Fagun & Chaitra 2076 Variation With Cases DOR
Fagun & Chaitra 2076 Variation With Cases DOR
Fagun & Chaitra 2076 Variation With Cases DOR
(Variations) (Variations)
Types & Effects of Variations
Time 7 8
• Significance of Regulations and Acts – “If the final quantity of the work done
Approval process within Employer differs from the quantity in the Bill of
Quantities for the particular item
• Significance of Special Clause on by more than 25%, provided the
Engineer’s Authority - [As per specified Contract change exceeds 2% of the Initial
Sub Clauses – Approval between Engineer and Contract price, the Project Manager
Employer shall adjust the rate to allow for the
- (Clause 37 of Bridge Project/ Ramghat
– Bheri River Steel Bridge)
9 10
Provisions in Procurement Act -@_ pkbkmf -!_ sf] v08 -ª_ adf]lhdsf] e]l/ozg cfb]z hf/L ubf{ bkmf @ sf]
v08 -v_ sf] pkv08 -!_ adf]lhdsf] ;fj{hlgs lgsfosf] xsdf ;DalGwt
%$= e]l/P;g cfb]zM -!_ vl/b ;Demf}tf ubf{sf avt k"jf{g'dfg ug{ d+qfnon] ljz]if¡fx?sf] ;d"x u7g u/L ;f] ;d"x dfkm{t cfjZos hf‘ra'em u/fO{
g;lsPsf] kl/l:ylt ;Demf}tf sfof{Gjogsf] s|ddf >[hgf ePdf ;f]sf] :ki6 k|fKt l;kmfl/; ;lxt ;DalGwt dGqfnosf] k|:tfjdf g]kfn ;/sf/, dlGqkl/ifb|n]
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e]l/P;g cfb]z hf/L ug{ ;Sg]5 M– ;f] lgsfosf] ;jf]{Rr sfo{sf/L lgsfon] ljz]if¡fx?sf] ;d"x u7g u/L ;f] ;d"x
-s_ kf+r k|ltzt;Ddsf] e]l/P;g ;DalGwt ;fj{hlgs lgsfosf] /fhkqfls+t dfkm{t cfjZos hf‘ra'em u/fO{ k|fKt l;kmfl/;sf] cfwf.df dfq e]l/ozg cfb]z
låtLo >]0fL jf ;f] ;/xsf] k|d'vn], hf/L ug{ ;Sg]5 .
-v_ bz k|ltzt;Ddsf] e]l/P;g ;fj{hlgs lgsfosf] /fhkqfls+t k|yd >]0fL jf
;f] ;/xsf] k|d'vn],
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-3_ kGw| k|ltzt b]lv dfly kRrL; k|ltzt;Ddsf] e]l/P;g ;DalGwt cg'dfg :jLs[t ug]{ clwsf/L eGbf tNnf] txsf] clwsf/Ln] e]l/ozg cfb]z hf/L
d+qfnosf] ;lra jf ;f] ;/xsf] ;DalGwt lgsfosf] k|d'vn], ug{ x'‘b}g .
-ª_ kRrL; k|ltzt eGbf dflysf] e]l/P;g bkmf @ sf] v08 -v_ sf] pkv08
-!_ adf]lhdsf] ;fj{hlgs lgsfosf] xsdf g]kfn ;/sf/ dlGqkl/ifb|n],
-$_ pkbkmf -!_ df h'g;'s} s'/f n]lvPsf] eP tfklg ;f7L nfv ?k}of ;Ddsf]
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lgsfon] . 11 ug{ ;Sg]5 . 12
Valuation of Variations
Bill of Quantities Rates
Revised Rates
As Fixed
13 14
15 16
Factors considered
Basis for negotiation for New Item Rate
- approved norms for required inputs
• Contract Clause
- breakdown of contractor’s existing rates • Labor
of similar item for input pricing and • Equipment
- Pricing of inputs on the basis of market • Materials
rates, transportation etc. • Overhead (field and home office)
- use of price escalation clause if any • Profit
- foreign currency exchange rate if
applicable • Contractor’s Bid Rate
• Contractor’s Rate Analysis
17 18
Rate As Fixed
19 20
21 22
Case I
A Water Supply Contract late at its end
was terminated because the works did not
require some item that existed in the Bill
Cases of Quantities to be done?
The Engineer on recommendation from
the Employer terminated the Contract
pointing out that it was default of the
The Contractor objected saying that he
was not responsible for the outcome.
Discuss the situation.
23 24
Case II Case III – Variation
In a certain case, there was a necessity to make variations to
An item in the Bill of Quantities (supply incorporate additional activities required by politicians. An
and installation of Household wiring) estimation to this effect was made which resulted in 37% of the
contract amount according to prevailing rates in the BOQ.
increased by 1000%. The item Approval to carry out works on variations was obtained from the
amounted to 0.5% of the contract Cabinet. A variation order was forwarded to the Contractor for
the Contractor’s signature.
price. After increase it amounted to
The Contractor signed it but commented that he is not satisfied
5% of the contract price. The with the rates proposed for variation and demanded that his
contractor asked for a new rate. earlier proposed rates be based for payment.
The Employer was hesitant to sign it because of the Contractor’s
comment in the VO form and requested the contractor to delete
What is your opinion? it. The Contractor refused.
Discuss about the variation process and its
25 considerations?
Case IV – Case of Variation/ KUKL The Contractor requested for a Variation saying:
An item in the BOQ under “Excavation and Backfilling That he was responsible for laying of the supplied
of Pipeline Trench” read: Warning Tapes and that he was not responsible for
supplying. The supply is the responsibility of the
Pipe line trench excavation in all types of soil including
Employer or if he has to supply it should construe a
soil testing, shoring, forming of embankment, supporting
Variation under the Contract.
excavation, protecting structures, dewatering, bedding,
laying of warning tape and backfilling with compaction The Engineer argued that the Specification gives the
by layers including temporary facilities and safe disposal detail of type of Warning Tapes and the Drawing
of extra material from trench excavation all complete shows the position and gives the location of the
works as per specification and as shown on the Drawing warning tape to be placed. The BoQ requires the
No: XXX.
Contractor to compete all works as per the
The Specification provided: “ the underground Specification and Drawings. The Engineer rejected
warning tape shall be blue color, 10 cm wide, 4 mm the Contractor’s claim.
thick, made to PVC or polythene. Does Warning Tape item construe a Variation under the
The Drawing clearly provided the position and location Contract?
of Warning Tapes 27 28
29 30
Case VI–
VI– Variation
A Bridge Contract, to be completed in two years time, was
awarded to Contractor A in Janakpur under the Division
Roads Office.
The Contract was successfully completed within the
assigned time period. On completion, the Division submitted
a variation for approval to the DOR stating that the The End
allocated amount towards Insurance was not necessary. The
Insurance amount bid by the Contractor was NRs.
1,00,000/-. The Bid value of the Contract happened to be Thank You
NRs. 20,00,00,000/-
31 32