15 (1) HIRA - Shifting of Const Material

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Document No. NTI – MHI – UCC – HIRA - 0015 (1)

Project location: Bangalore Name of the Project: NTI – SHELL RETAIL STATION Date: 25/07/2018
Activity: Shifting of construction materials to site.
Note. Standard controls in place are, Mandatory PPE, EHS induction or briefing, Tool Box Talk, 12 life saving rules are briefed time to time and strictly followed as and wherever applicable
during this activity.




S No Sub Activity Hazard Existing Control Measure Additional Control Measures Action By
Outcome /

 Fitness of the vehicle shall be checked as per the check list for
regular vehicle(s), Temporary vehicle may be inspected for
mandatory points as discussed and accepted by the OT.
Inspection of  The speed limit at inside the site premises restricted to 20 Check the driver / operator for
Material(s) Unfit KMPH. the influence of alcohol / drugs.
Carrying vehicle  Ensure that only licensed and experienced driver shall drive the Ensure a flag man is available for Site Engineer
Hit Injury /
01 vehicle (Tractor / Vehicle. M 2C 2B - 2B signalling and regulating the
Run over
(Truck Truck / movement of vehicles with red,
/ Tractor / Trailer)  Driver should be allowed to enter the only after the EHS green flag & whistle.
Trailer). induction / briefing.
 Green tag shall be pasted on the Vehicle (Tractor /
Truck/Trailer) after, all mandatory check points are
Movement  All the drivers, operators and helpers shall enter inside the site
Of Vehicle only after screening and EHS induction process.
(Tractor / Hit Injury,  Drivers are deployed with Valid License. Proper identity shall be cross
Truck/Trailer Uncontrolled  Security personnel shall ensure no unauthorized personnel are checked by security persons
02 person M 3C 3B - 1B Site Engineer
) from gate movement of available in the operators/drivers cabin while entry at site. before allowing vehicles entry to
inside /
to Vehicle  Ensure a flag man is available for signaling purpose and site.
designated regulating the movement of vehicles with red, green flag &
area of



S No Sub Activity Hazard Existing Control Measure Additional Control Measures Action By
Outcome /

material to whistle
 Before starting, inspect the vehicle surrounding & underneath area
Blind Run Over / Hit for presence of any workmen / object. Ensure a trained signal / flag
M 3C 2C - 1B man is available for signaling Site Engineer
starting Injury  All workmen instructed not to take rest under the parked vehicles
and only use the rest shed. purpose and regulating the
Vehicle movement of vehicles with red,
Uncontrolled green flag & whistle.
Operation  Wiper Blade shall be used during rain.
movement of M 3C 2C - 1B Site Engineer
during  Vehicle Operation shall be suspended in case of heavy rain
Heavy rain Vehicle
 Applying the parking brake (Hand brake) before leaving the Random check of parked vehicles
parked at Uncontrolled Site Engineer
vehicle. to ensure the control measures
material vehicle M 3C 1B 1B 1B
 Ensuring use of scotch block under the wheels to prevent are implemented as per standard Safety officer
unloading movement
area inadvertent vehicle movement during parking.
Stack the lengthy materials in angle upward, Bind the material to avoid
Extended uncontrolled movement by itself, Extended pipe shall be tied with
Hit with other
length of Extended length outside the vehicle should not be more than 1’to 1.5’ flying RED cloth and an
Vehicle , fall by M 3C 1B 1B 1B Site Engineer
the (max), if the requirement not fulfilling special permission shall be additional flag man shall be
un balance
materials taken from OT with extra control measures as mentioned deployed in the back side also.

Climbing up Sliding of
& getting Un hold Ladder  Ladder should be held by one person at the base while other
M 1C - - 1A Site Engineer
down from ladder causing workmen climbing up or getting down.
03 the Vehicle
 Ladder should be inspected for Equipment Fitness Tag before
(Tractor Unfit Fall of putting into use. M 1C - - 1A Site Engineer
/truck/trailer ladder Person
by ladder
 A tool box talk should be conducted by the site engineer before
unloading work to be started about manual handling of materials &
Inability to PPE’s to be used.
Unloading of Lift/hold  Depending on the space available in the truck/trailer workmen to
Construction Heavy & material be deployed in the trailer/truck top for unloading.
04 material and Long properly  Depending upon the weight and shape of the material, man power M 2B 2C 1A 2B Site Engineer
equipment material. causing fall of to be deployed on the Vehicle (Tractor/Truck/Trailer) and on the
manually material/ ground. Maximum weight to be lifted by one workman is 20 Kgs.
workmen  Large material unable to handle by workmen should be done by
adopting mechanical devices/equipment.



S No Sub Activity Hazard Existing Control Measure Additional Control Measures Action By
Outcome /

Sharp  Workmen should wear cut resistant hand gloves during unloading
L 1C 1B - 1A Site Engineer
edge of material with sharp edges.
Stacking of  Different category of materials to be stacked at different
Haphazar Fall of material
material at locations that enables easy access.
05 designated
d stacking while removing
 Wooden sleepers may be used to keep the material; if they
M 2B 2B 1A - Site Engineer
of material
area should not be kept on the earth directly.
Idle Energy Site Engineer
06 General
Running Consumption
 Switch off power or engine to avoid idle running. L - - 2B -

PM / Section Head EHS Head

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