Solar Panel in Kuwait
Solar Panel in Kuwait
Solar Panel in Kuwait
ISSN No:-2456-2165
B. Solar panels
Solar panels are also known as photovoltaic panels and
the purpose is to convert sunlight (photons) into electrical
energy that can be exploited in operating different electrical
loads, and solar panels can be exploited in more than one
form, for example, they can be widely used in wireless and
wired communications equipment, and it is Can be used in
homes and commercial establishments (6).
E. Types of PV Systems
Photovoltaic energy systems are divided into two parts-:
Solar photovoltaic systems that connect directly with low
voltage distribution networks.
Fig2: show type of solar panel (Polycrystalline) Standalone solar PV systems, ie not connected to any low
voltage distribution networks (8).
These are panels that come from different silicon Mostly, photovoltaic solar energy systems are installed on
crystals instead of a single crystal, where silicon fragments the roofs of buildings, and connected to the main electrical
are melted and poured into a square mould, which makes panel in the house. The electrical energy produced by
Fossil fuels available in Kuwait from the local source The Kuwait market of solar energy is expected to
are used to power plants, natural gas, heavy oil, crude oil and register a CAGR about more than 7% during the period of
light oil, depending on the design of the plant's boiler. Gas forecasting of 2022 to 2027. The pandemic of COVID 19
within the limits of the available quantity. Older plants can affected the supply chain and led to economic turmoil leading
burn gas as well as emergency diesel from newer plants (12). to solar projects scraping like the 1.5 GW Al-dabdaba solar
complex. The solar projects increasing number along with
The power plant has been developed in terms of quantity declining and investments solar PV costs are the major factors
and quality during the past five years, to expand the scope of that drive Kuwait solar market during the period of forecast.
the power plant, after the introduction of the first steam power However, the intermittent energy source, initial investment
plant with a total capacity of 2.25 MW (3 units, unit capacity and requirement of large area of installation to set up large
0.75 MW) in 1952. Less. Until the 1980s when the Doha West farms of set up and many other factors have been restraining
plant was commissioned in 1983, in 1984 there was a capacity the growth in the market of solar energy.
of 2,400 MW (8 units with a capacity of 300 MW), Az-Zour
South and Subiya (12) The PV solar segment is likely to grow during the period
of forecasting significantly, owing to upcoming projects
It is natural that building larger plants in terms of the and declining costs.
number of units and their sizes was the only way to meet the Advances in technology in market of solar power
increasing demand, which was rising at high rates in the including reduced overheads, increased efficiency,
1950s, 1960s and even in the 1970s, but it began to subside reduced solar PV films size, polymers use and an increase
during the 1980s. The horizontal expansion and vertical in solar power cells materials, are set to boost incentives
development in the means of generation resulted in the for investment increasing in solar power. This scenario is
following results: likely to support opportunities of growth in the solar
The amount of thermal energy needed to generate the energy deployment in the coming future.
electric power unit decreased from 14012 thousand Lack of policies and programs of government likely to
British thermal units in the old stations to 10,509.9.5 restrain the market during the period of forecasting.
thousand British thermal units in the modern stations, PV solar segment to experience significant growth
which include the production of distilled water.
Accordingly, the thermal efficiencies of the operating Average solar intake of Kuwait is about 9-11 hrs. per
plants increased to about 42% in the modern plants, after day, with a daily average of solar insolation that can reach
taking into account the efficiency of the distillation units. more than about 7.0 kWh/m2/day.
The share of wages, administrative expenses and
maintenance in the unit cost of the modern stations The cost of PV solar installation has dropped
decreased. significantly in 2020 from USD 4,731 per kilowatt to USD
The established stations were geographically distributed 883 per kilowatt. Whereas the cost of installation of
better, which had benign effects on the electrical network concentrated solar power decreased from USD 8,987 per
and strategic advantages. kilowatt in 2010 to USD 4,725 in 2020. Occurring with less
upkeep and less complicated technology, solar photovoltaics
A. Solar panel efficiency in electricity of Kuwait: are a preferred energy choice over conc. Solar power.
Kuwait operates on electrical system about 230 Vas 50
Hz, and solar panels to attain emergency backup power. The In Feb. 2022, in Al Jahra, Kuwait, a 30 MW PV solar
panel is nonpolluting energy, clean unlike fuel powered plant is planned named Subiya water storage solar PV plant.
generators. They help people to achieve independency in The plant is planned to be developed in construction of single
energy while helping to decrease footprints of environment. phase likely to commence 2023 and expected in 2025 to be
Inverters also are very important in Kuwait like power entered into commercial operation.
inverters, and solar inverter charger that are here to give
power (13). In December 2021, a company’s group announced that
they have a plan to build a solar power complex 5 GW,
Buying a solar inverter charger 1500 watt is a large step including PV solar power plants, in the north of Kuwait that
toward energy independence achieving and in the event of an will involve investment of about 3.5 billion USD. Developers
extended power outage it considered priceless. violent dust want state approval for park building as a private project for
storms, scorching heat or harsh ocean climate can all be investment, and then sell the electricity that is produced to the
power outage contributors in Kuwait. So having power ministry of electricity, renewable energy and water.