One Eternal Round
One Eternal Round
One Eternal Round
Michael D. Rhodes
Gary P. Gillum
Part of the Mormon Studies Commons, and the Religious Education Commons
Recommended Citation
Nibley, Hugh W.; Rhodes, Michael D.; and Gillum, Gary P. (2012) "One Eternal Round," BYU Studies
Quarterly: Vol. 51 : Iss. 1 , Article 10.
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Nibley et al.: One Eternal Round
O n October 10, 2003, some eighteen months before Hugh Nibley passed
away, I was accompanied by five of my students to Nibley’s house so
that we could assist two university archivists, Brad Westwood and John
Murphy, in boxing up Nibley’s considerable book collection for eventual
placement in the Hugh Nibley Ancient Studies Room in the Harold B. Lee
Library. While awaiting the arrival of the archivists, we surrounded Nibley’s
bed in the living room, joking and asking questions. One student asked
about the completion of what everyone was calling Nibley’s magnum opus.
With a chuckle, Nibley responded, “Still round and round.”
Hugh Nibley began serious research on One Eternal Round as early as
1988.1 When Nibley’s long-time colleague Michael D. Rhodes took over the
project following Nibley’s death in 2005, he was faced with thirty boxes of
research notes and drafts, 450 computer files, and as many as twenty ver-
sions of one chapter.2 Fortunately, Michael is familiar with most of Nibley’s
prodigious output, as well as the subjects listed in the preface, which are a
reflection of Nibley’s mind and interests and which are all within the scope
of One Eternal Round:
Mathematics, Alexander the Great, the Egyptian pharaohs Sheshonq and
Sesostris, medieval Jewish Kabbala, medieval Jewish and Islamic traditions
The Book
If fans are hoping for one of Nibley’s more readable books, they will be
disappointed. One Eternal Round is not a relatively easy read like Temple
and Cosmos or Approaching Zion. Neither is the book a magnum opus in the
sense of its size. Even though this latest publication is over seven hundred
3. For the complete story, see Boyd Petersen, Hugh Nibley: A Consecrated Life
(Salt Lake City: Greg Kofford Books, 2002), 313–15.
4. In 1955, President Clark’s to-do list for Nibley included a new translation of
the Bible using ancient sources, a study of the true principles of many of the early
Church fathers, and translating the Aztec Codices. Petersen, Hugh Nibley, 273. 2
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pages long, Tinkling Cymbals and Abraham in Egypt are even longer. How-
ever, if readers are expecting a magnum opus in the sense that it is the most
complete representation of Nibley’s mind during the 1980s and 1990s, they
will be satisfied—if not mentally overwhelmed—by his dense scholarship
and thoroughness. The Message of the Joseph Smith Papyri and Abraham
in Egypt are virtual prerequisites for an elementary understanding of and
appreciation for One Eternal Round. I am confident Nibley intended the
book to be a comprehensive look at Facsimile no. 2, not an introductory
“Hypocephalus 101” course.
However, for those of us whose unbounded curiosity outweighs our
scholarly preparation, several study helps are included. Eighty-six black-
and-white illustrations and eight color plates (meticulously provided by
Michael P. Lyon) will reward hours of personal study, wonder, and specula-
tion. Also, readers need not be multilingual, as English represents the chief
language cited in this work. German sources are by far the second most
cited, followed by smaller numbers of sources in dozens of obscure lan-
guages, like the Armenian version of “Pseudo-Callisthenes.”5
While reading One Eternal Round, I also read a biography of Albert Ein-
stein. I personally find Hugh Nibley to be much like Albert Einstein in per-
spective, genius, love of nature, and the interconnectedness of all things. In
fact, Nibley mentions how “the most sublime aspect of Amun is the way he
brings all things together in one, just as science today looks for the Grand
Unifying Theory” (239). Nibley was a great unifier of ancient religious his-
tory in the same way that Einstein was a unifier of physics.6
While footnotes abound, One Eternal Round lacks an alphabetical bib-
liography. Not only could I have used one to satisfy my own curiosity as a
bibliophile but also because of “Nibliographic” questions from others that
continue to come my way. If the bibliography was excluded in the interest of
saving space, it would be a gracious token for the publisher to supply one on
its website. Of course, problems and oversights of one sort or another are
inevitable in almost all books. Michael Rhodes, sensitive to how important
this book was to Nibley, adds a caveat, paraphrasing Mormon: “And now,
if there are faults they are the mistakes of Mike, wherefore condemn not
the things of Hugh Nibley” (xvi). Knowing the history of this massive work
5. When I processed the Nibley papers for University Archives, I set about sec-
ondarily to discover the exact number of languages Nibley had used in his research,
note cards, and vocabulary flash cards. The resulting number was an astounding
6. Walter Isaacson, Einstein: His Life and Universe (New York: Simon and
Schuster, 2007). On the subject of interconnectedness, I doubt I’m the only one
who sees hints of Einstein’s theory in Doctrine and Covenants 88 and 93.
and the research that went into it, I find it difficult to criticize One Eternal
Round, any shortcomings notwithstanding.
Michael Rhodes indicates that the reader will be able to distinguish
between his writing and Nibley’s. The writing was seamless enough that I
found very little evidence of that. However, one major addition by Rhodes
should be mentioned. On page 117, Michael Lyon supplies a drawing of
what some archaeologists believe is the world’s oldest temple (Göbekli Tepe
in Turkey, considered 11,600 years old) and the source of human civiliza-
tion. The illustration is from an article published three years after Hugh
Nibley’s passing.7 If Nibley had been alive, he surely would have referred to
this article and added much commentary himself. This rare and welcome
addition by Rhodes is but one example of how surprising discoveries con-
tinue to shed light on ancient history, and the history of the hypocephalus
is another example of an artifact that continues to surprise.
The Hypocephalus
Facsimile no. 2 in the Pearl of Great Price is one of over a hundred speci-
mens, found in nine museums worldwide, of an artifact known to Egyp-
tologists as a hypocephalus (from the Greek, meaning “under the head”).8
The disk was usually between four and seven inches in diameter and made
from various significant materials, from wood to bronze to leather and, on
one occasion, bread dough (188). The owners of hypocephali were either
priests and priestesses of Amun-Re9 or those with whom they associated
(239). Directions for creating a hypocephalus appear in chapter 162 of the
Book of the Dead in Egypt’s Twenty-first Dynasty (1070–940 bc). In Fac-
simile no. 2, eight scenes are presented in panels, which make the Joseph
Smith hypocephalus almost identical with hypocephali in museums in both
Vienna and London (195).
Rhodes provides a brief description of the purpose behind the hypo-
cephalus in his introduction: “Its fundamental purpose was similar to all
7. Andrew Curry, “The World’s First Temple?” Smithsonian 39, no. 8 (2008):
54–60. See also Charles C. Mann, “The Birth of Religion: The World’s First Temple,”
in National Geographic (June 2011): 34ff. Several websites discuss the Great Zim
babwe Ruins, also reputed to be very ancient.
8. Museums: Cairo, British Museum, Paris, Turin, Berlin, Boston Fine Arts,
University of Pennsylvania, Hermitage, Zagreb, and Vienna (192, 195). Photocop-
ies of most of these examples are found in the Hugh Nibley Papers, L. Tom Perry
Special Collections, Harold B. Lee Library, Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah.
9. Min-Amun-Re proclaimed that all the universe is full of life, sustained and
rejuvenated in and by the One at the Center. See Abr. 3:12, 14, 18 and explanations
to figures 5–8; and Moses 1:28. 4
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The Chapters
Because there is far too much information to attempt a summary of each of
the fifteen chapters, I will instead provide teasers and insights from some
of the chapters. One wonders how Nibley was able to keep the multifari-
ous details straight in his brain as he worked through each chapter, though
many of his notecards were arranged as neatly as a library card catalog.11
Chapter 1, “The Critics,” traces the contempt some early Egyptologists
had for Egyptian thought. The most influential Egyptologists were disap-
pointed to discover that “religion12 was the whole world of the Egyptians”
(13), and they attempted to dismiss its significance—along with Joseph
Smith’s interpretation of Egyptian religious artifacts. Recently, with the
coming of New School Egyptologists, the religion of the Egyptians has taken
its place as an important system of human thought, seen as a forerunner to
the Greek tradition (16). These new developments in Egyptology should
remind scholars of the resilience of Joseph Smith’s work: “The ancient scrip-
tures revealed through Joseph Smith . . . all begin in the Egyptian setting
and share in many points of Egyptian theological speculation” (13). For
13. See also Hugh Nibley, “Roman Games as a Survival of an Archaic Year Cult”
(PhD diss., University of California at Berkeley, 1938).
14. Nibley mentions the Hopi people of the village of Hotevilla, which is
believed to be the center of the world where the complete cycle of the year must
be celebrated to keep the human race in contact with heaven (116). According to a
Shoshone acquaintance of mine, Robert Mendez, there are four centers of the world
which are the keepers of sacred writings, including the Hopi. The others are in the
Swiss Alps, the Kikuyu tribe of Africa, and the Tibetans. See Lance M. Richardson,
“They Saw Our Day” (Brigham City, Utah: Brigham Distributing, 2006). 6
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(1) literalism, (2) cosmism, (3) plurality of worlds, (4) premortal existence
of man, and (5) the creation as organization of matter” (484). Nibley clearly
points out the relationship between these teachings and Facsimile no. 2.
Towards the end of his life, Nibley bemoaned how he had not learned
much about mathematics—but that he would make up for it in the next
life. However, Michael Rhodes points out that Nibley’s “discovery of the
mathematical relationships depicted on Facsimile 2 such as the golden sec-
tion or phi proportion, the 1-2-√5 triangle, the Pythagorean 3-4-5 triangle,
the Fibonacci series, the phi spiral, the pentagram and the hexagram (star
of David), and their relationship with the biological and mineral worlds are
remarkable and insightful, providing whole new areas of research for future
scholars” (xxi–xxii).15 How fitting that the final chapter of Nibley’s last book
was a foray into realms previously unexplored. And how fitting to end on
that which endures beyond this crumbling sphere: “The day dawns when
the nautilus is no more. The rainbow passes, the flower fades, the mountain
crumbles, the star grows cold. But the beauty in mathematics—the divine
proportion, the golden rectangle, spira mirabilis—endures forevermore.”
For Nibley, this sacred geometry places on the hypocephalus “the stamp of
eternity” (631–32).
Throughout Nibley’s long career, his critics have seen him as a patternist
that has gone too far, conveniently seeing what fits and discarding what
doesn’t. With One Eternal Round, it becomes more difficult to maintain this
disparaging assessment of Nibley’s work. Nibley and Rhodes point out that
they “are not picking convenient parallels at random,” but that the subjects
treated in One Eternal Round are central and were of “immense importance”
(73) to the Egyptians. Joseph Smith’s explanation of Facsimile 2 is at the core
of what they sought after: an understanding of the nature of life, the afterlife,
and the cosmos, all of which would lead them to resurrection and godhood.
Nibley’s book provides significant evidence of Joseph Smith’s authenticity
by presenting for the first time many facts, symbols, and artifacts that he
could not have known about in his day.
Michael Rhodes is to be commended for faithfully observing Nibley’s
intentions in One Eternal Round. In the final words of his introduction,
15. Nibley also looks at the music of the spheres and the Tree of Life in their
connection to the hypocephalus. An updated discussion of the Tree of Life is found
in a new publication by John W. Welch and Donald W. Parry, eds., The Tree of Life:
From Eden to Eternity (Salt Lake City: Deseret Book; Provo, Utah: Neal A. Maxwell
Institute for Religious Scholarship, 2011). 8
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Rhodes writes the following: “One Eternal Round, Hugh Nibley’s final pub-
lication, the culmination of a life dedicated to the gospel of Jesus Christ
and to discovering truth wherever it could be found, is a monument to his
scholarship, his remarkable ability to see relationships in diverse areas of
study and to synthesize them into a comprehensible whole, and his humble
willingness to consecrate his work to the glory of the Lord and the further-
ance of his kingdom here on earth. I consider it one of the greatest blessings
of my life to have known him and to have associated and worked with him”
(xxii). I fully empathize with Rhodes and wholeheartedly give my “Amen.”