IEE Checklist
IEE Checklist
IEE Checklist
Monitoring Parameters/
Possible Preventive/ Mitigating Measures
Environmental/Social Baseline Environment Remarks
Impacts Cost of preventive/mitigating as well as monitoring integrated in the construction /operation
Consistency with land Current land use w/in 1km See attached proof of compatibility
use radius (as per zoning with land use
Limit project activities to what is
✔ Residential compatible to the land use
Commercial/ Institutional Others, specify
Agricultural/ Recreational
Protected Areas
Others, specify
Monitoring Parameters/
Possible Preventive/ Mitigating Measures
Environmental/Social Baseline Environment Remarks
Impacts Cost of preventive/mitigating as well as monitoring integrated in the construction /operation
Land tenure / Identify land tenure/ Obtain the following clearances/ Regularly monitor
compatibility issue compatibility issues: permits from concerned agencies: presence/absence of
CARP complaints
Ecologically sensitive or
Provide relocation/disturbance
compensation packages
protected area
Others, specify
Ensure participation of IPs in
consultations and dialogues
MOA prepared/signed
Provide adequate buffer
Others, specify
Disturbance to wildlife Existing vegetation in the Comply with conditions of Annual inspection of area
due to vegetation area: DENR/LGU SLUP, Tree Cutting replanted/ re-vegetated
clearing Forestland Permit, ROW, PCA Permit Others, specify
Marshland Limit land clearing as much as
Provide temporary fencing for
vegetation that will be retained
Wetland Promote restoration of damaged or
Others, specify destroyed vegetation where possible
(e.g., tree planting)
Others, specify
Monitoring Parameters/
Possible Preventive/ Mitigating Measures
Environmental/Social Baseline Environment Remarks
Impacts Cost of preventive/mitigating as well as monitoring integrated in the construction /operation
Change in surface Slope: Considering the natural hazards and Regular inspection of slope
landform/ topography/ ✔
Flat (0-3%) climate projections in the area: protection measures in
terrain/slope Gently sloping to rolling Employ appropriate erosion control erosion-prone areas
Soil Erosion (3-18%) and slope protection measures Regular inspection for new
Steep (>18%) Designate a spoils storage area, eroded areas near the site
with topsoil set aside for later use
and allow maximum re-use of spoils
Others, specify
Is the project site located in an
area identified by MGB/PAG- Construct during dry season
ASA/ PHIVOLCS as hazard
Stabilize embankment with grasses
or other soil cover
Yes Conduct Engineering Geological and
No Geo-hazard Assessment (EGGA)
and implement corresponding
Others, specify
Building of structure and Solid Waste Management Implement recovery re-use and Daily inspection of waste
improper solid waste Scheme in the area: recycling of waste materials handling including segregation
disposal leading to: SLF Provide receptacles / bins for solid in waste/recycling bins
Impairment of visual MRF wastes Weekly inspection of waste
Devaluation of land Composting Composting of Organic Wastes accumulation and disposal
values Regular Collection of Solid Coordinate with the municipal / city Regular inspection of
waste collectors landscaping and other
beautification activities
Implement landscaping and other
Project Name: ___________________________________________ Page 3 of 14
Generic Initial Environmental Examination (IEE) Checklist Report Form
Monitoring Parameters/
Possible Preventive/ Mitigating Measures
Environmental/Social Baseline Environment Remarks
Impacts Cost of preventive/mitigating as well as monitoring integrated in the construction /operation
Presence of visually beautification measures Regular monitoring of buffer
Provide adequate buffer zones
s? Compensate adjacent property Regular monitoring for
owners presence/absence of
Others, please specify
complaints from adjacent
property owners
Others, specify
Monitoring Parameters/
Possible Preventive/ Mitigating Measures
Environmental/Social Baseline Environment Remarks
Impacts Cost of preventive/mitigating as well as monitoring integrated in the construction /operation
Increased siltation due to Specify nearest/receiving Set up proper and adequate sanitary Regular (ocular) inspection of:
project activities water body facilities
Drainage / canal systems
Water quality
River, Watershed
Ensure strict observance of proper Wastewater treatment facility
degradation waste handling and disposal and (i.e., grease trap, septic tank,
Others, specify
proper sanitation including by the
contractors and its workers (if any)
Monitoring Parameters/
Possible Preventive/ Mitigating Measures
Environmental/Social Baseline Environment Remarks
Impacts Cost of preventive/mitigating as well as monitoring integrated in the construction /operation
Heavy Annual
metals: Semi-annual
Others: Annual
Distance of project area to the
nearest well used:
0 to less than 0.5 km
0.5 to 1 km
✔ More than 1 km
Competition in water use Size of population using the Implement rainwater harvesting and Regular monitoring for
source/s of water for the
Depletion of water project:
similar measures as an alternative
source of water
presence/absence of
≤ 1,000 persons Observe water conservation Regular coordination with
>1,000 and ≤ 5,000 measures; concerned agencies
persons Carefully select project site to avoid Regular monitoring for
>5,000 persons disruption of traditional water uses occurrences of water
Obtain Water Permit from NWRB
Available/nearest water
✔ Improve efficiency of water supply
Others, specify
and distribution system
Monitoring Parameters/
Possible Preventive/ Mitigating Measures
Environmental/Social Baseline Environment Remarks
Impacts Cost of preventive/mitigating as well as monitoring integrated in the construction /operation
Water district/LGU Increase storage capacities of water
Surface water supply structures for resilience to
greater climate variations and
Others, specify extremes
Others, specify
Increased occurrence of Is the project site located in an ✔
Use appropriate design for project Regular monitoring for
flooding area identified by MGB/PAG- facilities including appropriate presence/absence of
ASA as flood prone? drainage mechanism considering complaints
Yes the existing local drainage system. Regular coordination with
No ✔
Regularly remove debris and other concerned agencies
materials that may obstruct water Regular monitoring for
flow increased frequency of flooding
Use appropriate technology (e.g., Others, specify
raised hand-pumps) to protect
drinking water from flood
Others, specify
Monitoring Parameters/
Possible Preventive/ Mitigating Measures
Environmental/Social Baseline Environment Remarks
Impacts Cost of preventive/mitigating as well as monitoring integrated in the construction /operation
Impact on air quality
✔ Distance to nearest Properly operate and maintain all Regular monitoring for
Nuisance due to emission sources (e.g., vehicles, presence/absence of
generation of obnoxious/
0 to less than 0.5 km pumps, generator, etc.) complaints
unpleasant odor 0.5 to 1 km
Install appropriate air pollution
Regular (ocular) inspection of:
Strictly enforce good housekeeping
smoke from vehicles, heavy
equipment and generator
Is the wind direction blowing practices
towards the nearest Control vehicle speed to lessen
Presence of truck cover during
Monitoring Parameters/
Possible Preventive/ Mitigating Measures
Environmental/Social Baseline Environment Remarks
Impacts Cost of preventive/mitigating as well as monitoring integrated in the construction /operation
Displacement of residents Size of population of host Provide relocation/disturbance Regular monitoring for
including indigenous barangay/s: compensation packages presence/absence of
Project Name: ___________________________________________ Page 9 of 14
Generic Initial Environmental Examination (IEE) Checklist Report Form
Monitoring Parameters/
Possible Preventive/ Mitigating Measures
Environmental/Social Baseline Environment Remarks
Impacts Cost of preventive/mitigating as well as monitoring integrated in the construction /operation
people in the project site ≤ 1,000 persons Prioritize local residents for complaints
and within its vicinity
>1,000 and ≤
employment Regular coordination with LGU
Enhanced employment
5,000persons Promptly pay local taxes and other Others, specify
and/or livelihood
financial obligations
Monitoring Parameters/
Possible Preventive/ Mitigating Measures
Environmental/Social Baseline Environment Remarks
Impacts Cost of preventive/mitigating as well as monitoring integrated in the construction /operation
Peace and order (e.g.,
Others, specify
Impacts on community Source of risks (please Regular coordination with LGU Regular monitoring for
health and safety Provide appropriate warning signs, presence/absence of
Explosives : lighting and barricades, whenever complaints
Safety Risks Chemicals may be used for practicable Regular monitoring of buffer
Fire treatment and other medical
activities that might result to
Observe proper housekeeping zones
Explosion explosion when improperly used. ✔
Provide on-site medical services for Regular coordination with LGU
Release of toxic any emergency. Regular submission of reports
materials ✔
Participate in public awareness
to concerned agency
Structural failure ✔
Flammable substances: programs on health and safety Others, specify
Chemicals may be used for ✔
Implement appropriate safety
treatment and other medical programs for both community and
activities that might result to
flame accident when improperly
used. Strictly comply with fire, safety and
similar regulatory requirements
Toxic substances:
Strictly comply with requirements of
RA 6969
Chemicals and other medical
biohazard may be used for Others, specify
treatment and other medical
activities that might result to
toxin when improperly used and
Others, specify
Monitoring Parameters/
Possible Preventive/ Mitigating Measures
Environmental/Social Baseline Environment Remarks
Impacts Cost of preventive/mitigating as well as monitoring integrated in the construction /operation