a SS and color B in the back loop
SC into each of the next 4 HDC, 2 CH,
of the next SC.

Rnd. 6. CH 1, 1 DC, 1 SC into each of
the next 4 ST, 2 CH, [1 SC into each of
the next 4 ST, 1 DC, 1 SC into each of
the next 3 ST, 1 DC, 1 SC into each of
the next 4 ST, 2 CH] x 3, 1 SC into each
of the next 4 ST, 1 DC, 1 SC into each
of the next 3 ST. Join as before.
Rnd. 7. CH 1, 1 DC, 1 SC into each of
the next 4 ST, 2 CH, [1 SC into each of
the next 4 ST, 1 DC, 1 SC into each of
In the next round, we start working
the next 5 ST, 1 DC, 1 SC into each of
the double crochet stitches,
the next 4 ST, 2 CH] x 3, 1 SC into each
remember that all DC are worked
of the next 4 ST, 1 DC, 1 SC into each
into the front loop of the stitch two
of the next 5 ST. Join as before.
rounds below. For example, the
double crochet stitches in round 4 Rnd. 8. CH 1, 1 DC, 1 SC into each of
are worked into stitches in round 2, the next 4 ST, 2 CH, [1 SC into each of
the DC in round 5 are worked into the next 4 ST, 1 DC, 1 SC into each of
round 3, etc. the next 3 ST, 1 DC, 1 SC into each of
the next 3 ST, 1 DC, 1 SC into each of
Rnd. 4. CH 1, 1 DC, 1 SC into each of
the next 4 ST, 2 CH] x 3, 1 SC into each
the next 4 ST, 2 CH, [1 SC into each of
of the next 4 ST, 1 DC, 1 SC into each
the next 4 ST, 1 DC, 1 SC into each of
of the next 3 ST, 1 DC, 1 SC into each
the next 4 ST, 2 CH] x 3, 1 SC into each
of the next 3 ST. Join as before.
of the next 4 ST. End this round and
every round from here on, unless Rnd. 9. CH 1, 1 DC, 1 SC into each of
told otherwise, in the following way: the next 4 ST, 2 CH, [1 SC into each of
skip the chain and join with a SS the next 4 ST, 1 DC, 1 SC into each of
using the next color, into the back the next 3 ST, 1 DC, 1 SC, 1 DC, 1 SC
loop of the first double crochet of into each of the next 3 ST, 1 DC, 1 SC
the current round. into each of the next 4 ST, 2 CH] x 3,
1 SC into each of the next 4 ST, 1 DC,
Rnd. 5. CH 1, 1 DC, 1 SC into each of
1 SC into each of the next 3 ST, 1 DC,
the next 4 ST, 2 CH, [1 SC into each of
1 SC, 1 DC, 1 SC into each of the next
the next 4 ST, 1 DC, 1 SC, 1 DC, 1 SC
3 ST. Join as before.
into each of the next 4 ST, 2 CH] x 3,
1 SC into each of the next 4 ST, 1 DC, If you are making the baby version,
1 SC (in the slip stitch). Join as before. then stop here and work the 10th
and last round of the square as

instructed for the baby version on into each of the next 2 ST, 1 SC into
the next page. each of the next 3 ST, 1 DC, 1 SC into
each of the next 3 ST, 1 DC into each
Rnd. 10. CH 1, 1 DC, 1 SC into each of
of the next 2 ST, 1 SC into each of the
the next 4 ST, 2 CH, [1 SC into each of
next 2 ST. Skip the chain and join with
the next 4 ST, 1 DC, 1 SC into each of
a SS using the next color into the
the next 3 ST, 1 DC, 1 SC into each of
back loop of the next SC (the first SC
the next 3 ST, 1 DC, 1 SC into each of
you made in this round).
the next 3 ST, 1 DC, 1 SC into each of
the next 4 ST, 2 CH] x 3, 1 SC into each
of the next 4 ST, 1 DC, 1 SC into each
of the next 3 ST, 1 DC, 1 SC into each
of the next 3 ST, 1 DC, 1 SC into each
of the next 3 ST. Join as before.
Rnd. 11. CH 1, 1 DC, 1 SC into each of
the next 4 ST, 2 CH, [1 SC into each of
the next 4 ST, 1 DC, 1 SC into each of
the next 3 ST, 1 DC, 1 SC into each of
the next 5 ST, 1 DC, 1 SC into each of
the next 3 ST, 1 DC, 1 SC into each of Rnd. 13. CH 1, 1 SC into each of the
the next 4 ST, 2 CH] x 3. 1 SC into each next 5 ST, 2 CH, [1 SC into each of the
of the next 4 ST, 1 DC, 1 SC into each next 7 ST, 1 DC, 1 SC into each of the
of the next 3 ST, 1 DC, 1 SC into each next 4 ST, 1 DC, 1 SC, 1 DC, 1 SC into
of the next 5 ST, 1 DC, 1 SC into each each of the next 4 ST, 1 DC, 1 SC into
of the next 3 ST. Join as before. each of the next 7 ST, 2 CH] x 3. 1 SC
into each of the next 7 ST, 1 DC, 1 SC
Note that in the next three rounds
into each of the next 4 ST, 1 DC, 1 SC,
the pattern changes from the
1 DC, 1 SC into each of the next 4 ST,
previous rounds.
1 DC, 1 SC into each of the next 2 ST.
Rnd. 12. CH 1, 1 SC into each of the Skip the chain and join with a SS
next 5 ST, 2 CH, [1 SC into each of the using the next color into the back
next 7 ST, 1 DC into each of the next loop of the next SC (the first SC you
2 ST, 1 SC into each of the next 3 ST, made in this round).
1 DC, 1 SC into each of the next 3 ST,
Rnd. 14. CH 1, 1 SC into each of the
1 DC into each of the next 2 ST, 1 SC
next 5 ST, 2 CH, [1 SC into each of the
into each of the next 7 ST, 2 CH] x 3.
next 9 ST, 1 DC into each of the next
1 SC into each of the next 7 ST, 1 DC

4 ST, 1 SC into each of the next 3 ST, of the next SC (the first SC you made
1 DC into each of the next 4 ST, 1 SC in this round).
into each of the next 9 ST, 2 CH] x 3.
Break yarn and weave in ends.
1 SC into each of the next 9 ST, 1 DC
into each of the next 4 ST, 1 SC into Finishing
each of the next 3 ST, 1 DC into each
After weaving in ends, you can either
of the next 4 ST, 1 SC into each of the
sew or crochet the squares together
next 3 ST. Join with a SS into the CH.
using slip stitches with main color.
Break yarn and weave in ends.
The baby version
You can start wherever you want on
Rnd. 10. CH 1, 1 SC into each of the the border, but take care not to start
next 5 ST, 2 CH, [1 SC into each of the too close to a corner or on the join
next 6 ST, 1 DC into each of the next between two squares. Start by
3 ST, 1 SC into each of the next 3 ST, fastening the yarn in the back loop of
1 DC into each of the next 3 ST, 1 SC a stitch with one chain stitch. Work
into each of the next 6 ST, 2 CH] x 3. the border with the mosaic crochet
1 SC into each of the next 6 ST, 1 DC technique as you did the squares:
into each of the next 3 ST, 1 SC into always working the SC into the back
each of the next 3 ST, 1 DC into each loop of stitches and the DC in the
of the next 3 ST, 1 SC. Skip the chain front loop of stitches two rounds
and join with a SS into the back loop down.
before. Join with a SS and color A in
the first CH of the round.
Rnd. 3. Work with color A: CH 1, 1 SC
into each stitch of the round and
work the corners the same as before.
Join with a SS and color B in the first
CH of the round.
Rnd. 4. Work with color B: CH 1, [1
SC into each stitch until there are 7
stitches left before a corner (the first
CH in the corner counts as the last
Rnd. 1. Work this round with main stitch before the corner), work like
color (color B): CH 1, 1 SC into each this over the corner: 1 DC into each
stitch in this round. When you work of the next 3 ST, 1 SC into each of the
over the joins of the squares do it next 4 ST, 2 CH, 1 SC into each of the
like this: skip the CH in the corner of next 4 ST, 1 DC into each of the next
the square, crochet 1 SC in the 3 ST] x repeat until the end of the
middle of the join, skip the CH in the round. Join with a SS and color A in
corner of the second square as well the first CH of the round.
and continue to work 1 SC into each
Rnd. 5. work with color A: CH 1,
loop until you get to the next joining
[work 1 SC into each stitch until there
of squares. Work the corners of the
are 5 stitches left before the corner,
border the same way you did the
now work: 1 DC, 1 SC into each of the
corners of each square, that is add 2
next 4 ST, 2 CH, 1 SC into each of the
CH in each corner. Join with a SS in
next 4 ST, 1 DC, over the corner] x
the first CH of the round.
repeat to the end of the round. Join
Rnd. 2. Work with color B: CH 1, 1 SC with a SS and color B in the first CH
into each stitch until you get to a of the round.
joining of two squares. When you
Rnd. 6. work with color B: CH 1,
work over the joins of the squares
[work 1 SC into each stitch until there
work 1 HDC in the SC that is situated
are 9 stitches left before the corner,
right in the middle of the join, this
now work: 1 DC into each of the next
way the border will be straighter.
2 ST, 1 SC into each of the next 7 ST,
Continue working 1 SC into each
2 CH, 1 SC into each of the next 7 ST,
stitch until you get to the next join
1 DC into each of the next 2 ST, over
and work the corners the same as
the corner] x repeat to the end of the

round. Join with a SS and color A in the corner] x repeat to the end of the
the first CH of the round. round. Join with a SS and color B in
the first CH of the round.
Rnd. 7. Work with color A: CH 1,
[work 1 SC into each stitch until there Rnd. 9. Work with color B: CH 1,
are 8 stitches left before the corner, work 1 SC into each stitch of this
now work: 1 DC, 1 SC into each of the round, work the corners the same as
next 7 ST, 2 CH, 1 SC into each of the always. Join with a SS and color A in
next 7 ST, 1 DC, over the corner] x the first CH of the round.
repeat to the end of the round. Join
Rnd. 10. Work with color A and into
with a SS and color B in the first CH
both loops of each stitch: CH 1, work
of the round.
the whole round with Crab Stitch: 1
Rnd. 8. Work with color B: CH 1, SC into each stitch of the round in
[work 1 SC into each stitch until there reverse single crochet stitch, working
are 11 stitches left before the corner, from the left to the right. Join with a
now work: 1 DC into each of the next SS in the first CH of the round.
2 ST, 1 SC into each of the next 9 ST,
Break yarn and weave in ends.
2 CH, 1 SC into each of the next 9 ST,
1 DC into each of the next 2 ST, over Block the afghan.

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