Pembahasan Ballpoint 1

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Que,tion, 1-10 1. The word "it" in !ine 2 relers to 6.

Which ofthe following

(A) paper statements IS true of the ball ln
The ballpoint pen the universal writing instrument of the twentieth centur • (B) ink reservoir a ballpoint pen?
When the tiny metal ball at the writing tip is drawn across a sheet of paper, it (A) It is ntted directly into the
(e) writing instrument
rotates within a housing at the end of an ink reservoir and is coated with ink, tube.
(D) ball
Une whlch it transfers to the papero (B) It controls the ftow of ink.
5 The nrst ballpoint pen was invented by John Loud in 1888. Loud has been 2. The word "housing" in !ine 3 is (e) It has a small hole.
working on a desig n for a non leaking pen ro mark leather and fabrics and, closest in meaning to (D) It contains a reservoir of
although his cumbersome design was similar in essence ro the modern item, it (A) poinr ink.
was never manufactured in large quantities and the patent was allowed to expir (B) residence
The nrst workable design was patented in 1938 and beca me widely accepted in (e) case 7. The author mentions a "suction

10 1942 when the United States Army required a pen that would not leak in high- (D) orbit pump" in line 17 to indicate a
ftying aircraft. function of the
The ball of the pen is fi tted into a socket so that it rotates freely. Several 3. It can be inferred from the (A) reservoi r
internal ducts in the socket feed ink ro the ball; the other end of the socket is passage thar lhere was inlerest (B) plastic tu be
fitted onto a metal or plastic tu be that contains lhe ink. When the bal l is pressed in designing a new lype of pen (e) socker
15 on paper and moved, the capillary action draws the ink Irom the reservoir. In because lhe old ones (D) ball
effect, the ball functions as a valve to prevent overflow, and on rotation it acts as (A) were too big
suction pu mp drawing out the ink. (B) were expensive 8. The word "which" in line 19
One problern was thar as some 01 the ink ran out, a partial vacuum was (e) leaked refers lo
forrned between the back of the ball and ink reservoir, which cut off the supply. (D) cracked (A) supply
20 This was solved by making a sma ll hole at rhe fa r end of the reservo". As lhe ink (B) back of rhe ba ll
4. The word "expire" in !ine 8 is (e) partial vacuum
at the tip is sucked out, more ink from the tube is drawn inlo the socker to fill its
closest in meaning to (D) ink reservoir
place, the vacuum being prevented by air that is drawn through the venl.
(A) end
Disposable ballpoints have improved considerably in efficiency and
(B) change 9. What was the purpose of
since 1938. Further improvements made recently inelude the production of a pe rhe small hole mentioned in
(C) copy
25 that writes at any angle, even upside down, and the development of a new ink
(D) expand !ine 20 7
that is erasable.
(A) To drain off excess ink
5. It can be inferred thar the (B) To improve ink ftow lo the
ba llpoi nt pen nrst gained tip of the pen
popularityamong (e) To reduce rhe amount of
(A) mi!itary personnel air in the pen
(B) businesspeople (D) To allow the reservoir to be
(e) scientists
(D) artists


36 37
10. Until recentlyone lim itation of
ballpoint pens was
(A) their inability to function . "
upside down
lB) the cast of replacing empty
(e) the fragility of the point
ID) carrosion due to the ink

Section 3 continues. Turn the page and read the next passage.

38 39
11, The passage focuses on the 15. The words'each other" in
United Sta tes in rhe 1920's line 15 referto
8y the 1920's in the Vnited States, great change had been made in di>::y life • primarily in terms of the (A) improvements in

by an accumulation ofinventions that had been produced in increasing number transportation
(A) creativity of American

since the Civil War. These teehnologieal innovations created what, in effeet, was (8) parts of the country
¡me socia l revolution. (e) bicycles and trolleys
(8) decline in social
5 Improvements in eommunieations served to knit more elosely citizens of (D) better highways
diverse ethnic and political backg rounds. Rapid printing presses, typesetting (e) infiuence of technology on
deviees, and page-plate proeesses made printed matter more widely aeeessible. 16. The word "mobility" in line 17 is
The telephone simplilíed persan-to-person communieation. The phonograph, closest in meaning to
(D) negative side of
the silent motion pieture, the radio, and the sound picture for the lírst time mad (A) exeitement
teehnologieal progress
10 auditory and visual impaet simultaneously possible over the whole country and (8) movement
had the inevitable, and perhaps undesirable, effect of establlshing a trend to 12. The word "knit" in line 5 is (e) modernity
national conformlty in thought and feeling. One could call this revolution the closest in meaning to (D) control
nationalizalion of thought and taste. (A) unite
11. According to the passage,
Improvements in transportation made all parts of the country less remate fro (8) attraet

which of the following
/5 each other when measured by the lime req uired ro go from one place to anothe (e) inform
modes of transportation was
8icycles and trolleys put the nation on wheels. Then the auromobile provided th (D) study
means for speed and mobility, now so dear to Americans, and brought a deman Adjective Fate negatively affeeted by motor
13. The word "aeeessible" in line 7 vehicles)

for better highways. 8y the'1920's cargo trucks were beginning to cut into railroa

is closes! in meaning to (A) Trolleys
revenues, and rhe larest wonder, the airplane, was a fairly common sight

(A) understandable (B) Bicycles
20 The transport revolu tion was made possible by the development and
(B) read (e) Trains
perfection of new engines and motors. The internal-combustion engine, using
gasoline or oil, could be bui lt in compaet power units admirably su ited to
mffuotong (e) printed (D) Airplanes Pangu
automobiles, aircraft, and boats. The use of electricity, generated by water power Kereta (D) available
18. The passage suggests that
or coal-burning plants, simplifled the problems of rneehanica l power for industri a major advantage of the
14_ Aecording to the author,
25 use and rnade electrieal illumination eommonplaee in cities, indoors and out internal-eombustion engine
expanded eommunications led
Eleetrieity also powered an increasing variety of domestic appliances. was its
to a decrease in
(A) individuality (A) safety
(B) travel (B) size
(e) patriotism (e) durability
size (D) entertainment (D) priee

40 41
19. The author identifies all of the 20. Where in the passage does th
following as contributors to author give an example of a
the"social revolution"of the .
technolog ical advance that le •
1920's EXCEPT to a demand for improvemen
(A) improved communication in another area'
(B) improved transportation (A) Unes 6-7
(C) improvements resulting (B) Unes 16-17
from electricity

(e) Unes 21 -23
(D) improvements in the arts (D) Une 26

diversity for
ethnic better

Section 3 continues. Turn the page and read the next passage.

42 43
Questions 21 ·30 21. What ISthe main topie of the 25. Astronomers most probably
passage? use direct photography less
Astronomers have long used

a 0
photography to gather large amoU1ts of
information from teleseopes. To do this, they have speeiallight-sensitive eoatings
on glass plates, whose size depends on the type ofteleseope employed. Certain
• (A) The use offalse colors in
image processing
(B) The use of wide-field
freq uently today than in the
pasl beca use
(A) glass plates are no longer
Une wide-field teleseopes eommonly required very large glass plates. These plates do teleseopes in astronomy available

5 not bend, can be measured aeeurately, and can preserve information over a long t (C) New astronomical theories (B) onlya small amount of
period of time, providing a record that an astronomer at a later time can examine (D) Methods used by information is eontained
29 However, even though long time exposures increase the amount of lighl striking
the plate so that very faint objeets in the sky eventually show up elearly, even the
astronomers 10 obtain in a single photograph
information (e) alternate ways of
most sensitive plates eonvert only a smal l pereent of the photons striking them observing images have
/0 into an image. For this reason, photography cannot make very effieient use of 22. The word "employed"in line 3 been developed
short time exposu res on a teleseope. Despite this ineffieieney, photography is still is closest In mean ing to (D) photographie data
very useful beca use it works as a two·dimensional detector eovering a large area (A) measured deteriorates quiekly
at a teleseope's foeus. Henee, the information eontained in a single photograph (8) inspected
can be enormous, especially when the photograph is taken with wide-field (C) used 26. What is image processing?
/5 telescopes. (D) purchased (A) The proeess of light waves
Today, the leehnology of newer radio and x-ray telescopes has allowed striking a glass plate
23. The word "effieient"in line 10 is (B) A way to produce images

astronomers to view images otherwise invisible to the eye, and direct
r photog raphy is now used less often to gather images. Today's aSlronomers can closest in meaning to more quiCkly
study an enhaneed view of a telescope's foeus on a television monitor; and in (A) productive (C) A reevaluation of old
20 most cases, lhe data can later be eonverted by computer inlo digital form. This (B) frequent phOlograp hs
procedure, called image processing, plays a central role in astronomy today. (C) objective (D) A way computers can
Using false eolors, the computer can display images of informalion otherwise (D) visible present data for analysis

undetectable lO the unaided eye. These eolors are false in the sense that lhey are
24. Which of the following is NOT 27. The word "undeteetable" in
not the actual eolors of the objeet'in the visual range of the spectrum. Rather,
mentioned as an advantage of line 23 is closest in meanlng 10
25 they are eodes lOa specinc property, such as the x-ray emissions from stars.
glass-plate phOlOgraphs? (A) immense

Items (A) They can be measured (B) inferior

accurately. (C) imperceptible
(B) They can capture the (D) intolerable
images of fa int objeets.
(C) They can be stored for a
long time.
(D) They can be processed

44 45
28. Why do computer-generated 30. Where in the passage does
images use false colors? author mention a diS<ldv.3nu
(A) The real objects are too of photography7 •
bright to look at. (A) Unes 1-3
(B) The computer screens have (B) Unes 7- 11
a limited range of colors. (e) Unes 18-21
(C) The properties represented (D) Unes 24-25 t
in the image are not
otherwise visible.
(D) The colors are used to
convert black-and-white

29. Why does the author mention

"x-ray emissions" in line 25 7
(A) To discuss the
measurement of energy
(B) To emphasize the precision Section 3 continues. Turn the page and read the next passage.
of direct photography
(C) To provide an example of

what false colors
(D) To compare the properties
of color and movement

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