IEE Checklist

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Generic Initial Environmental Examination (IEE) Checklist Report Form

Monitoring Parameters/
Possible Preventive/ Mitigating Measures
Environmental/Social Baseline Environment Remarks
Impacts  Cost of preventive/mitigating as well as monitoring integrated in the construction /operation
 Consistency with land Current land use w/in 1km  See attached proof of compatibility
use radius (as per zoning with land use
 Limit project activities to what is
✔ Residential compatible to the land use
Commercial/ Institutional  Others, specify
 Industrial
 Agricultural/ Recreational
 Protected Areas
 Others, specify

Actual land uses w/in 1km

✔ Residential
Commercial/ Institutional
 Industrial
 Agricultural/ Recreational
 Protected Areas
 Others, specify

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Generic Initial Environmental Examination (IEE) Checklist Report Form

Monitoring Parameters/
Possible Preventive/ Mitigating Measures
Environmental/Social Baseline Environment Remarks
Impacts  Cost of preventive/mitigating as well as monitoring integrated in the construction /operation
 Land tenure / Identify land tenure/  Obtain the following clearances/  Regularly monitor
compatibility issue compatibility issues: permits from concerned agencies: presence/absence of
 CARP complaints


 Regular coordination with LGU
or appropriate agencies
 Others, specify
 Informal settlers
 Resettlement Plan prepared

 Ecologically sensitive or
 Provide relocation/disturbance
compensation packages
protected area
 Others, specify
 Ensure participation of IPs in
consultations and dialogues
 MOA prepared/signed
 Provide adequate buffer
 Others, specify

 Disturbance to wildlife Existing vegetation in the  Comply with conditions of  Annual inspection of area
due to vegetation area: DENR/LGU SLUP, Tree Cutting replanted/ re-vegetated
clearing  Forestland Permit, ROW, PCA Permit  Others, specify
 Marshland  Limit land clearing as much as
 Grassland

 Mangrove
 Provide temporary fencing for
vegetation that will be retained
 Wetland  Promote restoration of damaged or
 Others, specify destroyed vegetation where possible
(e.g., tree planting)
 Others, specify

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Generic Initial Environmental Examination (IEE) Checklist Report Form

Monitoring Parameters/
Possible Preventive/ Mitigating Measures
Environmental/Social Baseline Environment Remarks
Impacts  Cost of preventive/mitigating as well as monitoring integrated in the construction /operation

 Change in surface Slope: Considering the natural hazards and  Regular inspection of slope
landform/ topography/ ✔
Flat (0-3%) climate projections in the area: protection measures in
terrain/slope  Gently sloping to rolling  Employ appropriate erosion control erosion-prone areas
 Soil Erosion (3-18%) and slope protection measures  Regular inspection for new
 Steep (>18%)  Designate a spoils storage area, eroded areas near the site
with topsoil set aside for later use
and allow maximum re-use of spoils
 Others, specify
Is the project site located in an
area identified by MGB/PAG-  Construct during dry season
ASA/ PHIVOLCS as hazard
 Stabilize embankment with grasses
or other soil cover
 Yes  Conduct Engineering Geological and
No Geo-hazard Assessment (EGGA)
and implement corresponding
 Others, specify

Building of structure and Solid Waste Management  Implement recovery re-use and  Daily inspection of waste
improper solid waste Scheme in the area: recycling of waste materials handling including segregation
disposal leading to:  SLF  Provide receptacles / bins for solid in waste/recycling bins
 Impairment of visual  MRF wastes  Weekly inspection of waste
 Devaluation of land  Composting  Composting of Organic Wastes accumulation and disposal

values  Regular Collection of Solid  Coordinate with the municipal / city  Regular inspection of
waste collectors landscaping and other
beautification activities
 Implement landscaping and other
Project Name: ___________________________________________ Page 3 of 14
Generic Initial Environmental Examination (IEE) Checklist Report Form

Monitoring Parameters/
Possible Preventive/ Mitigating Measures
Environmental/Social Baseline Environment Remarks
Impacts  Cost of preventive/mitigating as well as monitoring integrated in the construction /operation
Presence of visually beautification measures  Regular monitoring of buffer
 Provide adequate buffer zones
s?  Compensate adjacent property  Regular monitoring for
owners presence/absence of
 Yes
 Others, please specify
complaints from adjacent
property owners
 Others, specify

 Soil/Land contamination Existing soil/land type in the

expansion area:
 Secondary containment (pls specify) ✔
Regular inspection for leakage
due to materials leakage of materials that can cause
 Depletion of soil nutrient  sandy land/soil contamination.
content/soil 

clay  Monitoring of soil physical and
productivity/Change in
acidity/alkalinity of soil
 sandy-loam chemical properties
 concrete/cement ✔
Engage third party company for

Others, specify waste collection
 Others, specify
Soil acidity/alkalinity
 acidic
 basic
Conduct of soil test/analysis
for the following parameters
relevant to the potential
source of contamination:

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Generic Initial Environmental Examination (IEE) Checklist Report Form

Monitoring Parameters/
Possible Preventive/ Mitigating Measures
Environmental/Social Baseline Environment Remarks
Impacts  Cost of preventive/mitigating as well as monitoring integrated in the construction /operation
 Increased siltation due to Specify nearest/receiving  Set up proper and adequate sanitary Regular (ocular) inspection of:
project activities water body facilities 

Drainage / canal systems
 Water quality
River, Watershed
 Ensure strict observance of proper  Wastewater treatment facility
degradation waste handling and disposal and (i.e., grease trap, septic tank,
 Others, specify
proper sanitation including by the
contractors and its workers (if any)

 Provide wastewater treatment facility Monitoring of ambient water for

(e.g., septic tank, oil and water the following:
Distance to nearest/receiving separator, etc.)
water body:  Set up silt trap/stilling ponds to
Parameter Frequency
 0 to less than 0.5 km minimize downstream siltation  pH  Annual
 0.5 to 1 km  Provide three-chambered septic  Semi-annual

More than 1 km
tank for domestic sewage  Quarterly
 Provide ring canals around fuelling  TSS  Annual
tanks/ motorpool/ maintenance
Classification of nearest water
body: areas
concentration  Semi-annual
  Quarterly
 Freshwater  Marine/ Others, specify
 BOD  Annual
coastal water
 Semi-annual
 AA  SA
 Quarterly
A  SB
 Color  Annual
B  SC  Semi-annual
C  SD  Quarterly
D  Oil and  Annual
Grease  Semi-annual
Current Water Use:  Quarterly
 Fishery  Total Coliform  Annual
 Tourist Zone / Park  Semi-annual
 Recreational  Quarterly
 Industrial
 Agricultural
 Others, specify:
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Generic Initial Environmental Examination (IEE) Checklist Report Form

Monitoring Parameters/
Possible Preventive/ Mitigating Measures
Environmental/Social Baseline Environment Remarks
Impacts  Cost of preventive/mitigating as well as monitoring integrated in the construction /operation

 Heavy  Annual
metals:  Semi-annual
 Quarterly
 Others:  Annual
 Semi-annual
Distance of project area to the
 Quarterly
nearest well used:
 0 to less than 0.5 km
 0.5 to 1 km

✔ More than 1 km

Use of the nearest well:

 Drinking/Domestic
 Industrial
 Agricultural
 Others:

Competition in water use Size of population using the  Implement rainwater harvesting and  Regular monitoring for
source/s of water for the
 Depletion of water project:
similar measures as an alternative
source of water
presence/absence of
 ≤ 1,000 persons  Observe water conservation  Regular coordination with
 >1,000 and ≤ 5,000 measures; concerned agencies
persons  Carefully select project site to avoid  Regular monitoring for

>5,000 persons disruption of traditional water uses occurrences of water
 Obtain Water Permit from NWRB
Available/nearest water
✔ Improve efficiency of water supply
 Others, specify
and distribution system
 Deepwell

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Generic Initial Environmental Examination (IEE) Checklist Report Form

Monitoring Parameters/
Possible Preventive/ Mitigating Measures
Environmental/Social Baseline Environment Remarks
Impacts  Cost of preventive/mitigating as well as monitoring integrated in the construction /operation

Water district/LGU  Increase storage capacities of water
 Surface water supply structures for resilience to
greater climate variations and
 Others, specify extremes
 Others, specify

Increased occurrence of Is the project site located in an ✔
Use appropriate design for project  Regular monitoring for
flooding area identified by MGB/PAG- facilities including appropriate presence/absence of
ASA as flood prone? drainage mechanism considering complaints
 Yes the existing local drainage system.  Regular coordination with
No ✔
Regularly remove debris and other concerned agencies
materials that may obstruct water  Regular monitoring for
flow increased frequency of flooding
 Use appropriate technology (e.g.,  Others, specify
raised hand-pumps) to protect
drinking water from flood
 Others, specify


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Generic Initial Environmental Examination (IEE) Checklist Report Form

Monitoring Parameters/
Possible Preventive/ Mitigating Measures
Environmental/Social Baseline Environment Remarks
Impacts  Cost of preventive/mitigating as well as monitoring integrated in the construction /operation
 Impact on air quality
✔ Distance to nearest  Properly operate and maintain all  Regular monitoring for
 Nuisance due to emission sources (e.g., vehicles, presence/absence of
generation of obnoxious/ 

0 to less than 0.5 km pumps, generator, etc.) complaints
unpleasant odor  0.5 to 1 km 

Install appropriate air pollution
Regular (ocular) inspection of:

 More than 1 km control device/s  Absence of white or black

Strictly enforce good housekeeping
smoke from vehicles, heavy
equipment and generator
Is the wind direction blowing practices
towards the nearest  Control vehicle speed to lessen
 Presence of truck cover during

community most of the year? deliveries

suspension of road dust
Monitoring of ambient air for the
 Yes ✔
Conduct water spraying to suppress following:
 No dust sources and minimize
discomfort to nearby residents Parameter Frequency
Use covered vehicles to deliver  PM10  Annual
materials that may generate dust
 Semi-annual
 Others, specify
 Quarterly
 TSP  Annual
 Semi-annual
 Quarterly
 NO2  Annual
 Semi-annual
 Quarterly
 SO2  Annual
 Semi-annual
 Quarterly
 Trace  Annual
metals:  Semi-annual
 Quarterly
 Others:  Annual
 Semi-annual
Project Name: ___________________________________________ Page 8 of 14
Generic Initial Environmental Examination (IEE) Checklist Report Form

Monitoring Parameters/
Possible Preventive/ Mitigating Measures
Environmental/Social Baseline Environment Remarks
Impacts  Cost of preventive/mitigating as well as monitoring integrated in the construction /operation

 Quarterly

 Nuisance due to noise Distance to nearest

 Properly operate and maintain all  Regularly monitor
generation noise sources (e.g. vehicles, pumps, presence/absence of

0 to less than 0.5 km generator, etc) complaints
 0.5 to 1 km  Install appropriate noise control  Regular monitoring of buffer
 More than 1 km device/s (e.g., mufflers, silencer, zones
sound barriers, etc.)  Quarterly monitoring of noise
 Implement appropriate operating level
hours  Others, specify
 Provide adequate buffer and/or
planting of trees
 Others, specify


 Displacement of residents Size of population of host  Provide relocation/disturbance  Regular monitoring for
including indigenous barangay/s: compensation packages presence/absence of
Project Name: ___________________________________________ Page 9 of 14
Generic Initial Environmental Examination (IEE) Checklist Report Form

Monitoring Parameters/
Possible Preventive/ Mitigating Measures
Environmental/Social Baseline Environment Remarks
Impacts  Cost of preventive/mitigating as well as monitoring integrated in the construction /operation
people in the project site  ≤ 1,000 persons  Prioritize local residents for complaints
and within its vicinity
 >1,000 and ≤
employment  Regular coordination with LGU
 Enhanced employment

5,000persons  Promptly pay local taxes and other  Others, specify
and/or livelihood
opportunities 

financial obligations

  Regular coordination with LGU

 Reduced employment Indigenous People Size:
 Conduct prior consultation and
and/or livelihood
coordination to minimize disruption
of daily domestic activities
 Increased revenues for

 Ensure participation of IPs in

consultations and dialogues &
 Disruption/Competition in consider IP rights and cultural
delivery of public services Classification of host practices in the provision of
(e.g., education, peace barangay: relocation/disturbance compensation
and order, etc.) 

Urban packages
Enhanced delivery of  Rural  Provide appropriate traffic/warning
public services (e.g., signs, lighting, etc
education, peace and
order, etc.)
Employment/Livelihood  Others, specify
Opportunity Rate in the host

Increase in traffic volume Municipality:
and worsening of traffic

✔ High
 Low

Available services within/near

the host barangay:
 Schools (e.g. elementary,

high school, college)

 Health facilities (e.g.,

clinics, hospitals, etc.)

Project Name: ___________________________________________ Page 10 of 14
Generic Initial Environmental Examination (IEE) Checklist Report Form

Monitoring Parameters/
Possible Preventive/ Mitigating Measures
Environmental/Social Baseline Environment Remarks
Impacts  Cost of preventive/mitigating as well as monitoring integrated in the construction /operation
 Peace and order (e.g.,

police outpost, Brgy.

Tanod, etc.)
 Recreation and sports

 Others, specify

Impacts on community Source of risks (please  Regular coordination with LGU  Regular monitoring for
health and safety  Provide appropriate warning signs, presence/absence of
Explosives : lighting and barricades, whenever complaints
Safety Risks Chemicals may be used for practicable  Regular monitoring of buffer

Fire treatment and other medical
activities that might result to
 Observe proper housekeeping zones

Explosion explosion when improperly used. ✔
Provide on-site medical services for  Regular coordination with LGU

Release of toxic any emergency.  Regular submission of reports
materials ✔
Participate in public awareness
to concerned agency

Structural failure ✔
Flammable substances: programs on health and safety  Others, specify
Chemicals may be used for ✔
Implement appropriate safety
treatment and other medical programs for both community and
activities that might result to
flame accident when improperly
used.  Strictly comply with fire, safety and
similar regulatory requirements

Toxic substances:
 Strictly comply with requirements of
RA 6969
Chemicals and other medical
biohazard may be used for  Others, specify
treatment and other medical
activities that might result to
toxin when improperly used and

 Others, specify

Project Name: ___________________________________________ Page 11 of 14

Generic Initial Environmental Examination (IEE) Checklist Report Form

Monitoring Parameters/
Possible Preventive/ Mitigating Measures
Environmental/Social Baseline Environment Remarks
Impacts  Cost of preventive/mitigating as well as monitoring integrated in the construction /operation

Project Name: ___________________________________________ Page 12 of 14

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