Solar Panel in Kuwait

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Volume 7, Issue 4, April – 2022 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology

ISSN No:-2456-2165

Solar Panel in Kuwait

Fhaid aldousari

Abstract:- Solar energy is one of the most important and

prominent sources of renewable energy, which is the
conversion of solar rays into electricity through
photovoltaic solar cells. This is because it is clean energy
and saves electricity. Each spot on the surface of the earth
receives during one year a certain amount of light from
the sun, which varies from one part to another. Usually
one part of the earth receives less sunlight than another
part, and these amounts of light are called photovoltaic
radiation or solar radiation, Which is converted into solar
energy by some modern technologies that capture it, in
order to reuse and recycle it as different sources and
forms of useful energy. In this article, we will talk about
solar energy and its role in generating electricity.


Sun is the owner of solar energy. solar panel that known

also as PV panels are important to change sunlight that Fig1: show the generating of electrical energy from the sun
contain energy particles “photons”, into electric which used
in powering the electrical loads. solar panels application is A. Solar Cell Components
very wide including, telecommunications equipment, cabins The solar cell consists of the following components and
power system, remote sensing, and electricity generating for in the following order:
sure through commercial and residential systems that called  A layer of non-reflective glass. A layer of copper wire that
solar electric one. On this research, we will show types, conducts electricity and is called the cathode.
components, benefits and using of solar panels in electricity  A layer of negatively charged silicon crystals with
system in Kuwait (1). phosphorous added.
 A layer of positively charged silicon crystals filled with
Development of solar energy return to 100 years ago. In holes, with the element boron added.
leading days, using of it was rarely for production of steam  A layer of copper wire that conducts electricity and is
which used then to machinery drive. But it wasn’t work called the anode.
before the discovery of photovoltaic effect by “Edmond  The studies find that silicon is one of the most important
Becquerel” this allowed converting sunlight to electric energy. elements that generate electrical energy (4).
This discovery then led to invention by Charles Fritts since
1893 of the first genuine of solar cell that was made by II. THE PRINCIPLE OF SOLAR CELLS )
coating sheets of selenium with a thin golden layer. And from MECHANISM OF ACTION)
the point today, starting would arise the solar panel (2).
When sunlight or photons of light enter the non-
Today, complete systems of solar panel and solar panels reflecting glass surface into the solar cell, the silicon atoms
are used to power on large range of different applications. combined with the phosphorous atoms begin to generate
However, they are used also to maintain the solar power into movement in the electrons (5).
commercial buildings and entire homes, like Google’s
headquarters that located in California. Through the phosphorous layer, electrical charges are
generated depending on the strength of solar radiation. The
Solar cells technological developments tend to create electric charges liberated from the negative layer are
more inventions that serve humanity, and this technology is transmitted to the holes of the lower layer that contain
what is known as solar cells, which is one of the modern positively charged electrons, where the silicon united with
achievements that contribute to relying on renewable energy boron absorbs these charges in order for the interaction to
by generating electrical energy from the sun, and solar cells take place. This solar cell is connected to electrical devices,
can be defined as photovoltaic cells that absorb Photons lamps, electrical machines, etc. The solar cell has become like
(particles of light carrying electromagnetic energy Photons) a battery that contains solar energy (5).
that are emitted from the sun and converted into an electric
current (3)

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Volume 7, Issue 4, April – 2022 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
A. Characteristics of solar cells polycrystalline cells low cost due to the lack of any amount
The amount of energy produced by the solar cells is of silicon used in their manufacture, unlike monocrystalline
measured by the current and voltage generated by the panels, and makes them It is also less efficient in terms of
individual cells. Electric current is defined as the flow of energy and space conversion, since the purity and structure of
electric charge through a specific area expressed in amperes, silicon is lower than that of monocrystalline panels, and its
while voltage is defined as the potential difference between downside is that it can withstand lower temperatures than
two points expressed in volts. Typical silicon cells produce monocrystalline panels, making it less efficient in higher
an electrical current of 28 to 35 mA/cm², and a typical silicon temperature environments (7).
solar cell produces between .5 to .6 volts with the output
difference depending on the cell size. The voltage and current
can be increased when the cells are grouped together (5).

B. Solar panels
Solar panels are also known as photovoltaic panels and
the purpose is to convert sunlight (photons) into electrical
energy that can be exploited in operating different electrical
loads, and solar panels can be exploited in more than one
form, for example, they can be widely used in wireless and
wired communications equipment, and it is Can be used in
homes and commercial establishments (6).

C. Types of solar panels

There are two types of solar panels: Fig3: show solar panel (thin film panels)

 Silicon plates:  Thin-Film panels

Among them are two types: They are thin sheets with exceptionally thin layers that
make them adaptable, and not every panel requires a slab to
• Monocrystalline support them, making them lighter and easier to apply. Not
These panels are made of pure silicon gem cut into few like crystalline silicon panels that come in standard sizes 60,
strips, because it is made of pure silicon, it is effectively 72 and 96 cells, Lean Can Film comes in multiple sizes to suit
recognized by its dull dark color, and the use of non- the many needs of distinct spaces, but it can be verified that
adulterated silicon makes the monocrystalline panels more it is less productive than silicon panels, as it is made of three
space-saving. and the longest-lived of all types of solar different materials:
panels, however this requires a small fraction of wasted  Amorphous silicon (A-Si)
silicon, and in some cases the sum of silicon wasted for a  Cadmium Telluride (CdTe)
monocrystalline cell make can be more than 50% (6).  Copper Indium Gallium Selenide (CIGS)

• Polycrystalline  Amorphous solar cells

This type is characterized by low efficiency and lower
price; This is as a result of the deposition of silicon on the
face of the plastic or glass that is used in the manufacture of
the cell, and the production of electrical energy in it ranges
between 3 to 6%.

D. The best type of solar panels

The best types of solar panels are those monocrystalline
panels. They have a higher efficiency than other types, as
their efficiency ranges between 15: 20%, while the efficiency
of polycrystalline panels ranges between 15: 17%. Thin-film
panels come in the last place, where they do not exceed Its
efficiency is only 12% (7).

E. Types of PV Systems
Photovoltaic energy systems are divided into two parts-:
 Solar photovoltaic systems that connect directly with low
voltage distribution networks.
Fig2: show type of solar panel (Polycrystalline)  Standalone solar PV systems, ie not connected to any low
voltage distribution networks (8).
These are panels that come from different silicon  Mostly, photovoltaic solar energy systems are installed on
crystals instead of a single crystal, where silicon fragments the roofs of buildings, and connected to the main electrical
are melted and poured into a square mould, which makes panel in the house. The electrical energy produced by

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Volume 7, Issue 4, April – 2022 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
photovoltaic energy systems is consumed first in the crystals, so a polycrystalline panel consisting of 60 cells
house, and if there is an excess of it, it is exported to the can produce between 240-300 watts, yet monocrystalline
distributed network (8). panels still outperform polycrystalline in terms of energy
 its components capacity per cell.
 Thin-Film panels, because they do not come in standard
sizes, there is no standard measure of energy capacity, but
they are known to be the lowest energy capacity types due
to their size and components (9)

G. Types of solar panels by cost

When making a comparison in order to compare
between solar panels in terms of costs, we will find the
 Monocrystalline solar panels are the most expensive, as a
result of the manufacturing process in which more than
50% of the silicon used in manufacturing is wasted,
making this type very expensive.
 Polycrystalline solar panels are the least expensive,
because there is no waste during the manufacturing
process, as the remaining crystal fragments are used from
the production of monocrystalline panels, which
contributes to reducing production costs significantly.
 Thin Film: The cost of purchasing the materials from
which these panels are made is very high, but due to the
nature of the materials and their light weight, it reduces
the labor cost (10)

 Double sided solar panels

There are two-sided solar panels, and they mean the
panels that have the ability to collect sunlight from the front
Fig 4: show PV Systems and how they work side and the back side, and in this way energy is produced in
larger quantities, and the two-sided panels are characterized
The photovoltaic cell is the basic component of by the presence of a back layer.Translucent enables sunlight
photovoltaic power systems, and each cell usually produces to pass through the panel, and these are often manufactured .
from 1 to 2 watts of energy, and the optimum exploitation of Solar panels are made of monocrystalline solar cells, but
these cells is done by interconnecting the cells with cables sometimes they are also made of polycrystalline panels (10)
and connectors to form units that produce more energy, so we
say that photovoltaic power systems It consists of the  Solar panels with more than 96 cells
following-: There are solar panels with more than 96 cells ,but it is
 Solar cells that are interconnected through conductors and not widely spread, as some manufacturers resort to producing
cables, thus forming chains. solar panels by using half-cut cells, and this causes the
 These chains are connected to transformers to convert the number of solar cells to double within a single panel .Notably,
current generated from these chains into alternating the half-cut solar cells are monocrystalline or polycrystalline
current, thus facilitating the process of exploiting this solar cells that have been cut in half by a laser cutter (10).
current in the building.
 Electrical cables, control devices, switchgear groups, III. IMPACT OF THE ELECTRICAL NETWORK
systems Monitoring, measuring and protection units OF KUWAIT
 Mechanical structures that support the panels as well as
direct them towards sunlight (9) The main source of electrical energy (and fresh water)
consumed by Kuwait is chemical energy in fuels that consist
F. Types of solar panels according to energy capacity of gas and liquid petroleum derivatives. The process of
If we classify solar panels according to their energy converting primary fuel energy into electrical energy requires
capacity, they are arranged as follows: large financial investments, and a huge boiler that collects a
 Monocrystalline solar panels have the highest power huge amount of fuel between these devices is a huge boiler.
This chemical energy produces a large amount of compressed
capacity, because they are made of a single material of
silicon, this enables higher power output in a smaller steam at very high temperatures, and this steam drives a
package, and most monocrystalline panels can generate generator that converts engine energy into electricity, and
up to 300 Watts of power capacity. activates a steam turbine that changes thermal energy into
kinetic energy. Represent. It issues energy to the electrical
 Polycrystalline solar panels, thanks to modern
network for its transmission, distribution and delivery to
technology, it is possible to bridge the gaps between the
subscribers (11).

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Volume 7, Issue 4, April – 2022 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
Power suppliers mainly use the electrical energy system backup with an AIMS power inverter as the backbone
required mainly, using the electrical energy required to meet is personal priceless asset.
the demand for electricity, usually the generation system. A
total of about 28.7% of gas turbines are included. Emergency Reliable, friend to environment, little electricity are
preparedness is greatly enhanced when maximum electrical characters of power systems by AIMS power, as opposed to
load occurs due to the high locations of the gas turbine plant power generators of fossil-fuel that are polluting, noisy and
site and its low thermal efficiency (11). require excessive maintenance.

Fossil fuels available in Kuwait from the local source The Kuwait market of solar energy is expected to
are used to power plants, natural gas, heavy oil, crude oil and register a CAGR about more than 7% during the period of
light oil, depending on the design of the plant's boiler. Gas forecasting of 2022 to 2027. The pandemic of COVID 19
within the limits of the available quantity. Older plants can affected the supply chain and led to economic turmoil leading
burn gas as well as emergency diesel from newer plants (12). to solar projects scraping like the 1.5 GW Al-dabdaba solar
complex. The solar projects increasing number along with
The power plant has been developed in terms of quantity declining and investments solar PV costs are the major factors
and quality during the past five years, to expand the scope of that drive Kuwait solar market during the period of forecast.
the power plant, after the introduction of the first steam power However, the intermittent energy source, initial investment
plant with a total capacity of 2.25 MW (3 units, unit capacity and requirement of large area of installation to set up large
0.75 MW) in 1952. Less. Until the 1980s when the Doha West farms of set up and many other factors have been restraining
plant was commissioned in 1983, in 1984 there was a capacity the growth in the market of solar energy.
of 2,400 MW (8 units with a capacity of 300 MW), Az-Zour
South and Subiya (12)  The PV solar segment is likely to grow during the period
of forecasting significantly, owing to upcoming projects
It is natural that building larger plants in terms of the and declining costs.
number of units and their sizes was the only way to meet the  Advances in technology in market of solar power
increasing demand, which was rising at high rates in the including reduced overheads, increased efficiency,
1950s, 1960s and even in the 1970s, but it began to subside reduced solar PV films size, polymers use and an increase
during the 1980s. The horizontal expansion and vertical in solar power cells materials, are set to boost incentives
development in the means of generation resulted in the for investment increasing in solar power. This scenario is
following results: likely to support opportunities of growth in the solar
 The amount of thermal energy needed to generate the energy deployment in the coming future.
electric power unit decreased from 14012 thousand  Lack of policies and programs of government likely to
British thermal units in the old stations to 10,509.9.5 restrain the market during the period of forecasting.
thousand British thermal units in the modern stations,  PV solar segment to experience significant growth
which include the production of distilled water.
 Accordingly, the thermal efficiencies of the operating Average solar intake of Kuwait is about 9-11 hrs. per
plants increased to about 42% in the modern plants, after day, with a daily average of solar insolation that can reach
taking into account the efficiency of the distillation units. more than about 7.0 kWh/m2/day.
 The share of wages, administrative expenses and
maintenance in the unit cost of the modern stations The cost of PV solar installation has dropped
decreased. significantly in 2020 from USD 4,731 per kilowatt to USD
 The established stations were geographically distributed 883 per kilowatt. Whereas the cost of installation of
better, which had benign effects on the electrical network concentrated solar power decreased from USD 8,987 per
and strategic advantages. kilowatt in 2010 to USD 4,725 in 2020. Occurring with less
upkeep and less complicated technology, solar photovoltaics
A. Solar panel efficiency in electricity of Kuwait: are a preferred energy choice over conc. Solar power.
Kuwait operates on electrical system about 230 Vas 50
Hz, and solar panels to attain emergency backup power. The In Feb. 2022, in Al Jahra, Kuwait, a 30 MW PV solar
panel is nonpolluting energy, clean unlike fuel powered plant is planned named Subiya water storage solar PV plant.
generators. They help people to achieve independency in The plant is planned to be developed in construction of single
energy while helping to decrease footprints of environment. phase likely to commence 2023 and expected in 2025 to be
Inverters also are very important in Kuwait like power entered into commercial operation.
inverters, and solar inverter charger that are here to give
power (13). In December 2021, a company’s group announced that
they have a plan to build a solar power complex 5 GW,
Buying a solar inverter charger 1500 watt is a large step including PV solar power plants, in the north of Kuwait that
toward energy independence achieving and in the event of an will involve investment of about 3.5 billion USD. Developers
extended power outage it considered priceless. violent dust want state approval for park building as a private project for
storms, scorching heat or harsh ocean climate can all be investment, and then sell the electricity that is produced to the
power outage contributors in Kuwait. So having power ministry of electricity, renewable energy and water.

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Volume 7, Issue 4, April – 2022 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
Thus, taking in consideration the above points, the PV  Choosing the angle of inclination of the solar panel:
solar segment is expected to witness significant growth This depends a lot on the latitude in which we are
during period of forecast. located, as well as on the season of the year. The angle of
inclination can be calculated according to the season of the
year as follows:
 Spring and Autumn: The angle of inclination of the solar
panel is equal to the degree of latitude of the site .
 Summer: the angle of inclination is 15 degrees less than
the degree of latitude.
 In winter: the angle of inclination is greater than the angle
of latitude by 15 degrees.

 Installing panels in parallel or in series:

Installing them in parallel leads to maintaining the
voltage but increases the intensity of the current, while
installing them in series increases the value of the voltage and
leads to maintaining the stability of the current (16).


A. Electricity network impact

Within the increasing in levels of photovoltaic rooftop
systems, flowing of energy is 2-way. When the consumed is
less than the generation, electricity then travelled to the grid.
Fig5: show solar photovoltaiv installed capacity, in MW, However, the network of electric isn’t formed to transfer the
2014-2020 2-way energy. Therefore, occurring of some issues
technically may happen. As what happened in Australia
 Competitive Landscape specially Queensland, 30% or more of households used
The solar energy market of Kuwait is consolidated rooftop PV in the end of the year of 2017.
partially. In the market some of the key players include
JinkoSolar Holding Co. Ltd, Solarity Solar Energy, Kuwait In 2020, the duck curve of California which is famous
National Petroleum Company, TSK Electronica y Electricidal appeared many times for many communities from 2015. A
SA and alternative projects of energy co. recent developments. problem of over-voltage may result as the flow of electric
from households (PV) back again to the network. There are
In Novem. 2021, Oil ministry in Kuwait announced at many solutions to handle this problem, like power factor PV
(ADIPEC) that the country is planning to develop renewable regulation invertor, new -voltage and handle equipment of
projects 2 GW, including wind and solar, through a joint energy at the level of distribution of electricity, electricity
venture between private sector and government (14). wires re-conduction, require management, etc. Often costs
and limitations related to these solutions are present. There is
B. Shakaya project for wind energy in Kuwait: other limitation in management of electricity bill and energy
Kuwait institution for scientific researches has investment (17).
improved an important project that called “shakaya” project
for wind energy, the first plan of project aimed to generate V. CONCLUSION
about 3.2 giga watt in shakaya compound of renewable
energy. The first step of project put the basics for energy in Solar panel that known also as PV panels are important
the future of Kuwait by installing large station of solar energy to change sunlight that contain energy particles “photons”,
that has been started since September 2018. And farm of wind into electric which used in powering the electrical loads.
with about 10 mega watt that has been started since may 2017 Development of solar energy return to 100 years ago. In
(14). leading days, using of it was rarely for production of steam
which used then to machinery drive. Solar energy is
C. How to install solar panels represented in the radiant sunlight and its high heat, which is
The best place should be chosen on the roof, away from now exploited using a group of advanced technologies for the
the shade of residential buildings or trees near the house or purposes of solar and photovoltaic heating, thermal energy
the facility for which the solar cells are to be installed. applications and solar engineering, as well as in molten saline
power plants and in artificial photosynthesis processes. The
 Choosing the direction and angle of the solar panel: sun is an important source of renewable energy and its
In most regions of the Arab world, which lie mainly technologies are distinguished by their It is broadly defined
north of the equator, it is preferable to direct the solar cells as either passive or active energy depending on how that
towards the sun in the south (15). energy is used, distributed, or converted into other energy.
Kuwait operates on electrical system about 230 Vas 50 Hz,
and solar panels to attain emergency backup power. The

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ISSN No:-2456-2165
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