Eetcoa me) ‘ SECOND eZ
y SJ eo
EUSA Va taf+ talk about hanes
1 describe firs, books and music
polly disagree wih opinions |
+ tak about pres enaat
tall stories and discus pots |
+ describe buildings and areas in more cet
+ agree using syronyins
+ shaw people around your town or cty
+ tn about fetvale and carats
+ tak about future events ina verety of ways
cr tn about wide ronge of objects
Use uttes and oretuee beter
+ describe problems vith tings
ve advice and express regress
Jascabout te government anther policies
‘ax about how the economy dong
+ respond to complains
describe corestons
+ wie bout what you oo in your ree time
Yai od0ut Now Mt you ae
{creck youhsars things carecty
toi about sport
{ak sbout places you have stayed in
‘press opinions and show surprise
‘scuss and deal wth accommodation probs
Detter understand iomate langvage
tak ebout cute shock an setting in somewhere
+ tle abou your exporonces of eiforent weather
1 sale abeut naturel essere
+ make stories more crametie
+ tale about issues connectas to animals and plants
+ use context fo understand diferent meanings of
page 60
CRIME AND + tl obout crimes and what hey involve
+ make comments anc ask folowup questions
z + expres varying degrees of cortainy
PUNISHMENT + sae sbout ereon ane punishment
+ tale about trends and sttstesHabis Deserbing fins, + Heardiallbefore + Flims andthe cinems + Disagreeingpottely
1 cectves ond musi end books + Aguidedtour ofan
averos + Teng about ‘galery
+ Bubdings and areas + Tendaysatthe + ‘Oring otouna + Agreeing using smonyms
+ Tang bouthe Festa ane ‘Venice Carnival Belgrade
te carats + Pheos vee
+ eplaining purpose - Useful mings slam. MrTiebus + Asking forthings Explaining and checking
using $0. fond fo + Wor families + Trying get retind
+ should and should How things go wrong
hove (shoulave)
+ Heath nd finess + Sport=youve gotta + Unusualinteests + Checking what you hear
ea lover + The mad unce
+ injuries and accidents
+ The present perfect