Gorton - Pennacchi (1990) - Financial Intermediaries and Liquidity Creation - JF
Gorton - Pennacchi (1990) - Financial Intermediaries and Liquidity Creation - JF
Gorton - Pennacchi (1990) - Financial Intermediaries and Liquidity Creation - JF
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of Finance
* Both authors from Finance Department, The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania. A
previous version of this paper was entitled "Transactions Contracts." The comments and suggestions
of Mark Flannery, Jeff Lacker, Chris James, Dick Jefferis, Bruce Smith, Chester Spatt, an anonymous
referee, members of the University of Pennsylvania Macro Lunch Group, especially Randy Wright
and Henning Bohn, and participants in the 1988 NBER Summer Institute, the 1988 Garn Institute
Conference on Federal Deposit Insurance and the Structure of Financial Markets, the 1988 Winter
Econometric Society Meetings, and the Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond were greatly appreciated.
The first author thanks the NSF for financial support through #SES-8618130. Errors remain the
particular, we ask whether there are a variety of solutions and whether govern-
ment intervention might be a necessary feature of any of them.
We first consider an environment that is similar in spirit to the above
traditional notion that investors might need to trade in markets where better
informed agents are present. The uninformed agents in our model have uncertain
consumption preferences but are optimizing agents. Like the previous research,
we show that the informed agents may exploit the uninformed, even though here
they are optimizing. However, this result holds only when certain contractual
responses by the uninformed agents are precluded. We go on to consider how the
uniformed agents would respond in order to protect themselves from losses to
the insiders.
The central idea of the paper is that trading losses associated with information
asymmetries can be mitigated by designing securities which split the cash flows
of underlying assets. These new securities have the characteristic that they can
be valued independently of the possible information known only by the informed.
By using these securities for transactions purposes, the uninformed can protect
themselves. While our focus is on trading contexts, Myers and Majluf (1984)
have considered a related problem in corporate finance. When firm managers
have inside information, the firm may face a lemons market in issuing new
equity.' However, they show that, if a firm can issue default-free debt, then the
firm does not have to pay a premium to outside investors. One conclusion of our
paper, as discussed below, is that firms would be motivated to issue default-free
debt even if there were no information assymmetries at the new issue date.
By focusing on information asymmetries within a trading context, we can
develop a notion of a security's "liquidity." A liquid security has the characteristic
that it can be traded by uninformed agents, without loss to insiders. We show
how intermediation can create liquidity by splitting the cash flows of the under-
lying assets that they hold. By issuing debt and equity securities against their
risky portfolios, intermediaries can attract informed agents to hold equity and
uninformed agents to hold debt which they then use for trading purposes. The
idea that intermediaries can alleviate the problem of trading against insiders
provides a foundation for the demand for a medium of exchange such as money,
which is often simply assumed in many monetary models (e.g., a cash-in-advance
Thus, we provide an argument for the existence of intermediation which is
distinct from the previous literature. Recent research on the existence of inter-
mediaries can be broadly divided into two literatures. One literature focuses on
efficient lending arrangements when there exist information asymmetries be-
tween borrowers and lenders. Intermediaries are seen as the unique solution to
such agency problems. Examples of research in this area include Diamond (1984)
and Campbell and Kracaw (1980). Unlike this literature, which focuses solely on
the asset side of intermediaries, our paper is similar to a second line of research
which has investigated the properties of intermediaries' liabilities. In the seminal
paper by Diamond and Dybvig (1983), banks provide liquidity by acting as risk-
sharing arrangements to insure against depositors' random consumption needs.
There are three dates in the model economy, t = 0, 1, 2, and a single consumption
good. The following assumptions detail the model.
Al. Preferences
(i) Agents with known preferences at t = 0, who derive utility from consump-
tion at date t = 2 given by U = C2.
(ii) Agents with preferences that are unknown at date t = 0, but which are
realized at date t = 1 to have utility from consumption at date t = 1 given
by U = C1 but no utility from consumption at t = 2. These agents are
called "early" consumers.
(iii) Agents with preferences that are unknown at date t = 0, but which are
realized at date t = 1 to have utility from consumption at date t = 2 given
by U = C2 but no utility from consumption at date 1. These agents are
called "late" consumers.
Agents of types (ii) and (iii) will collectively be called "liquidity traders." Let N
equal the number of liquidity traders, which is assumed to be large relative to
the number of agents with known preferences. At t = 1 the proportion of liquidity
traders with preferences for early consumption is realized. (The remaining
fraction consists of late consumers.) The realized proportion of early consumers
may be low, proportion wl, which is expected to occur with prior probability ql,
or high, proportion Wh, expected to occur with prior probability qh. It is assumed
that Wh > Wl.
There are two separate cases to consider, one where late consumers sell all of
their consumption endowment (condition (1) holds with equality) and one where
they sell only part, choosing to store some (condition(1) being strict inequality).
When there is no storage in equilibrium, condition (1) becomes an equality.
Solving for the price of the capital good, we have
el(1 - wi)(2
(No Storage) Puj = W * (2)
This case holds under the parametric restriction:
E[C2] = e2 + R, (6)
where R-1/2(RH + RL)
The expected utility of liquidity traders can be computed from our previous
+ q'-[wI(e1
+ PIL) + (1 - wl) (RL + el)]
+ 2h[Wh(el
+ PhL) + (1 - Wh) (RL + el)] (7)
+ ql wi(e1 + PIH) + (1-e
w1) RH+PIH
eR H )RH ,j
= el +R.
Now suppose the model is the same as that of the previous section except that
only type (i) agents, the "informed traders," are assumed to have direct knowledge
of the return on capital and the proportion of early consumers at t = 1. In this
section we restrict liquidity traders to hold their wealth only in the form of stock.
Given this assumption we ask whether the informed agents can collude at date t
= 1 to exploit the liquidity traders. First, we summarize what will happen at t =
1. Then we define an equilibrium. Finally, we show the existence of insider
trading in equilibrium.
The liquidity traders, early and late consumers, do not know what return
capital goods will earn. Nor do they know the proportion of early consumers in
the economy. At date t = 1, however, the decision of the early consumers is
straightforward. Regardless of possible information, they sell their capital goods
for consumption goods. Late consumers must decide either to store their newly
arrived endowments of the consumption good or to sell all or parts of these
endowments for capital goods. This decision, made as a function of the market
price, characterizes the behavior of the late consumers.
Informed agents know (as do all agents) that, in equilibrium, prices will reveal
some or all information about the true state of the world. Consequently, they
will need to coordinate their trading strategies (collude) in order to gain from
their superior information. We assume that there is a sufficiently small number
of informed agents such that they are able to form a trading coalition, if they
individually so desire. Thus, at t = 1 the sequence of events is as follows. First,
the informed agents communicate and choose an amount of capital goods that
they will jointly supply in state {i, j} knowing that uninformed agents will act
competitively. We first solve this game between the informed agents. Then the
equilibrium price is determined to clear the market between late consumers
supplying endowment goods and early consumers, possibly together with in-
formed agents, selling capital goods.
The amount supplied by the coalition in each state {i, j} will be based on a
strategy designed to make some states of nature indistinguishable from other
states of nature when viewed by the uninformed agents. That is, the equilibrium
prices in some states of nature will be the same as in other states of nature. In
order for prices not to reveal the true states of nature in equilibrium, the optimal
strategies of individual informed agents must be to supply no more capital goods
than are supplied by the coalition acting on their collective behalf. The existence
of the insider trading equilibrium will depend on showing that individual members
of the informed agents' coalition have no incentive to deviate from the coalition
strategy, by selling capital goods on their own unbeknownst to the coalition. In
equilibrium it will be in the interest of each informed agent to be a member of
the coalition and, once having committed capital for sale by the coalition, not to
supply any additional capital. This is because, if any additional capital is supplied
by individual informed agents (acting independently of the coalition), the equi-
librium price will reveal the true state of the world. If this occurs, then no
informed agent can benefit. We now briefly formalize this so that we can
subsequently define an equilibrium.
Let Mij ' M be the amount the coalition proposes to its members as the
amount to be supplied in state { i, j}, with each member supplying an identical
share. The coalition's strategy will be characterized by the amount of the capital
good that the coalition supplies in state { i, j}, Mij. We say that Mij is a self
enforcing Nash coalition in state {i, j} if any subcoalition of informed traders,
taking the capital supplied by the complement of the subcoalition as given,
chooses to abide by the per capita shares assigned by the whole coalition. If this
is true for all possible subcoalitions, then the coalition Mij is not subject to
collapse since there is no incentive for any member or group of members to
PROPOSITION 1 (Insider Trading): Let {Pi>} be the full-information prices for states,
{i,j}. If (i) e1(1 - wh) /wh c R* and (ii)-> (W l W_ then there exists Imperfectly
N (- Wh) '
Competitive Rational Expectations Equilibrium prices {pj }, where PIH = H, PhL
PhL, and PhH = PIL = pAhH. That is, these prices are fully revealing in only two of the
four states.
Proof: We will verify that the following specification of prices and strategies
constitutes an equilibrium for the assumed parameter values.
State {1, HI
State { h, LI
PhL = RL; MhL = 0; S(PhL) < N(1 - wj)ej (Some Storage).
State {h, HI
*_el(l - Wh)
PhH - ; MhH = 0; S(PH) = N(1 - wj)ej (No Storage).
2 See Bernheim, Peleg, and Whinston (1987) for the motivation for this definition of a se
enforcing coalition. This equilibrium concept refines the set of possible Nash equilibria of the game
between the insiders when they choose the Insider Coalition strategy. For our purposes it focuses
attention on equilibria of interest, namely ones in which insider trading occurs.
State I 1, LI
N(Wh - Wl)
ML=(1 - Wh) (0
Condition (ii) of the proposition insures that insiders have sufficient capital for
(10) to hold. By supplying MIL units of the capital good in exchange for the
endowment good, the insider coalition can create the false impression that the
state is {h, H when, in fact, the state is I1, L }, However, for this to be successful,
two further considerations need to be examined.
First, will late consumers choose to sell their endowment when they see the
market clearing price p* ? They will if, on average, it is profitable to do so, i.e
when condition (i) of the proposition holds:
(q1 - Wh)
qh =h ~qh(l - Wh) + ql(l - WX
ql' = q, (1 - wi)
qh(l - Wh) + ql(l - w1)
Condition (11) says that, even though late consumers know that the informed
coalition will cheat them in state 1, LI and that this cannot be detected, still it
= e2 + R + -Wm(PIL RL),
2 1
Since RL < pI, by assumption (5), the expected utility of an informed trader
exceeds the full-information expected utility since Wm > 0.
Likewise, we can calculate the expected utility of liquidity traders. It is
straightforward to show that
In the previous section, liquidity traders were not allowed to contract. The result
was the existence of insider trading that increased the welfare of informed traders
at the expense of the liquidity traders. We now allow the liquidity traders to
respond by contracting. We show that allowing liquidity traders to contract can
prevent insider trading by breaking the informed agents' coalition; i.e., the insider
trading equilibrium analyzed in the previous section will no longer exist. Next,
we show that an alternative equilibrium characterized by bank intermediation
can exist. Finally, we show that the allocation achieved with the bank can be
replicated at the firm level with corporations issuing riskless debt.
Now suppose that liquidity traders are allowed to offer the intermediary
contract to all agents as a possible trading mechanism. It is clear that, for RD
sufficiently high, liquidity traders are better off holding bank debt. The question
is whether the informed agents can be induced to defect from the Insider Coalition
to become the bank's equity holders. If this occurs, the intermediary contract
will be feasible and the equilibrium of the previous section will not exist.
there exists a rate of return on intermediary debt, RD, such that (i) debt is riskless,
(ii) liquidity traders prefer to invest their capital in the debt of the intermediary
rather than the stock market, and (iii) individual informed agents prefer to invest
their capital in the equity of the intermediary rather than the stock market insider
large, then there exists an equilibrium where (i) all liquidity traders purchase
riskless debt of the intermediary and (ii) informed agents will choose to contribute
equity capital.
The intuition behind this result is that, if informed agents' capital is sufficiently
large relative to that of the liquidity traders, it is feasible for a bank to issue
sufficient riskless debt that can be used by all liquidity traders for transactions.3
Implicitly, the existence of this bank contract allows the informed agents to be
identified so that trade with them can be avoided. All liquidity traders who are
early consumers will trade bank debt for endowment at date t = 1. Late consumers
considering selling their endowment at date t = 1 will never choose to purchase
stock market capital because they know that only informed agents will be
supplying stock market capital for endowment, and then only when the return
on capital is low. Thus, the stock market becomes an Akerloff (1970) "Lemons"
market, and late consumers will choose to trade only with early consumers selling
intermediary debt. In this sense, liquidity traders are able to "protect" themselves
from possible disadvantageous trades with the better informed agents.
In summary, we have shown that conditions exist where liquidity traders are
better off holding intermediary debt which is made riskless because some in-
formed investors will voluntarily contribute equity capital for the intermediary.
Under these conditions, with NI = N and NS = 0, the advantage that the Insider
'In addition, as is shown in the Appendix, the greater RL is, the higher is the feasible leverage of
the intermediary, i.e., the smaller is the proportion of informed agents needed to join the intermediary
to make its debt riskless. The greater the leverage, the less RD needs to be lowered in order to raise
the expected rate of return on the intermediary's equity in order to attract informed agents.
So far we have implicitly assumed that "firms" do not issue debt. That is, when
we considered the stock market equilibrium in Section III, we imagined individ-
uals exchanging their capital with firms who issued them equity shares. In this
section we briefly consider what happens if the firms are willing to buy capital
at t = 0 in exchange for either debt or equity. So now there exists a market for
corporate debt, such as commercial paper.
Suppose a firm offers to pay RD per dollar of debt and issues an amount of
riskless debt such that DRD = ARL, where A = D + E is the firm's total assets.
Then it is immediately apparent that the firm can offer the same riskless debt
as the bank intermediary we described previously. All of the above arguments
about the bank now apply to the firm. Agents need not directly hold the claims
of firms, but mutual funds could arise to specialize in holding either debt or
equity claims. In particular, funds similar to money market mutual funds could
purchase the high-grade debt (e.g., commercial paper) of firms. As before, the
equilibrium would be for all liquidity traders to buy claims on the debt fund and
all informed traders to buy claims on the firm's equity. We comment further on
this in our concluding remarks.
A deposit insurance system for banks can also satisfy the liquidity traders' desire
for a safe asset for trading. In this section we show how deposit insurance can
replicate the allocation of the previous section when intermediary debt is risky.
In addition, we show that development of a government debt market is similar
to deposit insurance, as it involves government creation of a risk-free asset. In a
like manner, a government debt market can replicate the riskless corporate debt
contract when riskless corporate debt is in insufficient supply. The government
can succeed where private contracting fails due to its ability to enforce lump sum
taxation. It is the revenue from this taxation that accounts for the government's
ability to create riskless securities.
As Merton (1977) has observed, "the traditional advantages to depositors of
using a bank rather than making direct market purchases of fixed-income
securities . .. economies of scale, smaller transactions costs, liquidity, and con-
venience ... are only important advantages if deposits can be treated as riskless."
Presumably, if deposits were not riskless, then small agents would face infor-
mation and surveillance costs necessary to evaluate the current risk of bank
liabilities. Without this information, other informed agents might then take
T/[M + N(l1- wj] < RD + el D, i = 1, h. (18b)
Informed agents have, at least, Me2, their second-period endowment.5 Thus, the
tax per unit capital cannot exceed the e2 endowment. This is requirement (18a)
above. Similarly, (18b) requires that the late consuming liquidity traders, who
have assets of RD + e1 D, be able to afford the tax. (The values of PDi are gi
by (A18) in the Appendix.)
If the bank does not fail, then the bank pays an insurance premium of X to the
rest of the economy, which consists of all informed agents and depositors. The
expected return to the bank equity holders in the presence of deposit insurance
Substituting (21), the expression for the fair deposit insurance premium, into
(19) yields
where Ai and Di are the assets and debt of firm i, respectively. However, suppose
that the assets of firms are of sufficient risk to preclude uninformed agents from
placing their entire wealth in risk-free corporate debt. In this case, government
intervention in the form of a government debt market can allow uninformed
agents to replicate the allocation of the previous Section IV.B, where riskless
corporate debt was in sufficient supply.
As with the deposit insurance scheme, the government can create additional
two-period risk-free securities backed by lump sum taxation of agents' endow-
ment in period 2. The government simply issues claims on second-period endow-
ment equal to the difference between uniformed agents' time 0 endowment and
the supply of risk-free corporate debt, so that the government sells bonds for
capital equal to N - D at time 0. Since government and firm debt are perfect
substitutes, they each pay a two-period return of RD, implying that the time t =
2 maturity value of government bonds B equals
B = (N - D)RD. (24)
Thus, the additional debt supplied by the government can allow uninformed
agents to purchase sufficient risk-free securities to meet their demands for
liquidity. Hence, this intervention can also restore the uninformed agents an
allocation which gives them the same expected utility as in the full-information
VI. Conclusion
The historically popular notion that informed agents can benefit at the expense
of uninformed agents is true in the setting which we have analyzed. Informed
agents can form an insider coalition which is self-enforcing and can benefit at
the expense of the lesser informed agents. When this condition exists, a demand
for liquid securities by uninformed agents will result. By splitting risky cash
flows, liquid securities are created which have the effect of eliminating the
potential advantage possessed by better informed agents.
Liquidity can be created through the formation of banks. We have formalized
a traditional rationale for the existence of banks and deposit insurance, namely
that they provide a riskless transactions medium that eliminates the need of
uninformed agents to trade in assets whose returns are known by better informed
agents. By issuing deposits, banks create "riskless" securities for trading purposes.
In instances where bank asset risk is such that uninsured deposits cannot be
made riskless, we have shown that deposit insurance can replicate the allocation
achieved with riskless private bank deposits.6 In addition, liquid securities can
also be created through the formation of corporate debt or government securities
markets. As an alternative to bank intermediation, firms can split risky cash
flows, thereby creating a safer security (debt).
An empirical implication of our model is that transactions securities should be
the most actively traded assets. This is consistent with the relatively high
turnover in ownership of insured bank liabilities and Treasury securities. Cor-
porate debt, on the other hand, is much less actively traded, suggesting that our
assumption that firms can create riskless securities simply by splitting the cash
flows of their underlying assets is not completely accurate.
For tractability, we studied a model with a single source of asset risk. Clearly,
with multiple sources of asset risk, diversification would provide another, perhaps
complementary, channel for the reduction of risk. This channel implies combin-
ing imperfectly correlated assets to reduce risk, rather than splitting cash flows.
These issues are investigated in Gorton and Pennacchi (1989). The creation of
mutual funds holding a diversified portfolio of corporate debt can alleviate the
inability of individual firms to create riskless debt. For example, money market
mutual funds are large holders of commercial paper, and the shares of these
funds provide a potentially important transactions medium.7
6An issue which we have not considered concerns possible equilibria where banks exist but their
uninsured bank deposits are risky. In this situation we conjecture that the liquidity traders would be
better off than without the bank but clearly would not be as well off as the case of riskless bank debt.
The value of risky bank debt would depend on the state of nature, but to a lesser extent than would
stock. Informed traders might still use their information advantage.
7Currently, the transactions services provided by money market mutual fund shares may by
inhibited by regulation which denies these mutual funds independent access to the payments system.
Money market mutual fund check and wire transfers must be carried out through commercial banks.
Due to the recent growth of the market for short-term corporate debt, the
possibility of substituting money market mutual fund shares for bank debt is
intriguing.8 A public policy debate has smoldered around whether such alternative
instruments should be encouraged or restricted as transactions media. In our
analysis there is not reason to prefer bank debt over money market mutual funds.
However, extending our analysis to consider the regulatory distortions. and
monitoring costs associated with bank deposit insurance might lead to a prefer-
ence for a money market mutual fund-based transactions system.
Step 1: Let PDij be the number of endowment units received in exchange for
one unit of the debt claim at date t = 1 when the state is { i, j}, where i = 1, h, and
j = L, H. Because of the risk neutrality of uninformed agents, at time t = 1 it
must be the case that
= - = rij, (Al)
PDij Pij
The difference between (A3) and (A2) will determine whether uninformed
agents have an incentive to invest in the intermediary.
Perhaps an unplanned benefit of large government budget deficits has been an increased supply
of riskless debt, further adding to the feasibility of a transactions system backed by money market
R el(l Wh
- Wh) + NRel(l DWh) RD. (A6)
Analogous to the results of Section III, if conditions (AS) and (A6) hold, then
states Il, H} and Ih, L} are fully revealing, while an Insider Coalition can form
to purchase endowment in state I1, L } to mimic the prices of all securities in state
{h, H}. Using (Al) and equating demands and supply of the endowment good
lead to the following set of state-contingent prices and time t = 1 reinvestment
e1( - w1)N RD RH RD
(No Storage) PDlH = l-wlNR lH=PI H 1H- D
el(l - Wh)N RD R
) RD (A7) P
rIL = rhH = -
which (A8) will be positive when all uninformed investors initially invest in the
stock market, i.e., when N1 is small. Taking the limit as NI -* 0 (or NS -* N),
lim EI[C1 + C2]- ES[C1 + C2] =
Setting the right-hand side of equation (A9) to zero, we can solve for the
minimum return on intermediary debt, Rm, for which uninformed agents are
well off joining the intermediary as they are staying in the stock market. For the
simplifying case of condition (16), that, conditional on being a late consumer,
the probability of the state being h or 1 is equally likely (R*-R), we have
-Wh) el(q + e qh
0 - R (qhWh+ qlwl) + ql(1 wl) (3 R +qh > O
Step 2: Given that liquidity traders have an incentive to leave the stock market
and join the intermediary for RD > R7m, we now show that the intermediary
contract will be feasible if informed agents can be induced to provide equity
financing rather than invest their capital with the stock market Insider Coalition.
The informed agents who are members of the stock market Insider CQalition
will sell their capital to mimic the state {h, H} when the state is actually {1, L}.
They purchase endowment in the amount:
( (-Wh)
- )(NS + NIRp/R*), (All)
which results in their time 0 expected utility per unit capit
Note that, for RD < R*, MIL is less than its value for the case where NI = 0,
which was analyzed in Section III, while PiL is less than pI given in Section III.
Thus, the expected utility of the informed agents falls in this case if MS stays
the same. Now if some informed agents defect from the Insider Coalition and
invest their capital, equal to MI, in the equity of the intermediary, their expected
return will be
Thus, comparing (A14) with (A12), we see that an informed agent who invests
in the equity of the intermediary will have a higher expected return than an
informed agent in the Insider Coalition if
Consider the incentive for informed investors to defect from the stock market
coalition when initially NS is close to N. Taking the limit of (A15) as N, goes to
zero and rearranging terms result in
- RD)>2
RD) > M
( -(lW)
wI [WhRL
) [ W - 1] (RD - RL) (A16)
Now suppose RD is set such that R > RD 2 Rm, where RDm is given by (A10).
Then both sides of condition (A16) are strictly positive, but the right-hand side
of (A16) can be made sufficiently small for M sufficiently large. (Note that RDm is
independent of M.) Thus, for MIN sufficiently large, a return on intermediary
debt can be offered which gives both uninformed and informed agents the
incentive to start an intermediary.
In other words, some storage occurs whenever there is a low proportion, wl, of
early consumers, and no storage occurs whenever there is a high proportion, Wh,
of early consumers. In equilibrium, the price of stock market capital will satisfy
Pij = PDijE[Rj]/RD
iRD = PDRj- (A19)
Now consider the case of asymmetric information. Stock market insiders would
like to be able to purchase endowment and sell stock market capital at time 1
when the return on capital is low, RL. Potentially, they could do this, as before,
when state {1, L} occurs, by purchasing endowment from late consumers. How-
ever, rational late consumers would never choose to sell their endowment for
stock market capital because the only sellers of stock market capital are informed
agents, who the late consumers know would only choose to sell capital when the
return is RL. Unlike the situation considered in Section III, where liquidity
traders invested in the stock market at time 0, late consumers will now realize
that they will only be trading capital with informed agents, and then only when
the return on capital is RL. Hence, late consumers will only offer a price for stock
market capital of
Note that the larger RL is, the smaller is the amount of equity capital needed to
enable the intermediary's debt to be riskless.
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