Media and Information Literacy Q2 W1
Media and Information Literacy Q2 W1
Media and Information Literacy Q2 W1
Opportunities, Challenges and Power
1 of Media and Information
What’s New
Process Questions
1. How do you find the activity?
2. What do you think is the connection of the activity in our lesson?
What Is It
Answering the activity, let us now discuss and explore the opportunities,
challenges and power of media and information. Let’s start!
In the world of media and information there are a lot of opportunities and
challenges. What is the meaning of the word’s opportunity and challenges? Below is the
meaning of the two words. Take a look!
So, here are the opportunity and challenges in media and information. First, we will
take a look in the opportunity.
concept- with-
So, we have two opportunities in media and information, first television broadcaster
and mobile communication. But have you wondered, what makes television broadcaster
and mobile communication an opportunity in media and information.?
Let me share it to you, media plays a big role in sharing and disseminating
information. Through media, people now a day’s can easily catch up news and be
updated because of television broadcaster. In the other side, mobile communication can
make our life easier. No need to write a letter if you want to ask allowance to your mom
instead just text and call. How amazing isn’t?
Now, take a pause for a while, think in your own understanding, what is the reason
why television broadcaster and mobile communication is an opportunity and don’t forget
to share it to your friends. Share it!
And now let’s move on to the next topic. The next topic is the challenges in media
and information. Here are the two challenges, take a look!
Cybercrime is defined as a crime in which a computer is the object of the crime
(hacking, phishing, spamming) or is used as a tool to commit an offense (child
pornography, hate crimes). Cybercriminals may use computer technology to access
personal information, business trade secrets or use the internet for exploitative or
malicious purposes.
Source: Technopedia . 2018. Cybercrime Access at:
hacker-concept-with-flat-design_2785043. vector/cyber-thief_4717043.
htm#page=1&query=cybercrime&position=0 htm#page=1&query=cybercrime&position=10
Do you know there are four different types of cybercrime? Here are the four types of
Cyber stalking is use of internet or
Hacking is the most common type other electronic means to stalk someone.
of cybercrime committed across the It is online harassment and online abuse.
world. Hacking is a crime which entails Mostly cyber stalking involves following a
cracking systems and gaining person’s movement across the internet
unauthorized access to the data stored in by posting threatening messages to the
them. Hacker is a person who breaks in victim or by entering the chat rooms
to a computer system. frequented by the victim or by constantly
bombarding the victim with the e-mails
Virus dissemination. Virus is the etc.
programs which attach themselves to the
computer or file and then circulate E-mail Spoofing. An e-mail that
themselves to other files and to other appears to originate from one source but
components on a network. They usually actually has been sent from another
affect the data on the computer, either by source. This can also be termed as e-
altering or deleting it. mail forging.
Phishing is a cybercrime in which a target or targets are contacted by email,
telephone or text message by someone posing as a legitimate institution to lure
individuals into providing sensitive data such as personally identifiable information,
banking and credit card details, and passwords.
Source: 2018. What Is Phishing? Accessed at:
web- design_4341984.htm#page=1&query=phishing&position=1
After you read about the two challenges, let us dig deeper what makes phishing
and cybercrime a challenge in media and information. Here is the answer.
Phishing is an illegal action or crime. Where in the hacker will hack or get all your
information’s over the internet. For example, your bank account details, your personal
information’s and even your credit card details. So, for you to be safe in phishing avoid
posting your personal information’s over the internet.
How about cybercrime? Cybercrime is another problem that we are facing today.
Like phishing, the hacker can access your information’s over the internet. You should
always remember your personal information’s are considered confidential.
Always remember, your personal information’s are always confidential. No sharing
and posting personal information’s over the internet.
For the last topic, let me show you the examples of the power of media and
information to affect change.
Student Society
While in business, the
The power of media power of media and The power of media
and information in the information is very and information in
side of the students is strong. Using media, our society is huge.
that, now a days the the business owner can Through media, the
information is easy to easily market their society can easily
get. Example, if you products. For example,
have assignments you posting your products
get and understand
can use your phone to over the internet like in the information
search information. social media. related to what is
Now, you have already knowledge about Opportunities, Challenges, and Power
of Media and Information. Please don’t forget to share to your friends and family about
our topic for the day. Share it!
What’s More
Column A Column B
1. It is a cybercrime in which a target or
targets are contacted by email, telephone
A. Cyberstalking
or text message by someone. B. Cybercriminals
2. A type of cybercrime that is the most
C. Hacker
common type of cybercrime committed
across the world. D. Hacking
3. It is the program which attach themselves
E. Cyberbullying
to the computer or file and then circulate
themselves to other files and to other F. Virus
components on a network.
G. E-mail Forging
4. These professionals may work for news
programs and help research important H. Mobile Phone
stories to discuss as well as provide
I. Phishing
commentary about different events.
5. It is online harassment and online abuse J. Mobile
it involves following a person’s
movement across the internet by posting
threatening messages to the victim.
6. It is a wireless handheld device that
allows users to make and receive c It is a
wireless handheld device that allows
users to make and receive calls and to
send text messages, among other
7. A form of technology-mediated
communication that enables the user of a
mobile device to communicate with
someone in a different location
messages, among other features.
8. They use computer technology to access
personal information, business trade
secrets or use the internet for exploitative
or malicious purposes.
9. A person who breaks in or trespasses a
computer system and gaining
unauthorized access to the data.
10. The other name for e-mail spoofing.
What’s More
Images from
Images from
What’s More
Activity 4: Crossword
Instructions: Search up, down, forward, backward, and on the diagonal to find the
hidden words. Hidden words to find: hacking, mobile phone, phishing, opportunity,
challenge, TV broadcaster, cybercrime, cyberstalking, cybercriminal, hacker, virus, e-
mail forging, mobile communication, internet and media. Copy the table below on a one
whole sheet of paper and encircle the word.
What you will do…
Instructions: Analyze the cartoon below and answer the guide questions that
follow. Copy and answer on a one whole sheet of paper.
Guide questions:
1. What is the message in this cartoon?
2. Is the situation about media depicted in the cartoon true in the Philippines?
Why or why not? _____________
3. Does the cartoon show a challenge or an opportunity? Why do you say so?
What I Have Learned