Individual Presentation Rubric

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Student Name: _____________________________________________

Exceeds Mastery Partial Novice
Mastery Mastery
(20) (15) (10) (5)
Student Student Audience had Audience could
presented presented difficulty not understand
information in a information in following the the presentation
logical and a sequence presentation because the
interesting which audience because student information was
sequence which could follow. neglected some presented
audience could information. unclearly.
20 15 10 5
Student Student was at Student was Student did not
demonstrated ease with uncomfortable have a grasp of
full knowledge content but with information information and
(more than failed to and was able to could not
Knowledge required) with elaborate. answer only very answer
explanations and simple questions. questions about
elaboration. the subject.
20 15 10 5
Student used Student’s Student Student’s
visuals to visuals related occasionally used visuals did not
reinforce the text well to the visuals that add to the focus
of the focus of the supported the of the
presentation. presentation. focus of the presentation.
20 15 10 5
There were no Student’s Student’s visuals Student’s
spelling or visuals had no had 3-5 spelling visuals had 6 or
grammatical more than 2 and/or errors in more spelling
errors in the spelling and/or grammar. and/or errors in
student’s visuals. errors in grammar.
20 15 10 5
Student used a Student used a Audience had Student
clear voice and clear voice and difficulty mumbled,
correct, precise pronounced following the incorrectly
pronunciation of most words student due to pronounced
words. correctly. the pitch and words, and
speed of the spoke too softly.
student’s voice.
20 15 10 5

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