Bece Junior WAEC Past Question - Fine Arts (Updated)
Bece Junior WAEC Past Question - Fine Arts (Updated)
Bece Junior WAEC Past Question - Fine Arts (Updated)
Past Questions with Solutions
Cultural & Creative Arts 2018
PAPER I B. Ben Enwonwu
D. Jahn Guttenberg
1. An outdoor drawing can be done through E. Pabio Piccaso
A. abstract 14. The oldest art culture in the South of Sahara is
B. arrangement of objects A. Benin B. Esie C. lfe D. lgbo-Ukwu
C. composition of objects E. Nok
D. imagination 15. Which of the following DOES NOT belong to these
E. observation groups of drawing?
2. Which of these is NOT a method related to printing? A. Imaginative B. Landscape C. Life
A. Coil method D. Perspective E. Seascape
B. lntaglio 16. The quick illustration of an object on paper is called
C. Planography A. Caption B. Design C. Impression
D. Relief process D. Sketche E. Strokes
E. Silk screen 17. Which of the following media can be used in the same
3. The line on which the road terminates is known as the manner as clay?
A. line of horizon A. cardboard paper B. dye stuff
B. line of vision C. papier mache D. poster colour
C. picture plane E. Soapstone
D. station point 18. Which of the following is not a local craft?
E. vanishing point A. Batik B. Cane work C. Calabash carving
4. To build a free standing figure with paper pulp, D. Neon sign E. Tie-dye
construction will be required. 19. Cave painting are the works of the men.
A. armature A. early B. local C. middle D. modern E. traditional
B. box 20. Impression made through mesh printing is known as
C. graphic A. engraving B. intaglio C. linoleum D. lithography
D. mask E. silk screen
E. paper 21. Which of the following is a product of craft work?
5. Which of the following is NOT required in design? A. Food flask B. Greeting card C. Logo D. Mask
A. Colour B. Lettraset C. Line D. Pattern E. Textbook
E. Screen 22. The art of interlacing flexible materials is known as
A. printing B. sewing C. stiching D. twisting
E. weaving
23. Benin art is also called Royal art because it is connected
A. ceramics B. government house C. kingdom
D. king’s palace E. trackers
6. The diagram above represents 24. A female figure has wider than a male figure.
A. brush B. linoroller C. mallet D. miker A. hips B. shoulder C. stomach
E. scrapper D. torso E. waist
7. The following are modelling techniques EXCEPT. 25. Which of the following material helps to resist dye on
A. coiling B. firing C. pitching D. slap fabric in batik process?
E. throwing A. Cassava starch B. Cotton wool C. Gum D. Pomade
8. Cubism is an art movement founded by E. Yam
A. Kenneth Murray B. Marie Laurencin 26. Which .of the following is not a drawing material?
C. Max Jacob D. Pablo Piccaso A. Charcoal B. Crayon C. Fibre
E. Poul Cesane D. Paper E. Pencil
9. Border creation is an essential part of design. 27. A drawing with satirical intention is called
A. banner B. bill-board C. certificate D. poster A. aesthetic B. caricature C. imagination
E. record jacket D. model E. pose
10. Which of the following is a final product of cane work? 28. Moulding with paper pulp is also known as
A. Chair B. Cup C. Door D. Pot E. Tile A. collage B. mosaic C. papier mache
11. The major material used in silk screen printing is D. portraiture E. terra-cotta
A. cloth B. leather C. mesh D. metal E. rope 29. Which of the following is required to produce a
12. Someone who prepares plates in a publishing press is necklace?
called a/an A. Copper B. Gold C. Iron D. Lead E. Tin
A. art director B. draughtman
C. lithographer
D. plate maker E. studio manager
13. The first modern printing machine was invented by
A. Ama Onabolu
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45. Soaking and washing is associated to
A. bronze B. clay C. leather D. raffia
E. wood
46. Calabash decoration is a famous craft of the
30. What is the tool above used for? A. Benin B. Enugu C. Gboko D. Nguru
A. Carving B. Cutting C. Peeling D. Scrapping E. Oyo
E. Shaping 47. The process of joining pieces of metal together with
31. Who among these artists is NOT from Nigeria? electrode is known as
A. Ama Onobulu B. Enwonwu C. Bruce Onabrokpeya A. binding B. firing C. modelling D. smelting
D. Dele Jegede E. Vincent Kofi E. sculpture
32. A drawing that depicts objects in an environment is 48. A woven cane chair is a product of
called A. ceramics B. craft C. culture D. painting
A. composition B. imaginative C. landscape D. life E. sculpture
E. still life 49. The horizontal thread in weaving process is called
33. The process of turning a plain white fabric to a well A. fork B. loom C. shuttle D. warp
designed and multicoloured item is E. weft
A. batik B. sowing C. stitching 50. Rubber stamp is a good example of
D. tying E. weaving A. design B. drawing C. engraving
34. Another name for life drawing is D. mural painting E. print making
A. figure B. nature C. object D. perspective 51. Which of these colours comes first in dyeing a fabric?
E. still-life A. Blue B. green C. purple D. Red
35. Which of the following is NOT a method of producing E. Yellow
paper sculpture? 52. A wooden structure used by the traditional weaver is
A. Bending B. Cutting C. Folding D. Joining known as
E. Tjanting A. donkey B. easel C. kiln D. loom E. wheel
36. The solvent used to dilute oil colour is called 53. Naturalism is one of the qualities of work.
A. dryer B. pigment C. paint D. thinner A. Esie B. Ife C. Ijaw D. Nok E. Owo
E. water 54. A decoration done on fabric with wax and dye is known
37. The incorporation of craft into present day engineering as
can be seen in A. batik B. embroidery C. painting D. printing
A. blacksmithing E. tie-dye
B. calabash decoration 55. The oldest museum in Nigeria is
C. cane work A. Benin B. Jos C. Lagos D. Oron
D. leather work E. Umuhia
E. pottery 56. Tannic acid is essential in the production of
38. The expression of idea in lines on paper, canvas or wall A. batik B. beads C. ceramics D. leather
is called E. tie and dye
A. acting B. art C. drawing D printing 57. Which of the following is NOT needed in a drawing
E. signing class?
39. Cane work car describe the culture of people. A. Carbon paper B. Clips
A. Anang B. Hausa C. Kanuri D. Nupe E. Tiv C. Drawing board D. Drawing paper
40. Which of these can be used as a binding agent for E. Grade B pencil
paper pulp? 58. Smudge shading can be achieved by rubbing on with
A. Clay B. Cow gum C. Evostic D. starch the following EXCEPT.
E. super-glue A. brush B. fingertip C. hand D. piece of foam
41. Imaginative composition means_ drawing. E. rag
A. figure B. memory C. nature D. nude 59. A drawing of kitchen utensils in categorized as
E. still-life A. figure B. landscape C. life D. nature
42. The artist who designs poster and book jackets is called E. still-life
A. cartoonist
B. ceramist
C. graphic designer
D. photographer
E. sculptor
43. A printing done on a sheet of paper represents
dimensional work.
A. 2 B. 3 C. 4 D. 5 E. 6
44. The father of Nigerian modern Art is called
A. Aina Onabolu 60. The above bronze head with pointed hair style is found
B. Akinlola Lasekan in
C. Ben Enwonwu A. Benin B. Borno C. Ibadan D. Ife E. Lagos
D. Prof. Uche Okeke
E. Twins seven-seven PAPER II
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MULTIPLE CHOICE 20. A chord starts from notes(s).
MUSIC A. one B. two C. three D. four E. five
1. Which of these is NOT an element of music? 21. Which of these is the same as plagal cadence?
A. Dance B. Duration C. Pitch D. Rhythm E. Timbre A. Amen B. Deceptive C. Imperfect D. Interrupted
2. How many lines are there in a stave? E. Perfect
A. 4 B. 5 C. 6 D. 10 E. 11 22. The imperfect cadence is
3. What alphabet is the 3rd line of bass stave? A. I – V B. III – vi C. IV – I D. V – II E. V - III
A. B B. C C. D D. E E. F 23. What is the new key, if a music in D major modulates to
4. The spaces of treble staff are named its 4th?
5. The joining together of treble and bass staff form 24. Which of these parts sings the highest and lowest
the stave pitches in a four part choir? and
A. compound B. double C. full D. great E. wide A. Alto, tenor B. Soprano, alto
6. What distance is E and G? semitones C. Soprano, bass D. Soprano, tenor
A. Five B. Four and half C. Six D. Three E. Tenor, bass
E. Three and half 25. The enharmonic of C# is
7. Identify the interval below A. C B. D C. E D. F# E. G
26. Which of these is a skin instrument?
A. Agogo B. Ekwe C. Kakaki D. Kalangu E. Upe
27. Which of these is speed in music?
A. Allegro B. Forte C. Fortissimo D. Pianissimo
A. 3rd B. 4th C. 5th D. 6th E. 8th E. Poco
8. An octave is notes distance 28. A group of 3 singers is
A. three B. five C. seven D. six E. eight A. choir B. duet C. quartet D. quintent
9. Which of these is a transposing instrument? E. trio
A. Clarinet B. Flute C. Guitar D. Piano E. Recorder 29. What do we call the music to lure baby into sleep?
10. What key would the recorder play with piano, if the A. Chorus B. Dirge C. Hymn D. Lullaby E. Satirical
music is in C major? 30. Therapeutic music is used for
A. C B. D C. E D. F E. G A. advertisement B. birthdays C. healings
11. How many strings has a violin? D. teaching E. war
A. 2 B. 3 C. 4 D. 5 E. 6 31. Which of these best describes rewriting of a piece from
12. Which of these is not used in a classical orchestra? staff notation to solfa?
A. Clarinet B. Con-anglias C. Flute D. Piccolo A. Composition B. Orchestration C. Translation
E. Saxoph one D. Translation E. Transposition
13. The time “ ” is a 32. What kind of music is used for religious activities?
A. compound duple B. compound triple A. Concert B. Martial C. Rondo D. Sacred
C. simple duple D. simple quadruple E. Secular
E. simple triple 33. Identify the key produced by the recorder diagram below
14. Identify the rest sign for minim.
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D. tragedy E. tragi-comedy
51. A person who writes a play is called a/an
A. author B. editor C. playwright D. playwrite
E. poet
52. A story that is based on real life situations or people is
said to be a/an
A. drama B. fiction C. non-fiction D. play
A. blacksmith B. carpenter C. drum maker
E. poetry
D. goldsmith E. plumber
53. The struggle between two or more opposing forces or
38. Which of these is the principal material used to produce
ideas in a play is referred to as
A. conflict B. mood C. plot D. setting E. tone
A. Calabash B. Gourd C. Leather D. Metal
54. The arrangement of movement of actions in a play is
E. Wood
39. Which of these is the cheapest material for flute at our
A. diction B. plot C. setting D. style E. theme
55. A story written to instruct, impact knowledge and advise
A. Ceramic B. Metal pipe C. Pawpaw straw
the reader is said to be
D. Plastic pipe E. Rubber
A. destructive B. didactic C. entertaining
40. The ‘Agidigbo’ is made of the following EXCEPT.
D. interesting E. satirical
A. flat bar B. plywood C. resonator D. skin E. wood
56. The basic elements of drama are
A. character, action, setting
B. character, monologue, pl)t
41. Drama is the only genre of literature that is associated
C. character, plot, episode
D. dialogue, chorus, plot
A. idioms and proverbs B. poetic licence
E. plot, setting, rhyme
C. refrain D. rhythmic pattern
57. The character that opposes the hero in a play is called
E. stage performance
A. antagonist B. dramatist C. pacifier
42. Mime is a type of play that is based purely on
D. playwright E. protagonist
A. dialogue
58. The main effect of comedy on an audience is
B. gestures with speech
A. anxiety B. episode C. laughter D. sadness
C. gestures without speech
E. suspense
D. interaction
59. Pick out ODD the item.
E. monologue
A. Actors B. Costume C Dialogue
43. An introductory speech made at the beginning of a play
D. Stage E. Stanza
60. A play is fully realized when it is
A. allegory B. plot C. prologue D. satire E. style
A. acted B. memorized C. neglected D. read
44. The materials used by actors and actresses are known
E. studied
A. camouflage B. costume C. dresses D. masks CULTURAL & CREATIVE PAPER I 2018
E. props
45. A. verbal irony occurs when a speaker on stage
1.E 7.B 13.D 19.A 25.A 31.E 37.A 43.A 49.D 55.A
A. intends more than he says
B. is alone 2.A 8.D 14.E 20.E 26.C 32.C 38.C 44.A 50.E 56.D
C. is misunderstood 3.E 9.C 15.D 21.D 27.B 33.A 39.A 45.C 51.E 57.A
D. keeps mute 4.A 10.A 16.D 22.E 28.C 34.A 40.D 46.E 52.D 58.A
E. tries to deceive the audience
46. A major character that represents positive things in a 5.E 11.C 17.C 23.D 29.B 35.E 41.B 47.E 53.B 59.E
play is a/an 6.B 12.C 18.D 24.A 30.B 36.D 42.C 48.B 54.A 60.A
A. antagonist B. gossiper C. loudmouth
D. protagonist E. spoiler
47. The conversation between two characters in a play is
A. dialect B. dialogue C. monologue D. speech
E. talk 1.A 7.A 13.C 19.C 25.B 31.C 37.A 43.C 49.A 55.B
48. The place where a drama is acted is called
2.B 8.E 14.E 20.B 26.D 32.D 38.B 44.E 50.C 56.A
A. open-space B. platform C. scene D. stage
E. stool 3.C 9.A 15.D 21.A 27.A 33.E 39.C 45.E 51.C 57.A
49. A. play is arranged in 4.C 10.A 16.C 22.A 28.E 34.C 40.D 46.D 52.C 58.C
A. acts and scenes B. lines C. paragraphs
5.D 11.C 17.A 23.E 29.D 35.B 41.E 47.B 53.A 59.E
D. stanzas E. styles
50. A play with only one act is called 6.D 12.E 18.C 24.C 30.C 36.C 42.C 48.D 54.B 60.A
A. comedy B. melodrama C. playlet
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Cultural and Creative Arts 2017
PAPER I (FINE ARTS) 17. Tie and dye is associated with
A. ceramics B. furniture making
1. Esie is a town in the present state of Nigeria. C. graphic design D. sculpture
A. Edo B. Kwara C. Osun D. Oyo E. Rivers. E. textile design
2. A resist medium in Batik is 18. Which of the following art is from Nigeria?
A. colour B. hot water C. stone D. twine E. wax A. Akuaba doll B. Bambara mask C. Benin art
3. Radiocarbon dating is an instrument used in knowing D. Dan mask E. Nimba figure
the of an artefact. 19. Which of the following is the major medium for pot
A. age B. chronology C. colour D. height E. size making?
4. Batik is an Indonesian word derived from A. Cement B. Clay C. Plaster of Paris
A. Batiking B. Java C. Spatila D. Tik E. Tjanting. D. Sawdust E. Wood
5. Most local crafts are dimensional in nature. 20. A combination of plants and fruits is for the purpose of
A.1 B.2 C.3 D.4 E.5 producing a/an drawing.
6. Prof. Ben Enwonwu was born in A. abstract B. life C. nature D. outdoor
A. 1904 B. 1914 C. 1921 D. 1945 E. still life.
E. 2000. 21. Which of the following is used to make paper pulp
A. Cement B. Clay C. Plaster of Paris
D. Starch E. Wax
22. Leather can be used for the production of the following
A. bag B. belt C. book D. cap E. shoe
23. A transparent paper used to transfer motif or design is
7. The above type of tying in tie-dye is a good example of called
A. circle B. dumb tying C. knotting A. cartridge B. gloss C. newsprint D. sugar
D. pleating E. stitching E. trace
8. Majority of traditional African art are in form. 24. Which f these represents the order of the rainbow
A. craft B. mosaic C. sculptural D. textile colours?
E. wall painting A. CIGBROY
9. Which of the following must be done to a pot used to B. CRYIGBO
store water? C. GBIVROY
A. Drying B. Firing C. Smoking D. ROBYGIV
D. Smoothing E. Throwing E. ROYGBIV
10. Which of the following is NOT a traditional craft in 25. Indigo dyed fabric is ironed by
Nigeria’? A. hand beating B. hot air C. iron press
A. Basketry B. Bead making C. Leather works D. moon drying E. sun drying
D. Printing E. Weaving 26. A unit of design in a created pattern is called
11. The resisting medium in tie and dye is A. balance B. motif C. proportion D. repetition
A. caustic soda B. colour C. dye stuff D. water E. shape
E. wax 27. Serigraphy is otherwise known as
A. intaglio B. lithography C. photography
D. silkscreen E. stencil
28. Package design made for products could be used for the
following EXCEPT
A. beverages B. cars C. drugs D. provisions
E. toiletries
29. A replica of an 3dimensional work can be mass
12. The illustration above s called typeface. produced from a
A. block B. italics C. old-English A. lino B. mould C. photocopier D. printer
D. roman E. san-serif E. trace
13. The mixture of red and yellow gives. 30. A small plan prepared to give an idea of the proposed
A. brown B. green C. orange D. purple poster is a
E. violet. A. simple sketch B. sketch pad
14. Which of the following is NOT an aspect of modelling? C. small sketch D. theme sketch
A. Ceramics D. draughtsmanship E. thumb nail sketch
C. Sculpture D. welding E. woodwork
15. Esie museum mainly contains figures
A. bronze B. clay C. marble
D. metal E. stone
16. Which of the following can be used as a traditional
A Fish B. Flower C. Fruit D. Gong
E. Lead.
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2 3 3 4 6
A. B. C. D. E.
4 2 4 4 8
A. C B. D C. E D. F E. G
13. Which note has the rest sign below?
32. Which period is also known as ‘a bridge”?
A. Baroque B. Classical C. Modern D. Renaissance
E. Rococo
33. Binary form is the same as
A. Breve B. Crotchet C. Minim D. Quaver A. AB B. ABA C. ABACADA
E. Semi quaver D. ABBA E. ABBCAB
14. What is PIANO’ in musical term? 34. Who among the following does NOT belong to the
A. Fast B. Loud C. Quick D. Slow E. Soft. classical period composers?
15. The musical term which means “in a smooth manner” is A. F. J. Haydn B. F. Schubert C. G. F. Handel
A. largo B. legato C. presto D. staccato E. tempo D. L. V. Beethoven E. W. A Mozart.
16. The following are orchestral instruments EXCEPT
A. Clarinet B. Harp C. Timpani D. Trumpet 35. The instrument below is classified as
E. Violin
17. How many notes has a triad?
A. Five B. Four C. Six D. Three E. Two.
18. Identify the alphabets of the notes below.
A. Aerophone B. Chordophone
C. Dudophone D. Idiophone
E. Membranophone
36. The biggest instrument among the string family is
A. Ab, C, Eb B. Bb, D, F A. Double bass B. Guitar C. Viola D. Violin
C. Bb, C, D D. C, Bb, F E. Violin cello
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37. Which of these instrument? 51. The act of dancing/acting that involves the use of
A. Accordion B. Glockenspiel C. Organ gestures only is called
D. Piano E. Spinet A. gesturing B. lamentation C. laughing
38. Which of the following instruments is NOT found in a D. miming E. mourning
symphony orchestra? 52. The main feature of drama is
A. Cello B. Double bass C. Recorder A. action B. exposition C. humour D. sarcasm
D. Viola E. Violin E. satire
39. One of the following is NOT used in constructing an 53. A play that is full of exaggeration, ridicule and laughter is
hourglass drum called
A. Animal skin B. Gourd C. Pegs D. Twine A. comedy B. farce C. masque D. tragedy
E. Wood E. tragi-comedy
40. Identify a shaken instrument among the following. 54. The main effect of comedy on the audience is
A. Clapper B. Gong C. Pot drum D. Ratle A. anxiety B. happiness C. sadness
E. Slit wooden drum D. sorrow E. suspense
55. The role of a clown in a play is to make the audience
A. cry B. laugh C. reflect D. sad
DRAMA E. sorrowful.
56. Most comedies end on a
41. Flashback is a literary technique by which in a A. calm B. happy C. natural
play. D. sorrowful E. uncertain
A. an opponent is suspended. 57. A play that is serious and ends on a sad note is known
B. interest is aroused. as
C. previous scenes or actions can be recalled A. comedy B. farce C. melodrama
D. reading speed is enhanced D. tragedy E. tragi-comedy
E. sympathy is given to the protagonist. 58. Which of the following is NOT an element of drama?
42. A short speech at the end of a play is called A. Cast B. Epilogue C. Prompter
A. dialogue B. conversation C. epilogue D. Prologue E. Soliloquy
D. monologue E. prologue 59. A play is essentially based on
43. The literary device used in evoking mental pictures is A. dance B. performance C. picture
A. allusion B. apostrophe C. flashback D. praise E. song
D. imagery E suspense 60. A playwright recounts the past events with the use of
44. A short speech at the beginning of a literary work is a/an A. dilemma B. flashback C. humour D. satire
A. dialogue B. epigram C. epilogue D. monologue E. soliloquy
E. prologue
45. A play that aims at provoking smiles and laughter is
A. comedy B. farce C. melodrama D. tragedy
E. tragic-comedy Make a detailed study of the composition before you.
46. Catharsis in a pay is A school bag with a pair of sandals or canvas resting on
A. appraisal of the dramatic piece. it.
B. appraisal of oneself
C. having an indifferent attitude. CULTURAL & CREATIVE ART PAPER 1 2017
D. involvement of oneself.
E. purgation of one’s emotion. 1.B 7.D 13.C 19.B 25.C 31.C 37.B 43.B 49.A 55.A
47. The people that watch a play on the stage are known as 2.E 8.C 14.B 20.C 26.B 32.C 38.D 44.D 50.B 56.B
A. audience B. chorus C. congregation 3.A 9.C 15.E 21.D 27.D 33.E 39.B 45.D 51.C 57.C
D. group E. spectators 4.D 10.D 16.D 22.C 28.B 34.A 40.D 46.E 52.C 58.D
48. A character uses when he talks to himself on the 5.C11.D 17.E 23.E 29.B 35.B 41.B 47.B 53.A 59.A
stage 6.C 12.D 18.C 24.E 30.A 36.B 42.A 48.A 54.B 60.E
A. aside B. epilogue C. monologue
D. prologue E. soliloquy FINE ART PAPER II 2017
49. A play is fully realized when it is
A. acted B. memorized C. read D. sung 1.E 7.E 13.E 19.E 25.C 31.A 37.B 43.D 49.A 55.B
E. studied 2.B 8.A 14.E 20.A 26.A 32.E 38.C 44.E 50.E 56.B
50. The main function of tragedy is to make people 3.B 9.C 15.B 21.E 27.B 33.A 39.B 45.A 51.D 57.D
A. know their enemies B. laugh at mankind 4.B 10.D 16.B 22.B 28.E 34.C 40.D 46.E 52.A 58.C
C. relax their tension D. think and laugh 5.D 11.C 17.D 23.C 29.B 35.A 41.C 47.A 53.B 59.B
E. think and reflect more deeply. 6.B 12.A 18.E 24.C 30.E 36.A 42.C 48.E 54.B 60.B
Past Questions with Solutions
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1. Which of the following is a branch of fine art? 15. The surface quality of an object is called
A. Ceramics .B. Graphics C. Painting A. balance B. contrast C. proportion
D. Photography E. Textile D. shape E. texture
2. From the front view, the human head is in 16. The act of making thread for weaving is called
shape A. batik B. loom C. spinning D. warp E. weft.
A. circular B. oval C. semi-circular 17. Another name for a non-realistic drawing is
D. square E. triangular A. abstract B. baroque C. impressionism
3. Plaster of Paris (POP) is a valuable material D. pointillism E. romantic
toe 18. Which of these is NOT a Nigerian traditional
A. Carpenter B. Graphist C. Painter craft?
D. Sculptor E. Weaver A. Blacksmithing B. Brass and Glass works
4. Calabash could be Used for the following C. Leather work D. Photography
purposes EXCEPT E. Tie-dye and Batik.
A. cooking . B. decorating C. drinking 19. The art of penmanship is otherwise referred to
D. fetching of water E. preservation as
5. All of the following are used in carving A. calligraphy B. carving C. painting
EXCEPT D. printing E. sculpting.
A. adze B. chisel C. hammer 20. The most durable material for sculpture is
D. mallet E. tjanting A. bronze B. clay C. soap
6. In basic design, motif can be picked from the D. wax E. wood.
following EXCEPT
A. animal B. birds C. cowries
D. flower E. wind
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54. For a drawing class, the following pencils are 69. In perspective drawing, receding lines meet at
suitable EXCEPT the
A. 2B. B. 2H. C. 4B D. 6B. E. 8B. A. angular point. B. focal point. C. horizon.
55. Pencil is to drawing as loom is to D. line of vision. E. vanishing point.
A. carving B. casting C. modelling 70. The 2nd world black and African Festival of
D. printing E. weaving Arts and Culture (FESTAC) took place in
56. Papier-mache simply means A. Benin. B. Cameroun. C. Ghana
A. folded and starched paper. D. Nigeria. E. Togo.
B. pounded paperwith gum or starch medium. 71. The brightest part of a painting is known as
C. pounded paper. A. brilliance. B. highlight. C. shadow.
D. saw dust and gum. D. tint. E. tone.
E. soaked tissue. 72. Which of these is NOT a technique of
57. Where in Nigeria is Ivory carving practised in a producing ceramic wares in Nigeria?
large scale? A. Cire-perdue B. Coiling C. Pinching
A. Ahoada B. Benin C. Ife D. Slab E. Throwing
D. Jos E. Odiabidi. 73. A painting representing a person is known as
58. A picture totally made from bits of paper, cloth A. bust. B. cast. C. portraiture.
or glass is known as D. silhouette. E. torso.
A. caricature. B. collage. C. nature drawing. 74. In linear perspective, as objects recede from
D. stenciling. E. still-life composition. the observer, the size becomes
59. Donkeys are necessary in art studio for A. bigger. B. bolder. C. longer.
class. D. smaller. E. wider.
A. ceramics B. drawing C. painting D. pottery 75. Subtractive method is associated with
E. textile A carving. B. ceramics. C. drawing.
60. White and black are regarded as colour. D. painting. E, textile.
A. cool B. dull C. neutral D. shade 76. 76. Bida is noted for engraved work.
61. Another name for colour is A. brass B. bronze C. clay D. soap E. wood
A. hue. B. intensity. C. paint. 77. Which of these is NOT an aspect of painting?
D. shade. E. tone. A. Abstract B. Calligraphy C. Life
62. Which of these is not associated to ceramics? D. Nature E. Still-life
A. Calabash B. Clay C. Kiln 78. A progressive and continual movement of dot
D. Mortar and pestle E. Throwing wheel is known as
63. The most naturalistic sculptural pieces in A. binding. B. colour. C. contour.
Nigeria were discovered in D. line. E. square.
A. Benin. B. Esie. C. lfe. D. Nok. 79. Which of these is NOT a visual artist?
E. Oyo. A. Ama Onabolu B. Ladi Kwali
64. “Cire-perdue” method is an ancient technique C. Uche Okeke D. Wole Soyinka
of casting. E. Yusuf Grub.
A. fibe glass B. lost-wax C. mould
D. plaster of paris . E. pulp
65. In Egypt, pyramids with in-built tombs are
reserved for the burial of
A. artist. B, magicians. C. musicians.
D. Pharaohs. E. the masses.
66. Drawing teaches students to be very
A. accurate. B. creative. C. imaginative.
D. intelligent. E. observant. 80. The picture above is of heritage.
67. The following are finished products of A. Benin B. Bida C. lie D. lgbo-Ukwu
ceramics EXCEPT E. Nok.
A. biscuit ware. B. glazed ware.
C. green ware. D. leather-hard.
E. terra-cotta.
68. Calabash decoration is largely practised in
which region of the country? SECTION II: ESSAY/THEORY
A. North-Central B. North-East Answer ALL questions
C. North-West D. South-South 1(a) Mention any FIVE materials used in sculpture.
E. South-West. (b) Differentiate between a 2-dimensional and a 3-
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43. What would you call the figure above in sculpture?
A. Bust B. Head C. Medallion D. Portrait
E. Torso
44. The sculptural work titled ‘Sango’ by Ben Enwonwu is an
example of work
A. high relief B. low relief C. three-dimensional
What would be the colour in the space lettered ‘A’ in the D. two-dimensional E. undimensional
diagram above? 45. Pottery belongs to the aspect of art.
A. Blue green B. Blue purple C. Yellow blue A. applied B. fine C. magical D. performing
D. Yellow green E. Yellow orange E. theatre
31. Which of the following colours is associated with 46. Which of the following materials is NOT associated with
aggressive sensation? textiles?
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73. The point at which parallel lines meet on the horizon in B. aids imaginative composition
perspective drawing is called C. makes the drawing to be original
A. line of horizon B. meet point D. helps the drawing to achieve harmony
C. station point. D. vanishing point E. teaches us the distribution and relationship of various
E. view point. elements
74. Which of these groups represents drawing from nature? 80. About how many times can you get the size of the head
A. Calabash, cane chair and wooden table. from an adult human figure drawing?
B. Cups, bottles and flowers. A.5 B.6 C.7 D.8 E. 10
C. Rocks, shells and bottle.
D. Rocks, shells and cane chair.
E. Rocks, shells and flowers.
75. Which of the following is NOT a drawing material? SECTION II: ESSAY / PRACTICAL
A. Colour B. Charcoal Answer ALL questions
C. Lettering pen D. Sable brush
E. Pastel 1. a. What is Batik?
76. Which of the following activities suggests still drawing? b. List any TWO methods of moulding c Write short notes
A. A woman hawking fruits. on the following.
B. Fire wood arranged on a bench. c. Write short notes on the following.
C. Illustration of a folklore. (i) studio (ii) gallery and (iii) museum
D. Outdoor scene of a rock area.
E. Pose model on the floor. 2. Write short notes on each of the following terms.
77. Which of the following shapes best represents the head? (i) stylization (ii) naturalism
A. Circular B. Cone C. Oval (iii)abstraction and (iv) scarification
D. Rectangular E. Triangular
78. Which of the following is NOT a branch of Art?
A. Ceramics B. Drama C. Music D. Textile 3. Using any media (pencil or charcoal) draw and shade the
E. Weaving composition from imagination.
79. Proportion is important in drawing because it “MY MOTHER’S KITCHEN”.
A. adds more value to principles of art
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