Nursing Care Study
Nursing Care Study
Nursing Care Study
Prepared by: Anjali
1. Introduction
2. Definition
3. Advantages
4. Information needed for a
nursing care study
5. Solving the nursing problem
6. Report
7. Value of study and report
8. Content of the report
9. Format of nursing care study
1. Information
2. Problem identification
3. Solution
4. Evaluation
5. Reporting
Information needed for a nursing care study
● Demographic data
● Medical and surgical history
● Present diagnosis and condition
● Purpose of hospitalization
● Plan of patients medical care
Solving the nursing problem
● Written or oral
● Helps in further evaluation of the patient
● Great for future reference in clinical or academic
● Students often report as study itself
Value of study and report
1. Introduction
2. Objectives
3. Nursing process
● Nursing data including: Health history, physical
examination, laboratory findings, review of
anatomy and physiology
Format of the nursing care study
● Pathophysiology
● Drug study
● Medical and nursing management
4. Evaluation
5. Recommendations
6. Reference and bibliography
Thank you