PerDev - Q2 - Module 6 - Emotional-Intelligence - Ver2

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Quarter 2- Module 6:
To the Student of Personal Development:

Welcome to Module 6!
This module helps you to facilitate in Learning to React Well. Managing emotional reactions
means choosing how and when to express the emotions we feel. People who do a good job of
managing emotions know that it's healthy to express their feelings — but that it matters how (and
when) they express them. Because of this, they're able to react to situations in productive ways:
• They know they can choose the way they react instead of letting emotions influence them to do or
say things they later regret.
• They have a sense of when it's best to speak out — and when it's better to wait before acting on,
or reacting to, what they feel.
• They know that their reaction influences what happens next — including how other people respond
to them and the way they feel about themselves.

You've probably been in a situation where someone reacted in a way that was too
emotional, making you cringe or feel embarrassed for the person. You also might have been in a
What This
situation Module
where is About
your own emotions felt so strong that it took all your self-control not to go down that
path yourself. Maybe you can think of a time when you didn't manage your reaction. Perhaps
This module deals about Emotional Intelligence. Through this module you will enhance your
anxiety, anger, or frustration got the better of you, It happens. When it does, forgive yourself and
focus awareness
on what you couldtohave
you better.
know Think
what you
youwant (ordodon't
might nextwant!).
time. It helps you build
better This
module willThat's because
discuss being aware
our emotions of our
and how to emotions
communicatecan our
us talk about feelings more
clearly, avoid or resolve conflicts better, and move past difficult feelings more easily.

This module will also bring you to a wonderful journey on how to define your emotions which will
eventually guide you how to manage various emotions. It just takes practice. But it's worth the effort:
Emotional awareness is the first step toward building emotional intelligence, a skill that can help people
succeed in life.

What I need to know

After going through this module, you are expected to:

1. Discuss that understanding the intensity and differentiation of emotions may help in
communicating emotional expressions
2. explore one’s positive and negative emotions and how one expresses or hides them
3. Demonstrate and create ways to manage various emotions


As an initial activity, you will be assessed on your prior knowledge about finding the answers to the
research questions. This is to find out what are the things you need to learn more about the subject

Multiple Choice: Encircle the letter of the best answer

1. It is defined as the ability of a person to command respect by building relationships or by the

ability to get along with the people or situation.
A. Emotional Quotient C. Emotional Intelliegence
B. Emotional Stress D. Emotional Healing
2. It enables people to be aware of what is happening around them and helps people become
more aware of their as well as other people’s emotions.
A. Emotional Alchemy C. Emotional Fitness
B. Emotional Domain D. Emotional Literacy

3. It strengthen one’s resilience and believability for listening and managing conflict.
A. Emotional Alchemy C. Emotional Fitness
B. Emotional Domain D. Emotional Literacy

4. It means realm of control by emotions and it explores the way to align one’s life and work with
his /her unique potential and purpose.
A. Emotional Alchemy C. Emotional Fitness
B. Emotional Domain D. Emotional Literacy

5. Through this, one extends one’s creative instincts and capability to flow with problems and
A. Emotional Alchemy C. Emotional Fitness
B. Emotional Domain D. Emotional Literacy

6. It is your ability to recognize your own emotions and their effects.

A. Emotional Awareness C. Emotional Regulation
B. Emotional Domain D. Emotional Literacy

7. It means managing disruptive impulses

A. Adaptability C. Innovation
B. Conscientiousness D. Self-Control

8. It is your constant striving to improve or to meet a standard of excellence.

A. Achievement drive C. Initiative
B. Commitment D. Optimism

9. The ability to recognize how people feel is important to success in your life and career.
A. Empathy C. Motivation
B. Self-awareness D. Self-regulation

10. Self-regulation involves

A. Sureness about your self-worth and capabilities.
B. Taking responsibility for your own performance.
C. Aligning with the goals of the group or organization
D. Reading a group’s emotional currents and power relationships.

11. Being angry is described as

A. Feeling full of energy
B. Feeling alone and nobody cares
C. Feeling upset with a person, act or idea
D. Feeling sad, blue, discouraged and unhappy

12. It is a feeling worried about what others think

A. Excited C. Embarrassed
B. Glad D. Confused

13. Feeling at ease, without worries and calm

A. Ashamed C. Proud
B. Excited D. Relaxed
14. These are methods of managing emotions physically EXCEPT
A. Learn how to meditate
B. Develop relaxation techniques
C. Exercise to help deal with depression.
D. Be open with whoever is willing to help you.
15. Identifying your emotions involves
A. Learning how to change your mood
B. Knowing why you feel the way you do
C. Thinking about the best way to express your emotion.
D. Talking to a school counselor, parent, trusted adult, or therapist

What’s In

Lesson Understanding the Intensity and Differentiation of Emotions

1 May Help in Communicating Emotional Expressions

What is It
Emotional intelligence can be defined as the ability of a person to command respect by
building relationships or by the ability to get along with the people or situation.
A simple but vital question has been haunting us for long: “What ticks success in life? For quite some
time now almost everyone believed in the age-old paradigm that one’s intelligence (IQ) is solely
responsible for his or her success on the job, and for that matter, in life. However there have been
instances that we often came across that only intelligence i.e. academic excellence doesn’t necessarily
contribute to success in career or even social life. There are people who have high IQ but have not
done well. On the contrary, people with modest IQ have performed well. Then this possesses another
question: what factors are at ply leading to such differential performance? Psychologists and
behavioral scientists have tried to answer this question. According to their findings, the difference quite
often lies in their abilities what they call “Emotional Intelligence (EQ)”. In a sense this is what Schwartz
(1997) view: what actually matters is not how much intellect or mind one had, but how it is used what
one had.
Emotional Intelligence: Before we explain the meaning of the word EQ, let us define first the terms
emotion and intelligence.
Literary or Dictionary Definition: Emotion is any agitation or disturbance of mind, feeling, passion, and
any vehement or excited mental state. But emotional intelligence can be defined as the ability of a
person to command respect by building relationships or the ability to get along with people or
Some view emotional intelligence as a position and proactive attitude towards all aspects of life.
There are four emotional ingredients as cornerstones for intelligence. These are:
1. Emotional Literacy- Just as literacy enables people to be aware of what is happening around them,
emotional literacy helps people become more aware of their as well as other people’s emotions. By
managing emotions in others, problem solving becomes easier and better. Emotional literacy also
helps build self confidence through emotional honesty, energy, emotional feedback, intuition,
responsibility and connection.
2. Emotional Fitness – what role physical fitness plays in doing physical / mental activities with
confidence and resilience, so does emotional fitness in the case of feelings. Emotional fitness
strengthen one’s resilience and believability for listening and managing conflict.
3. Emotional Domain – Emotional domain means realm of control by emotions. It explores the way to
align one’s life and work with his /her unique potential and purpose.
4. Emotional Alchemy – Through emotional alchemy, one extends one’s creative instincts and capability
to flow with problems and pressures. It also enables one to compete for the future by building one’s
capacity to sense more readily and assess the hidden solutions and untapped potential and


What is Emotional Intelligence (EQ)?

By Michael Akers & Grover Porter
Last updated: 8 Oct 2018

For most people, emotional intelligence (EQ) is more important than one’s
intelligence (IQ) in attaining success in their lives and careers. As
individuals our success and the success of the profession today depend
on our ability to read other people’s signals and react appropriately to

Therefore, each one of us must develop the mature emotional intelligence

skills required to better understand, empathize and negotiate with other
people — particularly as the economy has become more global. Otherwise, success will elude us in
our lives and careers.
“Your EQ is the level of your ability to understand other people, what motivates them and how
to work cooperatively with them,” says Howard Gardner, the influential Harvard theorist. Five major
categories of emotional intelligence skills are recognized by researchers in this area.

Understanding the Five Categories of Emotional Intelligence (EQ)

1. Self-awareness
The ability to recognize an emotion as it “happens” is the key to your EQ. Developing self-
awareness requires tuning in to your true feelings. If you evaluate your emotions, you can manage
them. The major elements of self-awareness are:
• Emotional awareness. Your ability to recognize your own emotions and their effects.
• Self-confidence. Sureness about your self-worth and capabilities.

2. Self-regulation.
You often have little control over when you experience emotions. You can, however, have some
say in how long an emotion will last by using a number of techniques to alleviate negative emotions
such as anger, anxiety or depression. A few of these techniques include recasting a situation in a
more positive light, taking a long walk and meditation or prayer. Self-regulation involves
• Self-control. Managing disruptive impulses.
• Trustworthiness. Maintaining standards of honesty and integrity.
• Conscientiousness. Taking responsibility for your own performance.
• Adaptability. Handling change with flexibility.
• Innovation. Being open to new ideas.

3. Motivation.
To motivate yourself for any achievement requires clear goals and a positive attitude. Although you
may have a predisposition to either a positive or a negative attitude, you can with effort and
practice learn to think more positively. If you catch negative thoughts as they occur, you can
reframe them in more positive terms — which will help you achieve your goals. Motivation is made
up of:
16. Achievement drive. Your constant striving to improve or to meet a standard of excellence.
17. Commitment. Aligning with the goals of the group or organization.
18. Initiative. Readying yourself to act on opportunities.
19. Optimism. Pursuing goals persistently despite obstacles and setbacks.

4. Empathy.
The ability to recognize how people feel is important to success in your life and career. The more
skillful you are at discerning the feelings behind others’ signals the better you can control the
signals you send them. An empathetic person excels at:
20. Service orientation. Anticipating, recognizing and meeting clients’ needs.
21. Developing others. Sensing what others need to progress and bolstering their abilities.
22. Leveraging diversity. Cultivating opportunities through diverse people.
23. Political awareness. Reading a group’s emotional currents and power relationships.
24. Understanding others. Discerning the feelings behind the needs and wants of others.

5. Social skills.
The development of good interpersonal skills is tantamount to
success in your life and career. In today’s always-connected
world, everyone has immediate access to technical knowledge.
Thus, “people skills” are even more important now because you must possess a high EQ to better
understand, empathize and negotiate with others in a global economy. Among the most useful
skills are:
• Influence. Wielding effective persuasion tactics.
• Communication. Sending clear messages.
• Leadership. Inspiring and guiding groups and people.
• Change catalyst. Initiating or managing change.
• Conflict management. Understanding, negotiating and resolving disagreements.
• Building bonds. Nurturing instrumental relationships.
• Collaboration and cooperation. Working with others toward shared goals.
• Team capabilities. Creating group synergy in pursuing collective goals.


What’s New




Improving you emotional intelligence is like growing a plant. In order to bloom you need to nurture it.

In this activity draw you favorite plant/flower. List at least 3 mindful practices in each 5 categories of
emotional intelligence. Place it in in different flower/leaves of your drawing.

Guide questions:

What can you do to improve your self-awareness?

How can you improve your ability to self-regulate?
How can you improve your motivation?
How can you improve your empathy?
How can you build social skills?

What is It

Emotions (feelings) are a normal

and important VARIETY OF EMOTIONS part of our lives.
Some emotions are positive. Think of
happiness, joy, interest, curiosity, excitement, gratitude, love, and contentment. These
positive emotions feel good. Negative emotions — like sadness, anger, loneliness, jealousy, self-
criticism, fear, or rejection — can be difficult, even painful at times.



That's especially true when we feel a negative emotion too often, too strongly, or we dwell on it too
long. Negative emotions are impossible to avoid, though. Everyone feels them from time to time. They
may be difficult, but we can learn to handle them.

Here are three steps that can help you handle negative emotions.


Learning to notice and identify your feelings takes practice. In addition to focusing on your feelings,
check in with your body, too. You may feel body sensations with certain emotions — perhaps your face
gets hot, for example, or your muscles tense.

• Be aware of how you feel. When you have a negative emotion, such as anger, try to name
what you're feeling.
For example:
That guy Ian in my study group makes me so mad!
I get so jealous when I see that girl/guy with my ex.
I feel afraid whenever I have to walk past those bullies.

• Don't hide how you feel from yourself. You might not want to broadcast your feelings to other
people (like your ex, for example, or that guy in your study group who is making you mad). But
don't suppress your feelings entirely. Simply naming the feeling is a lot better than pretending
not to have it — or exploding without thinking.
• Know why you feel the way you do. Figure out what happened that got you feeling the way
you do.
For example:
A. Whenever we do group projects, Ian finds a way to take all the credit for other people's work.
Our teacher thinks Ian's the star of the team, even though he never has his own ideas.
B. When I see my ex flirting with other people, it reminds me that I still have feelings for
C. Even though the bullies don't pick on me, I see what they do to other people and it worries
• Don't blame. Being able to recognize and explain your emotions isn't the same as blaming
someone or something for the way you feel. Your ex probably isn't seeing someone new as a
way to get back at you, and the guy who takes credit for your work might not even realize what
he is doing. How you feel when these things happen comes from inside you. Your feelings are
there for a reason — to help you make sense of what's going on.

• Accept all your emotions as natural and understandable. Don't judge yourself for the
emotions you feel. It's normal to feel them. Acknowledging how you feel can help you move on,
so don't be hard on yourself.


Once you've processed what you're feeling, you can decide if you need to express your emotion.
Sometimes it's enough to just realize how you feel, but other times you'll want to do something to feel

• Think about the best way to express your emotion. Is this a time when you need to gently
confront someone else? Talk over what you're feeling with a friend? Or work off the feeling by
going for a run?
For example:
It won't solve anything to show my anger to Ian — it may even make him feel more superior! But
my feelings tell me that I need to avoid getting in another situation where he takes control over
a project.
I'll hold my head high around my ex, then I'll put on some sad songs and have a good cry in my
room to help me release my feelings and eventually let go.
My fear of being around those bullies is a sign that they have gone too far. Perhaps I should talk
about what's going on with a school counselor.

• Learn how to change your mood. At a certain point, you'll want to shift from a negative mood
into a positive one. Otherwise your thinking may get stuck on how bad things are, and that can
drag you down into feeling worse. Try doing things that make you happy, even if you don't feel
like it at the time. For example, you might not be in the mood to go out after a breakup, but
going for a walk or watching a funny movie with friends can lift you out of that negative space.

• Build positive emotions. Positive feelings create a sense of happiness and well being. Make
it a habit to notice and focus on what's good in your life — even the little things, like the praise
your dad gave you for fixing his bookshelves or how great the salad you made for lunch tastes.
Noticing the good things even when you're feeling bad can help you shift the emotional balance
from negative to positive.

• Seek support. Talk about how you're feeling with a parent, trusted adult, or a friend. They can
help you explore your emotions and give you a fresh way of thinking about things. And nothing
helps you feel more understood and cared for than the support of someone who loves you for
who you are.

• Exercise. Physical activity helps the brain produce natural chemicals that promote a positive
mood. Exercise also can release stress buildup and help you from staying stuck on negative


Sometimes, no matter what you do, you can't shake a tough emotion. If you find yourself stuck in
feelings of sadness or worry for more than a couple of weeks, or if you feel so upset that you think you
might hurt yourself or other people, you may need extra help.

Talk to a school counselor, parent, trusted adult, or therapist. Counselors and therapists are trained to
teach people how to break out of negative emotions. They can provide lots of tips and ideas that will
help you feel better.


What’s More
The purpose of activity is to increase awareness of emotions.

www.DannyPettry.Com © ::: 11 ::: Exploring Emotions

Name: __________________________________ Date: ______________ Activity: E-3

Emotions Secret Code Activity

Directions: Write the letter for each number to solve the answer.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26

Feeling upset with person, act, or idea _________________

1 – 14 – 7 – 18 – 25

Feeling alone and that nobody cares _____________________

12 – 15 – 14 – 5 – 12 – 25

Feeling unpleased when rival does well ________________________

10 – 5 – 1 – 12 – 15 – 21 – 19

Feeling at ease and without worries _________________________

18 – 5 – 12 – 1 – 24 – 5 – 4

Feeling sad, blue, discouraged, and unhappy _____________________________

4 – 5 – 16 – 18 – 5 – 19 – 19 – 5 - 4

Feeling guilty after doing wrong _____________________

1 – 19 – 8 – 1 – 13 – 5 – 4

Feeling full of energy ____________________________

5 – 14 – 5 – 18 – 7 – 5 – 20 – 9 – 3

Feeling fear and worry _________________

1 – 6 – 18 – 1 – 9 – 4

Feeling happy and aroused _____________________

5 – 24 – 3 – 9 – 20 – 5 – 4

Feeling tense, tired, and uneasy ___________________________

19 – 20 – 18 – 5 – 19 – 19 – 5 – 4

Feeling pleasure for doing well _________________

16 – 18 – 15 – 21 – 4

Feeling unable to think clear __________________________

3 – 15 – 14 – 6 – 21 – 19 – 5 – 4

Feel free to share your answer.

Did you ever feel a certain way that was described but did not know the name of the

What’s New


What’s More

The purpose of activity is to increase understanding of emotional vocabulary with use of crossword


www.DannyPettry.Com © ::: 15 ::: Exploring Emotions

Name: __________________________________ Date: ______________ Activity: E-5

Emotions Crossword Puzzle

Directions: Identify correct feeling and write in spaces below.

1 9 11

8 3 12

4 5 14

6 10

1. Feeling sad, blue, discouraged, and unhappy
2. Feeling fear and worry
3. Feeling bad after doing wrong
4. Feeling alone and that nobody cares
5. Feeling able to do something
6. Feeling worried about what others think
7. Feeling ease and without worries, calm.

8. Feeling unable to think clear
9. Feeling pleasure for doing well
10. Feeling mad with a person, act, or idea
11. Feeling tense, tired, uneasy, and overwhelmed.
12. Feeling happy and aroused
13. Feeling joy and pleasure
14. Feeling full of energy

Afraid Angry Ashamed Confident Confused Depressed Embarrassed

Energetic Excited Glad Lonely Proud Relaxed Stressed

What’s New

Purpose of activity is to demonstrate awareness of emotions, how leisure influences emotions

and how to cope with emotions.

What’s More


The purpose of activity is increase aware of emotions and others.

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Name: __________________________________ Date: ______________ Activity: E-20

Expressing Empathy

Empathy means to understand how others could feel by placing yourself in their situation

Directions: Read each situation below.

Write how a person could feel in the space provided.

1. Danny slipped on ice, fell, and broke his arm. How might he feel?

2. Carrie got a new kitten for her birthday. How might she feel?

3. Jimmy won a new bicycle for a contest. How might Jimm y feel?

4. How might Jimmy’s brother and sister feel about him winning a new bike?
Explain why.

5. Somebody makes an inappropriate joke about race, age, or gender. How might
someone that overheard this joke feel?

6. Jennifer’s pet dog is missing. How might Jennifer feel?


7. Tom was sleeping. He woke up because his roommates were being loud. How
might Tom feel after being awoken when he needed rest?

8. Somebody cheats in a card game. How might the others feel when they found out
about being cheated?

9. A friend just told you that their grandfather was in the hospital and that he might
not have many more hours to live. How might your friend feel?

10. Kate made her grandmother a cake? How might Kate feel? How might her
grandmother feel?

What is It

How to Express Your Emotional Pain the Healthy Way

METHOD 1:Opening Up

1. Find a counselor
2. Keep an open mind.
3. Be open with whoever is willing to help you.
4. Talk to a friend or family member
5. Try to avoid confronting someone when you're already angry.
6. Remember to listen

METHOD 2: Managing Emotions Physically

1. Exercise to help deal with depression.

2. Develop relaxation techniques
3. Learn how to meditate.
4. Allow yourself to cry.

METHOD 3: Expressing Your Feelings through Creativity

1. Keep a journal
2. Try expressing yourself through art
3. Consider writing about your pain.

METHOD 4:Learning to Monitor Your Feelings

1. Allow yourself to feel your emotions

2. Identify your emotions.
3. Avoid the situation that is making you angry.
4. Observe your feelings as you talk to others


What’s New

The Purpose of activity is to understand how music influences mood and emotions.
www.DannyPettry.Com © ::: 27 ::: Exploring Emotions

Name: __________________________________ Date: ______________ Activity: E-11

Emotions and Music

Directions: List songs that cause the emotions listed below. For example active emotions
could be caused from dance music, festive emotions could be caused from holiday music.
Different people may feel different about the same type of music. Consider drums, piano,
guitar, and even cartoon or various theme songs when completing this activity sheet.

Emotion Song/Music

Directions: Write your answer in spaces provided below.

1. Do you think music influences mood? Explain why or how.


2. What songs could help you relax when feeling stressed?


3. What songs could help motivate you when feeling sluggish?


4. What is your favorite type of music?


5. What did you learn about yourself from this activity ?


6. How could you use music help you?




Purpose of this activity is to express emotions in appropriate, calm manner by writing them.
Maintaining a journal is a good way to measure emotional growth and development.

Additional Activities


Adjectives that Describe Me: Phone Emoticon Emotions

Kids use a ridiculous amount of emoticons in phone conversation nowadays. What do they all mean?
How do you associate an emoticon to an emotion? “Adjectives that Describe Me” could mean being
shy, bored, happy, sensitive, angry or frustrated.

Is there an emoticon that describes your emotions in different situations?

First, select a few emoticons from the list. Describe how you would you use each emoticon.

Finally, write an example of a sentence in a written conversation using the emoticon.

Adjectives that describe

Caring sensitive

shy happy

sad generous

clumsy calm

bored anxious

annoyed joyful

brave angry



What’s More

Responsible Action Sheet This handout was adapted from School Volunteer Handbook: A Simple
Guide for K-6 Teachers and Parents and is shared with permission from authors Yael Calhoun and
Elizabeth Q. Finlinson.
The handout accompanies the lesson plan “Be the Boss: A Lesson Plan on Managing Feelings,”
available at I am the
BOSS of my feelings!

When I get angry, it helps me feel better if I
________________________________________________ .
When I feel sad, it helps me feel better if I
_________________________________________________ .
When I feel anxious or nervous, it helps me feel better if I
_____________________________________ .
When I feel grumpy, it helps me if I
_______________________________________________________ .
When I feel lonely, it helps me if I
________________________________________________________ .
When I feel embarrassed, it helps if I
______________________________________________________ .
When I feel sick, it helps me feel better if I
_________________________________________________ .
When I feel silly, I like to
________________________________________________________________ .
When I feel disappointed, it helps me if I
___________________________________________________ .
When I am honest, I feel
________________________________________________________________ .
When I feel ________________________ , it helps me feel better if I_________________


1. 1. Emotional Literacy- Just as literacy enables people to be aware of what is happening

around them, emotional literacy helps people become more aware of their as well as other people’s
emotions. By managing emotions in others, problem solving becomes easier and better. Emotional
literacy also helps build self confidence through emotional honesty, energy, emotional feedback,
intuition, responsibility and connection.
2. Emotional Fitness – what role physical fitness plays in doing physical / mental activities with
confidence and resilience, so does emotional fitness in the case of feelings. Emotional fitness
strengthen one’s resilience and believability for listening and managing conflict.
3. Emotional Domain – Emotional domain means realm of control by emotions. It explores the way to
align one’s life and work with his /her unique potential and purpose.
4. Emotional Alchemy – Through emotional alchemy, one extends one’s creative instincts and capability
to flow with problems and pressures. It also enables one to compete for the future by building one’s
capacity to sense more readily and assess the hidden solutions and untapped potential and
Five Categories of Emotional Intelligence (EQ)
1. Self-awareness 4. Empathy.
2. Self-regulation 5. Social skills
3. Motivation.
How to Express Your Emotional Pain the Healthy Way
METHOD 1:Opening Up
1. Find a counselor
2. Keep an open mind.
3. Be open with whoever is willing to help you.
4. Talk to a friend or family member
5. Try to avoid confronting someone when you're already angry.
6. Remember to listen
METHOD 2: Managing Emotions Physically
1. Exercise to help deal with depression.
2. Develop relaxation techniques
3. Learn how to meditate.
4. Allow yourself to cry.
METHOD 3: Expressing Your Feelings through Creativity
1. Keep a journal
2. Try expressing yourself through art
3. Consider writing about your pain.
METHOD 4:Learning to Monitor Your Feelings
1. Allow yourself to feel your emotions
2. Identify your emotions.
3. Avoid the situation that is making you angry.
4. Observe your feelings as you talk to othe


Multiple Choice: Encircle the letter of the best answer

1. Being angry is described as

A. Learning how to change your mood
B. Knowing why you feel the way you do
C. Thinking about the best way to express your emotion.
D. Talking to a school counselor, parent, trusted adult, or therapist

2. It is a feeling worried about what others think

A. Excited C. Embarrassed
B. Glad D. Confused

3. Feeling at ease, without worries and calm

A. Ashamed C. Proud
B. Excited D. Relaxed

4. It is a method of managing emotions physically EXCEPT

A. Learn how to meditate
B. Develop relaxation techniques
C. Exercise to help deal with depression.
D. Be open with whoever is willing to help you.
5. Identifying your emotions involves
A. Knowing why you feel the way you do
B. Thinking about the best way to express your emotion
C. Thinking about the best way to express your emotion.
D. Talking to a school counselor, parent, trusted adult, or therapist

6. It is your ability to recognize your own emotions and their effects.

A. Emotional Awareness C. Emotional Regulation
B. Emotional Domain D. Emotional Literacy

7. It means managing disruptive impulses

A. Adaptability C. Innovation
B. Conscientiousness D. Self-Control

8. It is your constant striving to improve or to meet a standard of excellence.

A. Achievement drive C. Initiative
B. Commitment D. Optimism

9. The ability to recognize how people feel is important to success in your life and career.
A. Empathy C. Motivation
B. Self-awareness D. Self-regulation

10. Self-regulation involves

A. Sureness about your self-worth and capabilities.
B. Taking responsibility for your own performance.
C. Aligning with the goals of the group or organization
D. Reading a group’s emotional currents and power relationships.

11. It is defined as the ability of a person to command respect by building relationships or by the
ability to get along with the people or situation.
A. Emotional Quotient C. Emotional Intelliegence
B. Emotional Stress D. Emotional Healing

12. It enables people to be aware of what is happening around them and helps people become
more aware of their as well as other people’s emotions.
A. Emotional Alchemy C. Emotional Fitness
B. Emotional Domain D. Emotional Literacy

13. It strengthen one’s resilience and believability for listening and managing conflict.
A. Emotional Alchemy C. Emotional Fitness
B. Emotional Domain D. Emotional Literacy

14. It means realm of control by emotions and it explores the way to align one’s life and work with
his /her unique potential and purpose.
A. Emotional Alchemy C. Emotional Fitness
B. Emotional Domain D. Emotional Literacy

15. Through this, one extends one’s creative instincts and capability to flow with problems and
A. Emotional Alchemy C. Emotional Fitness
B. Emotional Domain D. Emotional Literacy

Answer Key

Pre-Assessment Activity 4 Post Assessment

Activity 3
1. B ACROSS 1. A
2. D 1. DEPRESSED 2. D
3. D 3. D
5. D 5. B
6. D 8. AFRAID D 6. D
7. D 7. D
8. A 11. PROUD DOWN 8. A
9. A 9. PROUD
9. A
10. B 10. ANGRY 10. B
11. A 12. EXCITED 11. B
12. D 13. GLAD 12. D
13. D 13. D
14. A 14. B
15. B 15. D


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