AC Machines (Transformers)

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AC Machi11es
Part 2


RevieYv and Training Center
· Rm. R67, Ground Floor, Isabel Bldg.
F. Cay co corner Espafla S ts.
Sampalcc, l\1anib
"1''1 l (). T).,J74'')
C . N I -' "-- _1


\,\.'~-~_/ '/

Transformer it is an ac device that transfers power from one circuit to another without a rotating part and change of

Transformer Construction

I. Core type the coils surround a considerable pari of the magnetic circuit (core).


2. Shell typt' the magnetic circuit (core) surrounds a considerable portion of the windings.


Primary and
:~ I I Sec;or1dary

Elementary diagram of a simple transformer

Laminated silicon
steel sheets (Core)
Primary winding Mutual flux (Useful flux)
-flux that links the, primary
and secondary windings.

Secondary Circuit

Secondary lcrilu!gc flux (Wasted flux)

- it links the secondary turns only.
Primary leakage flux (Wasted flux)
- it links the primary turns only. Sec01.1dary

Page I

Ep" . J..I-t f Np(l)m ( i o·S) volts E, = 4.44 f N.ljlm (1 0 R) 'oils

II ht.:lt.:
I 1, l'rirn;try induced voltage cpm B.,, A,
1., scu>ndary induced voltage Bm maximum flux densit1. linL' ern or
f frequency. II; ma.\ II'C llslcm 2 .

N, mnnher of p'rimary turns i\, core net cross-sec.tion. ern

N, ntllnhcr of secondary turns
1p"' ma\.imum value of the mutual flux. lines or maxwells

,Voltagr.and CurTer!! Ratios in Tmnsformrrs

...!;., - ~ a
E, N,
a= turn nrtio 01.-the induced-voltage ratio,
also calkd the ~f transformation

II' there is no-loss ( f(H· ideal transf(mner only).

lnpttt (J1rin1ary) power · Output (secondary) power
VI' 11, (p.f.p) V, I, (p.r,)

lllll:rl· p. L1, p. r,
V" IP V, I,
~ .!.,_
,p. ~a --approximat:c ratio of transformation

V1, primar~ line (impressed) voltage

V, secondary line (impressed) voltage
II' primary line current ...
I, secondary line current'
p. rp .. pt'imary power factor
p. r, secondary power factor


Transformer Exact Equivalent Cirt>uit Diagram
I :-. 2 I<. ! I I¢ ' Eplt. = E, I, I, ··a lt. I" _,

Core loss L" I, · ~

c· ..h._ .. a --j-exact ratio or trans format ion

;\(' Machitll'S

II hl'll'
e '--- ,./'

I\ no-J,,;rd curn:nt
1,, magnctiting,current
I, no-lo;rd energy CliiTl'nt
I~> l'Oillll!l!lcnt pf I" that supplies I,
r1, primary resistance
r. '>L'L'<Hrdary rcsiswnce
·\· pri11rar~ leakage reactance (due to primary leakage flux)
:\, secondary leakage reactance (due to secondary leakage flux)
fl., ,mceptance due tc the magneti;ing effect in the transformer
( i,, conductailce due to the core loss

a r~
n x~
r" X" '


t'~ Ill

V" lq, L,
Tninsformtr exact equivalent ckt. diagram refcrrtd to the primary.
Ntite: IN« I". hence I""''"' z ·:j
, ~~


~ ~~
I ·. ' Ip :

Transformer approximate cquin1lent circuit diagram referred to tht primary. (No-to.'HI current I., b nl·gll'rtrd)
. r::-r· ---,--
I ~•t•-p ~, r p ·l-a r s
2 2
X,.. "= X"+ a X, Z,._p = 'IH"_"- + X"_P·

In c(lmplex l(mn. Zr-p = R,._P + j X,._"

V"= aV, + I"Z"_"

In magnitude. ' . .s sinO--f-"'~)

V" = >l(aV, cos 0 +I·,, H."_ 1,) 2 + (aV ~ - Jl' t•-p

11 here
1{, tlltal or equivalent resistance of the transformer ref'crrcd to the primar;
X,." tutal or equivalent reactance of the transformer referred to the primar;
I," total or equivalent impedance of the transl(nmer ref'crred to tire primary
V" no-load primary line voltage
() p. r ;mglc of the load
EB for lagging p. f.
0 forlcadingp.r

I' age


. .
r, x. R... X•. ,
J ~
a qa '1

·Transformer approximate c<Juivalent circuit diagram referred to the sccorldar."' (No-loa\1 cut-rent 1:-; is lll'glertcd)
r X
R•.• == ..:..y. + r,
X •. .,== ~+X,
a z ... == " H•.• z +Xr:-r

In compte:.; form. z.., == R •.• + jX •.,

In magnitude.
a-== .J(v, co

where I

R"" == total or equivalent resistance of the transformer referred to the secondary

Xe-s== total or equivalent reactance of the transformer referred to the secondary
Zc., == total or equivalent impedance of the transformer referred to the secondary
v .
~· = no-lo:1d secondary line voltage

Note the following relationships:

R•. r == a R•.•
x.. p == a2 x.., z•. p = a 2 z•.•
Transformer Regulations

v• R• == v. NLVFL
- v VL .
• I 00

a. As referred to the primary. b. As referred to the secondary.

'12 1-!V,nol•dl
. % V.R J~I'_L:_I aVu;.!.~ x 100
· ··
%V.H.. = IV I
X 100
Ia Vm•l•d I !II htt~d

Note: The transformer regulation must be the same whether referred to the primary or to the secondary.

Transformer Phasor Diitgnuns: .

(As referred to the primary)

a. For l<igging power factor b. For leading power factor c. For leading power factor


Ir 0 ;, 0"

AC Machines
Page 4

Percentage Resistance, ReaCtance and Impedance

These quantities arc tisually measured by the voltage drop at full-load current express<:~! as a percentage of the
ilormal \'Oitagc of the winding on which calculations arc ~nadc.

a. Percent Hcsistann~

".!,,({ = ir notrd R~R X 1()() = I, •;•ted R,., X 1()().

\ ! p n• 1(' d \ , r·nted

t~~,R = Rated Cu Loss in I<W = <y0 Cu. loss

Rated KVA
h. Percent Rcactai1cc
X _ lr l'lltrd X,.r x
111 I, r·utrd X, .•
- I()() X 1()(I
V, nrted
Vr "'''"
c. Pcrct·nt Impedance
J, notrd Z,.;
•:;,,z = IrV""''" Z,.!: x I 110
r r:otrd v,.,.,," X J()()

%Z = .J(o/nR) 1 + ('X•X) 2
Transfonnt~r Losst•s

I. Core (Iron) loss··· constant loss. its \'alue is always rated

:t Hyteresis loss. P11 = 1< 11 f 8 11 , 16 = l1. 1 ( fii:6 )
b. Eddy current loss. P, = 1<,. f 2 n,,/ = 1<2 E 2
Core loss. P, = P1r + P,

2. Copper (Eicctl'ital) Loss- varies as the squ:.lre of the load

2 2
a. Piimary copper loss= Ir rf Copper loss. P, .. = lr rr + 1/r,
b. Secondary copper loss = I, r, Copper loss. P, .. = lr R, ..,
Copper loss. P, .. = 1, R,_,
I. If the transfonner is connected to the source, whether loaded or not loaded. there is core loss in the
transformer. ·;
2. If the transforlncr is loaded. there iscopper loss in the transformer. At no-load. copper loss is

. , I oatI = ( Given load )2 (,',

C opper Ioss a I a.nY gtven ... ate(I or f u II - I Oa( I copper
. I oss )
Full loa( 1
where gi\·cn load & full-load must be apparent powers.

Transformer Efficiency

Po p0 X I()() Po X JO()
11 = - X 100
11 = p o +Total losses 11= Po + Copper loss + Core loss
Condition for Maximum Bfficicncy
Copper loss = Core loss
If I.,'= priq1ary current at maximum efficiency, then
1,'" R"." '= Core loss

1\C Macltincs
l';tge 5


I ,

" Re-p
Similar!:-. the secondary current at maximum efficiency is
, .. ) Core loss
' RC·S

Core loss
h:\':\ load at 11,;,,, ·=.Full-load KVA Full load Cu loss
'All-day EfficienCY (also l;nown as "Operationnl Efficiency")
It is the ratio oft he energy (kilowatt-lwurs) delivered by' the transformer in a 2·1-lwur period to th•· cllL'Il'.\ 1nput in
the -;;unc period of time.

___0-'--u.!IHII energy/day x I 00 .
ll = Olllput energy/day+ Energy losses/day
!his et'licicncy is always less than the commercial efficiency of a transformer.


I. Thl· Open-circuit or No-Iond Test

The purpose pf this test is to determine the no-load loss or core loss and no-load currept 1,. which j-, helpful in
linding Ci,. and B.,.

Voltage Regulator , I • W• I ,
to Adjust voltage I I
Across Low Side
. ~
Low voltage
To l.ow-Vi11tagc winding Open high: voltage
AC source..- winding

Open ckt. test ckt. diagram

W,d~ Rated core loss I Negligible copper loss

\\'" 1!, "' Rated cor'c loss

2. The Short-circuit or Impedance Test

This is an econoinical method for determining the following:
a. Lquivalent impedance (Zc-p or Z0 .,). leakage reactance (X,.. , or X0 .,) and total resistance ( R"." or l~c.J of the
transformer as referred to the winding in which the measuring instruments me placed.
h. Rated or full-load copper loss (and at any desired load). This loss is used in' calculating the L'i'licicnc:- ol'
the transformer.
c. 1\.nowing 7"." or Ze-s• the total voltage drop in the transformer as referred to primary \11' seuliJd;lr\ can hL·
calculated and hence regulation of the transformer is determined.

;\(' l'vlachim·,
!'age l1

e ~
"~~.--.....:.- _,../'

Shorted lt>\1 1 ultd~c

~-winding ,
Ill l.<l\1- Voltage
:\C Source

lligh voltage winding

Short d.\. test ckt. diagram

W,"F ~ Rated copper loss • Negligible core loss ;\Ill[! c- Jt:rled

W,d[! ~ Rated copper loss. l,.,,r/ Rr vl\11! !,.lied/.,.·.: zt'

. I
w,.,,IL. I
Re =(A-)'·
x. ~'If,,.- -H~:

Transformer Polarity
it rci'ers to the relative directions of the induced voltages in the primary and s~condary 11indings of a
transformer with respect to how the terminal leads arc brought out and marked ac~·ordingly

In practice. trans formers are marked as shown:

II- . X 2. .
~'': I I ::
a.' Subtractive ptlhu·ity marking b. Additive polarity marking

11 1 & 11 2 arc the high voltage side terminals II, & X I have the same instantaneous polarit~
XI & x2 arc the low voltage side terminals 11 2 & X; have the same inst<tnt(lneous pol"rit~

\'oltmeter Test to Determine Transf'ot·mer Pblarity

fl. I r v"''' . v I• then pol(lrity is addith·c.

l111pressed VI
v,d ..,. = V 1 + ·-
h. II'V,dv · V 1. then polarity is suhtracth·c.

I -I
\ rrlu- \ I -
'"' a
\\'hy dues the ptllarity ora transf'ormcr must he known'}
I. In ot·der to know what t¢rminals arc to he connected together if windings arc to be connected in series or in
In ordc1· to know what terminals arc to be connected together if transformers arc to be connected in bani-- or 1n

;\(' l'vlach ines

!'age 7

~~ --~



Autotransformer it is a transformer with one winding only. part of this being common to both pri1n;u~ ami 'l'U>ndan
Olwiou,l:. in this translimncr the primary and secondary windings arc clcrtrirally connected toc;1rh (>tlln

Thrcc.(J) Principal Types of Autotransformers

I. Stc'p down autotransformer
' Step up autotransformer
.' Variable autotransformer

Step-down Au tot ra nsformer {;1 > I)

~ .,·.~ 1: _1,_ .Y.L
~ ~a ' N,h -· ~'
F•(h v,
.. ~b
Y, L
1\,h .

llw autotransformer aci\ exactly like a two-winding transformer if. ti·orn the standpoint of transf(mncr action. 11 is
considered that the portion of the' winding ,1h is the primary and the portion of the winding /J( is the sccondan lo pn>\ L'
Nah Eah · ~' l.uc h...::_l.ll.. .. ' _h_ a- I
Nbc E", lp II'
Rn X,,,

I)V, ~
(a I)

Approxim111e equivalent circuit diagram. Approximate equivalent circuit

re!Crred to the primary diagram rc!Crrccl to the secondary.

R,.." = r" +(a --1) r,

R,.. , =(a- I)"
• . 2
X,.. "= X"+ (a-· I) X, XI!_ 2+X
Xn = (a-- I) ' '

!'ower transformed inductively (thru ab) I' inver I ransformed condm·t iH'i~· (t h ru he)

) .. ) _L
!'"""'- (Vp- V,)lp o· V, (I, I") l '"" - l Ill ( )
. I
I', ailS-· VI' II' (I a) Total power transferred to tht' sec!Htdar~·
P., -·.:; Punr l Plr::lll'>
l' !r ;In~
c· Power in))llt (I J... )
Page X
- j


Step-up Autotransformer (a< I)

. _l~, --~'
ll E,,, 11•
Nt.,- E,, .- ___1_ I,
b N,,, E," 11,, D.
lp v. --'-=~'--
1..::_1 1.. - I -- a
Ibc 1 1


Variable Autotransformer

.... ·---?>

) Movable

I nst nunent Transformers

Two (2) kinds of ins.trllmt~nt transfonnus:
I. Current transformer (CT)- it is a special transformer used in conjunction with ordinarv ac
measuring instnnnents to measure high current. power at high current and energy ;1t high CliiTcnL Its
secondary is almost always designed for 5 A maximum.
2. Potential transformer (PT)- it is a special transformer used in conjunction with ordinary ac
measuring instruments to measure high vqltage, power at high voltage aile! energy at high voltage.
The transformation ratios are usually designed for a nominal secondary voltage of 120 Y.
Note: Loads· of instnnnent transformers arc called "burdens".

Pa.-allel Operation M Tnmsfcll·mers

Conditions to be met for ideal operation

I_,_ of two (2) ot· more single phase (1~) transformers in parallel:
I. S:une voltage ratings (same ratios)
2. Sante polarities .
], z·-• oc Rated
. '- Z _ oc
kVA,' • 2 Rated I<VA2.
• etc.

R•. , == R•. 2 == B..:.l == etc.

x,_, x•.2 x•. J

Ironly two (2) transformers are connected i,n parallel, then

Z •. 1 _ Rated KVA2
z.. 2 - Rlitcd KVA1

II- of two (2) or more three phase (3~,) transformers in parallel:

Same conditions as in single phase (1~) transformers in paralleL

AC Machines
,, Page 'J

e ~~·~


'l. Same winding connections (i.e. Y-Y to be connected in parallel with Y-Y).
l·\cL·ptiorL ;\-t\ can he ronnccted in parallel with Y-Y.

Effccts/Conscqut·nccs if thew l'OJHiitions arc not mel.

11· cund it i1 111 I is not rnl'l ( I<)1 or 3 t!'). there ";II he current that wi II circulate thru the trans 1\ n·rncr \l'L PIHLrr ll'' 11 h il'11
will Ctlntrihutl' to the transfon.ner losSL'S.
It condition 2 is not met ( 1<)1 or Jtp). there will be big current that will circulate thru the transformer 'cc~>ndariL''
11 hich may dama~e rhe windings.

lfcorH.IItion 3 is not met ( ltp or .'ltj1l. the transformers will not share the common load in proporti1>11 tP thL·ir KVi\
Ir condition -1 is rwt uiet (Jt!' ). there will be current that will circulate thru the transformer SLrnnd;u ico; 11 l11ch 11 iII
C\llltribt!IL' !t> thL' tr;up;f'nrlllcr f\lS$CS.

No-load Operation
For !110 (2) transl\ll'li1ers in parallel, a 1 the ratio oftransf(xmation of transformer I

a.. the ratio of transformatiop of transformer 2
.'\~. rl'i\:rrcd to their secondaries at no-load. thccirculating current is
.r. In complex 'form. b. In magnitude (approximitte).

= v,,- v!Q (a 1 -a 2)V,
a,Z,.. , 1 + a 2Zc._, 2
r . Z;..,,+ Zr·•z
l.oad ()pt•r:ttion-Fqual.Hatios of Transformation

Lquivaknt circuit of two transformers as n.:!crrcd to their secondaries. having equal ratios ol'transl\lllll<ttion.
connected in parallel and sttpplying power to a common load.

.1.t z~ KVA 1 '7-,..,,

1, 1 Z,.. ,1 = l,,Z,.,, 2
I,, Zc-sl KV Az = '1-r-s,
Load current of each transformer,
7. .. ,' z,..,,
1, =I,, (
1 z,...,1 + Z,.. ,., J 1,,= '"r z,._, 1
+ z,..,,

K V t\ l1\ad ol' each transformer,

. Zc·s2 ) Zc-sl
S 1 = Sr ( z,._, 1 + Zr-s2 Sz =·sT ( Zc-s 1 + Zc-s2
where 11 1 - total load current
S1 total KV !\of the common load

;\ (' rvl a cit i Ill'\

I' age I0


llncqual Hatiils ofTransfonnation

I .oad curn:nt pf c;1ch transl(mner.

~~)..._~_ ..... /

a. 11.1 complex form.

I·:,·, Z,._, 2 + (E,1- E, 2 ) Z1. ·E., Z,.,, l (E, , 1E,. l Z •
!,.~~ 1
----· ,- -~ .,. --.-- ·,- :
I, Z,. ' I z,._, ~-~Z-;:(z;-:~-+-z~~-;:) - Z,._,, z...... ZI(Z .... ,. /., .• )
11 hnc·
1-, 1 -secondary induced voltage of tr;ud(mner l.
1·,:· -secondary i1iduccd voltage of transl(nmer 2.
/ 1 load iinpcdancc

h. In magnitude.

(a/- a 1)V, + (<1 2 Z,._,. 11cJ ( '•1I _ a,)V, + (a Z,.. ,,..!J.._)

a 1 Z,.. , 1. + a 2 Z,._,:· J,_. = al z:--:
• - - - -1
+ al z,. ,-~

Three Phase 0~) Transformer Ratings

I. l'he K V ;\rating. of a 3~ transformer is a 3¢ KI-A.
ll1e voltageratings of a 311> transf(mner arc line-to line ••o/ta~-:es.
-'· The percent impedance(%/) or equivalent impedance (Z .. ) of a 311) transl(mner is trer phase

Thn'l' Phasl' Transformer Corinections

There arc various methods available for transforming 3-phase voltages to higher or lo\\ier .1-pahsc 1oltagL''>. I he
must co_llllllllll cunncctions arc '
I. Y -Y cit h<is the advantage that the insulation is stressed only to the extent of the line to neutral 1oltagc.
which Is 57.7% of the line to line \(:1lta11-e.
i\-t\- this arrangement is generally•used in systems of moderate voltages but high:currcnt.
~. .\- Y it is generally·employed to .step up t,he voltage, as, for example, at the beginning of a high-tension
transmissioil system. It is also used for stepping down the voltage. The r<ltio of the line to line
voltage. high to low. is /. 73a.
c\. Y- ;\-it i~·us~d.pi·imarily for stepping doli'll the voltage, as. for example. at the L~l1d of a transmissinn line.
5 V- V or Open Delta- it is employed . .,
' I 'II
a. when the three-phase load is comp,aratively small, so that the installation,:does not II<IITant ;1 \ - \
bank. ' '
b. when one of the transformers in a;\- t.\ bank fails.
c. when it is anticipated that the future load will increase to warrant the clo~ing of the open.\ at so111e
later time.
Note: Total capacity of the V- V (open delta) bank is 57.7% of the;\-;\ bank
(J. Threl·-Phase Scott Tee or T -T used to transf(mn power from
;1. three-phase to three-phase
h. three-phase to two-phase and vicr-ver~;a
I his connection uses two specialtransforniei·s, the main transformer whose prin:ary ami scc()IHiar~ 11 i11din!-!s
a1·c provided with the center (50%) taps and the teaser transformer whose windings arc provided I\ ith 86.()",
taps. ,
Note: Total capacity of the two Scott-connected transf(mnelfis also 57.7% of the\-.\ hank.

;\( · i'vlachincs
l'agc I I
. AC MACHINES PART 2- TRANSFORMERS e ...:.-...:..:__.-

1. The high-voltage coil of a transformer is wound with 700 turns of wire, .and the low-voltage coil 1s
wound with 292 turns. When used as a step-up transformer (the low-voltage coil used as the primary).
the load current is 10.5 A. Find the load component of the primarycurrent.
A.43.5A B.4.38A C.25.18A D.2.518A

REE - May 2008

2. A transformer has a primary winding of Z,OOO !urns and of 2,400 v and current of 8.66 - j5 A with an
impedance Z2 connected across the secondary winding. If the secondary winding has 500 turns, what
is the value of the secondary current?
A. 20- j34.64 A. B. 34.64- j20 A C. 34.64 + j20 A D. 20 + j34.64 A

3. A 4,600/230 V, 60 Hz step-down transformer has core dimension of 76.2 mm by 111.8 mm. A

maximum flux density of.0.93 Wb/m 2 is to be used. Assuming 9 percent loss of area due to stacking
factor of laminations, calculate the primary and secondary turns required.
A. 2,395 & 120 B. 120 & 2,395 C. 2,180 & 109 D. 109 & 2,180

4. A 120 V to 27.5 V, 400 Hz step-down transfbrmer is to be operated at 60 Hz. What is the highest safe
input voltage?
A.200V B.400V C.120V D.18V

REE - Sept. 2006

5. The primary of transformer has 200 turns and is excited by a 240 v, 60 Hz source. What is the
maximum value of the core flux?
A. 4.04 mWb B. 4.40 mWb C. 4.13 mWb D. 4.32 mWb

REE - Sept. 2008

6·. A transformer is rated 1 kVA, 220/110 v, 60 Hz. Because of an emergency this tmnsformer has to be
· used on a 50 Hz system. If the flux 'density in the transformer core is to be kept the same as at 60 Hz
and 220 v, what is the kilovolt-ampere rating at 50 Hz?
A. 0.890 kVA B. 0.833 kVA C. 0.909 kVA D. 0.871 kVA

7. A 10 transformer has a no-load power input of 250 watts, when supplied at, 250-Volt, 50 Hz has a p.f
of 0.25. What is the magnetizing component of the no-load current?
A, 4,00 A B. 3.87 A C. 1.00 A · D. none of these

REE - Oct. 1997

8. A small single-phase transformer has 10.2 watts no-load loss. The core has a volume of 750 cu. ern
The maximum flUx density is 10,000 gauss and the hysteresis constant of the core is 5 x 10-4 Using
the Steinmetz law to find the hysteresis, determine the eddy current loss. 1

A. 4.55 Watts B. 5.55 Watts C. 3.55 Watts : D. 2.55 Watts

REE- Sept. 2010

9. A 4,400 v, 60 Hz transformer has core loss of 840 watts, of which one-third is eddy current loss. What
is the core loss when. the transformer is cor.nected to a 4,600 v, 60 Hz source?
·A. 926 W B. 907 W C. 873 W D. 944 W

10. A 100-kVA distribution transformer has a fLJI!~Ioad copper loss of 1,180 watt~. For what kilowatt load, at
a power factor of 0.71, will the copper losses in the transformer be 1,500 wat.ts?
. A. 90.25 . B. 71 C. 112.75 ~ D. 80.05

AC Machines2
Page 1 of 9


.REE - Sept. 2004

11. In an ideal transformer, what is the efficiency.?
A. 100% B. 90% C. 80% . D. 70%
'12. Given a 10-kVA transformer with full-load losses amounting to 70 watts in th.~ iron and 140 watts in the
copper. Calculate the efficiency at half-load unity power factor. :1

A. 98.62% B. 95.97% C. 97.28% D. 97.94%

13. A 100-kVA 2,400/240 volt 60 cycle transformer has the following constants! rr = 0.42 0, Xp = 0.72 0;
= =
rs 0.0038 0; Xs 0.0068 0. What is the equivalent impedance in .primary terms?
A.0.0160 8.1.6120 C.0.1610 iD.16.120

14. Calculate the all-day efficiency of a 100-kVA transformer operating under the following conditions: 6
hours on a load of 50 kW at 0. 73 power factor; 3 hours on a load of 90 kVV at 0.82 power factor; 15
hours with no load on secondary. The iron loss is 1,000 watts and the fuiiTioad copper loss is 1,060
watts. · '
A. 96.31% B. 94.87% C. 95.33% ' D. 95.29%

REE - Sept. 2005

15. A 50-KVA, single-phase transformer has 96% efficiency when it operates at full-load unity power factor
for 8 hours per day. What is the all-day efficiency of the transformer if the copper loss is 60% of full-
load losses? ·
A. 92%. B. 90% C. 89.5% D. 93%

Asst. EE- Oct. 1991

16. A 10 kVA, 2,400/240 V, single-phase transformer has the following resistances and leakage
rp =3 0 rs =0.03 0
Xp = 15 Q Xs =0.15 Q
Find the primary voltage required to produce 240 V at the secondary terminals at full-load, when the
load power factor is 0.8 ,lagging.
A. 2,400 V · B. 2,496.5 V C. 2,348 V D. 2,145.5 V

17. A 500 KVA, 1$, 13,200/2,400 v transformer has 4% reactance and 1% resistance. The leakage
reactance and resistance of the high voltage (primary) winding are 6.34 0 and 1.83 0, respectively.
The core loss under rated condition is 1,800 watts. Calculate the leakage reactance and resistance of
the low voltage (secondary) winding.
A. 7.56 0, 1.66 Q B. 13.69 0, 3.42 0 C. 0.25 .0, 0.055 .0 D. 13.9 .0, 3.48 .0

18. In Prob. # 17, calculate the %V.R. and efficiency of the transformer at full-load, 0.85 p.f. lagging and
2,400 V.
A. 4%, 97.8% B.' 6%, 95.4% C. 5%, 96.8% D. 3%, 98.4%

19. A short-circuit test was.performed upon a 10-kVA, 2,300/230-volt transformer with the following results:
Esc = 137 volts; Psc = 192 watts; lsc = 4.34 amp. Calculate in secondary terms the transformer
equivalent reactance.
A. 29.88 .0 B. 2.988 .0 C. 0.2988 .0 D. 298.8 0

20. An 11,000/230 V, 150-kVA, 1-phase, 50-Hz transformer has a core loss of 1.4 kW and a full-load
copper loss of 1.6 kW. What is the value of maximuh1 efficiency at unity p.f.?
A. 98.17% . B. 98.04% C. 97.22% D. 97.64%
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21. A 300-kVA, single-phase transformer is designed to have a resistance of 1.5% and maximum
e .

efficiency occurs at a load of 173.2 kVA. Find its efficiency when supplying full-load at 0.8 p.f. lagging
at normal voltage and frequency.
A 97.56% B. 96.38% C. 98.76% D. 95.a9%

REE - Sept. 2002

22. A 20 kV/7.87 kV autotransformer has 200 A current in the common winding. What is the secondary
' line current?
A 143.52 B. 200 C. 56.48 D. 329

23. An autotransformer is adjusted for an output voltage of 85.3 volts when operated from a 117 volts line.
The variable power load draws 3.63 kW at unity power factor at this setting. Determine ttle transformed
power and the conducted power from the source to the load. ·
A 980 &2,650 watts C. 1,815 & 1,815 watts
B. 1,343 & 2,287 watts D. 1,210 & 2,420 watts

REE - April 2007 .

24. A transformer is rated 500 kVA, 4,800/480 v, 60Hz when it is operated as a conventional two winding
transformer. This transfqtmer is to be used as a 5.28/4.8 kV stepdown autotransformer in a power
distribution system. In the autotransformer, what is the transformer rating when used in this manner?
A 5 MVA . . H. 6 MVA I C. 5.5 MVA D. 6.5 MVA •.

REE - Sept. 2008

25. Two identical transformers bank on open delta serve a balanced 3-phaseJoad of 26 kVA at 240 v,
60Hz. What is the minimum size of each in kVA needed to serve this load?
A 25 B. 10 C. 30 D. 15

26. Two (2), 1 $, 100-kVA transformers are connected in V (open delta). bank supplying a balanced 3 <jJ
load. If the balanced 3<!> load is 135 kW at 0.82 p.f. lagging and 0.823 efficiency, determine the
overload kVA on each transformer.
A 10.5 B. 5.5 C. 15.5 D. 20.5

27. In Prob. #26, determine the p.f. of each transformer secondary.

A 0.820 lag & 0.820 lag C. 0.996 lag & 0.424 lag
B. 0.996 lag & 0.4241eading D. 0.410 lag & 0.410 lag

28. In Prob. #26, what is· the minimum size in KVAR of a capacitor bank to be connected across the load
so that each transformer is loaded 96% of its rated capacity? ·
A 87 KVAR B. 114 KVAR C. 27 KVAR D. 66 KVAR

REE - Sept. 2003 ·

29. What type of transformer bank is used to convert 2-phase to 3-phase power?
A open-delta B. scott-T C. wye-delta D. delta-wye
30. A polarity test is performed upon a 1, 150/115-volt transformer. If the input voltage is 116, calculate the
voltmeter reading if the polarity is subtractive ..
A 127.6 V B. 106 V . . C. 126 V . D. 104.4 V

~EE - April 2005

31. What is the normal secondary circuit current of a current transformer?
A 15 A B. 20 A C. 5 A I D. 10 A
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. :REE- Sept. 2010


32 . .A three-phase wye-delta connected, 50 ~VA, 345/34.5· kV transformer: is protected by differential

protection. The current transformer on the high side for differential protection is 150 : 5. What is the
current on the secondary side of CT's? ..
A. 3.83 A 8. 2.53 A C. 4.50 A · ., D. 4.83 A
, : I ' ::1

33. A 20 : 1 potential transformer is used with a 150-volt voltmeter. If the instrument deflection is 118 volts,
· calculate the line voltage. i:
A. 3,000 V B. 2,850 V C. 2,360 V : D. 2,242 V

REE -April . 2004 .

. 34. Instrument transformers are used in indicating and metering and with protective devices, they are used
for '
A. measuring B. detecting C. relaying ' D. sensing

REE - Oct. 2000

35. The CT ratio and PT ratio used to protect a line are 240 and 2000, resp~ctively. If the impedance of
each line is 10 0, what is the relay impedance to protect the line from fault?
A. 83.33 0 B. 1.2 0 C. 48,000 0 D. 12 0

36. Two transformers 1 and 2 are connected in parallel supplying a common load of 120 kVA. Transformer
1 is rated 50 kVA, 7,620/240 V 1 ~ and has an equivalent impedance of 8.5 0 while transformer 2 is
rated 75 kVA, 7,620/240 V 1 ~ and has an equivalent impedance of 5.1 0. The two transformers
operate with the same power factors. What is the kVA load of each transformer?
A. 48 & 72 B. 45 & 75 C .. 42 & 78 D. 40 & 80

, 37. Two-1 ~ transformers are connected in parallel at no-load. On~ has a turns ratio of 5,000/440 and
:· rating of 200 kVA, the other has a ratio of 5,000/480 and rating of 350 kVA the leakage reactance of
each is 3.5%. The no-load circulating current is-~-·
A 207 A B. 702 A C. 720 A D. 270 A

. 38. Transformer~1 is in parallel with Transformer-2.

T-1 T-2
150 kVA, 1 ~ 300 kVA, 1 ~
6600/240 v v
Ze-s =0.02425L62.9°0
52 =0.01067L62.9°0
Determine the maximum kVA load the bank can carry without overloading any of the two transformers,
assuming that the two transformers operate at the same power factors.
A 450 kVA B. 432 kVA C. 420 kVA D. 412 kVA

REE - Oct. 1997

39. A power transformer rated 50,000 kVA, 34.5/13.8 kV is connected Y-grounded primary and delta on
the secondary. Determine the full load phase current at the secondary side.
A 2092 A ·B. 1725 A C. 1449 A D. 1208 A

REE -April 2006

40. A 2,000 KW, 2,400-volt, 75% p.f. load is to be supplied from a 34,500-volt, 3-phase line through a
single bank of transformers. Give the primary and secondary line currents in amperes for the wye-wye
connections. ' ·
A 50/700 B. 48/650 C. 60/800 D. 45/642
AC Machlnes2
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REE - April 2005

41. A 3,000 KVA, 2,400 v, 75 percent power factor load is to be supplied from a 34,500-volt, 3-phase line
through a single bank of tr;msformers. What is the voltage rating of each transformer if the connection
is wye-wye? · ,
A 20,000/1;380 B. 18,500/1,350 C.18,000/1,850 i D. 19,000/1,350
. REE - March 1998 . . : 1

42. A 13.8 kV/480 V, 10 MVA three phase transformer has 5% impedance .. What is the impedance in
ohms referred to the primary?
A 0.952 ohm · B. 0.03 ohm C. 5.125 ohm D. 9.01 ohm 1

REE - April 2004

43. A transformer rated 2,000 KVA, 34,500/240 volts has 5.75% impedance. What is the per unit
A 0.0635 B. 0.0656 C. 0.0575 D. 34.2

REE - May 2009

44. A three-phase transformer is rated 15 MVA, 69/13.2 kV has a series impedance of 5%. What is the
new per unit impedance if the system study requires a 100 MVA base and 67 kV base?
A 0.354 B. 0.347 C. 0.372 D. 0.333

:45. Three 5 : 1 transformers are connected in fl.- Y to step up the voltage at the beginning of a 13,200-volt
' three-phase transmission line. Calculate the line voltage on the high side of the transformers.
A 114,300V B. 66,000V C. 132,000V D. 198,000V
, ' t

46. Three (3)- 1 ~, 50 kVA, 2,400/277 V transformers are connected 1:1-Y bank. Each transformer has %Z
of 4%. Calculate the fault current delivered if a 3$ fault occurs at the secondary terminals.
A. 4,512 A B. 3,908 A C. 7,815 A D. 1,504 A

47. A 150 kVA, 2,400/480 volt, 3$ transformer with an equivalent impedance of 4% is connected to an
infinite bus and without load. If a 3 phase fault occurs at the secondary terminals, the fault current in
amperes is _ __
A.4,512A .;'B. 3,908A C. 7,815A D.1,504A

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e .

1. A 60-cycle 200-KVA 3-winding transformer is rated at 2,400 volts primary voltage, and there are two
secondary windings, one rated at 600 volts and the other at 240 volts. There me 200 primary turns.
The rating of each secondary winding is 100 kVA, one-half that of the transformer. Determine turns in
each secondary winding."
A. 50 & 20 turns .·B. 100 & 40 turns C. 70 & 28 turns D. 140 & 56 turns

2. A 220/2,200-Volt, 25 KVA, ·single-phase transformer has a no load energy current and power factor of
4 Amp and 30%, respectively. Its core loss is _ _ _ __
A. 880 W B. 264 W C. 840 W D. 2640 W
3. Given a 3-kVA transformer with an efficiency of 95.5 percent at half-16ad untiy power factor and a
copper loss of 90 watts at full-load. Calculate the iron loss in watts. ·
A. 48.18 W B. 25.68 W ' C. 45 W D. 22.5 W

4. The maximum efficiency of a 1 ~, 500 kVA, 13.8/4.16 kV, 60,Hz power transformer is 97% and occurs
at% full-load unity p.f. lf the impedance is 10%, what is the regulation at full-load and 0.80 p.f. lagging?
. A. 2.5% B. 7.5% C. 4:5% D. 3.5%

5. A 20-KVA, 440/220 V, 1 phase, 60~Hz transformer has an )ron loss of 324 watts. The copper loss is
found to be 100 watts when delivering half of full-load current. What is the percent of full-load when the
efficiency is maximum? ·
A. 81% B. 90% C. 95% D. 93%

6. Given that the full;.load copper losses are exactly twice the iron losses in ~ 50-KVA trapsformer, and
that the quarter-load efficiency is 96~5 percent. Calculate the full-load efficiency at unity power factor.
A. 96.31% B. 95.63% C. 97.64% D. 96.91%

7. Given the following particulars in connection with a single-phase transformer: Full-load output =2,000
kVA; primary volts = 66,000; secondary volts = 2,200; resistance of primary winding = 8.6 ohms;
= =
resistance of secondary winding 0.0095 ohm; core loss 14,000 watts. !Calculate the efficiency at
one-quarter load with unity power factor. Neglect the effect of exciting current
A. 97.18% B. 97.09% . C. 94.38% D. 96.54%

8. A Scott transformer has the following data:

3$, 3-wire balanced source ----- 2,400 V
2 $, 3-wire secondary loads:
On teaser secondary- 15 kW, 21·0 V, p.f. = 1
On main secondary - 20 kW, 240 V, p.f. = 1
Assuming no-loss, determine the main and the teaser primary line currents.,;i
A. 8.33 A, 9.08 A B. 9.08 A, 7.22 A C. 3.33 A. 62.5 A ' D. 104 A, 9.08 A

9. The core of a 60-cycle transformer has a net cross section of 20 square incres, and the maximum flux
density in the core is 60,000 lines per square inch. There are 700 turns in the primary and 70 turns in
the secondary. What is the rated voltage of the primary and .the secondary?':
A. 2,400 v & 240 v B. 2,230 v & 223 v C. 2,300 v & 230 v D. 2,200 v & 220 v

10. A transformer is designed to. carry 30 times its rated current for .1. second The length of time that a
current of 20 times the rated current can be allowed to flow is
A. 0.67 sec B. 2 sec · C. 1.5 sec · D. 2.25 sec

AC Machines2
Pa9e Fl of q



11. A 13.8 KV/480 V, 10 MVA three-phase transformer has 5% impedanse 1 What is the impedance in


ohms referred to the primary?

A. 0.952 0 B. 0.03 0 C. 5.125 0 D. 9.01 .0

12. lfthe copper loss of a transformer at 7/8 1h full-load is 4,900 w, then its full-load copper loss would be

A. 5,600
B. 6,400 C. 375
D. 429

t3. For supplying ·a b~lanced 3<!> load, of 46.-KVA, rating of each transformer in V -· V bank should be
--,----- KVA.
A: 20 B.23 c. 34 D.25
, . - . I
14. An amplifier works best into an imped$nce of 500 0 but is required to drive a speaker of 20 0
impedance. The primary to secondary turn ratio of the matching transformer ·Should be
A. 1/5 . B. 25 C. 5 , D. 1/25

15. A 2,400/2,200-volt autotransformer delivers a load of 90.5 KW at a power factor of 0.75. Calculate the
current in each winding section and the KVA rating of the transformer. ·
A. 50.27 A, 4.58 A, 67.88 kVA B. 50.27 A, 54.85 A, 120 kVA
C. 54.85 A, 4.58 A, 67.88 kVA D. 50.27 A, 4.58 A, 1'20 kVA
= =
·16. Given a single-phase transformer: number of primary turns 1, 400; frequehcy 60 Hz; flux in core =
. 600, 000 maxwells. Calculate the full-load current in the secondary (low- pressure) winding when the
output is 7.5 kVA.The ratio of transformation being 10 to 1. : ·
A. 335.1 A B. 33.51 A . C. 3.351 A . D. 3, 351 A

17. A 1 <j>, 5-kVA transformer has 35 watts iron loss and 40 watts copper loss at full-load. It operates at full-
load, 0.80 p.f. lagging for 6 hours, ha'lf-load, and 0.50 p.f. lagging for 12 hours and idle for 6 hours. Its

all-day efficiency in percent is nearest to . ·

A. 98 B. 97 C. 95 ; D. 96

18. A substation takes 693 kW, 3-phase powe~'at 26,000 volts, and this power is stopped down to 2,300
volts by two V-connected transformers. The load power factor is unity. Determine the minimum kVA
rating o each transformer. · i!
A. 400 B. 347 C. 231 : D.462

REE - Oct. 2000

. . . t (

19. Two single-phase transformers operate in parallel.· Transformer 1 is rated 100 kVA with 4% reactance
while transformer 2 is rated 75 kVA with 3% reactance. The transformers, Have secondary voltages of
220 volts and the same voltage ratio. If the common load is 125 kVA at 80%' p.f. lagging, determine the
kVA sharing of each transformer.
A. 71.43 kVA and 53.57 kVA C. 62.5 kVA and 62.5 kVA
B. 75 kVA and 50 kVA D. 82.5 kVA and 42.6 kVA

REE - Sept. 2007 .

20. Three single-phase transformers each rated 37.5 kVA are bank in delta and supply a three-phase load
of' 85 kVA p.f. lagging. Determine the kVA overloading of the remaining units if one transformer is
A. 25 B. 20 C. 37.5 D. 30

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REE - April 2006


;,21. What would happen if you connect a to a de circuit with a voltage of 20% of nameplate
· ratings after a steady state condition is reached?
A. No voHage is registered at secondary
B. Rated no-load current flows to the secondary
C. Primary current is equal to voltage over equivalent primary impedance
D. Voltage is established at secondary

REE- Oct. 1997

22. A 3-phase transformer is rated 30 MVA, 115LV13.8Y kV, and 2% impedance, the resistance is
negligible compared with the reactance. Determine the percent (%) voltage drop at the secondary at
80% load and at 75% power factor.
A. 4.1 % '.B. 2.26% C. 1.05% D. 3.15%

23. A 4,600 to 230 V, 60Hz, 7.5 KVA transformer is rated at 2.6 volts per turn of its winding coils. Assume
that it is an ideal trai1sformer, what is the total turns of the high 'voltage coil and secondary current a
step down?
A. 88.5 turns, 32.6 A C. 88.5 turns, 1.63 A
B. 1,769 turns, 32:6 A D. 1,769 turns, 1.,63 A

REE - April 2005

24. A 750-hp, 2,400-volt, 3~phase motor has a power factor of 90% and efficiency of 95% is to be operated
from a 13.2 KV utility service through a wye-delta connected transformers. Determine the secondary or
load current in amperes.
A. 158 B. 175 C. 180 D. 126

25. The hysteresis loss in a 6~600 volt, 60 cycle transformer is 480 watts. What wili be this loss when the
transformer is connected:
i) to a 6,900-volt 60-cycle source?
A. 515W B. 502W C. 447W D. 459W

ii) to a 6,600-vblt 40~cycle source?

A. 720 W B. 320 W C. 376 W D. 612 W

iii) to a 6,900-volt 40~cycle source?

A. 570 W B. 350 W C. 657 W : D. 306 W

REE- April 2006

26. A 50-KVA, 5,000/500-v, 50 Hz, 1-phase transformer has the high voltage winding with a resistance of
8 nand low voltage winding with a resistan.ce :Jf 0.06 n. The no-load losses of the transformer amount
to 1,000 watts. Calculate the efficiency of the transformer when delivering its full rated output at a
power factor of 0.8. With the same ppwer factor, what will be the efficiency 'if the output drops down to
80% of the rated value?
A. 92.27% B. 93.45% C. 95.25% D. 94.39%

REE - Sept. 2003

· 27. A short circuit test was performed on a 100' KVA, 2,200/220 v transformer. 'Its low side was shorted. A
wattmeter, voltmeter and an ammeter were connected to its high side. If the windings of the
transformer were carrying rated current and the wattmeter and voltme1er read 750 w and 83 v,
respectively, find the resistance of the transformer in ohms.
A.1.826Q . B.1.7900 . C.0.363Q D.0.0180
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28. Two T- connected transformers are used to supply a 440 V, 33-kVA balanced load from a balanced
3-phase supply of 3,300 V. Calculate the kVA rating of the main and teaser transformer.
A. 33 & 33 B. 33 & 28.6 C. 28.6 & 24.8 D. 19.05 & 16.5

REE - May 2008

,29. A three-phase, Y/11 connected 50 MVA 345/34.5 kV transformer is protected by differential protection.
The current transformer on the low-side of the transformer for differential protection is 900 : 5. What is
the current on the secondary side of the CT?
A. 4.25 A B. 4.65 A C. 3.65 A D. 5.65 A

REE - April 2001

30. A 69 KV/13.8 kV, 7.5 MVA transformer has 8% impedance. What is its impedance at 100 MVA base?
A. 0.6% B. 8% C. 800% D. 106.7%

31. The eddy-current loss in' a 2,300-volt 60-cycle transformer is 280 watts. What will be this loss if the
transformer is connected
i) to a 2,300-volt 50 7cycle ~ource?
A. 233 W . B. 280 W C. 194 W D: 403 W

ii) to a 2,400-volt 60-cycle source?

A. 292 W B. 268 W C. 257 W D. 305 W

iii) to a 2,200-volt 25-cycle source?

A 268W B. 306W C. 256W D. 293 W

REE - May 2009

32. A three-phase, wye-delta connected, 50 MVA, 345/34.5 kV transformer is protected by differential
protection. What is the CT ratio on the low-side of the transformer for diffe~ential protection such that
the circulating current will not exceed 5 A?
A. 1,000: 5 B. 900: 5 C. 800: 5 D. 1,200: 5

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